BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

MARCH OF EVENTS ince this is the basie ure or Chass individuals and Ideas by rapidly than class forces woulltioll. Both burencies, starting Long Waits, Small Benefits Feature of Insurance Bills on them (onBy JACK WEBER Pacifism No Aid, But Helps the Militarists. Only through the Class year of Struggle in France tormit rectionary victory NO REVOLUTIONARY labor organization has ever been Struggle Can War be fought February will mark exactly one without strong resistant ly the able to make any progress by the efforts of its niembers year since the political crisis that pressure of the masses the two maalone. Without their devotion, self sacrifice, real and activity, By JOHN WEST ies the No.
changed profoundly the course of jor working class overthrowing capitalist economy, PACIFISM On the class struggle in France.
cialist and the Communit were the movement would of course be inconceivable. But while they (FeL Note: This is the second and upplanting capitalism with a AIDS WAR in. omrade West series of four that date, utilizing as a pretext the complex to enter into united socialist economy. It will remove bear the greatest part of the burden of work, they cannot as artieles. The remaining twoMarxist must, therefore, expose Stavisky scandal that had stirred front to combat fciam, The Comthe causes of war. Uniler socialism and seek to prevent kinds and sume the whole of it. The rest must be taken off their shoulders The League Against War and there will no longer exist the basic forms of pucitismill theories and of reaction accomplished by it coup threw its torers into the the masses to the depths, the forcesmunist lange of France (Trotsky.
by the sympathizers, the unaffiliated friends of the movement.
Fascism and The United Front contradictions that lead to war organizations, that is based on a etat the overthrow of the radi Prewel Nortlist arty in order to The number of sympathizers a working class party has and and War will follow in the The expansion of the means of pronext two issues of the New Milixil pocialist government of Dala exert its intence in the imited the vigor with which they come to its aid these are the tests of tant. duction, under the ownership and mere anti war program.
Preitism is not merely powerless dier and its replacement by force front to counteract the opportunist control of society as a whole, will the party success. The response of sympathizers to the approceest in accordance with ragainst war since it is not based by the Doumergue government. Elleries of the bureancracies of the peals for support which the party must make from time to time, modern war proves of the members of societySocialEra brbof study of the untre tional plan adjusted to the needs clear analysis of the causes of February was answered by the ing for revolutionary policies lead gennine social organization nor The rioting of the reactionaries on two pirties by proposing and tightindicates the influence the party has radiated and the prestige tinut war is an ewential part of ism will remove he limits on con war. In practice it aids war: by tremendous demonstrations of the ing towards the defeat of fascism it enjoys.
capitalism. Theimer contlicts of sumption, and hence permit the spreading flusions about the na working class in the week follow and the taking of power by the werking in Answering the most urgent need of the hour, some of the capitalism wodne must lead to cientific and controlled develop the same and the fight against in best forces in the American revolutionary movement have joined war. All Narxist, und in the most of proton hux, undert: by shifting the energies of hon. But the Doumergue government, fictitious aided by the capitulation of the Alliance with the Bourneoisie hands to launch the new party. They do not include altogether many trendo Marxists or even. cause the causes of war will have light rainst it by sugar coating petty Bourgeois parties, remained The policies pursued by the leadi green hands. amateurs, dilletantes, but men and women who was at this conclusion Nevertheless, there have been removal.
in power and proceeded to establishes of the two parties in the united have given their best years to the working class movement. In the most serious misconceptions and thus making them including a dictatorial, anti parliamentaram Prout have tended but to lead the it, they have gained a vast store of experience and ability which in following out the consequences PEACE PLANS AND war more palatable: ly mubordi regime. Doumergue, attempting to mais il militant struggle, but on PACIFISM nating the working class to middle prepare the way for fascisin more the contrary to lull them into ime.
is now at our disposal. Not only do they incarnate the best of this conclusione so far as they and richest traditions of the revolutionary movement in this apply to the struggle against war.
country, but they bring to the workers Party the living proof in the attempted segle alast u of a Marxist toward any of in the next war, when outstand power by the attenuatel parliamenThe most write mistake made extrigule against war, the atti prepiring the betrayal of the mass permit, was in turn voted out of with a Hong ression pract not to of its abilit criticize each other at all, are un hug licitit leaders will decide in tary regime still existing, and his willing to aim at establishing workstormy struggles of labor. Minneapolis, war comes from the widespread. borgeix Wace plans is the crisis that this war is different prototype Flandin took office werxwer. the only method of de Toledo, the battles of the unemployed which directly precede belier that this struggles come. If evident. The World Court, the ix for democracy, culture, God, premier, Flandin carries out the reating fascism. Instead, the two the formation of our party are symbolic of the work which it struggle in curral, that a broad Pact, the League of Nations, whatTreaty, the Kellogg or what not and call for support function of opening the folderships prefer to uphold houris going to carry on in coming days.
of the government.
gols demercy, the one because And what magnificent prospects for work there are! Reports every social class and group can expression of the irreconcilability Nil, the pacifist way is not the of its entire nature historically, the which come to us every day from all parts of the country speak formed around the issue of light of the imperialist contlicts.
way to light war. In the struggle The United Front other siue to the needs of Soviet against war, properly understood The course of events, the immi diplomacy to maintain the French eloquently of the inexhaustible possibilities. Our meetings are war the reasoning Par from being instruments of every militant demonstration, every bent menace of fascism, aroused military alliance larger than ever before. Our organizers are insufficient in num que ya se tus war whatever race they are in fact, part of the bread mass Inbor defense fight, ea among the musses a strong sentilaration for ber to meet the growing demand. Automobiles, steel, rubber, their differences on other points.
imperialist war, cry well led strike, every step in ment for militant action. The les Recently the Communists took mining, transportation the big and basic industries of the War is thus lifted from its nocintamping grounds where the great the workers advance to power, issons of Germany and Austria were al front the Radicals and the Indthe initiative in adding to the unitcountry are sending in urgent appeals for assistance in organbase considered it from its owers can jockey for the most ad. worth it thousand Peace Leagues too near at hand for the workers cal Socialists, both parties of the izing, in preparing for the great battles with which the year Celulozaditions, as if it were vantagens position for or open rundlict. If at times they petty Bourgeoisie. The Socialist situation Ikurty, taking it inte from the 1935 will be filled. Our press is leaping forward in circulation concrete historical institution. Act scemeter war has recepted this situation without and ever increasing numbers of workers are proving the favoring on this belief, attempts are peacefully. this is only hecause the interest of the dominant powers much opposition. This is the suruble impression that our party views and activities are making made to build up all kinds of perhe est way to give the victory to the reIN against an immediate outbreak.
manent Pouch Societies. Anti War actionary forces and to bring about How shall we meet this growing demand? How are we to Lengtes Against Mustponement serves only to bure the bloody defeat of the proletariat.
a greater contagration when the profit by the splendid opportunities that confront us? How are TO END WAR WE tine romesThey serve, in point Luder the guise of the common inof fact, as additional means wherewe to satisfy the requests for more speakers, tours, organizers MUST REMOVE CAUSE By HUGO OEHLER waiting, clauses that can be used terests of the youth. the Young by the great powers can carry on literature?
The wt war period has wit by the bosses to discriminate Communists of one arls District This kind of attitude is about their imperialist aims.
mess the rise of a permanent against the workers, short periods have actually held meetings in com The wheels of the party machinery must be lubricated for effective as it would be for (octors This is how all true of the army of millions of employed unemployed benefits, benefits mon with the fascists organized in to treat the high fever in mente ap Jug Nations, which was workers in the leading capitalist that don cual the present relief the atriotle Youth greater speed and efficiency. Our Party Foundation Fundwudicitis by iting the patient informed to preserve the Versailles nations. One after the other, these rates in some of the leading cities, campaign is calculated to do just that.
an ice box. The only way actually settlement that formed as an countries have been forced Every party member is called upon to make the maximum to get rid of the Nigh fever is to instrument of agression against some form of unemployed and so State Federation of Labor adopt etc. Fren less can be said for the The Anniversary The French masses are waiting sacrifices. They must pay their dues regularly. They must do remove the cause of the trover that and subjugation of the defented na cial insurance. The last to even Pon.
Xpctantly for February It is their union work. They must do their work in the organizations it take on the lireased apetionam asmet of imperialist consider, let alone adopt an unem Roosevelt Plan Deshale that the fascist Croix de of the unemployed. They must assure the regularly increasing dix. The same thing is true for muity against the prest war revolu ployed insurance plan, is the United The Roosevelt plan, presenter ganxations may attempt, as they Free and Francistes and other orwur: the only way to get rid of tonary drive of the workers and States. Although unemployment for speeches by the resident in the distribution of our press and periodical literature. They must have threatened to demonstrate organize our meetings. They must arrange special affairs. War is to remove the cause of war. which is utilized how to maintain the last four years has fluctuated first period of this son of their power anew on this date. This Putting screens around the rotaround 16 They must contribute special donations from time to time, run ting supports a building will Europe and the world position of lie Wesleral Government and the gress, calls for inadequate relief to wild undoubtedly bring a fresh ning as high as two days wages in the present campaign. not improve its foundations. It France England. How me beses have tried to keep anem employees with Mate rights surrent of stresle and resistance They accept these burdens cheerfully. The revolutionary will, in fact, do just the opposite it will divert people atteniristeas by him is Where would be played relief on the basis of charity. decide if the employees suutlu bir haraka nie the proletariat movement is their very life blood and they are always ready to trated by the withdrawal of Ger. They have attempted to ignore null amount, with long periods of tion from the need for new foun many and Japan at the first real as a social problem.
do their utmost for it. But the need is greater than even their dations, and therefore make it all But the prolonged erisis, the fall and the other fake ideus embodied in eru months, fascism waiting, short period of retrou the authy into which they Ben, on the surface, to have sunk efforts suffice to meet. And that is why we must appeal for The League will keep peace as ure of all relief measures, the fall in all of these are in conte form or long as Mace is to the interests ure to stimulate industry through the other.
supplementary aid from our sympathizers who, for one reason of likely that the building mare forward at faster pace. The War is not the CANNE or the or another, are unable to join our party.
of the powers that control the government subsidy and the inCentriots at Chartres give the troubles of www. lety The opposite League. It is into this den of Not Central INNI Do we need to labor the point? We don think so. Every true. War in a symptom and inperialist robbers (as Lenin creased mass menute of the worktiri si renewed street bating class has at last foreel the The workers anemployment in les which will take on a wider friend of our movement, we feel contident, will respond gener result of the irreconcilable troubles called it) that Stalinism has led capitalists and their government to warance will presented loy Lunden, huicer in the ways to come.
ously and speedily to our appeal. The money is urgently re and contlicts of the present form the Workers State!
crmsider the question of unemploy. How listel IN HR 297 has been quired. Your contribution will help make it possible for the swiety, that is to say, of capiparty to accomplish all those jobs imperiously facing it. And Thy way to fight their position sharply from ottelutix few crumbs as posible, ce comes in the central and art Sugar Workers Strike in Porto Rico against war in to fight against the Bourgeois de plans, they must meet with a press campaign that cally wule demand. And therein dramatie strike movement the speedy giver gives doubly.
causes of war. Since the cutses distinguish themselves Iew creates the impression that social the Councils Invende creat riw the island of Puerto Rico, or war art of the inner clearly froin all forms of pacitism. Neurity in at hand.
where the colonial slaves of Wall tur of spitalism. It follows that the revolutionary triggle again The Street have an rebelled.
To direct the energies of the una plantation workers were the It conexions must be giventie only way to fight against war is war struggle for workers then give a fake nunemployment in into a Bill, however good, tirst to strike. One by one the mato chat capital. But power is at an opposite pole from suralice plan That seems to be in to give up the real battlefield of jority of the sugar centers of the Is In the revolutionary struggle and very war undertaken by the by, to hold of more impotant conter around imate relwr, dorex and truck drivers have struck the memployeel which must eenIsland have been paralysed. Steve for workers power.
It therefore follows that the the Marxist is the implacable ene and the five day week with no re.
capitalist state of course. Just a cessions, such as the six hour day the reduction of leurs in solidarity with the plantation only possible struggle AGAINST The unemployment insurance ae workers. The movement is marked By SIMON WILLIAMSON Negro workers of their right war in the struggle FOR the tny of the capitalist Hate the pollution in pay.
tivity must be an auxiliary and mot by kreul militaney: nields are workers revolution.
tical representative of the class the central rallying slogan.
They Call It Insurance It being burned: Booker Washington, the foun. Pruchtse in the southern states clashes between In the midst of it all he told the enny on every occasion.
der of Tuskegee fruitute, and the Negro toilers to be contented and on this point. There is no neparMarxists must be absolutely clear must not be a slogan af Bill, but werken und seats are hourly oeBut it is the business of the The various plans of the base on the other hand, it cannot curre; many arrests have been chief promoter of Industrial educa cast down their buckets where ute or plul struggle against Marxist, upon the outbreak of and their government revolve around mere abstract propaganda for had. Onun 19 nix boats oper.
tion for Negroes, did much to curb they were. He encouraged them to war. The struggle against war imperialist war, to work to turn the militaney of the Negro worker become property owners and buslennot be dvorved from the dayMills which, whene passede bens unemployment insuranee propaganing the forces of capital and the that war into a class war, a war In this country making him conof the nisses under the leader uessmen despite the hostility of to day struggles or the workers to tented with existing economic con the white landlords and buluess for as in their historical implica have long waiting periods, short at this stage plays into the colonial administratom pitted against slip of the working class for the periods in which the relief is given, hands of the capitalists and their them. the trikers resorted to saboditions.
men of the south.
overthrow of the capitalist state small and inadequate amounts of government in ifting across their tage as a weapon of struggle.
tions, these and toward workers Washington taught that if the Get Additional Glory and the establishment of the rule Dewer. No one un hokelapitalbenefits with discriminating claus ratke plans.
The great number of strikes that Negro were to better his condition ism whether directly, is an open of the working class.
px, to be administered by the boss. definite plan of the workers have swept the Carribeant uren in America he must become an Il speaking once of social equal Likewise, it is the business of thes, with many of the working class like the workers Bill must be coun. since the outbreak of the Cuban orkman through education ity for Negroes, Washington said: aderent of the capitalists, or inin the use of the crafts and remain close as one, but in things noclul or reformist position and fight revolts of colonies against their im through a tax on the workers or not be the central activity of the es the increasing radicalization and of his hands well as his brain In things Industriel we can be us directly from my stude of libera Marxist to support actively the excluded, and funds to be obtained terposed to the bosses but this can revolution 18 months ago, indicat exiuse capitalism Derinlist oppressors, and the up the employers and the employees. Working class in the unemployed organization willing at all times to render a ae separate is the fingers on the against war, field.
these toller in Wall Street colonial domain. fair day work for a fair days hands. few of the many plans are the Workers security cannot be ob Wall Street colonial domain. The parken Howeverhe was always to This pleased his white financial can dght against war, because only Noited races and restos de tellet in vame, but not in fact. road to the these are directed against the power Wisconsin Act, the Bill proposed tained under capitalism. However, twited Fruit Company banan content himself with a wage lower masters and they covered him a revolutionist takes of the imperialet states just as by the State Federation of we must counterpose workers workers in Costa Rica and Colomthen that received by the white with additional honor and glory in overthrow of capitalism.
To suppose, therefore, that rey.
His the form of more endowments for workers in the same craft.
he supports strikes and any other Labor, the William Green Plan, the plan to the Social Security plan bin has been active and at the olutionists can work out commanifestations directed against the Wagner Lewis Bill, the Roosevelt for the bosses. This revolves present moment, which is the perphilosophy was somewhat the same his Institution. They well knew mon program against war with capitalist class or its government. Plan and the Lundeen Bill around the five point program of lod of the super harvest, the sugar as that of Samuel Gotapers in the that so long as such ideas were non revolutionists is a disastrous War is not an abstraction; wars With the exception of the Lun. Immediate reliet, social Insurance, workers of Cuba, Mexico und VerAmerican Federation of Labor. He shoved down the throats of the illusion.
are a social institution, concrete deen Bill, the plans are attempts work relief, the thirty hour week, acruz are striking hard blows sought to make black labor sub Negro and white workers there Any organization based upon historical phenomena. The final to He advo would be little danger of unity and servient to white labor track real unemployment in and long term credits to the Soviet against their exploiters. The maon jor weakness of the movements is cated Job consciousness in place of their position as robbers of the Ann such program is not merely pow. alm of Marxists includes the elimi surance. The Wisconsin and Wag Unton, with special emphasis class consciousness.
erican workers, would be secure.
erless to prevent war; in practise nation of wars of all kinds. But ner Lewis Plan and the William immediate relief struggles and the the lack of coordination between Helped Exploiters Washington later sought to it acts to promote war, both be they know that this can be accom Green Plan endeavor to obtain the thirty hour week in industry and labor in these countries.
strengthen the position of the Necause it serves in its own way to plished only through one particular funds from the employers, but these on work rellet jobs.
Grenter unity of action between The white bourgeoise, the gro middle class through organiz. and because diverts the attention only through the class war can nullify the better sections that they ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW. tries ts essential for victory.
the workers of the various counSouth and North accepted Washing the Negro Business League for ington with open arms and herald the purpose of discovering new of its members from the real fight capitalism be overthrown and the are inadequate to say the least. An ed him as the champion for the means of robblog the Negro tollers against war. There is only one causes of war thereby removed. three bills exclude many classes advancemento his people. They or whatever the white bourgeoisie program against war: the program This requirement is due not to the of workers. The Wisconsin plan is INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL saw in him a man capable of sup failed to take from them. From for revolution the program of the wishes of Marxists but to the actor industrial workers only.
three plans have long periods of First Year Winter 1935. Beginning Feb. 18, 1935 them to continue in peace thelf the movement grew the philosophy revolutionary party of the workers tual historical situation.
MONDAY, 8:30 Workers Party Fundamentals. Borkeson schemes of robbing and exploiting patronizing. by Negro workers, WILL END CONTRADICTIONS MONDAY, 8:30 Organizational Principles Abern.
the Negro and white masses. husinesses owned by Negroes. They The workers revolution can and MONDAY, 8:40 10:00 PM. Elementary English Washington was, moreover, cognl knew the glories that could be de will eliminate war because, by MONDAY, 8:40 10:10 American History Felix Morrow.
zant of this fact, rived from segregation by the InWEDNESDAY, 8:30 Marxian Economies (vol. Oehler Tuskegee, the school that be dividual once they could win the white master. To accomplish his HEARST, ENEMY OF LABOR WEDNESDAY, 8 30 American Labor History Muste.
founded, teaches the use of tech confidence of their group.
objective Washington bowed to all Wu Be Answered by the Following Speakers: WEDNESDAY, 8:40 10:10 History of the Three Internationnical crafts that have been replaced He Twisted History of the prejudices of the bourbon SIDNEY HOOK ROGER BALDWIN als Shachtman, by new technical devices. It is enWashington falsely interpreted South. Knowledge of the peculiar Chairman, Dept. of Philosophy, Chairman, American Civil THURSDAY, 8:30 PM Trade Union Strategy and Tacties.
dowed by millions of dollars com blatory. He taught, in the face of problems of the wage earners has New York University Liberties Union Swabeck.
fox from the coffers to white roll: the Negro partelpation in the never been taught in either as JAMES BURNHAM LUIGI ANTONINI THURSDAY, 8:30 Philosophy of Marxism Grote. Professor of Philosophy ilonalres In this country, who prostruggles of the Knights of Labor kegee or Hampton. They special First Vice Pres. International FRIDAY, 8:30 History and Problems of the Youth Movethrough the exploitation of Negro In 1860 and in 1890, that the Netze in the philosophy New York University Ladies Garment Workers Union tollers in the South GEORGE COUNTS ment Goula.
CARLO TRESCA gro interest was purely econo master class FRIDAY, 8:40 10:10 ABC of Marxism Jack Weber.
Washington represented the cormle and had nothing to do with Professor of Education, Editor, Il Martello Although the Negro Business FRIDAY, 8:40. 10:10 History of the Russian Revolutionrupt type of Negro middle clasa politics. He ignored the fact that League was practically a fallure by Teachers College Columbia FELIX MORROW Wm. Duncan.
leadership that came to power dur in those years Negroes had led a 1900 the false philosophy of Rooker MORRIS MILGRAM See y. Provisional Committee for Ten sessions for each course: one evening a week Student League for Industrial Non Partisan Labor Defense Fees: 00 per conse, payable in three installments: at time 1ng the reconstruction period. Und determined struggle for political Washington education still Hike Douglass and Pinchback he put equality and the rights of suffrage. penetrates large sections of the of registration, and two 50e Installments within weeks.
up no fight for equal citizenship HEYWOOD BROUN, Celebrated Columnist He modelled Tuskegee after Negro masses and must be eradi.
The International Workers School is ready to give any additional and the right to suffrage for the Hampton, the school from which be cated before large sections of NeSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, P.
classes it a minimum of afteen workers request it. For further blacks. He was apparently happy graduated, and sought to develop a gro workers in the South will enter CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE, 205 East 67th Street, Anformation regarding the school, get in touch with Joseph Carter, and contented with the graud fa skilled and efficient Negro labor the ranks of organized labor to a Auspices: Provisional Committee for Non Partisan Labor Defense School Adminstrator, at Wout 15th Street, New York City.
ther clause laws that deprived the that would remain loyal to its struggle to annihilate capitalisma.
Booker Washington He Pleased the Bourgeoisie Al!
Anti Hearst Mass Meeting Demoney