CommunismImperialismNazismSovietStalinismStrikeTerrorismWorkers PartyWorking Class

LATURAY NEW MILITANT FEBRUARY 2, 1935 PAGE THE PARTY AT WORK Bold Policy for REVIEWING Progressives in Steel THE NEWS ta Across Country We has appealize them arver: FD Order Bodes un.
with Cannon, AS cosition. The eau was from a New Legislation this fight!
NEW MILITANT Abject poverty, utter slavery, will be the lot of all unless the Roosevelt program is killed!
with which is merged THE MILITANT Pabebed weekly by the Workers Party of the West 15th Street, New York City Hearst and the Bosses By BILL SHERMAN Phone: Algonquin 9088 WILLIAM Randolph Hearst is crusading against Retreat Before Tighe Would be Fatal Militants Must THE TOLEDO BRANCH the Reds for the protection of his interests, Butered a second class mall matter at the Post Once The Toledo branch is carrying Organize Their Forces to Unionize Industry TITLE CONTEST at New York, under the act of March 8, 1870.
his newspaper monopolies, bis California barony and out a program of action of its own. number of readers have cothe honor of his movie queen.
tered the contest for a new title This program was not formulat HE call for a conference, is ident of District No. of the Am.
JAMES CANNON, Editor HARRY HOWE, Associate Editor the protection of their interests, thelr company real life every action undertaken trict leaders of the steel workers out in a recent issue of Pro ends Feb 15. Wo print below a HAWTHORNE WINNER Business MADAGOT unions, their untrammeled freedom to exploit labor brings the branch forward ever union, to be held in Pittsburgh gressive Steel Worker. He sala few of the titles moelved, and and their right of making as much profit as possible more as a distinctly leading poll reb. is an act of significance. thet any program for organizing then turn the column over to Bl SUBSCRIPTION RATES: with as little return as possible.
Reich of Allentown, with the sugtical force in the class struggle. Much depends upon what this con the steel workers which is less than In the United States 00 per year: 65c six months.
gestion that it he continues con Canada and Foreigo. 50 per year: 750 ell months. Michael Tighe, in common with all of the of In many respects it constitutes a ference decides to do. No doubt an Industry wide movement is tributions of this standard, the Bundle RAM: Two cents per copy.
unions for the protection of his interests, his right in all important labor events our sentment produced by a whole serAn aggressive national campaign column shall have not only a new of controlling the union as he sees fit, his determina comrades are in the forefront, not les of grievances that found no sat of organization is long overdue.
title but an additional conductor.
Vol. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1935 No. tion to avoid any kind of militancy even if it means merely in their individual capaciisfactory solution, neither through The favorable moment may disapthe destruction of the union.
ties but in the sense of a unit tak the appeals made to the National pear. The of should be Suggested Titles The Rods are the common denominator, the uni ing its post collectvely. And the Steel Labor Relations Board nor called upon to make good its pro First a letter from ComRoosevelt Progarm versal bogey for all these interests. Here is the important thing is that results are from any action of the official un mine and support a campaign of rade Sherman: As to your headless proof Chained.
lon leadership of Mike Tighe and organization financially. But to column: Mopping Up, Mopping Up The Duquesne Timer, organ of the Carnegie Steel TF the workers needed any further evidence that Take, for example, the recent ne Co. The necessity for this confer leave the direction of this campaign on the News, It You Ask Me, So the Roosevelt program is for the bosses and Company or Daqueene, Pa. reprints a Red baiting lief actions of the Wool County ende therefore grows out of the to Green and his lieutenants would They say. Or, in the European editorial from the Hearst Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph Workers and Marmers.
tradition: situation under which the steel be no better than to leave it to revolutionary. litertry against the workers, the Social Security will now with this note before Congress promises such evidence in overGrandmother Tighe.
Banging on the Teapot. Or, Coffee rennous efforts were made by workers live and work. The following article should be published in whelming abundance. Four billion dollars is to be Clutch. Or, What the Hell Yours, Financial support from the every loyal newspaper in the United States. And ndes who were in the loadership domhear ackson. They want union of should be conditioned upou appropriated for public works to be carried out under the President personal and exclusive direction.
If results are not favorable communities should and to single them out for special that can serve as an effective weathe districts of the Amalgamated Other titles received: Punch Thus three and a half billion are to be taken off the adopt the same method that for time was in rogue in the early history of California There punishment. They did not suced, pon of battle against the powerful Association selecting its own organ Lines, Bull Eye, Plainspeakin. In because our comrades had made and raicions steel trust. serious imers, the activities of organize reller rolls and put to work. We submit the folthe Light, Have You Heard? What lowing damning indictment of this program: are plenty of vacant trees, and Ireep these days themselves completely integral responsibility rests on the progree be supervised by the districts. The Next. Clouds and Reality. Disin can readily be produed. Duquesne Times, Fri1. It makes seabs of those who take jobs under it part of the movement and the desives who have taken the leadership The ministration proven Secting the News, Debunking the day, Jan. 4, 1985. The President talks openly of paying 50 per month, termind reply: If one goes to in organizing this conference, The Journal of the Amelgamated Steel Workers in jail, we all go to Jall, won the itself untit for this. Needles to News, Seven Days, Exposures, and Please rusb your about 11 per week. these jobs. As a matter of This leaderxhip has acquired y, adjustments should be made in many others.
its last issue publishes on editorial aimed against day. Not only aid the attempts to nabywczelden attributes, but not limion fees, etc. to make it posuerestions.
fact, not enough money is being appropriated to pay that much. many cases, therefore, especially outNATIONAL JIG SAW side the biggest dtier, men and wonen will get as the movement with being a communist affair and fall, but the demonstration et suffers from weaknesses and short sible for all workers to join the BIII Releh Broadcasting little as per week.
calls on all workers to stamp out the reils in your some of the grievances that were coming. Now it is called upon to wlon.
Tui constitutes scabbing on National Strike propose a solution of the grievances locals. the standard of the entire American working class.
Jinding Dr. Stauffer of the Uni In the one case the sterl losses are fighting the After By the same token, the program means the of the rank and file and to blaze campaign of organization in versity of Wisconsin in a recent inthe demonstration the the trail for a union tint can speak evitably brings forward the ques vestigation found that 15 percent xteel workers, calling them Reds. trying to create branch members took an inventory.
pauperization of the entire working class, while proa lynch pwychology against them. In the case of How was the trial conducted by terme understood and recognized by union recognition. Piece meal ef relief than to those not on relief.
in the terms of power the only then of nation wide strike to win mor babies are born to familles on fita pile up in the hands of a few who are enabled by Tighe, he is fighting the more militant steel workers, the defendants! Had they been the grace of Rooseveli to luxuriate in Florida again trying to create it lynch wychology Against them by the steel barong sufficiently effective in their testias they did in the good old days of the Coolidgeforts will not do.
calling them Reds.
We feel that this progressive wide strkie in the steel industry is contraceptives exceeds 25, 000, 000 mony? Was the Hoover boom cannot be posed. The Cotton Garment Code sets In both cases, William Randolph Hearst supplies suficiently well organized to bring leadership will welcome suggestions a gigantic task. Roosevelt is made a dictator over the lives of The philosohpy and the ammunition.
out the collective That is how Red become the name of every ticipants and will of the partnerited by the experiences of the light mindedly or faced without the la minimum wage of 13 per week.
millions and enabled to proceed with building the full force of their class struggle. Therefore, we ven rious leadThe Pennsylvania Bureau of mighty political machine Worker who fights exploitation and labor fakers ership. Nor will back down Women and Children finds the av1. Since bo specific provision is made as to what unity of action? These subjects inre these suggestions.
As one of the Jones and langhlin Mill steel work were analyzed. Jussons were drawn Organlze Progressive Forces in the manner thut happened laserage wage in that Industry to be the money is to be spent for, it will enable Roosevelt er expressed (le, the American imperialisty to go ahead with that will serve for action in the Up to this moment the progres summer. Another such back town 10. 25 per week with 15 percent of Where they call us Rach it only means that future.
sive forces have fought for their would stop the union progress and the workers receiving less than a big naval and in litary program we are not dummies. When the steel bosses yell per week. Code administrators Let the employed organize to fight the Roosevelt Red it means that we are asking for union recogThe Toledo branch is prompt in ideas and conducted their activities growth for a long time to come.
Ladership in organization and in New Jersey receive as high as offically recoseabbery Pauperization Program. It them de reporting every event, the trade entitly through nition. When Tighe yells Red it means that we union progress in the city. the guard mulon machinery, proceeding preparation for a nation wide strike 12. 000 annually. The Pocku the 30 hour week and 30 weekly wage on all jobs. are fighting for union de necracy. So why should Let the employed workers, the unions, the farmen, strikes and the position taken by in the main from their entrenched can come only from the progres Shelling Code, which affects 15, 000 we kick! That what we are doing, isn it? And the masses everywhere support the unemployed in the more they yell, the more we re golng to do It!
the branch. With these comrades, positions in the districts. This has ser det requires instant attention workers, sets a minimum of for the latter is not merely a theoreti served as a source of strength and The steel trust will not grant uuton a 10 hour week. Forty six men cal question. What the Toledo enabled them to enlist widespread recognition willingly and it will not had incomex in excess of 1, 000, 000. Purgo, calling branch says and don has impor support from the union membership. be granted by mere appeals based in 1983.
Sixty bishops sign a petition opthere. They are on strike for union Beneral movement there Branch, owing to the fact that they weration for a strike must be posing the payment of the soldiers members continue to be the leading luck cohesion, the discipline and pronet terms of power the bonus. Crippled soldier falled Bewer inau in Farge and coumilltants in practically all union above all the organization of a power the workers have when they for yelling Give us the bonus as setions.
arte and distinct course.
are united to wield it.
President Roosevelt heavily (Continued from Page 1)
veyed the news that a few hours police force, which has (Continued from Page 1)
before the The Anto Lite union is gaining Powerful Alles Mike Tighe and his reactionary guarded car uped ly. Medieval force. It looks like the next big worn in 300 special deputies in that trap! Witness the Welton strike, strength and has adopted a distinct administration is in control of the Organisation of the steel indus whipping pont installer! in Wilmschlevement for Minneapolis town of about 25, 000 inhabitants, the Budd strike, the Harriman ly progressive course regular and a special meeting had appeared at union hvadquer strike, et al.
Long ago central union apparatus. He has try is a key question for the woole lington, Delaware. No prison of the party branch, a party masters with warrants for Miles Dunne Their best was hardly sler, were eliminated from office ence. He will certainly attempt to The steel workers have powerful, ers at Magnitogorsk, Soviet steel good Toledo is now best organized strike a deadly blow at the pro potential allies. serious struggle town.
Henry Ford says: Those hone.
80 below zero weather, a ronsing refused to open the doors and enough, however, to cope with the automobile center and our comrades gressives. Would it not be reason in steel would have widespread rebanquet at which sympathizers give up their leaders. So the police recurring persistent upurge of have playet no small part in this able to assume that in a cholce be percussions in many unions and less boys, those boys riding around in box cars. Why Its the best edu.
contributed a substantial sun to hot tear gas bombs through the militant Inbor. No matter how hard achtevement. The struggle with the tween this administration and the would secure untold support.
The coal miners union is directly cation in the world for those boys, meeting of several hundred students and threw them into jall. They dia sure blew it on. Thus the San Frantled. But when the Meyers Regu of officialdom, when called upon, affected by the present open shop that traveling around. They get and faculty members of the Uni Hot arrest any of the women and disco, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and lator Company refused the other will support Tighe against the Int. move that the steel trust is at more experience in a few months versity of Minnesota, a forum in children of whom considerable Toledo strikes, the enptive mine and day to recognize the union committer, and reinforce the weight of the tempting enforce in the. Young boy with torn rectum the national textile walkouts. Buttee or to have any dealings with blow? Certainly, that can be ex mines. The progressive stenuptive than they would in years in school.
St. Paul and another in Minneapol number were in the hall. The war in the performance of strike break it, the union was made rendy for pected, and it can be met effectivelyers should pursue a policy lookibe taken to hospital from Allentown His, a meeting of Northwest rants charge rioting and intacked by pervert. Transients of militant unionists in these parts citing to riot. Thus our gathering were diligent and conscientious. tically 100 complete strike.
alliance with the coal minera. Join Minot, are forced to work ization.
negotiations these items contributed a part of was transformed into a council of Unfortunately for their continued company begeed for We suggest, therefore, that the our opinion an appeal should go out the speaking schedule here! But war. Strike and defense plans were existence, the two major boards and accepted settlement satisfac. very first duty that the progressives from the headquarters of the Am improving the Country Club golf ts suggested above, the weather first the National labor Board, then try to the workers mapped out.
The union owe to the union and to the steel algamted Association calling upon course at per week.
was cold and bracing, so we have The Workers Party, Local 574 the National Labor Relations Board showed It could act. The Toledo workers is to organize themselves the coal miners union to make Labor Shortage Bared by NRA Murvived.
and the other unions in Minneapo. took Section 7a at face value. branch put its forces officially, pabas a separate and distinct force common cause with the steel work headlines the New York World Tel.
publle test the comrades conclude urgo, will get those drivers out strikes, they also issued decisions. The Unemployed League did the of this movement accept the disel ognation of the steel union and for Labor estimates the jobless at 14, In fact, we had better make it s, the organized farmers around They not only sought to suppress iely and actively behind the strike. within the union and each member ers in a nation wide strike for recogram. American Federation of that Comrade Cannon and have or mii and call the bluft of the which if put into effect, would bave same.
majority decisions. the granting of its demands, toge 525. 000. Child Welfare League of Americct recommenda 27 cents This organization should extend ther with recognition of the miners per child per day as a minimum gone plutocratic or that the parts Pirgo reactionarles who think that compelled employers to recognize. To understand what this means, has come into a fortune we look terrorism can stop the militant launion in the captive mines.
food allowance for orphans in in This appeal should also go outstitutions. Duke Endowment like new men. Sok of the trade or movement of the northwest. the employers simply ignored then to the Auto Lite strike of last sum progressive group organized in ev.
unionists here clubbed together and the Non Partisan Labor Defense and the government made not the mer.
ery lodge Naturally this would from the districts of the AA. 00 Ands an average of 10 cents per day Atted the two of us out with brand may be called upon to help.
slightest moves toward enforceThe Toledo branch can deal in require that the progressive move the districts of the miners unlon food allowance for children in Ne.
new suits, union label and all!
At the Branch nileeting Sun By committing themselves to this its act tous felt been use it has ses ton and buld it up to embrace 11 and ale coal miners. From the been reformed by giving them movetaly in its own name and make its and propezanda, to win the one intense agitation among the rank imprisoned for going nude have day morning twelve new members point of view on Section 7a, the la tablished a record by deeds.
workers in every steel mill in the miners an effective response is eerle bor boards sealed their own doom. party office will be opened soon prison matron.
It enjoys prestige in the general country.
tain when they are properly ap. nudist colony is the most Our stay here ended as might Bold Polley proached.
the Administration became con know that when it promises support have been expected in this region popular spot in Hollywood, accordTo build the union as a ghting Unemployed Allies vinded. For where one strike follow on the ing to press report. Winthrop being. It would in a struggle it also carries ll out weapon it is necessary to have a heels of another. Eight or ten of (Continued from Page 1) now appear, the strike wave has with telling effect. Our comrader bold policy and carry it out coura Among the potential illies of the Aldrich, millionaire director of th comrades were in my room at honestly this conference can suc exhausted itself (although forces have proven themselves to the un midnight for a last chat. The tele eel only in accomplishing a fur are still at work in iron and steel, Ions 08 political force, capableBeously. Bean shooters are of no teel workers, count also the mem Chase National Bank, urges the ell.
of avall. No reliance can be placed ployed organizations. The jobless mination of work rellet in favor of Direct rellet phone rang. Miles Dunne was ther split. This separate conference automobile manufacturing and cot charting a correct course and win on the National Steel Labor Rela workers realize that they must direct reller.
Oklahoma averages 58 per family is to be held Feb. 10.
ton textile which may soon lead to ning victories.
tions Board, Clarence Irwin, pres make common cause with the un lons in their struggles. Look at per month. BEQUEST, AND MATTER Already several FL. pro new blow. In the belief that OF BUSINESS gresiven who were ready the effective manner the unemployed! William Randolph Hearst pet the strike movement will continue workers have helped on the picket elephants, camels, kangaroos, etc. In ou the decline, the Administration spond to an honest all have Indi MASS MEETING is preparing to get rid of the line iu recent strikes call from his private zoo at San Simeon cost (weil that bey will attend to conWIII all subscribers and literat the to the unemployed organ over 100, 000 per year to maintain boards, a useless luxury, which at fereline on eh. 10. The general dis.
ture agents please note that wat which will result from the The President Jennings ruling the same time. spoil the works.
izations in the steel territories to. Jobless on relle are urged by Business Manager for the New Stalinist behavior will undoubthelp prevent scabbing, and to an authorities to get of peta that Militant, Hawthorne Winner, has sist on the pleket lines, would pro allowance consume of the family food the first step in that direction.
The election in the duce results. We have no doubt Iwen appointed by the Politically weaken the whole defense Committee, and that from this is movement. The however, NEW STRIKE BREAKING sue on all tusin matters con that the unemployed organizations Saar plebeschte cost in excess of 83 LEGISLATION marrying oil, and will build National Secretary. Workers Party of the US.
themselves would love to time, as who voted against Hitlerizing the per vote. Referring to those cerning the paper should le taken form of all honest militant Nuppose, bowever, that the drive WILL SPEAK ON soon as prspects of a strike ap elements up directly with him.
for labor self organization breaks Saar, Herman Rochling. Naxl inpeared, in preparing their owndustrialist remarks, We have proI hereby bequeathe to him all Thus for the AN NIC through the straitjacket of the Namembers to lend all the coop med not to do them harm, but complaints, mistaken addresses, rele in liking two prison tional Run Around. What then?
the The most wely move is that an rewal pleas, lost portage stamps, il or juil. in bringing we have not promised to do them Retreat is Faal a depleted cash box, the coming Albert Goldman whose legal effort will be made to replace SecIn Steel Auto any good! Secretary Ickes.
Above all, however, it is neces Department of the Interior, upon subscription campaign, a stubby city and excellent court room tion in by new legislation calling red pencil, a ledger full of bundlejnilgment is proving invaluable in for the compulsory arbitration of sary to recognize now, in the prob numerous occasions has said, There lems that the steel workers union Comrade Muste who is at present touring the mid West, has will be no graft in the administrabille (local agents please note. Jihlaliftient care popularizing striker The mask of voluntary studied the situation at first band. He has met apd conferred now faces, that any retreat woulation of funds under my control.
AS WELL AS a new addressing the seas a whole, and in forcing partnership between labor, man outit, new leadquarters, growing the LL. luto the open on its var agement and government will be with the leaders of last year great labor struggles in these be fatal. No further vacillations st House Democrats move to in circulation, and a sle of corres sabotaging and disruptive pol dropped, the brutal truth of captregions.
pondence from comrades all over hele. If other organisatione contin talist coercion will restal itself It is time to have done with the leker from administering President the country treacherous, bureaucratle schemes Ronsevelt billion dollar relser te lo back up this light, the de full face. The labor boards will be which continually GREAT STRUGGLES IMPEND of the Tighe administration, brings fresh inspiration to those foudant may yet see a mi move divorced from their powery (on palfund. Secretary Ickes has not It is necessary to recognise that none otwys one. The unemployed, by who at behind the desks in New met behul them and tot he left per) of telling anti union employYork wrapping papers and Aling to the tender mercies of their cap ers how to behave, and will be re Hear the Message of the Workers Party the demands of the steel workers, cards.
italixt enemies or their stalinist stricted in function to one task and that the actual building of the and large are getting enough, sky union, alone: suppressing direct working cannot be Comrade Winner deserves yonr Friends.
Hopkins, administrator of accomplished rellet. The Journal of Com tullest cooperation in the task of without direct, persistent struggle merce estimates dividend payments Al this moment the is class action. The necessary laws against the Tighe administration as for 19034 at 8, 340, 000, 000.
building the party press. Snch co nelly in mor funds to pay the are already beluy formulated by operation and renewed enthusiasm expues of Attorney Goldman and they will be launched as soon as Sunday, February 10th 3p. well as against the trust.
for the big job abend tes urged from other will incurrel in the Sacra expwdient, under the sanoke screen, The Tighe administration has should have a voice in the manage Father Coughlin says: Labor all former supporters of Labor Aemento work. Answer the disruption no doubt, of amending and perpeIRVING PLAZA HALL thrown down the gauntlet to the mint and in the social conditions of tion and the old Militant. Mean of the stalinist with a contributing section TA.
15th and Irving Place progressives. It is up to them to the factory. say you should have while shall be out sending In substion to the Sacramento pick it up and to make it a fight voice, perhaps not the loudest towards that 10, 000 crentlntion! defense funds. Despite and against QUESTIONS Admission 15e DISCUSSION to the intah, to clean this whole voice. You shouldn demand wages Everybody on the job!
Stalinism, throw your weight be ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW.
administration out of office This that are too high but a volce in the Fraternally Auspices: Workers Party of the S, Distret hind an honest, fighting defense is an absolute prerequisite of a management that will enable more CARA COOK, movement.
SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT powerful steel workers union. profits to be made.
says are the role wil mense tech that CP Jeopardizes Liberty of 18 MUSTE eration, Coming Gigantic Strike Struggles Rubber