AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

MARCH OF REVIEWING at mie freedom is merely high 1932 and in 1933 a month payless, in the passage of the Lansk Awe movement should take up the cam the factories and threatened hard relief.
PANE: THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1934 ANNOUNCEMENTS tant and progressive teachers. It will also be used to attack those teachers who espouse the cause of FALL FESTIVAL the labor movement.
Humble Slaves Not Teachers THE NEWS EVENTS IRVING PLAZA to the attacks on education and reactionary wave of 1919 23 when Under the cover of such slogans teachers which have been going on both the labor movement and the as loyalty, patriotism, allegiance Saturday, October 22280P. Teachers Attacked since 1930. For years this attack teachers were attacked. In this and good manners the plutocracy Hunger Strike of Workers It is not altogether out of place Dancing Refreshments By Ives Bill has assumed different forms. perted there also occurred a strike in New York State proposes to disIn the advanced countries the in a column headed Reviewing the Entertainment Prizes Since 1928 no new teachers have wave followed by a wave of unem miss courageous, progressive teachMAX SHACHTMAN News to say something about the Master of Ceremonies At the special session of the New been appointed in the elementary ployment. To offset this unrest the ers. As for the more timid them bunger strike is a weapon used by movies. As disseminators of bour. Admission 25e 35e at doorYork State Legislature Just July were appointed in the high schools. which resulted in the Palmer raids passivity. What the Ives, the bly mistreated as prisoners in Jall.
schools, and until recently none capitalist press created a red scare, it seeks to terrorize into silence and workers only when they are horrigeols opinion and ideology they the forces of reaction and the pro The building of new schools bas al and the Lusk Investigation. In Ryans, the Luskers of 1984, desire The starvation strike of the twelve stand second to none. Their ap LECTURE fessional patrioteers scored a vieproach is more disarming than 18 THE AMERICAN FEDERATION tres BII which requires that all its entire state of architects and initiated and obtained the appoint Sunday school variety who are call the world attention to their by securing the pissage of the of Education has discharged almost actionary Republican organization, chicken bearted teachers of the resorted to in utter desperation to the approach of the press.
OF LABOR publle and private elementary, high engineers The result has been the ment of the Lusk investigation and loyal to capitalism and who will unbearable misery, is not merely a They boldly proclaim their inten. Where Is It Going! The Issue Industrial Uniontsen.
school or universlty teachers take children have been crowded into its representative in Albany, Archt glority imperialist wars symbol of the low level of organtions to be merely that of entertainSpeaker an oath of loyalty, pledging them classes ranging up to sixty to bald Stevenson, became the chief They want teachers who will tell zation of the working class of backment. Are some of these cinemato ARNE SWABECK grapbic entertainments occasionally Sunday, October 28 at P.
and constitution of the United class fu many Instances and making counsel for the investigating com the children of the workers that ward Hungary, but also a warning to the industrial proletariat of the nothing but vicious pleces of ruling committee not only the plutocracy has gained its swol Stuyvesant Casino States and of the state of New effective teaching of even bare es mittee sentials impossible.
clasa propaganda?
York. They must also pledge to spled on such organizations as the len millions by unremitting toil entire world of the unutterabie 2nd Avenue and 9th Street o created an army of Amalgamated Clothing and thrift. And that if their par depths to which they can sink 16 Nay, comes the deafening roar from falthfully carry out all duties as unemployed teachers fully prepared and the but raided the ents are poor it is due to their own they permit their organizations to thee oncerted throats of all the The Hollywood moguls. But propagan NEW YORK ELECTION RALLY BILI was signed by Governor Lento tevel, even licensel, but dented ottices of workers political parties, thriftlessness, laziness and lack of the crushed under the fron heel of da, nevertheless, a good deal of the speakers and other detalls will be man without affording the teachers other candidates have been called al Institutions. Getlow, Larkin, ku: They want teachers that will glor. Hungarian miners are indeed pris.
Ilms we witness daily are. Then announced in next issue. public hearing and over the pro by the Board of Exaniners in prethenberg. Witnitsky, and two ods ify the open shop, the company un8 oners held in the chains of capital SUNDAY, NOV. 4, at are we against the use of the cine.
test of the Teachers Union Irving Plaas vions examinations and denied eventors of Finnish workers paperson and the seab: that will de ism. The coolie level of existence ma is an instrument of propagan The passage of the Ives law was of these miners threatens to become a license. Irving Place and 15th St. da? No. We not against the were sentenced to long prison terms ounce attempts of workers to orthe opening shot in a new campaign The Economy Knife on the charge of violating a crim ganize as un American. In other the normal level for the world instrument we are against the against the schools and the teachBRONX LECTURE authorities inal anarchy law passed after the words, the plutocracy seeks, through working class unless they learn the propaganda.
ers. In a letter to the Board of backed by large propertled inter McKinley assassination but which its control of the schools, to poison Lessons of the October Revolution, Reform of the Second or Fourth Recently there was released Internationale picture titled Our Daily Bread.
examinations for teachers licenses. ests, not content with these econo had never been used before by the the minds of the children against the need for the overthrow of caplSpeaker: This picture was preceded with a George Ryan, president of the y mesures, also proceeded to at state authorities. Five duly elected their own interests, the Interests of talism and the establishing of the assemblymen were their working class fathers and dietatowwhip of the proletariat.
ARNESWABECK lot of publicity as a departure from Board of Hucation, said: Let usack teachers salaries. First they Socialist party In the Orient, in Japan and the usual run of Hollywood goo, Friday, Oct. 26, at P.
close the door now against anyone mased an involuntary contribu expelled from the New York State mother Bill Attacks Labor Ives (China, the workers have also prac.
As an independent venture, as a 1789 Boston Road who may seek a teaching position ton to finance lunches and cloth legislature for disloyalty. New The Ives Bm and the campaign tied the fendal custom of suicide Auspices: Bronx Branch, revolutionary document, etc. etc.
for the purpose of teaching Amering for the children of the unem York teachers too were included in etc. And to top it all the scenario scan children un Americanor sub ployed in order to avoid taxation this infamous Investigation and now inaugurated thus becomes in strikes to force concessions. time was written and directed by none PHILADELPHIA versive doctrines. Let us have no upon the propertied interests for suffered dismissals and persecu reality an attack on the entire la and again the frightfully explotted unemployed relief. On top of this tion.
INTERNATIONAL WORKERS other than King Vidor, a staunch bor movement, not only a blow girl textile workers (and the men one whose professed zeal for acade. they put through a salary cut in The Lusk investigation resulted against the teachers. The labor too have shut themselves up in cultural friend or American Stal.
FORUM Inism. We waited impatiently for 431 Pine Street sounding to make an the picture to be shown. Finally Sunday Evenings at 8:15 on.
Int these methods are on the second day of its run, unOctober to May 1934 35.
no more ill mannered people suchom sick leave, in force for decades, missal of any teacher who advocat. Bill as part of its fight against relowly kiving way to the militant able to contain ourself for another Oct. 28Lecture: Civil Liberties as those the Board of Education was cut in half and based on the ed a form of government other than action, Fascism and company unaction of an organized working salary schedules in force before the present government. It re lonism. This campaign has already day, we bummed two bits from the In the Class Struggle was forced to dismiss for conduct the cut. The latest attack has come quired every teacher to take an been started by the Teachers Union class, more conscious of its ultieditor, rushell down to the Rialto JOHN STANGER, Phila. Sec. unbecomius a teacher. The last in the form of a proposal from the oath of loyalty to uphold the Con and has been taken up by the Amermate goal The strike of the min.
theatre, bought a ticket, entered or must not only evoke the proand it back, prepared for a splne Nov. 18th Anniversary Celebra were dismissed because they prostate of education to abolish litestitulton. In order to carry out the loan Civil Liberties Union.
foundest sympathy of every worktingling experience. But.
Our Daily Bread is the most obtion of the Russian Revolution. tested the dismissal of third tenure of teachers and to substi provisions of the law (with anven teacher, without his having been tute for it a system which in effect geance) the state department of The New Leader, organ of the ut it must steel our determin ation to bring about a united work moxious piece of fascist, semi tas Kiven an opportunity to defend would make permanent probation education set up an Advisory Coun Soenlist Party, in an article ening clns struggling militantly for Jers of teachers.
THE MILITANT cist or near fascist effusions that cil headed by the same Stevenson to titled Civil Rights of Teachers Unhimself at a public hearing.
has been disgorged by the motion revolutionary aims.
As these measures were enacted investigate all suspected teachers impaired by the Ives BHII, Sept. 22 Entered a second class mail New Espionage System they aroused the protests of teach in secret star chamber proceedings. instead of sounding an alarm and Inity of the Working Class.
picture behemoth to date.
Post Office at New York, Un.
The Board of Examiners replieders and progressive forces. The Principals and supervisors were recalling on them to fight cites legal der the act of March 8, 1879.
The series of black defents of There have certainly been other Published Weekly by the to this letter. They announced the Bored of Education replied by perquired to draw up lists of teachers opinion to show that the bil does reactionary films, less concealed in Communist League of America institution of a system of regula secuting militant elements and by whose loyalty and morality they not impair the teachers right to the world proletariat in one countheir intentions, cruder and hence 144 Second Ave. Now York, tions for candidates for teaching the enactment of measures to silwere certain and lists of those of vote the Socialist party ticket! In try after the other drives the class less impressionable. But this film, Phone: GRamerey 9524 positions which in efect introduces ence teachers and lay the basis for whose morality and loyalty they taking this reformist dangerous conscious workers to feel the urbecause of its subtlety, because of Vol. 7, No. 43. Whole No. 247) an espionage system reaching back future wake cuts or retrenchment were uncertain The latter were and sectarian attitude the New Sent need for unity of the working class in its struggle against the its unquestionable appeal to the SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1934 into their college records and which policies. One of the measures is Investigated by the Advisory Coun Leader forgets that during the further advance of reaction. Those more reactionary intincts of the EDITORIAL BOARD Lask hysteria five Socialist assemresembles the system in vogue on the Iver law. The second major cil.
workers who are unaware of the impoverished middle class and be Martin Abern James Cannonder the Lusk laws. It also sur mesure is the proposed abolition. There is marked resemblance bymen, all duly elected according ne Lusk Inws and the to legal constitutional procedure history of the Communist movenient cause of its really dynamle finish Max Shachtman Maurice Spector gests that supervisors in the schools of tenure which would make it pos between will accomplish more for the Huey Arne Swabeck.
help the Board of Education to sihle to dismiss teachers on any Ives law and the mensures proposed were thrown out of the New York over the period of the last decade and more, umeritically demand such weed out the progressive teachers pretext and hire substitutes at a by Dr. Ryan and the Board of Ex State Legislature on the ground of Longs of this country than any of Bundle rates one cent per copy.
its cruder competitors Subscription rate: 00 per year; who are now teaching by Introduc lower salary scale.
aminers. The latter are second disloyalty. It also forgets the unity at all costs. They do not system.
Modern Lusk Laws edition of the former. The Ives raid on the very legal Hand School realize even now the need for 50c per half year Canadeing a similar spare not isolated something more than the mere cry and Foreign. 50 per year; The picture deals with a group of The present attacks resemble the law can, and will be used as a club during the same period!
These measures unemployed workers, an impover 75e for six months.
phenomena but are directly related situation that existed during the to smash the tenure rights of mill BROWN. fer unity, the need for a program and revolutionary strategy that, 1shed farmer and professionless with the hegemony of a firm revoprofessionals setting up a cooperin its theory and practice, the programmatle concepts the deavors of the bourgeoisie to set lutionary party, alone can assure youth organization will also mirror which on this question declared. youth against age within the work. victory and not defeat in the strugdirector thesis that the way out Some Fundamental Aspects of Youth Work it. The growth and decline of the The formulates and reping class.
Young Communist League (the resents the ceonomle demands of for the unemployed is the back togle.
This follows from the principle Nor is it possible to revive that true Inheritor of the Stattgart Con the working youth where these ex that the working class organizathe land movement. In his effort to prove this thesis, Mr. Vidor has ference of 1907) is a glaring proot ist in the broad masses of the young tions as a whole are also the organutterly decayed corpse, the Cominthrown together a farmer, a brick of this contention.
workers as also in the working izations of the working youth in tern, and expect it to transform itlayer, mason, a shoemaker, a THE ECONOMIC STRUGGLE class, and in respect to thelr organ their economic Asht.
The youth self once again Into the revolutionBy ALBERT GLOTZER clerk, a musician, a tailor, an exOF THE YOUNG WORKERS ization. The trade unions and the league must agitate and activize ary Instrument forged by Leula convict and sort of species of In the social democratic move and organization. This is how the In his report on this question at Communist party draw up these itself in the trade unions: It must and Trotsky. After its fresh crime of utter disregard the needs of Nine West for a little sexual xeste, ment the youth organization is more question was regarded some thir. Stuttgart in 1907. Alpari dealt pri demands and fight for them in the constantly raise valid YOUTH de baldly and even from a Hollywood like an orphan child. The parties teen years ago. While the Party marily with the condittons and strubele, against capital and state mands and seek to obtain their the Spanish Revolution, at the very en point of view cheaply and unin with an iron hand. And so it was of the working class as a dominate the youth organizations lays down the main political tasks struggle of the apprentices. The authority. The consolidates support in all movements of the moment the Spanish workers are whole, system o fapprenticeship was then the masses of working youth and working class, never separating the suffering defeat, bloody defeat, at telligently interpolated, we shall dismiss it now and forget It.
ever since the birth of the youth the youth organization applies them talrly prevalent in the European leads them into the economic youth from the adult workers and the hands of the fascists, the commovement in 1907. The bureaucracy to its own particular probleme countries. In the United States struggle, whilst representing their always striving to create unity of intern termes an appeal for a united by the pooling the resources and feared that the youth might get outcome catho by the beauty oblet prentice problem and at the press world, but the tradeunions and the conception we can begin to couchement that should have gone out by the hero of the plece, the young of their hands. As a corollary to themselves, than because of any ant me it does not never excerned in the carrying on of the youth organization in this field. Whether this appeal made by one husband of the comple who started their political program they endea fundamental change of a opinion the European situation, it appears. pues temos a birsten bourgeoiste. It bearing in mind that the youth or organizer of defents, the Third Iuthe venture, making a speech for yored to create a youth organishould the youna category. The however, that the problem has lost would only be on special occasionsganization is neither politiealternational, to the other organizer cooperation and for all pitching in tion on a purely cultural basis. placed in a second of defeats the Second, will lead and thus lading themselves for lacking connection with the class Party must patiently permit the its former siguificance, there also suces when ble movements occur party nor a trade union.
For the United States, distinct is active support from the that lem with which the revolutionary nosal for organle unity on a world asking for rent and of crocers and youth organizations not only polti lems, even allowing mistakes to be conmle problems of the youth the would then be able to youth organization must seriously colecis As yet merely a matter of credit Just sta Ittle longer.
the varlous posts in the coopera the youth organization the slightest thereby to enhance the initiative of main, the youth and adult workers support of, or even in face of oppo large majority of them having let cracies of these defunct internation After ton of its officers, never permitting major political character) In order workers, do not exist. Here, in the successfully carry on a dght for concern itself. It is the problem of conjecture. In view of the con tive are alloted, someone demands initiative. Only in the more recent the youth. The exacting character Labor under the same Industrial sition from the trade unions. In all the elementary and secondary. It is not altogetner impossible shall prevall on the little common pects. The youth organizations makes of its membership cannot be hours, and the same wages. The the support of the trade unions.
to know what kind of government years has this changed in some re of the Party and the demands It conditions, an equal number of its struggles it must attempt to geN THE FIELD OF PRODUCTION be made. move of this nature NEVER PARTICIPATED thnt ench a move may ultimately wealth. Someone shouts back have asumed a greater independ applied with the same rigidity to mistake of Stalinism is that it as SPECIAL ECONOMIC FIGHT WITH THE LIKELIHOOD THAT consummated as a deal between Democracy. This is met with Jeer ence, upsetting in a measure, the the youth.
tificially attempts to raise special ON THE PART OF THE YOUTH GREAT PORTION OF THESE them, ignoring as ing and the comment It that former relationships. This is due unquestionably It is absolutely necessary that youth demands in the factores IS NOT ONLY COMPLETELY WILL NEVER WORK IN INDUS. would if the revolutionary workers what got us here. Then someone inore to the pressure suggests that the government within the adult.
the youth an exchange of representation Yet they fail to raise properly WITHOUT PROSPECTS OF SUCRY. The danger of degeneration permitted it, the real needs of the should be a Socialistic one.
is met with a brooding rumbling of began with a more or less proper ween the party and the youth or it the youth workers do not differ iST. Therefore the trade unions the revolutionary movement upon cism, would only lead to new de.
International and on all major committees betty and strengther or emple ILLUSION: IT DOES NOT EX a serious one. It is incumbent upon free from the stranglehold of tasdissent. Then the farmer of the relationship, which changed for the sanization. This would assist great from the portion of the candle her kete must also be the organizations that whole and especially the youth or tents. But such a move would aid worse with the vietory of Stalinism. y the political relationship toate or exploitation, this does not inval. the working youth. It is absolutelytivity us will bring this larges helping tomelet thereat cho since it was the young husband The became transformed into lined above. It would demonstrate who organized the group he should a factional Instrumento. wbichly interested in the promotion of as: less hours for youth labor, paldganization of the youth because it rint and prevent the forces of Fastacles for the workers of the world.
be the boss the boss of the co gle against in the strug to the youth that the party is realidate patting forth suche demands unnecessary to have a special or grouping to the side of the proleta what have become two great ob operative farm. This proclamation occupled the greater part of its the youth organization and would vacations of one month cach would only tend to assist the en Icism from gaining their support. That clearing of the rond, indienis cheered to the echo.
tive of the need for the Fourth InThe fascist ideology in this can The youth organization is politi youth cadres, to perfect their com al facilities for the working youth, ternational and new parties in every country could be utilized by the he noted by any keen observer. It cally dependent upon the party, but muntat training. Naturally, all of labor ete. Instead, they raise. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS is organizationally Rutonomous, this is dependent on the correct slogan of: equal pay for equal only has to be recognized and within the limite dened by the po ness of the policies of the Party work. Such a slogan has no real Marxists to bring about an entirely the existence in fact. In the field of Here is a special anniversary offer of interest to all our subscribers new orlentation of the workers middle class of this country to litical relationship. That it It Party policy is correct the youth shop nuclel organization, atter a and friends. With this special combination offer you can obtain movement everywhere.
make this picture the most etree. Darticularly retains Independence organization will reflect it at once rente deal of experimentation, the just the book or pamphlet you want and a subscription to the fields of work that are carried in growth and Influence. Contrari Set MILITANT. Sign of the Times tive stump speech for fascism yet out largely by the youth members wise, if the Party policy is false Det result is a series of errors.
undertaken. Back to the land one.
These errors in method and appll.
We have set as our birthday aim to double subscriptions.
Can we count on our friends to celebrate with us?
The bookshop of the Communist man rule mockery of democracy, cation do not, however invalidate Minneapolis was raided these are the stock in trade of the the basic correctness of the shop Send in your subscriptions at once.
by elements undoubtedly of fascist fascist here, there and everywhere.
VISIT THE PIONEER BOOKSHOP revolutionary party of the This campaign ends Dec. 31st.
nature, all the hooks removed and True, the picture has a magnificent working class a problem yet to be COMBINATION OFFERS This was done at night ending The last ten minutes of 102 Fast 11th Street, solved adequately by our movement Six Months Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the And a warning for Communists to the pleture stand up well with the BOOKS BOUGHT SOLD in the United States particularly, get out of town was left behind.
following pamphlets. Both for. 50 finest products of the Soviet cinema Special Offers: nucleus form of organization for TEN YEARS by Marx Shachtman Without the slightest hesitation we industry. The dramatizing of the LEWIS LORWIN Labor and Internationalism (reg. 50) 50 there was always a policy to create THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by Marx can be sure that in the background, construction of an irrigation ditch special youth shop nuclel, where The American Federation of Labor. 00 WAGE LABOR AND CAPITAL by Marx supporting this beginning of a LEON TROTSKY My Life (reg. price 00. 50 to save the corn crop amitten by the problem was that of the crea THE TEACHINGS OF KARL MARX by Lenin struggle that may at any moment drongbt is stirringly effectve. But, History of the Russian Revolution (reg. price 10. 00. 50 tion of one shop nucleus under the WAR AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL take on a bloody character, are the Hitler, too, told the German movie Whither England. 00 leadership of the Party, in which SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER by Trotsky forces of finance capital, the Citi that they should model produses on the Russian rather the youth engages and raises youth SIDNEY HOOK Toward the Understanding of Karl Marx.
One Year Subscription to the MILITANT and one of the zens Alliance, controlled by the MARY VAN KLEEK Miners and Management. 00 demands along with the general following books. Both for 50 banks and aroused to frenzy by the on the Hollywood style. It is NORMAN WARNE The Labor Movement in the demands of the nucleus. Even IMPERIALISM Lenin. STATE AND REVOLUTION. Lenin, militant struggle of Trackdrivers much more effective for propagan(1880 1895. reg. prine 00)
where the young workers pre (Two books 00)
Local 574. There is only one an.
da, for convincing people.
And KARL MARX Letters to Kugelmann. 50 nate, the task of the shop nusleus THE EIGHTEENTH BRUMAIRE Marx swer to these early provocative acts King Vidor has learned that too. LENIN Left Wing Communism.
is to struggle for the interests of or CRITIQUE OF THE GOTHA PROGRAMME Marx. Both 75 that tomorrow will take on a fiercer Taking advantage of the Soviet Lenin of Britain. 50 the class as a whole (Because under or THR ROAD, a proletarian novel Marlen. Both 75 aspect the organizing of a united form and technique he has stuffed MAX EASTMAN Artists in Uniform these conditions It represents the front of all workers organisations Art and the Life of Action IONARY LITERATURE it with a reactionary content. Its THE MILITANT, 144 Second Avenue, New York City.
ciass and not any special section immediately, without delay, for deName.
of it) rather than to narrow the artiste superiority to the brazen LARGE SELECTION OF REVOLUTIONARY Address.
fence against fascist attacks, the Hollywood products will unquesWrite for Price List.
neleurto represent only the youth: City. State.
organizing by each organization of tionably disarm many me to the Shall we put your name on our permanent mailing lat for Everything that has happened in months subscription (26 coples) 50c, and pamphlet.
Workers Guards to be placed at true Viciousness of the Alm.
special items?
recent years in this respect was a year subscription (52 coples) 00, and book.
the disposal of the united front.
GLEE result of revision of the early JACK WEBER.
Youth. Adult Relations This Young Party the burnet 50 00 25 50. 00