BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 THE MILITANT QUESTION BOX HAS THE COMINTERN LEARNED? WORLD OF LABOR By ERICH WOLLENBERG Inion of creating in illegality a BROWNSVILLE WORKER colosal organization num. RELIGIOUS CONFLICT FLAKES IN MEXICO Many Communist workers, who Question: What are the contradictions in Soviet are critical of the Comintern, are The Author of this Article: bering at least 100. 000 members and international economy which prevent the build today of the opinion that the Com.
The value of the turn of the ComIn New Verk, the Commist Party forins a ing of Socialism in the Intern has made a turn of 180 de eminent among leading German Communists. His service to the The writer of this article, comrade Drich Wollenberg. in pre Intern is to be appraised not by the United Front with Father Divine against war Answer: It is unfortunate that Trotsky The grees. They therefore believe that revolutionary movement and his distinguished career in it entitles uncontrolled figures of the entry of and Fascism. In Mexico, the Communist Party the social democratie workers into Druft Program of the Is ont of print since all the demands of the Opposition him to speak with authority. Wollenberg joined the Communist the but by the policies of forns united front with the Pope of Rome, complete answer to this question is contained in this have been fulfilled and that every party as an active army officer in Munich in early 1919. During the the The united front is the Vicar of Christ on Earth Against Socialist Eduwork. The following cannot pretend at any such one who today still remains a critic existence of the Soviet Republic he was local commander of the Red catlon in the nehools!
axis of the entire proletarian poliof the political line of the CominArmy in Bavaria, in charge of the main front at Dachan. He dis cies in the present period. One of Under capitalism the preluctive forces were in tern or its sections is a critic on tinguished himself at that time as well as on later occasions by For the past several inonths, since the new progrum the most important conditions for creased by extending the social division of labor prnciple. a bopeless babbler.
until it became world wide in neope. further in We revolutionary his extraordinary personal bravery. Captured by the army of Ebert la revolutionary united front policy for Soclulist Education was adopted by the MexiCommunists Hindenburg, he was sentenced to several years imprisonment. On crease of productive forves requires a further ex should never forget that in the las release he became party editor in the Ruhr dietrict and in East is a correct position towards socialau Government, the political situation in that coundemocracy ry has become extremely tense. lluge mans demontension of this world wide civision of labor.
To struggle against the mistakes of Prussia. In 1923 he was put in charge of the military direction of But Knoriu speaks about our strations of student, housewives and school children attempt to construct soialist society within the the Comintern every exaggeration one of the biggest German districts and was one of the few comrades correct formula that the social de who, under the influence of the clergy, object to boundaries of a single state, ie, to attempt to set so much grist to the mill of the who against the will of the Central Committee, wanted to strike out up a self sufficient economy independent of the rest bureaucrats and impedes the proc in the fall of the year.
mocracy and fascism are twins, our light dose of sexual Instruction in the schools, have of world economy, would mean to divorce that coun One of the revolutionary clarifica After the defeat of the party he wax obliged to flee to the Soviet states that the social democracy is een staged throughout the country.
These Topu try from the International division of labor to which tion of the Communist workers. We Union because Secret Servieumen had been sbot down in a raid on the chief social prop of the bour tar lemonstratlons have ou almost every occasion it has historically developed and thus thrust its eco must always bear in mind the les.
the military direction. In the Soviet Union Wollenberg entered the geoisie concludes literally the fol been broken up by the hose of the fire department, nomle development btckward even further than it one which we have drawn from the Red Army and soon received the rank of captain. In 1932 after rehad taken place under capitalism. This can be the exaggerated character of the struc Deated requests and no less repeated refosals Wollenberg was perlowing: the situation in Germany the clubs of the police, and the rities of the military.
Ideal of the pretty bourgeoisle but not of revolution gle against the social democrats. mitted to return to Germany, where he became editor of Rote Falme has altered but it is correct today ists. An evidence of its class roots note that So The social democratic workers bealso to call Wels a social fascist: The students of many schools and colleges, led by and a leader of the League of Struggle Against iscism.
it is correct that the fascists and the Catholic Youth and the Young Communist League cialism in obe country means national socialism, gan to understand long before Hit During the pre Hitler day! Wollembers came into constant contlict the social democracy led by Wels who now march shoulder to shoulder against the the name of the German Fascist party. ler that their leadership failed. with the Central Committee of the marty over its nationalist orientawere twins. Thus the Comintern cornmon enemy have staged a number of student Soviet economy is inseparably linked with world knew that the was no fasthat it was worthlews but they tion and its nping of the Nazis. Thuelmann attempted to buy his remains holding the old fatal for strikes. In spite however, of the mass protest on economy. From this fact flowed the Robrecist party and that it was not pur lemberg was slugged at a Nazi demonstration by storm Troopers, silence with a Reichstag mandate, but with no succes. When Wolmula of Stalin and shamefully clw silent over the fact that Stal the part of the backward strata of the populace, the occurred because WORLD capitalism broke at its suing fascist policies and that it causing him to convalence in a hospital for several weeks, Thuelmann in had furthermore declared as proletariat und the radicalized aantry, unable to weakest LINK. The weizure of power the prole neither the leaders nor the workers utilul the opportunity to remove him from all party posts. The clam is a formless bloc of these two analyse the the points of socialist education. find tariat, however, hus not destroyed this interdepen were social fascists as the Comresentment in ranks against this bureaucratie usurpation was organizations (S. and in the governinent program some features which they dence between Noviet and world economy: it has munits always insisted. Therefore so strong that Thaelmunn jrevailed upon the to recall. and the bourgeoisle cannot consider to their interest.
simply changed the ownership and control of the the social democratic workers reWollenberg to Moscow where he was denied any active work for the maintain itselt at the helm without Once again, this time under the guise of Socialist Russian productive forces. Being forced therefore belved all the attacks of the German Communist party. Comrade Wollenberg was expelled from this bloc. Naturally the Comintern Exlucation. the national bourgeois regime of Mlexto export and import, Soviet Uniou can only And on the even those that were the in the summer of 1903 when he requested to be permitted to solution for her economie problems in the Interna: Therefore it is self evident that the party. He is at present in exile.
cannot openly compromise Staliu ico, as a cover up for its anti labor activity in other. return to Germany and work for the creation of a new Communist who does not consider it his duty teld, and as a means of liquidating the opposition tional arena. This is the main contradiction which to appear personally at the Pres of the rightint elements in opposition to it, continues prevents her from building a Socialist, le, a sell theory of social fascism and the Idium of the to flaunt Its senco revolutionary demagogy before suflking, economy within the limits of her state resulting policies (the red referboundaries, and since polities is merely economies endum, etc. in reality helped to into undependable props of the fas. these strikes completely although Without a Stalin There could be the whole world. The plan to apply a new program No Hitler for socialist education in all schools of that coun.
ralsed to higher jilane, the matter will be finally constantly strengthen the shakycist dictatorship. But unfortunate naturally the methods of strike The session of the presidium of try. bas brought to the fore once again the years solved politically on the world arena, by the Inter positions of the social democratic ly these assertions of Richter, struggle under a fascist dictutorthe of July of this year old conflict between the Calles political group, now national proletarian revolution leadership with its own member Patnitzky and Knorin are false ship must be extraordinarily lotershows that the Comintern in some concentrated around the National Revolutionary Question: Do you insist that the proletariat mustahip.
awaken frightful illusions and esting and rich in lessons.
come into power in several of the advanced countries Critique of Criticism must serve as a point of departure Platnitsky and Knorin themselves questions tried to draw some les Party (P. and the Catholic clergy. its represen In order to save the Soviet Uniou from destruction? similar process of clarification, for false policies. to have little faith in the from the defeats of the Ger. tative of the blackest reactionary forces of the coun.
man and international proletariat. try.
Answer: We merely echo Lenin: We do not live but not in such a developed form. In addition, it serves the lenders report made by the member of the But where it does do so it does not The clergy. realizing that this might well be its number of years and the comintern also in order to mark in their own reports that the takes for then it must openly admit rally the most backward masses of the populace of the because they the existence of the Soviet Republle side by side with mocracy for Imperialist states FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME 18 began to manifest itself among the justify their continually reiterated has been unable to lead a share of guilt the victory of Agrinst the lulist location program and espeINCONCEIVABLE. In the end one or the other communist workers after July 20, idiotle theory these sluce 1932 1933 Ingle Important strike. It may must triumph. As to the statement which mentions 19682 and especially after January that everything which has occurred or may not be true when lichter Pacism over the German working cially against the sexual Aluention aspect of the class. Without of inent by Stalin with which we agree but which he also understood that their lender. was no defeat for the working class tionary work of the that mphed. ys Knorin. Without hands of the elerteal reaction. The Stalinists, conIsm, FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF SOCIALIST less. Today we must guard against Richter does. As a matter of fact, one big place in Germany wione, the nuthor of these lines wrote in Mexican stocents, and the me movement of the has since revised: For the final victory of Social ship alled. that it was worth but a revolutionary upeurge. And already prior to June 30, 1931 in Ebert there could 20 Hitler. sidering the anti Socialist Fucation strikes of the CONSTRUCTIOX, THE EFFORTS OF ONE COUN making the same mistakes re speak up and say we can today five lenders of the are connect the Numiner of 1932 in the Rote fanatical housewives and therx of families, to be TRY, PARTICULARLY OF SUCH PEASANT the Communists that the declare that this revolntionary up el with the and circulatealine, the central organ of the progresive sinply lwyause they were mass moveCOUNTRY AS RUSSIA, ARE INSUFFICIENT. For Communist party made as regards surge which was formulated in communist literature among their July 20, 1932, January 30, ments, and because they were mainst the governthis efforts the Venced countries are necessary. Stalin, Lenin will be kulity of these mistakes ir Bureau of the as well as in troopers) Should this be true, It the Hitler dictatorship have shown the Roman Catholic clergy and against the governund Leninism. Ruslan 1924 edition, pp. 40 41. We represent today everything the the resolutions of the 13th plenum would show the inability of the this statement to be only a half ment. In their customary fashion they find themQuestion: What is the difference between social Comintern does as false or com of the Is being recognized tontilize for revolution far truth which through the pedagogy selvex unable to take a truly Independent prettion in pletely counter revolutionary. e. and felt by brand masses of the thon so severe a crisis in Fascism of history found a fatal supplement, such question. From open and unrestrained colIsm and Communism?
ver: Socialism is the first stage of a CLASS when we do not submit the police working clasx. At what a remote as the slaughter of June 30. Withont a Stalin there could be laboration with the national bourgeoisle against the Muenzenbergism!
LESS society in which certain Inequalities remain of the Comintern and its sections distance are the present emigre no Hitler. Without the policy of clergy from 1926 to 1920, they have now turned to differences in wages, etc. The productive forces wito criticisin but instead content or leaders of the CP.
la wrist and The most important thing in the the of the fascism open and unreserved support of the Catholle reaction not even have matured to give to each according to selves with pointing to the disho. Copenhagen from the rette situation sexston of the is what the could not have triumphed without in its struggle against the national bourgeois regiune his needs. Under Communism, the latter condition, est motives of the Comfotern bu and the real opinions of the work Comintern and the of the a battle. Knorin correctly differ for the made possible by an additional advance in technique, reancrats. Only when we declareers in Gerinany! have to say about the social entiates between the social demo The Communist Internationalists of Mexico, while openly whenever the Comintern The Revolutionary Upsurge culture etc. will exist.
democratic workers. There are eratle groups now functioning pointing out that the or any other bourgeolo says or does something correct that In his report Richter attempts to dozens of places where half of the legally in Germany and the regime is incapable of establishing real socialist eduIn order te harmonize the contradictions of their it is correct will the Communist give a few examples of the revo units consist of former social of the in emigration with cation, and that this can only be done under work theories. the stalinists confuse Socialism with the workers believe us whenever we lutionary purgt. lle wints to democratic workers. Iu in city in Wels at the head but just the same ers rule as in the indicate to the workers Proletarian Dictatorship and with Communism. See brand other actions as false and the more interie propunda ae Thuringia, we have among 200 way must one differentiate between that the policies of Roman Catholicism have just as Question Box of October 18. Question: Does not staliu concede, at least in cal line an objectively counter rev. the whole Reich local papers are bers of the social democratic party. tioning illegally in Germany with one more case, the need of a new revolutionary fatal, or when we braud its politi tivity for the first time where over pirty members 100 former mem the Communist group now funernetionary content as they have always had. In theory, that all Socialist construction is not a guar olutionary.
workers party is being demonstrated.
antee to capitalist intervention nor even to a restor The report of the July 10 ses som order pear of the best one. In Bavarlan city, we buve con. the of the now in emla er to point out the activity nections with the social democratic gration with Heckert, Pieck and ution nor even to a restoration of capitalism? sion of the Presidium of the of the he is compelled key men who in their turn are con Ulbricht at the head. Let the NEW WAR THREAT IN SOUTH AMERICA Answer: Stalin concedes the first condition but is now at hand. It is a kind of to give the lie to the earlier nected with 500 workers.
cannot recognize the second withont abandoning his touchstone for the policies of the reports of the bureancracy of the sub district 200 social democratic threats or make united front pro War with Venezuela is being discussen openly theory, sloce he would then be admitting that suffi Comintern, an cient MATERIAL forces the building of a Saturn. This report shows with halt the leadership of the course workers to be we catered the party: posals to each other!
This touches throughout Colombia, as a result of the growing These con cialist society in the do not exist. The terrifying clarity how little the was emphasizing in all their re a place where we didn have a lolution in Germany only on its lets center around petroleum and other concessions whole stalinist theory, however, is based on exactly Comintern has learned. Of course, ports and articles that their local lugle unit during the times of le periphery. The precondition for in the regions of Colombia that border on the Venthe opposite claim. To be continued. both Knorin and Platnitzky have papers were appearing regularly. ality Etc. etc! These reports the overthrow of the Fasciat dic ezuelan oil fields near Lake Maracaibo. The InterGEORGE STANTON, BROOKLYN (Supplemen class had suffered a defeat in Jan. once a month. Richter goes on to zenbergism, that is, of political the illegally struggling commu desperate game within the pulitics of Colombia ftselt asserted that the German working some once every week and others so openly bear the stamp of Muentatorship in Germany will obtain est of British and imperialism are playing Question: From Lenin The Third International of the Communists to begin the he restricts himself to the bald en them sertously. They are uttered will build a new communist party cently inaugurated Lopez government, the American and its Place in History, Trotsky quotes as follows: strakele on July 22, 1982, at least umeration of some movements and in the same breath with Knorin on the basis of revolutionary theory concessionaires and industrialists are still able to The Permanent Revolution. page 108. the to draw in section of the prole. he doesn describe a single one of report that the is of the op and practice.
exert pressure both with the governing group and contradictions between the backwardness of Russia tarlat and thus also through the opposition bourgeois party.
and its leap OVER BOURGEOIS DEMOCRACY to Communists were really in a condifunds to stay off creditors The working class of the country is divided into the highest form of democratism to proletarian or lon to carry on a struggle, that We feel confident that all our several camp, mostly under reformist Itheral lenderSoviet democracy. In the edition published by the they are capable of mobilizing the readers and those who are interest ship. This contributed Ingely to the lack of any Stalinist International Publishers this is stated as masses for this struggle all this ed in the launching of a new party serious opposition to last your Leticia war. and. this contradiction between the backwardness has made a shocking impression November 15th marks the sixth historie mission during this period will agree with us on this matter. Is of course a source of great weakness to lay also of Russia and its leap to the highest form of demo upon the workers This discor anniversary of the founding of the and will continue to serve the Toward this end we make the tot: However, the workers are becoming more militant cracy, THROUGH DEMOCRACY to Soviet or prole ery of Platnitzky is undoubtedly Atilitant. At the same time we are movement after the new party is lowing proposals. tarian democracy. Since call that as Inte as April of 1933 the road to the building of a new forward on formed.
TO OUR PLEDGERS: If at taut strikes that have taken place. The failure of ent meaninge, can you tell me which is correct?
In order that the Millent shall all pasible, send in your every single large strike to gain its objectives, has Answer: To supplement our previous Analytical the writer of this article was ex revolutionary party based on a be in a position to expand and Im.
pledge in advance to January weakened the little faith that the masses still reproof that the Stalinist quotation is incorrect, we now pelled from the Communist party Marxlat foundation by this same Piatnitaky for making prove after the new party is After that date we will be tained in their leadership. There is a wide sympathy present evidence of a factual nature.
Those who have been with us launched, we must make heroic efthis self same assertion.
in a drive for a new list of towards communism among brond masses of work We are indebted to comrade Max Shachtinan for ers, but this is not translated into communist influpledgers in the new party.
Spreading Illusions during these trying six years re forts NOW to liquidate all past obthe following. Wir werden uns kaum Irren, Comrade Richter. member of had and feel proud of the share give the official organ of the new member the difficult times we have ligations. It we do this, we will TO OUR BRANCHES: Arrangeence in the union because of the Innbility of the wenn wir sagen, dass gerade der Widerspruch wich the Polit Bureau of the cor. they had in helping to overcome party a running start and thus enat once for a sixth Anniver party to lend any struggles to a really successful e der Zurueckgebllebenhelt Russlands und seinen rectly asserts in his report on the them at all personal costs and sae able the editors and business office sary Militant affair to help Anish. There is no Opposition Communist movement Sprung zur hoechsten Form des Democratismus, situation in Germany that on the clear up your bundle account in Colombia with the exception of a small group in UEBER DIE BUERGERLICHE DEMOKRATIE one hand, fascism makes dificult rifles to concentrate on expanding the TO ALL READERS: Send In the provincial city of Call, which controls a few minor HINWEG zur Sowjet. oder proletarischen Republike the struggle to win over the workThe Militant has served a great peper instead of on collecting a 25e greeting for the sixth local trade unions and adheres to the International. Lenin Die Dritte Internationale, ibrers, but on the other hand facillPlatz in der Geschichte DIE KOMMUNISTISCHE tates the struggle by shattering the Anniversary issue. State ex Communist League plicitly whether we may print INTERNATIONALE, Moskau Petrograd, No. 1, 1010 blusions. Rosa Luxemburg taught ANNIVERSARY OFFER SPANISH REACTION PREPARES NEW BLOWS your name in full. edition of the Rote Fahne, Berlin, Aug. 1919. as long ago that there is nothing As the government troops of the Lerroux Gil Robles Comrade MacDonald is to be thanked for this more harmful than illusions. But Here is a special anniversary offer of interest to all our subscribers ADDRESSOGRAPH regime mop up the remaining bodies of armed workand friends. With this special combination offer you can obtain one: It would not be misconstruing the facts to say unfortunately, Richter tries with CONTRIBUTED that this striking contrast between Russia back might and main to arouse all the ers, the reactionary forces within the government Just the book or mimphlet you want and subscription to the The Youngstown Branch of our itself, are preparing for new advances. The number wardness and its leap OVER THE HEAD OF BOUR Musions on the situation in Ger MILITANT.
organization has contributed an ad of workers imprisoned as a result of the revolutionGEOIS DEMOCRACY to the highest form of demo many. He asserts that everybody We have set as our birthday alm to double subscriptions.
dressograph to the Militant. There ary general strike and uprising is estimated nt about cracy, the Soviet or proletarian democracy. is dissatisfied with the Hitler reCan we connt on our friends to celebrate with na?
remain the necessary accessories 15, 000. Many these have already received long (The Communist Review, March 1020, Vol. 1, No. 3, gime in Germany. no more, no Send in your subscriptions at once.
to be bought stamping machine, sentences and twenty death penalties, a number of published in London, England by the British Commu less It is indeed everybody. This campaign ends Dec. 31st.
name plates and some cabinets. them against Catalonian nationalists and army of nist Party. COMBINATION OFFERS The working masses are dissatisThe emphasis is ours in both cases.
The Youngstown comrades found a cers who had joined the uprising are pending. The fled, the urban middle classes, the Six Months Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the local place where these can be Popular Actionists Fnacists) are demanding whole masses of petty and middle pear.
bought at half the price we would sale executions and a virtual reign of terror against COMRADE CAPE TOWN, BRITISI SOUTH ants are disillusioned and disconfollowing pamphlets. Both for. 50 have to pay here. The complete the workers and their organizations, most of the AFRICA We are replying to your questions by sep tented. Even the capitalists, are TEN YEARS by Max Shachtman outfit, including crating and ship leaders of which are now either in jail or in hiding, arate letter, copy of which we are sending to the not at all satisfied. Why the hell THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by Marx WAGE LABOR AND CAPITAL by Marx ping to New York comes to a total The Radicals of Mr. Terronx party however, tearLepin Club then, hasn the fascist dictatorship of 35.
ful of the forces of the working class, wenkened but THE TEACHINGS OF KARL MARX by Lenin been overthrown? Koorin and PlatWe take this opportunity to not smashed, are vacillating on the policy to he tolA. BRONX See the Question Box for August nitzky say approximately the same WAR AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER by Trotsky thank our Youngstown comrades for lowed. Seeking further pretext for the repres18, and 26 for the quotations concerning the trade thing as Richter and arrive at a union polley of the before the inception of the conclusion that Hitler in reality One Year Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the thelr generous contribution (which sions, and especially in an attempt to justify these following books. Each Book 50 saves us about 150) and secondly repressions internationally, the reactionaries are in and the basis upon which the was leans more and more upon the IMPERIALISM Lenin. STATE AND REVOLUTION Lenin to appeal to our readers and friends venting extravagant atrocity stories. It is claimed, formed.
Relchswebr and the police. They THE EIGHTEENTH BRUMAIRE Marx to send in their donations toward for instance, that in Asturias the revolntionary work seem to have forgotten that these the 35 so we can get the machine ers seized the little children of the Civil Guards and COMRADE BROOKLYN. See Question Box of two instruments of power of the or CRITIQUE OF THE GOTHA PROGRAMME. Marx. Both 75 here just as fast as possible.
gougeul out their eyes. But in spite of this and nnOctober 6th.
bourgeoisie also do not inhabitat or THE ROAD, proletarian novel Marlen. Both 75 MAKEK YOUR DONATION AS merous other charges, even the more moderate bonr.
vacuum but are bound up by GENEROUS AS POSSIBLE AND geols elements tend to ignore the horror stories.
Editor Note: We regret that we cannot accede to thousand livng threads with all the THE MILITANT, 144 Second Avenue, New York City.
MAKE IT SOON! Be sure to state Political measures are being taken against the the requests of comrades for immediato answers by layers of the population. Dlagatis.
Name. Address the specific fund you are contrib Catalan Generalidad and many of its autonomona mail since this only increases our work and our facil faction among all classes and lay City. State.
ating to go them oney will be used fentures, such as police, courts and taxation powers.
Itles are limited. Comrades who enclose air mailers of the population would also months subscription 26 coples) 50c, and pamphlet for this special purpose.
have been rescinded. Preparations are being made stamps only force ne to go to the additional trouble become manifest in the Reicbe year subscription (52 coples. and book.
to declare the Socialist Party Illegal at the parliaand expense of returning them.
wehr and the police and turn them SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. mentary session, scheduled to open in a few days.
Six Years of the Militant