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Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 44, WHOLE NO. 248 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 PRICE CENTS 10, 000 Fight Silk Workers to Swell Bolt Sinclair Forces AishArrangements Completed Ranks of StrikingDyers In Epic FlightToBackDown For National Convention to Launch New Party in Union Solidarity Instructions for with Unemployed New Party Voters League Demonstrate Russian Revolution November24 For Job Relief AWP CLA Set Nov. 30th For Meeting of portante este come Deplored by Tory Diehard Labor Editors Threatened by Fascist Thugs Joining Ranks of Forgotten Spreading of Strike and Men He Calls to God Boycott Threat Calls For Succor Bosses Bluff Abandoned by his Democratic As we go to press the directors colleagues in Californin: spurned of the Atlantie and Pacide Tea The greatest tank before all hy Farley. high hatted by Roose Company show signs of backing revolutionary workers in the velt. double creased by Creel, own from their nunounce policy building of the New Party.
cypped In general to fare yelor closing all of their stores in see And Militant Issue Paterson, Nov. Rounding the The Communist League calls well the saintly Upton Sinclair tiens where they were fuced with turns to God for aid. laber troubles Neventeen years of the Russian Arst strike week the Paterxon dyers on yon to support them in this Par be it froni ils to doubt the Outwarelly ocending with their Revolution!
are maintaining the traditions of tanie Job.
theney of prayer, which has served blutr in Chi veland, Ohio, ly the Six years of the Militant!
militancy for which the silk indusIn this electon, we ask for the holy church and generations of reinoval of merchandise from the The coincidence of these two try is nationally famed sanctimonions exploiters right well. 300 clostd stores in that city, the anniversaries within your support by writing in the a few The Dyers Federation has been Nevertheless, It is our solier judg. officials nevertheless and Dame of Cannon as a demweeks fur from tecidental.
National ve Day. initi.
demanding the thirty hour week, ment that sinclair will be very at the same time issued mollifyiugated by the National Unemployed In the heart of the mighty DolThe service of the Militant in lar Empire one dollar an hour, and the union onstration of olidarity in the little benefitted. We question that statements having to do with the League promises to be this year new revolutionary the earts of the fundamental workers party will be launched in shop. The bosses, np to the prescreation of the new party, God has lost his well known pullibility of ropening these same the mightiest demonstration of em ideas of the Russian Revolution New York City. November 30 to ent refuse to grant any more than Last minute instructions: tient acumen. Ile still sides, we stores is well known to our readers. December. The call for the or the 36 hour week with no reduction take it, with the bigger battalions.
ployed and employed workers The earlier report that the board this country has When yon enter the polling The Militant proposes to cele in pay. With this the parleys disanantoti convention will soon be And, as we view the present poliwitnessed. Inbrate both these oecasions in a both pay no a tention to any continued, the union constantly Isnel by the Communist League tical line up of forces, even taking directors were agreed on accept 25 states of the union the joblesspecial anniversary clition to ing the settlement proposals of the will gather, together with their of America and the gaining in strength, the battle front American levers. There is space for writinto account the lossibility of a appear November 17. We are Workers Party extending into Pennsylvania and a ing in names. ne that space Inxt minute swith on the part of National Labor Relations Board employed fellow workers and deHowever, the mandi: considering the addition of two This great step of revolutionary ring of Aghting dyerx massed extra page to facilitate the ap around every open shop and every to write in the name of James Jehovah to the side of KPIC, and proved premature.
nnity IN the reply to the oppressive pearance of several excellent Cannon for Governor. Do reckoning on the votes of all the statements emanating from the An extensive system sunb house still open.
conditions of capitalism, the cryresklent angels (cherubims not ell clatin store oficials were far refeatures by outstanding writers.
not write any tore or less thangible because of age limitations. more from their earlier bola public works to provide work for Strike Ranks Swelling ing novel for workers leadership the unemployed on a haxis of 30 But that depends on you as xpeditieil here. Do not write in und the general chaos and contuThe Federation of silk and Raythe situation, we wonld say, is still stand.
30 hour it week minimum for much as on us, tur lack of funds is imposible for the Board week xion which strangles the labor names for anyther candidates. untavorable to Chiton. Gabriel many on Dyers went into the battle On killed torces ns to leave that part of work, trade in movement.
it up to you.
week ago strong and confident. Its turn up mexpacedly at the EPIC Directors to make fitual decision to rates where such rates are If sntficient conBe sure to we only an ordinary For over two decades the adfeeling of power was more than headquarters, but Creel and Farley the question of their ability higher.
Wack lead pene Bring it with tributions and greetings are recan still deliver more votes.
to open the company stores in vanced workers movement has Justified. More than 80 percent of the Inge Lundeen ceived then you can count on 118 been wracked by Interual dissen you as they are not supplied at Cleveland until a further study Workers Unemployment Insurance the dyeing industry had previously Liberal Versus Liberal duing our end of the job.
has been made of the problems in. tions and splits. During this perbeen organized by them. 25, 000 polls.
Leaving Godent of the picture volved. the 101. committal stateWhat do you way. Multant iod capitalism has repeatedly given workers answered the strike call For the New Party!
Renders? unding the message of the for the present. ax an unknown mout of the heart of directors read. Unemployment Insurance Bill diproof of its bankrupt character.
Immediately on its issuance. As we quantity, the California political At the same time, it was observed rect cash relief to be paid at the No longer can it upply the need of go to press anywhere between ten battlefield fford an amazing clar that the work of removing the mer rate of 10 a week for a single per.
the producers.
to fifteen thousand will follow their The capitalist class, faced with lines have completely obliterated 10 halted, with only a skeleton s1 tor euch ndiitional person in the its loom, hax unleashed the forces where. During this last week two the traditional party lines. Reae crew going through the motions. family.
of barlarle reaction. In Italy, of the largest bleaching houses, the tion in all camp: has organized to Faced with the extension of the Germany, and Austria triumphant beat Sinclair. The liberal Mr. strike to other itles in Ohio, the lie works to organize and engage Right of all workers on pubFascisin hus destroyed all workers view Bleachery, previously open Creel. the Liberal Mr. Howard threat of strike in Milwaukee. the in collective training organizations and all democratic shop fortresses, have joined the of the Scripps Howard press the imminent byeati in Chicago, New Itecognition of the represeut.
liberties. Fascint reaction is growstrike front. 1, 000 workers are ementire Demoerale machine are York and other large cities, to say atives of the organized unemployed ing everywhere, ployed in these establishments.
smaller towns before relier agencies.
With an overwhelming rush of Jalued in the rate struggle to think of the The charge that elitors of New Fascism are the feverish preparaHand in hand with the growth of The stay at home idea is furthduring the strike. Picket lines of near, the political opponents or the liberal Mr. Upton Sinclair. war, the were forced, at compensation on all public projects. love been warned that their lives cism not only hastens new wars but est from the minds of the dyers liberality as election time draws defeat the emocratic candidate where the chains are none too por Federal adequate disability York Italian language newspapers tous for new world war. FasTehman have ponnced and to put in tice the suddenly but in their publie utterances to All war funds to be turned are in danger, is contained in the coming armed conflicts hasten thousands are du the march every Governor morning thugs are brushed Rade by the hunger marcher in Albany, and date the choice of the arch Tory protext is not ermitted to die for to unemployed rellef.
Injunctions, cop and upon the bruta! beating of the formed beral Republican candi. Deck water.
statement published in the latest of Fascism in the nachine. now miraculously the strike wave strikes wwift and These demonstrations will take inte of 11 Martello, New York in 80pl democratie countries Aghting determination by the work are trying to make of this mon supporter of Roosevelt New hird wherever the has its place before the expeetive state, arehist Wkly published by Carlo the master class here to destroy the ra. In Hudson County a judge trous crimes plitical football.
militant labor movement to succ.
ruling restricting picket lines to The tender heart of Robert Moses. Deal.
stores, they will surrender entirely county and city jelict boards of the Trexca.
Sinclair may be a charlatan, or four strikers became a worthless Republican candidate for Corernor, It is more than a little disquietsune 25 states in question. Simul The. serap of paper when 400 strikers bied with compassion as he witnesitwit arbete. That is het his in, however, to read that the seat timeonely with the local and states that all editor of Stampa Libers Ilow are the workers to resist demonstrations, a committee wil local anti Freist daily, was recent the reactionary moves? Why has marched before one of the local xed the scene: the highway to Al. crime against the Democratic Par Cutters Union leaders in Cincin be out to Waxington to place is threatened with violence been reaction triumphed up to now when mills. The police conveniently for any strewn with the prostrate ty of California and the Ils natilare or lereel the postkonement got the law and thought it best not bodies of bruised and bleeding men Timo les interact that he of the strike in that city indet their demands before Federal Re s opposition to Generoso pope the conditions are over ripe for a and women, victims of the police cheated working cluss, to restoreIt has been said again and again.
lief Director Flopkins and Presl building supply inerchitnt and pub. new noclety and real freedom to interfere.
dent Roosevelt.
lisher It is precisely because of the abseveral local Faseist dail Unemployed League Aiding faith best forgotten in the supposed It must be repeated.
Arbitration Unity of action of all employed les 11 Martello contains an appeal sence of the collective conscience, And is polling time approaches pro labor principales of the New boards, whatever their character organizations will be the key note to all journalists stand by, and intelligence, will and determination for the victory of the strike is the con Governor Lahman afford to be Deal. In vain he repents that is anot make up. Win grant to the of this November 24 demonstration. warns that it harm befalls the ed of the working class which only a cooperation of unemployed workers outdone in merey and compassion only urging what Roosevelt has workers only what they have rea This is not to the only a day for tor of Stampa Libera, those guilty revolutionary Marxist party can Republicans then the monopoly as New Deal program.
large shops still working That pre able to win for themselves. Their cious worker, every letter sent by George Baldanzi, rehman in pricked, doth he not wishes to forget. and wishes the wists of weighing the two opposing never to be erased from the memor mittee, to which the ar. VEk Party. They alone have sucdefenders of democrutle rights? If cisely what the Administration so called partiality. at best con hunger must make this day a day bus Day Unitel Anti Fascist Com an effective instrument, the Bolshe.
enemy of Stampa Libera supports the Colum: workers succeeded in forging such president of the dyer federation. Blerd. His reply should set at rest, voters everywhere to forget.
to the Unemployed Lengue calls forces, and deciding on the mini tos of the conntless Ill. fed and un intet.
cessfully defeated their exploiting upon them to pitch in with the one and for all his Republican muligners.
It is exceedingly unpleasant for mum which they must give the der fed, class and established the workers Nor must those that are strikers and make the battle a sucRoosevelt to be reminded. And for workers in order to realize an in parcelling out their miserable doles scribes the state of affairs in the But the parties which speak in The statement of Il Martello de Soviet republic.
cess. This offer has been accepted. am without authority, said the voters to be reminded, that the dustrial truce.
to the unemployed today he permit newspaper world of the Italian cold the name of the emancipation of and as in Minneapolis and Toledo in effect the Governor of the State New Deal promised (even if it was The lockout threat must be an. tel to forget It either.
the Unemployed League of Pennsyl of New York. But affirm my be all in the spirit of fun and good swered ony in the United States as one the working class, Socialist and by Ntrike action and Among those unemployed organ of terrorism by reactionary pub stalinist, have brought nought but vanla is mobilizing its members in het in the right of peaceful assem sound politics) to restore purchas boycott. Workingclass consumers, ixations who have responded to the lishers against all opponents. defeats. They bear the respons Allentown to strike one of the key bly.
ing power by raising wages, to clip workers wives must at once carry call of the National nemployed shops in that state, the National And the crowning touch! The the wings of the bankers, to mod on the picketing of stores League are: Minnen polis Central It charges that Mr. Noto, an bility for the present headless conPiece Dye Works wonder of wond rs! The miracleerate the greed of industry, to take in all cities. The lockout is the Council of workers, Texas tem editor of Pope Corriere America, attion of the workers movement.
who was active on behalf of the The recent display of workers in the dye Industry that several Abans, whose pe beat your hehe modited EPIC now proposes to anized labor The answer of the Federation, mlinois Workers. Ah. Seally mattacked by Pope theed States, the defeat of the strikers So effective has been the tie up of miracles! Mayor Thacher of care of the une nployed. All this direct attack of trosses upon all or ployed Union, Florida Unemployed Newspaper Guild, a union, was phy. spontaneous militancy in the Unitde be in latter on Pope nl large jobbers and commission hous hunger (Continued on Page 4) direct.
es are stopping work on orders in cher himself issud this statement. about 28 states in the union. believe thoroughly in the so threatened loan with a revolver Weaving mills for the duration of jobless bear eloquent testimony to the strike. The effect of this and rights of any group to publie as Il Martello goes on to describe the the dire need for a new revolutionsimilar moves will be to throw sembly.
recent controversy between the collary party. The workers are ready tors of Stampa Libera and ope. hunger and misery. But who is to to struggle against unemployment, thousands of weavers out of work Election Balm for Cracked Skulls because of the inability to get the Then is unanimous! And the An editor of Stampa Libera re lead them to victory? What force In the past year the membership of the Communist of every revolutionary worker silk and rayons dyed. The dyers hunger marcherz. wards pro tera Lengte in all wetions of the country has grown. All these new developments have widened the circle Celved a series of visits from. exists capable of guiding them from strike most end in the complete of the Government trophouse, their And, unlike the stalinist Party, the members it wins of the League influence and the base on which it quested that Stompa Libera erase underworld characters who. re the everyday battles to their fundaparalysis of the entire silk indus wounds tenderly cared for, may it holds, and holds to revolutionary line. leans for support. But they have also created new to publish eritteism of Pope. The capitalism, the establishment of somental class need, the overthrow of try.
console themselves with these magIn the same priod, the circulation of the Militant problems balm for Meantime it is entirely to the in nanimous statements, editor of Stampa Libera refused cialism until has gone up considerably: today the net paid cir New members, for example in New York, have re repeatedly to make any such comterests of the weavers and other their wounds. From now quired the setting up of new branches, and new mitments. On the occasion of thelr having absorbed the experiences of Only that organization whilen, crafts connected with the fabrica November 6, Election Day. they culation is approximately double what it was one year ago tion of the product to cast their are safe from police clubs, from last visit, the underworld charac the past, is based on the granite And in this period the New International, the Every time a new suiweriber is found by the Mintters informed the editor that they foundation of revolutionary interlot in with the dyers. More than merciless beatings. From now untant, he brings along a circle of friends who want a would not call gain and that the nationalism, and merges Marxism 1, 000 weavers are already on striket11 November They have the full monthly theoretical organ, has been founded few copies free or who are unemployed and want a editor should know what that The bosses are flagrantly violating right of Demno ratic assemblage and won an immediate place as the only Marxist cheap subscription.
with the massew in motion can serve means.
the contract. Abuses are wide. They may meet, they may protest theoretical Journal published in the United States much funct! on.
Every step forward in trade union work means new In our times such spread. To add fuel to the fire the within moderation.
More than this: obligations. leaflets to print, halls to rent, etc. An attempt is being made by a party must strive to build the weaving employers are taking ev But after November 6, we can The past year has seen the enter mass The original cost of launching the New Interna Generoso Pope In this elty to exer Fourth International, the world ery advantage of the pasivity of offer them no guarantee. They activities on a senle never before renlized in its histional the purchase of type etc. meant a large incise censorship over the Italian party of revolution.
the workers to wipe out all vestiges must guard thele heads best tory. Severing its factional tle to the hopeless vestment of our mengre funds.
language prere by means of gangof union conditions. One of these they can. Governor Moses cannot Stalinist Party, it has turned its face to the masses To forge such an instrument the sters! An attempt is being made Communist League of America and Result: we need money.
methods is the organization of save them. Governor Solomon of American workers and entered side by side with Relatively speaking, the larger we grow, the poorer in the United States the same pogone through months of negotiato Inaugurate in the Italian colony the American Workers Party have company unions. In Newton, cannot save theia. Nor can Gov them into the struggles of our class.
we are We have more money, and we spend more liical regime in the press us prenons and arrived at a joint declarmembers of the are being ernor Amter. After November 6, The Learne hrs participated prominently and bon money. and always we need more money. It is discharged and then rebired only affairs are restored to normal or orably in a number of united front movements from the problem of growing pains.
valls today in Mussolini Italy!
ation of principles. The declaraon the condition that they join the der, and the police reign supreme Coast to Coast. It has begun to play a leading role At this moment one great aid can be given the Call It Fascism, or call it gang tion contains the basle essentials company union.
in the organization of unemployed workers in several Lengne, and in this way the new party soon to be storism, the threat to the editor of of revolutionary Marxism. Merlour Everything favors a victorious But is it not pleasant to realize states, notably Minnesota and Illinots. In a number born. It is by helping the new party fund. New Party Certificates in one and five dollar Fascism shall not be transplant place in both organizations and will outcome of the dyers strike, barring that there is one short season when strikes, above all in the great strikes of the drivers timidity or capitulation of the the jobless have a voice, when the in Minneapolis, members have been to the denominations are for sale. Buy them and sell themed to this city!
he held at the fusion convention.
leadership. The weavers can share cops must swathe their billies in fore in every aspect of the struggle.
to your fellow workers, Send in your contribution Perhaps this notice will suffice. Revolutionary unity will be in this victory provided they give election ribbons, when the most re Finally, the year 1934 has been signalized in enough for a certificate, or whatever you can spare. If not, if more must he said, ir achieved. In the fires of the enthe dyers their complete solidarity actionary political leader and the history by the launching of concrete steps toward Do not delay.
more must be done, we are presung class battles it and if necessary are prepared to gain its brutal heele the building of the new revolutionary party. The Become an active factor in the campaign to build pared to say it and do it. spure and come forward as the take a bold aggressive stand before language of justice and democra negotiations with the now proceeding apace, the Workers Party of the United States.
militant leader of the workers and the height of the season 18 over. Icy?
promise an early harvest that will gladden the heart Let us hear from you at once, Comrades!
SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT all oppressed YOUR DUTY TO NEW PARTY SPEAKERS: SHACHTMAN Russian Revolution Anniversary MUSTE IRVING PLAZA Irving Pl. 15 th St Wed. November SP.
Auspices: American Workers Party Communist league