BolshevismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStrikeURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORLD IN REVIEW Will the Steel Workers Strike?
forms, from strikes to armed up alim means the end of imperial International Tel. builds rising to preparations for interven. ism and courequently of imperialist SITUATION IN CUBA be made to apply to strikers on the sugar plantation, ENDS IN OPEN CONFLICT gruph systems in Spain, Latin Amand operates telephone and telefon in the Soviet Union, and will War. The lessening of foreign trade and foreign investment during the AFTERMATH IN SPAIN Toilers Under Imperialism and the Near continue until the final issue is de crisis, far from removing the im The terror regime continues in erien, South Americ buys heavily citled.
East. General Imperialism and its puppets are perialist contradictions, only exag the island of Cuba.
unable to solve the crisis that has By JOHN WEST a rational and inclusive plan. into the electrical industries not The disguises that war wears. gerates them, only increases the As the conflict between the Men: held the island republic in its (Ed. Note: This is the first of (2) It is developed with no rela only of backward countries but appearing as due to national or relative importance of whatever dieta Wall Street regime and its clutches, with ever increasing pria series of four articles by Comtion to the needs of a consumer of Germany, France and England. cultural differences, as following foreign capital expansion and trade opponents on both the left and Vativus for the masses, for early racle Went on the problems of the market.
New York banks and Investment from an assassination or an insult remains and makes ever sharper Fisht) increases in sharpless, with a decade. The great mass of toilrevolutionary fight against war. From the point of view of capi houses exploit the coper mines of to the tas must not be allowed to the struggle to capture and control bombings and street murders again ers of city and plantation remember The remaining three will be en talism, the market is only the Africa and the silver mines of Peru. hide the fundamental conflicts it.
daily occurrences, the covernment how they were able, during the titled: The Struggle Against means for transforming commodity. The Standard Fruit. o. owns and which are the true source of mod The general conclusion is ines. bas placed the country under virdays of revolutionary purge fol tual martial law.
values back into capital values for operates the great orchards ofern war. Though these other fac capable: Modern war is neither. The League Against War lowing the overthrow of Machado, and Racism. and The United All accidental nor due to the evil of further use in the accumulation of Mexico: Inited Fruit, the orchardstors may provide the final push that constitutional guarantees to win increased living standards Front and War. Do not miss capital. The market is therefore of Central America. The American not open war going or may modify human nature nor decreed by have been suspended throughout them. necessarily limited not by the poSugar Refining to expands it re the character of awar, there is God. War is of the very essence Cul for a period of 30 days. This through militant struggle, and are Now prekring to press forward tential needs of consumers (which Aneries in Cuba Curtiss Wright nothing in their own nature that of imperialist capitalism, as much decision was accompanied by a Caa part of capitalism as wage binet deeree calling for the death positions that the Mendieta coutAn integral part of the great aim are nearly boundless. but by the build an airplane factory in China. Mi sarily lead to war. They once more in order to re rain the hor. To speak of capitalism penalty for all persons convicted ter revolution has writer from of the revolutionary movement is conditions of capitalist production Standard ou and Texas Co build are the tools of the forces making the elimination of war. It has be itsell by the possibility of using oil refineries and operate filling stafor war, not the cause of these without war is like speaking of of setting tire to cane fields or sacome almost commonplace to real the surplus value realized from the one through the Far East, as forces. Nor should we be misled by hupun being without lungs. The bouging in any form or otherwise the period of the sugar harvest fate of the one is inextricably interrupting the sugar harvest. is always ize that modern war threatens not sale of commodities to produce well as in Bolivia, Venezuela and those who tell us that the present period of most intenMexico. The auto companies buila tendency toward economie nation bound to the fate of the other. Freely interpretel, this decree can sive struggles by the Cuban work merely suffering and death to vast more surplus value.
millions, Imut the actual destruction The tendency to uncontrolled explants in Canada and even (Ford)
ing class, and in this case it coin of human civilisation, the thrusting pansion exceeds the limits: the 1r England and Germany.
cides with the political crisis of mankind back into barbarism. capitalist created market can DO CAPITALISTS VIE brought about by the partial breakNo one who, with the lessons of the longer absorb the products of the ON WORLD WIDE SCALE down of the ruling clique.
last war in mind, has followed the expanded capital equipment; ex.
But the capitalists of England, Mendieta Seeks Allies recent developments in military pansion becomes over expansion. Germany, France, Italy, and Japan The beleaguered Meudieta technique, can doubt this to be lit. The over expansion is temporarily are driven by the same scourge.
gime is casting about on all sides erally true.
Since the world is limited in exfor allies Elements such as the In the face of this prospect, it during which capital (ie the value tent, since the areas available for By DENNIS BROWN Autenticos of Gran San Martin is The record of the losevelt Ad of the Department of Justice did sought, but in vain, to induce the one that has a solution to offer. stroyed through falling price levels exploitation are growingly restric ministration comes up for inspec. alves with the anti Injunction calling for elections. One election under more vorable circumstances NSIRB to issue formal decisions and the Memi Fascist ARC, who Fascism to the futile gesturings oration. The point is reached whereted, conflict is not only likely but tion by the insurgents of the Am Act of 1912. Thus on May 29, 1934. Was held during that period; it re would ally From the open war glorification by realizing pacifism. all other forces in modern capital accumulation can once more the capitalists of the imperialist and Tin Workers. early in Februage Xields threw out the case suited not from a decision but from puppet of imperialism, inevitable. The grandioxe battle of algumated Association of Iron, Steel society are not merely powerless to proceed normally: the tendencies Towers is fought on a world widel ary. That record is here presented on technical grounds and the Dean agreement between the union that a greater future is offered re assert themselves on a new and Instead of them if they remain in opposition, present war but in fact aid in prestill more violent scale, and the scale, Into the colonies, inandates, in fourteen paragraph calendar tment of Justice had to start allaud the employer. subject untions. pheres of in statement of facts.
over ragin.
calling for elections, the XSLRB have spurned every attempt to ne paring war The responsibility for the struggle against war rests next crisis is rapidly prepared for. Huence How the surplus capital The case was resumed, and is functioned as a mediator trying to gotiate. Grau, from his exile in Two courses wholly on the revolutionary moveCapitalism thus faces (1) Arunis, imperiously demanding to be have presented still in the Federal courts. It is bring about greements between Miami, Florida, has announced that his party will not accept any forment.
chronie necessity for themselves to steel workers during now January 1935, well over a year the union and the employers.
accumu set to work at making profits.
the JNE year and a half. One since the trouble began. Judge lation of capital, e. for the reThe first step in the struggle The political arms of the capi.
11. Twice during the month of mula tending to perpetuate the Against war is a clear understandcapitalizing of all present values talists. the governments of their timit recommended by William Green Neilds cannot possibly decide on December, the President, the Sec present regime in Cuba.
While the government casts about ing of the nature and causes of and for new capital investments; and Mike Tighe has been a reli: the case in time to set it before retary of Labor and the Board respective countries are extend (2) periodic inability to find war. mere plous horror at the ed watchfully over the new Inance upon the benevolence of the current session of the Subrought pressure to bear upon the in search of a life line, it is bring merlets through which commodi Franklin Roosevelt and the preme Court. Thus the NRA will union to recept certain compromise ing pressure against the left forces Festments.
dreadfulness of war which is ties turned out by the capital equipshared by the great majority of NRA. Tacit admissions have given have expired before the election proposals emanating from the Iron on the political field. It is these ment can, by their sale to consum. Central They are ever ready to unseat of an alliance between these labor pwers of the Labor Boards, speci and steel Institute (During this leftist forces which today represent men is useless, and worse than ers, be re converted into capital, threatens native prince, wipe out nebo veripecome lenders and the Federal Administically, and the meaning of Section month, steel production tregan to the main danger for the Mendieta useless.
During the decline of capitalism, red bandits. stop or start a revo and capital has been their stated tration. Cooperation between laboria, in general, can be decided by move upward briskly: the possibil government.
AT THE BOTTOM the Supreme Court.
ities for at snccessful strike were number of strikes have occurred this second periodic condition like Intion, send a lotilla of warships policy OF WAR wise tends more and more to be or a regiment of marines, went an Roosevelt Pledge brighter than before: labot mili recently, contributing considerably Membership Exerts Pressure the Industry. to the further weakening of the The driving force of the capital come chronic, thus bringing about insult to the capitalist set two countries, and Par.
necessary On May 30, 1934 one day tancy was brewing Ist mode of production is the nec a lowering of the scale The first such propisal called for government. If the threatened The second course toward which iter Junge Nield first decision on essity for the continnal accumula operations. The necessity for cap amy for example flying at each the body of the union has moved the Werton suit) President Roose. proportional representation, in the general strike should materialise, manner of the Automobile Labor however, it may well become, as in tion and expansion of capital. This ital expansion, however, continues others throats to settle the dis steadily is independent action. To velt, in his executive order approv. Board necessity is inescapable. Capitalists in an even sharper form at the more pnte of Standard Oil and Shell over bring their own coercive pressure ing the extention of the iron and (from compemtion with the ense of Machado, the lever by which the trade imions have just which the whole regime on he upon the employers is what the steel code, made the following withdrawn. The second sneh pro must constantly attempt to expand restricted level.
rights to an oil field.
dumped into the sea.
capital, in order to maintain proThese two conditions explain the To expose the foundation clearly, union masses have been moving toxpecte pledge: fundamental basis of modern (im there must be added to this basic ward. That pressure can only exAts. But this attempt comes up In order to assure the free exposal, denied, point by point, the terms of the original truce: The Aftermath in Asturias against (Indeed it is merely the reperialist) war.
drive of capital for accumulation press itself in the strike. This ercise of the rights of employees No elections would be held verse side of the equally inescap DRIVEN TO According to an official statement under the provisions of Section the closely related struggle for movement now finds its leadership sources of raw materials, for con. In an organized struggle against able tendency under capitalism for IMPERIALIST EXPANSION of this Aet and Article of this for six months; e. until the day made public on Jan. 15 by the govwhen the NIRA was due to exthe general rate of profits to fall.
code, will undertake promptly trol of shipping, for the ability to Tighe and the imion bureaucracy.
ernor general of the province of pire. Both majority and minor. Asturins, Capitalists of every major capi: manufacture in countries where the It was the Rank and File group The fill in the rate of profits detal st nation are faced with the fol standard of living is lower than in whose criticism of Fish and the demand, for the election by em to provide, as the occasion may ven tbonsand miners ity groups to be yested with col of the region have either been to retain equal or greater total lowing situation: In order to sus the home conntry, and the determi NRA was formulated in the famous lective bargaining rights. killed in the recent revolt or are ployees in each industrial unit amount of profits: the expansion, them, they must the home capitalists to slogan National Run Around. of representatives of their own Compulsory arbiraion, otherwise unaccounted for. The find continuous keep the home market for their own now the watchword of all progres: choosing for the purpose of colAnoher Weirton Case government decreed some time ago. quotes, and exsive gronps. It must however be Having failed creased tendency of the rate of re investment but the internal change restrictions sell these that all miners returning to work, pointed out that the lank and File tual aid and protection, under lective bargaining and for muproposals to the union, the NSLR in orier to be permitted to do so, profits to fall, and, consequently, market. provided by the capitallat leadership showed scrions weakwould first be required to turn suddenly remembered its (theoreti the supervision of an appropriate the still further need for capital mode of production within any CAPITALIST SOCIETY ness in its first struggle. Greater cal) powers, and on January over one rifle to the authorities. single nation, is not sufficient to CONTINUALLY AT WAR resoluteness in the struggle will be governmental angeney and in ac.
The necessity for the expansion reconvert into capital values the 1934 issued two decisions the first few days ago the Miner Union of cordance with suitable rules and of capital leads to the mighty de values of commodities turned out in the stage of imperialism, capt.
The truth of the matter is this: necessary to unreat Tighe and Co. regulations.
It has handed down calling for Asturias was declared Illegal. It velopment of the means of produc. even hy existing capital equipment, talist society is continuously at Weighing the Record On June 15, 1984. William elections in the Duquesene and Mc appears that the vallent miners of Donald plants of the Carnegie Asturias who bore the brunt of the tion, to the huge new machines and much less of new. Consequently, war. This is the essence of imper belleved in the policy of Roosevelt convention and Induced the 13. But Steel has announced to bear the brint of the present Many thousands of workers have en spoke before the Amatemat: Steelco (U. Steel Corp. great factories and mines and rail the capitalists of each nation aro falism. It is not a question of one Green Tighe. But the proof of the workers to call of the strike schedarmed struggle, are also destinext It will not comply with the election relatively peacefu! interlude.
the ever growing monopolies. The Investment and likewise consumer followed in a decade or two by a puddling is on the tolle Promised wared as a quasi official spokesman courts: that even if an election is missing miners is indicated in the order; that it intends to go to the The whereabouts of some of the expansion is, however, by its nature markets) beyond the national bor. new war.
unregulated and chaotic, for two ders.
It is war all the time, were made, and a promise must of the Federal Administration and held, it will not recognize the trade same oficial htatement referring to chief reasons, the first of which is it we glance even for a moment in the degree of violence.
changing only in the form it takes eventually be realized or with he let it be understood, by tacit as union should it happen that the a whole series of rebel groups who dependent on the second the history of the United States The economie wars of capital ex must now stand on their record called of the workers would have union, etc drawn. Roosevelt, Green and Tighel surances, that if the strike were majority of the workers favor the are still holding ont in the moun (1) It is carried out on a com since the War, we can see this pansion, o tariff and exchange and while the steel workers weigh their elections, majority rule, recu ta nous recesses, and against whom, petitive basis, not in areord with tendency everywhere manifestingarntament and competitive exploita against it the policy of independ ognition, collective agreements all over again. What is more, the Steel special military expedition is now In short, the Weirton case all according to the announcement, a tion reach a point where the atent militant action.
they were asking for.
tempt is made to find a political Board decisions are so timed as being sent.
The following is the dated record Set Up Steel Board solution of the economic and social to excinde the possibility that the of Roosevelt and the labor bureau contradictions through war opener On the same day Congress Supreme Court might be able Spanish government officials anand passed Publle Resolution No. 44 to kiss upon the points at issue at nounce that they have contiented cracy undir nised: Imperialist in1. On October 16, 1933, the Na approved by the President a few any time before the expiration date 80, 854 rifles, 35, 211 revolvers and spired wars between subject national Labor Board induced the days later. authorizing the Presi. of the NIRA, June 16, 1935. Thus 1, 66 machine guns, from the worktions: wars of subjugation by im. Amalgamated to call of the Weir ent to set up boards empowered the orders of January have aer recently in rebellion. Tour hne so far, writes Cannon. Prospects great spirit good peoples and the converse wars of agreement providing for all elec determine collective bargaining at the most. Weir signed an to call for employee elections to theoretical and academie interest As the Terronx regime draws the everywhere enthusiasm high.
these peoples agninst their balance of the Spanish October, its tion at which the workers would representation. Section reads 14. Any court proceedings that own foundations are being corroded We can do it by a sncrewful achievement of the Program of Action, war of the imperialist nations and the trade union. Ang board no established is might arise through these orders by the internecine struggles now hereby empowered, when it shall would have to be handled by the developing within the rightist camp WITHOUT FUNDS THE BEST PROGRAM REMAINS ON PAPER producing boom by loosening among themselves. But, though Early in December 1933, the appear in the public interest, to Department of Justice. The Deitself. One of the main points of From far off South Africa comes a concrete expression of enthus the bonds on capital expansion, by Weirton refused to go through order and conduct an election by partment has a magnificent record friction from the beginning has iasm for the merger of the former American Workers Party and the destruction of existing values, and with its clection arrangements.
Communist League of America. They enclose 10 for two certificates by credit expansion, the open wars, a secret ballot of any employees on Ta cases: the old Wagner Board been the disagreements arising as The wordy protests of the National of any employer, to determine by referred to it about half a dozen to the punishment that should be and sign the letter Bolshevik Leninists of Johannesburg.
Lahor Board notwithstanding, what person or persons or organHow much does the launching of the new party mean to our Amer only express their depth, and pre election or representatives under sented in order to assure the tar from solving the contradictions, Weirton proceeded to conduct an the Department moved only once, meted out to the ex rebels. Some ization they desire to be repre the weirton suitend made a sunof the rightist forres, especially the icon frienils and sympathizers?
pare for still more bitter conflict the company union scheme.
pid botch of the matter. The new Fascist, have heen insisting on Whether the workers Party is to become a mas party or not de to come.
Garrison Biddle Board has referred large sele executions of the leadpends korrely on the kind of a start it gets. After two months of mud. and to select their representatives to it some 16 cases but in only oneers of the uprising The Lerroux GIVE YOUR UNSTINTED SUPPORT TO THE NEW PARTY. OF THE WORKERS THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR lling and buckpassing, the National for the purpose of collective bar. the Houde suit has the Depart DONT DELAY.
Labor Board Anally referred the gaining as defined in Section 7a. ment gone through the motions of allowed the left Republican leader, government on the other hand has RECEIPTS And throughout this bloovly chaos case to the Department of Justice on June 28, 1934, the Presi initiating legal proceedings. Arana, and others, to go free, while Communist. 25 Previously reported. 1, 433. 20 is fought the war imt gives histor (but never recommended to NRA dent, relying on Public Resolution Socialist Created Illusion commuting practically all of the. 25 Jobantges. Hempstead, ical meaning to the whole mad Compliance that Weirton be de No. did in fact create the NaA Friend 00 spectacle: the revolutionary war of prived of the Blue Eagle. At tlonel Steel Labor Relations Board, as restrained a manner The above 14 points indicate in death sentences imposed by millN. 00 Loven.
possible tary court, to sentences of life. 25 the working class against its ex. length the Department began to Section of the Executive Order that the Administration and the la prisonment. Detroit, Mich. 00 Bob Olsen ploiters. This war, which, after prosecute the case. seeking an reads as follows: Shablin, Kansas City. 00 New Haven, Conn. Branch bor bureaucracy are no more than It is now quite evident that the 15. 00 Kenerations of preparation, began equity order which would compel Whenever, after its services barking dogs. Not a boss has been struggle of the Spanish working Hyman Max Mandel, Los Angeles, CA Branch. 25 on a world scale with the October Weirton to submit to an election.
or emNewark, scratched but the unions have been class will at least successful in 00 Allentown, Pa. Branch. 96 revolution, continues within every But conveniently for the ployees, the Board upon mauled. Mac Tean, Auburn, Mass. Two Bolshevik Leninists of Nothing has been done that it has prevented the Fascista country in a thousand varying. Weirton company the legal experts gation, shall find that an election for labor except to create the illu from consolidating themselves in on a collection list. 10 Johannesburg. Africa. 10. 00 is necessary to determine by whatsion that something was being the government. Meanwhile a deep Mae Lenn. 00 person, persons or organizations done, ferment is in process within the Hard Up. 10 Total 483. 50 INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL employees desire to be represent. Meanwhile, in February the ranks of Spanish labor: polleles ed, the Board is authorized to workers convene again in the are being reviewed, lessons being Party Foundation Certificates First Year Winter 1935. Beginning Feb. 18, 1935 order and conduct an election by Smokey City to plan their campuign drawn and all indications point MONDAY, 8:30 Workers Party Fundamentals Borkeson ONE DOLLAR MONDAY, 8:40 10:00 Elementary English.
such election the Board shall cor nations Of XRA, against the fakers on a st ll higher plane in the not tify the results to all concerned, FIVE DOLLARS MONDAY, 8:10 10:10 American History. Fells Morrow.
Green and Tighe.
very distant future.
WEDNESDAY, 8:30 PM. Marxian Economics (vol. 1) Oehler and the person, persons TEN DOLLARS WEDNESDAY, 8 30 American Labor History Muste.
ization certified as the choice of are issued to all who subscribe to the Party Foundation Fund. This Anti Hearst Mass Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8:40 10:10 History of the Three Internationthe campaign was initiated by the National Committee of the Workers be accepter of those voting shall as the representative HEARST, ENEMY OF LABOR als Shachtmen, Party for the purpose of achieving the Program of Action WEDNESDAY, 8:40 10:00 Organization Principles.
or representatives of said employ.
WII Be Answered by the following Speakers: Collection lists are available for those who cannot contribute.
SIDNEY HOOK ees for the purpose of collective THURSDAY, 8:30 Trade Union Strategy and Tacties ROGER BALDWIN bargaining, without thereby denyChairman, Dept. of Philosophy Chairman, American Civil Swabeck.
New York University ing to any individual employee THURSDAY, 8:30 Philosophy of Marxism Grote.
Liberties Union JAMES BURNHAM or group of employees the right LUIGI ANTONINI Workers Party of the FRIDAY, 6:30 History and Problems of the Youth Move. to present grievances, to confer Professor of Philosophy, West 15th Street, First Vice Pres. International ment Gould.
New York University New York City with their employers, or other.
Ladies Garment Workers Union FRIDAY, 8:40 10:10 ABC of Marxism Jack Weber.
wise to associate themselves and GEORGE COUNTS CARLO TRESCA Enclosed find. for a Party Foundation Certificate.
FRIDAY, 8:40 10:10 History of the Russian Revolutionact for mutual ald or protection.
Professor of Education, Editor, Il Martello Wm. Duncan.
We may say then that the cren Teachers College Columbia FELIX MORROW OR: Send me collection lists for the Fund Ten sessions for each course: one evening a week.
tion of the NSLRR MORRIS MILGRAM Sec y. Provisional Committee for Fees: 00 per course, payable in three installments: at time Name truce: the workers agreed not to Student League for Industrial Non Inrtlann Lahor Tyfense of registration, and two 50installments within weeks Democracy Address The International Workers School is ready to give any additional strike; the government agreed to call for elections, majority rule HEYWOOD BROUN, Celebrated Columnist classes it a minimum of fifteen workers request it. For furtber governing City.
Information regarding the school, get in touch with Joseph Carter, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, P.
School Administrator, at Wout 15th Street, New York City.
10. From the beginning of July CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE, 205 Fast 57th Street, For Publicity, use the name 1934 to Inte in December a period Auspices: Provisional Comunittes for Non Partisan Labor Defense of six months the Amalgamated The Party Fund BUT organ.