BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Franz Bobzien Murdered AWP Votes Fusion Plan As Drafted unist bureaucrated to Breaking Up Old Guard Talks Split In the PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1984 Led Tony Bellussi Quits IN THE TRADE UNIONS Antonio Bellusal, militant Franz Bobxlen is deadoully! housands anti Fascint sentenced by the government to deportation to murdered in Hamburg prison Italy because he refused to com: Independent Unionist former opinions when ordered to resents a complete right about face by Hitler gunmen.
do so and becomes a mere automa from what he had been telling us This revolutionary young On Nov. 24 south America. An announce Resigns From ton be cannot remain and live in for years and destroys the moral worker was a member of the by.
the party. No person who is a real basis for unions outside the Socialist Workers Party and the mittee for Non Partisan Labor a can go. to run Young Socialist League in Ger Defense, which was in charge National Unemployed Day, Nov (Ed. Note. We print below the many along with a system of this kind. these unions back into the of ember 24, Is an established histori.
Fulfilling the mandate given It resignation from the Communist of Bellussi case during recent To give an example: In the case which he and all the rest of you In February 1934, he was de cal date in the labor movement ut by the Pittsburgh convention of Party of Robert Strong, General months, states that he has obof the trade union policy, the told us for years was a company Ilported to Germany from Holland the Conference for Progressive the country tained a viss after a long Aght. Secretary of the Independent after following an ultra left course union outfit.
where he was attending an inBuilding Trades Council of New complete account of the demonfor years (1920 1933) of creating Labor Action a year ago, the ProStachel article in the November The took over the ternational conference of revo. visional Organizing Committee of strations in all localities is here im Bellusal case after the York with a chartered member paper unions in almost all indus Communist goes even further. It lutionary youth organizations, possible. It would read like a city the American Workers Party lald ship which has been reported by had botched it. Bellussi repu.
tries, has now switched completely lays down the perspective of pell together with four comrades.
and town directory of the nation.
before the delegates to the the Stalinist publications as more diated the when the Stal.
over to the ultra right, seeking to mell liquidation of the weaker in Delivered into the hands of than 20, 000 in and around New convention held November 28 to 30 But reports still coming to the narunning that liquidate the Nazis by the Dutch police tional office of the National Unem organization York. Strong has the solid sup paper uniong we not only the dependent unions and the return of make him detailed proposals for immediate which never should the stronger ones to the of be was sentenced to four years merger with Communist League ployed League, which initiated the port of the Council and its affili have been created in the first place, regardless of circumstances wbich imprisonment for high trens.
disavow his friendliness to the of America as the first step toward ates in his standpoint, with the movement, are indicative of fer The bad the but also those independent unions have called them into existence on. and then murdered in jail.
ment in the working class every.
the building of a new and effective exception of a part of the alteracooperation of the American which have a mass base and which with the liquidation policy already Refusing for purely fictional tlon painters. revolutionary party in the United where.
have come into existence through well under way (Mining, Textile, Civil Liberties Union in the ef.
reasons to participate in the in States and a revolutionary InternaWero More than Parades forts to save Bellusal from Mus.
mass revolts against the reaction Anto, Steel, Needle Trades, etc. cernational movement of protest. tional.
The demonstration of 1, 000 white solini dungeons.
New York, Nov. 26, 1934 ary bureaucrats.
the Pol Buro, not without equivo llthe Stalinists share in the guilt To the Central Committee of They were adopted substantially and black workers, Uncuort, After a protracted struggle It does not matter to the party cation and diplomacy even now of his execution.
the Communist Party: without change alter the fullest marching in the city of the was able to arrange leaders that the independent union Anally come out openly for the We swear to carry on until hua discussion. The vote for Miss, was classified by the press Bellunai departure to After having been a member of movement in the country has grown new way back to the of South Jexecutioners will feel the heavy merger come late in a session that the since 1925, helped to build enormously in these years and is the fact that all this is being done hand of proletarian retribution as tantamount to insurrection America. The State Department lasted for a score of hours into the They marebed to the relief head and Mussolini were thus cheated it up and active for years especially now bigger than at any time in the without the say Bo of the member.
early morning and was unanimous.
quarters demanding a solution of in its trade union work, and after history of the American labor move ship shows that the rank and Ale of of another victim. full report The Provisional Organizing Comthe unemployment evil notams, of the Bellussi case, including mature consideration of what the ment. The party leaders, being the party has lost control over the ac That, in the deep south, is more financial aspects, is promised for ty convention of the two groups on than just a parade. The same in death, have come to the conclu membership on this question, and of the party is reacting Instinethe near future.
the next day for the final ratificatrue of Ashland, Ky. where two emain in the swelled up with usurped auth tively, many of them consciously, tion of the proposals and the for thousand workers, white and black party and remain a Communist.
are attempting to put their essenti against these methods by dropping therefore hereby declare my ally reactionary policy across from out of the party en masse. voting mal creation of the new Workers marched to present demands to the Party of the authorities. In High Point, North withdrawal from the On Sunday, December 2, a genon top, without discussion, by back with their feet against the party Historie Occasion Carolina, the authorities were eral membership meeting of the am particularly in disagreement door methods, plece meal, first the bureaucrats.
This was the last and most im. acandalized by an unprecedented with your present trade union poli weaker unions then the stronger Members Quiting Welsbord group was held for the cy which, in my opinion, represents ones. Individual party members outpouring of the unemployed.
of a final vote on a thesis portant act in the career of an or.
Discipline without inner demo purpone by the National Commit. Sanization that within the few brom Dallas, Texas, Carl Bran a clear departure from revolution who might oppose it or at least de cracy is nothing but bureaucratism nin reports that more than 2, 000 (Continued from Page 1) ary priuciples, and which is being inand a discussion of the question, and has nothing in common with tee (Welsbord. on many events years of its existence initiated and of importance to the revolutionary some of the most significant marched to the city hall, demand. It has other grievances. whole put into effect in complete disre are done away with silently by the the Leninist principle of democra tle centralism. It cannot serve rev movement. It was known from and militant struggle of the Amthe National Unemployed Day de Waldman, patriotic y. lawyer, the party and the trade unions, and unity Is used to sugar cont the clutlonary purposes. attempt preliminary discussion that six out erican proletariat, blazed the trail mands, and that he write President and other right wingers from al behind backs of the member process of delivering these workers to sneakily abolish the independent of a total membership of fifteen in the trade antons of honest, mill.
tant, left wing leadership, built the Roosevelt to that effect. banuer dozen eastern states, the Old Guard ship over to the corrupt of Lm. unions without the consent of the were in opposition to the above createst of existing unemployed or in the march called for the aboli appeared before the national exeThe disagreements have on this reaucracy.
members under cover of discipline mentioned thesis.
is reactionary tion of capitalism, bag and bag cutive and put the knife to its question, however, might not have well known Stalinist ranizations and won for itself an So is discipline of Fetishism gage. In Texas a scandalous throat. Waldman presented a list lead to my withdrawal were it not without inner democracy. It is a methoit, in the interval between the impressive niche in the history of The party lenders conveniently method, a regime, allen to Lenin preliminary discussion and the final in Amersen.
tive working class march to power performance.
for the fact that in the course of of ten demands backed by the In Ohio, particularly in the in state the controversy had to realize repudiate their past policy and put concept of the party of the working vote, one comrade was expelled. This convention in an historie terior, the day was a holiday of One of these demands was that that the Leninist principle of Inner It aside as it it never existed. After class and is bound to result in the and others suspended, so as to alprotest.
super demonstration. Twenty thou shall announce in clear and un with in the Communist parties for ism for years they now brazenty Such discipline, therefore, has no meeting of December Knowing po Newark, Ohio, saw the National Executive Committee democracy had been done away making a principle of dual union degeneration of the movement. low Weisbord a free and at the occasion. Muste said in the convention, sand poured through the streets, equivocal language that it will nel a long time.
claim that they never advocated it meaning for meThe international that some comrades would attend for the to The sheriff and the business men ther consider nor discuss any pro Party Democracy Dead (Stachel article in the November party that Lenin created, and on the meeting to present a minorits cracing the party history and decided it was Red Saturday posals that may come from ComThe chief police came to the munists for a united front, for any in the there is no Under the regime now prevalling liquidation of the independent joined, has nothing in common with to keep the door closed from the Progressive Labor Action a year Coldes and obtained the asistance we have a great many times of building trades unions which the what prevails now.
Newark League the day before purpose, nor will it consider em volcing one views withont being as in the case of other such ont The 1s no longer the party of the building owner to keep apologizing for an American Legion barking upon any negotiations forstandered, pounced upon removed, unions, sponsored in the first place. of the Communist workers but those who insisted on participatine described ourselves as not slaves to Incldent some two months pre such a united front, and will also etc. The rights of the membership Right now the party leaders are private apparatus of corrupted buIn this meeting.
tradition. We have often spoken of viously, assuring the League mem advise state organizations to sounder the principle of democratic joining hands with William Green reaucrats. therefore sever my Unable to get the slightest hear a new or American approach, and Terence with the demonstration. Another demand was that the practice. It is futile, therefore, to ing the right of workers to organ deeply convinced that it cannot in such a hooligan atmosphere, the centralism have been abolished in and others of this stripe in outlaw relations with this organization, ing on the discussion of the thesis we have insisted that we be really And most assuredly there was none. declaration of principles recently attempt to influence or bring about Ize independently of the of serve the interests of the working comrades were forced to leave the The report to the convention gave Authorities Stand By adopted by the socialist parts, and a correction of the party line from under the slogan ot no dual un class. There is no other way now building.
Undoubtedly the thesis League of America and the negotiIn West Virginia, Kanawab, opposed by the right wing, be within.
Ionism. Foster letter to the for an honest revolutionist who has was thereafter unanimously actions leading to the merger.
Wayne, Boone and Putnam coun binding only upon those states Basic policies are changed over. of Convention, printed in the come to realize the actual state of cepted.
ties, miners and their wives, Nation: Whose membership approved the night, and unless one discards his October issue of Labor Unity rep affairs. ROBERT STRONG. further statement concerning Much of the discussion at the marched, while the authorities were erendum. New York State rejected developments in the Weisbord convention centered on the Declar.
content to stand by, watching for the declaration as in contradiction crats (not only Dubinsky, Rieve sroup will appear in the Militant ation of Principles prepared by the undue bulging of clothing indica with Socialist principles Canada Hails Joint Negotiating Committee of the and such types will quit if Wald in the near future. and the the theoretive of fire arms. There was no The memorandum demanded also man and Co. quit, but the Mitic foundation of the new party.
be taken into the Federation as a Section by section and paragraph trouble. Continued from Page 1)
the reorganization of the national tants are none too sure even of In Butte, Montana, 1, 200 jobless ottice of the party in Chicago, the Kryncki and such elements in the workers movement of Canada, the when it was seen that the working ceived the most careful and de whole. This policy reversed by paragraph the Declaration remarched, demanding relief from removal of Clarence Senior as na event of a right wing split) and also faces the danger of poClass units were putting forward tailed discussion by the 50 dele the misery of unemployment tional secretary and his replace practical politicians such as Jaslice suppression. Contingel from Page 1)
In Milwaukee, Des Moines, Tamment by someone who has the per McLevy, Mayor of Bridgeport, too radical demands for the major gates from all parts of the country, The influence of the stalinists to ity to accept and all organizational Every theoretic proposition was pa, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Allentown, confidence of both party factions. Dan Hoan of Milk waukee and changes and the crises in the parNew York City, in all the battle The memorandum demanded the Charlle Solomon of New York, ties of the Second International the Workers Party is on the upconnections with the trade unions immediately matched by the pracscarred centers of labor, there were addition of four members of the Stated even more pithily, the M11 since the Austrian events, the im grade. The has already were broken. Today workers cantical experience of the delegates, great demonstrations, right wing to the and the Itanta don feel they have the minence of Fascism in France and tablished firm connections in most Join only as individuals. Several all active leaders of trade union Delegation Visits Washington dissolution of all factional groups right to take over the leadership the deep ferment in the 1o. of the organized trades, including of the Western labor members of and unemployed morements.
On November 26, a committee of now functioning within the party of the They feel in their the entry of our French comrades the bullding, clothing, shoe, and the are in the Federal Par. When the discussion ended it 16 representing the organized un such as the Militants and the bones that after all the 18 Into the and the road to metal workers unions. few of ttament, was felt that the Declaration repemployed demonstrators, the Na Revolutionary Policy Committee. Identified with these old timers and the Fourth International.
the members are in leading post his summary of conditions in Can. tionary principles.
Comrade MacDonald concluded resented a body of clear revolutional Unemployed League and The Old Guard, however, woula Lelongs to them. Who are wel. This, he pointed out, could not tions in these unions.
Minor changes other organizations cooperating on maintain its faction!
or blue printed.
November 24, journeyed to Wash We do not desire to minimize them out and take over the Party? Different ronds would be taken ac Stalinists is ebbing fast. Following tween the Communist League and referred to the joint negotinting The prestige and power of the ada by stating that the fusion be adopted by the convention were Ington and met with the Secretary the crisis within the party. Worse What can we do? They have no cording to conditions in each coun their new policy upon the interna the American Workers Party into committee for an early formulation.
of Labor Francis Perkins and Hed than a split is the great danger of confidence their bones are stuffed try. In the United States and tional fled, they have consummat should give a tremendous impetus the Workers Party of America Adopt Organization Proposals eral Relief Administrator Harry the party disintegration. Here is not with marrow but like those of Holland by the independent roaded the most unprincipled alliances to the Workers Party of Canada. ganization of the new party were Concrete proposnls for the orHopkins.
a bold threat of split!
all centrists and Menshevike with the merging of revolutionary groups with all kinds of petty bourgeois Workers in both countries, he Ed McGrady, Assistant Secretary Militants Have Cold Feet vaolllation and self distrust. into new parties. In France, on and pacifist liberal elements, which The most of Labor and of big shot. The famous Militants. led by The Militants have had a long the other hand the road to the new has succeeded only in discrediting said, are in the closest connection adopted without nosals included of the was there to receive us. Smilog Thomas, Mayor Hoan of Milwau the or and Jovial, he shook us all by hand kee and LAO Krysckl of the Amal began within the They have Socialist Party. Intransigeance of scious workers, as economic conditions in the Unit. which was accepted on principal was glad to see us he sald and samnted Clothing Workers, And had to worry only about the old principle and flexibility of organ The Stalinists took the lead in ed States exert an immediate and and referred for Anal action to the told us be too had known lean days themselves on the spot. Con. Guard. No Socialist worker conization policy was the keynote of organizing the unemployed in Canpowerful influence upon its neigh unity convention; the officership of at one time, etc. etc. Good soft sequently, the Militants on the sidered the stalinist party as an comrade Cannon speech in point ada in the first year of the crisis bor. The two new Workers Parties the new party on a 50 50 parity Bonper, Mr. McGrady He assured us that the govern celve the Stalinist suppliants. They abandon the influence of reformismar Foad to the new revolution. Their unemployed Organization with the same name and a common with suggested names on the part national executive refused to re alternative, even when he began to ing the international however, has now almost complete revolutionary Marxist program are of the Joint negotiating committee ment in Washington was really did, however, give a hearing to Jay and centrism. Now, however, every Serious disagreement Arose only disintegrated. The is bound to be of great and to each and the set up of the National Com ours as well as other people Povestone, famous attorney for the leftward moving member fixes this question. minority of com galning a greater foothold among other and potent forco. In the mittee of with alternater on Madame Perkins listened impa Stalinists, who desires a return to a hopeful eye on the Workers Party. rades maintained that it was nel the unemployed groups, controlling coming structles of the American the same parity.
tiently to the demands of the un the policies of the Anglo Russian The Militants are at length necessary nor cor a considerable part of the leader and Canadian working class.
The convention voted unanimous employed. She injected many re Committee, that is, a non aggres ing forced to a choice: the French Socialist Party, that ship in Winnipeg and having comly to accept the names of marke, just to explain things, butsion pact of passivity.
this road was full Pittaris and plete control of a newly formed NY. Workers Rally Worken Party and of CanEither they must capitulate to would lead to international disas mass organization in Toronto.
Secretary of on the matter of cash relief and The truth is that the militanta the old Guard, in which case a ter for the organization. The dishigher rates she stated she was not are scared to death. They don whole mass of The major part of Stalinist acworkers will cussion on this question lasted two tivity today revolves around the non, editor of the new party paper.
qualified to declare for or against want to see the old Guard take start moving toward the tull days and concluded with an Canadian branch of the League most important ally of union labor organization. It was decided that (Continued from Page 1) Because the had no youth that demand!
away from them the Rand School, or, without taking a revolutionary overwhelming majority of the dele Against War and Fascism, Inrgely was the thrilling story told by while youth members of the party Perkins Doesn know On the chief question, that of other party properties. They don S. tew degrees further in its cates voting for the policy endorsed petty bourgeois in composition As, Arnold Johnson and Anthony Ram were to be placed on the executive plenum. in the Following this was large number of uglia, the national leaders of the committee of the Spartacus Youth through an extensive works pro parts of the sang of clever bawers the tide of revolutionary thought comrade Shachtman on the policy the lines laid down by the Amster responsibility of the Workers Parts the youth organization of the new. bureau she said, to pass Judgment as to whether that was the manner to Asked where the economy of scar this situation. genuine oppor year ago for the new party in Congress held at Toronto a few left under capitalism, was one of The must not be pabaive in ginning with its declaration of a National Anti Fascist and Anti War for whom abore all there is nothing on the 50 50 basis.
deal with the unemployment prob city came in on the 30 hour, 30 tunity exists. LOUIS BREIER.
It is our duty and which the set as its goal the months ago. The representatives the most important messages lem or not.
On the demand that war funde week, Mr. Hopkins mid he would opportunity to lend every possible founding of this revolutionary in of the participated in and brought to the mass meeting.
not go into that.
aid and comfort to the genuinely strument by fusion on a revolution presented their program to the THE MILITANT turned over for unemployment On cash relief, well, there are revolutionary elements within the ary basis with other groups inde local meetings, and later attempted tional convention of the Spartacus Bringing the greetings of the na Entered as second class mall for the House Ways and Means Hopkins agreed but there were into actions in which the inner Internationale.
for relief well, that was a matter some sound arguments for that. to push the As a whole pendent of the Second and Third to present a resolution embodying Youth League on the eve of its con Post Office at New York, UDCommittee to determine, arguments against it too, sald Hop conflict will be sharpened and a their viewpoint to the Congress it vention, Joseph Carter declared der the act of March 3, 1870.
Just at this juncture, the time kins, pulling his chin, and he agreed solution forced that will throw all The bulk of his speech dealt with self. The steering committee of that in its three day session the Published Weekly by the was up, and the delegation left with the latter.
Communist League of America Madame Perkins for the office of In plain languago No cash relier. Into the camp of revolation, Into Declaration of Princties. Barring Clergymen, repelled their attempt ization, organizationally independ vol. 7, No 48. Whole No 2522 the healthy elements of the Workers Party and the joint draft hers of the Stalinist Polcom and for a powerful mass youth organ. 144. Second Ave. New York, Mr. Hopkins fat No. on the point of raising our camp. For this, comradely minor differences on past methods and after a bitter struggle refused ent but owing political allegiance SATURDAYO RECEMBERDS, 1934 We told Hopkins we were fed up the relief standard again No. criticism, endless patient explana and tactics and secondary correcto put it before the Congress.
with evasiveness. Mr. Hopkins didto the Workers Party.
tion, an insistence on militant unit tions on the Declaration of PrinUnemployed Getting Enough a mind that, it seemed, as he pro Build New Party The writer asked Mr. Hopkins ed action on immediate issues of ciples, the convention was unaniJames Cannon Muste and James Can Martin Abern ceeded to give us some more.
Maurice Spector There is no well organized 80 non speeches together gave a pic Max Shachtman it would be misquoting him to say concern to the members both of mously for merger with the cialist Party in Canada. Although ture of the ten month collaboraOn demand number one wor)
Arne Swabeck.
Instead of relief for the unemployed that he held that the unemployed the and the Pa campaign The Third and last convention of there are several small local groupetion which led to the fusion and Bundle rates two cents per copy.
to expose the centrist leaders at the Communist League, marks pot which adhere to the ideas of the founding of the Workers Party. Mr. Hopkins agreed, but not on were getting enough rellet.
Subscription rate: 00 per copy.
the 80 hour week and 30 week Pulling his chin, Mr. Hopkins the top, are wesential.
the end of its struggle for Marx Socialists, they have no political After ten years of splits and disin 50c per half year. CADA and minimum. On the point there was said yes, we could quote him as The party of Hillquit can never sm, not the revision of its Ideas, significance. The road to the fortegration they both pointed out, Foreign. 50 per year: 7be for saying. sneering, hard boiled and crte become the party of Marx and Len but the shifting of its field of ac mation of the new party in Canada the Workers Party begins the The unemployed by and large in. But thousands of members of tivity from that of a propaganda was a comparatively easy question counter process of re unifying the fruits.
gorical No. Asked for his reasons, the party of Hillquit can and will group to mass work, to transform to decide and course to embark revolutionary Mr. Hopkins declared he did not are getting enough.
On the question movement organized in the near future become mem Many believe in an economy of scarcity Muste dwelt on the clear tion into a political based upon.
in the unemployed committees being re bers of the Workers Party, the rev on the tried and tested ideas of usion convention vere at The Cooperative principled basis, carefully encognized by local relief agencies as olutionary instrument of the Amer. Marx and Lenin. The convention Federation Commonwealth the founding of the Communist unclated in the Declaration of DANCE spokesmen for the unemployed, Mr. ican working class. The develop came to an end, after an all night about two years ago, is the biggest non. Then and now they follow Party 18 founded. The meeting (C. organized vement in 1917. declared Can. Principles, on which the Workers Music Entertainment Hopkins declared that his office had ments of the week at the Boston session, with ringing cheers from left party in Canada.
Saturday, Dec. 15, P.
sent letters to relief Agencies in meeting of leaders opens the the delegates. Is the farmers of Western Canada, Revolution. We have nothing but the singing of the International, as Its base the red gulding star of the Russian closed with terrific applause and IRVING PLAZA structing them not to refuse to meet door to our members to begin an Long live the Workers Party of particularly in Alberta, and it em contempt for those who usurp Len Comrade Muste called for the committees of the unemployed.
Irving Place and 15th St.
Intensive campaign of agitation in the United States The conference came to an end. Socialist crcles. Let us seize the Long live the Fourth Intere middle class groupe throughout the Our HI year o struggle in the tional. collection was taken bracer various labor and lower In name and falsify bis doctrines building of a new, Fourth InternaTickets 360 40e at door. The committee oled out.
opportunity and build the tool ANTHONY BAMUGLIA.
Dominion. At the time of its in movement symbolized by Ampleme: Workers Party of HARRY STRANG.
Leon which, with the sale of tickets. GEORGE CLARKE. ception, Inbor organizations were to Trotaky bring forth now its Aret totalled 4400. Endorses Fusion Program to