BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyIndividualismInvasionKidnappingLeninismPrivate PropertyReform PartySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

ACROSS THE That Pittsburgh Convention REVIEWING COUNTRY Tighe Will Maneuver to Hold Steel Delegates in THE NEWS Check. Bill Spang is Opposition Leader PAD NEW MILITANT LATURDAY, JANUARY 26. 1836 the Communist Party is the fact that although it has NEW MILITANT been the policy of that organization for the past seven years to oppose the slogan of a labor party in this with which is merged country, its leadership never even bothered to inform THE MILITANT the membership that a change had been made in the Published weekly by the Workers Party of the poliey. West 15th Street, New York City Up to yesterday, the bureaucracy looked upon By BILL SHERMAN (Continued from Page 1)
Phone: Algonquin 9058 anybody who advocated the formation of a labor to write for the Central Labor party as a deliberate agent of capitalism, Rocial Union paper (Continued from Page 1) courageous, sincere, unshakably NEW TITLE WANTED Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Omce demagogue and a social fascist. The right wing of The Auto Workers Union has blocking the rank and file revolt honest, Spang represents the vir The editors don like the title at New York, under the act of March 8, 1879 the Socialist Party was the special object of kicked out Ramsey and Bossler and within the steel union will automate characteristic of rank and Ale ridicule and attack precisely because it defended the its present lenders make no secret tically iquidate the less organised leadership in the steel unions. And of this column, so they got to JAMES CANNON, Editor Idea of a labor party.
the weaknesses of gether with the business manager HOWE, Associate Editor HARRY of seeking the help of our com and developed rank and Ale move he repership as well weaknesses Wlut, then, is the meaning of this abrupt, bewildrades. The union is growing rap ments of the other participating this and am asked to announce that CARA COOK, Business Manager rring and bureaucratic turn about face which has idly and despite the fact that the unions.
that may well prove fatal to the a year subosription to the New been effected in the dark of the moon?
Anto Lite plant itself is still half WM Delegates be Hoodwinked! present movement as they were to Militant will be given free to the SUBSCRIPTION RATES On the Ww of Waldman, Panken, Solomon the de company union, thanks to Ram the Committee of 10.
reader sugetting the best title.
Whether or not the delegates will man that a labor party be formed, or that the Bey influence, the Mininger Inter In the United States 00 per year: six months.
Bill Spang Weakness The editors to decide. Titles must allow themselves to be hoodwinked Canada and Foreign. 60 per year: 756 six months. should initiate or help to create one, signified an est hesitate to provoke e quarrel. by these concessions or by any He does not understand that an be in by February 15.
Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
heknowledgement that the had falled even as They ve had a lesson. party of reformism, other maneuvers on the part of opposition movement within a union Five members of an local Green, Tighe and their henchmen demands an even more careful or The Mooney Case Again the courts of Justice. Vol. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1935 No. The slogan is a confession of bankruptcy. drove co miles over roads that were is hard to predict. As far as the Banization and consistent leader On the lips of Browder and his trenchmen, the short of ice to our Toledo mass Is concerned, the rank and fleshin than a movement in opposition this time the highest in the land.
meeting. And they weren sorry! movement seems to be suffering to bass greed. He will not submit played shuttle cock with the life and liberty of Tom Mooney. This In California tially the same significance. In his historle speech Toledo branch is growing. Sam from the same weaknesses that to the discipline imposed by pro in Washington, Browder as much as confirmed this Pollock can be spared for Detroit were amprento the famous com gram, the discipline that oblige time the publicity and protests of In effent, he declared: just now. Ted Selander, however, mittee of 10 which woulined all its every leader to submerge bis per IGHTEEN workers are on trial in Sacramento, strong that the nine fossilized tools California, facing a hostile jury and possible think the In the only party that is good for is going to Columbus to hold down excellent opportunities for destroy sonal differences, opinions and sentences of long terms in prison. They are charged the working class; but the working clers doesn the office of the National Unem Ing the righe bureaucracy and rate weakness in the interests of the of Wall Street hnd to administer think so. It does not yet want a revolutionary party, ployed League of which he was lying the union to a militant strug common program and the common. gentle slep to California Juswith criminal syndicalism. But no smoke screen of any kind can hide the fact that these workers are Well, since this is the case, we, the Communist party leyted treasurer last summer.
Ble against the slow attrition taccante. He is an individualist. rotice. while on technicality they condemned an innocent man to lying upon personal prestige and prosecuted because they were the active organizers ties of the steel barons.
is perfectly willing to create a non revolutionary a continued living death. They of the agricultural workers the sacramento and party. The kind that you want. After a while, you DETROIT, Mich. There going. These He has the man of ac It is the most elementary San Jonquin valleys.
will learn that this party is not really the kind you to be big political news scron from the lack weaknesses resulted from ability to storm the bureaucrase pressed the case back to California, repreof program, of Snifying agreement on contempt for careful Iwan where the sentative of American democracy.
working class right which is at stake in this trial it for you so that you can finally follow the lender tial accension to the But wedoul progressive undon policies sequence, is fair prey to the very best to consider it now.
Governor Merriam, wys he is too the right to organize into trade unions.
ship of the only. genuine, real, etc. etc. party.
To stir up pussions and hatred against the defen we ll have to keep the comades The movement was directed aguint What other sonne can be made of this political guessing for a while.
the person of Tighe rather than the first plan that comes his way in Where do our labor leaders dants the prosecution has raised the red issue and abracadabra?
has challenged the right to legal existence of the We do not believe it to be the job of revolutionists, Detroit branch soms wood stars Tighe psible. The members of the plane Meantime we can report that the philosophy and tactics that make all probability the worst possible stand that smug Baptist Taker.
Bill Green, remains as silent on Communist Party.
Such is the plan proposed for special red baiting Deputy Attorney Generalalthough defeated in the last election heads the the lessons of what labor and reformist parties have the best elements in the cadendislikeor righe, were disunted on action in the rank and file con Mooney as he was vocal when help.
Idd to in Europe, to creatt a reformist labor party in ton movement, and with the forces every other basic point. The rank vention strike.
prosecution. amply supplied with funds by the the United States. Associated Farmers and the Industrial Association.
that are being sent in will prove and file found themselves with an their plans for organization and apReligious and racial prejudices are played upon to We shall return to the gution of the labor party itself capable of handling even as assortment of leaders but with no point their own organizers for car All the News That it to Print in greater detail in forthcoming issues of the New big a situation as Detroit.
secure a conviction. The Heart press is flooding leadership. It was a comparatively rying these plans out.
That the motto carried on the Millant.
for Tighe is Afrald simple business, therefore, Reports on the interesting and Green to skletrack the strike move California with anti red and anti inbor propaganda. masthead of the New York Times. Tighe des not want to organize and they print a boxed in front And in this atmosphere of flerce reactionary agitacomplex industrial situation here, meut and to throw the fight against new locals, says spang, because pige display to the story of the tion the Sacramento City Manager has publicly taken The New Milltant is getting comme courts, the lawyers we left it up to him to send in or ink cough drop to the defense unionism onto the laps of he knows he would lose control. It Judge in the Hauptmann case, gly.
upon himself the arming of 600 citizens to repell other comrades. Capitalism 18 an alleged Invasion of the city.
Tom Mooney Freedom booming here for working 24 and all the thousand practitioners ganizers he would send us guys lawyer, and the shenandoab mine The American Legion, tive Elks, the Lions, Rotarhours a day like the one we had last time who explosion is tucked away on page ians, Kiwanis, priests, rabbis, pastors, Boy Scout THEN the United States Supreme Court enter tained a writ of habeas corpus for Tom Mooney Detroit?
So there no tinemployment in of pink sentiment and red tape.
Not Likely Again was more congenial to the steel leaders, real estate brokers, brothel keepers and in November 1934 we said the action was a pist The rank and file members of the company than to us. We are going Slobbering Over Stalin legislators one and all are yelling for the incarcer.
Say, comendo, we said capitalism AA, are not likely to repeat that to organize the Tighe or no election sop to the California working class. At that is booming.
has Never to my knowledge ation in San Quentin of the eighteen defendants particular mistake. They have had Tighe, and then he can sit at bis there been such servile slobbering time the court ordered the state of California to show In face of this gigantie lynch party one duty recause why the writ should not be granted.
cight inonths of the steel Labor Re desk and look at the four walls of over a leader in any section of the mained supreme for those engaged in the active sup Leaving aside the sheer frony of entertaining a with nearly 400 people. Spartacus worse position, if anything than CHICAGO, hall jammed lations Board and are today in a his office.
labor movement as is found today port of the defense: solidarity and unity of all de.
writ of Iubeas corpus eighteen years after Incarcera Youth with their red sashes, the they were at the outset.
In these naive reckonings, the in articles, speeches and resolutions fendants before the capitalist court despite differences tion, we reinnrk that our analysis was correct.
seeds of de eat are already sow. of the Communist Party of Stalin.
of pollical views. Ouly utter disregard for working The crowd so interested that we had to court has refused the writ. For a detailed description of Tighe will not look at those four Even Olgin poetical praise of class Interests could permit any other course.
The Supreme Court has the colossal call to inform extend our time, the and get the management of the hall to what the Steel Labor Relations walls long before he evolves a plan America entry into the World For these reasons we aceepted the building of Mooney that he has not made sufficient efforts to attempt to answer is so weak that Board has accomplished for the for gaining control of the new un. War is surpassed by the following united front in the Sacramento defense as our special tain his freedom in the California courts. After the workers present often roared steel workers see article on page ions or for keeping control in spite greetings went to Stalin by the Mostask and we have not swerved one inch from the pureighteen years of appeals and reappeals after four their derision, the singing of the o the new unlons. Actually, that cow District Committee of the suance of this alm. One of the defendants no longer governors have refused pardon, after the California International and three mighty Our Men Are Desperate is what his position is, if he is not which we take from a New York adheres to the Communist Party. He shares the Supreme Court has delined to review the case!
In the words of Bill Spang, removed from office. And if the newspaper: views of the Workers Party: but the capitalist court The Court said that Mooney had never asked the the u. that was the Chiengo Lodge which has been the spark cheers for the Workers Party of Chairman of the Fort Duquesne rank and file movement within the Iang live he who has led our is no place for the discussion of internal working California court for the writ on the gronds which meeting is strong enough to follow party in the struggle against all clase differences he now submits. and refused to deny that California plug of the fight agains any plan of organization based on an enemies of Leninism! Long live he We knew that the accomplishment of a united front would grant him his proper legal rights. Hot Situation unionism: eventual steel strike in spite of the who is teaching the Party daily and It 10 below zero here meteoroin this defense would be no easy task. The perfidious After eighteen years. The union will not live through Greens and Tiches then es la hourly the art of discerning the enattitude of the Communist Party had made that apanother delay like this. Our men strong enough to remove Tighe and emy in the very embryo and merci Ironically. Mooney is sent back to Californial law legically waking, but it a hot situation as far as our branches, pear well nigh impossible. When members in their at the very moment when it is in the ik of railrond.
are already desperate. Some of clean honne generally. If it fails lessly stamping him out! Long live own rank demanded a united front in this case they ing eighteen workers in Sacramento for what? Por prompt of growth are concerned.
the Spartacus Youth League and them are hungrs they have kids to do this, it will also fail to carry he who has secured the victory of were denounced as tool pigeons. All the prejudices, the crime of organizing agricultural workers!
who are undernourished and wives out its other plans.
onr Party and the fron unity of the The Chicago branches believe fustered, all the absticles created by their The Supreme Court is a court of aristocrats and that a district comprising Illinol eyes. Unless our union starts to who fade away right under their Golden Opportunity Bolshevist ranks! Tony live our false policies had to be buttered down one by one millionaires.
Mooney freedom the freedom of There is certainly golden op own grat Stalin!
southern Wisconsin, eastern Iowa fight to make a genuine united front possible in which the CAR war prisoners is up to lehar.
company. unionism with oriunity in the present movement and Missouri and northwestern Inparticipants accept it whligations and carry them every weapon at its command diann, with headquarters in Chicato overthrow the reactionary Tighes The Dignity of the Court right now there may be no one out honestly and their destructive class collab The Hauptmann case continues to go, ought to be set up soon. ComAt the present moment this unit front has been to fight with later on. The men orationist policies and to re assert be the big news in the capitalist accomplisted and a defense committee set up includ Attack the Enemy ride Cannon and are convinced will go back to work. the militant traditions and the pro papers. It has been turned into a by their arguments and are recomIng the Communist Party. the Workers Party, the Bill Spang was one of the mem gressive history of genuine trade Broadway success by the preek, mending action to Socialist. Party, the international Labor Defense, the HIE best defense is a good offense. Attack the Committee.
the Political bers of the Committee of 10. He unionism. The time is at land for by publicity seeking lawyers, JudyNon Partisan Labor Defense, the Civil Liberties enemy put him on the run will be chairman of the rank and an entire re organization of the unes, etc. Here is a man on trial for There are a million things to file convention and one of the lons on democratic and non com his life, charged with kidnapping Union and other organizations mutually agreed upon This strategy is wricularly important to the write abont Chicago, but here an leaders of the rank and file more promising principlex. Will the and murder, and yet guards have by all concerned. The organimtlons involved and the defendants are pledged not to raise the internal The employers are pushing the attack on unionism. elsewhere the time is all too short. ment for the strike and against the rank and le convention achieve been posted over the ball to stop controversial issues before the capitalist court and Section 7a of the NRA, Iittle as it has done actually Besides, can hear the editor cuss Tighe bureaucracy. Hard listed. these things?
the gules of laughter that sweep the attorneys for the LL. and il cooper.
to secure to the workers the right to organize, is to Better have mercy on us. As said, the court room. The Prosecuting Atate in the courtroom be emasculated or repeale altogether of the horse it 10 below were here, the weath torney, noting that the interest of will this united front last until the case is through have their way.
his audience lagged during the Letters To The Editor erman says the cold wave is staying This we cannot guarantee since it intolves more than Mindful of the growing sense of solidarity dis for a while, and we re headed for hearing of expert testimony and fearing that attendance would fall, our party. But we can wry that only light minded played by the workers in Toledo, San Francisco Minneapolis and the North Pole!
charlatane would consciously take any steps or carry Minneapolis and other strike areas in 1934, the Nadecided to bring in Broadway out any Actions des gned to endanger or break the tional Association of Manufacturers now proposes An increasing number of readers write letters to the editors of the brunette to break the monotony, united front defense.
federal legislation to prohibit general and sympaNew Militant. Most of these letters deal with subjects that will be of Such is the dignity of Justlee in Our position is clear. We fought for the united front thetic strikes. If the machinists, for example, go on America, the dignity of a waterinterest to a large number of readers. In the future, therefore, the from the day we entered the case. We are pledged strike over a question of wages, no other workers editors have decided to turn over this section of the New Militant to front prostitute.
and we carry it out honestly not only for the sake of even in the same shop may stop work if the its readers. Conditions for publleation are: 1) No letter shall be over Strikers Versus Labor Leaders the one defendant who share our views, not only for is to be suited!
300 words in length. 2) the name and address of the writer must be After a militant ten weeks atrike, the sake of the other seventeen defendante, but for The only wwwer to these proposal to luog tie and known to the editors, the sake of the working class the real defendant at enslave the workers in for them to pick up where (Continued from Page 1)
employes of the Kaynee Company Sacramento.
they left off last full organize in rubber, steel, auto reached in advance. Fearing organSTART MEETINGS ON TIME! cency. His boss makes him come of Cleveland returned to work with to work on the dot of eight.
mobiles, and Aght out the issue of union recognition Ization of a proper legal defense, the signing of a collective bargaluon the picket lines.
the presiding Justice refused to Dear made Editor: We a revolutionists admire the ing agreement by the company and Production In for the moment on the rise in these continue the hearing. Since the well run machine.
We hase our the Amalgamated Clothing WorkThe and the Labor Party party starts out with certain ideology upon maximum efficiency. ers. Cleveland paper reports that Industries. The bosses would like to avoid trouble. new defense counsel WAN UNAC The American Federation of labor lenders must quainted with the case, the justice principles, certain action, and an. We fight for an effetent, well run following the signing of the agrem FTER having been the almost exclusive property hot le permitted in 1935 to AT.
prevent or sabotage permitted Art Preis and rollock to organizational set up.
ment a workers rally was held in strikes as they did in 1934 It is because these cross examine the witnesses. When the process of building itself, In order to sectire this society, the NEWS Auditorium, which was years, the slogan of a labor party has just been taken bureaucrats did all in their power to thwart the Duncan placed on the stand, certain details are cast aside, we ourselves must have a well kult, addressed by Sidney Hillman, Presover bag and baggage by the leadership of the Com militancy of the masses that the bosses have dared the cross examination became so even treated with scorn. There well run machine. And punctualldent of the In the evening munist arty, to take the offensive again.
hot the justice quickly ruled these are eger things is the answer to ty, discipline In meeting, gather. Itho unton tendered a banquet to The leader of the Communist Iurty, straight from Let the workers of Akron, of weirton, of Detroit, two could not legally carry on the these smaller roblems, ines and demonstrations, is one Mr. Hillman, oficials of the comMoscow, rushed down the gangplank of the boat and a score of other centers take the offensive again! questioning would like to bring up one of very important factor in our empany, elty officials and Judges. We which brought him home, grabbed the thrst train to Union recognition will not be won in Congress, or The justice refused to permit any these details for consideration. ciency.
wonder why the chief of police was Washington, and in the presence of the assembled in a Labor Board hearing, or in the Supreme Court, testimony on the matter of relief In the left wing movement all Aside from the hud psychological left out or was he?
delegates of the unemployment insurance confer. but in militant strike struggles.
conditions and administration meetings, parties, gatherings, dem effects of lateness, as a political ence. set forth the new revelation.
The Workers Party of the United States pledges Relief Building Private onstrations are tradit onally untactic, it is ruinous.
Thoroughly characteristic of the present regime in its utmost support to these struggles.
Unable to find legal basis for punctual. Latenere has become al would therefore advocate that the National Committee take up Originally. perhaps. comrades discipline in meeting as a real ison the abortion of the Wisconsin ruled that the relle butiding rene mostra fetish liberals. And the Wisconsin pland with public funds for public and workers were so busy, that they sue (Oontinued from Page 1)
That branches discuss and and bona fide trade unions. Howdoes not even pretend that unem agency was the property of the te: could not manage to arrive on time pass resolutions on this subject, ever, at the first meeting among ployment insurance is its primary siete administration poly and her that However, starting a meeting one of other ad hoc phary measures the those claiming to represent organ(Continued from Page 1) is taught in our respectable univer. objective, but addresses itself to sense private property. He ruled hour atter period.
Nities coaxing employers into regularizing that the publle could remain in the since come to be a sort of houry conduct of meetings and gatherings belonged to the American Veterans That workers are chronically Where the old age pension scheme production and employment. Thus building until the regular closing tradition, that no radical party not enly of the party itself, but of Association, only that organization thrown out of their jobs, by techwould dare to violate.
mass organizations in which the is controlled by agents of the Innological change, by the hollow mockery, the unemploy we shall probably have sanctioned, George McGee, one of the decycle, by seasonal influence ment insurance plan is a straight by the Act of Congress, the idea dustrial Association and last night Aside from the physical incon party participate kick in the pants. To begin with that Individual employers on turn tendents and fighting Negro leader reniences of this lateness, it must insistence upon punetulty and represent them offelally.
As an agitational front this they expelled me and 11 others, but this Is diregarded. Similarly, of the Rossford Unemployed League, be remembered that some time, in the New Deal social welfare lads it will be financed by a percent back the tides of economie forces.
Democratie Poverty replied to a question as to why be our career as a revolutionary party discplined condnet of meetings is payroll tax. This means the cost did not leave the building at clos forget that the American worker Real United Front invaluable. As a party we will be will be shoved back upon the wage The attempt to pack the united hardly earns enough to support When the President set up bis ing time. The closing time of the we may come across a raw work set part, our efficiency will be front was defeated. Voting tokecarners, through lower wages or Committee on Economic and social relief office may be 12 o clock but of the reds. When the worker. her living 18sts. In either case, Security last June, the Secretary of when your stomach is empty it does come to our meetings, he will will be too late to decide that we re cialist Parts, the Non Partisan TA er. ope unfamiliar with the ways symbolized by this innovation ther for a real united front polley old age, and that is he grows month hence. year hence it were the Workers Party, the soolder, his earning power declines. share wages and hours, as they do any European scheme of economic the wage earning masses will not Labor remarked that not for us still open.
But the worker under modern in whare the enforced saving.
The annuttles are to begin at today, but in addition they win and social insurance, but an Ameri. uet, asked what right she had to will be allenated by the undisci Somere om conducte ser meetings. hor Defense and the Civil Libertion can scheme; not for us any social walk up the stairs of the rellet plined fashion in which our meet break down ora hablt patterns ceas dustrialism becomes aged economically long before he is bologically The plan has been conceived to istic devices, but democratle devices. slanderous Article had appeared ulkling, answered, make sure that the various insur Security Perhaps, if you a citizen of the believe Glance over the correspondence What do the comrades in the worker, referring to racketeering old.
the previous week in the Western ance funds will go bankrupt from call it insurance. Insurance. have the right to remain as long peption union. polyeleworking clana dela think about this question and linking the on Partikeleber Fifty Fifty time to time. It contemplates not Finebut be sure it encourages as it takes to get food for starving paper, unton, political, social and rolleve that the New Milltant Defense with a The cost of purchasing the an. one pooled national fund with an self help and thrift among the children.
you will read this same plea for should devoto space to it, and last. representative, declared Herbert Solow nuitles will be divided 50 60, in offsetting of risks by industries, re casualties of the economie order, Charges are being preferred at promptness, for discipline.
ly, urge that action he taken. It he regrettet theory, between workers and bossglons, and enterprises, but 48 sep and be ever so certain that it What other working CISS partleserny to nod one head wisely and make that the did not once against Duncan before the es. But it the boss does not pass arate state funds; and in each state costs the owners nothing. To new state relier administration and and groups have failed to point out, say that right!
statement concerning on his share, as wage reductions, thousands of Individual plant re safeguard the profit system, after committee of the Ohio Unem are the political implications of this article. After much healtation, Let become the party that something is wrong with the theory serves. The evident intent is to e all you must first safeguard pro ployed Longue will demand his im promptness.
meets on time!
the LL. representative promised up. ta.
mediate removal.
The worker accustomed to oft printed retraction in next week OOMRADE paper.
artiocially 56 Released by Ohio Leaguers California Trial Roosevelts Insecurity Program ecause am ings are run.