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First National League Convention Stormy Test of American Approach Naval Race Forebodes War of the Pacific A Farewell to Bureaucracy it?
SATURDAY, JANUARY 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGE spies, fascist agents, etc. They March of Events Necessity for Truce came in and did their work among In comparison with the Anglo the members until they were exGerman naval race of 1907 to 1914, political posed or until the growers them the pre war fair was a mere consciousness of bagatelle from every point of view.
selves made them impervious to The cost of the new construction this poison.
to the alone would have been It was the latter condition for more in three years than Germany This is the second of a series of their work in this field as among tion of the League, when Fascist which the CPLA worked. In the had spent in twenty five. And this of articles on the history of the the trade unions.
elements seemed to have gained leagues, as in the general American By JACK WEBER she could no longer demand and does not take into account the in National Unemployed League, The tacties of the Socialists dit complete control and it was neces. scene, the effectiveness of a revolu. The first international imperialist enforce by might of arms completé direct costs for new docks and By LOUIS BREIER Party only by the addition of their Marx in very soft tones and with any to win the confidence and truce in the building of naval arm had captured the world trade, sides the fortifying of Pacific fuel National Unemployed League is their superior regard for Democral of the leaders of the Unem thie misleadership of the dema end. Theoretically it will remain par with the foremost foreign in. The cost became a particularly worth considering to some detall cracy. Because of this mechan. Bloxed Councils who were present gogues and fascists. The CPLA in force till 1936 practically the wester, England. This victory, Amisturbing factor when the slump tar reaching and lasting, but also exceeds anything that even for it. The CPLA, they said, had it did not want another radical tea off anew in the race for capitalist to retain but to extend at the ex ama Cumal acted to limit the new because its stormy and colorful Amter or Benjamin ever hoped to substituted flag waving for Marx club.
Lasting pense of all other capitalist rivals rec. For this Canal could afford sessions revealed the dangers get away with.
It wanted a mass organisa domination of the world.
ism and those roaring patriots in tion. And it was willing to stake for a decade, the Washington Naval until would command that imper passage only to the size of vessel threatening the movement then, as Appearing before the executive the convention were only a natural everything on the correctness of its Pact was nothing but a temporary ialist hegemony of the world that allowed for in the American plan, they do now. Fascism, partisan committee of the NUL last August consequence of social fascism.
Inertia, jingoism and a horde of to present the case for a new na But these dervishes of the true workers.
tactics and its ability to lead the truce, affording a breathing spell it felt essential to give full and whereas to meet the forty three and ve thousand ton ships of the crack pot political schemes, any one tional organization David Lasser faith were wide of the mark. It was the test, not only of the cour war into a critical economic and Lique. To signalize its newly Japanese and English plans, the the convention and the movement workers Unemployed Union, stated that was at fault; it was America. also on a minor scale of the ability the most far reaching changes and afresh, on the very eve of the peace ship that could not be passed itself, combined into a desperate frankly that he does not believe in As we have shown, the unemployed and promise of the new party which adjustments among the imperialist conference. naval plan that through the Canal. The threat of an immediate war between America militant, nation wide organization the purpose of resolving so impor only restrictions on membership experiences of the CPLA and the victors and vanquished alike, had and Japan in 1921 found American of the unemployed.
tant a problem is the formation of were against old party politicians Communist League.
lost, America had won. Germany The Imperialist Naval Race capitalism in a dimeult position Backgrounds a new national unemployed organ and bosses of any category. These Next week we will sce what hap had been ruined, but England was too, since it did not missess any The beginnings of the widely ization, but prefers conferences of restrictions, however, could not ex pened at the first national conven also badly shakes and her world It was the peace President adequate base of operations close discussed and much more widely the top leadership because they clude stool pigeons, provocateurs, tion of the Leagues.
position so much weakened that Wilson, who proposed the 1910 enough to the new scene of cond et.
naval plan that was to give Amer For these and other reasons Am.
slandered American Approach get more work done with less ica the largest fleet in the world. erican imperialism found itself are probably to be found in the fuss. conception of unemployed The American Approach He proposed to construct in three forced to back down temporarily years the most powerful dread and to call for a truce in the naval activity. It represented a definite Altuough their tacties placed noughts afloat, that would render race started by itself. The result and realistie manner of directing them in the position of an artist obsolete all the pavies in the world. was the Washington Pact of 1922.
and participating in the work of attempting to portray the moon By JOSEPH ZACK the leagues, carrying on the day with a mop, the conception of these mutters. There can be by, tinulty of leadership In brief, the This program was interrupted by In this pact the size of battleships by day struggles, of raising the po the purpose or work among the In the previous article spoke majority decision, unity of action Conventiou is treated as a sort of the entrance of the into the was limited to those capable of litical level of the workers and of unemployed on the part of a revo.
about the system of falsification through discipline, yes, and this is glorifet mass meeting, where the war but at its conclusion, just be traversing the Panama Canal, the building a solid and progressive lutionary party was always sound and trickery used by the Stalin all that Lenin aimed at in his con line is talked into you. Nothing fore Wilson walled for Paris, be fire five three ratio was accepted basis for the ultimate condict It is the business of the class con faction in the ideological struggle ception of centralization and pro is expected to happen and nothing, said to Congress: take it for England thus ylelded its historic Everything is cut granted that the Congress will car mastery of the seas. the Anglory out the naval program which Japanese Alliance was abrogated, problems confronting the working these organizations to make them sian Communist Party. This sys tle thing need be discussed by ev and dried.
masses. It was this which distin militant, effective Instruments for in the field of party Organization are precisely the ones that must be to the gallery has its strongest ap the war. This stalinist system of talking was undertaken before we entered at least in worls, and an agreement sured the steady growth of the mediate repression, and to turn the The false line could be put through discussed and decided democratic Deal to new, politically inexperi! In the new 1919 program It was Pacific Islands any further. In the Leagues.
aces of the unemployed toward the only by crushing out party demo ally. Stalinism allows the discus chord members that is for a while then proposed that in three years present situation all this stands How Others Work larger battle. This was always the cracy and setting up the unconsion of little things; the big ques. und there is always a hullaballoo America should bulld sixteen copi nullified Japanese capitalism feels dome mention is already been philosophy underlying the work of clique. This was done in the Rus2 bureaucratie tlons are decided from on top about the promotion of new forces, tal ships, besides a large number itself firmly enough entrenched in Conditions for Real Discussion made of the methods favored by in lavor. They simply don like though England then hissessed a point for all invasions into China, the Communist and Socialist parBut philosophy as such never san jurty, and then the completed There can be no such thing as a ties. In their direction of the Unment anything to the CPLA, Phil system was mechanically imposed world combined, this ambitious Her demand for naval parity throws employed Councils the E made osophy had to be confirmed in act all the parties of the Communist real discussion without giving equal though they don know what bigger navy than all the rest of the to continue her adventure further opportunity to the advocates of the real trouble is.
few concessions to the tion and there had to be mass or allowing At general membership meetings, program would have placed the u. down the scauntlet to American im party line Mechanical control any action.
regular animations before there could be had to pay for the defeat of Lenrouprigs of opinion and their rep which are hardly ever held nowaS. in first place on account of the perkuliam at a time considered fav.
We in the American movement wurious platforms and of the organizations and wholesale indoctrination of the members Labor Age in 1931 Louis Buden, of the American can never betral Conimittee.
In a series of articles written for inist principles and methods in the resentation up till the convention days, questions are very often asked size of post Jutland super dread: rable by the Japanese militarista Russian party. The degeneration Lenin even allowed it on the Cenon unsigned slips of paper cus nought to be built, their welsht American imperialism cannot rewhile they stick is characteristic But after a deci tom emanating from Soviet Russia, of armor and guns. The armament fase the challenge. The War of the race was on!
Pacite seems close at hand.
who popularized the term Ameril understood until it is tracel to this slon has been midle democratically. for even questions are at times The new war was to be a decisive PERKINS DAUGHTER can Approach. laid down the proall must carry it out in action dangerous.
battle for supremacy in the Pacific, ENTERS SOCIETY Leagues, he said, must be mass unemployed organization. source. The internal regime of the in this country is only an ex This is the essence of democratic How is it in the Soviet Union: a conflict for the complete control labor in the South of the only market still undivided sent Langton and Pinchback on At first the convention refused to debut to society the other day, at of the term. CPLA elements in which has become universal in the as the party practiced it in Tenin chance by thinking out loud, not among the imperialist free booters the grounds that they were office Mias Susanna Wilson made her organizations in the fullest sense pression of the Stalinist system contralism as Lenin taught it and worse. There one really takes time.
the Hotel Pierre, one of New York these organizations must not reonly on big questions but often on China.
All these rights still exist, large little ones as well. If you are a ruthless struggle between America der and seated inchback. LangPrimarily this meant holders. Finally hey made a blun swankiest hotels, where thousandspent the doctrinaire and fuctional Suppressing the Opposition in of dollars are spent to launch a mistakes of the CP. and the They began in Russia by sup even in official theory of the Com it for a while. But watch your inlisan, despite its relative poverty son was not scitech enthe ele pres girl into society.
effectiveness of the Leagues in sition instead of abiding by party deny that in practice they have but no heavy talk. This is the in as a matter of its national capital cused Cameron, his aceuser, of bejudice. Langston, thereupon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul demands and, on the strength of tion as a document for discussion. hypocrisy to preach to others about Stalin system in the life of the construction of even bigger ships te Party. Both men rightly acCaldwell Wilson And Mrs. Paul their superior leadership and con. Next, they expelled the 14 mem. inner democracy as the Daily party.
Caldwell Wilson is Frances Per slatent realism, raise the political bers of the minority of the Central Worker does to the Socialist Party with heavier armament and guns cused the other. Both Langston kins, Secretary of Labor, who feels level of the masses, reveal the Committee before the party con. When inner democracy has been with the policies and methods that Nor was England to be outdone, zenship for Negroes, but were opIn the next article will deal than those proposed by America and Plchback sought equal citi.
so sorry for the workers, in public. class struggle, and lay a firm basis cress! Seanwhile all their follow. murdered in the ranks of the form part of this system as prac. for she too began the laying down posed to the union idea of organfor their participation in the com ers were expelled from the party. itself!
FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE ticed in this country, with special of vessels to be the largest in the ixing a reform party.
ing struggle for a workers world. The result was that when the party There cannot be such a thing as reference to the trade union ques. world.
During the first national conven congress finally convened it was a forbidden subjects in a discus tion.
their salvation in the Republican mere assemblage of Stalin caucus. xion amongst those who stand on Party. They were interested in Later on, all those adhering to the the principle of the overthrow of personal wealth, not labor solidarlOpposition were arrested and exiled capitalism and Soviet power. Othty.
How The Middle Class Led to Siberia or imprisoned. Thus the erwise there cannot be either disDuring this same period John Opposition was disposed of cussion or inner democracy. But Lynch, Negro congressman from Thereafter anyone voicing its ideas this is precisely what Stalin syswas dealt with as a counter revo tem has created only Stalin knees and begged the Democratic party to change its policy and ac.
The campaign for the Party Fund is now under way. Returns are the and shipped somewhere excommunicable. Let the doctors The Republican Party is the Ship and All Else cpt cerces. Who disa preche with beginning to come in though not yet as fast or as numerous as sometimes, as in the case of of Stalinism, on the basis of this they should. Reports from the branches are still slow, but indications Blumkin, even executed. Now it kind of a recipe, create a better Is the Sea, Leader Told Them publican Party. These early midare that the membership is getting behind this drive whole heartedly appears this sort of thing is to be inner life in the party. Even if dle class Negro leaders like the!
Los Angeles branch writes We are sure the Fund will go over big carried out on a wholesale scale. they were professors they would This is the second of a series secured their ascendency over the present day successors would achere. definite pledge of 20 was made and more to come from absent This is the background of the be wasting their time; it cannot be of articles on Negro Labor in the poor whites and the blacks by cept anything for franchise but members. Allentown members pledged 39. Boston has already met present torror regime in the Soviet done. The party is dying of inner United States.
putting emnity between them.
the organization of white and black more than half of its quota. The New York District which received a party and the parties in capitalistic sterility, dry rot, because the quota of 1, 500 is hard at work meeting it and Philadelphe has pledged countries, including the This system is false to the core. They divided both and con labor. Yet their influence and the By SIMON WILLIAMSON quered each, continued Douglass. influence of their successors still 75 thus far.
regime constitutes a fundamental In a previous issue of the New It was but natural that the Negro There was no earthly reason why so far with the Negro masses.
THE CHALLENGE departure from Lenin conception Militant have already explained, middle class should become the first the blacks should not hate and However, in the Baltimore state As reported in the last issue of the New Militant, Mrs. of New of the party and its functions; it except for some minor detalls, the spokesman and leader of the newly read the poor whites when in a convention of colored labor of 1869 York pledged to contribute 200 for every 200 we collect from other is a basically new system that has inner workings of the party ma freed Negroes during the early state of slavery. It was from this Wesley Howard, Negro working friends. was the first to send a 200 check which was promptly nothing to do with Leninism. It chine under this system. only post Civil War period. It repre class that their masters recruited class leader, told the Negro workmet by Mrs. Today sent another 100.
is of course foolish to think, and want to add an item or two.
RECEIPTS sented whatever culture and influ. their slave catchers, slave drivers ing men, through their delegation was such a fool, that by complainShow Business Total to date: present, that the franchise without Previously reported. ence the race then possessed. It and overseers.
ing about it or appealing against Although no one knew better than ot little or no benefit.
the organization of labor would be From Branches. 318. 20 From Branches. 377. 46 one or another had spot or nicer staging of so called discussions not long in taking advantage of its Douglans that whites and blacks There is still in the party ths was cognizant of this fact and was From Individuals. 00 From Individuals. 319. 00 In this system to the a or course, these are not discussions new opportunity and Mrs. 400. 00 Howard was Ignored. His ideas From Mrs. on pledge. 200. 00 sub committee of Stalin, any remote course there are were played against each other by were not of the Negro dd e class.
New Receipts edy can be obtained.
Los Angeles Branch. 11. 25 Grand Total. 89645 explanations the line alread this middle class was composed of latter and proclaimed upon the that of Douglas, Tangston or The Stalin Regime New York District As soon as the balance to make 50. 00 WAS ML. Iowa Falls, la.
The party regime introduced by lowed only to discuss its applica. men had either bought their free the ship and all else is the sea. 00 up 400 from individuals comes in, dom or won it through some act of Friend, Youngstown, 10. 00 Mrs. will meet it with a second Stalin throughout the Communist tion There is also the staging benevolence to their masters and class of that period followed the advice organized labor could tell broader in scope. Had the black Other lights of the Negro middle proletariat of America fotowed his New York City. 100. 00 200.
International is as follows of conventious and plenums at RUSH YOUR REMITTANCE. Centralism, minus inner de which the more rumor of some la some instances they were the example shown by Frederick Dougla different story, and the economie mocracy IIierarchical method of se HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED TO YOUR lecting the leading personnel from supposed to be a 60 day discussion sants who had been given long per self gain.
They, like the white the top down.
iods of apprenticeship under master bourgeoisie, only on a Despite the setbacks of black period. The press is opened for craftsmen. They were the crafts scale, are the enemies and exploit sight and militancy is hovering smaller labor the spectre of Howard forePARTY FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE The method of putting this discussion articles, etc. etc.
across with a semblance of demo. dear readers, look over the last men of their masters. This class cracy and greasing the working convention discussion of the Prepresented, then, the most militant les of black labor. They would lover black America again and nel ONE DOLLAR of it is: a) To permit discussion of the most senile and fabby thin spirits of the Negro slaves, and exploit white labor if permitted by ther Negro middle class reaction their white capitalist ally.
FIVE DOLLARS nor white bourgeois chicanery can they despised thé poor whites since the execution of the general line yet seen on such occasions. You many of the latter had been em The delegation of Negrows that stop it from taking form.
TEN DOLLARS set from the top: b) a system of may be deceived into thinking that ployed as overseers and, moreover, National Labor unlon in 1889 had the Negro Middle class are not inappeared at the convention of the Lastly, let it be remember that ratification from below to confirm in all the problems facing the We can supply collection lists for those who cannot afford any the selection from the top.
one of these sums by themselves. certificate will be issued for Since those who might have any senting opinion; in fact. it is made runaway slaves. The white master diverses just able Negro representa terested in the abolition of wage the total collected.
principled objection to this system to appear that there is no variety and later congressman from Virgin bourgeoisie. All that they have Members of the organization will receive certificates equal to as a whole are either eliminated whatever they all agree on every to play one against the other ia, and Pinchback, lieuten ever been their Party Foundation Tax paid through the branches.
or drop out of the movement be thing!
Frederick Doug ant governor of Louisiana.
will ever be interested Both in is the securing of advantages forehand, there is very little or no The followers of Stalin boast Shortly after the emancipation of men were members of the Republt for their group. Segregation is one HELP REALIZE THE PROGRAM OF ACTION trouble in getting things ratitled that Stalin united the party more the American Negroes from chattle can Party, which the union consid means of providing this. approved in that form. than Lenin ever succeeded in doing slavery Frederick Douglass, the ered as a land monopoly, and were Next week we shall deal with the HELP BUILD THE WORKERS PARTY The theory, to justify the whole And he did by killing the internal most outstanding Negro in the not in the least concerned about Knights of labor and the Negro system, and make it appealing is: life of the party!
abolitionist movement and the most the precarious conditions of Negro workers.
What are the discussions that towering figure that black America Fill In Blank Below and Mall Today.
our party. 2) we are a party that take place, after all? Well, the has yet produced the last of his thinks and acts alike. 3) only a big shot makes a lengthy report. type that the Negro bourgeoisie Workers Party of the monolithic party can be mobile, Then everybody talks his head off will ever produce discovered that BOOK SALE 112 East 19th St. Room 702 ready to act at a moment notice, about his own troubles in the dis the white ruling class kept both etc.
trict, section or unit, hardly men white and black in subjection by New York City.
As good as this sounds, it is all tioning the report of the big shot. playing one against the other. In 20. 50 DISCOUNT One Week Only January 5th to 12th Enclosed find. for a Party Foundation Fund Cerfalse, because the democratic proc. or in order to be perfectly kosher. an interview, beading a committee tificate. OR. Send me. collection llata for the Party esses essential to arrive at such re quoting one thing or another from of Negroes, with president Andrew sults are eliminated. Once the basic it. At the end of this discussion Johnson, who arrogated to himself BOUND VOLUMES OF THE MILITANT Foundation Fund.
principal line of a revolutionary the line of the report is approved the leadership of the poor whites, While They Last July 1931 Dec. 1932 party dictatorship of the proletar. If anyone disagrees, he leaves his seeking equal citizenship for the 50 Name lat, overthrow of capitalism versus disagreement for perhaps a better blacks, he is recorded as having 1933.
social democratic peaceful, gradual time.
said to Johnson: 1934.
Address transformation capitalism into Nothing is threshed out in parti The hostility between whites socialism is set, many opinions of cular. If there is a new line in and blacks is easily explained.
ORDER NOW City report suavely in time to time as to how to achieve order not to alarm the party and Intion of slavery and was incited It has its root and sap in the rePIONEER BOOKSHOP Por publicity 18e the name it. There cannot be such a thing to feguard the continuity of the on both sides by the cunning 102 East 11th Street, u people that think allke cale and the infallibility and con lavo masters. Thome masters The Party Fund Freed Negroes After Civil Warmere.
one dissenting creates a sensation proud owners of Negro slaves. The lass and entered politics on the status of black America would be Prior to the convention there is servants and this class were arti ride of the exploiting class for much better. 50 50 State