CommunismFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE THE MILITANT. Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 47. IWHOLE NO. 251 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1934 PRICE CENTS HEAD FOR FUSION Convention Wall Street Conspiracy Youth Greet Easley Plots Last Minute Delegates Meet to Decide For Fascist Coup Revealed Against Nine onNewParty at Conventions Negro Boys Call Weavers Set Deadline for Walkout Unemployed Demonstrate Today MASS MEETING up the phone rien. The study even the BUT CHANCE These mands To Greet the National Conferences of the American Workers Party and the Communist League JAMES CANNON MUSTE The Spartacus Youth League of The Convention of the CommuGeneral Smedley Butler revelation of a three million dollar America warmly greets the delenist League opens on November 26 Labor history will be made in New York City this coming week.
Fascist plot right here in the United States, a home grown Nazi Putsch gates to the national conventions and will last through the 20th The eyes of every revolutionist and clss conscious militant in the plan, should serve to silence those profound theoreticians who see some of the Communist League and This will be followed by the Fusion United States will be turned to the conventions of the Communist League thing uniyue in the American nation, some national essence which will the American Workers Party Conference, November 30 through of America and the American Workers Party.
enable America to solve her problem in her own way. While General which will open in New York Chronicle of Scottsboro December The Spartacus Youth At these conventions, to open on November 26th and to conclude on Butler discoveries do not reveal the Fascists as a serious menace, they City November 26. We feel conindicate that incipient fascism is here and only waits itseopportunity.
League convention will open Dec. November 20th, the momentous step for the organization of a new revofident that the comrades fresh Case Reveals and last through the 5th. All the lutionary party in the United States will be debuted and decided.
General Butler has been approached by no less than 42 organizafrom different phases of the class Role tions, 42 would be American blackshirts. Most of these probably justify struggle, on the basis of varied be held at Stuyconventions will On November 30th, given favorable outcome at the respective vesant Casino.
conferences of the and the CLA and every indication points the General description of crackpot. but at least one was perfectly experiences will help to forge the serious, had a plan, and claimed the necessary financial backing.
We expect 50 delegates for the that way the representatives of both organizations will meet in joint instrument of revolutionary strugNext week the Supreme Court of year or so ago General Butler was approached by Gerald Mac gle: the new workers party.
the will be asked to reverse CLA convention and about 30 for convention and there hitch the wagon of revolution to a new star the Guire, a bond salesman for a New York brokerage firm, the Grayson The accomplishment of this Murphy Co. According to General Butlerts account MacGuire Delegates from all parts of the country are pouring into New York.
great task rests upon your shouldemns two of the nine Scottsboro that we have to feed these comoffered him eighteen thousand dol the working ders. You will be called upon to boys to die. The world at large isrades, in addition to the galaxy of the most distinguished representatives still mystified as to whether the delegates during the three days of class, from the class war battle fields of the glorious Minneapolis strike, lars to go to Chicago and speak in take the first step in the building court will consider the cases of the Fusion Conference. from Toledo, from the scene of the favor of the Gold Standard. When of the new patty, by merging the Arrangements bu ve been made Butler refused MacGuire said, acboth Heywood Patterson and ClarFrisco general strike, from the coal American Workers Party and the ence Norrls, or whether the for. to take care of the feeding. Our fields of Illinois and West Virginia, Communist League of America.
cording to Butler, Don be a fool mer is out of court for technical own comrades will attend to the from the unemployed inovement why don you do like Harbord The young militants of the reasons.
cooking We also have to aceom. General Harbord, And the heart of America, from every Spartacus Youth League have Sims (Admiral Sims, and major Industrial and political cenand will continue to aid in the The world is also mystified as to modate the delegates with sleeping make some money out of it. The ter from coast to coast, from Canachievement of this aim. At our who will appear as counsel in the quarters.
government doesn care for you, national convention to be held in Supreme Court hearing. The ada to the Gulf, are gathering to In the last issue of the Militant so why don you act like a busimake a decision that will marka New York City December 4 torneys, o. Frankel and Pollak, stuffs. Two of continues to maintain that its at we called for donations of food ness man. Butler refused and turning point in the course of the sympathizers our delegates will confront the MacGuire continued, Murphy is in will make the appeal. Samuel have responded. Comrade Pauline American proletariat Europe, but ll have Colonel Clark Kellers Pussyfooting Aide problem of the next steps in this Leibowitz has said nothing for a m, has offered us 10 loaves of bread struggle. They will consider the Not sleek, self satisfied bureaucome and see you.
Bosses Against relation of the Spartacus Youth couple of weeks, but anybody who daily and comrade Harrison National Delegation to crats such as are seen at of thinks he has whot his last arrow of Brooklyn is sending us some Morgan Lurks In Pleture to the new workers Party, if it Strike conventions but tighting millis making a bad guess.
Present Demands in is formed, before our convention.
bakings. Paul King, member of Colonel Clark did come to see tants fresh from the pleket lines The Nation reports that the the downtown branch of New York Washington these are the delegates that will be the General and renewed the offer The Spartacus Youth will watch Paterson, Nov. 22. motion was State of Alabama is out to arrest will give some butter and eges.
Colonel Clark, by the way, Is Rooverwhelmingly passed seen at the conventions of the the your deliberations with great in Ruby Bates for perjury. Ruby Harry Strang of New York, donated bert Sterling Clark, who inherited Broad Suk membership meeting terest.
Accept our comradely More than 750, 000 organized un and the Bates is the girl who was bribed 50 to help.
a portion of the Singer Sewing here that a strike of all silk workgreetings as a pledge of unrelentemployed, backed by almost a mil They are coming not to ullmans and bulldozed by the Sheriff of Machine fortune, and who is now ers be called, setting the deadline less struggle for working class We still need coffee, sugar, po lion additional jobless workers and with luxurious sleepers, not in Scottsboro, three years ago, to tatoes, etc.
reputed to be worth some fifty mil at i2 midnight Wednesday revolution.
trade union members, will take to limousines. Far from it. On freight swear she was raped by the nine lion. In the course of his conver The only voices against CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE ANY the streets at 10 today, in the trains, on the highways. thumbing were For a revolutionary Marxist sation Colonel Clark revealed, ac raised by the pathetie supporters young Scottsboro boy. She later party!
reversed her testimony. Now Ala THIN TO HELP FEED THE DEL leading cities of 22 states, to volce a ride, in ramwhackle automobiles cording to Butler, that the speech of El Keller, General Manager of For the world workers party, EGATES?
thelr protest against unemployment the delegates are beating their way bama wants to get her in a jail which he, Butler, was to give in the Paterson local of the the Fourth International! cell, pound her plenty, and make Write to the office of the Militant. and unsatisfactory rellet condition to New York.
return for the eighteen thousand How his activities play into the National Committee, Spartacus We also need about 10 more eight point platform which alone All of them will be present and bad been written by Davi: hands of the bosses is best filusYouth League of America. Continued on Page 4) sleeping accommodations John Davis, one time Democratrated by the manner in which the can relieve them from present the best of them represented on the starvation standards platform at the muss meeting to tie nominee for President, is, at yellow Paterson press has utilized present, counsellor at law for the Keller stalling tactics in order to In New York City the marcher Kreet, the conferences of th and the which will be held firm of Morgan.
sow confusion in the workers will assemble at Union Square at on December 2, P. at Germania We need a fascist government, ranks. Thus, the Paterson Sunday 10 They will go north on Hall, 100 Third Ave.
MacGuire said, to save the nation Eagle, under the Fourth Avenue to 33rd Street: west scarehead from the communists who would WORKERS IN SILK INDUSTRY to Madison Ave. thence south past The list of speakers is a first tear down all that has been built SET DAY AND HOCR TO QUIT the TERA offices at 79 Madison. clans treat for the New York workdown to Mrd St. west to Broading class. Vincent Dunne, Miles have the courage to do it are the reports as follows: The silk workway, and south to Union Square Dunne and Carl Skoglund leaders soldiers, and General Butler is the ers at yesterday meeting were not where a mass meeting will be held of the Miuneapolis drivers strike: man to do it.
over anxious to agree to the new committee will present the de. Ted Belonder and Sam ollack who All General Butler would have strike order, many of them feeling mands of the unemployed to the led the picket line that broke the State Reller Administration at injunction in Toledo, Arnold Jobnto do to get a million men would that the time was inopportune for be to announce the formation of an employes to leave the mills and SPEAKERS: 11:30 AM. Representatives of all son, BILL Trnax and Anthony Ramorganization and tell them it would Join the dye workers. Who were organizations officially part of the uglia, leading militants in the cost a dollar a year to join.
will be included in tbe employed movement; Gerry Allard the many. Keller, Keller, and parade Offered Three Million from the Illinois miners movement; committee.
Keller. The same Keller who early this It wouldn be any trouble at all werk announced that the MINNEAPOLIS: Leaders of the Famous Strikes of Local 574 Among the organizations partie Braut Scott from the West Virginia Ipating in New York are the Work coal telds, Negro militants from to raise 1, 000, 000. could go to workers should be glad that the ers Unemployed Union, the New Philadelphia and Pittsburgh: Joany number of people right here in bosses agree to discuss with the Teach seph Carter, National Secretary of New York and get it. At one time workers ers, the Emergency York Assu, o Workers Union. the Spartacus Yonth League: Mau.
Keller Stalling MacGuire offered General Butler tour locals, Millinery rice pector and Jack MacDonald. 3, 000, 000 on the line. MacGuire By his stalling, wishs washy tacWorkers Locals 24 and 42, Interna spokesmen for the Workers Party intimated that the arms necessary tics Keller is playing directly into tional Pocketbook Workers Union of Canada.
for the movement could be obtained the hands of the silk bosses whose from the new remington Arms Co. on aim is to Isolate the dyers from the TOLEDO: Organizers of Mass Picket Line that Broke the Injunction Suitcase and Bagmakers Union, The convention of the American locals of the United Textile Workers Party opens on November Workers, Capmakers, Printing 28 and encls November 30. For dewhich owns a controlling interest militancy he is preaching subserv.
of the company.
lence this in the face of the trePressmens Local 51; Joint Council tails see the current issue of Labor of Furriers, Radio Workers, and Action which is on the press at this think the President could be mendous drive of the mass of the Painters Local 261. The Communist writing.
persuaded to name Butler bead of silk workers to join hands with the League of America, American The convention of the Communist the CCC camps and that would give striking dyers.
Workers Party, and Social League, marking the third in its him the basis of an organization.
But the silk workers will not be ist Party are also backing the dem history and the consummation of However if that doesn work stalled by Keller, or the maneuvers They instructed onstration.
have no doubt the general could en of the bosses six years of struggle, will open at Next Tuesday fifteen representa the Stuyvesant Casino, Ninth Street list 500, 000 men in a very short their delegates to the national silk of Illinois of West Virginia tives of leading unemployed organ and Second Ave. at 10. Montime.
convention to fight for a general izations will meet with Secretary day, November 26. More than 50 of Labor Frances Perkins and delegates from approximately 20 on a White Horse to save the capi formed a special committee last Federal Relief Administrator Harry cities will be represented.
talistie system. We might go along week to appear before the Joint with President Roosevelt and do Board and demand decisive action The convention will hear reports.
with him what Mussolini did with on the strike in Paterson.
The point platform included from members of the National Com the King of Italy.
Expelled Members Reinstated mittee on the Situation and Perthe following. Roosevelt hasn the real solu Last week the Joint Board of the spectives of American Imperialism, Federal pable works to pro. on the Negro question, the interna tion of the unemployment situation, local here reinstated to vide work for the wemployed attional situation and the work of our but we ll put across a plan that full membership all those who were NEGRO STRUGGLES: Outstanding Negro Militants trade union rates on the basis of international organization, on the will really be effective. All unem expelled some tive months ago 30 for a 30 hour week. Passage proposed programmatie statement ployed men will be put in military through Keller machinations for of the Lundeen Unemployment in for the new party which it will disbarracks under forced labor, as their participation in the Roy (Alsurance Bill now before Congress: coss, amend and revise as it sees Hitler does, that would soon solve bert) Shop strike. The reinstated of Pittsburgh the problem.
of Philadelphia Pending these, immediate direct it. It will draw a balance of years Another thing we members participated in the Broad cash relief of 10 weekly for single of factional activity which saved would do would be to register all Silk Department meeting of laat persons, 15 weekly for families of the banner of Marxism from the in. DEEP SOUTH: two, and weekly for each addidisgrace of Stalinism. It will centhey do in Europe. That woula Giordiano, Eddie Sweyful and Bm of Gulfport, Miss.
tional dependent; Guarantee ofter its attention on moving out into stop a lot of Communist agitators Hulihan, well known for their millthe rights of organization and col the class struggle and on forging wandering around loose.
tancy. They received an ovation. SPARTACUS YOUTH National Secretary of the Spartacus Youth League lective bargaining to all workers the best instrument for this pur.
Army Generals Involved on public projects: Recognition pose. Here the question of fusion In the course of his various con. about which incidentally, one of of representatives of organized unversations, both with General But the reinstated was informed except with the American Workers Party employed by relief administrations will be democratically discussed ler and with the reporter for the by word of mouth just prior to Sat6. Federal adequate disability com and a decision arrived at Post who was privvy to the urday meeting. can be construed CANADA: Leaders of the Workers Party of Canadapensation on all public works and conspiracy. MacGuire mentioned only as a repudiation of Keller to and from the job; Diversion The conference of the Communist General MacArthur, Chief of Star policies in general and in particular of all war funds to unemployment League will be open to delegatex of the Army as a possible al his entire course in the Roy situarellet; Passage of a universal and members of the organization ternate for Butler, and Hanford tion which has been so rabidly de30 hour work week law without pay only.
MacNider, former commander offended and misrepresented by the CHAIRMEN: cuts.
The Fusion Convention, beginning the American Legion as a third al Lovestoneltes.
The demonstration means the be on Nov. 30 at the Stuyvesant Caternate. He also intimated that At the Broad Silk Department Louis Johnson, of West Virginia, meeting 10 delegates were elected mined drive of unem all and another former National Command for the coming national ployed throughout the nation to se sympathizers.
er of the Legion, and Henry Ste convention, scheduled to open this cure for themselves the program Revolutionary workers all over of North Carolina, yet an Satur New York at the which they have adopted. The 12 12 the world will watch the proceed.
other former National Commander Woodstock Flotel, 127 West 123rd million unemployed will not contin ings with keen attention and await were Interested in the plan.
we to remain jobless or to exist on the results. The successful culminMacGuire was called before a Once again Keller was repudiated home relief or work reller which ation of the fusion will be a milesecret hearing of the Congressional and this time by the entire mempays only to 12 weekly. Once stone on the road to the Fourth Incommittee investigating un Ameri bership of his local. He appeared the unemployed have set their ternational.
can activities after General Butler at the meeting with a recommendafaces toward our point program The formation of a new party in had testified. His testimony was tion from the Joint Board that he, which is their goal they will not America means the dawn of a new (Continued on Page 4)
turn back until they have achieved era in the history of the world pro(Continued on Page. Admission 25 Cents It.
letariat. Forward!
Vincent Dunne Miles Dunne Carl Skoglund Ted Selander Sam Pollack MINERS: Outstanding Leaders of the Militant Left WingGerry Allard Brant Scott What we really need is a man strike on the ciok kadastries they UNEMPLOYED MOVEMENT: Leaders of the National Unemployed League Anthony Ramuglia Bill Truax Hopkins in Washington to present Arnold Johnson James Watson McKinney Jo Drake Arrington Joseph Carter Maurice Spector Jack MacDonald Max Shachtman Louis Budenz Elounda serie de concerted and determine and ending December will be SUNDAY, DEC. 2nd. p.
Germania Hall 16th St. Third Av.