BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismProfinternSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PART THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 The Chauvinist Anti JapaneseCampaign of American Stalinists The Significance of the Comintern Document ion.
with the Con lows: or their mass organizations who exsion of the Japanese imperialist for an intervention against the It is the task of the American press in these one ulded and halfrepresentatives in the United States It would be wrong to counterParty to come out in the most de way slogans their vincere indikoa tor economic boycott, many of our pose the rivalry of American and cisive manner against Japanese tion at the robber exploits of Jap.
members did not understand this Japanese imperialism to the Irreimperialism, against the latter anese Imperialism. The CommuIn fact these members had a reac concilable class hatred of the Amattack on China and selzure of nist Party, while carrying on proThe document which is printed below is a glaring We pointed out further that this course was the tion against these slogans. Gener. erican bourgeoiste toward the Manchuria, and against its prepar paganda for its main slogans for a revelation of the policies and state of affairs in the inevitable fruit of the nationalistic theories and ally within the party was felt the It would be wrong to divorce ation for attack on the Soviet Un bolshevist method of struggle Third International and its national sections. It is practices of Stalinism. As shown so sensationally in infiuence of the Lovestonelte and the struggle of the Amerleen workThis means that the party against war, cannot neglect and a letter went to the leaders of the Communist party this case, Stalinism relentlessly transforms the Trotskylst attacks against these ing close against American impermust make widespread use of all least of all come out against, the in this country by the Executive Committee of the communist parties from organizations fighting to slogans. The party was not pre laltem from the struggle against the facts of military preparation, radical sentiments of the masses Communist International, dated September 27, 1934. uverthrow their own bourgeoisie Into departments of pared to answer the attacks made the menace of intervention against provocation, terror, etc, on the part on the contrary, it must support note at the top reads: Received Nov. 14, the foreign Office of the Soviet Union whose increas upon our slogans by the renegades the Soviet Union.
of Japanese imperialism, in order them and transfer them in a revo 1982. Earl Browder. Mimeographed for ingly exclusive task is a pacifist defense of the and by the socialists.
In what main lines must proceed to arouse the masses against the lutionary manner. In cases where the members of the American Central Committee, it Soviet Union.
And again, not stating exactly by the struggle of the American Party threat of war and to utilize their a mass revolutionary non party gr. was of course never seen by the party membership In other words, the policy of Browder, Weinstone whom beze slogans should be is against war? Prst of all, the Comsentiments of natural indignation Ganization which is ready to come Early in 1982, in connection with the Japanese Im and Co. was not an accidental deviation, but the sued, Comrade Browder spoke of munist Party cannot separate the against Japanese imperialism as out against the war danger. does perialist assault upon Manchuria and Shanghai, the the direct and open instigator of not yet accept our Communist slot. Stallnlsts launched a feverleh campaign under logical outcome of the whole Stalinist policy of them as if they should be the slo struggle against war from the class socialism in one country. gans of the arty, declared them strnggle against its own bourwar, bringing out and developluggans, we must help it to formulate the slogan, Oust the Japanese Ambassador from the This is proved to the litt by the criticism of the plete liquidation of all hesitation its struggle against war as part of these sentiments of the masses and its protest against the threat of war nited States! Those who have forgotten the arto be correct, and called for com geoisie. The CPUSA should regard transforming into a revolutionary even in the form of such slogans as ticles printed at that time by the Dally Worker, will tell till not a revolutionary condemna and all tears and for a bold up the general struggle against Amer.
truggle against war. At the same ousting Japanese diplomatic repre have their memories refreshed by the document betion of the Japanese cumpaign. Far from plication of the line that these slo can imperialism. Agitation and time the CPUSA must not forget sentatives, but even in these cases low. Instead of concentrating its attack upon its it. Fundamentally, it is an endorsement of it! Igans represent.
the Communist propagandn of anything, the Moscow sekretariat only proposes to that the aim of American Imper the initiative must come from the own bourgeoisie, the American Stalinist party took This presentation of the question Party against pacifist and reformist add hypocrisy and chitanery to chauvinisin.
allem together with other imperl non party workers themselves. upon itself the role of Councillor of State to the at the Plenum of the CC shows that prescription in the struggle against alist countries to smash the Soviet The difference between the slo American ruling can In the crndest imaginable The American Stalinists evoked a storm of critithe Party leadership approached war, and exposure of the prepara Union has not been in the slightest gans of the Party and the slogans manner, the Stalinists substituted chauvinism for cism against their campaign and the slogans under the directives of the ci in a metlons of the bourgeolule for war, degree decreased.
of the non party mase organiza revolutionary policy. The Stallmists simply forgot which it was carried out. The Militant, on the one chanical way and, without under should be closely linked Having this alın, American Im tions not issued by the Party itself the classic axiom of Karl Liebknecht side, and the lovestoneltes to a lesser extent, on the standing the essence of the ques daily work of the party among the The enemy perialism enconrages tendencies of will be clearer if we take the de is at home.
other, submitted the campaign to a sharp crition and without explaining It to MANN should form one basse line In condemning the whole chauvinistic campaign of theism. Browder wax compelled to admit that the Party, continued to repeat it of Communist struggle against war, against the Soviet Union, alming lon or the proposals of the Soviet the Stalinists at that time, the Militant wrote on party members had been deeply affected by this former errors. Thus in the Daily the line of revolutionary mass ac.
at the same time at the weakening delegation at the Geneva Disarmoa April 16, 1932: The American party demands of criticism. What the was concerned with Worker of May 17 the leading artion, the line of STRENGTHENof the military strength of Japan. ment Conference.
the bourgeoisie that it take step against the Japanwas merely to put over the same chauvinist slogans, ticles contained in the form of a ING. DEVELOPING, BROADENonly in a less blatant and less crude form. That is tirert appeal The resolution of the ECCI on The Party must support such de exe which the Soviet Union has refrained from the workers the ING AND SHARPENING THE the immediate tasks of the CPUSA mands when put forward by work taking. But the expulsion of all diplomatic reprewhy the essence of the whole Comintern eriticam slogans: Force all Japanese diplo REVOLUTIONARY ACTION OF gave an entirely correct character ers mass organizations. The Com sentatives is only the first of many connected steps.
is contined to a complaint against the American muts and commerciul representa THE MASSES (Lenin. ization of the international situa munist Party must come out to break off diplomatic relations is usually the preputting forward the disgraceful slogans directly, tives from the United States. Ac tant linking up of the daily strugtion and the tasks of the American against and systematically expose lude to a declaration of war. The cruel logic of the under its own name. It should be done more elever. cording to the Daily Worker May sles of the working class for im Party, which it described as fol those groups of bourgeoisie who party downright chauvinistic position is that, in Ty. The CI. must tirst get one of its maus organ. 31, Comrade Browder at the Chica mellate demands with the struggle fight against commercial credits to the event of the consistent sharpening of the conizations to put forward the reactionary wlogans Nominating Convention of the against American imperialism and new world war becomes an the Soviet Union, sabotage them aict, it would only be stopping unreasonably half spontaneously Then the must come out in communist Parts, in the report de its preparations for war; constant immediate langer. The greatest but its stand must be POLITICAL way along its chosen road if it failed to support the support of because. the masses have advanced It. livered in the name of the Centra: raising of the political activity of and most urgent task of the wbole linking up this policy of the bour. American bourgeoisie in declaring war against the Committee of the Party called up the working class in these strus.
world proletariat and the tolling geolsle wth ts preparations of war Japanese. That is how the mercenaries of Stalinism With the exception of the first introductory, which on the workers. to demonstrate gles: this is the principle method masses, above all the American against the Soviet Union and are slowly converting the great Leninist slogan to are of a general agitational nature, the letter of the against the representatives of Jap Of POSTIONING the outbreak of proletariat, is to wage a most in against its attacks the working make it read: Transform the civil war into an imE. is reprinted here in full. An emphasis, ex anese Imperialism and drive them war, of making difficult for the tensive, widespread, devoted and class at home, unmasking the bour perialist war.
cept the words in cap, are ours.
out of the United States. Accord bourgeoisie TO PREPARE FOR courageous struggle against a new geoisie with regard to these ques.
ing to the the Chicago Con WAR, and should the working class imperialist war THE STRUG tions and mobilizing the masses to GLE AGAINST AMERICAN IM Struggle against the bourgeoisie in imperialism.
no serious political discussion in Only in vne place comrade Weln vention adopted among other reso not be able to frustrate the outlutions, a resolution against the break of war, of OBSTRUCTINIG PERIALISM, ITS WAR PREPAR the same way. The Communist The corresponding instructions the Politburo or in the CC of the stone made the remark about put war danger, calling for the driv THE CONDUCT OF WAR and creATIONS AND INTERVENTION tarty meno adopt as its slogan from the ECCI on the question or previous erroneous poltion of the ting forward these slogans from oning out of the Japanese imperialis. ating conditions for its transtormDEANNEM ESERYE DAY WORK OF delegations at the General Disarma of the party were given very soon the statemente made by three mensible to see what he had a Japanese goods (Daily Worker. Throw of the bourgeoiste and the THE PARTY AMONG MASSES IN THE FACTORIES, Communist Party cannot oppose the slogans Onst the Japanese Xit plenum of the ECCI, they were wron. jarty mussex? Comrade Daily Worker to avoid emphasizing The revolutionary proletariat TRADE UNIONS, IN STRIKES them and is bound to support any Diplomatie Representatives and never informed of the ECCI instrue Weinstone in his report referred to the national instead of class aspect should FIRST OF ALL organize its AMONG THE NEGROES, YOUTH, AND WOtheir favor.
The CPUSA has not noticed this tons of the ECCI, the secretarint time received in Moscow. One of slegtenis issued by the party thane frighteninews when describing the mass struggle adapting it to the acts of Japanese Imperialism. concrete internal and external situThe first mistake made by the difference in slogans, and in spite of the CC CPUSA, on the 12 of the comrades, incidentally heard in presenting the slogans all the time 111 ation as a struggle against ITS party leadership in the campaign of direct instructions from the EC March addressed the party organ the beginning of April some indefAs if they were slogans of the The inistakes of the CPUSA in OWN BOURGEOISIE. The proleagainst the menace of war and es CI, has continued up until recently inations with circular letter innite remarks coriceming such infor arty, he continued to defend them atting forward anti Japanese slotariat should most energetically pecially against the provocative to issue them as slogans of the which the instructions of the Ecomation, but in the formatlarid not with auments such as escott sans are closely bound up with the come out in defense of the USSR were on the wbole clearly put for correspond with the content of the driving ont of the imperialists obvious under estimation of the not only because the Soviet Union acts of Japanese Imperialism, Communist Party.
the confusion on the question of In this the leadership of the ward.
does not actually mean war.
task of the Party of struggle is the fatherland of the workers, party slogans. The Communist Communist Party has given evi In the circular It was stated that Also at the XIV plenum of the Comrade Browder, who devoted against American Imperialism. the stronghold of Socialism, but party failed to understand that the dence of its lack of understanding the slogans, Oust the Agents of this question was not correctly his speech at the Plenum almost In the present concrete situation also because the USSR is a pow slogan: Oust the Japanese diplo of the necessity for transferring Japanese Imperialism and Boy presented, explained to the exclusively to the question of the American bourgeoisie is tryingerful factor in the struggle against matie and commercial representa the center of gravity of its work to cott of Japun should be raised bs Parts. In the report of the reporter struggle ugninst the war danger, to find a way out of the crisis along war, and such a struggle is helytives from the United States and the mobilization of the masses: 1o workers organizations so as to cre of the Politburo to the plenum, likewise did not make any distine the path of further attacks on the Pul in delaying the moment when Boycott Japanese goods should tead of AROUSING THE MASS ate the sentiments of utmost hatred comrade Weinstone, this question tion between these slogans of the American working class: by a more the workers of the world, including have come from the masses and the es to the struggle against the war against Japanese Imperialism, the was blurred and confused. Comrade Communist Party or slogans of non intensive exploitation of colonial the American workers are plunged Home Premtead of that, these stoward by themselves even the most but should not be put forward by have put forward as slogans in the up the questions of concrete slogans war agalust its imperialist rivals, vation of new imperialist war.
gans were and still are advanced as clementary anti imperialist slogans, the party directly (AS HAD BEEN campaign against war in China the of the Party for the struggle by war against the USSR. The In other words, the struggle and intervention de pocated in the Canly Workers in the path o REPLACING THE FROM BELOW. resolutions shon al Oust the Imperialists. Why have clared: When we brought forward ing out this inseparably interwoven should be organized by the Commu.
Apeeches of responsible Party Tep MASSES BY THE PARTY. And, he published in the press, so as to we raised these slogans? Lu order the slogans very sharply and con line transforming one of these links nist Party primarily on the ground resentatives, and in resolutions of not withstanding the instructions of make these demands real demands. to arouse the Chicago Party Convention. the ECCI, the Communist Party has This Instruction was given to the workers. In this no difference imperialism which is the spearhead the class rolley of the American working maases of its own country The party must support these continued its incorrect position re party organizations, in the form of was brought up between these slo of the development of a world im bourgeoisie at home from its pre because wars are fought by the slogans inasmuch as they are put ulting in inadequate mobilization short circular, but without any sans as Party slogans and slogans perialist war, concretized in the paration for war against Japan and masser and at their expense forward by non party workers and of the masses against Japanese political explanation. There was of non party mass organizations. form of the demand for the expul. Creat Britain and its preparations (To Be Continued)
clair surely must have heard from tempt to bring about a workers his southern grandpappy. Ger.
state by force of arms with man soldier in the Union Army WAS MARCH OF continued advocacy of nothing but caught in the act of Alching some peaceful and legal means in the vegetables from the bin of a secesUnited States? Which page of the cause they stubbornly believed in leaders: Only a week ago Koretz EVENTS New Leader shall one read most of the house shouted. Have you no Another Paper Union the story of their leadership and Gold came to Boston to conclosely, that deveribing the shootAgain, it the dressmakers need vince a few staunch followers to ings in Oviedo or that appealing claimed the soldier, Gott is aui Folds Up your help and it is help you want carry out the final act for them: Second International Begins for votes for Norman Thomas in Egregious to give them and always did why and they found it not so easy. For to Crack the campaign to help solve all prob Gorman has been striking new Boston, Oct. 25. At last the Stal was it that when the New York these few who repeated religiously lems! And if the United States notes in strike statements and stra. Angels for Amter Faced with insoluble contradic. in some strange sense different The scares ont by being non radi. himself, con to side, at least the mom this had because they realistice which involved almost the hotten the they began to believe it accadont geradualism and references and better omit bis constant refer tegy, especially for a labor leaderIf Sinclair has the Almighty. Jalats decided to give up the dressmakers last year under the after the pope, Do not give up ons bel ween the stark realities of from Europe, then perbape Thomas And please note that they the decadent capitalism the the cal. President William Green of rank and Ale of God heavenly that they have been wrong, that entire trade you even then refused it became difficult to face reality based on a bourgeois democracy fascism here too. But in America the American Federation of labor, abode are all for Israel Amter. For thelr false policies left no other to face the truth break with your What was to follow was still worse that is rapidly disappearing the also socialist workers have come to making up for his egregious sau there a strong ramor percolating road open, nor anything to give up. iolation policy and enter as a body to come face to face with the rank Second International, long dead pola realization that thelr party rests Pranciaco error, upon all the about that Father Divine angels 06, DO. The infallibility of Stalin Into the Did you still ex and Ale and lay before them the litically begins now to show an anereat foundations. They have forces of organized labor to back are solid for the local Stalinist lem would not permit that! They pect that the workers would come new turn. to attempt to undo in the signs of crumbling as a system begun to move to the left, but this up the general textile strike. candidate for governor.
take this step because they have back? No, we know better. oue evening what they had done in of Ideas. German fascism wiped natural trend 18 hampered and stiS. Friedman in the latest literary become suddenly merciful and will the Workers Come Back several years was too much for out the largest Social Democratic darling of American socialism. Ar. Tears, Tears, More Glycerine ise. New notes, Egregious er. The Republican Moses, not to be dressmakers in the come to the rescue of the poor In spite of the slanders against Gold and Koretz. They were not party. Any remnants of this party Old Guard of petty bourgeols busifiled by an extremely reactionary How Trotskyism with which our pro qual to the task and left Boston cannot conceivably hase themselves ness men and professionals, includrors. What the movement needs confused with his biblical fore good of the Stalinist controlled is an Ambrose Blerce to write a bear, has broken down and wopt posals were always met by the Just a day before the meeting on the old forms of revisionism buting the old Forward clique and the revolutionary Devil Dictionary before the rock that is Tammany.
Stalinist bureaucrats, the correct Gold who had shouted phrases, socialist trade union bureaucracy.
There, for the convenience of 80 This exhibition of elephantine hu leral Secretary Gold: And we will goC. LA. came to the fore again. When ton for a period of time and clunew revolutionary parts still to heThe Declaration of Principles adfew questions to the kind gen nets of the polley laid down by the and Koretz who had stayed in Bos must inevitably become part of clailsts like Friedman, strike break manitarianism is brought forth by back only a brief two years. Koretz was sent here to discuss cated the followers to the Stalinist workers took np arms not only to sented not any clear cut break with bullt. In Austria the wialist opted by the last convention repreing and open and deliberate betray. the bestial attack on the two hunWith Us the situation in the trade slogans now took the easiest way combat Paselem but to disprove the past but a weak compromise, a als of workers will be referred to dred or so hunger strikers who at Looking at the Record euphemistically as egregious er tempted to enter Albany to lay Gold will probably recall that In Boston again spoke for entry out. In their stead they sent Gross conclusively all the tenets of Aus distinct concession made by the rors and new strategy their demands before Governor two years ago the dressmakers Into the GW. demanding full to bring the sad news to Boston. tro Marxism. The vanguard of the lerts to the standpet reformists rights as old members and belp the How did the rank and Ale re Spanish proletariat, including Lehman. That other hunger march worked for starvation wages, even of the Waldman Oneal calibre unSocial Democratie Ministers and ers, workers and unemployed have under worse conditions than today needle workers fight. The old react? Half of the already tiny group socialist workers, rallied to arms, der the threat of spilt made by the Worms been brutally beaten at the behest and needed united strength Whiply came this time rom Koretz, left did not attend the meeting in the latter under the banner of Latter. The right centrists like In the effort of leading social of Republican governors; that the Was it that under your leadershin that they will keep up the Indus protest against this cowardly act party that had consistently denied Thomas intended this compromise Democrats to the Darwinian these bonus army way tear gussed, bay or shall we say under the iron trial union even with seven mem of Gold and Koretz. Those who tbe validity of force and hence to have the effect of stopping they sometimes to strangeonetted and burned out of Wash heel of the Profintern, the GER bers, so sure were they that the aid attend learned from Gross failed to prepare the working class further tendency to go left, and at lengths. In his attempt to prove ington by a Republican president is refused to call a united front for a workers would not gain conditions that the New York workers have for the revolutionary action that the time to preserve the the horizontal and four footed and known to all even to Moses. But single strike to gain conditions for through the ILG. and would become so passive that they do not capitalism compels us to use voto any longer and are disinteresbring about its overthrow. The mas clearly revealed that he leans unity of the organization. Thotecedence of Homo sapiens, con. the hypocrley of a boss class the workers?
Today Gold states that the work ted in the twing. Truly a sad French socialists, threatened with upon the right wing at the same rade Per Albin Hansson, his Swe politician before election knows no In Boston at a general member. ers are very badly off. Would it situation for the Stalinists to ad the same fascist fate as their time that he wishes to control the dish Majesty Social Democratic bounds. GLEE ship meeting of cloak and drear not be consistent to wait till they mit while they still consider them brothers, took to heart the fearful lefts in his statement on the referminister, has thrown himself prosmakers, at which Gold spoke, the come back. But no, there is now selves the left wing! But the and Inescapable lessons of Germany endum:. the one thing we soDR. JOYCE trate before the Royal offspringpresent writer pointed out that the an order from afar and above to workers know otherwise. The years and Austria and broke with the cialists cannot afford to do is to proving that it is just as easyNoted Physician and Author only way to gain conditions was to five up, and the old slogans 89 of treacherous misleadership of the outright reformists, now clearly reallow it (results of the referendum far easier, in fact for Socialwill give informal talks on: have one union in the industry and overboard for no other reason. Gola stalinista did throw apathy into vealed Democratic minister to crawl on WORKERS HEALTH masked reactionaries, in on the Declaration of Principles)
that the Stalinists were carrying now becomes soft hearted and pre the ranks of the workers, but that order to move to the left.
all fours than to stand upright like Nov. Colds, Sinus Infections, out a wrong policy by splitting and sents the right wing with the dress will not be for long.
The to break up our unity, destroy our a man.
French party in its present state discipline, or continue to distract Sore Throat.
Nov. 12 Bolls, Carbuncles, Fungus lying to himself and to the workers They still have a sacred mission. vanguard working side by side with each with its own press, each within the for considerable keeping the ranks split. Was Gold department. But the leadership Led and inspired by a conscious consists of a number of fractions, our energy. Again. There is room Jehova for Sinclair Infections when bo exclaimed, Workers, doOn the outside they will keep up them, the workers will again raise striving for political leadership and divergence of view on certain Sinclair sums up his campaign Nov. 19 Diet and Digestion. not listen to Eva Winer. She is the office as bogeyman to scare their heads; organize into a strong for the foal adoption of its pro points, it only we will work for to end poverty California better Nov. 26Obesity and Leannen Trotskyite whose policies are the right wing leaders. The fact. left wing and fight for conditions.
socialism. of is. gram.
than ever we could in his latest Dec. First Aid.
poem to the New Republle. Therein Dec. Glands.
We will never give up the Indus dare not face the workers leadership of Stalinism, but with he sums up his faith in Jehovah Dec. 16 Physical Aspects of Pay trial Union! The workers will come They know that they pursued this the assistance which can come only The American Socialist Party CLEVELAND BRANCH chic Trauma.
and proves that he has the Alback to us. 7)
hide and seek policy too long to ex from the tested, clearheaded work The American Socialist party, no OPEN FORUM Dec. 23 Kidneys. God my Father, and God my Subscription for full course lost the bulk of the membership ther trust in them and seek their vindicated.
And keep up they did they pect the workers to have any fur: ers whose views history itself has has more than the French or the Swiss, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2:30 can escape the devastating effects Sngle lecture, 15c.
Friend of the same contradictions. How or Bureaucracy Democratie The few who remained did so out leadersby Better Part of Valor SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT can this party reconcile its support And God my Guide to Poverty Every Monday at P. of necessity. Either becuse they Centralam Ind. Amen.
Stuyvesant Casino, 142 Second Ave worked in the few shops then still The following is proof of the of the revolting Spanish workers, Sunday, Nov. 4, 2:30 PM. Which reminds us of a story Sin Auspices. Spartacus Youth League. controlled by the Stalinists or be bravery and convletion of these JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE its hafling of their unsuccessful at The NIRA Strike Wave IN THE TRADE UNIONS REVIEWING THE NEWS played out.