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THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1934 PAGE The Heritage of October For an Independent Movement Students Fight for Freedom of Speech Our Road The New Party 17 Years of the Workers State (Continued from Page 1)
upon a time liberal and removed By JAMES CANNON from superintendency of Los AnBy ARNE SWABECK geles Public Schools for a pacifist (Continued from Page 1) ranks, some hesitations and fears Goldman, like Gitlow, forswearing stand during the war) of conspiraSeventeen years ago the October, they engaged so feverishly in the forces throughout the world. Hence of the new tasks and the broader any intention to form a faction in cy to turn the university over to revolution brought the first great race for armaments in preparation the defeat of the latter instead of by a conscious determination to see stream. Such tendency could the and still less to proclaim Trotsky (even quoting from the defeat to world capitalism. it for the final conflict between the thelr victory. But it is because of these defeats that the danger of the broader movement. The actual We must face the problem squarely the need of a split with the black latter book, The Strategy of the transferred the power in a terri two systems.
tory covering one sixth of the With ench new marvelous achieve existence of the Soviet Union fusion with the now on the at the national conference and solve hundred gang of the Old Guard, World Revolution. and the Third earth surface from a class in de ment the Soviet Union is drawn is much greater today. Its actual imagines that be bas discovered a International these students in standing, a more decisive step on an inch to any kind of sectarian order of the day. is in our under it. That means: we must not yield political recipe. He is going reality advocated 80 communistic cline and decay to a rising progres closer into the voretex of world defense has become a much more the same path; by no means a solu considerations in regard to the to work wouders in the Socialista measure as a student controlled site force the working class. This economy. Today this is illustrated pressing necessity.
was then, and remains today its in concrete terms of credits and of It is for these reasons also that Son of the problem, for the com fusion and the launching of the party all by himself by means of forum.
most fundamental aspect exchange of products in terms of the defense of the Soviet Unlog Warned by Provost Moore to personal diplomacy. back slapping bined forces of the two organiya new party.
Around the working class rallied economy and of politics. It is im cannot be conceived of without a can be a great the centrist leaders, and the devil cease advocating a student forum, the great majority of the peasantry, possible to disregard the interdo struggle to the very end against Sectarianism tions are modest enugh, but a real move in this direction.
broader mass activity through the when vast new perspectives open to remain a rlend of the League to within the sacred preclects of mained firm und found its joint ex. gardless of whether they have for sime have been strangled and deIn turning deliberately toward a lux and change in the movement has been said that he even expects think freedom of speech is permit cementing an alliance of mutual pendence of the various nations in the Stalinist bureetcrate regime melo contradient our past exist wie ed extend the basis and broaden moed of such friends. The new constitution provides for the right and cultural institutions of the last structure. ln view of this it as stroy the revolution de botene og ence as a propagandu group. and the intluence of revolutionary party needs revolutionary militants of petition for the referenduma Dr. workers comblic, in the Red Army necessary to emphasize over and course now left open is the one of There Marxism are ours to grasp. We who are firm in their convictions Moore representative hurried to and in the reciprocal relations was a time when the propaganda shull oppose every manifestation of and loyal to their own organizatie Stadent Council and bore the mutual benefits and mutual obll tlonal self sufliciency as well as the ation of a new International. From Ircie, as result of the general such tendency with all our on. We have had a good chance words that if the students attempt Eatious between city and country. theory of Socialism in Oue Councils we do no at all exclude the stagnation and theoretical degener strength in the League, and in the in recent years to find out who they ed to use their right From this alliance the try is utoplan and reactionary. Soviet Union. But the center of are. There are enough to make a ation, was the only existence pos new party, also, It necessary.
that right would be taken from draws its great bencon light of national boundaries is not feas victorious reaction is now in the strength, serving socialist society within the limits gravity of the struggle against the start. Others will follow, and we them. Shades of 1776!
wible for those who retained ulleGitlow and Zam Renegades!
in a dismal world as a Like a bolt from the blue on of inspiration. And this also has ible. Socialism and national separwest, with France at this moment glauce to principle. The situation But it goes without saying that will train them in the same wpirit.
of the time determined the progresuar position in this regard has Our road is the road to the new Monday afternoon, October 29th, held imperialist marauders back, atism are mutually exclusive.
as its most crucial point. In the sive nature of the propagandu cir nothing in common with the posle revolutionary party. And, by that, the five popular and active students although their films are Itching At this particular moment, for United States, however, rapid decle. We understood it better than tion of those who seek to solve the not to conciliation with the parties were suspended.
for the attack. The working class example, reports are current of the velopments of the class struggle are On the same day student inter power hus defied its fous. It has unwillingness of the major can also in the making.
task, rejecting all magic presented at the revolutionary, banner and concilable struggle against them. Plan de entrennt began swelling remained unsbaken and stands as calist powers to grant long term This is where we will take our In that we were absolutely right, low and Zam, this shameful per have the opportunity to succeed. on Tuesday the students acted. land. To defend this fatherland the necessity in view of this to part in the creation of a new Inas subsequent experience demonformance, only complete the evolu The perspective of a rising lubor Ten o clock classes were empty remains an elementary duty for make drastic curtailments in the ternational and organizing the real defenders of the Soviet Union. We strated.
tion which began with their era movement is all in our favor: a professors dismissed their classes every revolutionist.
next five year plan. We do not ac hall the seventeenth anniversary of The Fate of Our Critics sade against Trotskyism in the genuinely Marxist party cannot fail as 4, 000 tudents stood before It is not necessary to make in cept these reports in any sense of the October revolution and pledge Those who built on form founda They were among the origi to thrive in the period of labor re Royce Hall steps and saw uniformed quiries today about the accomplish finality insinuch as the capitalist to it our loyalty and support. For far from having tions of principle proved to be most harors, or at least the earliest prac vival and mass activity. Our rivals police and football heroes knockinents of the October revolution. powers are Pre work directly and titioners, of the art of misusing the and the are irredown the speakers who attempted We do not ask for its justification. united front among themselves. us it meant the first stage in the time establishing relations and unit tle Leninist weapon of denuncia mediably bankrupt, as the experi to take the stand in the behalf of it is sufletent to say that the world and engage the competitive literally stands aghast, watching struggle for markets.
But these kinning of a new civilization not to Img with other progressive elements tion, hurling the epitbet rene ence of the two big strike waves the realeltrant free speechers.
OurCopy Guaard Academie Freedom breathlessly every new advance in reports must serve as a serious be contined to one single country which, in the nature of the case, sade at houest revolutionists until demonstrated once again.
It is in this spirit that we are about The economic successes Cries of What are the cops do the The world watches in warning broadens the perspective mass ac the word lost all meaning. Ilow forces are not too numerous, but to take the first serious step toward the.
hohe organization of the American who did so much talking about even console themselves with the are firm in principle and taking want an open hearing rang out. admiration and sympathy or with and cannot solve its problems and revolutionists into the new party.
Whassa work and condemned our thought that the horrible misuse them all together, they embody Yes, the students were learning Gear and hatred, but there is unani do not at all secure the existence Psectarianism (Weisbord, Feld, engendered such a cynletem on the mass activity. The task is a colos: poignant than can be found in shown when contronting the mag existencn is directly and inextric celebrate our sixth anniversary of preoccupation with propaganda es or epithets box the Stalinists has rich experience in trade union and there on those steps lessons more mity in the respectful attitude of the workers republic. Their beldes are this spirit also that we. cop was scufflea. nitude of its developments. Even ably bound up with their position Six years ago its first issue ap mass work, with produda, with return to the party of revolution if we have nerve to begin it and the students booed.
else. ary unity without program, will to carry it through In the office of the university, Dr. perialist nations, the United States bound to with the advance or the peared, throwing down its chal organization and It is an ironic commentary on these without a banner, without as they The Principles of the New Party Moore shuddered and, looking at itset, no longer dares to deprecate retreat of the international revolu lenge to the organizers of defeat We need a declaration of prin the four young men who had been these developments, not to speak of tion. This is an elementary lesson and making the first attempt in this Svorkers plunged into internal to even form faction in this unit ciples that speaks out clearly on expelled and who had been sum. making an actual comparison of of Marxism which we can never country to restore the banner of the October revolution. The Mu crisis by their total isolation from a party wille escape the ludis every important question. The first moned to appear before him, sala conditions and achievements of the afford to overlook or to disregard.
the mass movement on the one handmant denunciation of the revolu draft, taken as a basis, is naturally Get out there, you four, and break respective national economies.
tant has grown since in influStruggle to the End ence and around it has rallied a The Contrast hand the fusion of the and lonary workers. Never mind. The to be edited, revised and clarified up that meeting! No one moved.
The relationship between the movement, spoke quietly: Dr the on the other, that they sword of Lenin has been blunted, on every point. The bulk of this Then one still small when comIt is true that here the scope of orkers republic and the capitalist pured to its xigantic tasks, but work or improving and claritying Moore, you break it up. You start the productive forces sin far out: eers is necessarily a compromise Armly founded on the teachings of al principle basis to maintain really serious analysis of the the prograin has already been acare compelled to seek some kind of but it will be sharpened again.
ed it.
strip those of the Soviet Union, but and will remain so until the one Marx and Lenin. On that foundatheir indedependence. They will tution, the trends and the cur complished by the joint committee.
These were brave words, but the here an overwhelming percentage rents in the workers political The second dratt, embodying impor four students anxious to get back of its capacityles Idle and despite Anse a peaceful relationship no se international Left Opposition. the other conquers. It is in no tion we made common cause with not find it.
The propaganda circle must give Movement in the United States does tant amendents and reformulations into school had repudiated Celeste matter what the diplomatie cover und set for ourselves first the aim Strach member because of anarchy of capitalist production is may seem to convey. The is. of propagandizing its ideas. To us way now to the political party tied not lead to the conelusion that the will go to the convention delegate ber membership in that organiza prevails, millions of workers tes between them are fought out this could only mean a certain up with the movement of the mass. Socialist Party is or will be the of each organization and then to es. Under the inspect of the rising revolutionary party of the future, the stand against Communism in tions of unemployment, the stand advantage of either side is influ ineas into actual life in the class sion. The work in the Joint proactivity of the general labor move or that it is the best field for the the joint convention for final revi tion, and were later going to take main in the misery and depriva constantly in the class war and the stage of preparation to bring these ment thousands upon thousands of activities of the revolutionists to gram committee has demonstrated an effort to purify their banner. ard of living for the class as xenced step by step through the struggle. We have now passed that Outside Pleading of a few loy whole vastly reduced while bank strengthening or the weakening of transitional stage and we feel that workers are beginning to awaken day. Of all the groups in the beyond any doult that we have all students who called upon every ruptcies make Inroads in the vari the position of either class on a our efforts have not been in vain.
to political life; others, wbo have there is not one that is revolution common standpoint on all the run one to sing the college anthem, ous layers of the middle class. The world scale. The final victory will But in the course of these developary, that is, bolshevik. There is damental questions of principles fallen away in the period of rae not one leader that deserves the and tactics. What remains now is Hall Blue and Gold. Earl Miller superiority of planned economy as e determined by this position. To ments it also became clear to us tion roused out of their passivity. These name of revolutionist. As for rer primarily a literary task of formu dean of men, requests the students pursued in the has been day the international revolution is that the ideas transformed into and stagnation, are being They will seek political the outside, they cannot do it, as such precision that it cannot have student action had already been ployment has been eliminated and defents. It is a well known fact could be drawn from the disastrous these go. But a glowing page in a shadow of a doubt.
There unem has suffered serious reverses and new party. No other conclusion the case of Gitlow and Zam proved, two meanings to anybody. In through the medium of unless they up their program program declaration of the new written the standard of living of the popu that within the ring of countries defeats of the working class moveone of the parties. This is underand their banner. When revolu narty there should be no trace of lation as a whole is Improving Support from Stanford stool, more or less, by all the motionists do that they cease to be ambiguity. We are confident that But the imperialists still cherish around the Soviet Union reaction is ment on a world scale, the false And support pours in from out 11tical minded people in all the the nationkroups. They are moving to adjust revolutionists. The leaders of the the final draft which passes the side. from Stanford University hopes in the midst of their deadly growing at a much faster pace than theory and practice o the successes of Socialist construc ally limited Stalinist bureaucracy their activities accordingly, and, by Militants who it must not be convention will meet this Marxian where the editor of the organ of Chess They know that the Soviet ton. The further direction of the and the dismat failure of the par the direction they take, they reveal forgotten, are the leaders of the test and become the charter and the students there writes have no illusions about the peace has gained its advantages mainly We now stand on the threshold Union cannot alone. They.
Party nationally, exacted from gulde of all the revolutionary mill. editorial on tree speech. The Unt ful coexistence of the workers re due to the departure of the Stal of the new revolutionary party in lovestone moves desperately to tow and Zam a public declara tants in the country.
re attach himselt to the staliniston that they have no intention of students declare are one houre strike publle alongside of the capitalist Infst regime in the Soviet Union the United States. The League to party, in its swing to the right her kind of a faction, in the anniversary of our struggle is to students.
forming a communist faction, or any 11, as all signs indicate the sixth in sympathy with the suspended economy and never before have from the theory and practice of it will be no exaggeration to say before his group falls to pieces berevolutionary internationalism. Out that the new party will become one fore his eyes. Gitlow Zam Goldman Therty. Then, to avoid conflieteulminate in the conclusion of our Here as at LA Cross Eyed erkeh back into the Socialist party witbatbe, ehe Chilie en betroom: existence as a separate group and Kellys of the gridiron try to of this the severe defeats of the of the important factors in laying Roosevelt Plan Fails to make good the mistake onniste over to New Jersey to Joint struggle with the members of Junior College sends a petition with real defenders of the Soviet Union the foundation for the actual or1919 We, who are neither Stallo win the so to speak, as second the In a single party, it can 150 names calling for reinstatement.
became possible. In order to prove sanization of the Fourth InternaIsts nor social democrats, move to crade members (Continued from Page 1) this contention it is necessary to tional. It will have a serious misonly mean that we carry with us unite with other forces to form an Mistaken Analogles The days that have followed bave Three hours after Harry Hopkins record once again only the defeatsion to perform. The further exIndependent party opposed to both.
that system of ideas and methods seen Dr. Moore appealing to stu had roused the congress of econo of the Chinese revolution, the tension of the October revolution Each, According to his opinion and Some people attempt to find an which, thanks to our international dent vigilantes (here we must remists to wild enthusiasm, President teat of the German workers and still awaits the strong hands of a his Inner Tendeney, will find his analogy between the contemptible collaboration, and above all to the member the vigilantes used during Roosevelt himself knocked the pins the crushing of their organizations revolutionary movement capable of place: except those who want to course of Gitlow and Zam and the aid of our great teacher, we have the strike in San Francisco) to out from under them and told them when Hitler came to power, and the leading to victory. It is to that contine to clarits themselves in action of the French Bolsheviko Armly acquired, your conviction drive radicalism (spell freedom of their work would be contined to defeat of the Austrian workers. task that he new party will be small circle. For such there is Leninists in entering the 1o. is unsha keable. We Trotskyltes thought) off the campus. Says he: formulating memployment insur. These were the greatest blows dedicated no salvation and no political life as a group But in reality there is are convinced to the marrow of our well regulated university does ance not any kind of insurance for struck not only against the inter In the period unfolding now no similarity at all. Shaken to its bones that our fight was justified not have free speech 80 a uni the present unemployed, but pational revolution but against the Dilemma of Propaganda Groups foundations by the crisis of the and necessary. We renounce noth versity is a laboratory for exper cheap little fund that would tide Soviet power as well.
Mooney Wins Hearing 1egeneration is the fate of ali democratic state, the French So ing and repent nothing. Revolu iment. Says who?
present job holders over a few What has the Soviet Union The supporters of the weeks of unemployment propaganda groups which are not clulist party reacts to the broadest tionary Internationalism remains as gained in return for these blows able to transform the nature or exible democracy in its own before our central, unifying idea. Americans (as they call them (Continued from Page 1)
The Great Social Security Pro on the international arena? Fromecutioner hand and forced Woodtheir activity and connect them. 7unks; the leadership is not in a The great task now, as we under selves) are: the American Legion gram boiled down to a plan where the capitalist powers its accorded row Wilson to have his sentence selves with the broad movement Desition to place limitations upon stand it, is to carry this idea into the Daughters of the American might receive a few weeks support Even the mighty dollar empire has Everytime since then that Mooney it. The Bolshevik Leninists are the realm of organization and ac Revolution, the Better American from a fund created parts out of extended its official recognition. had a chance for freedom. It was by workers at present employed respect in outward appearance. commuted to life imprisonment.
when the hour strikes for such able to enter the party is retained forces to build the new party of merce, the Chief of Police Davis, their meager salaries and partly several powers, no doubt, would at because the labor movement was without any tion. That means concretely: unite Federation, the Chamber of Com transformation. We are prepared ward: but we ourselves must take their whole program, their name, the Fourth International. We hope the aristocratie Ebell Club. Cast out of payroll taxes, a sort of com this present stage not spurn an al in motion.
by our past for a great leap for conditions: they the leap. We fought a good fight their banner, their press. They to contribute our full share to the an appreciative eye over that mob, pany union mutual benefit associa lance ce with the Soviet Union but. Today again, if the Supreme It was historically necessary and work within the Soclalist Party for accomplishment of this great his Horarios tion, with very little benefit at that. as far as they are concerned, it Court is not to be permitted to find progressive. Against the stream the same ideas that governed their toric task.
The Presiden warned (Warned. would be only to further their own a legal loophole But a wave of student support is the economists that thes were not imperialist aims. The Soviet Union retrial, it will only be because the deny Mooney dificulties against slander, isola cowy do it openlycomWhat does this Elevator Strike Near But, nevertheless, such a progres to consider any old age pensions bas entered non agression pacts of militant working class is on its teet tion and poverty of resources we skulking, shamefaced conduct of sive wave, galvanized by deany health Insurance, or any plans the kind that were declared scraps and says to the doddering Judges held tenaciously to our course. We Gitlow?
It has that it will not take NO for an anmands for the reinstatement of the tor bettering the ten million now of paper in the last war. Continued from Page 1)
have a right to be proud of our been taken into the icy embrace of swer.
Ave students, for a student forum, unemployed We have supported the action of six years struggle. The history of our French comrades.
for free speech that even the reMeanwhile a farlous eampaign of doubtable Dr. Moore may be swept The Security Grave the League of Nations. Its repre! The cause of Mooney is the cause Under the the American movement does not exceptional circumstances In a few short words the Presi sentatives will sit on the council of the oppressed and explolted.
slander has been unleashed by the Aside.
know another example of a group that was put to such severe terting in the French labor movement bosses in an effort to nip the strike dent dug a grave, burled the Social in Geneva constructed by the rob Tom Moouey went to prison be The latest paper carries news Security program, and erected ber bands of nations which were cause he fought labor battle. As we think it was the correct tactical in the bud. Five thousandscabs that 100 professors de tombstone over the hopes of those Victorious in the last war and for long as Mooney remains in Jalla and stood up under them so. firmly.
is We have survived.
We have a the purpose arthe right to be proud of our six years situation in this country is entirely places of striking workers, while mand the ouster of this senile ser. who expected something from the aclal national boundaries of Im working class, struggle for principle; but at would for the creation of an independent made by the police department to Let letters, petitions, mass meet. ter. President Roosevelt bas kept enslavement of humanity with the never discouraged, has time and afferent. Here the road is open extensive preparations are being vant of reaction, this pitiful, brok New Deal.
There was rejolcing in one quar perialist loot and to continue the Fighting Mooney, never weary, that this struggle called upon the working not an end in itself but a period of hot deceive Ourselves about that. charge by the bosses that Chicagoing all over the land swell the his promise to business. said the blessings of capitalist civiliza again preparation for the new opportun have serious revolutionary alms union has falled to dampen the enEvery school in the land winers (read: robber barons) hailed when compared to the disastrous have not passed unbeeded is a mat.
ities and new tasks which stand be and do not shrink from the imple thusiasm of the workers.
have to decide whether free speech the cautious policy enunciated by defeats flowing from a fundamenter of history.
fore us now cations of struggle for them. It But now, now! more than ever is to be allowed at or the President, who emphasized that tally false theory and practice. On In a telegram sent to Mayor these collegiate fascists, who helped miracles could not be achieved, the weak reed of such victories the before it is our duty to answer his are not immune from such a dan will be so hard tobillo 18ht. Those LaGuardia, the Real Estate Board break the longshoremen strike, that all problems could not be stahomet bureaucracy leads torches call!
We must that we see not certaine element of sectar who have to stomach for at can warns of serious labor disturbare to rule. Every college accord solved at once and that in develop support toward to the attacks one gives Lanism is inseparable from the road upon the Soviet Union instead of SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT.
life of a group which lives a long pretext or another.
recent tertion that the unlonban elde this problem. An avalanche program we must not loose sight placing its real reliance on the Goldman Desertion under its leadership no more than ot protests directed to the presteer the fact that there can be no strengthening of the working class JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE time in Isolation and is compelled by the needs of the movement, as How else is one to explain the 20 per cent of the workers in the dent of the University of Californ security for the individual in the we were, to preoccupy itself almost action of Albert Goldman in jump Industry.
ia, Dr. Sproul, at Berkeley, will midst of general insecurity.
An offer by the bosses to submit definitely help to decide that freeexclusively with theoretical working over the fence into the at In other words, the people can WIII Speak On with the intransigeant struggle to the moment our plans for fusion the question of wages and bourdom of speech shall be safeguarded, wait for five or ten years for thelr Revolutionary possible that we will have to face proclamation of the new party were emphasically rejected by union maintained! Dr. Moore will reapes itself. Capitalem first, the work SUNDAY, NOV. 18, at P.
Trends in the decisive turn in our work with bearing completion? What is that leaders who first demand the closed the whirlwind he has nown! ers afterwards, is the President IRVING PLAZA Europe some nectarian hangovers in our but the act of Atrike breaker? shop. BILL MONROE. motto.
16th Street Irvine Place Admielon 18 new forces will not go to little clutlonists entering the from lating each and every point with to go back to their classes. Back demonstrated long ago and beyond not advancing. On the contrary, it uite must find their expression in a fine Cannon