CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the Garages in FDR Advocates Low Wage, Protects Private Industry, InDealing withUnemployed Workers Party Leaders Off on Speaking Tour power.
the Lay Plans for other thirty ve million ware eam. torney arose to ask for week Panuary 12, the first constitution hopes of the rank and file wipers to have the union represent them. Ale union leadership is breaking ing hut fonr months. How will VOL. I, NO. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12. 1935 PRICE CENTS Roosevelt Warnick Is MUSTE JAMES CANNON Strike Shuts Speech Goes Released on On Forever 3, 200 Bail Twin Cities Has Made It Many Times Sacramento Labor Prisoners 2, 000 Mechanics Out, Get Federal Relief Must Stop and Conditions Go from Helped by Non Partisan 150 League Mer Storm Help from Drivers Bed to Worse Labor Defense Town Hall in Michigaw HeTells Congress. What Union 574 Does It Mear?
TEMPERANCE, Mich. One hun By DAN DIAMAT (NPLD Press Service. By Special Correspondent) dred jobless workers under the The President spech to Con SACRAMENTO, Jan. Jack MINNEAPOLIS. With strike inner of the newly organized President Roosevelt in his speech The Federal Government, said gress was his Christmas gift to the Warnick, one of the leaders of the headquarters in both citles func Monroe County Unemployed League to Congress, must and shall gult American workers. Like a good agricultural workers of the Sacratoning like clockwork, with com stormed the town hall in Bedfort this business of relief. This remany Christmas givers the Presi mento and Imperial valleys, on missarles set up and serving hot Township and forced the relief au dent feels that he has done his duty trial with eighteen others bere Lood, with mobile picket lines thorities mark is in direct response, not to gran immediate coal. the needs of the jobless, but to the for the year, and can afford to for under the anti labor Criminal Syncruising the streets in good old clothing, bedding, and increased demands for a balanced budget and get the orkers until the next dicalism Act, was today released style reminiscent of General Driv food orders to the unemployed o Christmas comes around.
on 3, 200 bell provided by the ers Union Local 574 last summer, Bedford and Erie Township no dole by thec onference of man We assert, he said, that the Prorislonal Committee for Nonufacturers and bankers at White the striking workers in Garage ambition to attain proper securi. Partisan Labor Defense. The trial When Dusseau, the case worker Sulphur Springs. Va about a Merhanics Unions No. 382 in Minin Bedford Township, refused to month at to do with the unemty. resonable lekure, and a neapolis and No. 459 in St. Paul grant coal order to Homer Allhas been postponed until January decent lying is an ambition to be 16. The jury has already been But what bave got the Twin City garages men, member of the Temperance ployed, of whom Roosevelt admite preferred to great wealth and selected.
tied up tight. Today (Tuesday)
League, and told him openly that there are still rlve million on the expect to proxecute the Comthe first strike bulletin will make of ho wanted coal he should go outreller rolls. First he arbitrarily Like most politicians, it Anally munists vigorously.
its appearance on the streets of and steal it, the committee rules out 1, 500, 000 as unemploysyl President Roosevelt has With this proclamation, Otis The first national tour of the tionul Ofice have requested spent the two cities. If events demand of 11, headed by Jack Muller of the ables and turns them over to the one speech to make; he Babeock, newly elected District Atit, the bulletin will appear daily Erie proceeded to put Dus tender mercles of local relief agenmade it at bis inauguration, ho torney of Sacramento County, yea Workers Party which opens Janu 478.
What is the program of the new until the struggle is terminated.
seau on the spot.
made it over the radio, be made terday took over the task set by ary 13 In Butralo will take the cies. The other 3, 000, 000 are to be last Christmas, be repeated it the California capitalist class of party!
The doors of the townhall were put to labor at publie works proty leaders, Muste, national party? What does it aim to do. Beaten back in their attempt to take on a big league union like the closell, and Dussenu was informed Jects.
through 1934, and now he takes it railroading to San Quentin 18 secretary, and James Cannon. What are its principles?
Interest has been aroused in al General Drivers Local 674, the Cits that he would have to stay in the The Real Questions out of the closet, dusta it off, and workers gulity of the crime of editor of the New Militant, to makes it for 1935.
organizing the exploited agricul cities and Industrial centers. The most every state. The unity of the zens Alliance is now going to try hall until the demands of the un Above all else the unemployed From Bad to Worse toral workers of the Sacramento circuit swings north by way of two groups marked the turn of the Its luck in the minor leagues. The employed were met. He tried awant work. Roosevelt knows this The depression goes trom bad to Unemployment increases. Son to defend their elementary ecolowa, south to Charleston, va. ning of effective revolutionary work polis and St. Paul have in thelr hall. but to no avail.
ranks about two thousand workers, But the real questions are: How After a two hour dead lock, Rus many wni get jobs? For how long?
wages fall, the cost of living 10: nomle Interests. During the elec and back to New York on Feb. 10. in America.
creases, unionism staggers, while tlon campaign Babcoek repeatedly Party branches and sympathizers with scores more flocking in daily sell Clark, the new county rellet At what wages. on what projects (See schedule of dates and great fortunes grow. Capitalism criticized the then District Attor halls where the speakers will apare making arrangements and ad from adjacent territory. These two head, made his appearance on the The answer to these questions vertising the meetings. Thousands unions, now functioning under a scene with the county sheriff, depu atrends given. In his budgetary develops along its ruthless course. ney. McAllister, 15 an enemy of pear, together with the subjects of workers will hear the message Twin City Joint Advisory Board, ties and state police. The unem message Roosevelt requests an ap But one thing remajns true and labor, but is now proceeding with they will discuss elsewhere in Arm no matter how awful the the prosecutions which McAllater this issue. chaos, President Roosevelt goes on, began.
Munte And Cannon are two or Thursday, January at midnight. compelled the relief head to makel000, 000, 000 for relief purposes to Their demands include: out immediate orders.
smirking complacently, and delly.
cover the needs of the fiscal year Albert Goldman Enters Case The tour was mapped at the the most forecful speakers for the Union recognition; a minimum merger convention of the former working class In America. They Clark was even compelled to call 1935. It looks big, doesn it? But ering that speech, the same soft feature of yesterday brlet American Workers Party and the will analyze the national and intera week; a minsoep he has been banding out for up the Penny Co. in Monroe, don be deceived.
of 30 hours ants an hour for court session was the entrance into Communist League of America who national scene and give the programmeelsanies and 65 cents for greas half hour after their closing time imum of 90 and have them remain open for LWO years Is Four Billion Enough. The ambition to obtain proper the onse of Albert Goldman, noted Joined forces early in December in of the Workers Party According to the computations security remains no more than an labor attorney and Socialist Party launching the Workers Party. The speaking tour of the six in order to output one particularly of Professor Clark of CoThe government doen member, retained by the Non Par. Since the launching of the destitute family with clothing.
new months organizing and party bulld ing: and ne discrimination for union setivity.
lumbia University it requires absolute minimum by providing tisan Labor Defense.
party communications from many ing program decided upon at the Bosses Stall 3, 000 expenditure for each man relief. With the New Year the The little courtroom was jammed, sections of the country to the Na founding convention.
direetly employed for one year at President, doubtless wishing to in many workers being present. NewsOn November 15 an election was public works crease security, shifts some 18, 000. papermen from San Francisco, Loe held to determine the right of the 000 from home to work reliet vt Angeles and New York crowded the AFSW Plans Militant Win two above named Machinists and Akron Strike works will undoubtedly be what Mechanics Lodges to represent the Roosevelt asks for four 4, 000, 000 more to the security of belum flares to plcture the partie Constitution auto workers in Minneapolis and PMA Election dollars. This would mean that out ipants in the country greatest state and private charity.
St. Paul. In the face of an atAKRON, Ohio, Jan. Aroused of the administration estimate of That Reasonable Leisure political prosecution since the fatempted frame up on Herman Hus to a fever pitch by the lay off of 3, 000, 000 unemployed only 1, 393, 888 reasonable leisure encom mous Bridgman cases. Everybody man, business agent of the Minne 325 union members from the Fire (approximately one third) would By FELIX GIORDANO (Special to New Militant)
pe the same 10, 000, 000 unem was keyed for the calling of the apolis Lodge by the Citizens Alu stone battery plant, nucleous and get fobs for an entire year.
PATERSON, On Saturday, GILLESPIE, Jan. The ance, the garage employees voted backbone of the union, a rank and entire number would get jobs list: The ployed on forced leleure, and the first witness when the District At Convention of the American Med of Illinois sprang high this week ers who are driven half insa de by adjournment.
After of the Amer they keep the door methods for the textile Workery Ingber, attorney representing District. will be held In order to mine leader and ploneer of the Lert etter, the employers finally metlican Federation of Labor currentes the remaining eight months of the with the union representatives cracy and meeting this week to year?
Once having been employed on workers on double shifts. Of the Lemmon granted the Districtted by a subeommittee of the Joint ted president of local union rlier strike. Several conferences expected strike which will send public works they will be umahle Progressive Miners of America, auto workers on the assembly line. Attorney the delay to acquaint Board.
himself with the evidence The The propoéed draft is far from probably the largest single local o resultellectuelto the babes sabotaged 7, 000 Firestone workers on the to retum to local relief rolls about reasonable leisure. unemployables. No provision decent living. skys the Pres Judge dented the defense counsel satisfactory, containing provision Mae workers in the Coted States. Finally, few weeks ago, the is made for this eventuality.
Crushing formidable opposition, bosses stated: The sole point at Ident, is a noble ambition.
Failure of the Cleveland Region What About Wages?
During last year. While the and new penal called, and also the membership of its democratie which varled from strong coal cor issue now appears to be the ques al Labor Board to reinstate the The power it intends to porations, powerful business politi tion of union recognition.
workers following a hearing last And the wages? The amount of living of corporations increased deuled a motion to examine the rights.
says Roosevelt.
a very decent amount, the wages Juromas to whether they are so delegate to the Joint Board makes cal interests, down to the use of this question was supposed week climaxed the bitter resent compensation, of workers increased mensely quainted with the new District At the latter a body with final author. petty religious prejudices, the mato have been settled weeks ago ment rubberworkers have against should be larger than the amount few per cent. At that, not a real torney. The Jury had been chosen ity. The Joint Board, which this for left wing candidates emerged by the Labor Board elections. the tactics of the rubber baron, now received on the relief dole.
promoted draft would have elected triumphant in an avalanche of Increase for the workers, when the under McAllister, Such insincerity was too much Firestone Sr. and sent strikel The average cost of direct rellet rise in prices, which enabled the various complaints were lnld be on the basis of equal representarotes About 1, 700 of the locals for the patient and long suffering feeling sky high.
per month for an unemployed famcorporations to make their profit, fore special meeting of the execu. a month or abou a week. The ily was recently estimated at 25 1s discounted against wages)
who complained about food and sentative of the entire beboerepre 300 members partielpated in the garage workers. Dunne on Job tive council of the Firestone Local unemployed would certainly welmedical conditions in the jail. The but also would have the power to Much interca: was cettere un These ambitions, says the Presi Judge washed hle bands of the veto any and all decisions of the this local election. It is common that night, General Divers AL mass meeting in St. Paul was to be held Wednesday night come an increase over this miserto determine the course of strategy able handout. How high shall the dent, are to be preferred to great problem ly known as the Progressive Min 674, through Bill Brown and Far and action. The United Rubber wages be. not so large conwealth and great power Defendants Hold Conference Imtmediately after adjournment, tion on the Joint Board is in real it is to the Progressives what experienced leaders and picketers all cubber unions, has called a the rejection of opportunities for Moreover, the equal representa ers bulwark of power. Politically rell Dobbs, offered to place several workers council, ruling power over tinges Roosevelt, as to encourage expression is the best new million conference was held by the dawnego popresentation, since Maine is to Republicans and Dem at the disposal of the strikers moet bag for Saturday. topledge all private employment to engage in dollar a year incomes under the tendants, their attorneys and ad.
574 offer was enthusiastically ac and support to any action the local goveroment work.
New Deal, and in increasing visers. Sam Darey, Distrlet Organ Ribbon Hathand) would have the Perey Losing cepted, and Dunne was deletakes.
In other words wages must be power of corporalons, which have Izer of the Communist Party, to same representation as the Plain Equally significant was the fact gated to assist the St. Paul work The refusal of the company to Lower than the 12 minimum been unified and strengthened to which a number of defendants be Goude Department numbering President permit a National Labor Board provided in the NRA associations until they become long and Barney Mous, ropresent some 000. Such equality 18 ob that Claude Pearey, red balting ers.
Under Lutz, business agent of election ordered recently president of the union, was decimonopollen. paid by tho tens of thousands of ing the Workers Party of the viously blow aimed at the largest atvely defeated in this local union Local 459. Dunne has been direct place and the throwing to take blanket code. Moreover they into a great orator, for apprennhelon ber, participated. Also present wap Board must be elected on the basis this local. Jones, erstwhile St. Paul strike headquarters Other Injunction indicates the weakness that our relations with any nation Herbert Solow of the Non Partisan of proportional representation, Socialist and politically no better active leaders in that city are Jack of the company union and also bosses chiselling under this min.
will be otherwise than peaceful.
Labor Defenee, which has charge imum. Publie Works wages must Equally objectionable is the prothan Pearey, defeated the union Niles and Falke Lindholm. Since forced labor Into realizing that be less than the 10 code mind Three days later, on January Caatinued a Papo 4)
president by 179 votes. Continued on Page 4)
we read in the World Telegram: e beginning of the strike, St. Paul NRA boards etc. were not on their mum in the rubber tire industry, Incomplete reports indicate that garages have been sewed up tight. side.
less than 60 for the textile bag President Roosevelt today pro.
Pearey may be defeated in the Industry and less than 60 paid sented to Congress one of the state wide run off election. The for 40 hours work in the laundry Left Wing miners worked over time code in the South they must be fense budget estimmtes in history, to defeat Pearey, as a reply to his about one billion dollarsFath lower If the unemployed aro not Jew bafting, red hunting campaign mates for next year (1935) rop to reject priate employment.
against all sincere unionista. Pearrevent an increase of 179, 698, to engage in government work.
cy defeat will be a blow from 500 over last year (1934. Roosevelt American Plan From Voleo of the Workers. are only good, and come to church, which the right wing may never Just before the close of the old Farmers Not Forgotten of 76. percent over the total for Thus, with one blow Roosevelt organ of the Lehigh County Unem and turn the left side of thelr heads recover.
year, the capitalist papers started the first months of 1933, and jobless workers below the border slams three and one half million The President goes op. We have ployed League. to be clubbed by the police after New Officers already begun to feel the bracing up a loud Jabbering about increased they have had the right side of The new officers for the year, production, higher earnings, greatalso states that the annual rate Ilne of mere subsistence and pro The poor go to church more than their head clubbed, they will in 1985 are: effect upon onr economie system of er consumption of all goods, the of return on met worth has in vides the bosses with a mighty restored agriculture.
the rich. Churches are emptler herit the kingdom of heaven when President, John Battuello: Vice In 1928, an average year, the than they ted to be, but the poor they starve to death, and every President, Alex Frame: Recording soon. But at the end of coach of putting to work of unemployed, and creased from percent to bludgeon to keep the wages of percent.
those in their employ rock botU. Dept. of Agriculture reported still attend in vast numbers, tom levels. This, boasts Mr. Roose20, 289 milllop dollars as the gross In few words this is the meat world will be added unto them in Secretary. Joe Vidmar: Financial these stories an index was attached income of farmers. In 1983 the fig of a recent study made by the the next.
While the value of retail sales velt, conatitutes an American plan Secretary, John Griva: Roster figures computed by the NRAKeeper, Thomas Finnegan; Trades which show the following: Increased in 1934 by four and a for the American people.
are WAS 4, 868 million, le than Council for Research in the Social When life hurts too much, many Council Delegate, James Allen; Employment declined from 78. half billion over 1933, due to in The wages may be low and the ball the prosperity level. In 1934. Sciences of Columbia Univerpoor workers try to kill the pain Door Keeper. Albert Kelsre: Trus. In May of 1934, to 75. in August creased prices, reports from the work may last only a few months the Department estimates a gros Evidently this group of professors Kresge stores, the market of the of the year but perhaps homes will Income of 850 million, a set on the council spent a lot of time by taking religion. It is cheap and tees and Auditors, Merle Gnobons, and to 75. in October (latest 18mate which includes 500 millions and money Anding these things out. enay dope. It usually makes work. Peter Braido and Craig Easton ures given. The level of October, poor, indicate that there was a be built for the destitute and slumof direct benefit payments from the And a lot of long words in making ers harmless, and for that reason Trial Board, Frank Rose, Robert 1934 was therefore 76. as compared drop of percent in the volume of inhabiting working class. Let see. The projects undertake, their reporta. Any clase conscious the brosses see to it that there are Donaldson, Jeremia Taigo, Stanley with 76. in October, 1983. Wages goods sold during the first 10 warns the President, should be Where is tbla restored at worker, however, could have told churches are listed and heated era fome Delegates, for Guies ple: 67 In August and then to 55. in with 1983, and fallarly the amount selected and planned so as to culture? Can it be just another these professors why the poor Obristmas story the principal warmers of church and kept in repair.
Alex Harris and Tom Foster: for October As against a one point of goods handled by Woolworth compete as little as possible with private enterprise.
We look forward with dismay ta benches, and thus could have saved There is so much to do to make Benld: Adolph Bartolino and Andy rise in wages between October 1983 dropped percent.
In fact, everything and October 1934, the cost of living militated hearing this speech dellvered www. these professors all their hard this a decent world, a world in Gaydas.
As we progress further along the against a real housing program in eral times this year over the radio study Furthermore deve told happy lives, that workers have no Frank Lenzeretto, Howard Skeldon Mine Committee: Mine No. Increased points.
report, we find that the Christmas der the Roosevelt plan. First the The fodex of production dropped season was the only factor that fear to compete with the realty With the Prealdent that turn the them why the poor worker contin time to trouble themselves much and Andy Gresevich: Mine No. from 64. in October 1883 to 61. In saved the year of 1934 from being operators.
Second the record. The momentous occasions such as the important matter that for some possibly exist beyond the grave. No Malin Donaldson; Mhe No. 3, also represents a drop of 14 pointsures quoted by the pablicity offices the price of bullding materials opening of new civilian Cancenter reson or other the professore data matter what heavenly rewards William Orr, Joe Carney and John below production levels of the of the NRA show a decided slump some 23 percent, and, on the other tion Camp systems, and finally we not include in their there may or may not be there is McDonald; Mine No. 4, Mlle Pom Spring.
as they affect labor in the year and hand, the government has been ared dismally sure to hear it again The fact is that the lives of poor a job In this world that the work atto, Martin Tira and Peter Fassero. This same release from the a half since the inception of the charging municipalities per cent only slightly altered on January workers are so full of hardsbiders must do here and bow. Let Compensation Committees: No. 1, publielty department of the NRA NRA.
on the housing loans It has made. 1930.
and trouble that they are but too nothing distract thelr attention or Tom Fisher: No. 2, John Homak: reveals that the profits of Indus Out of 2, 700, 000, 000 allotted to the Times may come and times may ready to believe prleats and minalvert their efforts. One world at No. 3, Alex Russell: No. Josepha trial corporation for the erst FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE ro, but that speech gou ve forever. Laters who tell them that they a time!
months of 1944 shew More NEW MILITANT. Continued ea Paco 4)
the here restore the One World at a Timel League Paper Tells Unemployed Readers Labor Share Less in 1935, While Profits Rose, NRA Figures Show elr report