BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniOpportunismRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpartacistStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT NewarkAnti NaziProtest Split by Stalinists, YPSL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1934 Easley Plots Against Boys; Role Revealed ments Spartacus Youth on for cently Last week million men went through Red Square while the TWO ANNIVERSARIES world proletariat writhed in de leats. No Congress of the Communist International was assembled to cheer, or to be heartened for One aspect of the recent celebra. the ashes of civil war. Cities lay further revolutionary struggle. No (Continued from Page 1)
Stalinist faction begins On Sunday night, Nov. 18, Law gans For the United Front of all been insufficiently dwelt upon by and exhausted, necessitating the martyrs of Germany, Austria and her go back to the false yarn she those who proposed criticizing Lel tion of October in Moscow has in ruins, the population was poor messages were sent to the bereaved campaign of abuse and slander of rence Dennis, fascist, came to the Working Class Organizations and the revolutionary press in the Unit introduction of the New Economie Spain. Instead Franklin Roosewas induced to tell at the first bowitz. refuses to ask caplUniversalist Church in Newark to No Platforms for Fascists echoed ed States. It remained for the Policy, the sharpest right turn ever velt was sending his greetings to trial. This is only one of a dozen talist press to print criticisms of peak on the Coming Fascism :p and down the picket line. When bourgeois press, particularly the made in Soviet internal policy. Kaliniu. In New York in the commiserable schemes now being conAbout 150 were in the mass picket a Spurtacist was manded by a cop, New York Times, to feature the On November 1, 1922, Mussolini Portable patrician atmosphere of cocted behind the scenes, while the owita in article in the Daily WorkLeibowitz, vigorously defends Lelbonstration called by a united tront Hold your ground, Leo. After revolutionary character of the 17th as a hundred thousand blacksbirta sky, Consul General of the Union contest cach other right to repre criticizing Leibowitz and the between the and the mass picketing an anti fascist anniversary.
were given the key to the capital of the Union of the Socialist Soviet sent the boys in court. The worst deal with him.
However, the organization that set rully was held in a nearby hall. It will be remembered that it The American was under Republic, celebrated with canapes of all ss a rotten deal between Lel April 28. Wm. Patterson Inon foot the united front in Newark Our delegate asked the chairman and played a militant part in the for one of our speakers to be als that Karl Radek interview with tionary tide was ebbing.
was not long before November ground. In Germany the revolu und cakes.
bowitz and the State of Alabama! doces pateked meeting of the picket line was excluded from the lowed the floor. He spoke about the post correspondent, in which That is diplomacy. But what was The Militant is in a position to to refuse vote of confidence to united front negotiations. Follow expenses. We agreed to share it. he spoke like a labor faker about Celebrating October Under NEP bappening in Moscow?
state authoritatively while the de Executive which unanimously asked ing is a factual account of the unit we were refused a speaker, and our the hopelessness of the revolution were made to celebrate the fifth And in Moscow preparations Under the Cloud of Reaction tails of Mr. Leibowita arrange criticism of Leibowitz. fac Gone was most of the trucuments are still secret, they have tionalists denounce crities of Leib.
demonstration Suuday night, and of front of the room. The Wobblics, ary movement in bourgeois Ameri anniversary of the Revolution. lence of other years. The old ap the aid and blessing of none other owitz un sabotagers, white chauvinde parte a te stellen Spartacus incensed the remexclusion of what a save the cue ot soviet pacifism by the assembling of the 4th Worla peals to the proletariat or other than Ralph Easley of the Nationalists, aids to lynchers, counter TevYouth League played throughout. they termed the militant pickets. Moscow.
to the bourgeois correspondents in Congress of the communist Inter lands to hurl down capitalism were Civle Federation, perhaps the most olutionaries and Trotskyites.
Frank Sept. 16. Spartacus Youth League wanted to start a demand for an (S. delegates in a discussion speaker from the floor. How. the Post, nor the Denny dispatches versarles 1922 and 1934.
respeicher Radek statementschto anerence between the two anni banners and the proclamations and loux red hunter and reactionary in who endorsed the April resolution with two members of the ever, we did not want a recurrence on the celebration, have elicited a Charles Ashleigh, writing in the pooning of individual speeches of the leaders. The lam the entire United States! The sort joins in denouncing those who on the united front, proposed of the Madison Square riot. The counter statement from stalinist Communist Review (England) of countries in the eligies carried by soon going to loose upon the worla May Ten members of the capitalist of campaign which Leibowitz is wrote it.
a joint letter of and Wobblies went outside and in a quarters.
to the asking the latter to street meeting condemned strongly Lest it be thought that the bouring celebration of the Communist to mild take offs on German fascism tion with such elements January. 1923, describes the open workers delegations was reduced is clearly indicated by his associa including half a dozen members of its Executive and three participate in a united front on the splitting tactics of the The specific issues. They were invited. Lovestoneites and politics, turn to the New Masses of special trains carried the delegates since the Soviet Union has been bas endeavored to cover his inten on the ground that their work has geols press is slanderinge Soviet International in Petrograd. Two and Japanese imperialism, as it, we understand that Leibowitz of the of the resign next meeting of the to discuss the matter before the the publicly condemned the November 13, 1934, and find burled to the Communist Congressal admitted into the League of Napocket American Scottsboro Com lnts attacks. Fearing to harm desectarian exclusion of the in the editorial paragraphs their Congress of the Red the recognized by the United States, tions by drawing into his vest been made impossible by the Stalin.
Oct. At meeting from the demonstration.
only comments on the anniversary Labor Union and the Congress of tions and has formed clote diplo. Socialist Party. We are told that their letter of resignation. CommuThe Fascists are strong in New of the Revolution: mitteo leading members of the fence our delegates repeated the proposal, movement. they suppress the Young Communist Internation matic ties with other countries, a stressing the necessity of a brond ark and drill often. They are armed.
Consolation in Figures united front of all working class New broad united fronts must be al, party workers and labor four. ban had been placed against overly one Socialist Batly refused to go in nist League of America alone con The most gratifying way we nalists, from Moscow to Petrograd. exuberant attacks on capitalism.
organizations, especially as in New. created. United Workers Guard because he got a sniff of Ensley in tinues to expose Leibowitz rotten Soviet anni. There in the gigantic Uritsky the offing. This does honor to him opportunism.
ark there was a strong fascist youth is on the order of the day, which know of celebrating Emphasis on Soviet Defense movement. The a letter to their Cred to send must be representative of all laborversary 19 a careful perusal of Square a stand had been erected The emphasis today was on their but Basley is far from being Oct. 1933. Leibowitx uses ScottsWe took our internal upbuilding of the country the only thing wrong with the Lelboro prestige to aid Mayor McKee to ask author organizations. We call upon all Soviet graphs and figures. No ora. for the delegates.
bowitz set up.
campaign in Harlem: LLD, backity to send the joint letter with the workers everywhere: Against sectory, no rhetoric, no poetry can places, and the murch past began. und on defense against attacks They came in at one end of the Irom without. On the front of the Some weeks ago, the Militant ing Communist Party ticket, makes to the for the purpose tariania! For the united front of convey the grandeur of the proleof effecting the united front in a working class organizations! tarian revolution and socialist con suare, marched past the stand, and old traders row, across the square printed a general characterization first geuniue attack on Leibowitz Newark. The gave them this ARNE COLTS. struction as can the simple matter left the other end. We stood from the Kremlin, enormous red of how the brought Sum not for bis Scottsboro policy, but authority. They voted to send a of fact statements of Soviet arith there our hats in our hands, re lags were fuscribed simply, Work Lelbowitz into the case, how he be becanse he is still a Democrat!
Oct. 1934. LL. attorneys arjoint letter with the ceiving the greetings of the Petro ers of the World, Unite, in a hall haved in it, how the behaved Alter eitling many really heart suche le front evolutionary aut dozen dugun is includible dention were. The militant is now atempteus korterite wife seves to him, and what the prospects rested in Tennessee, charged with Nov. The received at communication stating We realize Convention that the is anxious to bring tinues. Add to this the tremendous niversary, to salute their comrades stration of the new attitude toward position to give more concrete data case witness Leibowitz nelzes this gains in the realm of culture, and of the Communist International about a united front, and we exthe capitalistic world that has re on the secret history of the rela occasion to break with LL. reto this again, the triumphs in in They passed on and tend to you the band of comradeternational relations during been becoming more and tions of the IL. to Sam Leibo peating his customary attacks on ship. inviting us to send delegates Frisco and Los Angeles delegates the hower and their faces were used more apparent in Moscow. This is witz. The following chronological mass movements and radicals, and 10 a united front conference at their to the first national convention of record of achievements unparal they cheered.
past twelve months, and you have towards us as they passed and ever that world revolution will come but account stands on its own foet: his customary praise of white chruAnd we cheered not in the way that was foreseen headquarters (Y. on Nov. 11. che partens Youth League, to be leled even in the unparalleled his back.
Then the Communist Internation itself here.
when bolshevis first entrenched tary of the Communist Party and princil and disappointed. the urecember 3, are atrendy on thele The Daily Worker simply prints al received the salute of the Red The new conception is that it Leibowitz, noted defender of gang for some for permission to expres. com Patterson, Secretary of the denounces Leibowity as similar letter. propose to retain Samuel traitor, and sharply attacks him Nov. 11. The set hoofway. In addition, delegates are its own description, which ignores Army.
ficial delegate to the confereuce expected from Minneapolis, Youngswar whould break out between the sters, for new trials of Heywood political angle, while singing a because the Trotskyites were in town, ittsburgh, Newark, Phila lyrie to Socialism. Such doping and Soviets in Joint Session Soviet Union and capitalist coun Paterson and Clarence Norris, Na Leibowitz orders ont of case, On the evening of the celebra tries it would be on the initiative vited. Karlson, organizer, delphia, New Haven, Toronto, Canof the American proletariat callstion, the Communist International of the latter and that war for which tonal Executive of against affirming he is retained by all boys.
appeared however, to present their ada, Chicago and New York. Pra for the belladonna of sharp eritiand the Petrograd Soviet sat in the capitalist world seems to be Bureau, Instructs Patterson to re dispute right to represent boys in Nov. 1934. IL. and Leibowitz opposition of the National viewpoint to the Yipsels. His main termal delegates are expected from cism.
arguments were that we were in Much cities as Detroit and Colum Revisionism with a vengeance joint session. Thus, in the midst feverishly preparing will result in tain Leibowitz, only if the latter next trials Boys in desperation, significent and we should proves, Ohio.
of unexampled enthusiasm on the the downfall of capitalist regimer agrees to limit himself to discussion shift allegiance from one worthless No one is surprised at these part of the masses of Petrograd and in the victory of the proletariat of legal and factual que tions, to ally to another several times: our revolutionary sincerity by not The first wational convention will things any longer. Each year as and Moscow, the Fourth Congress that had been expected to follow make no attacks on the view that any defense movement almost opposing something so important as coincide with the third anniversary the Soviet Union grows in mechan. of the Commist International the World War. And so the role of the case has general social signified. Leibowitz. continues fulmin.
a unitel front. Our speaker polut of the publication of Young Spar. Ical strength, the more graceful is began its work on the Fifth Annt communism would be not that of cance, to make no concessions to thousalust Red and eulogies ed out that something insignificant tacus and the beginning of our the Stalinist curteay to the ruling versary of the Proletarian Revolus capitalisn executioner for capi: Southern Bourbon anti Negro atti. Suster Winx support of our rence could nc portant as the united front. Furthe experience accumulated and the thought of, and the less beckoned view, March, 1923. Communist Re talism would commit suicide but tudies, and to offer no opposition to of its grave digger.
ther, that in the last two years they forces asembled in this period the to, is the world proletariat. Arith. Many revolutionary leaders came had entered tive united fronts with Spartacus Youth are now ready to metical proletarian revolution along to greet the Fourth Congress and celebration as evidenced in articles anon orders from Browder, agent who makes money out of This was the theme of today for the boys.
efforts to win militant mass support tionary Negro parsons and one Harlem Department Store publicity us in New York alone, and that as so forward to greater deeds.
sincere revolutionaries it was our rovisions are being made for ternational relations (the League explained the New Economic Poll men in the Soviet press and in the Bureau Hout the Instructions with Alabama prosecutor to elimi.
duty to determinedly fight for a storming quarters profeeding or se Nations! express revisionism cy. Trotsky warned of the right anniversary declaration by the ex and retain Leibowitz uncondition natendenthe entonces commentarer for broad united front including all relegates. All friends able to with a vengeance.
danger of social pacitism in the ecutive committee of the Commu ally, giving him a free hand to exworking class organizations, as house delegate, contribute food Several early anniversaries could Communist International.
ugainst the sectarian united front or money should write to: Rose be cited to show the contrast benist International.
what a difference. Times, press opposition to the views and prosecution and defense on all policy of the More, that the Karner, 144 Second Avenne. New Nov. tween Leninist and Stalinist birth Would anyone have dared in Capitalism would commit suicide! Southern white chauvinism, activities of all militant enemies of radicals and a bymn to patriotdays. But, to compare the falrest 1922 to predict the conditions of Did not the bourgeols correspondnational policy as stated by the York City.
ism and the ancient shrines is: All subdivisions Dee. 1934. WILL NEW The convention agenda will inhistorical example, let us go back the 17th anniversary? Not Stalin ent guess well?
Jan. Leibowitz writes MOVEMENT BE LAUNCHED TO are instructed to refuse to agree to clude reports on all the draft reso to the fifth anniversary.
himselt could then have faced the Is that not the kernel of Stalinist that be accepts in order to help RETRIEVE THE HORRIBLE any arrangements which barred lutions covering every important any group from the united front phase of youth work, the planned ion was just raising itself out of the position he has always held.
Twelve years ago the Soviet Un, logie which flowed inexorably from fatalism: the wish tulfilment et keep sacred such ancient shrines MESS PERPETRATED BY THE Socialism in one country?
of our civilization and our national ILD. AND SAMUEL LEIBO that is willing to cooperate in supusion of the and the life as our Caucasian sense of WITZ!
port of the joint program. Obvland election of a new national com even handed Justice. Demands that GANIZATIONS OF THE WORKIT IS UP TO THE ORously, the national policies of the mittee. Student Students Expelled the LL. match the following ING CLASS IN THE FIRST INY. and are directly op Most of the branches of the movement to oust Dr. Robinviews: STANCE TO son was initiated, and met with ANSWER posed to the national policy of ex. Buve had intensive discussions THIS do not believe it has ever QUESTION.
cluding certain organizations from the draft resolutions.
wide approval. While the squelchIn fact Strike Slams been the desire of the people of the unitedi front, latter being discussion on the basic problems of Is Needed at Once Dr. Robinson movement was getting the South to deal unfairly with the program of the Karlson the revolutionary youth movement under way, the faculty met to disRobinson stated that the and Lhas been taking place for over a the Negro. Parsons of sub Wall Street Conspiracy curs final disciplinary action. By Thanks to the Minneapolis and the both had their national policies year in the ranks of Spartacus a 50 40 vote it was decided to expel Plenty wood, Montana branches, this have recognized for many gener (Continued from Page 1)
and that there would be no unitea Youth on the basis of the draft the 21 students, and to suspend issue of the Militant was able to ations a moral obligation toward front if we were included, at least resolutions on youth work sent out Tuesday demonstration at City certain others.
come out without any emergency the simple and generous folk called unconvincing by Congress.
with the participating. Aby the national committee at that college was one of the greatest Dr. Robinson, the inimitable appeal to the New York comrades. whom slavery first brought them man Dickstein, the chairman of the delegute stated that they time.
demonstrations that ever shook an scholar of Spinoza, hastened to the Comrade Boulds of Plenty wood, as chattels. cannot believe Committee, who promises further were considering a state wide unit American college campus. Over press. Unable to find sympathy in who is making a special effort to that the people of Alabama will and more interesting revelations.
ed front and that the would two thousand students participated the more respectable metropolitan secure subscriptions on the new be false to their great heritage Trying to Laugh It of automatically be excluded from the Weavers Set In a two hour protest strike which papers he embraced the yellow drive, sent us and says that this of honor and to those brave and The various figures implicated in first negotiations, as they are not culminated in the burning of an et sheet Hearst press, and published is only the beginning. am leav. chivalrous generations of the the plot rushed into print the day Agy of Dr. Robinson, President of a scholarly fulmination under the ing today for another county on a past in whose blood the history after the interview broke in a sus would insist on their Strike Deadline College.
title Punish Student Reds. His Militant sub delve, he writes, and of their state is written. piciously universal attempt to laugh clusion in the united front. This (Continued from Page 1)
The strike was called to demand lapse into yellow Journalism only adds: As soon as can raise a suppresses this letter and it off. Morgan said the latter would apply locally, that is, to Newark. The meeting broke up Keller, be elected delegate to the the reinstatement of 21 expelled Intensified his unpopularity among little gasoline money. am going its reply. Tacitly matches Lelb scheme was a preposterous fabrica National Bureaution. John Davis dented that motion was here, and the delegates left. convention.
ment of the suppressed Student to the success of Tuesday strike. section.
ceases to call meetings to he had written the speech. General After we left a united front was and overwhelmingly carries made students, to demand the reinstate. the student body and contributed to the home of every farmer in the owitz views to rediscuss Leibowitz question because MacArthur called the story the Chester Johnson of the Min it fears to report its violation of best laugh of the year. And formed on the same day on a local Ject this recommendation. Subse Council, and above all to demand The strike itself was dramatic in of scale between removal of Dr. Robinson, some on one face Dr. Jekyl Robinson The Minneapolis branch the resolution.
has little MacGuire, following the genguinst the speaking of the Fuscistute he receivedl only a handful of me known as Fascist Freddy sarbed in his professorial robes, launched a sub drive for the MIN Leibowitz activities on behalf of that the whole business was a Mareh 25. First criticism oferal trend, had the aplomb to claim Dennis. We knew nothing about votes.
In the face of the determined reclutched a True Story magazine, on tant and now going full steam the ancient shriney appears in publicity stunt.
this until Thursday night. On (A publicity Thursday a joint leaftet appeared Merlinice and workben, ranks of stes for her as titudents were expelled the other his alter ego, Dr. Esde sunade He enclosed 10 on thelr The Militant. The Militant alone stunt for whom: Morgan and account and for new warned in advance of the dangers Co. calling for a demonstration to found that their trump card, the delegation of Italian Fascist stu cious resemblance to Signor Musa involved in the deal with The whole ider of a coup etat stop the Fascist Dennis from resort to open force was just a dents by Dr. Robinson several solinl. The two faced monster was Jefferson Rall, of Bryan, Ohio, Leibowitz. is, of course, preposterous. Fascism Jan, 14. Leibowitz attacks must have mass support. It redelegate approached two members Now OPERATING IN THE AREA dents of turned out en and to the appropriate strains of his Pledge to help the militant in Reds. radicals and muss defense, cives this support from the middle of the joint committee for the dem COVERED BY THE STRIKE. And masse, packed the reception ball, the Funeral March its present crisis, on his bundle and declares confidence in the class which sees no hope for its onstration asking to be included in to plant will continue to operate and turned the reception into Class Struggle Reaches Campus and 250 donation from local sincere desire of the good people of salvation from the revolutionary It. The refused, saying we until the bosses meet the workers heated protest against the Fascist This campus struggle, which reader of the paper.
the great South to give every living movement. The plot is interesting wonld have to march under their clemands. So now the bosses are tondies of bloody Mussolini.
banners as individuals the old gain resorting to talking with the An Honor to Be a Gutter Snipe movements all over the country, is branch sends by air mail to March April Retrial of Hey really awakens, when working class finds a counterpart in other campus Doughty of the Los Angeles thing on God green earth square as a forecast of what will occur deal in America when the working class United Front from Below again! workers. And the yellow press is At that meeting Dr. Umbrella an encouraging sien. The campus help us.
Friday night a special meeting or again yowling that the strike will Robinson censured the protestinghold of reaction, where no economic wood Paterson in Decatur, Ala revolution becomes a real threat.
Not on your students for their discourtesy the decided to participate in end this week.
From an member of Bryan In open court Lelbowitz continues Unless the working class, when it terms, gentlemen.
the demonstration under their own praise of Bourbonism. While at starts to move, moves steadily and banners. On the night of the dem monster parade was held last come come, boys, let all be issues could disturb the benign re we received a donation of Akron says: Enclosed find Arming defendants innocence, he forcefully along toward revolution.
onstration a pleket line of about work in Passat. This week another Mussolint. and labeled the pro the pressure of continued depres: 00 to be applied as follows: 83 endorses principle of lynching for unless the revolutionary party!
160 marched, about forty of whom will be held in Paterson, despite all testers gutter snipes. Since that slon, of growing unemployment, of for Milltant fund, for a sub and guilty. Paterson convicted, Leit able to carry through a definite to put the the ranks of the mine day the gutter snipes faction has bascist advance, and of imminent 00 for the Minneapolis Organizer witz publicly denounces poor white and unequivocal revolutionare pot workers are not to be confused or crown by leaps and bounds as the war the struggle 18 penetrating Ale will see what can be done jurors in the following terms: icy, the petty bourgeoiste will be here towards getting subs for the They are lantern juwed mor distracted, as they THE MILITANT Katered as a second class mail the bosses like it or nowhether fair to lie the only non gutter snipe the need for a united front of all ere in Germany Alsorganized this time. Whether students rally to the anti fascist even into the halls of learning.
banner, until Dr. Robinson bids With Fascism sweeping Europe, Militant and increasing the fund.
ons. whose mouths are slits to the wily tolls of fascism.
with threat of war growing daily in their faces, whose eyes pop ost Office at New York, Un Keller is snd or glad, this time the Enclosed please find 18 my General Butler will bear watchleft.
out at you like a frog s, whose ing. The Fascist der the act of March 1879.
conspirators issues are going to be faced and group, including trade unions, contribution to your appeal in the chins droop tobacco jalee, be made no mistake when they picked Published Weekly by the fought squarely Paterson and the The administration, beaded by workers organizations and students Militant, signed Max sympa whiskered and althy.
him as the ideal leader of a fascist Communist League of America entire silk industry demand a the aforesaid True Story Robin becomes acute. Students can nothizer of Chicago.
Simultaneously, he praises the movement in America. Whether 144 Second Ave. New York, UNION SIIOP and not a piece of son was deeply insulted by the longer stand passively on the side Fred of Balston Spa sends entire systein of Bourbon Justice in General Butler exposed them for Vol. 7, No. 47. Whole No. 251)
and an arbitra board to discourteous beha the mil llnes; they must take their stand: Militant.
itant anti fascists, and proceeded either with the working class, or the person of the trial judge.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1934 maintain unbearable working conpolitical reasons, hoping to strengWe thank the above mentioned April Executive of the Nathen his own reputation for honditions. The silk workers demand to discipline them in a manner with the fascists. The students of comrades and branches for their tional Committee for the Defense esty, or whether his repudiation EDITORIAL BOARD Martin Abern James Cannon the 30 HOUR WEEK and not prohighly reminiscent of the great have shown the way. special efforts, and hope that next of Political Prisoners (ally of the was the result of a sincere distaste Max Shachtman Maurice Spector duction on the stagger plan with Mussolint himself. The student week the list will be twice as blg. adopte unanimons resolu for Fascism must remain a moot Arne Swabeck discrimination against all militant council, elected by popular vote, The class in State and Revolu THE MILITANT IS NOT OUT OF tion criticizing Leibowitz for his question for the present.
Bundle rates two cents per copy.
and active union men. They de was dissolved; puspensions became thon with Jack Weber as instruc DANGER YET.
General reactionary expressions and man Batler revelation was, in any Subscription rate. 00 per copy. mand wages on which men who commonplace; and the mildest par tor meets every Monday night. The euvres, and calling on the LL. chse, hardly voluntary, for there 50e per half year. Canada and work can at least maintain a de lor pinks were cross examined by class in ABC of Marxism very to reply concretely and uncompro were several disinterested persons Foreigo: 50 per year; c for cent standard and not starve. an administration red squad. Friday night SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. misingly to the harmful state aware of the conspiracy.
Today HELP!
were under our banners to