BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceImperialismLeninLeninismRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PART THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1934 The Chauvinist Anti JapaneseCampaign of American Stalinists energetic (Continued from last week)
carried on its struggle against the thorough discussion and criticism American working class for strugIV.
threat of war primarily AS of the anti war line of the Party in gle against the war danger and inthe Politburo constitutes a serious tervention.
Can the proletariat utilize con STRUGGLE AGAINST JAPANESE shortcoming of the entire leader The immediate tasks of the leadtradictions existing between im IMPERIALISM. While carrying ship of the CPUSA. This lack of ership of the CPUSA are the fol perlalist powers! It not only can out a widespread campaign of utilWe publish herewith the sec Stalinists is not merely a belated but must. It is the direct duty of lizing the robber acts of Japanese tacitly condoned in the letter of self criticism cannot in any way belowing ond ball of the communication condemnation of Browder and the Third International. Not a replaced by such criticism of the the workers (of which Lenin spoke imperialism, the CPUSA put in the To organize in the leading Hent by the Executive Committee TASK OF Company, who are treated like word is devoted to a criticism of errors of other parties as the unhundreds of times. In the strug secondary place of the Communist International ignorant incompetents who do the interview which was an open gle for power as well as after the UNMASKING AMERICAN IMPERfounded, unjust and tactless attack organs of the Party a detailed disto the Central Committee of the not know the of Leninism, seizure of power, to utilize every IALISM AND mobllizing the massappeal to American imperialism on the leaders of the British Com. cussion of the line and practice of in 1932 in connection but it is at the same time a reve for an alliance against Japan. munist Party which was made by the Party in the struggle against crack (as Lenin put it) that es to struggle against it. It is very with the chauvinistie anti Jap lation of the utter hypocrisy of weakens the class enemy and cor indicative that for the last Browder merely made the mis. Comrade Browder at the Politburol the war danger on the basis of this letter.
anese campaign conducted by the lenders of the Third Inter take of putting into effect the meeting May 11 13.
respondingly strengthens the forces months (April, May and the first To propose to the latter. The American StalVI half of June) only one leading arnational themselves. In not the of the revolution Comrades elementary implications of the inists had launched such slogans Weinstone and Browder to correct slightest degree is their censure views advanced by Iadek and From further material which we the errors of their former stateUtilizing antagonisms between cicle appeared in the Daily Worker as Oust the Japanese ambassa a fundamental, or a revolution prominently reproduced in the received here it is clear that the ments in articles to be published in the non proletarian classes in gen exposing the sending of war supdor and commercial representa ary criticism of the chauvinism Daily Worker of that period with question of the line of the American The Communist.
eral ur between different groups of plies from America to Japan (Daily tives from the United States. practiced by the Stalinists in this obvions approbation.
party in the struggle against war the bourgeoisie, PRIOR TO AND Worker April 20. in another leadcountry. It is solely aimed at OF ing article, on May 18, one example and the demand for the to Another signally important as3. To publish in the Daily WorkDURING THE SEIZURE came to the surface at the meeting break of diplomatic relationships putting through the same policy peet of the document is the fact of the Politburo May 11 13, and the incorrectness of the previous er a series of articles explaining POWER, the proletariat however or sending war supplies from Amwith Japan in connection with in a less bruxen manner. The that this is the first important chat some comrades brought up the cannot consider these antagonisms, erica to Japan was mentioned in the attack of the latter upon Stalinists here are simply in instance, to our knowledge, of a Worker as its MAIN reserve, as a principal passlug, and on June there was question of the correctness of this statements of the Daily China and Manchuria, and the structed not to take the open in case where the leadership of a line, and particularly the correct and explaining the line of the factor determining its tactics. This news Item about the purchase of threat against the Soviet Union. itiative in the wretched camso called communist party is ness of the line of comrade BrowParty to the workers.
factor plays a secondary subordin arms by Japan in the United States By the whole manner in which paiga, but to set in motion the formally attacked for social der article. At these meetings of To continue an atel role compared with the To be sure, the Dully Worker the campaign was conducted, the wheels of a few party fractions patriotie policy and conduct withthe olburo it was stated that the campaign of exposure of the robber mobilization of the direct reserves printed exposures about the reAmerican Stalinists, under the so that the initiative may appear out the slightest measures being tactics of the CPUSA were based policy of Japanese Imperialism. No of the proletariat. The line of util cruiting of White Guards carried cover of defending the Soviet to the working class public to proposed against this leadership. to an extreme degree on the ques. Klackening of this campaign must ization of these antagonisms, PRI ou by Japan and Czecho Slovakia Union ere ranging themselves emanate from a mass organiza The reason for it is not incomMARILY taken as the main line of (Daily Worker, April 25) and the tion of Japanese American contra le permitted ax has recently been on the side of American imperial tion under the control of the prehensible.
The basic theory the Party, upon which the latter purchase or arms by Japan in other dictions. However, none of the the case in the Daily Worker (the ism, covering it up, and playing Stalinists.
and practice of Stalinismo comrades pointed out clearly what first half of June. on the contrary builds all its tactics, means to countries of the world (facts were into the hands of William Ran The fact that the Moscow Stal cialism in a single country in errors had been made or worked out this campaign must be intensified.
abandon mobilization of the prole brought out showing the purchase dolph Hearst and others of his inists are fundamentally in accord exorably promotes the virus of a clear and correct line. The day To Intensify the systematie tarian masses for the struggle of war supplies by Japan in Birmkidney. The whole campaign was with their American representa nationalism throughout the Third discussion of the question ended in unmasking of the role of American against its own bourgeoisie and to ingham, Glasgow and Austria)
a stench in the nostrils of every tives in the whole matter, is fur International and its sections UNANIMOUS adoption by the Pol Imperialism in its preparation for minimize the role of the proletariat (Daily Worker, May 18. but in revolutionary worker. When the ther demonstrated by the fact The whole Browderian campaign itburo of a resolution declaring war and Intervention against the As the principal factor in the strug nelther case was any mention made of the purchase of arms by Japan Militant submitted it to a vigor that the notorious interview was a product of the idea that that the general line of the Polit Soviet Union.
granted American correspondents anything and everything is per buro on the war situation is cor. To take up concrete examples Comrade Browder is trying to in the United States. The Party was ous criticism, we were denounced by Karl Radek, which constitut mitted for the alleged defense rect and also the speech of Com of the sending of war supplies from find a basis for the main line of not able to organize a campaign to publicly by Browder as counterrevolutionary Trotskylsts and ed the point of departure and the of the Soviet Union so that a na rade Browder which represented the USA to Japan, concentrating the Communist Party in America stop the sending of arms from Amenemies of the Soviet Union basis for the anti Japanese tional utopia may be constructed the line of the Politburo; never our agitation on these examples in its struggle against war, the erica to Japan. To be sure, the Daily The document of the Moscow campaign of Browder and Co. is there.
theless, serious deviations occurred and organizing action of the work.
line of utilization of the Inter im worker called upon the workers perlalist contradictions in long to do this, but this was done either in the conduct of the anti war camers on every concrete Kension, To carry on relentless antiThe line of the leadership of the represented a new step in the the masses to struggle against it. Haign, both of commission and om quotations froin lenin, namels to an absolutely inadequate extent Lenin speeches at the Moscow or else in an extremely abstract Party with regard to the utilization policy of the Soviet Union and that The Party proclaimed on one day ission. the Secretariat was in war propaganda among the agriculParty Conference, Nov. 20, 1920, at form. Instead of taking a concrete of the contradictions between Am. This step creates NEW POSSIBIL one conception of the role of Inter structed to thoroughly examine tural workers, poor farmers and a meeting of secretaries of Mo example to show where, when and erican and Japanese imperialism ITIES for the mobilization of the imperialist contradictions and on all phases of the Party work and the Negros Cow Party nuclel of Nov. 26, 1920 by whom arme were being sent to was expressed in the Daily Worker masses in the United States direct unother day another, diametrically to work out a clear plan for streng. To draw the foreign workers and at the meeting of the Commu Japan, of carrying a campaign in a still more flagrantly incorrectly in support of this polley, e. in opposed to it, without any attempts thening our struggle for the next into the anti war campaign of the vist fraction of the 8th Congress of centered around this concrete basis form, sometimes leading to out support of the live based on the as to explain to the workers and with PB meeting. On the question Party, especially the Japanese Soviets on Dec. 21, 1920. Their at the central organ of the Party came right opportunist conclusions. This sumption that the United States is ont any serious attempts to criticize what the results of this inves workers, organizing joint groups tempts to find support in Lenin to the workers with general appeals line was explained at times by natural ally of the Soviet Un previous errors, to explain them and tigation were and whether or not of American and Japanese workers have no basis, and only reveal a such as this: Refuse to work upou the Daily Worker in this form. Weson. Such flagrantly opportunist correct them. Thus, for example, any kind of proposal was put for in anti war demonstrations, with superficial and mechanical approach to make or transport anything know the importance that Lenin at conclusions were possible only be the olburo unanimously approved. ward by the Secretariat we have Japanese placards, etc. thus emto the fundamentals of Lenin the whatever for use to Japanese im tributed to the existence of the an cause of the incorrect position of on May 13, the line of Comrade received no material, and the repphasizing to the masses our proleory.
het neben Browder he with the workers In Comrade Browder presentapeople and the USSR. powers from the point of view of mobilization of the masses for lated as follows: This line is the have arrived for this ECCI plenum of Japan. To systematically dlacuss in tion of the question, two things are (Daily Worker, May 21. strengthening the forces of the rev struggle against American Imper. Rullest possible utilization of the were able to Joint out the disthe Politburo reports on the proconfused, namely, the polley of the number of documents received olution which he expressed in the allem with speculation on the zig inner imperialist contradictions fortion on this question.
From the discussion at the plengress of the anti war campaign of Soviet state in relation to capital here show that the line of the lead repeating of the old popular pro maes of foreign policies of the world the purpose of PREVENTING OF ist countries and the line of Com ership of the Communist Party in verb: When thieves fall out honest powers. In the Daily Worker, April HINDERING the establishment of um of the cc, from the discussion the Party, particularly as carried munist parties to the capitalist the struggle against the war danger people get their duel. Daily 14, we find a statement which leads the imperialist united front against of a number of facts taken up at on by the Dally Worker.
countries in the struggle against was understool by the local organ Worker, April 16. The error of directly to opportunist conclusions. the Soviet Union, and four days the Politbureau of May 11 13 on the war. Lenin raised the question izations of the Party to mean an the Daily Worker expressed in the In order to not be directly. later we find in a leading article from the resolution adopted as a Eratum Our proofreader allowed an erof permissibility in principle and exclusive struggle against Japanese publication in the issue of April 12 responsible for the conflagration of of the Daily Worker, May 18, the result, we can draw but one con ror of the linotyper to appear in tactical necessity of utilizing inter mperialism, in which the struggle of a telegram from a bourgeois world war this spring, AMERICAN following statement. Let no one clusion, namely, that the respostImperialist contradictions for the against the American bourgeoisie correspondent dealing with Radek IMPERIALISM MUST Airst of all imagine for a moment that the bility for the errors and confusion the previous installment of this Soviet STATE. Lenin speeches takes second place. It is character article in Izvestia. an error which STOP encouraging Japanese imper events of the past few days in in the anti war campaign resta document. In the introduction it quoted by Browder dealt preciselyistie that in the minutes of the was condemned by all comrades in allem, CHANGE ITS own hostile Japan Indicate that intervention with the CPUSA, and that not one is stated that this is a letter sent Union may of the members of this leadership to the leaders of the Communist with the PROLETARIAN STATE. meetings of the District Committee their speeches at the Politburo but policy towards the Soviet Union against the Soviet party in this country by the ExThus the leadership of the Ameri the anti war committee of the not condemned in any resolutions and put an IMMEDIATE STOP to thereby be postponed by the inner were able to point out the dis excutive Committee of the Comcan Party has mechanically identi Party has come to be called simply of the Politburo) was not a chance the shipping of munitions and ma conflict between the imperialists. tortions which occurred or to clear tied the tactics of the proletarint the Anti Japanese campaign und error but the result of the incor terial for ammunition directly or No greater or more dangerous toly understand them, or much los munist International, dated Sept.
27, 1934. note at the top ater taking power with the tac that with regard to the proposal of rect position of the Party in the indirectly to Japan. Daily Work ston could arise. And in the Dally correct them.
campulgu. The Daily er, April 14. ties of the proletariat wbile still the olitburo for the organization of anti war Worker of June it says: The It is the important task of the reads: Received Nov. 14, 1932.
This appeal to American im conflict between Japan and the CPUSA to bring complete clarity The first date 18 fighting for power, and drawn a an anti war campaign, the District Worker not only published this complete parallel between the for. Committees issued instructions such telegram in an emphatically sensa perialism, inviting it to change its United States for domination of the into its line and in the practice of obviously wrong. Instead of Sept.
27, 1934 it should read Sept. 27, eign policy of the Soviet State and as this: Organize a demonstrational form, without any attempt imperialist class nature, leads di Pacific does not prevent the war the struggle against the war dang1932. It will be noted that point the line of the Communist Party in tion against the Japanese Consu to verify the information that RA rectly to the social democratie at against the Chinese people and war er, and to overcome all errors, con a capitalist country.
inte it there is any Vi follows point IV. This is due the city. dek put the The one sided line developed by And if there is none? The instruc as to meaneation in such a way titude of reformist admonitions in preparations against the Soviet fusions and contradictions in the that the United States stead of revolutionary struggle, to Union being carried through. formulation and carry out this line to an error in the Comintern the leadership of the CPUSA in the tions of the District Committee say was a natural ally of the Soviet reformist flusions instead of ex The lack of any serious explana and on the basis of the correction document which we have meticuously followed, making neither struggle against war led in prac. nothing about what should be done, Union: the Daily Worker also posure of American Imperialism, tion by the Party of these vacilla of this line and the explanation of tice to very serious distortions. probably considering that its anti printed an editorial declaring that and to appeals and admonitions to tions on the basic questions of the it to the Party and to the workers, grammatical nor typographical The Communist Party in practice war campaign ends there. this alleged declaration of Radekl imperialism, instead of calling upon anti war cumpaign and the lack of to continue to further mobilize the corrections. each. In their pursuit of the etercialists and communists. Herriot is Support the Militant; Special Offer Add Your Name to New nal verities of American democracy working might and main to prevent. Life, Liberty and Happiness these this split of forces in the middle Continue Your Pledge in reply to our circular letter to all The following letter was received boys never dreamed that they Party Honor Roll class Radical Socialist party. In reality he is attempting to force would be tripped up by a couple of branches asking them to take up tin dimes, a battered nickel and a As we have repeatedly stated, no the new subscription drive for the Manhattan: the entire middle class under the few old pennies.
revolutionary paper can be sell Militant.
Schwalbe 00 yoke of Bonapartism and faselem sustaining. It must necessarily de Dear Comrades: Wasserman 00 But in so deep going a crisis Herpend upon a subsidy in one form The Branch Executive CommitFish, Flesh or the Best Disciple riot is powerless to suppress the Bord 00 The Danger in France What Wrong With this Picture or another.
of Lenin tee today selected two captains profound antagonisms that exist in Nash 00 The maturing political crisis Harold Riegel martrepresentine milie Ira Strahan, able bodied work up a list of Pledgers as its of the division of the Branch into who are to be actively in charge Wright 00 centering about the reform of the the middle class and that drive a Feiner 00 French Constitution, in actuality an sharp wedge between the oppressed police provisions against disorder seaman, blushed recently when he main financial support, since the layers and the oppressing top secSchin 00 attempt to seat more firmly the die were arranged with the highest de anked for a copy of his birth cerorganization itself could not pos tive charge of the new Militant tions. And with the splitting asRobart 00tatorial Bonapartist government of under of this class the revolutiongree of efficiency and intelligence. tificate and was told that he was stbly supply the needed subsidy.
Sub Drive. This will come beTON 00 Doumergue Tardieu, is filled with ary crisis will have matured.
Police activity was non partisan in a girl. He scurried about and it was largely through the help fore the Branch at the next meetfound the doctor who had brought of our Pledgers that we have been ing. You ll be hearing. 25 the utmost danger to the French every sense.
from Morris were ex him into this complicated world. able to weather the many storms 26 proletariat. The Parisian workers Similar sentiments Minneapolis.
Commune Once Again Brant. 50 are at the forefront of the united pressed by Ben Howe for the city The medico thereupon proceeded to in the past few months. But some Comradely yours.
Under the frightful threat of Kujawsky 00 struggle against the government Pusion party and George Gordon a notary public, plunked down two of our Pledgers have not kept up OSCAR COOVER. Marlen 00 that represents the preliminary armed reaction the workers of Battle for the Democratie party. bits and swore that Strahan was their payments recently and we Minneapolis has the habit of way Orland 00 stage leading to fascism.
Paris and of all France will have Well David Freedman, representing a boy. And so the matternow have been obliged to go along on a ing little and doing much.
the Communist party, joined with tands. All of which suggests tre. credit basis. Now the piled up know that we can expect big re 00 aware that the decisions made by every reason to turn their thoughts Spiro 00 Parts today will be those made by pressure of the events makes manto the Commune once again. The the representatives of the above mendous possibilities. If a notary debts are pressing very hard on us sults. We hope other branches win Rolone 00 the provinces tomorrow, the bour datory on the advanced workers mentioned parties in congratulating public seal can determine so com and we must find some means of follow this example. 00 geoisie is determined to strike a that they utilize the united front the Police Department. It is the plicated a matter as one sex then liquidating them. Especially is this THIS DRIVE ENDS DECEMBER Morris 00 crushing blow at the Paris workers to establish everywhere Communes first time that the Communist why not determine other contro necessary in view of the steps 31st. GET BUSY! 00 soon as possible Tardieu would Party has had direct contact with versial subjects by this very con whch are progressing toward the What the Militant means to our Borkeson 00 like to imitate the deeds of Goful weapon of defense and struggle or Soviets. Only with this powerthe Police Department, and directly venient method. For inatance the formation of a new revolutionary readers is indicated by the follow lewitt. 00 Robles in Spain. Ile wishes to can the utmost forces of the proleat headquarters, he said. It is discipleship of Lenin. Walter Dar workers party. We want the offi ing excerpt from a letter. It is only Schlossberg an indication that an honest elec inty and Joseph Drugashvili are cial organ of the new party to get one of many. 00 provoke an armed struggle at the tariat and the supporting tollers be Weber. 00 time chosen by the bourgeoisie properly organized and given lead.
tion is possible with the cooperaroth equally emphatic as to Stalin a good start. Dear Comrades: 00 when the stage has been set toership so as to defend workers Deing the best disciple of Lenin. We take this opportunity to make Konikow have enjoyed reading the Sterling 00 drown in blood any armed resis democratic rights, so as to guide Among the complaints, the dis Now the question can finally be a special appeal to all our Pledg Militant and wish that could Nelson 00tance by the masses.
patch goes on to say, from which cleared up, thanks to the hitherto ers: We ask specifically that those continue to take it. However, Winter 50 already encircle Parls, the fascist of the Donmergue government of The troops the general strike for the overthrow these items are abstracted, was one fore doubtful Strahan.
What is who are able to do so, send in their present conditions make this im1. 00 forces have been ordered to stand reaction, so as to establish a workfrom Frank Crosswalthe, So lacking is the seal. Any seal will pledges in advance to January 1st. possible. Your efforts toward Victor. 00 by and not to take to the streetsers government with a single legcialist candidate for United States do. good Soviet seal will be ac In response to our appeal in the unity with other fractions are to Bernstein 00 prematurely.
Representative for the 21st district. ceptable to us. Stalin, hle thee to last isene, Jefferson Rall and the be commended. remain with 00 Sam Gordon islative. executive chamber, the In this situation the middle class Commune itself. The armed workManhattan, who complained that in a notary!
comrades in the Downtown Branch best wishes, Karsner 00 es are being cleft asunder, the ing class, the workers militia, eight or ten election districts the of Local New York paid up on their Yours for the Revolution, Cutler 00 upper layers moving to the right must be formed without delay to lever above his name on the ma. Between Ourselves pledges. And comrade Rhodes of member of of chines was locked, so that votes If all the readers of this column Callfornia contributed two dollars. If those of our readers who are Tants 00 the big bourgeoisie the wider defend working class rights, to profor him could not be cast. They were as loyal to it as Morris It was through the help of these more fortunately situated will come tect the Commune and to place itBronx. lower strata of the exploited petty self at the disposal of this repost were similarly locked the last time of Manhattan, a better column in comrades and a few others that we to the assistance of the MilitantStamm 00 boureoisie moving leftwards to tory of workers democracy. The he ran, he declared.
deed could be turned out. What we were able to get out this issue of we will be able to send the paper to Streeter 1, 00 wards the united front of the so Commune is the ultimate aim, the ask you to do is to tear out any the paper. We hope that all who this reader and many other until Eldensohn 00 highest goal of the united front The Majesty of the Law or What clipping that you find striking and are at all able to make a special such time as they are able to pay Swkabeck 00 against fraclam under present cirSauce for the Goose is Poison for that might serve as material for donation at this time will answer for their subscriptions Lankin. 50 Turshman TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE Glade.
the Gander the column. Mail it in addressed to this call. 00 cumstances in France. The lessons 00 of Austria, now again of Spain, are Because Albert Jackson, 23 years Reviewing the News, o the MILSPECIAL OFFER.
BOOKS Charles 00 Cochran. 10 plain and clear, that militant strugold, was caught with the loot contant, 144 2nd Ave. ComBought and Sold Brandmark.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. 00 Visconti. 25 Ble must be organized in advance sisting of dimes, a battered nickelrades in the hinterland please take Boro Park Branch: PIONEER BOOKSHOP Brownsville Branch and directed towards a clearly deand three pennies, one of the lat notice.
102 East 11th Street, JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE Kamlat 00 fined goal. That goal is the estabter of such old coinage that it 00 George. 15lishing and maintaining of Soviets readily was identified on the wit Warning Engel 00 or Communes. The fate of the ness stand by complainant, Don work the items up your Bauman 00 French and of the world proletarlLeeger 00 sentence of thirty years in the pen self. Leave that to your columnist.
Total. 76. 50 rests on the ability of the French Levine 00 itentiary was imposed on him by The reason for that being not that The names listed above are en workers to grasp clearly the costly his Imperial Majesty Judge Allen we think we can do it better but CAMEO Thea. 42 St. a striking and rhapeodic Avrin 00 tirely from our membership lessons of recent history. It is in General Sessions. William Ep that all items commented on in this Tovin. 00 other branches, sympathizers, given to the modern French proEast of Broadway tribute.
son, 22, and Winslow Cameron, 24. columnare authentic whether Harlem Branch friends are urged to follow their letariat to add anew to their glor250 to P.
confederates of Jackson, received quotes are used around quotations New York Times 00 example. The new party needs tous revolutionary traditions.
terms of from ten to thirty years or not.
Black 00 your support Now. JACK WEBBR.
Hubbard Mann 00 00 Beecher 00 Lorenz 00 Schaap SONGS ABOUT LENIN