BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Organization Notes.
MARCH OF EVENTS This Sunday, Nov. 4th, we held Worker Looks at the of dissention in the new Federal partment. This could be accomAlthough we did not carry on another meeting in Paterson. Right of Convention cal union would remain intact.
been led to believe that their verts ested in this class of work into one any kind of campaign to solicit Weekly Prosperity Note in the heart of the strike territory International Union, instead of greetings for this issue except by Lull in the French Storm James Curley, Democratic at Oakley Hall. Muste, chairThe fall of the Doumergue gov.
governor elect The resolution also gives the having complete set of Internaan announcement in the Militant, a Those employers who were ex. of power to appoint officers, tional otticials for each trade. This a number of our readers have resees prosperity rounding the cornman of the American Workers pectantly awaiting the of form the police to direct and car would also relieve the membershly sponded. Some of the accompany ernment and its replacement by er at last. For the first time in Party, Hugo Oehler, Industrial Or Convention, to see if that highest minister the financial affairs for a of a great financial burden. ing letters are quoted here because new truce ministry can in no real Ave years, he declared, you can ganizer of the Communist League and most powerful body of Ameri provisional period. This gives the The 30 Hour Week they show what our paper menne sense be called a turn in the French ride through Massachusetts at of America and Arnold Johnson, can labor was going to reorganize of officials an opportunity William Green seems to be ex to our subscribers situation. Rather it can be charnight and see factory lights burn. Secretary the National Unem their institution so that labor could to get a machine organized in the tremely proud of the fact that he of Boston, sends in 25c spe acterized as a momentary lull in Ing. How about a popular song, ployed Leagues spoke on the dyers more efficiently fight the oppressive new unlons which will be capable has advocated the 30 hour week cifically for the Fourth Internathe storm which must inevitably break out anew more violently and Mussachusetts agaiu to the tune action on the part of the strikers lean back in their swivel chatrs and ments. In they are unable to estar as he has got. know of no Comrade Gussle Krakotsky, who more intensely than before. What Governor Curley could croon it was orderly and the dyers present Consider the average tablish such a machine, they may CILS Where the F. of execu never fails to respond to call must be noted is that under cover of the defeat of the whole hog down a program brought in one dollar.
worker. use the provisional period idea for tives have balans for the gaining of Oakland responded with program of Constitutional reform, over the radio to the million unem listened attentively to the speakers. But does he think of the conven an indefinite time, ployed citizens of bis common Only in the question period did the tion lit has been the writer ex ling in the resolution whiche specifiles of this objective. So far they have s2 and John Dane of the same city the Flaudin ministry obtains the wealth.
discussion turn on the new party perience, and he is a member of just how long it shall last.
placed all of their hopes in the with while of Minneapolis major part of the powers desired by Further to be noted Last week Marion Davies, on her and its future in America. As a skilled craft that has long been Jurisdiction Squabbles of postage Doumergue NILA and in pleading to the moral sent 1300 worth return from London to the hills of result of our meetings in Paterson, organized, that the skilled worker stamps, all he could spare.
instincts of the employers.
is the fact that Flandin is completeThe building trades dispute took In the convention they threat. Batavia of Paterson, subscribed for ly in accord with the program preNew Yorker smiling. In an in some of the brancha Hoy Patersonals of the of He knows there readers the opening the convenened the employer with the idea two years to help increase the in viously outlined and followed by In unched as such an organization because that it was used to take up time 30 hour law. It it takes them as BII Young of Boston writes mistake of Doumergue looking the smile indicated the return of The Columbus Day United Anti letter read in his local union reonce or twice a year le hears and to divert the interest of the long to get the 30 hour law into Enelased in 3 of the money back at events from this distance prosperity.
delegates from other more impor. effect as it did to get the yellow had on me when got the latest was that he thought he could reministrator predicteil an autumn lattle into the enemy country action on question, Tonally one yet been settled. The unions in young workers who are now ready Party. Enclosed A month ago a federal relief ad. Fascint Committee is carrying the questing that body to take some tant questions. The issue has not dog contract out lawed, all of the Milltant. Best wishes for the New Treat the coup etat of February oth, but evidently he had failed to de pares in the sale of carpet sweer het stalinistiscontrolled League Waliam Greene President. He settle therland turn on the basis of a slight in Continuing its offensive against the of no particular interest to bim yolved have 45 days in which to and willing to light will be too old Marion Mel of low sends preprure the ground sufficiently 80 reactionarydisruptive These letters are ers and lace curtains.
ut no agree to put up a battle. The of und says: Am much interested in as to force the support of the Against War and Fascism, it has ment is reached by that time, the Loticialdom always likes to take the coming convention of the Com rishtened middle class Herrlot.
We are considering contest. Green hax made some statement re of must out law the proceedings field of battle as they can, which. Workers Party.
prosperity contest. Prizes will be issued an open letter to the mem reads in the press that William Executive Committee of the their Issues As far away from the munist Lengue and the American leader of the upper layers of this awarded for the best omens of re bers of the latter organization and Farding NRA or Mathew Well as of the Building Trades Department in this case, happens to be on the time the merger will be succes Nocialist arty. was compelled, deI trust that this class an organized in the Radical turning prosperity turned in by the warned them that their organizat again attacked Russia and Comful.
spite his outspoken fear of throwend of the week. Look around! tionis perpetuating the disunity munism. These small reminders Conference, hold prior to the con sob.
vention, The Executive Committee Are you missing the evidences or which led to the defeat of the Ger constitute his only contact with the must then call new conference at Faith in Roosevelt Find enclosed At presenting the entire ise of state power concludes up in keeping your navel and spine by issuing a ringing call to the leadership of the American lalar which the carpenters, briklayers workers to place their hopes in wolf from your door without invitin oprosing the completion of prosperity year ago Green advised the this is all can send to keep the into the streets, to take this rlok Are you so wrapped man working class, movement.
from meeting: are you so worried League members to form a united The of has never stirred officers will be elected and all of has been proven even to the work. la student in a nearby college who clear evidences of split in his own and electricians will sit in. New Roosevelt and the NRA. Now it ing my own wolf in. This from Bonapartist rule because of the by poverty, by unemployment, by front of all militant working class Insecurity that you miss these en organizations against fascism. The rive solidarity by actually bringing over. The new conference will by depend on him any desire for more effecthe business will again be sene ers batisfaction, that they cannot is a member of its unit. ranks it be supported this move.
couraging signs? Look around! Is letter is signed by the steering down to his little local union someo stretch of the imagination settle of officials are still hanging on, Peunsylvania we get the follow. ociety in the February days will codes. The AF From another college student But the forces unleashed in French your dog wagging his tall more committee of the united front: plan whereby his condition could the building trades dispute. Juristhan usual? Are longer cigar butts Valenti, editor of Stamp Libera, The Imminence of belng thrown away? Are children chairman: Jack Altman, Socialist see improve made more dictional rights in a craft unfion but they are not quite so enthusias ing: read with horror the news not be dissipated by Herriot As11. Sizemore secure. Io him the AFC Lite under the present set up are not so time in the convention that the au issue. Right now there is a fascism acts asslant Wedge Send buying new lead pewno House1.
Party. Secretarman, Solow. Just another convention of little easily settled. These fights over collective bargaining clause is a great need for the Millant on the cleaving in two the upper and lowyour answer to the and get a prize!
Non Partisan Labor Defense; Burke more importance than the Elks or jurisdiction have their beginning ferding no protection for the work campus. received the bundle this sections of the middle class, Cochran, of Moose and not nearly so interest in the local unions.
erecha Saul Held, Communist Partying as the ballyhor of the Legionship of the local many times judges alichurgede for en fantanivity being one of the professors has asked me direction. In terms of social dyThe member er. Workers are constantly being morning, and they are all gonerach section moving in an opposite Morning, Noon and Night.
of course, the worker who has re the eficiency of their business the employers have not been called to serve it to him weekly. am amics Herrlot support of the new Speaking before the morning ses. Opposition; Ben Fischer, cently been organized into a Fed agent by the amount of work he is to account.
taking a dollar from my food money sion of the National Conference on Continuing the strugle to wela eral Union may still be so naive able to secure for them. If this in the face of all that, Goran ofand am sending it. Here to section of the middle class into Economie Security, Federal Relief Administrator Hopkins brought the united working class movements to believe that the of. happens to be work that has been the textile workers, in spenking of the success of the Militant and may closer union with the Bonapartist going help him awarded to another craft by the thelre recent strike from the con it never miss an issue.
und fascist forces in France, while sekton to a high pitch when he osnosh fascism, our newly organ protect this interests Building Trades Department, they vention floor, described it was the If only enough of our readers on the surface avoiding the break The only thing the of are not particularly concerned.
unite all phases of economic secur Harlem has succeeded in organiz.
most amazing victory ever won by retus. this comrade does, and with the exploited and maled bulk It is nec.
ity into a comprehensive programing another open air meeting in officials learned in the past year They are chiefly interested in their any American labor union. The would act accordingly, our linotype of the petty bourgeoisie.
President Roosevelt who address: Yorkville against the local Nazi was that the employers can and do own well being.
textile strike was called off without and press comrades would not have essary that the vanguard of the The International Union official any agreement with the employers.
Our local com disobey the law. They have not to miss so many meals, and the working class win this lower secsuton, the same dispatch informerades seveeded not only in contine learned that their more per views this fight from different The only agreement the union had Militant would never have to waste tion to the side of the united front against fascism in the temporary ning their united front with the suas ou and that of the President angle. He sees his organization as was that the government would in pace for ALARMS.
us, considerably dampened the a business, and the only legitimate vestigate. It must be remembered circles of Yorkville and of the United States can prevent it ardor of the delegates by counselA number of our branches took tu.
Regardless of whether the ordi source of income for that business that the textile Iing caution and discussing only Harlem, but also in drawing into one point in the comprehensive the united front a German Working nary worker knows it or not, is in the form of dues. In order for Operating Industry has been the ALARM seriously and come to under an NRA code. the assistance of the Militant: The War Politics and Diplomacy clars clu the Proletarische Ge convention was held and some or the men to pay dues they must have many of the militant workers have Downtown Branch of Local New The evidences of the feverish program.
meinschaft These united fronts, Eanizational changes were made.
work, or it follows that one Inter been unable to get their sobs back door te lerede erabith. Ple de les the impending Imperialist war Damn good thing there was no crganised on a local seale, can be Industrial Unionism national declares war on another.
evening bension.
come the backbone of the struggle Chlef of these were on industrial If the union officials could forget ing the strike. The leadership left veland Branch rushed its payment continue to accumulate. The naval conference in London reveals Japan against fascism, if properly organ unionism. The final decision of the their personal interest in these dis these workers to the mercy of the on the bundle account.
The Majesty of the Law The following should sum up the ized and extended to wider areas convention on this issue will ineet putes, and would realize that the burse. This was not a victory, but Comrade Koehler of the Youngs hargaining with England for ald and to embrace all the working the present teed of labor very strength of labor lies in its unity, a major defeat.
town Branch writes: against The constant deentire proceedings of the VanderIt is the duty of all of the more After sending what money we nials of an alliance against Amer.
well, providing the international they would make every effort to advilt baby for our readers who usu. class organizations and parties officials of the cruft unions do not just them. Instead all of their ne advanced workers in AE of had in the treasury for Convention Ica by British diplomacy mielend ally do not go in for that kind of copy in the press.
Feeling the pressure of the cam step in and demand jurisdictional tivities have a tendency to accentu unions to form left wing groups Assessments this morning. re nobody. For the concessions made We call from Mr. Jus paign of the Columbus Day United rights.
There is nothing in this new ate them.
the Times of Nov. 15.
the Japanese to England in the which will make it their businessceived my copy of the Mllitant and The more advanced trade union to show the rank and Alle how the had a chance to read your appeal. matter of textile competition and tice Carewe decided that the child, Anti Fascist Committee the local resolution to protect it from the Gloria Vanderbilt, is not to have prophet of the Daily Worker, Clar dues hungry chiefs of the craft ist can readily see that while the of can be of service. The Have been able to raise 83 and am trade in Manchuria (Including the for the future the life that it had ence Hathaway called a meeting at unions. It was brought out in the untons are fighting each other they worker can not depend upon the sending this to you now. sale of oil. the English bourgeol from the death of its father up Irving Plaza to explain to the debate that the law had been are in no position to give the boss present leadership. We must have WHY DONT THE REST OF se supports the demand of the workers why it was Impossible to changed in no way. Craft unions much oppuisition.
June, 1982.
The building trades need to be present day economie development. MANNERY a leadership that understands the THE BRANCHES REACT IN LIKE Japanese militarists for naval parlty. Whether an actual military al. But what does it mean asked unite as a matter of principle still have the right to demand that with the counter. revolutionary the letter of the law be complled more closely affiliated than they it is toward this end we must work. and Fred Nash of the lance such as is hoped for by the reporters.
The members with. This can cause a great deal now are in the Building Trades De. AN of WORKER. Downtown Branch have cach com. Japanese diplomacy will be con Every word means eyactly what Trotskyltes It says and nothing else, answered bad to pay 10c to hear the wisdom.
tributed, especially to the Sixth summated probably will not become ers however had only to FOOD FOR DELEGATES known Anniversary greetings.
BROWNSVILLE OPEN FORUM Justice Carewe until actual hostilities show their books. Our own Sparta mean But it doesn seem to Pauline Miller of New York and commence Meantime the fear of Can you help us feed the delecus members, having neither the win the Socialist Party Split? Jeff. Rall of Bryan Ohio have British colonial leaders that the very much, his questioners conbooks, nor the dimes, nor the in gates by donating any of the fol Friday, Nov. 23. P. rushed in their payments on their is the case is volced by General tinued.
Speaker: Pledges. bookseller, contri Smuts in his warning that England It was designed, responded the clination, stood outside and handed buted 25.
If so, please inform the Convention had better side with America.
Irate judge to keep you from explaining the Leninist tactic on (Continued from Page 1)
MAX SHACHTMAN Gentlemen. writes one of our Japan meantime utilizes the short Arrangements Committee at 144 finding out what it meant. Was it designed also to keep he united front and the necessity Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Second Ave. and we will send for 1776 Pitkin Ave. Brooklyn readers, have just received your time remaining at her disposal bethe lawyers from finding out what The local small fry functionaries are the Florida Federation of Unkeep of such action to smash fascism. Oklahoma. Other affiliated bodies the contributions last issue of the Militant and noted fore opening her attack on the We can use: Eggs, butter, sugar, it meant? the reporters continued.
HARLEM OPEN FORUM your appeal for funds. am enclos Soviet Union to attempt to bring Justice Carewe glared as he for. Fearing that the might catch employed Leagues, the Dallas, Tex. bacon, ham, coffee, tea, fruits, bread Socialist Party. Communist (Stalin help although its very little. date as possible to overcome the ing check for m glad to her technology as nearly up to mulated his answer: It was de the locatie scurte curcom Sentral Council of Workers the and bakings of any and all kinds. ist) Party or New Workers Party: Burbank, of St. Louis sends handicap that exists as against for and never want to meet you out of them. John Spivak, at. Unemployed Citizens League of Alrades hands and made bonfire Workers, the Fort Wayne, Ind. Friday, Nov. 23, P. of which half is for a ble of the America. government sponsored WANTED Speaker: Minneapolis Organizer and the expansion program is being put into tention. The Convention Arrangements leghany County, Pa. the California Wanted: Lewis Carroll.
MARTIN GLEE other ball for a greeting of the effect. Existing mills and equip Workers Assn.
Committee wants the services of Militant.
ment are being modernized and enThis Thursday, 25th, Idea for Brintruster with 143 Enst 103rd St.
Some 60 unemployed organiza eight League or Spartacus Youth Although this response was by larged. The government looks to Streamlined Brains our Brownsville branch of the tions in six other states will also members throughout the convenno means phenomenal or suffisent the Japan Iron Manufacturing Co.
The latest settlement offered the and the local Spartacus led an have local demonstrations on Nov. tions, to help in the kitchen. Re BRONX OPEN FORUM to keep the Militant going, it helped to bring about by this process a Paterson Dyers was rejected by the which over 4, 000 workers partiel volved are New York, Baltimore, tlobal Office.
port to Rose Karnser at the Na What Next In France Communism But the problem of feeding our of steel and Iron manufactures to produce the forthcoming issue. reduction in the present high price or Faseism?
truce clause which would have pated. When the appeared Camden, Bridgeport, Schenectady.
functionaries and paying of a few New blast furnaces, electric furndeprived them of the right to strike with a sound truck on the scene, Chicago. Pittsburgh, Allentown, st. BORO PARK OPEN FORUM Friday, Nov, 23, P. of the urgent bills still remains. sees, gasoline distillation plants This marks the official end of Pre our comrades Immediately arranged Louls. Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Coming Civil War in Franer.
Speaker Unless more comrades come to our mills of all descriptions are being ident Roosevelt great industrial an impromptu united front and Dallas, Springfield, 111. Toledo, Co Friday, Nov. 23, P.
assistance in the coming week as erected. Meantime Japan imports JOHN WRIGHT Tampa, Palo truce scheme, a bare month after spoke from the platform to the lumbus, Wheeling.
have those mentioned we will be of serap steel and fron from the workers present.
Speaker: It is just such Alto.
1739 Boston Road, Bronx faced with the same situation, and reach new high marks, breakit was suggested. What next?
AL DASCH has made our in a number of these cities, locals Perhaps the President will tear Brownsville branch popular thru of the American Federation of LaAll meetings held under auspices the possibility of missing an issue ing all records. While the serious 1281 49th St. Brooklyn will remain actual.
of local CLA brancbes.
a leat out of the history of the out the neighborhood and has en bor have endorsed National Unemdrought that affected the operations of the large Yawats Plant in the RUSH FUNDS! DO NOT DE Kyushu district undoubtedly helpe Catholic church and propose a part abied them to penetrate more deep. ployment Day and the belight peim LAY! PAY UP YOUR BUNDLE During the days of chivalry they into the local neighborhood work platform, and will mobilize mem SPECIAL OFFER TO EXPIRE ACCOUNT GET SUBSCRIP bring this about, it is none the less knights were busy most of the time bers to participate in the demonTIONS. PAY ON YOUR PLEDGE, an indication of the feverish war The drive ends DECEMBER 31st.
Our shop fraction of the Majes stration of the unemployed. In Take advantage of this preparations robbing poor peasants and not. dic Novelty Shop has issued the Toledo, Tilwaukee, Minneapolis, opportunity. Get subscription to the MILITANT and one of the Soviet diplomacy attempts meanas the common fancy has it in first lesne of its paper Our Voice. Allentown and other cities relations JOINT DANCE Marxist classics at a considerable asving. Send the literature to time to meet the threat from both one of your friends who you think should read it, and keep the Things got so bad the Church in The 500 coples that were distributed between unemployed and trade an Saturday, Dec. 15th, P.
East and West In Stalinist fashion.
subscription, or, if you prefer, the other way round. Regular rates IRVING PLAZA It continues its policy of sacrificare: One year 00. Six months 50.
Ing the Interests of the world probers, the peasants, were threatened the day and night shifts were very cent strikes and the unemployed One Year Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the Irving Place and 15th Street letariat under the guise of defense Tickets 30c.
following paper cover editions. in combination) 25 mulgated Peace of God which distribution of the stupid, ignorant ctal labor movement for their cause.
40c at door of the Soviet Fatherland. It strives LETTERS OF SACCO AND VANZETTI.
to guarantee the maintenance of 750 Auspices: IMPERIALISM by Lenin. 50 every week. During these days the of the fraction, the Majestic ceived reports from several sup the status quo in the West in order Communist League of America men and women were eager to read porting bodies that police are plan STATE AND REVOLUTION by Lenin. 50c.
to face the enemy in the East. To chivalrous barons were prohibited American Workers Party.
ward of the threat of attack by EIGHTEENTH BRUMAIRE. by Marx. 50c.
from robbing the peasants, burning amper written in clear, concise ning to interfere with the demon Engiish and which attempts to anstrations. The Committee states, their huts or laying waste thelr swer the problems of the Majestic however, that all participating Six months subscription to the MILITANT and one of the fascist Germany. It concludes THE MILITANT military alliance with the French following pamphlets. in combination). 50 fields.
Perhaps the President will sug worker. in our opinion the paper bodies intend to arry through or TEN YEARS of the Left. Opposition by Max Shachtman Entered as a second class mall bourgeoisle at the same time util.
izing the Stalinist Party to guargest an Industrial Peace of God will have even greater success, it derly demonstrations and to mainPost Office at New York, UD antee the French capitalists against THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by Mari whereby employers will be prohibi the shop problems are discussed in taln their right to present grievWAGE LABOR AND CAPITAL by Marx der the act of March 3, 1879. attack by the revolutionary proleted from cutting wages, fring union more detail and in relation to the ances and demands.
THE TEACHINGS OF KARL MARX by Lenin Published Weekly by the tariat. The powerful Soviet air WAR AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL men or locking out employees from work of the Steel Metal Workers Industrial Union as a whole.
Friday until Tuesday.
fleet is thrown into the scales as SCHOOL NOTES SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER by Trotsky Communist League of America It was not when Hitler threatened The rest of the week will be The class in The History of And for those who would like to get a proletarian novel, we offer: 144 Second Ave. New York, the German workers to defend open season.
ANNOUNCEMENT the International Left Opposition THE ROAD by Marlen, 50. With one year sub. 75 French capitalism against attack The second installment of the (Trotskytes) with Max ShachtVoL 7, No. 46. Whole No. 250)
FONTAMARA by Silone (a story about Italian by this same Hitler. Only the new Fash!
series of articles on the Communist man as instructor, went off to a SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1934 fresh winds blowing strongly across life. under Fascism) 50. With one year sub. 2, 75 This is no sippy head for a Party has been held over to next flying start last Wednesday. There MAN FATT by Malraux (a novel about the Chinese EDITORIAL BOARD France, bringing new clarity and Wincbell wisecrack. It is the name week. The article proved to be of is still time for those who wish to Revolution) 50. With one year sub. 75 Martin Abern James Cannon workers, can sweep aside the polnew hope into the ranks of the of the Dental Mechanics Union of extreme length and pressure of register for the entire course to do THE MILITANT, 144 Second Avenue, New York City.
Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Belal paper. It corker. It space forbids its publication in this 30. The fee for the entire course sonous effects of this false diploArno Swabeck.
Single lectures may be stands up well with that greatest issue. The subject of the next arts 50.
Name. Address.
macy and, under the guidance and City. State.
of all trade union papera, the Min. ticle is a compllation of documents attended at 20c per lecture. The Bundle rates two cents per copy. Leadership of the Bolshevik LeninDe polls Organizer. Racy, clear and an analysis months subscription (26 coples) 50c, and pamphlet.
is of The Internal class meets every Wednesday at Subscription rate: 00 per copy. ists, show the proletariat once more eut, American lingo and militant as Regime in the Communist Party. at the beadquarters, 144 2nd year subscription (12 coples. and book.
50e per half year. Canada and the road to revolution, Mall. Get a copy.
Watch for it.
Foreign. 50 per year: 75e for JACK WEBER Unemployed to March Nov. 24 lowing articles, in any amounts: again, village GLER