BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

S. Groups Fight Yoluth Thesis Truce Gov Falls Stalinist Hokum on Minneapolis The proposal of a protest upiny Fargo Drivers Win PAGE THE MTLITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1984 ter revolutionary Trotskyltes, with The Truth Is Allen to Them the actions of the Stalloists them.
Shortly after the troops began (Continued from Page Coutinued from Page (Continued from Page 1)
their strike breaking activities, the to be for a cooperative common youth of the United States, especoup.
Stalinists were confronted with the THE METHODS: wealth, reject control by the Thirdcially the Young Socialists. The International, will be loyal to the ahas to win the newly awakissue, not in Minneapolis where in The general strike which is an principles of democracy within the ened and radical youth for commutheir ignominious bscuroity Do Isinunellate necessity, the prepa sue ver confronts them, but in party and the labor movement and nism. In its latter period it has ration for which can be assured will abstain from participating in been politically subordinate to the Minnesota and its neighbors have an article from the Communist, by great struggle between capital and New York City where they have a factional groups within the party on the basis of the fundalong been centers of advanced poll. Child and several Daily labor. But in any case they exby the constitution of factory following and district committees. when all the active socialists are mental The strike breaking moves of the organizational principlex tical development. Its workers Worker pieces by William Francespected something more than neualready in factions. and are will already outlined.
have often pointed the road to the Dunne, the hero or Outer Mongolia. trality from the Farmer Labor Gov The People Militia.
State of California had stimulated the formation in New York of a Time presses. We must begin at ing to use the ballot and party Through its organ, Young heavy industry proletariat of other. It is one of the most malignant ex ernor. They expected support of and labor organizations is our Spartacus, the has put for regions. Characteristically, it is cretions in all Staliniat history.
present method in the struggle forward the International Communist from this section that hall the two their struggle, not the theat of mil. Committee for Workers Rights, once. We must not wait until the To list all the lies and slandersitary force against them Joint body composed of delegates constitution is revised and the reour goul. are qualified to be mem program on the burning problems Governors and two Senators in this pamphlet would require an That is the only way the mobil from half a dozen defense organization of forces changed in favor We must not wait efteformlists, centrists of all shades tie youth, prepuration for imperialican or Dennocratic Party. And, not proposed to sive so much space threat nga inst the striberare Toats. When the martial law situa. carmed the lesson berertebruary the day the militarization of who are not members of the Itepub entire issue of the Militant it is ization. can be understood as lug the rixhts of the Frisco work or a new coup to launch the ven including ex members and a ist war, fascist movements in just as general agrarian and pro to the matter. The story of the is why the workers who are enrevolutionists un party, according to Norman Thoot the young workers and students out of the picture the traditional the capitalist press of the Northvernand and in continue to us. It was proposed at a meeting events. And the Jouhuux (yellow mas. At this time we can afford Through means the at parties of American capitalism, so west, which curred every move of demand: of this committee that a protest be trade union leader) delay an anto differ quite considerably on tracted new youth to its ranks, the fully class conscious elements the union leaders, and in the col.
sent to Governor Olson. The repwer under the pretext that six WITHDRAW THE NATIONAL resentatives of the General Defense days are necessary for preparation, Its mem of the proletariat have thrown up umns of the Organizer, strike bul what may be necessary in some eucated and elementary rinder here an unusually significant group letin of Local 574. Those who wish GUARD IMMEDIATELY!
conceivable crisis, provided we burs with an Connittee (1. the League will find pretexts to make this anOpposition to Olsonism work now with proper regard for manding of revolutionary Marxism. of thoroughly developed revolution to check every factual question This is the way in which the for Industrial Democracy and the swer completely negative.
The only possible defense for the these documents counter revolutionaries behaved Non artisan Labor Defense sup workers against the maneuvers of all that is valuable in the American Large masses of young work arles.
must refer to tradition of civil liberty aud de ers and students, and in the first ported the proposal. lt was opWhen the Commounist party, above all others. It is furthermore This was their deal with Olson. sed by Frank Palmer of the Fedi he reaction is broad action, premocracy. adds this liberal turnedinstance, socialist and stalinist headed by Jay Lovestone and ac the intention of the CL. to put is there anything more slumeless rated Prodother delegates of pared from today only unleashed radient, onth, were reached with our proting under orders from the Stalin lish woon pumphlet giving the than a stalinist pen prostitute?
Thomas Panicky kram through the participation of Hucharin bloc, expelled the Left story of the Minneapolis strike.
the American Civil Liberties Union Lorcefully and followed throngh to And this is far from the end of In reality Thomas and the Alil in uulted fronts against Opposition in 1928, it lost its footIn the meantime on or two things the story.
Palmer stated that a protest would victory.
the ill advised because some MinneThe only way to avoid the fate tants are linicky over the proshaperialist war, against fascism, hold in Minnesota It was no ac might be inted out abont the pects of a split. The important in and for the unionization of the cident that all that there was of Stalinist pamphlet.
Martial law was declared Julen polis workers favored martial the workers of Germany, Austria stutions and at least half the party young workers.
Communism in such a city as Min The greatest enemy strikers nounces that 574 DEMANDS Oraw. Louis Bers, representative of and Spain paralysis and then de The through its inter neapolis was Trotskyist, that is to had to face was the militia, called SON RECALL, MILITIA ORDER. protested against Palmer state road scope of well organized, well Labor Defense feat is a rerolutionary policy of membership would go with the Old Guard Hundreds and perhaps national delegate, aided in the forsey bred in the bone Marxist and out and commanded by Governor Martial law. it declares, cannotinent. His remarks were received weptrede struggle. It is high time thousands of the newcomers may mation of the International Bureau no pretty prey to revisionist ba Olson.
be expected to drop out of the party. icf revolutionary youth organizareaucratism.
The talk of a labor party, formed tions (last Feb. as a step towards beaten. Not until 500 troops belosses. We call upon every las with stony wiletee by Allen Tuub, er socialist sections and all work to second representing the National Commits organization took this rond Since the Communist movement gan their strike breaking work bor union in the city. FRANCK.
by the reconstituted Old Guard and new youth international, as an of Minneapolis became Trotskyist, were the strikers is a tight bole this demand. We ask them to im. riscurs of the IL. und by the a. of bureaucrats, may integral part of the Fourth Inter the Stalinists have never had a The policy of the union leaders to press with the utmost force and Anna Damon, representing the LL.
captivate the wavering members. national. The the Leninist look in on the labor movement. ward the troops was, consequently. solemnity on the Governor the More than that. With the old Youth League of France, the Bol. They lost every Inst trade unionist of crucial importance to the out implacable opposition of the over.
nal struggle will not end but rather Relgium and the Bolshevik lenin bave today not a single menuber of one of the whole strike jolies the presence of these troops and the Muntenpol uppression was (Continued from Page 1)
take on sharper form. The Milliist youth League of Spain, which a Minneapolis union. Due to This the stalinist pamphlet recog the operation of mertial law.
tants will be forced into a tight are all politically subordinate to series of AA800, they have lost nize, and consequently devotes al The main headline of the Organdured that the use of troops teed munities. The roads leading into Allen Taub, in at sub committee. le ifferenew of wize in the two com with the Hoan reformists, with the respective national sections wven the small section of unem major portion of its attention to izer of July 37 is MARTIAL 4W not always be bad for the workers town were pocketed, and a large Norman Thomas acting as concili of the CLOAKS SCAR MOVES.
International Communist ployed whom they bamboozled for wing about this very question.
ator. Hoan who is against the league, atre connected on a world a short time. It was not until martial law On July 28 it blaxons forth and that he people (the Stalinist)cket line assembled at the Fair. Forward crowd, who wants anychle throngh an International American party with 28 little Youth Commission of the latter truck in Minneapolis last wprimer lenders began to criticize Olson, REMOVAL. and there follows the protection against lynching in the bottled up by the picket line.
Consequently, when the drivers was declared that the Trotskyite STRIKERA DEMAND TROOI would even demand martial law for mont plant. llere the scabs were South: The Stalinist represcutaThe picketing was 100 per cent socialism and a few ties as possible, will once again and will be called upon to play an couple of dozen openly display his real colors much important role in woebegone Detty over it charges that the Trotsky Comittee of NO against mural of the pretext projkoal. They with the exception of those bound furthering to the discomfort of the Militants. movement for new revolutionary crats could but gnash its teeth in law.
bergeole led by pretty bureauitex offered no opposition served as the passive allies of the for hospitals and children homes, The Workers Illusion On July 30 appears a photograph CLU, which attacked the pro which were permitted to operate by south international.
wards reconciliation with the old IX. The reasons for the short were to be found none other than soon as the Minneapolis police made side with Blowly Johannes, Chier sons. The Liberal Stalinist bloc The strike began on July 16. Assisting side box posal for doyen different the strikers.
tion or find new reformist chouemines in the work of the sy. the despised and spirned Trotsky serious efforts to interfere with a Police under it is a satiric edi succeeded in paralyzing the com ished a revolver in an effort to in addition to the general limita 1ste, and although they bukioa picketing, there could be heard torial driving home the truth that matter and no protest was ever frighten the pickets into permiting nels.
milk delivery at his place was dismay well mean the strangulational Communists as whole, were: ders, the reading vicious slan from most strikers repeated expres. Olson too are hand in glove made by that body. split under present conditions on which affected the internation themselves could not win xions or hope that the militia would with the murderons police. similar pretly tale could be armed by the workers and returned he failure of the CLA to under the car of one solitary striker!
From Words to Deeds be called in. This is a strange and Socialist party.
the stand the needs and character of And on July 31 (when picketing told about every major point in the to his business considerably subIneldent, appar What Shell the selen wir, Dalshe consequently the fall cmics or the working class, Gen: The workers of Minneapolis had was u military crime) appears the short of it is that, since the Trotantly, were based the charges But what of the genuinely mili ure to apply in practice the funda eral Drivers Union 574 was built elected Olson, and most of them TICKETS TO REPORT AT skylsts recruited the members of against Dunne and other union the Socialist party and Young Pelations between a revolutionary this year from 150 to 5, 000 mem They hoped that he metro. ch wouda Heplying to the latest publeix counter revolutionary strike. and five other Local 173 leaders the union, agitated for and organ leaders who were arrested.
ized and led and won the strike, it Sunday afternoon Miles Dunne will undoubtedly put up a fightJolitical party and its youth sec bers. In May it clashed with the tie the hands of the boss controlled statement of Governor Olson, the it is a victory. but victory for were arrested and thrown into jail Peoples Socialist League?
ion: and the absence of sufficient bosses in a sensational and militant city police, enabling the pickets to leading news article in this issue counter resolutie against those leaders of the Millleading cadres.
ting out on charges of inciting to rlot, an strike and won a partial victory. handle all scale and win the strike states the strike Committee of from Stalinist theories. Dunne offense which carries a penalty of tants who stand in the way of an irreconcilable struggle against reV. To improve and extend our By July the bosses had taken steps in one twothree order.
formism in all its forms. It is youth work the entire membership is retract the concessions forced of the Communist Jague, and in from them in way. and local 1694 until July 26, ten days after the ja pabille statement expressing its a masterpiece of brazen lies. And Dakota. The warrants were issued hardly to be expected that the with the behind each lle is Stalinist crime on complaints signed by a small the first instance, its leading bod. launched a second strike, verit strike began. During this period present state of affairs and with Militants will remain intact.
With these prospects before then the basic tasks of the and ies, must acquire an understanding able struggle for existence. Crime Against the Class creamery owner.
Country Electrified favor of martial law under Olson the Governor latest orderx The pamphlet is, however, more! This act was all that was reThe statement is quoted administration Increased constantfear a split with the Old Guard. Follow closely the development of the youth movement. The Commu.
That strike electrified the coun Despite all his harsh words di than a web of lles. It does not qulred to arouse the greatest pro merely owcure the truth about a Apotis were warned by the StalinOn the contrary they have everyonist League should from time to try for five weeks. Bloody Fridly. After Bloody Friday this berected at the employers, Governor strike and slander the Trotskyists. test among the Furgo workers thing to gain from it: if they or ganize on a revolutionary Marxist the same. to determine how to im wounded; the efforts of the militia many workers gave a ready ear.
ne re examine its relations with and its toll of two dead and 48 came a question of active agitation Olson directs all his harsh blows it is a blow to the working class Agitation for by Farmer Labor leaders, to whom at the Union and the strike. As a whole.
general strike spread immediately program against all reformist and Its inain object is to inform The bosses became In this period, to criticize Olson, Against this attempt to undermine frightened centrist groupings. They can play prove cooperation between the two under the command of Farmerworkers, especially those of Min They had made a mis step, overa progressive role, they can save organizations, strengthen its but one alternative to tight.
tial law, was to risk widespread of the first daily strike bulletin in popularity among the workers.
Depolly, that they have been de looking the devotion which the the large sections of genuine mili cadre in the youth league, promote smash the strike: the publication to fight against the calling of mar and break the strike, Local 574 has And the editorial entitled We feated! All who have derived en strike leaders had inspired in the only by struggling on this basis bers from the youth group. Only American labor history: the launch. Only a true Bolsheville. and we will Not Submit! says of Olson couragement from the triumph of breasts of the workers.
The course of action he has miltuney in a day when so many new revothus, can the Communist Lengue ing by the bosses and the bold both with the theoretical apparatus They called conference, and towards fusion with the give real aid to the youth movelutionary workers party me to launched, towards the Fourth in ternational. JOSEPH CARTER the youth for revolutionary Merx red scutes the rallying of the un. troops as the implacable and in and restrlet the Independent activi Arorappear onto the Nattoun Run were ready to arbitrate employed to the union banner: evitable enemy of the workers, and of the workers in their struggle Labor has again been water. The sur leaders and bring them here.
THE INTERNATIONAL the daring forced marches of pick with a firm courage to tell the truth for the right to live and to enjoy stimulus given to the Minneapolis the bosses grumbled and groanedWORKERS SCHOOL MILITANT CIRCULATION ets in defiance of police and militia: the brilliant organizational unpopularity.
labor interest would risk such the benets of unto Unition, trade untou movement is based on and consented. By A. Monday forgive that and they misapprehension: Minneapolis morning an agreement was arrived announce a series of 12 lecture In the last Issue of the Maltant work and political strestes made to What did the leaders or Localmore, they cannot subrust it with and have joined unions, others who ton, a is hour dny week and a camiot Local classes by we asked all branches of the the Minneapolis strikes milestones MAX SHACHTMAN Leagne to arrange for special Sixth The Lemers Policy out fighting back.
on Anniversary affairs for the purpose The strike ended with a settle in labor struggle.
On the next day the strikers, tolto adopt the policies of Local 574, 10 arbitrate wakes upwards within The History of the Communist Did they assure the workers lowing the plans laid down by their are all wrong. They should be dis en days.
League (Trotskyists) ime celebrating the founding of ment which gave the workers their that they had nothing to fear from leaders, defied the militia and pick rertened, met heartened. No doubt The principles of local 574 are the National Guard, that Gov. Oleting was resumed in fore.
Every Wednesday, beginning Nov.
Jobs back without discrimination he Militant they should relax into pressimism spreading, are being assimilated by 14, at P. at 141 Second Ave.
The Downtown Branch of Local minimum wage rates with arbitra son had mobilized the troops for On August appeared the reply and passivity, quit the unions or coinmunity after community in the the protection of the workers? to Olson seizure of headquarters whatnot. As for the workers of northwest and by the workers all The fee for entire course is 50: Vew York is the only one that hastion for upward (and only upward)
or 20 cents for a single lecture.
informed 118 of definite action. This revisions, and improved workin (The Stalinists use quotes on thut and arrest of strike leaders and Purgo Moorehead, they must bounce ver America. The success of this The union won th phrase; we defy them to produce pickets: branch has arranged for a Sixth conditions.
Mick Dunne, their strike leader. Short militant Fargo strike added Although the following courses Anniversary Dance for November right to recognize the important evidence that a single 574 leader, ANSWER MILITARY TYRAN now under Indictment for inciting impetus tomaton organization of the school are already in session, and promises all participants group of market inside workers on Trotskyist or non Trotsky XY BY GENERAL PROTEST to riot, and go jump in the Throughout this section.
it is still possible to register for un enjoyable evening.
whose behalf the second strike had such a phrase. Here is the truth: STRIKE!
for not knowing a lighter from a The Fargo workers were warned them: We urge all other branches to been called. The elections provid One could go on indefinitely traitor!
The Organizer, striko bulletin, of Marxism Curl Cowl. ake Immediate action and informed for later won the union full recly the Citizens Alliance of MinneFor a so called proletarian orists in that pretty pamphlet, PerTvery Friday at P.
is about it.
ognition in almost all the large of July 18 (third day of the strike. So Intense and skilled was the ganization sacritice class morale manent Counter Revolution. to State Revolution Weber.
ocking Arins and many of the one week before martial law was campain of the official inton General very Monday at P.
MILITANT GREETINGS small ones. The union is solidly declared, four days before troops per the leaders speeches and an order to deal a blow at another have no truck with the American History Morrow. Greet the Militant on its sixth grounded and growing stendily.
Every Wednesday at P. Annverenry. Send 2016 and be sure Not a worker in the city in this a leading editorial comment the strikers, that Olson raids and crime against the whole class. Lit Pargo workers had threr But the terests to consider.
deed, Tomate whether we may print does not feel inspired by the deeds Olson attitude. This occupies the The workers, shocked by the troops the hardest task of the Minneapolis The Fargo one day milk drivers The fee for these courses is 50 our name in full.
for the entire course or 20 cents of 674. Every section of the labor central columns of the front page actions, found a new point of ori and the leaders of 974 in strike may be considered another organizing a protest against a re victory for the tacties of Local 574 for any single session. Registra HISTORY IN THE MAKING movement hailed the outcome and and is printed in heavy type. It entation in their leaders policy.
tions are taken dully at the office, The Minneapolis Organizer is this includes many a labor skate is entitled Troops in Minneapolis source of renewed couraged in the cent vigllante raid on the stalinist in the American labor movement.
144 Second Avenue, New York City ruly a chroncile of History in the who attacks the strike leaders toe. What Por? Here are some fact that their leaders had fullen bookstore was to convince workers into no trap and bad plans for that the interests of the class were BRONX OPEN FORUM BROWNSVILLE OPEN FORUM nakin This paper was issued radicalism but is forced to admit quotations. One battalion. has already handling the situation which the involved. To them the Stalinists Socialist Party of New Workers lally during the historie truck that a vietory was won. Only the Party?
American Labor Strikes Irivers strike and records every borses, whose press is preaching been mobilized. Governor Olson rank and file had not foreseen. The look like stooges for the brees and BRONX OPEN FORUM Speaker: Childs pamphlet appears in the spect of the battle as it took place, the lesson Do not strike and the in his statement to the press said: ranks were reforned; the workers nothing else. Once the Dunns.
We have a few incomplete fles Stalinists are dissatisfied with the The important question is the pre defied the troops and labelled their Speaker Mluneapolis bookstore, workers eservation of law and order, commander, the once Idolized oiBILL KITT JOE CARTER of the Organizer on hand, which we outcome.
who want to defend that store WAS: STRIKE.
Friday, Nov. 16, at P.
hare gathered with much trouble. We don believe that this is son, what he Two recent developments confirm the right way to put the problem. BREAKER.
Friday, Nov. 16, at against vigilantes will henn schree 1776 Pitkin Arenne 1739 Boston Road as hens teeth.
We are selling them at and 50 this estimate. As a result of arbi. The most important question now Olson Friends No doubt the pamphlet will be a Auspices: Brownsville Branch CLA depending upon the number of cop tration, in which the workers were 18: Has the underdosecuted, the lenders in their anti troop cam. Anccess in New York petty bour Reform or Revolution the worker. So pertinacious were the strike, BORO PARK OPEN FORUM es missing We also have some represented by the strike lenders, the exploited and single copies. They sell at he geois circles, however.
the wage levels have already been right to organize into unions and paign, both before and after the in the corrupt qualities which wellTHE MILITANT It is rich copy. Get a few samples and we raised cents an hour above the to demand a decent living. declaration of martial law, that all led dilettante stalinists adore. All or New Yorkers Party!
Speaker: Entered as a second class mall feel sure you will want a Ale. minimum stipulated in the strike The only threat to public peace Olson adherents began to whine, who think it a wonderful piece of BURKE COCHRAN Post Office at New York, Unsettlement. Equally significant, the Dr. Joyce began his series of militant milk truck drivers of Par. comes from those who try to pro and still do whine, that the strike work, and who would like to see HEALTH LECTURES Friday, November 16, at P.
der the act of March 3, 1879.
voke the strikers by the use of leaders cared nothing about win1281 49th St. Brooklyn Bill Dunne stay sober long enough go Moorehead, when it began thugs and scabs and depntixed ning the strike but only wanted to to really clean up on the Trotsky lectures on Workers Health with Auspices. Boro Park Branch Published Weekly by the an informal talk on colds. He the organization drive which cul hoodlums.
put poor old Olson, the peepulsists once and for all, will no doubt Communist League of America HARLEM OPEN FORUM Governor Olson, in his state irlend, on the spot. For example, suggest that he accept the spoke both Informatvely and interminated in the present strike, bor144 Second Ave. New York, estingly. His second lecture wirowed from 574 one of its leaders. meot, said he will not lake sides in Anne Ross, an Olson heeler, made challenge to debate publicly the Seventeen Years of the Russian be on bolls, carbuncles, fungus inMick Dunne, to head their forces. the strike. But his action in mo Just such charges in the liberal question of the Minneapolis strike Revolution.
Vol. 7, No. 45. Whole No. 249) Lections. No doubt many workers The Spleen of the Stalinists bilizng a battalion of the National Now Republic among whose editors policy. And it is equally certain Speaker: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1934 have quite a few misconceptions on. To the Stalinists, however, the Guard on the first day of the strike is the devoted Stalinist sympathiz that Bill Dunne will accept. BeA DASCH say, athlete foot. This lecture story of the Minneapolis strikes is. that not taking sides? Many er. Malcolm Cowley.
Hleve that and ll tell you another Friday, Nov. 16, P.
EDITORIAL BOARD will clear those up since it is ala bitter pill. They did not have a workers will be keenly disappoint The study of the Stalinist attione. HARRY STRANG.
143 Fant 103rd Street Martin Abern James Cannon scientific explanation of both or look in and a historie task wased both with the statement and the tude on this question of troops in Auspices: Harlem Branch Max Shachtman Maurice Spector gin and cure of Just such ailments. performed by the bated Trotskyists. action of Governor Olson. They Minneapolis, would be incomplete JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE NOTICE TO CHICAGO READERS: Arne Swabeck.
The Militant is now available at Bundle rates two cents per copy. November 12 at the Stuyvesant ter Revolution. they have now is that he would side with them lles of the Dunne Childs pamphlet. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. the post ome News Bookstore Subscription rate: 00 per copy. Casino at P. sharp. Admission sued a dime pamphlet analyzing against the bosses. Union men and The true viciousness of Stalinism Monroe Street between Dearborn 50e per bait year. Canada and is 15c. Auspices. Spartacus Youth the struggles of last spring and women have a right to doubt that can only be understood by compar. SEND FOR MILITANT BUNDLE and Clark Streets.
summer The pamphlet includes anyone can be really neutral in the ing thefr criticism of the coun ORDER AT CENTS PER COPY. ers may get coples there henceforth.
Non subscribForeigu. 50 per your; 75c for League.
ment. Only in this way enn we win one of the most vicious of one of Marx that recognizes the bass taken has served but one purpose: militant performances are crushed sent word to the union that they