Anti-naziBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismReform PartySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Draft Thesis for Convention FundamentalAspects of Youth Work QUESTION BOX WORLD OF LABOR The Need for a National Anti Militarism and the Spartacus Youth League Struggle Against War Discussion Article The Fight for Full Social, Economic and Political Equality sberiki like it or not the situation here is as follows: Imperialist war and fascism are victory will give the franchise to barred him froin or Jim Crowell ly a struggle against capitalist elu uprising on the persons of two terrorists. Jose which in a sense are one the second Five Year Plan conducting effective anti war activ must be won if the white workers holding up, as a means of attrac with a proletarian class training sure on the government for pardon or commutBROWNSVILLE WORKER (Continued)NORWEGIAN LABOR PARTY ELECTION VICTORY Question: How can we conciliate the successes of The Municipal elections in Norway brought the the five year plan with the numerous reports of starvation in the expected results, in the colossal victory of the Labor Answer: The successes of Soviet economy are due National Committee of the Spar.
This thesis is subgitted by the Stalinist) youth organizations; and The fundamental concepts of workers were on their own, wo to arty. As against the storting (Parliament) electo the political and social structure of the workers tacus Youth League and approved cution of the militant youth.
for the self discipline and self edu this work have been laid down speak, in the conflict against the tons of 1933 the party gained, even though in the state, which makes planned economy possible. We many years ago. The special youth war. The only bright star to cross municipal elections the eligible electorate was smallmust, however, recognize the limitations which her by the of the for disTo provide the youth leaguers character of this question lles in the horizon was the Internationaler than in the storting elections. Two years rest with cussion by the League memberunderstanding of the decl. the particularly brutal manner in present world position and inherited backwardness of Socialist Youth (it later became deuce in a city is required for purticipation in the place upon the and upon such planning. ship to be ratified at the lenne and policies of the comments which it effects the youth. The which seized the desert muulell elections. convention. The thesis contains Lengue, particularly affecting the problem as a whole, it must be unserious food shortage or other difficulties (eg, the ed banner of proletarian anti war The Labor Party received in the present elections shortage In cattle after Stalin 100 collectivization tions between the youth and adult tend discussion meetings of the cerning the working class as such, gether with the Bolsheviks and the munist vote the total would be 45. 58. In the capla statement of the general rela youth, they are encouraged to at dersten, is again a problem con and anti militarist work and to 49 of all votes cast; it we add to this the com adventure. difficulties caused by drought, etc. or by an accentuation of contradictions (disproportions equal force in reference to the and discuss these policies during for the revolutionary party. There struggle against the war and the where it enjoys 13 representatives as against 11 of organization.
between the different parts of the economy) are by no means excluded, and, while they flow essentially new revolutionary youth league their own pre convention period. has been a definite tendency in the cruel system of militarism.
from the backwardness of the country and not from and the new party. Other youth Further, the two organizations revolutionary movement to consid the increasing danger of a new im cities and communities the party enjoys an absolute the social form under which it is living, only a living resolutions for the Spartacus conduct joint activities in united er this work as having a purely perialist war, it is necessary to majority. In a number of other cities the party has Communist party can guard against them. By chokThe existing inter: an eyual number of representatives to the combined Youth Convention to be held on fronts, industrial, unemployment, youth character, and leaving the prepare now.
December 2nd in New York City unti inilitarist ing the party, Stalin has only prepared the way for and anti. Puscist youth to grapple alone with this anals, by the propaganda and strength of the bourgcols parties, and again in others a further accentuation of the contradictions and for have been published in a supple work.
unexpected, unpleasant surprises.
ment to the October number of It is wholly inadequate that Actually, anti militarism and the tion of the past by them is likels. an absoluto najority by only a few votes. There is Young Spartacus. Coples are the youth should repeat our formu struggle against war is major It is highly important that this hardly it community where the Labor Party is not It would, however, be safe to greatly discount the available at 144 Second Ave. las. It is necessary that the youth Pamine rumours since there mostly emanate from Comrades are urged to study should take the revolutionary for party activity in which the youth work shall not be left entirely or the strongest party.
anti Soviet lle factories.
The primarily in the hands of the youth play a most important role.
Unfortunately, between these documents and submit mulax tighting, transform them in tuct that periods existed when the organization. The youth must carThe National Socialists received altogether 88 these and the Stalinist exaggerations, aimed at bolstering up the prestige of the bureaucracy, it is extheir comments and criticism to to flesh and blood, work out for youth alone carried the banner of on an education of its own secof all vutes cunt. In Oslo they were united on the the discussion. themselves their own opinion, their anti militarist struggle ceedingly dificult to get a factual picture of affairs.
no justition, melly brond masses of the same ticket with two bourgeois parties. This ticket Trotsky Soviet Economy in Danger probably own personality, and be able to fication for this division of labor. youth in the struggle against war, reevived less votes thun did the busests by themI a. The future of our movement fight their own opinion with that flitaris of such gren gives you as good a description as is available.
impor tight the pernicious intuences of selves in the Storting elections of last year. Here depends upon our ability to win the courage which comes from sincere tance that it must be fought by pacifism. penetrate the armed to the effect of the events of June 30th in Germany young workers to our banner. This conviction and independence of the entire labor movement.
is true both in regards to our im character. Trotsky. In this spir task cannot be carried through forms all of this work under the This forces, etc. But the youth perwere unfavorable to the Norwegian Pascists, Froin our point of view one can establish that the LOS ANGELES mediate task of constructing ait we should train our youth for the ONLY ly the young communist political lendership of the communer the Labor Party becomes the more reformQuestion: What is the declared publie policy of the our ultimate aim of using this inleagues.
ist it is. The whole propaganda in the present elecThis is fundamental. nist party. We need now to strena Soviet Union towards proletarian revolutions and II a. Our two and a half years The last imperialist war witnessed the acute unnger of war, the need tlou cumpaign was pointed in this direction. They fascist counter revolutions in other countries? Is it strument to accomplish the work of youth work has resulted in a na the collapse of the only workers of intensified efforts in the struggle emulated the policies of the Swedish and Danish true that official statements have appeared in the ers revolution.
tional organization, the Spartacus international with the result that anginst its outbreak, and should it Government Socialists while the radical united Soviet or other press declaring that the means the assembling of the best dicapped by small numbers and less against the crushing blows of organize the forces of the proleta neruutional were condemned by the Norwegian The building of a new party Youth League, which, though han the proletariat remained defense come in spite of this struggle, to iront pollcles of the French section of the Second is opposed to any disturbances that will upset the elements in the present labor more material poverty, has already made the ruling class. Lett without a rint to put an end to it, through Independent Labor Party.
present status quo?
the transformation of the imper Answer: The official foreign polley of the Staliniste but on the basis of revolutionary its impression on the more medical leadership, observing that its paralist war into the civil war. The sults the party will at least inue the slogan dissoIt might be expected that after these favorable reMarxism and our active participle (Continued on Page 4) ties surrendered to chauvinism, the was expressed by Litvinov ut the disurmament conlon in the economie struggles of fundamental aspects of the anti ution of the Storting and new elections. Under the ference and repeated by Stalin at the meetings of he workers, in the struggle against SALATA militarist struggle laid down at pure of the election results and general feel the The SOLE purpose of the Soviet Union mperialist war and fascism. As Stuttgart (the proposals of lenining in the country it becomes probable that the Labor is the building of Socialism on the territory of the the experiences of the last World anel Lixemburg. Berue (1915. Purty should receive more than 50 percent of all the It objection is raised that this was in War, the building of the Commuand the 1921. still holds votes to a new election. This would be the first time tended only to fool the capitalists then let such obst International, the victory of good and needs only to be applied that a reformist party would in actuality receive the jectors answer why Latvinov speech was published ascism in Germany, have shown, test test properly. Such a program means to Oud for 51 percent of the votes and one can await as a ONE CENT pamphlet, le, it was intended for the youth are more sensitive to propagate against war among the with anxiety the policies that will result.
the widest distribution among the workers.
social and political crises. They are masses, to engage in such propaSince the main HISTORICAL task which the Stal less lettered by traditional conserganda within and without But it is not to be feared that the Labor Party inists set for themselves is the building of Socialism vative tles fostered by capitalist armed forces, to seek to organize would raise such a radical slogan. The dissoluin the Soviet Union, EVERYTHING WHICH INTER training and old (workers. party bem akainst enpitalism itself. But thou of the Stortin has never taken place in NorFERES WITH THIS MUST BE SACRIFICED TO allegiances than the mature adult this work must be of a continuous way and the Labor Party follows traditions very IT. revolutionary upheaval disturbs world and workers.
therefore Soviet economy, which must export and By SIMON WILLIAMSON and persistent sort, engaged in by closely. It will merely limit itself to the demand This is demonstrated once again later the Negro workers were play the arty organization, actively as for power when the storting meets in Jannary. The import, so that the logic of their position forces the by the reaction of the radical, esOne of the most serious problems ing a leading role in the labor sisted by the youth organization. King and the rime Minister, Mowinckel, will destalinists to do everything in their power to maintain pocially the socialist, youth in the shat confronts the American see on the rear hie e complesso de which brings home to the young clare that this demand has no foundation since the the international status quo. They do not state it United States, as well as in Europe, ton of the Fourth International 18 so be cited of the coal mining areas workers the meaning of militarism bourgeols parties in the storting have a majority of as bluntly as this, as your question suggests, but to the recent events in Germany the breaking down of the walls of of Minos. Despite this the Amer. and war, and enlists them in the six. And then gutet will prevail until the storting what is decisive is the logic of their position as it and Alwtria: the unmistakable lert white chauvinism and so called ican labor movement in the past general proletarlau struggle against elections of 1987 must work out in practice.
ward trend these young workers. race prejudice held by the white has lored the importance of the this evil SOCIALIST EDUCATION OF The capitalist reporter, Walter Duranty, gives 18. The youth are not only the proletariat of the country (who are Negro worker joining its ranks. It THE YOUTH This is the third fundamental EXECUTIONS IN SPAIN the recent revolt of the Austrian workers. Here wallst military organizations, but sie) and the winning of full ecotariat hy alling the bourgeoisie to The American Held of work for the revolutionary perhaps lies the explanation of the Soviet confusion also a great potential source of the humle, social and political equality Jim Crow him.
Such Federation of Labor has always youth organization.
The Lerroux G0 Robles government has carried at what is happening in Austria. Whether the Bol Luture active forces of fascism. for the Negro masses.
It is essential out the first executions of participants in the recent cation. It innst be done by coun Naredo and Jose Guerra were shot in Asturias Thurs. The only cominunist party congress held in three not distant, but Immediate dangers over nine million black peons of him in the craft unions At present, the Stalinists are teracting this training of the youth day morning after all attempts at Intercession and and a half years has devoted itself to two questions to the working class. To think of the hourbon south. Such a victory and the organization of the party and governmentality among the civilians or mone ever expect to win and enjoy truetion, the wooden borse of Self De We are not interesteci in mereation had been exhausted. Many other rebels how termination or a Jim Crow republic school room education. The slogan ever, including number of Catalonian leaders who system to handle the same most eflictently. Foreign the armed forces, without seriously working class democracy The American bourgeoisie has in the southern section of the of theory and practice has to be and also lwen sentenced to die, have had their senproblems have been considered primarily in the light organizing the youth is a hopeless of he plan that is, their possible effect upon it. It dream. All talk of the struggle always felt the acute need of main United States. We, the Internation made a reality. Education through tener commuted to long prison terms, such as 30 is true that the speakers, from Stalin down, have against fascism which is not pretaining division of black and white al Communists, sometimes called the class struggle must be our years, lite imprisonment, etc. Hundreds of other talked of world revolution and have even given thedicated on winning the young in the working class and thus render Trotskyites. are opposed to this method, and the education of the cases are still pending, awaiting court action.
Communist International an occasional pat on the workers and students for the prolet Impotent in the struggle against theory because we see that it will youth should not be limited to pole In spite of the unanimous vote of confidence that hend. But that has been only a side issue.
tarian revolution is fruitless prat the ruthless exploitation of the opeventually, like most Stalinst the itics alone. It must be divided into It was clear throughout to any impartial observer tle.
ulent. Ruce hatred has been one ories, serve as a The inost effective medium of the chief means of keeping the emancipation or womerang to the three hendings, political, generallt obtained from the rightist controlled parlament the proletariat.
education and physical training few days ago, the present government is quite evithat 70 percent of Soviet interest was concentrated on the Five Year Plan and its organization, 29 per through which the mass of young workers divided. Karl Marx truth. Jim Crow republle for the Am. While we reject the social demodently under strong pressure from both sides. lercent on foreign affairs in so far as they might hinder workers and the radical youth can fully stated years ago that Labor erican Negro will simply lend to estic conception that the youth roux is still obliged to heed the voice of the masses.
or help the plan, and, maybe, percent on foreign be won for the new revolutionary in a white skin cannot emancipate the strength and intuence of the organization must and can only be it is significant that the revolutionists are being movement is an autonomous politi itself so long as labor in a black Norro bourgeoisie who is as much an educational and cultural organ proxecuted for individual acts of terrorism rather affairs in regard to world revolution.
cal organization which accepts the skin is branded. The black Am an enemy of the working class as ization, we must put this work on than on strictly political charges. The two execuSo the Austrian workers revolt, although intrin. political program of the Communist erican despite the persecution the white bourgeoisie. If the labor a plane it deserves. Socialist elu tons were only carried out with deep regrets on sically gratifying to the Holsheviki, has elements of League (and later the new party. meted out to him, is kept by the movement aids such a movement catton is now the weakest part of the part of Lerroux who feared to show further surpriae, the consequences of which may be unpleas. Since the young workers are part white capitallat as a reserve of will help prolong the life of capi youth work and it must be made its of weakness. However, while attempting to ant. Times, Feb. 18, 1934. of the general working class and cheap labor for the purpose of talism and retard the triumph or the strongest. When it is realizedunket few examples, Lerroux does not dare to lo that the other fields of work are stitute a reign of terror against the working class.
have never dented the report and it is impossible to lems, the youth eague works on ers who revolt against a lower It is therefore, the duty of the but are the problems of the class be most severe penalties we meted out to all those capitalist reporter? Yes! But the stalinists thereby affected by the same prob. breaking the morale of white work world socialism or communism.
The deny that it fits their theories perfectly.
the basis of the program of the standard of living.
The clearest oficial document which expresses the vanguard of the entire class. For should not be held responsible for Bolshevik Leninists, divert the in which the youth participates implested in the revolt and that the Socialist and Stalinist position towards revolution is the promise us, to forn a political youth organ. this. However, this has led the attention of all fellow Negro work most actively.
made by Litvinov to Roosevelt. it will be the ization on any other program is less developed white workers to beers trom the idea of self Determin socialist education will be realized. spite of the setback suffered last month, the Spaniah Axed policy of the Government of the Union of Soviet utopian and dangerous. It is an lieve Negro professional ation for the Black Belt, which in For the most part, the youth will workers have still been able to maintain their orSocialist Republles. acquire the absolutely nizations endeavour which alles in the face strike breaker.
reality means more discrimination, have to They returned to work defeated and Most Negro proletarians, who and focus his attention on the light essentin. Not to permit the formation or residence on its of reality and rous counter to our theoretical background sulten, but by no means demoralized and hopeless.
territory of any organisation or group and to pre needs.
have been used for this end by the for full economic, social and politi through systematic studs while they are now, despite continuance of martial law.
vent the activity on its territory of any organization. Political subordination means capitalists are norant of the role cal equality, which carries within the force on the communist youth still in a position to exert considerable pressure on rganization. The opportunities for the reactionary right ist regime. The workers moveor group, or of representatives or officials of any that the strategy and tactics of the that they oftimes play. However, it the embodiment of true workingich study will be greatly limited went organization or group which has as an alm the Communist League are the strate the black proletariat is gradually class democracy.
now entering a period of readjustment in In the light to gain this objective when they become a part of the which a serious realignment of forces is taking place or bringing about by force of a change in the poll the latter is a broad mass organ acquiring class consciousness, the Negro proletariat must be given adult organization. One can say Drawing the lessous of the defeat, the revolutionary with justification that in the prestical or social order of the whole or any part of the ization which includes trata or and is destined to play an erregious every assistance to defeat the Negro ent organizations of the youth list show signs of breaking with their Inept and currents of both major camps socialist and SyndiUnited States, its territories or possessions. Dully young workers and students who near future. Let us take Boxton, must be taught to see that capital Istalinist and Social Democratic traitor at leadership It is the task the Commu.
worker Worker, Nov. 18, 1933. What other documents are necessary? training requires the most intimate Lowa for example. Some years ago ism is destructive and is as dangla system the educational programist Internationalists to support those progressive Question: Has the of the called any connection between the theoretical Negro labor was brought to Boxton erous in the hands of a black man anti Nazi demonstrations before and since Hitler and the practical, the study group to break a strike and lower the as in the hands of a white man. build its elucational work alonthe October debacle, drawing them to a Marxist posl.
The youth organization must currents, fixing with them the responsibilities for omnes eo mweney have It certaluly has been kept the cathods ubordinatione strument he was accomplished, but twenty years and capitanaman hits overthrown free political, scientific and cultural relation to enter where we were test report lines. The question of physical or pending decisive struggle will be impossible.
a dark secret even by the Daily Worker which surely by capable Communist League (or sport activity should really be a would not be backward about reporting such demon. party) cadre working inside the separate field of work, flowing out strations. In 1923 huge demonstrations and meetings youth league which directs and ANNIVERSARY OFFER of the above. The danger that the were held in the Soviet Union to support the German leads it; by an exchange of repreHere is a special anniversary offer youth movement might become a MENDIETA IN STRAITS proletarian revolution, on the order of the day atsentatives of respective committee Interest to all our subscribers that time. Compare the present attitude as further national bodies to local executive and friends. With this special combination offer you can obtain pure educational moremnt is overJust the book or pamphlet you want and a subscription to the balanced by the fact that it is a evidence of the Stalinist foreign policy and its obcommittees; and by a sound MarxWall Street Cuban puppet Mendieta has appealed MILITANT.
class struggle organization which to the opposing capitalist parties and political groups Jective results.
lan policy in the class struggle Question: The following is taken from the which the youth will readily follow. We have set as our birthday alm to double subscriptions.
participates actively in the efforts for assistance in surmounting the present critical Can we count on our friends to celebrate with ne?
to emancipate the proletariat. Weriod. Having lost most of his own popular supplatform in the 1984 California elections: All Nasi Since the political youth ships should be prohibited from landing or trading league should have in its ranks Send in your subscriptions at once.
must strive, first, to establish such port, he now finds himself on the brink of the abyss.
a balance and then to maintain it only the army under Batista, stand between him in ports. What should be the Communist posl. primarily militant youth who are This campaign ends Dec. 31st.
once it is reached and oblivion. With a rise of the revolutionary wave tion towards this question as regards Soviet ports? to be trained for the Communist COMBINATION OFFERS the lackey of the sugar interests now finds it IndisAnswer: The above slogan is obviously ridiculous. League (later the party. that is, Six Months Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the In a brief and concise manner, pensable to broaden the base on which his rule reste.
It 18 tantamount to asking those workers permanently to become revolutionists, it is necfollowing pamphlets. Both for. 50 the more important fundamental The masses meanwhile are reassembling their engaged in unloading goods from Germany to give essary that it have organizational TEN YEARS by Max Shachtman questions relating to youth organnp their jobs. Then why not from Italy? Carry it autonomy. This includes the right THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. by Marx ization and activity were discussed.
forces in an attempt to carry still further the revoto its logical conclusion, why not permanetly refuse of its members to govern their orlution begun in August 1933, and which suffered a WAGE LABOR AND CAPITAL by Marx On the basis of an understanding serious check with the fall of Grau San Martin last to load or unload ships of all the capitallet coun ganizational life, elect their own THE TEACHINGS OF KARL MARX by Lenin tries, including the since they are all con committees and officers, and deterWAR AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL possible to concretive them in the January and his replacement by Mendieta. While trolled by finance capital? Even the cannot mine youth policies, all within the SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER by Trotsky actual process of building the youth the potty bourgeois groups are still in the lead in the correctly take such a position, but on this the stal general framework of the political inlets are silent.
organization. Upon the foundation general political fight against the present governprogram of the Communist League One Year Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the The chief difficulty with the Stalinist slogan lles (and the new party. following books. Each Book 00 outlined above, it will be possiblement, the workers, upon whom the real outcome IMPERIALISM Lenin. STATE AND REVOLUTION Lapin.
to create a broad revolutionary their way to the fore. Strikes follow each other in must depend, are rapidly and persistently elbowing failure set limits to the perspectives of this This is needed so that the youth THE EIGHTEENTH BRUMAIRE Marx organizatio type of wruggle in support of the German workers can develop their own methods of Both 00 heed the needs of the masses of rapid succession, each wave rising higher than the Our position on this was stated editorially in the work and policies suftable to the or CRITIQUE OF THE GOTHA PROGRAMME Marx. Both 75 young workers. The youth organ preceiling one.
Militant (Oct. 21, 1933) as follows: An Internation special needs and desires that arise or THE ROAD, a proletarian novel Marlen. Both 75 ization must, at all events, prevent Within the proletarian ranks a deep ferment is al strike against the handling or transport of Ger from the physical and intellectual man goods and communication, as an anti fascist immaturity of the young workers: THE MILITANT, 144 Second Avenue, New York City.
Itself from becoming sectarian, ul. taking place. The Bolshevik Leninist party advances tra political, or a second party. rapidly, Increasing its mass contacts and influence. demonstration for a definitely limited short time, the special effects of capitalist milName.
The youth organization is its fela the Stalinists are losing ground no less rapidly.
should be the alm. This applies equally as well itarlem and bourgeois youth organCity.
cut out for it and must apply Itselt Young Cuba. the split off left petty bourgeols wing to the but the Stalinista exclude this coun ization upon them; the necessity of months subscription (26 coples) 50c, and pamphlet.
Intelligently and diligently to these of the Graulst Autenticos. now seek a united front try from their slogan so as not to embarrass the winning the youth from the reform year subscription (52 coplea. and book.
tasks. ALBERT GLOTZER. with the Bolshevik Leninista. Decisive strugglen foreign policy of Latvinov, 1st and centrist (including the All empbases mine approach.