AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE WORLD OF LABOR NEW YORK TRADE UNIONISTS QUIT JOIN MOVEMENT FOR NEW PARTY IN QUESTION BOX CHICAGOLessons of the Spanish Revolution Comrades Taylor and Terry Question: What is the Marxlan basis of the theory ed. The strike conducted by the count of themselves. The rank tion. Through the initiative of the the inevitability of the social revolution? Is this The massacres of workers continue.
siguatories to this statement District Council and the indepen and He proved themselves militant, comrades S, and Weinstock a Icat. theory fatistic and being sure of ultimate victory.
After the massacres and the Vienna anys, the were the organizers and leaders dent strike movement led by local fighters against Zausner paid let was distributed amongst paint. oes it swify the working class in its struggle massacres and the Spanish days. This is a new de of the progressive opposition 199 created hesitancy in both gangsters.
ers signed in the name of the Opgalust capitalist?
feat in the struggle of the workers against reaction group which conducted a fight in camin. This condition was further Zausner and his District Council position and calling for the defense in Europe, but defeat whose revolutionary power the big clectrical workers local und more seriously aggravated by No. lost no time in denouncing of the Soviet Union.
Answer: There no inevitability, in Marxian strikes fear into the forces of the world counter muinber against the corrupt adtheory, in the sense that the working class whether the complete isolation of left wing the Communists within the Brothof ministrations revolution.
the local and of intleuce and militaney from the erbood locals as dual unionists And Terry (and not them alone as only not theoretically excluded, but even a probabil.
This amazed comrades Taylor they struggle or not MUST be victorious. It is not Yes. On either wide of the Atlantic, from the the International Brotherhood.
strike movement conducted by the whose intention it was to split the has since been learned. These it for the present historical epoch, that the fallure herole Asturian miners to the thousands of fighters This remarkable fight, which at District Council Brotherhood. Zausner attempted comrades thereupon tracted nationwide attention and in Amsterdam and America the bourgeois counter questioned of the proletariat to build revolutionary parties and claimed the life of one of the revolution has to reckon with the armed and tensmashed squarely on the head by while their familles were dented Was the leaflet calling for action on worid wide scale (lascism, destruction Independent strike action was to convince the rank and file that comrade as follows: seine power in time may result in the victory of reaclous resistance of the awakened masses. The blot opposition members, resulted in the resignation of the InternaPhilip Zausner and his District the necessities of life due to unemting out of socialism which the bourgeoisle hopes the defense of the Soviet Union dis of the Soviet Union, etc. and le such a destruction tional president, Bronch.
to bring about by savage repression is everywhere Council No. 9, Local 499 had its ployment, the Communists had or cused and then authorized by the of the world productive forces (imperialist wars.
When charter revoked and its members anized a dual union with a wage Opposition?
renewed later, due to continued restriction of production to a minimum Inside nashown to be a dream. The revolutionary workers No.
gangster methods employed by movement, extending over the entire world may pertional borularies, etc. that humanity may be set the local administration in shootThe Painters Protective Association that of the Brotherhood, thus fur Then why was it issued in hack for many years. It is of course difficult to haps be retarded here and there by bloody repressions but it can never be wiped out. But to overcome the ing and wounding several of the (rank and flle opposition) will not ther deepening their own misery.
the name of the Opposition! imagine that the working class will not eventually opposition members. Taylor and 80 very quickly recover from this In the attempts to blacken the defeats the revolutionary proletarian vanguard must Some times it is necessary destroy the upitalist system since all the laws of blow Communists with the material sup to do things over the heads of the motion of prevent dlay Hociety tend in this direction.
be keenly alive to the epoch we are now living Terry were the main organizers Aready rumblings of dissatisfac plied to him by the Party leader rank and file and thus force a dis only in this HISTORICAL wense can the social revothrough, and especially to conditions in Europe.
and leaders in a broad rank and cussion of the issue.
tion with the party leadership issue ship. Zausuer was partly success file movement of many of Under the pressure of internal and international lution conceived a levitable. There are no guar.
That is how the bureanerney anteex, however, as to when or under what circumfrom below! Many party members ful. Thus the prestige of the party difficulties, the bourgeoisie in every country finds it building trades unions. The Kangster officials were removed in soft tones and among themselves members among the rank and nle defends the Soviet Union.
stance Ir will take place.
self constrained to place itself on subversive and reThese are only some small ex.
actionary soil, that is to say, it is forced to abandon and convicted, much of the trade complain that Weinstock articles was lowered.
As to stay idea that Marxian theory pacifies the union rucketeering was effecin the Daily Worker and the Rank In the latter part of 1933 Zusamples of party bureaucracy. The the soll of so called democracy and legality. It lo the bourgeoisie, as a whole, which causes civil tively exposed and several of the and File Federationist proclaiming her created his famous organizing real situation in the party is that workers. Marx stated his concept as follows: victorious achievemeuts after each campaign. Many hundreds of work no democracy exists, no crítich of progressive measures sponsored What did was to prove the following. 1) That by arming fascism whose only Issue on the interna tional arena is a new slaughter of the people.
by the opposition were accepted defeat do not by any chance turners joined the Brotherhood. Had the leadership or its policies is to the existence of classes is connected only with cerMore than ever, the cannibalism of the ruling class by the electrical workers local defeat into victory but lay the the original and correct polley oferated, thus resulting in a large to historical strugates which are characteristie of union.
the development of production. 2) That class war groundwork for future defents, the party into the of not turnover of membership indi witbly leads to the dictatorship of the proleon the one hand and the bloody sacrifices of the toilers on the other, should convince the people that Comrade Taylor is a member Weinstock believes in doing big been renounced and had the party Political Work of the ince 1826 and con tarlat. Quotation by Lenin in State and Rev.
things in a big way. He does members in the Brotherhood locals Although absorbed in the trade tuition. there is only one method to abridge, to simplify, to reduce the deadly suffering caused by capitalist radle Terry since 1330. Both are not sit down with rank and Alle themselves developed a broad rank union work did however closely workers and together with them and file movement for the organiza: observe the work of the party and tie? What is it that leads to the proletarian dietallow en this spective be considered as fatalis18 active is ever in their leading decay: revolutionary struggle. Struggle or death revolutionary struggle or annihilation; in this manNotion of the unorganized, the entire the Comintern on the political torship? Cine War! If the proletarians were to sit capacities within the progressive formulate policy and tactics. einstork is a leader of the mass membership of the Independent un deld. The discerning comrade was at bune then they would not be participating in the trade union niovenient. Ed ner the bourgeoisie, which is determined to destroy ex even though he loud those ton could have had the possibility everything to save its doomed regime. Irrevocably The present period demands the very sume masses completely out of of joining the Brotherhood locale able to see a constant degeneration class struggle and the failure to achieve emancipe in what the party and Cominterntion won be assured.
poses the question.
Tollers, the example of Spain after that of Vienna greatest decisiveness and unity of the palaters union and into a state and thus greatly strengthened the term Lentoist theory and praca of demoralization.
left wing.
Even though he does not make it out of the whole tice.
demonstrates again that the splendid heroism of the action by the working class. The Local 2717 Carpenter combatants does not suttice to assure vietory overende union and political field has mistakes of the party both on the Some four or five weeks ago, at Zinoviev, reporting for the Exe cloth. man makes his own history.
Question: Does ocial Democracy acrent the theFor years the party boasted about meeting of the leading building cutive Committee of the at the the enemy; undoubtedly physical force can only be resulted not only in retarding the good work of the party trac trades faction, of which at the time Fourth Comintern Congress, said ory of hevitability defeated by physical force. With all our heart we working class unity against caption within local 2717 of the United they were members, comrades Tay United the following about the are with our defeated brothers whatever their ten tulist reaction but has also served Brotherhood of Answer: This is a rather peculiar question since the Social Democracy not revolutionary but redency. But precisely in order to avenge the victims to strengthen the of Labu Joiners. The rty fraction comCarpenters and lor and Thrry quoted William Pronto Foster amphlet Organize the The United Front means the formist. Since it rejects the Dictatorship of the Proand to liberate the prisoners its necessary to be reaucrats and the social reformists. pletely storninated local 2017. The Corganized. which was printed leading of the working masses in letarint, it certainly cannot be accused of saying that It means that Arst place, should consist of open implacable criti. The realization of the mistakes members of the Boral paraded in These comrades pointed out their the daily class war.
clsm of the mistakes and the weaknesses of the fathers long as transformed the party line of march on day agreement with the major portion we are ready to march against they make of the ballot box and elect workers organizations themselvex After so many into tendencies allen to revolution Day. supported the party cam. lof the section in Foster oramphlet capitalism side by side with all tower Socialist candidates, the latter can and will Ites the proletariat needs the cure of truth.
can with justice, therefore, say that the Social De unions. In answer to the asserThe Spanlah events should help the proletariat of po me the conviction that my Hunger Marchers. All went dealing with the danger of dual workers, be they Anarchists. Synthen leglslate the social revolution into being. One other countries and particularly the French tariat to learn in the fire of their experience. The the officer in the ranks of well until the party considered the tions of the comrades, the secre plene to join forces with them in provides that the workers clon forget to vote Social place is no prole cial Democrats, or whatever yon mocracy claims a Socialist Society to be inevitable Communist party.
The temp) of activixation too slow and tary of the of Building processes which are hatching in France have long sibility of a free and frank insisted upon independent action Trade Opposition, stated that the daily struggle. We accept ist on election duy.
ago taken a mature form in Spain.
The Socialist party, carried to power by the spon tion of mistakes his strengthened was independent action for local Poster namphlet was written in the fact that we shall often have taneous revolution, made every effort to arrest it and that conviction.
2017 both against and over the 1920 and therefore cunnot apply to to sit at the table with the treach Y, HARVARDto save the bourgeols regime. New revolutionary For the past eight years have heads of the District Council in day! Arval left winger would an crous leaders. The foregoing is. Question: shouldn the question of Self Deterthe Negro workers themselves after the Revolution?
attempts were crushed. This policy of parliamentary Ebe in trade union work. New York and the Executive Counswer that this position was correct what the United Front means ana mination of the Mack Belt be left to le settled by then and is correct now. But com nothing else.
Answer: If he logan of Set Determination is socialism contributed in stabilizing and strengthen. The major portion of any activity oil of the Brotherhood rades Taylor and Terry were acLenin attended the Ith Congres rejected. leIf one recepts the position that the of the Comintern. If there was ing anarchism and syndicalism, two tendencies which lus been confined to the or in the contlict with the District cused of having adopted bach of anything alien to Leninism in the Negro problem. In the US is NOT that of a supare fatal for the revolution. The Stalinists, on their Buildin Opposition. Council the party instructed itsition on dual unions part, with their policy of social faxrism did every will therefore contine my statement fraction in local 2717 to prevent the course did not clear on the interratove explanation of the meaning pressed NATIONAL minority. your question, of thing to repel the workers into anarchim or to keep to this set of party work loenl from paying per capita tax to at all.
of the United Front why did not course, bevores meaningle. Independent Action them in the parliamentary party If the reverse position is adopted, however, the the General Office of the brother. The artificial creation of rival Lenin or any other member of the logon would have to be advanced now since (1) our It is this fatal triangle: social democracy. Staliu The party some few years ago is brood. But the General Office with unlong has been a party nolley for tell Zinovier that he was ism, anarchism, which has ruined the masses by Nued the slogan program is merely the formulation of the historie of Independent the help of the Distrlet. onnell years. It has been the Comintern wrong: that there is only one dooming to defeat every stage of its development; series heroic attempts and by action over and above the heads of simply liquidated the local polley under the Stalin regime. Its united front and that is the olted needs of safety (C) Acceptance of the logun would imply our recog.
Kiving the reaction time to prepare and to arin itself. the bureaucrats. The party frac. Local 271746 a single local disastrous results have been divt Front from below.
The Socialist party finally understood the mortal tious everywhere were instructed to out of more than 25 locals in Sion and splits in the ranks of the Obrony Zinoviny stated the itinu that the Necroes have National aspirations of danger. It made serious preparations for struggle conduct independent strike ne New York City and vicinity was organized workers. volating the Leninist position on the united progressive and even though the pres.
entretionary position of capitalism makes the. but in a few months it was not able to crace the tion. Assuming for a moment that forced into independent action. militants from the mass movement. front the bourgeois fruits of its past rolley. The anarcho syndicalists the stocan of Independent action Had the party traction within local discrediting theme and strengthen on Oct. 1918 Leuin stated the solution the conflushed problems however, remained hostile to the socialist initintives correct, it is therefore logical to 2717 coupled the fight with a pro ing the hands of the practionary following: democratie revolution the task of the proletarian and could not find anything better to do than to conclude from the content of the gram, on an inter local taxis, deal of officials. At this moment degree of organization of the Ger Considering the power and the revolution 10. National Independence) it is pre.
head. 1) when masses are actually going The reaction bad thus gained the opportunity of forex within the trade mlons are tower dues (2) protection of the one the most her for alle partea unes ne proletariat.
We muy believe tinished tasks become a lever toward the winuing free movement on the chess board by occupying one properly organized to conduct lu union standing of the unemployed, is up a blind Alley with its trade that the German revolution will position after another.
It must ignin reputed that direct answer to dependent action over and above) free speech and democracy. 4) union policy. It is proceeding to solve a hundred International prob: the questo pede pon the attitude which one But it would be futile to expect a new revolution the beads of the bureaucrats.
now; it would be equally false to class Lerroux, The use of this slogan in the both the party fraction and local by an orderly retreat attempting the Germany forms the most important to the slogan, and we do not wish to anticipate mir mutional conference which will very shortly take GIl Robles and the fascist group in the same cate course of the actual struggle, how 2717 would today be on firm again entrench the militants in the link in the revolutionary chain. The definite Tuition on it.
gory. It is a matter of different clauses and different over. soon convinced us that the ground. Such a program political tendencies. Not the revolution is on the party fractions within the trade applied on the basis mobilizing will make the left wing clements pends to the greatest degree on UDAH B, CHICAGO properly man unions, but ly a route which success of the world revolution de order of the day, but an internal contlict in the camp untons were not only conducting Il locals, should have resulted in impotent for a long time to come. Germany.
Question: of those who have defeated the Spanish October. The independent struggles over and the creation of a broad rank and Thus the failure to correct a false But the process of Building So the rederation de functionaires ning in the French party of the proletariat should carefully follow the above the of bureaucrats tile inter local movement capable of polley in time leads to new serious cialism in one country cannot be weneral xtrike of webruary internal relations in this camp, which is ten times but that those struggles were effectively dealing with the corrupt mistakes.
interrupted, though what happens Answer: We are informed by a comrade who was more heterogenous than Hitler camp and does not so carried over and above the officials of the New York District Bureaucracy to be at stake is the German revo in Paris at the time that the civil servants were not possess one one hundredth of the discipline of the heads of the rank and Ale workers Council and of transforming the Nazls. It is superfluous to say that a sharp even an themselves.
Some few weeks ago a member of lution, upon which the CC called out, and, because of the nature of the strike local untons into fighting Instru the of Committee appeared world revolution depends. one day demonstration. there was no way of armed conflict (which is hardly excluded. can again Indifference to the organizational ments of the workers.
Revision of the Tentuint United setting their attitude to it in netlon. Subsequent to at the meeting of the electrical change the situation in favor of the proletariat.
strength of the Opposition in the What is the result of this kind of workers opposition ostensibly to get Front coupled with the treachery that thine, however, they have been taking a very Miserable philistines declare that military tech practical use of the slogan Inde Independent action in both in support for a dance arranged by the of the Social Democratic leaders active role in demonstrations etc. since the govern nique has emerged victorious from the revolution of pendent action soon resulted instances those of the carpenters local committee. He immediately installu Socialism in one coun: ment economy program is being carried out chiefly struggle of the proletariat is rondemned in advance auized opposition group and party wing had obtained a strong basis for discussion was to be Amiliation Fascism. the retrent from revolua seutch through the men of both the radical and Our conclusion is the direct opposite. Armed strug fractions, but entire local unions. Two local unions under its influence of the Electrical Workers Group to tionary gle which is the inevitable outcome of the class 499 Painters thus provided a goud beginning the of Committee.
struggle of our epoch can only be victorious on the of the results for serious fight against the among others, are the reason that the capitalist prou falled to disclose the information basis of a revolutionary policy which texts the cadres of independent This raised a storm of protest made it possible for Fascism to nx BRONX glaring extrike action will reactionaries.
It could have been from the chairman other lead sume power in Germany, careful building of Question: What is meant ly Bonapartism?
and wins the masses by giving them clear analysis be found in reviewing the recent extended by How did the Stalin dominated in ing members of the opposition. The Answer: Ry this we unally mean a form of capl of the real situation.
activities of the party fraction in left wing groupe the other locals.
mase support, which the minute that struggle is forces on it by the enemy, tors and Paper Hangers of Amerlea. fighting on the basis of remaining affiliation to the of LCom. Hirler to power? In the manne itsel! on the military. the police, and the The working class must be prepared systematically In the recent painters strike within the e of But the mitte was never brought to the at Every defeat of the proletariat bureaucracy and sale to do so because the hosthe each other, militias. That is the lesson that should be drawn Council No. Tocal 499, under the ture and split with the result that ted to the executive committee of cist reaction is not proof of bour equilibrium which would result in a civil war, unfor unremitting struggle, it must create the workers Collud by the officials District party followed the policy of can traction. Nor was it first submit ternational capitalism. The Fas neither camp being able nor willing to upset the from the Spanish events.
influence of the party fraction, led It captured nothing stands discred for consideration. The leaders of geols strength, but weakness. The less was done to Germany by the leadership of Civil war, like all war, requires methodical pre the movement for independent Ited as a splitter and its fractions the of Committee tried to bourgeoisie has chosen Fascism, the and CP. the opposing camp capitulates paration, a firm and capable leadership. We know strike action. organized its are now almost completely divorced catch the workers by surprise, as terror and war. because the work without a fight. It is usually precondition, if a that only a revolutionary proletarian party can as. picket lines, pulled Jobs and from the rank and file. They are it were ing class has grown stronger. Bonapartist regime is to last for any length of time.
sure this leadership. But we do not draw the false conducted strike action over and a negligible factor in the life of Comrade a member of the Communist Youth Pravda, Maren that the classes shall have mutually exhausted ench conclusion from the fact that the existing parties of above the heads of the bureau. the unlons. District Bureau of the 4. 1934. the two Internationals, socialist and communist, crats The position of the corrupt other instruggle. It is apparent from this general The downfall of the German pro deseription of this historical phenomenon that the have once again demonstrated their bankruptcy, and Naturally much confusion result of officials has been strengthened and a member of the painters tracletariat proved to be the downfall hence the necessity new proletarian parties, that at the expense of the rank and file ke are many and variety of forms which it can it is necessary first to build the new party in order it had organised the toiling popu Into whose ranks temporary demor THE INTERNATIONAL of the Comintern. It is now her that it represents an unstable form of power comWORKERS SCHOOL essary to build a new party and marable to a ball balanced on the top of a pyramid.
to struggle against fascism. The proletarian vanguard lation into nghting formations in Alization has set in as a result of Fourth International. We hope to Haven you read Trotsky pamphlets. in. of in this struggle that it will grow in every country annonno a series of 12 lecture help in the process of building hoth!
the advance guard of the workclasses by The Communist League of Ameri If the two Internationals were capable of energetic Unity of action! But that shoula ing class.
ca and the American Workers Party knowledge with thank the receipt of a letter from Acknowledgement: Your editor wishes to acMAX SHACHTMAN initiative they long ago would have appealed to the signify: preparation of the masses Rival Unions are about to achieve organic unity Comrade 11. Sory of London, England, in which he working masses for the boycott against the butchers for the inevitable struggle. Form The creation of rival unions has as a step towards the creation of submits to us. from another source. Communist of the Spanish tollers. The negotiations in Brussels the workers militia. No more probeen the party policy during the The History of the Communist the New Party.
on the contrary, have demonstrated the complete letarian massacres, but the organ last several years and it is a sore International No. 18, published by League (Trotskylsts) We have carefully studied there the same quotation from Lenin The Third Interbankruptcies of the internationals, which stillization of a victorious struggle. spot which spreads its polson Every Wednesday, beginning Nov. efforts for the creation of the new national and Its Place in History that was sent in occupy the posts of leadership in the workers move Meetings, resolutions are useful throughout the of Buflding 14, at P. at 144 Second Ave party, with which we are in agree by Comrade MacDonald and published in the ment. While the workers in Spain battle arms in for the Spanish proletariat in grips Trades Opposition. By rival unions The fee for entire course is 50, ment. The proclamation of the New Question Box of Nov. 3rd.
hand the delegates of the two bureaucracies from with frenzied reaction on the con mean the artificial creation of or 20 cents for a single lecture.
Moscow and Zurich hold fruitless and impotent dition that this sympathy becomes new unions where the of for the American working clase Correction: An unfortunnte graphical error negotiations in Brussels.
active and energetic. Petitions and already a mass basis. The In Although the following courses JACK TAYLOR.
Workers, the road to victory still remains open to meetings leave the Spanish bour dependent Alteration Painters Un of the school are already in session, appeared in the Question Box of last week.
statement whleh was printed a. ships of all you. There is no time to lose. Unity of action is a geolsie as well as those of other ton (T. UU. was organized some it is still possible to register for STATMENT OF COMRADE capitalist countries including the step forward in barring the road to fascism. But countries indifferent. In face of few years ago, with a wage scale them: ALFRED TERRY should have read. Including the In order that this unity of action be effective and the cannibalism of the counter rev and working conditions below that of Marxism Carl Cowl. Not desiring to repeat what has efficacious It must not be limited to agreements be olution let is organize our united of the Brotherhood (A. of Every Friday at P. already been said in the above tween the tops, on the parliamentary sphere, it must front of struggle: let us create our The Independent Alteration Paint state Revolution. Weber. statement of Comrade Jack Taylor. November New International Out Inrolve and organize all the working people over the workers militia. Long live the ere Unton grew rapidly in the first Every Monday at P. take this opportunity of stating entire country: every barrier between the workers armed struggle of the Spanish stages of its existence. American History Morrow. that withdraw from the ranks of The November free of the New International is must be broken down; every worker no matter wbat workers! Long live the proletar In the course of time there de Every Wednesday at P. the official for the rea just off the press! Get your copy early. The October his political opinion, can And himself in fraternallan power! Long live the IVth In veloped vicious warfare Letween sons stated in the above document. Issue was completely sold out. Among the contents contact with his class brothers. The workers alli:ternational, organizing the proleta: the Brotherhood and Independent The fee for these courses is 60 The above statement coincides within this issue are letters from Marx, Trotsky and ance in Spain would have been able to oppose and rlan vanguard of all countries for Unlon for the control of Alteration for the entire course or 20 cents my personal expertences as party Rakovsky on Russia, a letter from Spain, an article certainly would bave been able to offer a much more the victory of world socialism!
stubborn and more effective resistance to the attacks The International Secretariat, struggles the membership of the tions are taken daily at the office, periences along trade union lines terial etc. etc. etc. lic per copy: 50 a year: paintshope. In the course of these for any single session. Registra member and in particular my ex on the Negro question, bank reviews archive maof the troups of Gil Robles Lerroux, If in advance International Communist League Independent union gave a good ac. 144 Second Avenue, New York City. ALFRED TERRY. for seven issues.
to on