BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1934 What the Inner Regime of the Communist Party Looks Like The New Party The Answer to Stalinist Corruption The Communist party of the more simply and bluntly, they were erican party: four years went by the intellectual and political develA. Is beyond doubt the worst ex exilet. Bittelman, for example, before a pational convention was opment of the ranks are thus ample, in any capitalist country, of was sent to cool his heels in the held. In the second place, party choked off from the very outset.
the devastating effects of Stalinism desolate parts of Russia, and to this democracy has been so thoroughly Theirs not to reason why; theirs in the working class movement. day he has not been reinstalled to being forever lost to the revolueradicated, that the conventions are but to sell Daily Workers or go to Following is the second of the One question has persistently per an important position. At the tical criticisms this revelation of fred and settled well in advance by demonstrations or shout social plexed the average militant: How Cleveland party convention early series on what is going on behind tionary movement.
the real situation in the ranks of is it possible for the leadership to this year, Browder merely laid the scenes of the Communist This regime has blinded the American Stalinism ought to be the bureaucracy, and every little Fascist today and the opposite to Party of the United States. The morrow.
detall 18 so carefully arranged be go from one blunder to another, to down the law, and Bittelman once eyes of hundreds of otherwise an eye opener. The disgraceful forehand that every single aspect This is the horrible situation chalk up defeat after defeat for the a terror in the party but now a startling facts revealed in the picture of what is going on in sterling militants to the real Communist party and the working broken reed was not even elected of the outcome can easily be fore which the official plenum and conarticle are sufficiently explained crimes of Stalinism. Plunged in their own back yard should have told by Browder. Here is how the vention resolutions of the refer class, to commit the greatest enor to the Central Committee. Johnand consequently require no to hectic but very futile activity, a rousing effect on even the most conventions are manufactured: introductory cohment. Every rabid member of the It mities and crimes, without generat stone, another Leftist suspect who to when they speak of the poor made the scapegoats for the false argument made is substanti ing a rank and file rebellion that was for eleaning out all the Lovepolicies of the leadership, blamed should clearly point to him that The section or local conference inner life of the party. You can would fling the leadership on to the stoncites, was sent packing to India.
ated by authentic facts, re for failures which were the na a party of this kind, corrupt to elects a nominating committee pick up a resolution without finding liable information and official the very marrow, cannot lead the tural result of the political line, which has been prepared for it in that phrase in it. All sorts of remscrap heap? An intimate know Zack was spirited away to the documents No revolutionary ledige of the inner workings of the warm climes of Latin America.
the membership has been led American revolution. It can only advance. After looking over the edies are proposed, but not one of worker can read this amazing Stalinist machine, as exemplified by Krumbein was sent to England and put the brakes on it and then field, this committee recommends a them touches the heart of the probfrom defeat to defeat like driven revelation and not be revolted at slate for approval by the conven lem, the basic cause. Nor can the lead the working class to defeat.
its American section, will supply Bell to Ireland. After a period of cattle. The revision of the funthe answer to this question. The testing and re testing, Stalin finaltion, which, ninety nine times out Stalinist bureaucracy propose a the combination system, includ. damental teachings of Marx and Instead of walking ont of the documents and facts which we have ly hit upon the least talented, and ing the worst features of the RoLenin, the disastrous policies of a hundred, automatically elects fundamental remedy, for the simple party and then the movement the the slate. It almost looks demo reason that bureaucratism, the aboat hand will shed a revealing light. consequently the most desirable, of man Catholic Church and the leaving a trail of catastrophes militant should turn his feet in ugliest sides of Tammany Hall the direction of the new rerolucratic. The delegates, for the most lition of party democracy, is the In considering a normal working the former Posterites, Browder.
over ten years and throughout class organization, it is customary Redacht, a post 1929 convention which prevails In a party that part, are not aware of the fact that direct and immediate cause of the the world the party membership tionary party. tintainted either calls itself Communist.
was oblivious to all this. The with the crimes of Stalinism or both the nominating committee to start at the bottom and follow period member of the secretarint. poor inner life.
Without fear of contradiction Stalinist system of education its Jesuitical system, the new and the slate for the District Comthe superstructure which is built up Wax pensioned off into the o.
Leaps In Bounds Out mittee have been arranged in fine on it. That exactly what would Minor, another secretariat member, we can say that least of all are has two results: either the work party will lead not to defeat but detail by the officialdom. It is true, terial given the Cleveland party Chart in the statistical mabe a fatally wrong and misleading was brutnlly driven out of any po the members of the Communist ers leave the party or they are to victory. Every rolley will be of course, that additional nominaparty familiar with the inside in inculcated with a blind faith and weighed and discussed by every approach to the Communist party. litical work of directorial impor.
convention delegates deals with tions are allowed by that unusual Party Growth Fluctuation. It member, every leader will be The ronson? It is not a normal tance and sent to make speeches formation we are herewith dis unquestioning discipline, more working class organization, but one The recretariat became a thing of phenomenon, the Independent or gives the membership of the party.
closing Without ever discover worthy of church isciples than democratienlly chosen and conthe uninitiated delegate. But such month by month, from January Ing the truth about the inner of the most unique in modern times the past. The time was ripe for a trolled by the ranks. With such of revolutionaries.
nominations very, very rarely alter 1931 to February 1934, along with Every last vestige of workers de Ceneral Secretary, and the proper regime thousands of workers It the inner regime of the an internal reglme based on the the slate, which is pushed through the figures of what the membership Browder join it only subsequently to get closed the eyes and the ears of mocracy has been destroyed in it, candidate was at hand.
foundations of Marx and Lenin with all the pressure of the unite would have been if recruits would root and branch. It can be anagot the job.
out as fast as they can, many the workers in it to our theore victory is assured Ed.
bureaucratie apparatus. What haphave remained in Party. Thus, at lyzed and understood only by startThe Rubber Stamp Pol Bureau ing from the top and moving downpens at the district conventions is the beginning of 1931, the had and keep your mouth shut. That when he tried it a second time; he than before. Thus, Chart on repeated faithfully at the national 8, 510 members. In February 1934.
ward, just as you would do it you Browder is responsible to abso is why the present Browderian Po was sent off as district organizer the Organizational status of the conventions. Before the Cleveland it records 42, 341 members. The had to set about digging a ditch, lutely nobody but Stalin, who, like litical Bureau is the strangest one in Detroit. Browder got the neces Party handed out for the Cleve convention met, and before even the chart further records the fact that It is with the intensely bureaucra, the Lord himself, giveth and taketh the party has had since its incep sary pretext for this exile by ukase land convention shows that BOL district convention met which eleet recruits would have remained tixed leadership that the beginning away and must be praised contion. It is composed of Browder, when Weinstone allowed himself to (Before Open Letter) there ted the delegates to the national in Party. the membership in that must be made.
stantly. The Political Bureau of Stachel, Ford, Hudson and Foster state that the Washington bonus were 82 time district function gathering. Browder was in a posi month (Feb. 1934) would have been the party, once an important, re The latter being in and unable to demonstration was an adventure aries, and 86 now (1. e. February tion to know the name of every Inventing Miniature Stalins 56. 506. In other words, froin the The Stalinist theory and practice is today hand picked institution aggravating his malady, his place but marching bums. Stalinism time section organizers, and now Cally to man. He knew with beginning of 1931 to the beginning spousible and representative body, attend meetings without seriously and that the veterans were nothing 1934. BOL there were 68 full delegate who would attend practiof leadership and organization has which has no actual control over is taken by Haywood. Astounding internal regime, which inevitably 97. BOL there were 12 other even greater exactitude and cer of 1984, the took in 48, 076 prevailed in the Third Internation the General Secretary. Its only ly enough, neither Hathaway, produces such intrigues, suppresses full time section functionaries. tainty just who would be elected more than 1, 300 new members new members, a steady average of al for quite some time. It has now possible function is a potential one. Weinstone, Minor, nor Bedacht. them with a mailed fist so as not whereas now reports 36. In ad to the incoming Central Committee every month for three years. Of reached its highest point or rather that is should the time come when Bittelman, Zack, Amter nor Krum to undermine its autocratic system dition, the chart shows 231 mass The nominating committee and these 48, 076, there remained in the its lowest depth. The first princi Browder (god forbid. gets too bein, are Political Bureau members of leadership and the theory of full time functionaries.
the slate were arranged in advance party only 13, 825; the rest, 34, 251, ple of the central Stalinist machine, presumptuous, or if he must be None of them is needed, however papal infallibility which is freeparWith this as a compact machine and just as is the case with a quit the party. Which means that in whose hands are all the control made the scapegoat for some catas much they all would like to occupy able from it.
ling threads, is to find, manufac trophe which cannot easily be ex the coveted place. and these figures are only a part Democratic party candidate in Mis out of every four workers who Stacked with Ple Card Artists ture, groom or invent a thoroughly plained away, the Political Bureau, reliable national leader. He be upon order from the Stalin machine, positively weird affairs. The four Political Bureau meetings are Control of the Political Bureau unanimity, monolithism and homo est and truest sense of the word, the one stayed in it! in 1918, Lenin regime is guaranteed the perfect equivalent to election. In the deep Joned the in the last three yeurs, three left the party and only comes a miniature Stalin, on a na will automatically remove him into neophytes are called into the Roya) and the Secretariat automatically geneity of the graveyard.
tional scale. Just as Stalin has oblivion. The fate of his predeces Presence, and summoned to give central party bureancracy appoints said about the peasants who were guarantees control of the various We have seen how the General the delegates to the extremely rare quitting the trenches and refusing established the significant practice ora proves that no simpler problem their reports. They do. Browder districts and all the important con of never having the party leader exists in the world than to elimi takes notes. Then he takes the ventions which are, in passing. hela Secretary and the Political Bureau party conventions!
to fight any longer, that they were ship referred to any way except asnate over night the artificially man toor and hands down the decisions rarely enough. Browder has surare handpicked. Let us trace the But why do the members tolerate voting against a continuation of the such despotie regime? The an war with their feet. For the most the Central Committee with com ufactured leaders of the Stalinist The meeting adjourns. And that is rounded himself with a sturdy and system further.
The Political Burean (read: the swer is that most of them do not part, it can be repeated today, the rade Stalin at its head. he like parties.
wise arranges matters for those Just as Browder is personally above all no disputing. That has all. No questioning, no discussing, highly subservient central state the core of the bureaucracy. Its Gen See. appointe all the dis tolerate it.
workers who quit the party in such whom he appoints in each country picked by Stalin, so he in turn per been tried before, openly and cox confidential financial report of the paper backed pamphlet addition overhead is a bit breathtaking. The triet organizers. It Browder is Baracks Discipline a hurry are yoting against the buserve him with what the Gersonally picks the Political Bureau, ertly, and every venturesome soul contrat committee to the Cleveland Stalin, the districte organizersace party because of its militancy and are living testimony that the resercy and its regime with their mane call Kadavergehorsamkeit whose composition and activities Workers are attracted to the feet. Those who stream Into the the obedience of a corpse. Thus are unknown to nine tenths of the came to a bad end.
the German Stalinist must repeat party membership! Here too is to Rife with Intrigues convention showed, according to leaflet edtions of Browder. They activity every day, like a pious Mohamme be found a unique aspect of the ains wagatexactly turn, these actually appoint each ubout as effective as churning up a communism by the thousands. The example: Stachel knows alone pald dan the Bolshevik Central Com. Stalin internal regime. The Politi that, for this reason and that, he 25, 681. 45 or over one sixth of its section organizer, who picks him lot of tepid water in a bowl. The mass exodus from the party of its head. The Frenchman must the leading most experienced and place as The Leader. But he has 1933, it paid out in wages the sum critical eye of the higher body they are taught in the party is obe sample of the regime and its polisection bureau subject to the Arst, and usually the only principle those workers who get a small mittee with comrade Thaelmann at cal Bureau must not be made up of can never hope to take Browder annual expenditures, whereas in self make his ritualistic obeisance to most qualified party members. That a cordial dislike of Browder in of 24. 374. 15, or almost exactly Thus it runs down to the last rung atence, disguised under the name cies, is tragic witness to the rave of discipline. Lenin axiom that ages caused by the pestilence called the Bolshevik Central Committee might be necessary if there were testines and would give a pretty one fourth of its annual expendi in the ladder.
revolutionary discipline is based Stalinism.
with comrade Thorex at its hend. any policies to discuss, or political penny to see him thrown to the tures, with more than an additional Hand Picking Convention Delegates upon understanding upon freely But the party conventions hasn and democratically organized dis doomed its victim to irremediable The curse of bureaucratism has Earl Browder, General. Secretary collectively. But under Stalinism, he has intrigued with Hathaway sidies to the district organizations the membership a chance then? cussion, is considered a petty bour disintegration. The putrescent ob and almighty poobah of the party. the line is simply handed down and Weinstone, especially with the and other bodies.
Does it not elect the delegates? It seots prejudice in the party today. stacle of the must make way After the expulsion of the Love from the Moscow secretariat to its Autter, to put the boots to Browder.
To this Central Committee bur doos, and it doesn t; essentially, It In his unit, the new party member for the lusty new movement which stone clique in 1929, a secretariat agent in New York. He is directly But the system remained intact, caucracy is attached a faithful doesn In the first place, convenis loaded with a number of tasks, will grow all the more healthily was established in which those responsible. He sits in the center and with it, its secretarial Incar group of lesser functionaries who tions are increasingly rare. Where the reasons for which are not and strongly because of the lessons Lovestoneltes who jumped over the of the Political Bureau and, like nation. In effect, the ambitious owe their political existence to ap as in the old days the period of clearly explained to him, it at all it learns from the decay of bureauwas kicked down the pointment from above. In spite of the Lenin International. conven. Problems and polictes are not dem. cratic Stalinism.
general secretary was appointed in transmitted line There uno stope and given a post which 18 of the fact that time and again, for tions were beld every year and ocratically discussed in the units Moscow for the simple reason that itsession, and above or modell: por politiewe days the ball Workertlong have vowed that the next the American Communist party was ine has already been settled up will deal with the phenomenon of The next article in this series unknown quantities; he wanted to ute to the Right or Left of a dect editorship As punishment, he is taak of the party is the reduction of underground and illegal, the inter above. Just as it was transmitted corruption in the Stalinist party, little, the weeding ont process was one thing a party bureaucrat can Bureau. Weinstone, whose first tionaries, the number continues to Third International has held only officialdom, so it is transmitted concrete facts and examples, and be sure of his man first. Little by ston is just about the most danger not even a member of the Political the number of full time paid func vals far greater now. The to the up above by a still higher again on the basis of documents, gone through. Recalcitrant Foster do, as so many have learned. The attempt to realize his ambition rise. Thus, the well known Open one congress in the last ten years, further down, where a barracks reveal how this festering sore is Ites, particularly the not entirely surest way of being right, and earned him an enforced and pro Letter in the middle of 1933 called whereas in the three first years of discipline and not a revolutionary inseparably connected with the sup house broken Leftists. were re staying where yon are, is to nod longed stay in Moscow, was simply for a cut in the apparatus. Eight its existence (the Lenin period) it proletarian discipline is enforced. pression of Mrty democracy under lentlessly eliminated, or to put it your head solemnly and wisely kicked out of New York, the center, months later, things were worsel held four of them. So in the Am The initiative, the resourcefulness, Stalinism.
cnue permitting her to finance the New York Post he tells how oners of the Minneapolis truck drivers class militaney. The second of the the same interests were to approach Chaco war without any extra tax heing stuck for scabs on one ocea strike? Would you like to meet the two strike waves that have swept General MacArthur, head of the ation. Get the connection. slon he trotted down to the Salva delegates to the League convention the entire country recently, showed far greater rendinens to battle on United States Army, and MacNider, THE NEWS Friend or For We Want to know words with the captain in charge coming from all parts of this coun the part of the proletariat than dia former head of the American LeThe Stalinists have squeezed a Mr. Bergoft was given the run of try and Canada and probably Mex.
the first, although the strikes were gion. Undoubtedly the fascists will new curl in their peripheral peri the shelter. So splendid was the ico? Would you like to dance with for the most part failures so far as seek close connection with the staff wig. This time it is an organiza cooperation of the that he us and eat with us and drink with achieving actual guins So You Can Take It, Mr. Young! Hon known as The Friends of the was able to enlist over 200 scabs in us at this festive occasion? Of Upturn Hangs Fire workers was concerned Already of the army, through whom they Looks like the good course you would. Well don tell able Owen Young, chairman of the United Front. Now this column is no time at The oft heralded upturn in Am there are evidences of a third strike will secure arms and board of the General Electric Comto know, are they friends of any play. From Bergoff to Booth your best friend friend that we fire with the depression and stagstickler for accuracy. We want old double cross or is it double nobody but your best friend and erican business continues to hang wave ahead, possibly to be herald drill masters all the more readily ed in by the building trades work (witness Italy and Germany. It pany, counselled the students of an kind of a united front? Are they to Green, Arkansas college against the fast the friends of the united front are throwing a little shindig at our nation taking on a prolonged char ers.
need not be thought that these pubtempo of modern times. Recent from below or are they the Meet the Gang!
headquarters this Saturday night. acter. It was the concensus of lie disclosures will deter the bankCome as guests of the column events. he articulated with a befriends of the united front from Fascism opinion of economists that the Danger ers and big capitalists from their nign abem, have gone so fast as to above There should be no secret Would you like to meet the lead GLEE. summer slump which dragged the What is going on in the minds of chosen task. The negotiations with get out of hand. Today we do not among Friends.
business indices down to record the moneyed interests is strikingly the possible timber for the man on lowe would continue on into the revealed by General Smedley But horseback will now become all the see great masses of people orderly taul SIX MORE WEEKS TO GO!
and intelligently moving upward For a Nickel on the Drum You Get Now there are again predie ler. There can be not the slightest more secret and hidden from view (bless me Hannah, but what does a Strikebreaking Bum The special offer ends December 31st.
tions that the upturn will have to reason for doubting his story. that is all.
wait till next spring despite the whatever his motives for making the dear old gent mean. but mil. Just a parenthetic remark to Now you can secure a book or pamphlet for yourself or friend lions of people in every land hang: the readers. Forgive the poetie holiday senson at the year end.
and a subscription to the MILITANT at a substantial saving. Even public the truth. Butler was ap Our Task The heavy Industries, the durable proached with offers of tremendous ing on in panie to this treadmill of headlings. It the Spring that though many nes subs have come in since this drive was started, No worker can fail to realize the terrific speed, which no one seems in the air these days. goods Industries, have failed to financial support by Wall Street significance of the few facts that Now to We cannot yet say that our campaign is a hugh success. Only the show improvement. All the efforts financiers in order to have him have thus become known, more or able to control.
the story.
response of our readers can make this a true success. Send in your Oke by ns Mr. Young. Why not to get housing construction going build up a national fascist force less by chance. The situation in In this week A. of Bulletin subscriptions now.
start this slowness campaign right we find Mr. William Green exin order to create heavy demands for the purpose of establishing a America is ripe for the attempt on One Year Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the on the basic forces of production Cascist dictatorship. MacGuire acted the part of the capitalists to now. And what a marvellous op changing felicitations with the following paper cover editions. 00 have not as yet proved effective. as the go between for his employer out all working class organizations, wipe portunity for you to revive that Salvation Army. Had Mr. Green STRATEGY OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION Trotsky 25.
the building trades the Colonel Murphy, and for Clark, in political parties and trade unions.
good old custom of example setting, taken a few minutes off from fell THE ONLY ROAD FOR GERMANY by Trotsky. 26.
Why not slow down the tempo ofcitation exchanging and spoken to of COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM by Trotsky. 35 fensive against the standards of chine millions. Murphy, who served tinually on the verge of starvation, the General Electric works? Give a rank and fle member of the GERMANY WHAT NEXT? by Trotsky. 350 living of the working class under with Butler in the army, is an ideal can no longer be fed illusions in your men shorter hours, increase of he might have found out that IMPERIALISM by Lanin. 30. the pretext that high labor costs figure to bring together the actual place of bread, their wages and thus insure for the Sall is one of the most distin STATE AND REVOLUTION by Lenin. 30c. are the obstacle in the way of a drill sergeants of the forces of middle class cannot be satisfied any The impoverished them more leisure. What? You guished recruiting agencies for Six months subscription to the MILITANT and one of the real construction boom.
bloody reaction and the financial longer with promises. We may say you didn mean that at all? strike breakers in this country following pamphlets. 50 Under these circumstances the backers, belonging himself to both look forward to the repetition of Well, well, well.
Yeedless to say Mr. Green did no TEN YEARS of the Left Opposition by Max Sbachtman American bourgeoisie, far from campe. He is connected with an the damagogy of European fascism such thing. So we find the notori THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by Marx confident of the future, have Imposing list of corporations, among in the attempt of finance capital to Is There Any Possible Connection ons Baptist writing to Evangeline WAGE LABOR AND CAPITAL by Marx reached a stage where they begin them the Foreign Credit Corpora ensnare the strata of desperate Department?
Booth, Commander of the Salvation THE TEACHINGS OF KARL MARX by Lenin to make up their minds that in tion, United States Distributing workers and petty bourgeoisie in On Tuesday of last week the pa Army: The well wishes, sympathy WAR AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL order to save the capitalist system Co. Guarantee Trust Co. Aviation the net of reaction. Hence it bepers carried headlines to the effect and support of the of are SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER by Trotsky it will be necessary to resort to ex Corporation, Liberty National comes the duty of vanguard of treme measures. With utter dismay Bank, Goodyear Tire and Rubber the proletariat to meet the chalthat the war between Bolivia and extended to you. We will folAnd for those who would like to get a proletarian novel, we offer: Paraguay had taken on a new fer low your work with umuual inter THE ROAD by Marlen, 50. With one year seb. 75 they read in a recent bulletin of the Co Interborough Rapid Transit lenge of fasetam, to intensify its ocity. Wed of the same est and assure you that we will League of Nations that since last Co. New York Transportation Co. effort to FONTAMARA by Silone (a story about Italian village working class May the United States is eleventh Bethlehem Steel Co. Youngstown United Front of Action against week, tucked away in corner of endeavor to give the Salvation life under Fascism) 50. With one year sub. 75 one of the most respectable of the Army our continued cooperation MAN FATE by Malraux (a novel about the Chinese on the list of countries in rate of sheet and Tube Co. Cuba Cane fasciam, It becomes the duty of morning papers appeared the fol and support.
Revolution) 50. With one year sub.
recovery as measured by indices of Sugar Co. etc. Names to be con every class conscious worker to industrial activity. Only four na Jured with in the fields of banking help build a new revolutionary lowing item: The announcement Leaving Mr. Green for a moment THE MILITANT, 144 Second Avenue, New York City.
of the International tin committee in the act of cooperating with tions. Czechoslovakia, Belgiumand business, companies reeking of party, the only force that can deName. Address.
in London of an increase of 40, 000 the we turn to the notorious Austria and Poland made a poorer reaction and imperialism. It is not feat fascism. The new Workers City. State.
showing. Not the least factor in difficult to discern, as is barely Party shortly to be launched will tons in Bolivia quota means more and self advertised strike breaker months subscription (26 coples) 50c, and pamphlet than 15, 000, 000 in Bolivian reve Par excellence, Mr. Bergofr.
pushing the finance capitalists to hinted in the press, the ominous dedicate itself to this task and de1 year aubeeription (52 eoples. and book.
ward the road of violent reaction is figure of Morgan Just back of Col serves the support of all workers.
nue. Before the increase Bolivia Turning to strike breaker Bergoff was exporting 14, 000 tons, the rev we find that in his articles for the the growing evidence of working onel Murphy. Butler reveals that JACK WEBER.