CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1934 TIL MILITANT PAGE Workers Party Declaration of Principles Constitution of the Workers Party Minneapolis Frame Up subordinate officers and deal. contention. appoints meeting characterizing it as the mittee.
other evils Where the masses are forced to form independent unions as a result of such intolerable situations the will support them in their efforts and struggles. We are firmly opposed to the Attacked by Dunne present maneuvers of the Communist Party for the arbitrary and mechanical liquidation of independent Resolved. That the following document he adopted the Convention, is vested in the National Committee (Continued on Page 1)
unions, regardless of the circumstances that called as the CONSTITUTION OF THE WORKERS elected by the Convention.
cannot be met by an amalgamation of the Second and PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES, and be it forthem into existence, their mans base, or the will of immediately called for his re arrest Section The National Committee shall be com on the trumped up ebarge of hav.
ther Third Internationals or by an International based on the membership. Where the of is unable prised as follows: a mixture of the bankrupt policies of the two or unwilling to organize the unorganized workers, Resolved. That all members of the ing murdered Lyman.
American Par. There shall be twenty two members. The following day at a meeting of rew, e. a Fourth, International, based on the theor.
especially in the basic industries, the will as Workers Party and of the Communist League of Par. The National Convention shall elect also 70 representatives and officials of etle and strategie principles laid down by Marx and sist them to form independent unions on an indus America, as certified by the Secretaries of the reBfx alternates, to in vacancies in the National Com the trade union movement of the leniu, representing the historie continuity of the in trial basis. It will, however, continue to work for a Rpective organizations, shall become Charter Mem mittee in the order decided upon by the Convention. city, which had been called to plan ternational revolutionary movement, and applying united, industrially constructed and militant trade bers of the Workers Party of the upon sigo Par. Members of the National Committee may to Aght the Citizens Alliance for these basic principles to the historical realities of the uno: movement fying their desire to do so, and are ellglble for elec be dropped from the Committee and or from the control of the city government, present stage of capitalist decline, must be built. The Workers Party stands for industrial unionisin, tlou or appointment to all offices, and be it further Party only by vote of the National Convention. resolutions were introduced by the The Is prepared to establish fraternal relations and will press forward the issue of amalgamation Resolved, That all persons applying for member Members of the National Committee may, however, leaders of local 574 which resulted with all groups, organizations and parties in other in every field in which such action is necessary.
ship within sixty days after the first Convention, and be suspended from membership and be barred from in the meeting being converted countries which stand on the same fundamental proWe wam the organized workers against the tenwhose applications are accepted, shall have the ata all rights as members, punding final decision of the immediately into a defense rally for kram as our own and to cooperate with them in the deney, particularly noticeable since tbe NRA, to the tus of Charter Members, and be it further Party Convention, by vote of two thirds of the mem Happy Holstein.
elaboration of a complete world program and the Resolved, that the National Committee of the bership of the National Committee.
the trade union movement up with the capitallet The Minneapolis Labor Review of speedlest possible establishment of the New Internagovernment. This policy, nourished and supported Workers Party of the in the period between the Section The National Committee directs all the Friday, Nov. 23, devotes its front tional.
by the leaders of the American Federation of Labor, initial and the second National Conventions, 18 em work of the Party, decides all questions of policy in ge entirely to a discussion of that STRUGGLE AGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR must inevitably result, if it is allowed to prevall, 1n powered to increase its membership up to and includ. accord with the decisions of the emasculating the unions, in restricting the right to ing thirty by two thirds vote, and to elect additional including greatest outpouring of business The Workers Party is pledged to a revolutionary strike, to picket and carry on any normal activity, members accordingly, likewise by two thirds vote. the Political Committee, and, in general, constitutes representatives and otficials of unstruggle against war, which can be eliminated only and undermining the workers power of resistance.
between Conventions the functioning authority of ions that has occurred in several by the overthrow of the society which breeds it. It the Party, years.
will strive by every means in its power to prevent AGRICULTURAL WORKERS AND FARMERS CONSTITUTION OF THE WORKTRS PARTY OF Section The local governing body of the Party The next day the Trade Union the outbreak of another imperialist war.
THE UNITED STATES It will The section of the agricultural population shall be the Local Executive Committee, or, where Defense Committee brought Happy lon on which combat the idea that it is to the interest of the the Workers Party bases itself directly consists of ARTICLE I: NAME only one branch exlsts, the Branch Executive Com Holstein out of jail on 10, 000 ball, workers to support defense of the capitalist)
Where District Executive Committees shall procured by placing the property the agricultural laborers whose standard of living The name of the organization shall be the WORK fatherland. based as this idea is on the conception is even lower than that of the industrial workers ERS PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES (herein be constituted, the National Committee shall decide of the Milk Drivers nion at 340 of a community of interest between classes which and whose efforts to organize in order to improve after referred to as the Party. their relation to the Local and Branch Executive Fifth Street, under bond.
capitalism by its very nature makes impossible. thelr conditions are met by the most brutal represCommittees.
The Labor Review says: OrganARTICLE IT: PURPOSE Under no circumstances will the give any slon. The organizntion of these workers into millSection The Branch Executi Committee shall Ixed labor is in an ugly mood at the support, directly or indirectly, to any war conducted tant unions is an essential part of the development The purpose of the Party is set forth in its De. be elected by the membership of the branch, and is attempted framing of Happy Holby the capitalist government of the On the of the revolutionary movement in the United States.
claration of Principles.
subordinate to the branch membership. Its duties steln.
contrary, it will actively fight such a war and The Workers Party will give special attention to this ARTICLE III: INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATION are to direct the activities of the branch, and to act Trade unionists have not forwork not for the victory of the capitalist govern task, and pledges its fullest support to all the strugwith full powers for the branch between branch meet gotten how Henry Ness and John gles of the oppressed agricultural workers.
The Party, at its leunching, is affiliated with no ings. This section applies likewise to Local Execu Belor, valiant members of Drivers other group, party, or organization in the United tive Committees 074, were slaughtered and more utopian and illusory Ideas of prelfism. We support Millions of share croppers and tenant farmers in States or elsewhere. Its National Committee is emthan 40 others shot in the back.
the wars of the oppressed against the oppressor, of various sections of the United States have been re powered to enter into fraternal relations with groups ARTICLE VI: INITIATION FEES AND DUES That there has been no effort to workers states against capitalist states, of the en.
duced to virtual servitude and a peasant basis of and parties in other countries, and, if they stand Section Each applicant for membership (other apprehend or Indlet those big shot slaved peoples against their imperialist exploiters, existence. Even those farmers who nominally own on the same fundamental program as its own, to than Charter Members) shall pay an initiation fee higher ups responsible for giving of the colonies against those who keep them in servi. the land they occupy, are loaded with a growing cooperate with them in the elaboration of a complete of twenty five cents, which shall be receipted for by the order for their slaying while tude, of the nationalities, races and minorities who burden of mortgages and debts and under capitalism world program and the speediest ble establish an Initiation stamp furnished by the National Office. Happy Holstein, humble worker, suffer under the yoke of a ruling caste. The policy are less and less able to make a living from the sale ment of the new revolutionary International. Action The entire Initiation fee shall be paid to the Nation is being attempted to be framed is of folded army, passive resistance, conscientious of their produce. This situation has driven them to on any organizational affiliation must be snbmitted al Office convincing the workers more than objection. etc. is completely futile as a means of openly violent Holiday movements, milk strikes, to a National Convention of the Party.
Section Each member shall pay monthly dues ever that the so called machinery struggle against imperialist war, regardless of the Anti foreclosure and anti eviction demonstrations, of Afty cents which shall be receipted for by dues of justice is the machinery of class sincerity and courage of those who resort to it. The ARTICLE IV: MEMBERS etc. These struggles, however, can have a consiststamp furnished by the National Office through the justice and not of even handed answer to Imperialist war is the workers revolution.
Section All those who accept the Declaration of ently progressive characetr and can achieve lasting Branch Treasurer, and affixed to the membership justice.
This policy holds good also in the event of a mill results only if they are directed against the capitalPriuciples adopted at the First Convention, who card of each member. In addition, all members are Dunne Promises Fight tary alliance between the and the Soviet Union ist system Itself. For the farmers, as well as for agree to abide by the discipline of the Party, and to engage actively in its work, are eligible to member according to their means. In special cases, the Naframe up of union leaders, Vincent expected to make regular voluntary contributions Commenting on the attempted (an alliance which under certain circumstances the all oppressed groups, emancipation and security can might be unable to avold. In such a case the come only by allying themselves with the working ship.
tional Committee may authorize a reduction in the Dunne, leader of General DrivW. unreservedly supporting the Soviet Workers class in the struggle for a socialist society.
Section Every member must belong to a duly amount of monthly dues, not more than ofty perers Local Union 574 of Minneapolis, State, would expose the treacherous aims of the NEGROES AND OTHER OPPRESSED RACIAL constituted branch of the Party in the locality where cent, upon application by the party unit affected. uow in New York City to attend government of Imperialism in the alliance, he resides, if such a branch exists. In localities Section Where branches are joined in Local or the founding convention of the call for its overthrow and its replacement by a revoGROUPS where no branch exists, members shall be admitted District Committees, one half of all dues payments Workers Party of the made lutionary workers government which alone would be The Negroes compose the most explolted and per. as members at large.
shall go to the National Office; where Local or Dis the following statement to the capable of making a loyal alliance with the S, And secuted section of the population of this country. Section Applications for membership shall be trict Committees do not exist, two thirds of all dues Multant: giving it unqualified support in the war.
Racial differences are used by the capitalist dictator acted upon by the local branch concerned, in accord payments shall go to the National Omce. In the case We have heard of such contesship to drive down the standard of living of all ance with the general regulations laid down by the of members at large, the entire amount of dues pay slons before in the history of frameTHE DEFENSE OF THE SOVIET UNION workers and to keep them from uniting against their National Committee, and subject to review by higher ment shall go to the National Office up against members of trade unThe Soviet Union is a workers state, product of oppressors and thus achieving complete emancipation. units of the Party. Applications for membership at Section No members are exempted from the ions who dared to behave like honthe Russian revolution and beacon light of inspiraThe Workers Party will labor unceasingly to con large shall be acted upon by the National Commit payment of at least the minimum dues. In special est union men. We are not frighttion to the workers of the entire world. Despite all vince the white workers on the one hand, and the tee, or by such comunittee as it shall designate. cases, however, local branches are at liberty to pro ened by this one.
the diciculties imposed upon it by Ita isolation within workers of the Negro and other oppressed racial Section An official Membership Card shall be vide payment for individual unemployed branch If the Citizens Alliance wants a a ring of capitalist enemies the Russian workers have groups, such as the Japanese, Mexicans and Filipinos, issued to each member.
members from the branch treasury, upon vote of the Aght, they will get it. Seventy Minalready accomplished marvels, and have demonstrat.
on the other hand, that their interests are the same. Section member desiring to leave one locality branch. The National Committee is, however, em neapolis unions, all of the Ameried beyond doubt that planned socialist production is The elementary and basic task is to unite the work for another must apply to his branch for permission, powered to exempt a branch, and its members, from can Federation of Labor, bave manifestly superior to capitalist production even in ers regardless of rain economic and political or and receive a transfer card, which is to be deposited this requirement, and to sue special unemployed leagued together to fight these its best period. The unconditional defense of the ganizations for a common struggle. The stands with the branch of the locality to which the member stampe.
frame ups and their instigators. Soviet Union against capitalist attack is an elemenfor the complete equality of the Negroes and all other moves. If no branch exists in the new locality, the Section Housewives, not employed, who are am confident that the workers tary duty of every worker. Any attempt by the im races and will fight against every form of race dis member shall remain member at large.
members of the party, may, on request, be granted Party will make one of its first acperialists of any land to attack or undermine the crimination. economic, political, social, against Section The National Committee is empowered unemployed exempt stamps.
tivities the rallying of its members Soviet Union will find the revolutionists of the Workwage differentials, lynching, Jim Crowism, the Section Dues paying members of the youth throughout the country to organize to accept groups or organizations of individuals.
ers Party ready to defend it to the utmost. Funda barring of Negroes and other groups from the trade eligible under Section of this article, 18 members organization who are simultaneously party members a nation wide defense movement.
mentally this real defense of the Soviet Union deunions, and all other forms of racial and national en bloe, and to assign them to the proper branches shall, on request, be exempted from the payments of Before we get through with the pends not upon the League of Nations, non aggres chauvinism. At the same time, we point out that the dues in the party branch.
ARTICLE V: ORGANIZATION Citizens Alliance similar plunder sion pacts, or any such measures, but upon success Negro urban and rural masses cannot achieve delly.
Section Members who are three months in ar organizations in other cities will ful workers revolutions in other countries.
erance by reliance upon Negro capitalists and middle Section The basic unit of the Party shall be reare in payment of dues shall cease to be members think twice before they try to rallclass elements or a so called Negro capitalism.
the branch. branch shall consist of not less than in good standing, and shall be so notified by the road an honest trade union militant THE MAIN TASK Only by the complete abolition of capitalism will they nor more than 50 members. When a branch Branch Executive Members six months in arrears to his death.
The main and immediate task of the is the gain freedom from discrimination, exploitation and achleves a membership of 50, it shall be subdivided shall be stricken from the rolls of the Party.
mobilization of the American masses for the struggle tyranny.
Into two branches. Exceptions can be made only by against capitalism and the preparation for its revoARTICLE VI: DISCIPLINE of permission the National Committee.
COLONIAL PEOPLES Party to Act on Defense lutionary overthrow. To this end the Party will Section All decisions of the governing bodies Section Wherever two or more branches exist work within the mass organizations of workers and The workers in the United States and the peoples in the same locality, a Local Exechtive Committee of the Party are binding upon the members and subfarmers and will support and seek to give leadership (Continued from Page 2)
of Latin America, the Philippines, Hawall and shall be formed by delegates from the respective ordinate units of the Party.
to all their immediate practical struggles, strikes, Liberia, have one enemy in common American imSection Any member or unit violating the desions. In the struggle against rebranches elected on the basis of proportional repredemonstrations, mass action for relief and social in perialism. The Workers Party pledges its unquall sentation.
cisions of a higher unit of the Party shall be subject action against Fascist and semisurance, Alghts against lynching, evletions, foreclos filed and active support to these peoples in every Section In such cases as may be decided by to disciplinary actions up to expulsion by the body Fasciat trends, against the suppresprogressive struggle they undertake to gain the un.
having furisdiction.
ures, etc. The will participate with its own the National Committee, District Executive Commitsion of civil liberties and the rights candidates and program election campaigns, with hampered right of self determination, free from strike, picket tees, comprising delegates from a given group of Section Charges ag any member sball be of labor to organizeste interests, out, however, sowing the fatal Illusion that the military, political or economie intervention or presmade in writing and the accused member shall be and otherwise local branches, shall be formed.
sure by Imperialism. Our Party stands for the furnished with a copy. Charges filed before branches against deportations, against the workers can accomplish their emancipation by means ARTICLE VI: ADMINISTRATION of the ballot box. Election campaigns will serve unconditional and immediate Independence of the shall be considered by the Branch Executive Com oppression of aliens, Negroes and Section The highest governing body of the Party Philippine Islands, Hawall, Porto Rico, the Virgin mittee at a meeting to which the accused member 18 other minority elements of the poprimarily as a means of revolutionary propaganda.
Our candidates elected to Congress or other govern Islands and all other colonies and dependencies of Is the National Convention. Its decisions shall be invited. The Branch Executive Committee shall sub pulation, the entire working class binding upon the entire membership the and for the withdrawal of all troops from mit a recommendation to be acted upon by the mem has a common interest. It is the mental bodies will utilize their positions for the Section Between National Conventions, the au bership of the Branch. Charges considered by high task of the revolutionary party to purpose of exposing the sham any territory outside the boundaries of the The of capitalist demothority of the Convention, subject to the decisions of Workers Party is further pledged to active opposition er units of the Party shall, however, be acted upon make clear to the class this comcracy and promoting the development of the masa by the said units.
mon Interest and to bring about movement of the workers. It will carry on constant to any endeavor by American imperialism, be it open propaganda to educate the vanguard workers in the or masked, to infringe upon the right of self deterin action how the fight of employed and unemployed Section Disciplinary action by a higher unit of unitedl action on behalf of this inof revolutionary Marxism. Everywhere, it mination of any nation or people.
the Party shall be initiated in the local branch. terest. In such action on an honagainst their common oppressor can be united. It Failure of the branch to act, or ranch action deeme supports and helps organize the struggles of the fighting united front basla, will seek to demonstrate in action the applicability The revolutions in the colonies, semi colonles, and of its principles and tactics and the competence of spheres of influence of imperialism will play unemployed masses for relief, against evictions, for improper by the higher unit, may be followed by Labor will advance step by step direct disciplinary action by the higher unit. against its class enemy and out of its leadership in the mass movements of the workers.
social Insurance, etc.
an important part in the revolutionary struggle to Section Any member subjected to disciplinary the fires of the struggle will come THE TRADE UNIONS overthrow the imperialist exploiters at home, and THE YOUNG WORKERS action has the right to appeal to the next higher unit, new revolutionary elements and an vice versa. SUccessful revolution in the United The capitalist system has throughout its existence up to and including the National Convention. Pend ever larger militant movement.
The trade unions are the elementary and basie States would be decisive for the emancipation of the been marked by the most hideous exploitation of ing action on the The founding convention of the organs of working class defense against capitalist tolling masses throughout Latin America. On the Aggression, and of all trade unions the most imporchildren and youth. Capitalist society today cannot hody having jurisdiction, the decision of the Party remains in full force and Workers Party of the notes other hand the revolution beginning in one of the offer Jobs even at starvation wages to millions of its effect.
with regret that there exists no ortant are those of the workers in the large shops, Latin American countries, or in one of the colonies youth, but only frustration or actual destruction mllls, factories and mines of the baste industries.
ARTICLE VII: QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELECTION tinuous and organized expression to conTkanization capable of or semi colonies of the United States, can spread under Fascist reaction or war. The working and With these as its base, the Party will penetrate throughout the continent and powerfully accelerate student youth will and in the Workers Party which Section Except in the case of newly organized this common interest. broad, similarly the unions and federations of all groups of the development of the class struggle and the revolu aims at the establishment of a socialist society the branches, members of Local and Brauch Executive class conscious militant defense orworkers, activixing and politicalling their struggles. tion in the United States. The struggle against constant champion of their interests. The Party will Committees must have been members of the Partyganization does not exist today. Its The main aim of the in the trade unions is to Imperialism at home and throughout its vast empire undertake as one of its most urgent and important for at least three months.
creation is a crying need. To It Intuse them with the spirit and policy of class strugIs thus indissolubly linked together. The Workers tasks the building of a youth organization embracing Section Members of the National Committee should rally all class conscious elegle and to aid in developing a militant leadership in Party will actively support and endeavor to coordi young workers, young farmers and young students must have been members of the Party for at least ments, regardless of political ditAccord therewith. To this end it will wage an Irre bate all the manifestations of this struggle.
based ou the party principles of revolutionary one year ferences. It should be partisan concilable struggle against the reactionary officialdom Marxism.
PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL WORKERS ARTICLE VIII: NATIONAL CONVENTIONS only of the class as a whole, inof the trade union movement. We shall encourage and Inspire workers in the unions to fight against The professional and technical workers have a disTHE UNITED FRONT Section The National Convention of the Partycluding all militant workers and autocracy, corruption and gangsterism and against tinctive contribution to make both in the struggle to In spite of organizational and political differences, shall be held once a year. Special Conventions shall Aghting on behalf of all working cass victims of capitalist oppresbe called by the National Committee upon the demand the class collaboration tendency so prevalent in the overthrow capitalism and in the building of a new the workers, to defend their rights and advance their slon regardless of their political trade union movement, wherever these appear. The social order. With these considerations in mind the of branches or Local Executive Committees repreInterests, must achieve united action. If they do not, senting one half of the membership llets or affiliations. It should comW. stands for rank and file control and trade union will help to build up conomlo organizations wage and relief cuts, increasing abrogation of poliof these workers and seek to penetrate existing or tienl and civil liberties and finally war and the vic Section The Call for the Convention, together bine with skillful legal work, the democracy. It will take the initiative in organizing the left and the progressive forces to fight for a ganizations. It will seek to overcome the traditional with an agenda and the proposals of the National that the capitaist courts and adtory of fascism are assured. This does not mean the militant, class struggle policy and leadership in the hesitancy of American professional and technical false and in practice disruptive united front such as Committee shall be issued at least sixty days before ministrative agencies will learn to trade union movement.
workers to take part in social and political activity the date of the Convention for discussion in the local tear the anger of the class and be was proposed by the Communist party in the united.
and to draw them along with all other exploited The stands for trade union unity: a divided front from below. Likewise the rejects arbiorganizations and in the official publications.
groups Into the labor and revolutionary movement.
trade union movement facilitates the progress of retrary arrangements between bureaucratle oficials Section Representation at the Convention shall compelled to abandon their plots be proportionally based upon the membership In against the workers.
action and Fascism. The Workers Party is opposed Imposed upon the masses, and so called non aggres.
THE UNEMPLOYED The founding convention notes good standing at the time of the Convention Call with approbation the proposals slon pacts which in practice mean capitulation to to the Communist Party policy of ballding paper The great and largely permanent army of the unnalons, mechanically controlled by the party, which reformist tendencies since they obscure differences of employed during the period of the rapid decline of ARTICLE IX: FRACTIONS made some months ago by the principle between reformists and the revolutionary The are in no sense genuine mass organizations. favors the organization of workers into unlong capitalism is a vast depository of every kind of social Members of the Party in trade unions and other Provisional Committee for Nonparty. The Workers Party stands for an honest discontent. In a position where the conduct of their mass organizations shall organize themselves into Partisan Labor Defense and die aliated with the of wherever possible, since straightforward, carefully defined united front of Ilves has lost meaning, the unemployed will fractions for common work within such organizacussed on several occasions with the of represents the main mass of organorganizations on specife and Immediate Issues facing tions. The work of a fraction within a given mass representatives of the American Join with the movement that convincingly promises the workers. Such united front actions in which the ized labor and the trend of workers now moving for them a new and integral place in the social order. participating organizations retain complete political organization shall be under the direction and control Workers Party, the the soorganization is in the same direction.
Unless the working class movement by giving supof the Party unit having jurisdiction over the Party cialist Party and other elements of and organizational Independence develop the mass The Workers Party does not believe, however, that members constituting the fraction. The members of the labor movement. The convenport to thelr struggles and by convincing presenta power of the workers, teach the workers the need the American Federation of Labor has any right tion of the revolutionary way out of the crisis, drawe and value of unity, expose the weakness or treachery a fraction must work as a unit under all circum tion authorizes the to carry to claim a monopoly in the field of labor organization. in the unemployed, they will be a prey to chauvinistic stances.
of reactionary and reformist leaders, and give the Violations of traction discipline shall be these discussions further and to Too often the rederation officialdom has repelled and military propaganda, to fake social nostruma revolutionary party the opportunity to show in action reported to the proper organization of the Party for hasten the establishment of a millworkers in the bable Industries by an insistence on action.
tant, class conscious, non partisan and to Fascist demagogy. The Workers Party will the correctness of its principles and tactics. Thus, craft union forms. In numerous cases, Important reslat all efforts to erect barriers between the em united front actions are indispensable preparations defense organization as a primary ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS need of the working class in a pergroups have been forced out of its ranks by outright ployed and unemployed, will constantly stress the for the revolutionary unity which, in the revolution Amendments shall be made to the Constitution by 1od of intense struggle and bitter betrayal of strikes, by bureaucracy, racketeering and community of Interest between them, and will show ary crlals, will enable the workers to take power. majority vote of the National Convention.