BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE THE MILITANT VOLUME VII, NO. 45, WHOLE NO. 249 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1934 PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Fargo Drivers Win in National Jobless Day Truce Government Fallsin Militant Milk Strike Supported by Unions France; Class Lines Drawn Dyers Strike Activity;Released Holds Lines Convention French Bolshevik PaperCalls For Decisive Steps November 26 In 2nd Week ofC. Call has GormanPlans Love Feast With Bosses Groups Prepare for a Split in Party Pittsburgh, Pa. Final plans for National Unemployed Day were Membership Meets Sun. tional Action Committee just concluded here. Reports compiled from general membership meeting all over the country indicate that there will be an enormous turnout be held Sunday, Nov. 11. Comin the nation wide demonstrations rade Cannon will report on the to be held November 24.
BULLETIN International Pleum which he The more than 1, 000 local units Fargo, Miles Dunne, millattended as the delegate thel of the cooperating organizations itant leader of the Minneapolis League. The neting will begin la ve been instructed to begin their Paterson, Nov. Paterson is Rumblings of civil war are already audible in France.
truck strike, who was arrested in at 11 and will be followed demonstrations at 10 on Nov. Nhut tight as a drum. The dye The collapse of the Doumergue truce government has brought the Fargo, North Dakota, where he had by an all day liscussion. The 24. They will mareh to relief ata workers strike has been extended issue of Fascism or proletarian revolution closer on the political horizon.
lecture of Pursuant to the been helping to organize the truck tions throughout the country to to the bleacheries. In East Ruth sued by the National Committee, ficial call is.
corarade Cannon The government of Etienne Flandin, not quite so reactionary in drivers, has been released on his scheduled for Sunday evening at present their demands locally. The erford yesterday a giant mass pick the delegates to the Third Conven appearance, but no les anti working class in character will prove to be own cognizance The strike of Irving Plaza has been postponed lonal delegation to the President.
et line, the biggest ever seen in tion of the Communist League of no better than a temporary stop gap.
milk drivers, which he helped to for one week.
Rutheriord, The National Action Committee, bleachery there. The police of City November 26.
closed down the America will assemble in New York ployment is growing apace. The middle classes are being ruined by It cannot cut the Gordian knot that binds French economy. Unemorganize, bas ended in victory for the workers.
of which David Lasser, chairman course, were mobilized beforetime among the problems to be consid shrinking markets. Wages are sinking. The crisis in the ranks of the Mass pressure the threat of the of the Workers Unemployed Union with their tin hats, gas bombs and cred is the organization of the Radical Socialist party that caused the demise of the truce govern workers to call a general strike of Greater New York, is secretary, all the other police machinery for new party in the United States.
tent is but a reflection of the vacillation of the petty bourgeoisie under. forced his release. The Indictwritten President Roosevelt strike breaking. However, the ment against him of inciting to for an appointment for a delega pickets were not at all intimidated.
The decisions to be made by this the pressure of its economie difficulties riot has not been dismissed, but On the political field the Fascist organizations arm everywhere for tion of 15 to present the demands minor scuffle ensued; and after convention will thus be offer the destruction of the organs of working class democracy, the political with the workers thoroughly of the unemployed Nov. 26 or 27. a few windows wereb roken and reaching significance not only for parties and the trade unions. On the other hand aroused. It is questionable that the In addition to the 750, 000 organ car overturned the management anthe League itself but for the Amrevolutionary fever of the French working class authorities will dare to press the ized unemployed represented di bounced that the plant would be erican working class movement. It rising. Between this hammer and Case.
rectly at the meeting here, the closed down until the strike was occurs at a time when the destiny of humanity virtually hangs in the anvil the new middle of the road demonstration will have the back settled.
Dunne has been in Fargo for the must come to grler.
past three months, at the request ing of numerous local nemployed of the local union leaders, who Textile Workers Get It in gronps. bleachery in Lodi was likewise balance! Events of a world shakWhat is the French working shut down.
ing character have taken place class to do if it is not to meet the during the most recent period.
were impressed by the tacties that In Minneapolis many of had won the Minneapolis strike and The Neck While Faker unions affiliated with the Ninnes militancy and solidarity of the dye crete form to the League conven In the face of the determined fate of the German working class It will now be presented in conIn its worst varlant or of the Auswanted them introduced in the Talks Cooperation polis Central Cornell of Workers, workers the bosses are for the Lion. The delegates who will carry trian or the Spanish nt the best?
Fargo situation.
unemployed organization, will sup The following article translate strike of the milk wagon drivFrancis Gorman, first viceport the Nov. 24 parade. In New moment banking upon the arbitra the mandate of the membership from la Verite organ of the Bolsheers followed a vik Leninist group of the tion campaign.
conducted along lines similar to ful betrayal of the textile strike mobllis pembers and other polona workers have been pretty well im sponsibility of final decision. Their Thomas Begs for Unity as the light of Marxism on the French The strike was Workers of America, whose shame and the United Hebrew Trades withe strike for them. By now the League will therefore face the re(Socialist Party of France) throws the actressive Sinneapolis battles, steun hedrese con are expected to follow suit. In they know what to expect. Never work that preceeded the convention, munixed against arbitration; and task has been facilitated by the bonses to terms of the labor cohervative sections Toledo where the National Unen theless, despite the statements 18 Our branches have been informed Forward Crowd Takes political situation and points the and brought the movement, has now ployed Lengue is road for the triumph of the prolewithin 24 hours. Our correspond powerful force, come forward with another ingraent account of the strike and oftlating offer to the mill owners a unemployed In demonstrating.
Steps for Schism many trade unionists will join the sued by the leadership there is no about the various developments in doubt that tremendous pressure is the negotiations between the League Dunne arrest follows.
Joint employer union campaign to How is the offensive of reaction The call to action is signed by being exerted to put an end to the and the American Workers Party, By Our Mid West Correspondent expand markets, sind promote in the National Unemployed League. concessions on the part of the basis for fusion of the two or ahead with preparations in readi is conducting a campaign of meet.
strike. with of course the minimum having as its objective to prepare cialist party are going full speed committee of the and the The conflicting groups in the so to be defeated? The coordination pebble is cast into a pooldustral peace.
Rythmically. irresistibly, concen directly to George Sloan, chair lergency Workers. Dinnesota CenThis time he offers his services Federation of Unemployed and EmIllinois Workers Alliance, Eastern bosses.
ganizations in the new party. In ness for an immediate split. At the ings. Humanite (orgon of the trle circles form, well outwards.
man of the Cotton Textile Institute, tral Council of Workers, American broken of several times are now has taken place in the branches ecutive Committee on Monday the popular The negotiations which have been the pre convention discussion which meeting of the New York State Ex. has raised the question of a Fargo a town 200 miles from which subala Minneapolis, just across the North broke the strike. It will be remem. Workers Union (Missouri, Kansas once again in progress, under the our membership has had the oppor problem of what next? will be tension of unity of action to see Dakota line. Its population is 30, bered that an Industriale truc and Nebraska. Florida Federation supervision of the NRA figure head, tunity to formulate its point of posed by the old Guard leadership. tions of the perty bourgeoisie. But 000, Fargo being much the largest was declared, which was signed by Federation of Workers Committeession was held. The bosses are what remains is the convention ac are taking measures for defense are not concerned with concrete town state.
It is the center of a rich cordogly thousands of workers Fort Wayne Unemployed League. negotiations fall through this time in case of an open break methods, precise alms and adeagrleultural community. Wheat, found themselves locked out when The National Committee will The immediate issue is the De quato organization to block the onts, corn, cattle, dairy products, Gorman called the strike ott.
The American Civil Liberties they will negotiate no more but present to the convention such ad trolt Declaration of Principles re rond to the moneuvers of reaction poultry these are the commodities Gorman letter to Sloan, how it will ald the demonstrators in one time the yellow press in Pato question as still remains to be sub to 4, 872, majority of 1, 121. More Union has informed the that night It out to the finish. At the aitional material pertaining to this cently adopted by u vote of 5, 993 in revising the constitution.
Water power avallable in the state, ever, breathes not u word of com case of police interference. In a craon drums up the optimistte pros mitted. It will present the pro than half the members did not at the declaring that there is Frossard (right wing leader of there is almost no manufacturing plant and not palmelor demande statement to the press Arnold John pancetta settlement will mater position to the assembled delegatesticlute in the referendum. The de no possibility to beat back the recarried on. Trucking is a most im Headers his operation to the son, secretary of the National Un bolize shortly. Anders are to proceed on the basis of agree seat of the old Gunry Waldroom actionary bands by the forces of textile industry without. being Cahun group was accomportant industry.
The Fargo workers were greatly funky fawng before his as a Hef that the police would accede the workers Mon good authority al Organizing Committee of the plished by unity of the MIL in unison with Marquet, with a tions, fawning before Sloan the working class alone, concludes, master. to the request that they that the strike will be settled by to the unitication of the tants Thomas Hoan, each with plea for entering the Government.
interested in the Minneapolis truck It seems.
strikes. They sent delegations to remain away from relief centers the end of this week.
two organizations and to the for their own interpretation of the De It seems to me he writes during the presentation of demands. The Militant in its previous dismal launching of the new party. claration!
Marceau Pivert. left leadLocal 074, and offered to assist the Police officials will provoke patches posted out that the situr. If this proposition is accepted by The important state organizations tions real action on an offensive of er) is much clearer, but he condiBle reaper the settlement of the Justments have been made, as the trouble in places, no doubt, said tion is very favorable to the work the League delegates and similar such as New York, Pennsylvania, the reactions as though their eatunion in Fargo asked Local 574 to you. now being inade by the Unit to act as if the jobless are crimin extremely effective, and it obvious. vention, meeting simultaneously, the Old Guard. Illinois, New Jer tacks on us have not continued for months send out an organizer. Miles Dunne ed States Bureau of Labor Statis als or bands of looters. But this ly has reached its turning point. the unity convention will follow sey and Wisconsin supported the was loaned to the Fargo union and ties and the Federal Trade Com 1s our only way of driving home Today, more than ever, the dye immediately thereafter on the Declaration Now the Old Guard Common. popular. republi.
for the past several months he has mission shall have concluded ad our demands and we are going right workers must maintain vigilance scheduled date of November 30. is ready for a split. The first steps can front, all these words breathe nothing but confidence in parlbeen in Fargo, organizing the driv Justments of the discrimination ahead to fight to the last ditch for Huguet any arbtration deal the The full agenda of the conven have already been taken.
mentary and legallst methods. The ers, stimulating work in the North cases before it, and when the three what coming to us even if we bosses may try to put oser. Thetlon, covering all the problems Right Wing Steers to Labor Party Austrian Socialists declared: Dakota labor movement, winning work assignments boards shall have have to take it in the end.
union demands are the union shop. racing our organization Waldman and Solomon have laid All members and sympathizers of the 30 hour week, the 30 dollar been submitted to the membership plans for the building of a labor bourgeois legality unless the bour.
adherents to the cause of the been set up, the time will have ar We will not leave the terrain of workers from other local unionsrived when employers organization the LA, are asked to mobilize This is the basis on which and will be followed when the del party with the bureaucrats of the feelsle does; but if it dares then and the public generally, especial representatives and union represen for the great demonstration on the strike should be settled. Andegates assemble.
ly the unemployed.
tatives can begin conferences look Nov. 24. This should be an historicus a nuatter of fact, the bosses will American Federation of Labor. Als we shall see.
National Committee, ready they have some agreement Communist League of America. along these lines with the leaders How well they saw! And the The Fargo Drivers Union Local Ing toward the improvement of the event, the greatest display of or not be able to hold out much long173 rapidly build up a membership textile industry and its outlook. ganized power ever made by the er against the solidarity that has ARNE SWABECK, of the International Ladies Gar example of Spain shonld serve as of 400. This union had the same The ink bas scarcely signed on unemployed of the whole nation marked the strike from its outset.
Secretary. ment Workers Union, the Amalga guide for us if we want another broad organizational policy pur the truce that broke the strike mated Clothing Workers and Unit rate than herolc death.
sued by Local 574. Milk wagon and betrayed the workers, and ed Textile Workers Union. The All these illusions must be disdrivers, bakers, inside workers here is Gorman proposing easant right wing Socialist influence in earded. The bourgeoisie is not were organized in the union round table conferences with the the trade unions, which in fact is embarrassed by its own legality.
The conditions of the Fargo same bosses who a few months ago the really serious contact that the But extra parliamentary action will workers are bad.
By the skin of our teeth we managed to publish The town is were shooting down textile workwhen the new party is becoming reality we have dominated by chains the banks ers. For the general benefit of the the last tasue of the Militant. This time we have to consider skipping issues of its most effective has with the unions, is being frighten the middle class without utilized to the utmost for this aim.
are branches of the huge Twin Industry to promote foreign mark to take the skin off our teeth to do the job. mouthpiece, the militant.
Further, it is reported that the possible? No, what will allenate City financial institutions. When ets, for the expansion of domestic These are no exaggerations, comrades.
Does this mean interest is lagging or comrades board of directors of the Jewish them is the absence of perspectives.
one goes to a movie in Fargo, one markets.
The plain truth is that we are operating on our are greeting the new party only with apathy? We Dally Forward recently decided to aims and a broad and burdened attends a Publix house. The larg But does the offer of cooperation nerve and not on money. Under socialism it may withdraw its allegiance from the workers organization.
est store 18 a Sears Roebuck branch. end there? You do not know Gorbe different, but under capitalism in America, Judging from the letters we have been receiving Socialist party. This step was tol The bloc of the socialist and The largest dairy plant is but aman if you think so.
currency is the only means for carrying on a bus from all over the country, hailing the formation lowed by the decision to change communist workers must say to the branch of a company having its Cooperation with Mr. Legree iness. Even the business of overthrowing capital here in New York we are certain that such is not e enthusiasm engendered the rules which declare that only toiling masses of this country: the home office elsewhere.
members of the Socialist purty can bourgeois maneuvers are aimed Joint cooperation should extend The milk wagon drivers worked beyond the matter of extending the It is time now to speak plainly and bluntly, the case. Then what the matter?
Bold be on the board of directors of the only at super exploitation under particularly hard conditions use of textiles ant our offer of coSome comrades may think we write appeals tion, but only partially.
Unemployment and low wages causes this situa paper to members of social demo methods are needed. 40 hour week. the day week, 70 to 90 hours a operation covers the entire field of merely for literary exercise. Others, less cynical, cratie organizations. Undoubted nationalization, monopoly of for week, a wage not exceeding 15 Industrial relations, of course. but no less unrealistle, seem to think that when it New headquarters, new branches, new activities ly, the Right wing heads of the olgn trade, moratorium on mort.
this in comparison with the 34 comes to thuanelal matters we are given to exag but only partially entailing new expentitures causes this situation, Rand School and the New Leader Bages, etc. Only a workers and milk driver wage in Minneapolis, And, of course, the union cannot geration.
have both made preparations to peasants government can make them with the day week prevailing in contribute its efforts except in coThe real cause is the unwarranted optimism of keep control of these institutions. them a reality. Struggle with us operation with the organized em We may be wrong but the indifferent response the comrades and the readers of the militant. You the larger city.
What are Thomas and the MIN forth is power by the methods that to previous appeals can lead us to no other concluWith relatively high living costs, ployes. The United Textile nedoubtedly think that since o issues of the paper slon. Perhaps an explanation is necessary.
tants doing? Hghting for old the situation requires. Only through It is apparent that the milk drivers Workers of America do not ylela have been skipped in so many months in spite of Guard reformists Hardly! Ever this means will the middle class That you recelve this issue of the paper after the constant had genuine grievances. list of even to the owners of the mills, in for that every since the Detroit Convention they turn to the proletariat and the phy.
demands was drawn up and pre the desire to promote the welfare have tried to pacify the Old Guard sical struggle against the enemies sented to the bosses. The demands of the industry to a point where it money, nor does it mean that we were bluffing. from the truth! Nothing could be more fatal! interpret the Detroit Declaration of the workers, the unremitting were ignored. strik may be fairly, soundly, and genThe cruel truth is that we publish the paper by Assistance is needed badly, immediately and so as to make it acceptable to every struggle for which it is necessary wagon drivers was called for Sunulnely prosperous. Prosperous for wbom. taking it out of the hide of all the functionaries plenty of it.
body, refused to press the charges to prepare, will be victorious.
day morning. Nov. 4, at A.
in the editorial offices and in the print shop. No We planned to make the next issue of the Mill of violation of party discipline and Let us trace the brond lines of Early Sunday morning pickets Throughout there is never any body gets paid. But bills pile up for paper, ink, tant a special anniversary number. We planned the most elementary socialist prin a plan of struggle: began to assemblent the union reference to the recent strike ex gns and electricity, to say nothing of rent. to add an extra two pages to it. Six years of the ciples against Louis Waldman and THE AIMS: headquarters, large 2nd floor result, and to hull the complete cept to express satisfaction with the We lost a whole day this week because of a Militant is no mere birthday celebration. it is Jasper McLevy.
Immediate measures in the Inhall in the middle of the town.
measly which we couldn rustle up to pay the an event of historie importance in the labor move Unity with Sewer Socialists terests of the workers; The logic of events and clrcum restoration to a peace basis. gas bill. That why you get the Militant one day ment of the entire world! As matters stand now, Instead they have united with constituant assembly of the stances of a strike always crystal. Not a word about the discrimin late. The linotyper had to hang around doing it no response is forthcoming, we will be forced the notorious reformist and oppor people, assuring the broadest izes a definite opposition group ation against union workers in the nothing for a whole day.
to skip the next issue of the paper.
tunist Mayor Honn of Milwaukee democracy; among the employers, a definite Southern mills; not even the sug Add to that the evletion threat the landlord has Can we make the point any more emphatic? IF in a struggle for revolutionary workers and peasants governscene of action. In Fargo, the Fair gestion that if the bosses want the made. Te has given us a dispossess notice. It socialism. and unity of all.
THERE IS NO CHANGE IN OUR FINANCIAL ment capable of taking these mont Creamery, the largest cream aid of the union in their market the comrades don believe this, write and tell us SITUATION THERE WILL BE NO NEXT ISSUE They have even made a bid for ex steps: ery in town, furnished both the grabbing schemes, in the imperial and we ll publish a genuine facsimile that is if OF THE MILITANT!
communists (who have hearkened For this it is necessary to get rid backbone of the opposition and the ist schemes to wrest markets from We can raise the money for the cut.
Comrades! Friends! Sympathizers!
to their call. of: scene of action.
Japan and England (and War, too, Financially we are at the end of the rope. This is not an appeal; IT IS AN ALARM!
Thomas conception of a revolu The capitulationist Chamber of Picketing was carried along is a method of expanding markets Need we say that this is an Intolerable situation? An alarm that calls upon you to raise every tionary party is well explained in Deputies, the precise lines laid down by the and making Industry profitable for At the very time we are at the verge of merging dollar and dime you can lay hands on and mail it his notes in the current New Lead The Doumergue government, Minneapolis strikers, allowing for the owners. the bosses might offer the and the we face the danger of immediately to the militant 144 Second Avenue, er (Nov. 10, 1934. All who claim the product of the reactionary concessions or sope to the starving having to suspend the militant. At the moment New York City. Continued on Page 4) mill hands, North and South. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
of milk