NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the Wall Street Cracks Whip on Congress Need Labor Defense Auto Body Told System Is Doomed Imperialists Enter New NavalPhase to every mente Huey Long Is Tammany Hall Rising in South VOLUME NO.
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1935 PRICE CENTS STEEL Robber Baron Goes Free ELECTION CALLED Efforts to Save Capitalism to Continue. New Deal Carnegie Corporation Will California Fruit Growers Push Prosecution of In 1934 Raised Prices, Profits. Put New Rely on Goverment And Courts Union Leaders in Red Drive Workers Millions on Relief By ARNE SWABECK Move to Obtain Bail By GEO. CLARKE The National Steel Labor Rela Flushed with its recent electoral victory the Democratic Congress tions Board has ordered. relac(Press Service of Non Partisan Labor Defense)
opens in Washington once again to do the bidding of the master. The tantly and after long hesitation SACRAMENTO, Cal Confronted by a proposal originating with that an election be held master is not Roosevelt or the so called sovereign people. The guiding the the California growers associations that District Attorney McAlister, plants of the Carnegie Steel Com, who was defeated in the last election and goes out of office January 6, spirits of the nation sit not in Washington but, many miles to the north, pany, subsidiary of the in the man made canyons of New York, It is the interests of Wall States Steel Corporation. Almost be hired at a fat fee as special prosecutor in the pending crminal Street the legislators will serve.
a year ago such an election was syndicalism cases, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors is The entire history of the New Deal is alive with instances proving ordered by the National Labor showing signs of fright.
the old maxim that the government is but the executive committee of Board in the weirton steel mills, Despite the lack of a serious organized defense movement of the but the weirton magnates snapped 18 workers shortly to be tried for the crime of organizing to win decent the ruling class. Roosevelt and a willing Congress took hold of the their fingers at th decision. They political reins of American capitalism, just as it was being steered into had previously held an election in wages, the Board heritates to hire McAlister. At a special meeting the ditch, and brought it back onto their own way making sure in ad Monday morning, several members expressed doubts of ther authority safe highway. An unofficial vance that the returns would show to spend the taxpayers money on spokesman for the administration, an overwhelming Indorsement for special prosecutor. Underneath Kaymond Moley, says flat footedly the company union, a flood of legallstie Jabber was this Basically the New Deal was an of course, the Welrton steel consciousness. effort to save capitalism.
workers, who had amply proven McAlister, running for reelection Ungratefal Wall Street by their strike in September 1933 that they were in favor of a union ast month, tried to pitalize on Big Business may appear unthe red scare arising out of the of their own and ready to fight for grateful to Roosevelt for the help collapse of the Frisco general it, got nothing out of the sham ing band he gave it when in need.
maneuvers between the labor boards strike; he promised that it reelectBut if Wall Street has been grudging in its complimenta, this is no and the owners of the industry. It ed he would do criminal syndicate that is, he is reported that the workers in the indication that Roosevelt and bla Workers Shun Hearing put workers congressional majority have stinted in their grants. The actions of the Held to Stabilize uer National Laboratura rast Japan Ends Treaty. Shades of opinton in State Quentin.
February for an election and on Fleet to Mass Not only did the Sacramento FedPresident when the banks were on Industry erated Trades Council and the May It was ruled that such an the verge of collapse and the six election should be held. Nothing In Pacific Building Trades Council (A. of billion dollar blood injection into TOLEDO, Oh! o. The workers L) adopt resolutions demanding happened.
financial and industhe prostrate of American cap no longer trust the Government.
It is reported also that the Car The Japanese denunciation of the repeal of the law, but Mctrial Italiam speak louder than compli That is why more workers have negle Corporation had expressed a Washington Naval Treaty at the Alister was defeated in the elecnot come to testify at this hear willingness to bargan with the close of 1034 was a bold stroke tutions.
capitalism has reaped a lucrative Ing.
steel workers union as a concession overcome the obstacles placed in Consequently, the Supervisors The NRA committee Investigatto them but remained adamant in her way by American and British have lost some of their lust for harvest under the benign adminisThe ing labor conditions in the automotration of Mr. Roosevelt.
its demand to negotiate similarly imperialism. The struggle for the battle. They have also heard of The Insull brothers are free again. The above picture shows Martin Journal of Commerce reports that bile Industry beard this from Art thanking the jury after his acquittal on 350, 000 embezzlement with other group, meaning the markets and raw materials of the the wave of new wildcat briken the Workers charge. The Insull public utilities companies have taken millions from company union through which it Orlent, especially China, is of priamong the fighting stevedores of over six bllion dollars in the form Prels, speaking feels sure of its powers of coercion mary importance to these three Frisco and Oakland. They rightly of corporative Interests and all Party of the United States. The investors.
and intimidation to control the men powers. At the present junctare suspect that the period of wide Another story on this page tells about 18 workers in California who dends have flowed into its coffers committee, which has been gathering data in Detroit, Flint, Pontiac, face long prison sentences on charges of attempting to overthrow the in the mills.
this struggle revolves around the spread working class retreat which for the year 1984.
These fabulous profits have not unable to understand why more to Toledo and other auto centers, was arricultural workers to Bght against starvation wages.
Their actual crime is that they had the guts and deeeney It has already been strongly in question of the naval strength of followed the general strike te combeen gained in an era of well being workers did not come forward.
timated that the corporation will the Big Three. With the rejection ing to an end. The fact that the of the 5 ratio a new naval race defeat of Sinclair has not meant refuse to furnish ita payroll for the Yet there are some workers who believe there are no classes in and prosperity for all. The econo Testimony has been taken America! Who believe that the rich are treated the same as the poor! elections ordered and carry the begins. It will go a long way in the collapse of his utopian EPIC my of scarcity amid abundance 18 secretly and good undon men are case up to the United States Su determining who is to control the movement, but that many EPIO 28 striking a fact under Roosevelt afraid to expose themselves at preme Court. fight in this map gateway to the Chinese waters.
groups are now more radical than a under Hoover.
this hearing, Preis told the comner is a fight on the corporation If Japan succeeds with her naval before the election, is also ImpreePromises mittee. This fact speaks eloown front. It knows how to deal policy gigantle step forward in sing vote chasing politicians.
The promises of Roosevelt to the quently of labor position in this with the courts and how to make the further penetration of Chine is The truth is that the Sacramento strieken working class groaning country. The workers know that the influence of its money powers assured. But the United under the full weight of the mountthe Government is in the hande bear fruit. The steel corporation will not convedel nor win Britain. criminal syndcalist cases are being of the industrialists. If they vicing years of economic crisis have the been remarkably prolife. But even timize themselves here, the GoTtime with the courts for it knows dent plans to recommend increased servative politicians as by 88 toese promises gained in ozone erment will not protect them. Clever Pclitician, Accustomed to Corruption, Graft it can rely on any branch of the naval and military appropriation powers of the Sacramento San Whispered Testimony volume they receded in real subcapitalist government to carry out At the same time a big Pacitic manstance. The talk of recovery ha. Prele statement came as a clihe banks of Frisco who are against its wishes. In this sense it relles euver of the entire navy, the larges. unions everywhere and always. The yielded httle to the workers. Un max to many hours of whispered (This is the first of a series of supporters, there are already, 200 on its own powers, a lesson that ever assembled, is planned with a most striking evidence is the presShare the Wealth Clubs ready to the steel workers union has not yet olgantic squad of alrshipe.
emp. oyment, according to the no testimony by members of the red articles on would be fascist lead.
follow Huey wherever he may lead. learned.
toriously conservative F. of Leral Auto Workers Union in which ers ban the United States. Japan aim is naval supremacy throughout the jury selection of ence in sacramento County Court gures, shows an increase of 560. they told of acts of discrimination The stronghold of Longiem is, of By DAN EASTMAN 000 from October 1933 when the against militant workers, speed up.
These are so far the results of in the Eastern area.
course, Louisiana, where there are the notorious Red Hynes, laborPart sordid working conditions, irreguTo accomplish this it was necesliterally thousands of share the the demoralizing practices institutnumber of jobless stood at the figbating. unlon smashing and rede of 10, 1:22, 000 to October 1934 lar employment and low wage.
ure Huey Long ta no depression Wealth Clubs, and where Hoeyed by the proposals of Williamsary to reject the renewal of the waiting police chief of Las The bearing was largely a farce. baby: unlike Upton Sinclair, Dr. has a deadlock on every apparatus Green and Mike Tighe at the steel 5 ratio and instead demand seles. Hynes will probably take the past year has seen an increase of Workers were not permitted to ex: Townsend, and Father Coughlin, be of government. He controls the ex workers union convention in Pitts. parlty. Japan, however, does notand for the state, backed by a over one million families on rellet. press opinions on the National Auto has been in politics for many years. ecutive directly through his stooge, burgh last June when it faced the want parity at a 56 ratio. Japan dock of stool pigeons In 1920 he started his career as Governor Allen. He has such momentous question of striking the is in no financial condition to build Richberg bumself estimates that by Labor Board, or on Section 78 of February 1936 more than 1, 000, 000 NRA. Data on how to stabilize the a member of the Louisiana Public Influence in the legislature that, inimills to compel recognition of the such a navy. The United States sury will be straight anti labor.
There is every indication that the unlon.
Service Commission, in 1924 he ran the last session, it passed some the only nation that could weather will live on relief pittences families or over 22, 000, 000 persons auto industry under the profit sywy an astonisang vote orolcht of the members ever found out the National Steel Labor Relations! If Japan could allot funds for this having on the panel plants such as Green asked for the creation of such financial hardships. But even the prosecution, in addition to govern. forty four bills so rapidly that none tem was what the committee Want No one sball starve, said Roos od.
or, and in 1928, at the very what they were voting. And with Board and got it. The workers purpose, such a large navy ratio the lady who drinks cocktails with evelt, and his Democratic Congress of prosperity, he was elected.
Preis Produces Facts Long is no kind hearted ex80 little formality, that it was paid the price the resulting dis would strengthen the Anglo Ameri the district attorney, has used its cheered him to the echo. The meaning of that promise is now clear. the Workers Party representative ed visionary doctor, nor fulminatRefusing to speak trom the basis, socialist muckraker, no misguid months before the exact nature of integrating influence just at a time ican Imperialists and defeat the challenges cleverly. Workers have It has meant that death from ster launched into a documented report ing Catholie, but a clever and exthe bills passed was known either when an aggressive policy of or alms of Japan Japan demands been disqualified and most of the vation should be avoided to avert on developments in the auto industo the legislature or to the people. ganization and action was required. disarmament that all offen Jurors selected so far live in the an explosion of discontent stored try, showing the increasing rationperienced politician accustomed He controls the Judiciary: alter Green and Tighe on the other hand sive ships (battleships airships ash! onable part of town.
to the ruthless corruption of cap up for more than five years. Ito alization and monopoly control an italist polities. He is Tamang The bosses hope to send the 18 some fancy political maneuvering are pursuing thelr victory and forg submarines) shall be discarded and has been that der the NRA. Competition he succeeded in getting five of the ing ahead for an industrial truce a new ratio of 3 defendants, arrested during the between Hall brought up to date.
eight members of the Supreme of no strike monopoly capiwages and reller levels must keep the remaining major auto corporaCourt of Louisiana. Huey himself tal.
The purpose of Japan is to ell beight of the red scare in July, to It is a mistake to underestimate is one of the senators from the To challenge the steel corporation range. If the Anglo American cape This, they plan, shall finish of the ninate ships with a long cruising Jail for terms as long as 84 years.
The recent decree of relfer Facts and figures of unemploy the Louisiana Kingfish. While there state, and the other, Senator Over to a plant election to determine the Italists are to protect their Pounds Cannery and Agricultural Workers administrator.
mlashing work rellef war from 40 mitted to show that conditions in would be confined to the always representatives to the lower bouse had its time. Now that is not the have all types of ships that can ganized some notable struggles and to 30 cents an hour is a veritable the Industry would continue to be poverty stricken state of Loulalana. Are Long men.
Issue and in view of the special travel long distances But with the whole country plunged dynanılte cure for those suffering come worse.
combat had at one time a membership of from New Deal promises. comThis committee wants to know into poverty and insecurity, the in the number of share the Wealth the corporation in such a procedure these are eliminated the Japanese In Arkansas, which ranks second powers of coercion in the hands of and return to fueling bases. It almost 20, 000 militants.
Employed Workers how to stabilize the industry, political measures that broke the Clube, Longer to reported to have it will result only in disorganiza imperialists can easily master the deeply Interested in these cases.
working class as tretter than those on relief doles members of the committee well Dotentially effective throughout the selsted and influenced the election tion of the workers rinks. Actual Asiatic area against either of the As the bloody and outspoken rencEmployed workers have fared no Preis continued. The truth is, As government of Louletana are now of Senator Hattie Carraway, widow unlon organization means to fight two main contenders, and possibly, tion which raged through the aunation.
snow, the automobilo Industry canThe process of levelling the wage of the late Jemenated Senator Car ilt out.
both if necessary.
of skilled workers has been a high not be stabilized. The economie Long Following away.
Prospects for organization were new armament race has begun umn begins to subekle, the bosses point of accomplishment under vatem has to be stabilized. And On September of this year, in Mississippi, third in the num excellent last summer. The Amal. another step toward war has bees of the 18 Sacramento week to revive it. The conviction apitalism cannot be stabilized. Huey Long was able to claim, it ber of share the Wealthers, Long gamated Association of Iron Steel taken. Let the workers of the workers Bodenbelt and standard of minimun Tho profit system undoubtedly not prove, some 1, 460, 000 members had a hand in the election of Sen. pipaode a podazadxa par osyndun wereld be on guard for their ows would be the signal for a new outwages slightly above the dandgovern We look to break of raids, arrests and vigilment handouts. And these throughout America. In New York antism. The fate of these 18 de(Continned on Pape 4)
ards have rarely been enforced.
City alone, If we are to believe his (Continued on Page Cantinued on Pape 4)
tendants, consequently, ts of conSUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANI Bern to the entire working class How significant is the fact that thousands of Detrolt automobile und demands its attention despite ill political differences.
workers, ostensibly living under a perndise of capltallat paternaliem, The defendants, who include would rather depend on relief leaders both of the Communist checks than on the abominable Party and of the union, are not American labor starts 1935 tn in the Auto Lite strike. Barricades as outside workers.
wage of General Motors or Henry led mounted police into the strik merit clause. As the new year a militant mood. year ago Ford!
were erected in the streets. Two yet getting the broad organized For 16 Workers Death ers ranks.
Surus, uuw workers we again workers put their trust in RooseOn the other hand food prices workers were killed by National backing to which they are entitled.
The largest strike oeeurred in The National Longshoremen O rely lo lagbut.
Should such a movement get on Telt and the New Deal. That Guardamen.
have risen 28 percent over the fig.
Board was set up. Arbitration gave September, when 600, 000 textile AWOL arst bewspaper strike foot within the next week or so, trust betrayed by one event after ure for April 28, 1933. But payThe strikers, with the Unem workers walked out. Sixteen the strikers a 30 hour week, 95 cm Aewark, where to include large sections of the rolls have actually dropped per another during 1934, they enter ployed League giving leadership.
won a per cent increase and union troops were called out to break hiring bells. In San Francisco the of the Newark bruger walked ou may yet be driven out of the case workers gave their lives as 40, 000 sents an hour, partial control over 52 cunor room workers trade union movement, McAlister cent for the third quarter of 1984 1935 aware that they must fight When the working class tried to If they are to win.
recognition the strike.
Market Street Railway Company, November tur union recognition and the whole trame up smashed bridge this yawning gap, the New The blood of 62 workers killed The Minneapolis teamsters strike with the strikers still fighting. Tom Mooney old enemy, was un They are su vut, helped uy Luis An Important aspect is that the deDeal has thrust its elbow in the in strikes, many shot in the back, was marked by the intelligent way the leaders of the United Textile ionized.
youug American Aewspaper wuilu. tendants be balled out so that they way. Strikes have elther been pre stains the old year record.
This strike was used as the exin which it was organized, the workers sold the strike for a Surs by Vented or, once under way. pulver During the first nine months of strikers refusal to accept low than Roosevelt promle Investigation of cuse for the reuer workers amay move about freely and rally baiting and workers ou guverumeu projet support for the fight. The court Ised by multitude of arbitration 1934, incomplete returns show 1, 104 victory, and the fact that farmers the stretchout and other evils. The son smashing campaign to Call marked the year, ww did Walau bas its ear to the ground, and if boards. And now, the crowning strikes more than in any year supplied food to the strikers.
workers are still waiting for better fornia.
store clerk wad walte uma the workers get going in time, the 1, 500, 000 After settlement of the strike in conditions.
stroke, is the so called truce prosince 1921 involving Victory For Borse workers 18 defendanta will be saved and claimed by Roosevelt with the ai workers.
May, it flared again in summer on the west coast, the year Two of the baale Industrie, Agricultural strikes occurred ah the growers Associations will take rect collusion of wham Green Unemployed Help when the bosses broke the agree most spectacular strike tied up steel and automobile, called off over we wuuury. Like the luua licking and the manufacturers with the Significant was the increasing ment. In the bosses effort to break every port as longshoremen walked threatened strikes when President triat Huriken, Lucy Were MyCLL help of ito Judas leaders labor has cooperation between employed the strike two workers were killed out. The strike reached its climax Roosevelt arbitrated. The sot for mer kruwang lily wa FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE been cruelfied on the crome of the and unemployed word and 60 were wounded. The work in San Franciaco, in three day tlements included recognition of cu buip civwu by the way uyeu.
ers won cuaranteed wap soalareneral strika Police killed two! Comtapy untoos, bautomobiller NEW MILITANT. Comme Pass. Toledo sia the pace laat spring the right to represent tnelde me well worken. Is Seattle Mayor Smith the tretention of the teamcom your with their eye opgued. JOIN THJ WORKERS PARTY.
1934. Labor Story. Hope, Trust, Betrayal, Militancy. 1935 هيا من rtمر rarي اي مديونة