AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

erede er en andere mensen met een groenterologie en een Spiking Canard in the Out of For New Party. The Independent Labor Party education, which can only be inH. BRONX of Great Britain has issued a The International Secretariat Replies to the culcated by free criticism in an at THE NEGOTIATIONS Question: The draft programatie thesis of the call to all working class political mosphere of loyalty.
Calumnies of the French Stalinists The Events in Spain and the Fourth International.
parties and organizations for an We would seek in vain this loyC. presents as a perspective the possibility that international united front against alty in the attitude of the Stalin We are constrained to note that the Second the working class movement in the United States Fascism and war. An invitation the ranks obeys only the commands march of events and he will know ists, even after their last turn. International and the continue to view the may skip, or very rapidly pass through, the reformist to this conference was sent, from above and pretends to infallion whose side the truth rests.
It Only yesterday they declared that question of the united front on an International scale stage. What is the basis for this? In this connec among the others, to the Interna bility.
is this situation that makes it in the French Socialist party was the not as a matter of revolutionary action but as a game tion, would you explain the reason for the differences tional Secretariat of the International Communist League. The The Marxist method of the united acceptable and impossible for the twin brother of fascism and the of hide and seek and political alibis.
This time the has the edge, having addressed between the working class movement here and in reply to this appeal by the French front presupposes the right of every Stalinist sections to face us before Jeft social fascist. Today they party to give its critical opinion on an international proletarian forum denounce our French friends who a letter to the Bureau of the it succeeded in Europe?
Communist Party, proposing our the attitude of its ally. It is only from the moment when the walls joined the in order there obtaining a refusal.
Answer: In Europe, at the time of the advent of exclusion as a condition for its Previons y the Comintern war apposed to every participation, is the subject of thus, in action, that the masses can of infallibility begin to crack the to work loyally on the basis of their methods international proposition of the and favored capitalism as the dominating mode of production and the letter of the International be educated. The Stalinists, in re entire Comintern bureaucracy will their principles the transformation of the state power to this mode, That is why the all the wreckers of the socialist common action of national sections only.
Secretariat. jecting the most elementary lessons fall to pieces.
warn Today the prefers the antional united front.
practically all the land was private property, to of Marx and Lenin, have connected Stalinists carefully avoid contact party. They fraternally which, primarily, is due the to which class REPLY TO THE LL.
the realization of the united front with an organization which is Leon Blum and Paul Faure that it has been taken in by the stalinist maneuver. This lines were drawn. Only enroletarians with the abandonment of reciprocal deeply familiar with their history, our sham maneuvers threaten the has to be said not for the purpose of excusing the their nuity of the and at the same miserable answer of Vanderveldle and Adler but to could elimb out of their class inside the State boun. Copy to All Working Class criticism. This is the only method their mistakes and even Organizations time in the official publications of nnderstand the full significance of these negotiations.
daries. The surplus proletariat or the landless at their disposal to preserve the crimes.
Dear Comrades, sons of farmers who sought a way out could find it myth of their infallibility and one the Comintern they denounce us as They have nothing in common with revolutionary But whatever the psychological lackeys of Leon Blum and by that internationalism.
The French Communist Party in must look here for the explanation explanation for their attitude, it is fuct of Doumergne, and so on.
only by migrating to the colonies of America, Africa, Insofar as the real existence of the Second Interor Australia, where, by opening new land, mines, Its letter of. 1934 has given its of the hatred and their fear of the politicall impermissible. The very etc. the class relationships were renewed. In the consent to your proposal to convene insignificant quantity of Trot meaning of the united front con: izations which are quite hostile to ing in the left wing of French socialism. The comWe believe that even the organ national is concerned there are few illusions remainmother countries, however, the class consciousness an International Conference to con: skyists whom they are very far sists in that one does not demand the Bolshevik Leninist conceptions radex of Bataille Battle, organ of left wing in brought forth by the relative rigidity of class lines Atitute united front of struggle from neglecting.
froin his allies a preliminary reco have the supreme duty of refuting Prench. recognise the neexity of new in resulted in comparatively large organizations of the on an international scale on the For eleven years we followed snition of ideas and opinions which with every ounce of energs the pre ternational, but label 18 ux sectarians or superstiproletariat.
condition that the organizations in the United States all this colonization. be called Trotskyists be excluded step by step the entire policy of they do not hold. If the Trotsky tension of the Stalinists of putting tons ople because we cling to the number four.
the Comintern. Whether it conists are the open enemies of the the workers world under the re The number is of little inportance, says la Bataille came of free land, took place within the state boun This reservation cannot but cause We fear that it is not merely an arithmetical dirdaries so that class relationships were in a constant astonishment. on tbe one hand the cerned the pretended workers and this should inevitably ap volver of an ultimatum and poison of.
the Chinese revolution with the thus discredit ourselves in the eyes front by slanders and dishonest in by un internation whose Tattorm will assimilate working class organizations.
on every opportunity that the or subordination of the proletariat to of the proletarian vanguard. trigues instead of assisting it by the positive and negative experience of the Second This entire development occurred while capitalisin anizations of Bolshevik Leninist the hourgeois party of the Kuo Min the Stalinists truly believe in what frank erit felsm and loyal collabor and Third Internationals. Not a balance sheet of. Trotskyists. are an Insignif.
they advance they should welcome atlon.
was in its progressive stage, and at a time Tang, the Anglo Russian Commitit cant quantity On the other hand mistakes but a guide to action on solid foundations.
had the possibilities, with super profita extracted the most important section of the to the attitude of the Polish Comour awarance beside them in an The proletarian vanguard always have from the colonies, to bribe certain sections of the Comintern conditions its participa. munist party which supported Berminal working close forum, and especially now after the territoruationis always limited to a warme proletariat, to create an aristocracy of labor, upon tion in a world congress on the sudxky coup etat in 1926, the But no, they are far froin taking ble defeats needs revolutionary change of telegrams.
right, not clarity. We are far from contest An international consisting of elements evolving in which reformism buses itself and by means of whom admission or non admission of lies of the third period with its this road, and they reformism setzed both the large European (wees. Hultesmal groups Every conscious practice of social fascism which as conservative bureaucracy: the bureaucrats, to participate in While the Dutch sucht democrats rully to reactionadventurist ravages, the theory and as a revolutionary organization but ing the right of the Stalinists, even directly opposite directions can only exist on paper.
clude Russian) and the small American labor move worker will say to himself: Perhaps their quantity is not so ne the same policy in Austria and leave not a trace of the prestige of stop considering themselves 18 gols public lead the armed fusurrection, However, times have changed. The material basis llbible Spain where it condemned to im infallibility.
The reasons that the French sec. potence the sections of the Comin pecial caste above the plebian profor the blurring of class lines, free land, in the But this very fact, that wherever there has been The international proletarian letarians and above all they should an armed uprising against the bona partit, or fascist United States no longer exists. The number of tion of the Comintern give for their tern, finally the present policy of vanguard has the greatest intereste arguments and not insults. In retetlen, wend the left socialists, with its progresIn 1860 to 6, 448, 343 In 1920 declined to 288, 648 by Inst, are open enemies of the the French Communist Party which in hearing a clear opinion on the name of all our sections, which Mive side and also it defits in a predominant role 1930. In 1910, 12, 388, 300 people, 32. of the total. stupefying reason! The perfekte sneation of this workers this question, on which the devel. Erow in influence and in number in trade is to me the question: What haus happened were employed in agriculture. By 1930, these had comintern is in united front negotions and in many other important pends in great part. Abusing the world, we declare ourselves ready ary struggles of the proletariat, the Third Internadeclined to 10, 471, 998 or 21. of the total. The tiations with the leaders of the cases we have always counterposed prestige of the workers state, to face the stalinists and their actional wardness of the American worker, corresponds and Frite Adler, and the French the larxist polley to the stalinist which we are the first to recognize ensation before any national or We have heard it said that the played a leading role in the Spanish events, However, point of time with the decline of capitalism inter. Stalinists run after Jouhaux for sequences of the Intter. Let every practically inexhaustible material, nationally, and, with this decline, the end of the a united front. Vandervelde was conscious worker compare our pro the apparatus of the Comintern. The International Secretariat of every militant must avoid taking as revolutionary in the International Communist tornationalism. theatrical proclamations after the conditions which make reformism possible, as Eu always the opponent of the October posals and our prognose with the blocks the road to all revolutionary League (Holshevik Leninists) battle, or the tearful hy crisles of a Cuchin on the ropean experience so eloquently testifies.
allatory response of the This is the combined development to which we the terrorists who had attempted What must be taken into account in the policy of the for preparation and support of the Spanish tempo of working class development in the country Jouhaux does not see any principle revolution, but a skipping over of the stage through which difference between the Soviet gov Daily Worker In the September inne of the Communist Internathe European workers have gone.
ernment and the capitalist govern ments. In practice he is always The influence of the new party of Polish Fascism: the miserable tonal were given a very clear answer on this To a great extent, of course, this will depend upon ready to support his government STATEMENT BY JOSEPH FOX movement, taking form in the theory of the united front from he question.
the ability of the new party to influence events in against the workers stato. ON HIS RESIGNATION FROM approaching fusion of the low and social fascism were re It really appears that the understood that the revolutionary direction.
and the is being felt iu ponsible in great measure in de struggle of the Spanish proletariat would lead it to these facts do not hinder the Stal THE all sections and tendencies of the feating the working class of Ger the brink of insurrection. The International speaks NEW YORKinists in the least since their last to the Comrades in the and Work turn and until a new order from a the Food Industry: labor movement. Even the case many and facilitating Hitler rise abstractly of these eventualities and declares that Question: Certain Socialists, with whom discuss, making or seeking a united front hardened, bureaucratic cell that to power.
the small communist party is better prepared for The stool pigeon tactics to which claim that the Austrian experience is proof that with these open enemies of the the leaders of the Communist is the Communist party is begin We find from our expwrience that them than the big socialist party.
armed insurrection against the capitalist state is Soviet dictatorship. We see that (Stalinist) Party ning to stir. Several weeks ago the Communist Party is controlled What resort against futile. How would you answer this?
a leading Negro militant of the the only argument advanced by the workers who disagree with their by a bureaucratie clique who exped, thou for where the directives of the in preparathe insurrection? They try to pick a quarrel Answer: One thing the Austrian experience does. Stalinists against sitting at the rotten policies and tactics of splitPhiladelphia district of the all members who dare question its with Largo Caballero. They reproach this ex reforprove: To attempt almost any struggle, not to speak same table with the Bolshevik Lenting the working class is best iljoined our ranks. Last week we policies. The minute we raised our mist with neglecting the struggle for partial de of armed Insurrection against capitalism, under the inists does not hold water. But to lustrated in the Workers Pnemies published the statements of two volce, protesting against some of mands. To abandon them, they xny, means to reparalyzing leadership of the Social Democracy, is this must be added, and this is the Exped columns in the Daily outstanding New York trade um the policies of the party, we were treat before the enemy promptly labeled counter revolu The continuat capitulation of the Austrians befutile.
lonists placing the cross on their decisive point, that far from being Worker.
connections with Stalinism. BeThere was not one single iota of fionary Trotskyites and isolated fore fascism consisteil precisely in that. in other Actually, the relationship of forces favored the open or concealed enemies of the low is a declaration of two rank from the party membership words, in a revolutionary period one must be careful Austrian workers according to both Deutsch and Otto Soviet state, we are and will remain truth in the slanderous accusations and file members declaring Bauer. Even if the reaction could count as reliable its most decisive defenders. Our against me, and would have never Because the party members are to be more reformist than the reformists.
for the Fourth International and stitled this bureaucratie appar.
all the troops, police, Helmwehr, etc. it could muster international organization and our bothered answering it were it not On the other hand they abstractly pore The logan calling on other Communist party atus and the party is therefore un of soviets, while they ignore the workers alliance as no more than 60, 000 men as against 80, 000 Schutz sections have always eliminated for the fact that that statement members to follow their example. able to learn from its past mistakes the organ of struggle, as the possible embryo of the bunders. Two thirds of Vienna, 90 of the workers from its ranks those elements who plays into the hands of our worst We are certain, that as the new and to correct these mistakes, we organs of power. The Stalinists must baptise every (1. e. the control of production, transport and com did not know how to discern under enemies, the Department of Justice.
party gains in force their ex came to the conclusion that the mass committee ax soviet, and no matter what hap munication. and 40 of the total Austrian popula the nationally limited and commery. Furthermore, it gives the officials ample will be followed not by intlon were Social Democratie, to which must be added ative bureaucracy the basis of a of the of Justification for dividuals but by tents and hundownfall of the German Communist Parns they continue to shont Soviets Everywhere.
Party without a struggle speller In this connection lett recall the appreciation of the organs of local government of which the party workers state, which aided by the my expulsion, gives them ample dreds of workers disgusted with the death of the Third Internation Humanite for July 3rd, 1984 on this workers aldisposed. Had the Austrian Marxist leadership International revolution, can and reasons to refuse my reinstatement the rotten inner regime and the al is a revolutionary force, just as linnee, printed in bold face: concerns itself with wanted it, the procuring of arms would have been should develop victoriously towards into the local, and helps the bosses fatal policies of Stalinism. Ed.
August 1th, 1014, revented the the tanks of the catalonian comparatively simple matter under the clrcumstances. the building of the socialist society. to spread the blacklist against me, bankruptcy of the Second Interna Our real crime and this is the thus depriving me of the possibility It is also necessary for it, said Peri. to de Why was this immeasurably superior force defeatNov. 20, 1934 tional and the necessity of building nounce the pretentious Workers Alliance of Catalonia, ed it was betrayed. The enemy was systematically only one is that we always dis of earning my bread and butter.
Dear Comrades new revolutionary parties and a bloc of renegades from the party, of Trotskyists, presented with the best political and material post distinguish between the bureaucra. Party because am in total do the Commulust Party realize now We the undersigned members of new International.
anarchists, social furcints who fraudulently cloak placed their faith not in the masses but in Decimus ex, which, thriving on the defeats agreement with its trade cunion that the mistakes of the Conmu duty dictates that we place loyalty port the policy of the Generalidad.
As honest revolutionists, our themselves in the mantle of unity, but in renlity supand Miklas.
come an enormous tumor on the with the policies the leadership of out of Stalin theory of building loyalty and join the ranks of those Communist International which allows us to believe Besides this there is nothing in the article of the One could go into great detail to prove our point body of the Soviet state, and the the Food Workers Industrial Union but let the following statement of Otto Bauer himself workers state itself They advised and ordered me to socialism in one country, have who are fighting for new revolu. that the revolutionary leadership prepared the suffice: We could have answered that the dispersion of the Parliament in 1933. Ed. on March 15 tern not only has never wanted to of which resulted in im International into a reactiovary being launched by the fusion of the ing the tighting organizations, the militin. Nota The bureaucracy of the Comin. carry out a line in Local 302 of the brought only defeat to the working tonary parties and a new, a Fourth masses for the general strike and the armed insur.
with the general strike. Never were the conditions admit this distinction, but has never prisonment of myself and five others force in the working class move. Communist League of America and slogan on the arming of the workers. All that is left for a successful strike so favorable as on that day. permitted any of its members at for three and a hair months in jall, ment. Stalin theory of the four the American Workers Party. We to the tender merries of Largo Caballero and Prieto. The working masses awaited the signal to fight any time during the last eleven expulsion of myself and other class party in China resulted in a feel that it is our revolutionary The Legend of October are transformed into ab. The military organization of the government was years to raise the least supposition oppositionists from the of far weaker than in February 1964. At that time we that the Soviet bureaucracy could the loss of our jobs and means of direct betrayal of the Chinese pro duty to join the ranks of this party stract and pedantie propaganda. It is no longer part might have triumphed. See the Review of Otto have been able to commit any mis livelihood and the strengthening of of the Polish Communist Parts, to follow our example.
letariat: Warski, the oflicial leader and urge all our fellow Communists of the life of the Third International.
Bauer and Deutsch pamphlets in the New Inter takes. Our crime consists also in the racketeering officials in the called upon the Polish workers to In these conditions, the necessity for a new revonational of July 1934 for further facts. GREENBERG lutionary International. the Fourth International, that, always remaining defenders local to a position of thsolute die The Austrian experience also proved, beyond the of the Rt. as a workers state, tutorial power.
support Pilsudskl and played into GREENBERG becomes obvions. By its evolution towards revolushadow of a doubt, that it is impossible for the pro we did not share the Stalinist dogthe hands of the reactionary forces Unit 2015, tionary position the left wing socialists are passing letariat to come to power by parliamentary means. ma of the infallibility of the Soviet dustrini Union are in lengne with Today the leadership of the Inover the abstract Illyhoo of the Stalinists. It is Fascism will strangle the proletariat before it re bureaucracy, which has detached the worst strike breakers and rack.
onr duty to accelerate this evolution by a firm and celves 51 of the votes. Armed insurrection is not itself from control by the masses in eteering officials in Local 302 and Organization Lawrence Dennis, the fascist, Intransigennt struggle for the principles Leninism.
only necessary but inevitable, if the working class order to submit itself to a com work hand in glove with them.
Notes was scheduled to speak at the Uni Then the Road of October will no longer be a mere is not to go down in defeat. The Austrian events pletely personal regime. We do have demanded to know on versalist Church. On the same phrase for reviews of the epigones, showed that not the armed insurrection without not want to insist on the fact, al many occasions from the leaders of platform. Kingdon of the Socialist La Verite, Nov. 1931.
which there can be no hope of the workers taking though is incontestable, that the Industrial Union, why they did Our young Spartacan group in power but the mealy mouthed, treacherous leaderthe invitation of the REPUBLICAN MILITIA MARCHES IN CHILE ship of Austro Marxism was futile and disastrous for sive in the activity of the Soviet the question of our reenstatement it is an organization composed of refute the Fascist arguments. Europe, reaches South America also. Fracist everything that has been progres not even in a single instance raise Newark has shown this week that Party on right Rev. Garner, was going to The rising wave of Fascism, that sweeps through the proletariat.
bureaucracy (Industrialization, col into Local 302, and their replies real, two fisted tighting young The CL. united front movement is developing in Chile under the protecting lectivization, Ave year plan) was were tantamount to a direct refu workers, who don take no gar nude arrangements to picket the wing of the liberat Alessandri regime. The recent borrowed, later to be bureaucrati sal.
mareh in Santiago de Chile of several thousand memJOINT DANCE cally deformed, from the ideas and have in my possession a letter from nobody: nelther the Stalin church.
of the Bolshevik Len dated June 11, 1984 and signed by ists, the Socialista, the police, nor Our young Simracans, slandered bers of the Republican Militia was a demonstration intets. Every conscious worker the Secretary of the Food Workers anybody else.
by the stalinists, excluded by the of force by the blackest reactionary elements of that Saturday, Dec. 15th enn verify this by looking at the Indusrtial Union addressed to After our Spartacans initiated a through these obstacles, came down as the workers vanguard, took the initiative in united front, broke country and a direct threat to he Chilean proletariat.
documents, at the deeds, year by Dear Comrade Fox wherein, united front against fascism, they thirty strong with their hanners building up a sprions united front movement that The Chilean Communist Left, conscious of t its role year, month by month.
amongst other things, he states were quietly ducked by the Young and lings the largest single dele: inelnded the Socialist party and numerous trade Entertainment. Masic what concerns the international matters over with you as to what shamefully capitulated to the lists: the police the hardest and revealed agninst the Fascist menace. general strike and But what matters especially and that would therefore like to talk IRVING PLAZA conference is to emphasize that the we could do in order to rectify principle of infallibilty of the Sov some of our previous mistakes United either with them or their true colors, in action, to the counter demonstration were called by our comrades.
matum of the Young Stalinists Irving Plaza and 15 th Street let leaders is necessary for the made. This Alings the ugly word with workers of Newark They are now going ahead with tled up as was also a large part of the construction number of the factories in and about the city were Comintern and its sections in order llar into the faces of the stool with me. They realize that the Admission Tickets 30c.
40e At Door better to pretend their own intal pigeons in the who are respon. Callures in the unit are due to the plans to inform the Young People industry. The local stalinists contributed their share libility. You know, as we do, that sible for issuing the expose stupid policies that they are forced socialist League of the action taken by impeding the spread of the general strike to the Auspices: Communist League of America and internal criticism longer exists against me in the Daily Worker.
to carry out.
by their organization and will write more basic industries American Workers Party.
in the Stalinist organizations. The have issued a signed statement have spoken to many workers a letter of protest to the Essex www www most improbable turns are ordered to my unit on the night of my re In the of with whom County executive committee of the MAANA by telegraph and often by tele signation (four months ago) in worked as a class conscious oppo Young People Socialist League.
November New International Out phone. The renunciation of the which explained my disagree. Sitionist in Lacal 302 and they are Impromptu Dance WANTED theory of the third period, of social ments with the political line fol ever ready to attest their signatures Convention The November issue of the New International 18 fascism, and also the turn on the lowed by the and and to a statement about my revoluArrangements To Greet Delegates Coming for just off the press! Get your copy early. The October united front, are indisputably pro which Section No. 5, according to tionary character and loyalty to committee wants the services of 188 ue was completely sold out. Among the contentsgressive steps But every conscious all Indications, has suppressed to the interests of the working class. eight League or Spartacus Youth League Convention In this these are letters from Marx, Trotsky and worker can and should say to him this very day.
it is high time that the honest members throughout the conven At Our Headquarters 144 2nd Ave.
Rakovsky on Russia, a letter from Spain, an article self that tomorrow these reforms. The comrades in my unit have communist workers put a stop to on the Negro question, book reviews, archive ma can be changed just as unexpected had only the highest regard and such open stool pigeon tactics of thons, to help in the kitchen. Report to Rose Karnser at the Naly by counter reforms, since the esteem for me, and up to date are the leadership of the Sat. Nov. 24th p.
terlal etc. etc. etc. 15c per copy. 60 year. for seveb soen bureaucracy freed from control by still on the most friendly terms JOSEPH FOX, tional Office.
the program p. The