CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR THE NEW PARTY PAGE m MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1934 Intervention in Cuba (Contined from Page 3)
such a country to the revolutionary forces. Within a backward country (Continued from Page 1)
transcend national boundaries. Imperialism, itself reaffirm that socialism cinnot be built in the Soviet Labor, must Inevitably result, If It is allowed to the revolution cannot be brought to by which the actual dictatorship of the controlling a predatory force, can not, however, achieve a har Unlo alone and that the real defense of the Soviet continue, in emasculating the unions, in restricting close with the proletariat in minority expresses itself. The state or government monious society. World socialism is the only solu Union depends not upon the League of Nations, non the right to strike, to picket and carry ou any normal power unless intervention is de is thus the political Instrument through which the tion for the conflicts and disorders in the modern activity, and in preparing for the fascist corpera teated. Intervention can only be aggression pacts, or any such measures, but upon owning class exercises and maintains its power. As world, as well as for the major contradictions within successful workers revolutions in other countries.
tive state.
defeated by a polley that combines the necessary political phase, therefore, of the change a single nation. socialist society will utilize Intermediate Groupings AGRICULTURAL WORKERS AND FARMERS the extension and the deepening of of ownerhip and control industry, the workers in rationally the natural resources and productive maWhile challenging the and and the Interchinery of the earth in the interests of the peop sent The section of the agricultural population on which the revolution with maneuvers to the cities and on the land must take control of state 01 nationals of which they are a part, the Workers Party the Workers Party bases itself directly consists of modify Intervention. Such cannot power by revolutionary means.
the earth, and solve the conflict between the of the likewise firmly opposes the formation of the agricultural laborers whose standard of living be accomplished if instructions are ROLE OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY development of productive forces and the restricany centrlat organization based upon a national ex.
tions of artificial national boundaries. It will grant Is even lower than that of the industrial workers issued not to selze elghty percent Consequently a revolutionary political party be the rights of free cultural self determination and Istence and trying to occupy a middle of the road and whose efforts organize in order to improve of the property of the country.
comes all Important and Indispensable. The class position between the and The party their conditions are met by the most brutal repres.
The first task of the revolutionwar fought by class armies. The working class as self development to all nations and all individuals. opposes any utoplan attempt to reconcile reformism World socialism will remove the causes of internaslon. The organization of these workers into millary force is to square accounts and revolutionary Marxism or to find an independa whole to say nothing of its necessary allies in And in tant unions is an essential part of the development with its own exploiters.
tional wars that under capitalism now seriously other sections of the population is not characterized ent position between the two.
of revolutionary morement in the United States. Cuba this primarily means Amerithreaten to send mankind into barbarism or complete worker by firm homogeneity. It is divided by conflicting The Workers Party will give special attention to can imperialism. When destruction. Labor and Farmer Labor Parties philosophlex by separatist interests of caste, religion, this task, and pledges its fullest support to all the of the United States or Cuba speaks nationality, race, sex, age. As is tragically evident At present the Fariner Labor party movement in INADEQUACY OF EXISTING PARTIES struggles of the oppressed a rheu terrane Warmers in Ing of American imperialism of his own exploiters he is speaktoday, without this country is weak and inconsequential.
revolutionary party its most vall It is, The founding of the New Party on the basis of the however, possible that there will rise into being a ant struggles fall to achieve lasting results. The present program is the one possible step toward various sections of the United States have been re The Stalinists betrayal in Cuba fairly radical farmer labor novement, or some working class as a class, as a whole, cannot directly revolutionary unity. mere attempt to fuse the combination of farmer, labor and middle class moveduced to virtual servitude and a peasant basis of is an American expression of the plan and guide Its battles, any more than each programs and tactics of existing parties of protest existence. Even those farmers who nominally own revision of Marxism and their conplatoon in an army can elaborate the strategy and ments, which will seek to reform capitalism.
would lead nowhere since careful analysis reveals The workers revolutionary movement faces the lund they occupy, are loaded with a tactics of war. For that a staff, vanguard is necburden of mortgages and debts and under celowing rept of the character of the Caban revolution as the Agrarian Antiessary not imposed from above as in a capitalist thefr falsity and inadequacy.
complicated problem in dealing with such develop are less and less able to make a living from the sale Imperialist revolution that estabarmy, without the possibility of control and verifica8. Socialist Party ments. It is not the task of the revolutionary party of their produce. This situation has driven them to Hishes a Democratie Dictatorship to engage in building up any party of reform. In the tion from the ranks, but rising from the rank by The Socialist Party is not a party of revolution but openly violent Hollday movements, milk strikes, of the Proletariat and Peasantry.
tested ability and common approval. This is the of reform and pacifism. The fundamental error of period of capitalist decline, so called reformist par ties cannot pretend to the progressive role they have anti Coreclosure and anti eviction demonstrations, it is the logical result of the theory all wings of the party is the failure to grasp the na revolutionary political party. It embraces the most ete. The Workers Party pledges Its support to the of socialism in one country. It is played decades ago. Political and economie conces ture of the state. From this flows its parliamentary advanced, the most militant, the most devoted workSlons can now be wrested from the capitalist class struggles of the farmers against our common enemy. the first fruit of the AmericanIllusions, Its notion that the workers can achieve ers, unites them firmly on the basis of tested princiThese struggles, however, have a consistently pro Soviet recognition and a victory ples, and welds them together in rigorous discipline.
only by means of the most resolute and militant class power within the framework of existing state forms, gressive character and can achieve lasting results for American Imperialsm.
struggle. Besides, any party which purports to repits faith in the sweet reasonableness of the capital CONQUEST OF POWER only if they are directed against the capitalist system HUGO OEHLER.
ist dictatorship. Its fetishism of capitalist democracy, resent two or more classes on an equal footing, or itself. For the farmers, as well as for all oppressed The opportunity for the workers to take power will its policies of class collaboration. It is aflated and to direct its appeal to all classes. is essentially a The come in the course of the disintegration of material middle class party doomed to irresolution and surKTOP. emancipation and security can come only der Fascist reaction or war.
glves allegiance to the bankrupt Second International, life and of culture under capitalist dictatorship. The render to the big capitalists which bears the responsiblity for supporting the every decisive test.
through Joint revolutionary struggle with the work working and student youth will ing class for a socialist society.
and in the Workers Party, which masses will find themselves faced with growing last Imperialist war, and whose leading section, the We do not belleve that the American working class ilms at the establishment of a sohunger, impoverishment, curtallment of social serv. German Social Democracy, openly alded the capital must inevitably pass through a protracted experience NEGROES AND OTHER OPPRESSED RACIAL cialist society, the constant chamices, and the threat or actnality of fascism and war.
Ists to suppress revolutionary uprisings of the workwith reformist mirties. It is entirely possible that it GROUPS Hon of their interests, Taking advantage of the growing discontent generers and made possible the triumph of Fasciam in will either skip this stage. or else concentrate it The Segroes compose the most exploited and per The Workers Party stands, tirat ated by the crisis in the capitalist dictatorship, led within a brief period. Another dangerous aspect of Germany. The Socialist Party conducts no kystemsecuted section of the population of this country all for the abolition of child on by the advanced workers in the revolutionary atle struggle against the reactionaries in the trade iniddle class reform movements, in the present period. Racial differences are used by the capitalist dictator labor up to the age of 16. In its party and supported by ever larger and more signifunion movement and important sections of the Party is the fact that they easily fall prey to those dema xhlp to drive down the standard of living of all work place we demand the provision of can sections of the population, the workers will take are directly associated with these elements. Though gogic appeals, chauvinistie slogans and reactionary ers and to keep them from uniting against their adequate educational, vocational power and put an end to the destructive course of now as at other periods in its history the Party conidens of class harmony which are the hallmnrk of oppressors and thus achieving complete emancipa and recreational opportunities, and capitalist dictatorship.
tains many sound left ward moving workers, the the fascist movement. However, the membership of tion. The Workers Party will labor unceasingly to adequate governmental maintenance In this struggle the workers, under the guidance powerful right wing elements of the Party openly these groups represent real blocs of social unrest convince the white workers on the one hand, and the of school children. The Workers of the revolutionary party, will forge new weapons.
and of potential antagonism to the existing spurn and comhat all revolutionary tendencies. The order. Negroes and other oppressed racial groups, such as Party advocates breaking down the The united action of we workers organizations, defendradical phrases of the centrist wing represented by They must be won to support the revolutionary move Japanese, Mexicans and Filipinos, on the other hand, archale and harmful are estabing workers rights in the period of capitalist disin. the Alitant leaders serve as a cover for an essenment. The revolutionary party will show them by that their interests are the same. It stands for the labed in many trade unions against tegration, will provide the basis for the building of tlally reformist attitude. The Party and the Second theory and historical example, and above all by its complete social, political and econoxple equality of the young workers, and the admission genuinely united revolutionary organizations of the International with which it is affiliated therefore own activities that the actual consequences of the Negroes and all other races, and will Aght against if the latter without discrimination.
workers, the Workers Councils. It is through them, serve the purpose of preventing the consistent evolnpolicies of reform movements, here as in all other every form of race discrimination, wage differentials, the party stands for equal wages not through the existing governmental apparatus, tion of the workers to revolutionary Marxism.
contries, are directly opposed to their avowed aims, lynchings, Jim Crowlam, the barring of Negroes and cor equal work for young and old.
that the workers will take power. This will be no that they act to preserve, not to reform capitalism other groups from the trade unions, and all other the Workers Party propues that The Communist Party violation of essential democratic principle, for it is into something that is not capitalism, and hence are forms of racial national chauvinism. At the same all those eighteen years of age and not the existing governmental forms, representing the The rise of fundamentally anti Marxlan nationalist of no lasting value to the workers. In order that it time, we point out that the Negro turban and rural older shall have the full right to interests only of the capitalist minority, but the tendencies and the abandonment of the principle of may effectively perform this task the revolutionary masses cannot achieve deliverance by reliance upon vote. It energetically opposes all Workers Councils that express the political will and workers democracy in the Third International and party must at all times maintain its own political Negro capitalists and middle class elements or a so attempts at militarism of the youth social interests of all the socially productive elements its sections, constitute the twin source of their de an organizational Integrity.
called Negro capitalism. Only by allying themselves in the interests of the capitalist of the nation. To defent the capitalist government cline and impotence. No semblance of party demoFOR THE NEW INTERNATIONAL with all other workers for the complete abolition of class, condemns compulsory milland to transfer all power to the WorkersCouncils, cracy obtains the International or its sections.
the schools of this capitalism will they gain freedom from exploitation tary training The realizes that the liberation struggle of They have sponsored divisive tactics in the trade the workers must be prepared to use whatever means and tyranny.
country, and such Institutions a the working class is an international struggle and aro necessary.
unions and other many organizations, the policy of the the that the working class must be an international building dual sectarian unions, the theory of social COLONIAL PEOPLES CONSOLIDATION OF WORKERS RULE Boy Scouts movement and the like.
fascism and the tactie one day of the united front party. We hold that the existing international or The workers in the United States and the peoples The Party will undertake as one Having taken power, the revolntionary government from below, and the next day of purely formal ganizations of labor of the Socialist and Communist of Latin America, the Philippines, Hawall and Liber of its most urgent and Important must be ready to meet the violence of the overthrown fronts only from above in which non aggression parties bankrupt and can no longer serve its in, have one enemy in common American Imperial tasks the building of a youth orbut still dangerous forces of reaction. The workers pacts with reformist prtles are concluded. They interests. We are therefore committed not only to Iam. The Workers Party pledges unqualified and ganization embracing young work.
will abolish the whole machinery of the capitalist have brought low, victons tactics Into the labor the formation of new revolutionary parties through active support to these peoples in every progressives, young farmers and young stustate in order to render it incapable of counter revomovement, time and again ordering their members to out the world, but the formation of a New (Fourth) struggle they undertake to gain the unbampered. dents and based on the party lutionary activity and because it cannot serve as the break up meetings called by other labor organizaInternational. Such an International does not now right of self determination, free from military, poll principles of revolutionary Marz.
Instrumentality for establishing the new order. Its exist. It cannot be brought into existence by an tions, and to beat up spokesmen of other viewpoints.
tical or economic intervention or pressure by ism.
place will be taken by the workers state. Thus the They have followed an unprincipled zig zag policy.
amalgamation of the Second and Third Internationals imperialism. Our Party stands for the unconditional THE UNITED FRONT workers state, while assuring and continually exor created on the basis of a mixture of the bankrupt which in the United States, for example, has ranged and immediate independence of the Philippine Istending far more genuine and substantial democratic from the broad opportunistle efforts in support of policies of the two. It must be built up on the founlands, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the Virgin Islands and in spite of organizational and rights to all those who accept the new order than the La Follette agrarian movement to partisan exdations of revolutionary Marxism. The Workers all other colonies and dependencies of the and political differences, the workers, ever enjoyed by the masses under capitalism, will clusiveness and ultra Leftism in their own ranks, Party therefore prepared to cooperate with all for the withdrawal of all troops from any territory to defend their rights and advance function as a dictatorship of the entire working dissident opinion is stified and bureaucratism reigns groups and parties in other countries which stand outside the boundaries of the The workers their interests, must achieve united Party is further pledged to active opposition to any rellet cuts, increasing abrogation of If they do not, wage and class against Its enemies.
Against the forces seeking supreme.
restore the old order, The and its sections are completely and the speedtest possible establishment of the New In the workers will fight with every weapon to establish ternational masked, to infringe upon the right or self determinantis war and the victory of tasmechanically dominated by the As the revoand to assure their own democracy. Workers demolutionary tide temporarily subsided in other counTHE MAIN TASK tion of any nation or people.
cracy will not mean democracy for capitalista, exclam are assured. This does not tries, the Russian workers were obviously confronted The main and immediate task of the is the PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL WORKERS ploiters, and parasites. The workers state will repmean the false and in practice disresent only the working and socially useful elements with the need of concentrating upon the tremendous mobilization of the American masses for the over. The Workers Party will seek to overcome the tra ruptive united front such as was task of laying the foundations of a socialist economy throw of capitalism and the establishment of a of the nation, and will function openly ng the enemy in the Soviet Union. In expectation of decisive aid ditional hesitaney of American professional and proposed by the Communist party of all who uphold the old capitalist order. Against workers republe in the To this end the Party from the workers in other lands when the next revotechnical workers to take part in social and political in the united front from below.
capitalist legality, serving the interests of a bankwill work within the mas lutionary wave rised them to power. At this Juncorganizations of workers activity and to draw them along with all other ex. Likewise, the rejects arbitraand farmers and will support and seek to give leadrupt minority, will be set revolutionary legality, restploited groups into the labor and revolutionary movery arrangements between bureauture the leaders of the however, Inatend of ing on the will of the overwhelming majority.
ership to all their immediate practical struggles, ment. We reognize that the professional and tech cratic officials imposed upon the pursuing this work of laying the foundations of a strikes, demonstrations, mane action for reller and FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIALIST SOCIETY nical workers have a distinctive contribution to make masses, and so called non Aggressocialist economy in the Ag one significant part social insurance, fights against lynching, evictions, both in the struggle to overthrow capitalism and in slon pacts which in practice mean of the movement for world revolution, adopted the The most important of the economie measures to foreclosures, etc. The will participate with its the building of a new social order. with these con capitulation to reformist tendencies be taken by the revolutionary government in its inposition that socialist society could be built in the own candidates and program in election campaigns. siderations in mind the will build up organ since they obscure differences of tial period is the appropriation and socialization, Soviet Union even though revolutions did not take It will carry on constant propaganda to convince the place in other countries and that the building and izations of these workers and seek to penetrate ex. principle between reformist and without compensation, of all monopolles in industry workers of Its theoretie competence by the cogency Isting organizations.
the revolutionary party. The Work and lund: all mines, factories and shipping: all public defense of socialism in the Soviet Union is the firs of its analysis, the necuracy of its predictions and ers Party stands for an honest, utlities, railroads and other organized means of and well nigh exclusive task of the entire world rev.
THE UNEMPLOYED the applicability of its proposed solutions. Everystraightforward, carefully defined communication: all banks, credit agencies, gold olutionary movement In the process of mechanically where, it will seek to demonstrate in action the gucThe great and largely permanent army of the un. united front of organizations on stores; and all other supplies and services that the imposing this position upon the Communist parties cess of its man leadership.
employed during the period of the rapid decline of specific and immediate legue facrevolutionary government finds it necessary to take of other countries all semblance of party democracy capitalism is a vast depository of every kind of social ing the workers. Such united front THE TRADE UNIONS over in order to lay the foundations of a socialist was wiped out. These parties, instead of concentratdiscontent. In a position where the conduct of their actions in which the participating society. This socializati of the means of produc ing their attention and energies primarily upon ad The trade unions are the basic organs of working lives has lost social meaning, the unemployed win organizations retain complete poll tion and exchange injures only the small handful of vancing the revolutionary movement and seeking the class defense against capitalist aggression, and of all join with the movement that convincingly promises tical and organizational Independfinanciers, landlords and industrialists whose private overthrow of the capitalist state in those countries, trade unions the most important are those in tho them a new and integral place in the social order. nce, teach the workers the need control of the resources of the country is the source became little more than agitational group dedicated large shops, mills, factories, and mines of the basic nless the working class movement by giving sup and value of unity, expose the of hunger, unemployment and insecurity for the great to so called defense of the Soviet Union. pacifist industries.
port to their struggles and by convincing presentation weaknees or treachery of reactionbulk of the people. The policy of socialization pur activities for disarmament and against war and With these as its base, the Party will penetrate of the revolutionary way out of the crisis, draws in ary and reformist leaders, and give pued by the Workers State will make possible the Fascism. etc.
similarly the unions and federations of all groups of the unemployed, they will be a prey to chauvinistic the revolutionary party the opporguarantee to every willing worker of a well paid job, This degeneration of the Communist parties every. workers, activixing and politicalizing their struggles. and military propaganda, to fake social nostrums and tunity to show in action the corsecurity against unemployment, and Insurance against where and their diversion from the task of achieving The main aim of the in the trade unions is to to Fascist demagogy. The Workers party will resist rectness of its principles and tacindustrial riskg, old age, and sickness. There will the revolution in the capitalist countries, weakened infuse them with the spirit and policy of class all efforts to erect barriers between the employedtles. Thus, united front actions be no need for the Workers State to impose arbl. the defense of the Soviet Union and contributed to struggle and to aid in dereloping a militant leader. and unemployed and will constantly stress the com are indispensable preparations for trary and oppressive measures upon small individual the defeat of the workers in other lands, as so tragie. ship in accord therewith. We shall encourage and munity of interest between them. it pledges support the genuine unity which, in the proprietors and farmers. The example of the social ally demonstrated by the collapse of the in inspire workers in the unions to fight against auto to all struggles of the unemployed masses for reliet, revolutionary crisis, will enable and personal advantages of the socialist organization Germany when Hitler came to power. In order there cracy, corruption and gangsterism and against the against evletions, for social Insurance, etc. the workers to take power. The of production, and assistance from the workers gov fore to accomplish the effective defense of the Soviet class collaboration tendency so prevalent in the trade STRUGGLE AGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR Workers Party, therefore, urgen ernment, can be trusted to lead them to voluntary Union today, as well as successful workers revolu union movement, wherever these appear. We are vigorous united front actions of all collectivization. Socialism will release the produc tions elsewhere, it is necessary to establish new opposed to any general cade union movement fac1 polley of dual unionism, re The Workers Party is pledged to a revolutionary working class organizations whentive forces to serve the needs of men, and will enable revolutionary parties throughout the world and a cognizing that a struggle against war, which can be eliminated only ever the interests of the working production to be planned rationally in terms of actual new revolutionary International. The Workers Party ilitates the progress of reaction and Fascism. 11 by the overthrow of the society which breeds it. It class as a wholec an be defended social requirements. will allow the utilization of pledges Its support to these revolutionists in the will strive by every means in its power to prevent or advanced thereby.
particular, the Workers Party 1s opposed to the every technical improvement. The leisure and edu Soviet Union who fight for the revival of the Comthe outbreak of another imperialist war. It will Communist party policy of building paper unions, CONCLUSION combat the idea that it is to the Interest of the work cational opportunities which will accompany these munist Party of Lenin time, based on the principles mechanically controlled by the Party, which are in no We call upon the American massmaterial advantages, together with removal of the of revolutionary Internationalism and party demo sense genuine mass organizations. The stands ers to support defense of the capitalist) fatherdead weight of the perverted capitalist culture, will cracy. To accomplish all these objectives we devote for rank and Alle control, trade union democracy, as land. based as this idea is on the conception of aes not to submit passively to in offer every individual possibilities for the fullest ourselves with all our energies to the building of the essential If the workers are to have confidence in community of interest between classes which capital Justice, not to be deceived by haltmeasures and go to drift into ism by its very nature makes impossible. The masses greater and greater misery. The creative development.
new revolutionary party and International in the their organizations and are willing to fight for them.
United States and other capitalist countries.
The Workers Party does not belleve, however, that have no fatherland save the one they conquer when present social order is out of tune THE GOAL OF CLASSLESS SOCIETY capitalism is overthrown. The Workers Party re with the enormous progress labor the American Federation of Labor has any right to The elimination of all socially useless and parasitie THE DEFENSE OF THE SOVIET UNION claim a monopoly in the field of labor organization.
jects the utoplan and illusory Ideas of pacifism. We or productive capacity has made.
classes and groups will proceed simultaneously with Our opposition to the Stalinist parties, in no way Too often the Federation has repelled workers in support ardently the wars of the oppressed against Due to this discrepancy we starve these material and cultural changes. The entire affects our unswerving solidarity with the Soviet the basic industries by an insistence on craft unionthe oppressor, of the enslaved peoples galust their while there is plenty, and unless population of the country will be transformed into Union. Our attitude toward the Soviet Union differs forms. In numerous cases, important groups have imperialist exploiters, of the colonies against those the prevalling social system is rea community of free producers owning the total basically from our attitude to any capitalist country: who keep them in servitude, of the nationalities, races placed by a scientific socialat ecoproductive wealth and resources of society. The need The Soviet Union is a workers state, product of the eteering and other evils which have tended to bring and minorities who groan under the yoke of a muling nomy, the modern world will sink of coercion and repression of socially alien classes Russian revolution and beacon light of inspiration to caste. Against Imperialist war the Workers Party into barbarism. Catastrophe will the labor movement into disrepute. Where the will disappear with the disappearance of these classes. the workers of the entire world. Despite all the masses form independent unions as a result of such not a futile policy of folded arms, passive be avoided, and happiness for all With It will vanish the need for a state machinery difficulties imposed upon it by its Isolation within intolerable situations the resistance, conscientious objection. and other mid: will displace misery it the masses will support them in even the workers state. The noblest objective of ring of capitalist enemies, the Russian workers have their efforts and struggles. It will, however, continue dle class nostrume, but the working class policy of realize the truth and act positively the human race, the classless socialist society which already accomplished marvels, and have demonstrated to work for united, industrially constructed and utilizing the crisis into hich plunged on that basis. American workers inaugurates a new era for all mankind, will be real beyond doubt that a socialist order of society 16 militant trade union movement.
such war, for the purpose of bringing the war and their allies must make real ized.
manifestly superior to capitalism even in its best The Workers Party stands for industrial unionism.
to an end by overthrowing the warmongers and es the vision of a nation of free men WORLD SOCIALISM period. The unconditional defense of the Soviet and will press forward the issue of amalgamation in tablishing the rule of the working class.
and equals, knowing no oppressors, The Workers Party of the aime not merely Union is an elementary duty of every worker and every feld in which such action is necessary.
THE YOUNG WORKERS no oligarchy of birth or to lead the working class in taking political power progressive minded person. Any attempt by the im We warn the organized workers against the tenThe capitalist system has throughout its existence class distinctions. They must Jota and estabjishing socialism within the United State, periallats of any land to attack or undermine the dency, particularly noticeable since the NRA, to tle been marked by the most hideous exploitation of with the workers of the world in but to join the revolutionary workers of all other Soviet Union will find the revolutionists of the Work the trade union movement up with the capitalist children and youth. Capitalist society today cannot the creation of a new society, a countries building world socialism. Modern forces ers Party ready to defend it to the utmost. Against government. This trend, nourished and supported by offer Jobs even at starvation wages to millions of its world federation of workers roof production bave compelled capitalism Itself all anti Marxian nationalist tendencies, however, we many of the leaders of the American Federation of youth, but only frustration or actual destruction un publice opposite no to