AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 EDITORIAL ORGANIZER RAPS VIGILANTES League Expels Goldman For Capitulation to at. By Mid West Correspondent) gangs against the united workers, militant Quion. Worse, they at Radek for a New Party. Minneapolis. The supporters of we will give them a fight. We guve tempted Milit the union right Law and Order here have recently them a light once before, on a cer while it was a life and death ARI, Radek, editor of Izvextia, is the chief ballyhoo artist for made a test thrust at the working tain Tuesday morning in the lark straxgle with its mortal enemy, the The National Committee of the tradistinction to some of the EuK Stalin foreign policy. In an interview with Fred Kelly Clade.
bosses. Not once, but three or four Communist League of America has ropean parties, it is not at all repreported in the New York Post on Oct. 29. Radek is quoted as expressing On Tuesday, Oct. 16, sometinie We must show the workers that times, did the local Communist decided to expril Albert Goldman resentative of the main stream of a certainty that there will be no revolution in the United States for a between midnight and dawn, sever it is foolish to look to the police party attempt thix. It does not of Chicago because of his only the working class new current long time, and that the United States will be the last country to give al carlonds of night riders drove for protection anunt these plun take a professional revolutionist to declared intention to disregard the have arise within it. By u very una capitalism. Radek, ignoring the misery of the American workers up before the workers Book Store derers, these vigilautes. We must se that Lenin would turn in his course pursued by the League and small majority and by only a small which has become so intense during the last five years, states that life (Stalinist) on Third Street, be show that it is necessary for the tomb at such an outrageous per Join the Socialist party as an Indi part of its membership participat is still too comfortable in the for a real revolt to occur. Over tween Hennepin and Nicollet. This workers to present a united front version of all he taught vidual This action WELS taken ing in the referendum it has carriding all Stalin older theories of the third period and the deep little shop is located in the heart against the bosses to stop the vigi The workers are quite right in atter Goldman hud avalled himself real the declaration of principlesgoing radicalization of the workers. Radek opines that the American of town.
neither understanding nor forgiv of the opportunity to explain his the declaration of militant pacifism workers are more conservative than the farmers. Lending support The vigilantes smashed the glass This raid is but fore taste of ing this peculiar brand of commu position before the Chicago mem. of the Detroit convention. The to of officials who claim that a policy of rotten compromise has in the door, entered the shop and what may become increasingly frenism. For such valuable service bership and before the National militants. representing the main quent as the struggle becomes tens to the Citizens Alliance, the bosses Committee.
body of the diluted centrisin which committee, for example. Radek charges that American workers are went to work.
Hundreds of pamphlets were torner, and it is in such a light that were certainly ungrateful in turn Goldman was ready to desert the has so far carried the day and caralways willing to settle strikes whenever employers make even slight up and scattered on the floor. Book the raid must be seen by every ing on their allies and taidlus lage not only severine organiz: ried it with the assistance of the concessions.
shelves were overthrown and worker, by every workers organix their hookshop. The truth of the ational relations, ont desert it also reactionary municipal socialiste led Despite his assertion by Hoan, made their first political This much of Radek comment, all transparently false, deals with smashed. Over a hundred books atjon. We must begin tow to or matter wms to be that the raiders politically.
what Marxists call the objective situation. even the state of mind of were carried out to the cars, tocanize to bcat back the thronts of an antinjure those whom they that he stands on the same politi retreats already at the Detroit con.
the working class, its class consciousness, which he rates so low, being sether with many pamphlets. In vigilante fascism, thought they were hurting. cal platform six before and is merevention. Facing the pressure of ohjective to the revolutionary vanguard. Aware that he has made a their patriotic ardor, the 100 per few days after the rule the Insurance for Defeat ly changing the form of his all the Old Guard, which is in control poor case for his prophesy and that the capitalist class may not be able centers were not above stealing Stalinists sued a leaflet calling the bosses were really smart. Klance, the objective logle of his of the strongest party Institutions to comfort itself very much from these analyses, Radek turns to a con. the small supply of cash in the for three meetings at which the of course, they would not have to taken as an individual and and the strongest state apparatus, sideration of the subjective fuctor. No country, he is quoted as say store about five bucks. Before raid will be disenisel. The Commuided this book store. On the con aying in the face of the course we the militants have yielded since ing, ever has a revolution until there is a class conscious group capable of carrying on the revolution. It muxt be led by nealots who believe they gleefully drove off, the raidersinnnist League, Minneapolis branch. trary. they would have purchase have adopted for the creation of and will yield further to social recrminm.
in stuck a large sign in the window. holding an open discussion meet everal tons of pamphlets by Stalin newparty and a new internntional, It is true that out of it so thoroughly they are willing to make great sacrifices for it. It is modern ing on Sunday afternoon, October ud soon to it that these were distantamonnt to capitulation. Hy his combination of the pressure the absence of such a group. or party as we call it, which Radek nees Boston Tea Party 28, at which the raid will be distributor gratis among the Minnes this action, Goldman ends hixhrict from the Old Guard and the yieldall the decisive factor making for the permanence of capitalism in the NO REDS cussed, and concrete proposals polis workers, thus bringing about sojourn with the International ing of around in the militants. a Wanted in Minneapolis raised as to the best methods of hopeless confusion in the ranks of Communists where his abilities had definite left ward current will arise: It is not surprising to me Karl Radek throw bricklats at the Amer The vigilantes then drove out combatting the plunderers direct those whom they wish to crush. ben sful but where his political but its true revolutionnry expresican Stalinists. Years ago he expressed over the ten cups the opinion Wayxuta Boulveard a few miles by the bosses.
Damned some insurance that weakness was most clearly demon slon it will be able to find only in that the American was the a. e of the international movement from town and made a boutire of Who Are the Vigilanten? would be.
xtrated by his readiness to discard the struggle for the new party and Laoking at its record after the five years of world shaking crisis which their plunder. In the morning you Present day vigilantes are invar But make no mistake. As woe onr principle platform and banner the Fourth International.
have ensued, he naturally holds an even lower opinion of the Browderian could stir among the ashes and isbly the instruments of the boss fully misguided as they are the return for a place in the The statement. Gitlow and horde than ever before. Quite tutis. In his view, these specimens are plek ont part of a title page of an Clay for extra Bogat against tkan tile stalinist are never which he comes as bombe ose who have rallied aronnd him Upton Sinclair novel, the charred the workers. They are used for thele sincere and militant light capitulator. Toward capitulators to enter the Socialist Party flies in Now, comrades, don go off the deep end. True, Karl Radek was once cover of Jack London The Iron Purses for which the police themes for our class we have only one attitude, clearly the face of these actual conditions.
If the bosses and their vigilan established a long time ago. Not only do these people say that in rejecting the application of Ben Gitlow for admission to the P: countryside were what was left of giving away the entire shell gametes ivelieve for one moment that means it clefinite purting of the hey have no intention whatever of metioning as a separate faction he recognize the permanent untitness of himself and his organization to couroy, Dos Passos, etc. not to the boxes wish to stamp out terrorize one section of our class walk in the composition stated inside the Socialist party, they for carry forward the inner of the proletarian revolution. But is it true speak of the works of Marx. Eng bercilessly the growing spirit of they will not pause. Their attack Gowan also violated elementary or the fusion that it is possible to that Radek, after capitulating to Stulin, has begun to smuggle Trotskyels, Lenin and Stalin.
rebellion in the Minneapolis workconscience.
ism into the Comintern? Is he, in his clotage, bitten At this site also, the vigilantes ing class. Very well, they strike first onslaught goex mchallenge. mitting his views to non Leagud an instrument for working class xlyly setting that banner in a corner and walking off in the hope that left signs first of all at that segment which they will but relomble their efforts embers, including members of the municipation. reference to the someone else will pick it mp? Is he painfully and in this round about Socialist party. Hefore thrashing adoption of the rocalled declaration First Warning Buts the least mass support among against us. And, section by see way sending us greeting? Is he making an analysis and berging us to to communists. the workers in short, at the Comtion, we will be smashed back and them out in his own organization of principles they say. it now draw the conclusions and numit lurty. They gather toge broken: Socialists, Social laborites, portant though this aspect of his makes it possible to unite the rev.
Are we to read between the lines of Radek statement the Macedonian This is what cry: For God sake, somebody start a new revolutionary purty? In we do to among themselves and those ionists, unorganized workers over matter under the circumstances the store recent year contra in a pig eye we are. We know that in Radek we have the official repreCommunist Literature.
revolutionary clements among the workers and the left wing Farmer. Laborites The real issue is the perlitical ques. apa powerful tion involvel. the sentative of the Political Bureau of the Russian. and of Jownh question of force, rooteil in the soil of the That day the boss press head the middle class foolish enough to will not go unscatheil.
Stalin himself Ir they think they can get away which course to pursue toward the entry and responsive to the needs An the logic of Ralek analysis, viewed by a Marxist, points Inevit mass sentiment for continuation nemmere herautomatizen. with it, and it they thought it neemeterfalemne party and the of the workers in this position in ably to the need for a new party. But Stalin monthpiece means some of such admirable activity, proceed with their dirty work.
thing different. What this is becomes clear from some of his other re. Irate citizens, said the Minne Stalinists Bewlidier workers establish in this country the same mere incirlent: it affects the very orgende inity unity between the the revo socialist party of militant pacifism aplis Journal, anged by activity Augurka well informed reactionary London Journalistes blowing of revolutionary forces in the Minneapolis is to make the workere taly and Germny. The name for between revolutionary Marxism on to revolutionary socialism. Such an The hardest tank we face in rule that their class has succeeded life and development Tutionary movement itself the same u ork Times coch. 90. an interview with the sources mayores pollst, sama sebule Theme way duris la dostanowi on the victims of the his role is fascinating Pane in the one hand and social reformtem organic unit ose the folosit intens and the Stalinist centrist party to diplomatie expert. of historical Book Store. carly to to the sitpport of members of the Turkish President Kemal bedyguard. Thus, com any.
Cops Deaf, Dum. and Blind party in Minneapolis. The bewillent working class and an and contrism on the other. Con creates of the possibiity hits trixm appears today both in ity between Communs and Socialism ments Angur friend, the diplomat, we discover the Soviet Government Irate citizens. in the quite unexpected part of a friend of the existing order. We who sangsters and vigilantes, fattened the diluted form of militant pact in the working class road toward follow political developments in the Balkans know that the influence of condemnation. Not word of derment of the local workers over working class organizations by bureaucratie Stalinist form and in conld mean only a further barrier the unlawful and this point is understandable.
cowardly actions of the vigilantes Por so many workers say that ter rule carried out with the since the adoption of the new de two bureaucratle regimes so much to itumene proportion. It is gang Asm now characterizing the emancipation and a combination of the Soviets in that part of the world is a conservative Not hint ns to who the raiders the communist party committed. whole hearted approval. uud to the Claration of principles which seck more effectively to hinder the pro slanderous remark, you ask? And Augur informant answers. Some time ago in Berlin, just before the Hitler revolution, a were. Not a question raised as to unparlonable crime neninst the just what the frolice were doing working class during the recent undoubted benefit of the boss classyainly to establish an independent of recrupenents, at least for small company had met in a private house to meet the well known while ther wil was on.
Communist journalist, Karl Radek, whose real name is Sobelson. Anybody strikes. They attempted 101 Organize Against Vigilantes To permit much movement to course between revolutionary Marxa time, and so much more effective who has been on the streets of split a union, it powerful mion, The conversation came to the Interesting topic of the gradual change vahu a foothold in the United States ism and the renctionary brand of ly to wield Die power of the appar down town Minneapolis after midsocial reformism represented by the ans agaias the developing truy in Soviet foreign polley, which from being Marxist and international would be an mweakable tragedy Old Guard. This issue still stand lett ward curents. These proposals is gradually acquiring bourgeois and nationalist traits.
night, when the sidewalks have Radek replied to the critics that it is all very well to find fault been physical know that it or the Mpls. Organizers. come. This movement, of which leathe procese the percent le store cateri ste the worst feature of the with Soviet policies, but he deflet anybody to live Ave or six years last week raid was a forerunner, played and will continue to play an in general. loosely connected and police to be unaware of the vigiin the Kremlin without begiuning to think that, after all, there was On Sale must be crushed at its inception active role in this process; but our without a principled position lantes. The noises of lireaking a great deal to be said for the principles of Peter the Great and furniture glass and splintering It is not enough to expose it.
point of departure is the creation Through alligence and concerted It is the daty of every worker in of the historie Instrument, the cre Socialist party cannot but accept other Russian autocrats.
Goleman, in his entry into the More slanderous remarks you wk? Then turn back to the Moscow must have shrieked throngh the cables on the assination of Bartheu, am rend how Kadek, in Izrestia, nally silent streets. na The Tribune and the Star fol gathering together a limited numbis fellow workers and present erging now in its initial stage antive togte of all who enter in ihts called hiin the man of peace. Or turn to the cable on the tenth anniversary of French recognition of the and read Radek raptures lowed the led of the Joumal in ber of incomplete files of the Min united front to the bosses and their the Workers Party of the tuited manner as capitulators from forIn pursuing this nim we mer revolutionary position and over the rapproachment betwn the and the capitalist bour attempting to obscure the meaning neapolis Organizer which we are vigilantes. Every man and woman States the now offering for sale, at and who works for wage or salary, who have adhered to the principle of without a banner can lead only to French government. There Radek expresses full confidence that But another paper was publisheall 150 per file, depending on the is a victim of exploitation, be building a cadre of conscious rer. the acceptance of the As the longs in this united front.
olutionists, welded together by an future revolutionary force and thus Laval, the new French forvign minister in the Bonapartist Doumergue the day after the raid. it happens number of issues missing.
The Organizer, as our readers An Injury to one is the concern historical objective and not toler to false illusions and new defeats.
Cabinet, will carry out the plexiges of the beloved martyr Rarthon, the that the Organizer, weekly organ of Union 574, makes its appearance know, was issued daily during the of all!
mon of peace. ating a situation where members Our road lies in the opposite direcgreat Minneapolis truck drivers Purm workers vigilance commit may follow opposite courses. ion. We are set out now to Xo, Radek conclusion from the failure or the is that that on Tuesday afternoon. Organizer Denounces Raids strike, and was the official daily tes!
we should found a new party. He is not giving us contraband wishes In the position we have taken build a remary for organ of Local 574. Its contribuIf necessary, ritid the raiders!
during the period of existence we build the new party. It is, as our of sympathy. His conclusion not to go into the question of whether the Headlined on the front page of tion American strike strategy is have represented the connection be renders know, to be launched very essernment and to abandon the international revolutionary ANTE RAIDS The Organizer nya you want to know how the Epic Plan Is Losing the international revolution one time sincetono belo groups, the cofnuni: mouvement. And this prophesies are mere promises to the American warned the Sinna pulis Workers when we are cek kudriebsw the posed upon us for a time the soulst League of American and the not to permit such actions to go their right to unionizntion in it (Continued from Page 1)
We shall have to go forwari, as we have these muny years, without unchallenged, because today they period when this elemental right is of the orgotten Ment. the reponse group: but we never accepted the first rral vignal of actual un ficalated existence of a propagandist American Workers Party. It is the Karl Radek und all the little Radek who capitulated with him. We will strike at the Communists to fighting insae in all strikes: if of the unemployed. particularly the purely trade wat build a new revolutionary party and tench Radek and his anxious morrow. It will be the Socialists you want to know how these workshopkeeper has which measures in terms or bare heuceforth unlodly on a principled unionist criteriontion of revolutionary forces to stand allies, the bourgeois foreign ministers who demand and get constant to the next day the trade union bullser fought of Governor Olson brightened their while cham numbers. The estastrophic dolents revolutionary platform and by that assurance from him, that the tide of the class struggle cannot be balted if they think they can get away militia; if you want to know how on suffered by the international work very fact alone become a powerful by any Conte, not even if he cries is commands from the Kremlin with it, these vigilantes would like these men ontmaneuvered the Citi Unquestionably, the Sivelair fol ing class movement in recent times factor in stimulating the lettward Itself.
to terrorize every worker, every zen Alliance plot of Kank and lowing, which inny muster close to only too osely reveal the falsity developments in the and preThere is no revolutionary party in this we are at one with Radek. liberal model person in the city. File opposition: if you want to a million votes, represents revolt of such criteria. Numerically pow. paring the ground and the frameWe add only the rallying cry: After calling on every worker to learn how the women helped in this against the do nothing policy of crful working class parties went work within which they can find Forward to the founding of the revolutionary party!
come to the support of the victims historie tight GET FILE OF the Democratic regime, just as the down to disaster because of the ab their future revolutionary expres.
of the vigilantes, and exposing the THE ORGANIZER.
Democratie victory represented sence of a revolutionary policy. Andsion.
The Times and Fascism.
part played by conniving police, the Nos and of this paper are the revolt against the do nothing It In by absorbing the lessons of Organizer wound up with a call not to be had anywhere. We have solicy of the Republicans. Revolt, these defeats that the Inesenpable. National Committee, Communist League of America SUNDAY New York Times really contained an eyeful.
for action: If the police will not only filles which contain these moreover, coming just at the time conclusion arises: to create the new We recall how. year and a half go when Hitler came to power stop the plunderlue of the workers wo numbers. The remaining files when Roosevelt had settled mat Instrument which con prepare for and heade rolled in the sand, the Time talked about Fascist brutality by these lawless vultures, the all miss these numbers as well as ters so peaceably with the bankers, the triumph of Marxism on a new Revolutionary It was, of course, particularly nitated because of Hitler anti Semitic workers will. STOP THE VIGI. a few other numbers. But the most It is for his exposure that Sin historical scale measures taken to keep his pledge made to get the German petty bour. LANTES!
important material is included. We clair is best known.
Trends in Europe If, by any Where will the forces come from geoiste some gravy by mjueezing the largely middle class Jewish element It is unnecessary to that also have a number of single copies chance, he should be elected. he to constitute the new party? An amive which tot moment or two threatened to go so far as the expro correctione per poter e vigilances of the organizer can get the crowning expetere does not here else will undoubtedly he could finement JAMES CANNON priation of some Jewish capitalists acrime even in the eyes of those Against such a tactic of the bosses singly at 5e a copy.
TKINUR of himself.
of the regroupments and new left. Just returned froin Europe)
aristocrtte capitalists who will not let a Jew into their home that as this, the workers must present ward currents within the existing it even mentioned some of Hitler crimes against workers, their a united front, standing shoulder to SIXTH ANNIVERSARY DANCE parties and particularly through SUNDAY, NOV. 11, at P.
property, leaders and organizations BORO PARK OPEN FORUM shoulder to repel the raiders. An November 17, at P. the radienlization of the proletar. IRVING PLAZA Similarly years ago, the Timex carried some news about Alussolini injury to one is the concern of all! Does the American Working Class at 144 Second Avenue ian kernel in the Socialist parties.
Irving Place 15th Street brutalities On Sunday, however, the Times, which cannot find space for a brie Fortunately. there exists in the Nord a New Revolutionary Party Auspices: Blowntown Branch, But it is inconceivable that the soMinneapolis Tabor movement Speaker: gond band. Refreshments cialist parties will play the role of Ansples: Communist eague of communication from the Colunbus Day United Anti Fascist Committee force sufficiently formidable and ALDASCH revolutionary lendership of the seeking to correct misrepresentation in a Times report of the Commit sufficlently alert to raise the alarm.
Save This Date and Celebrate America.
working class or serve as instrutee activities, gave two columne to a Brooklyn capitalist, Namm, to come out with the right slogan.
Sunday, Nov. at P.
With s.
ments for the reform of the Second INCREASE IN MILITANT PRICE to extol Mussolini truthfully for saving capitalism, and to extol him sneh a force is Local 574.
1281 49th Street, Brooklyn International on which they stand.
falsely as a benefactor of the people of Italy.
Remember Deputies Kun. THE MILITANT The roots of the Second Interna Beginning this issue, the price And in the same issue appeared an artiele by a Hitler propagandist If the bosses in Minneapolis want SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT.
Entered as a second class mail tional are deeply imbedded in re of the Militant is increased to on the beanties of the Fascist labor camps. These are rartrayed as a formism. Its leading bureaucracy 3e per copy. the United States sort of combination rest cure, physical culture resort and summer camp: fight it out with their lawless JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE Post Office at New York, unis still one of the prope of the ca copy for foreign there are the usual pictures of men reading books, listening to radios der the act of March 3, 1879. hourgeoisie and it is waging a te In the 11. in bundles of 10 and whatnot. The healthy work, the sunshine, and above all the But now the Times has definitely gone over to propagandizing for lentless struggle against the left.
Published Weekly by the or more, 2c 1er copy.
heerfulness. seemed to me to be powerthu arguments for the sys Hitler, as well as for Mussolini. Its Jewish owners and the Jewish ward currents arising within the For foreign, in bundles of 10 tem.
extitor od ils Sunday Magazine, which published the pro Hitler article.
Communist League of America affiliated parties. Those who capi or more se per cops.
In the Times article on the Hitler slave camps. Suffice it to say that in taved of the danger of revolutionary unity in the working class and We cannot here give spce to refute every lie and misrepresentation are delighted with the effects of Hitlerisin on the whole. At least it 144 Second Ave, New York, y. tulate from a former revolutionary This increase does not affect position and go over to the Social the subscription rates for the them are herded workers for whom employment cannot be found in thereby saved capitalism for another crid of Vol. 7, No. 44. Whole No. 248)
ist party without a banner inevit.
present. They remain: One year, the decaying economy of German capitalism, and here they are given Clearly, the workers of America, all the exploiter Six months, 50e for the slop, hlow, hard labor and military training. They all smile and if the Jewish workers and poor of America includes the minorities SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 ably start out from the false conexpect no cept that this party is such can For forel 50 and EDITORIAL BOARD they ever stop smiling they are beaten over the heels with steel rods.
honest aid from the Times or similar democrati institutions, should Martin Abern become the revolutionary force.
The respectively.
The Times has definitely abandoned printing the truth about the American capitalism ever take the road of Fascism to defend its class Max Shachtman James Cannon That is clearly revealed even in Maurice Spector the United States We urge all readers to subbrutalities of the Hitler regime. It printed some truths for a while interests against a rising workers movement. The Times is pro Fascist scribe NOW as we believe that because it could not avoid doing so, and because its owners resented at heart, and the center of gravity of the anti Fascist inovement is an Arne Swabeck.
The American Socialist party 18 the subscription rates will also Hitler anti Semitism which, it carried out without restraint against can be only in the working class. To this class must all honest anti Bundle rates two cents per copy feeling some of the repercussions have to be increased soon. Take the rich Jewish bankers of Germany as well as against the poor Jews Fascists ally themselves by joining its finmediate struggles. One of the Subscription rate: 00 per copy. from the European events and from advantage of this period and of might both weaken the structure of German capitalism and set a prece tasks of the new parts will be to launch a serious, militant, broad anti 50 per half year Canada and the sharpened class struggle in the our gerin Anniversary Otter dent that the rich Jewish owners of the Times would not like Fascist movement.
Foreigu. 50 per year: 750 for United States. Although, in con listed elsewhere in the fasue Speaker: