CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismItalyLeninMarxismSocialismSpainStalinismStrikeTerrorismWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE THE MILITANT VOLUME VII, NO. 43 WHOLE NO. 247 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1934 PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Bergoff, Rat Chieftain What is Happening Silk Industry Tied up as Brags of Scabbing in Press In the Strike of 25, 000 Dyers Involves Eastern Cities Roosevelt Is Higher Wages and Applauded Union Shop Are Issues of Walkout By Bankers 01.
BOOST NEW PARTY FUND! Does this mean that the bankers one realized that in six months the our cben.
fession The profits of strike breaking easy money. Frequently we have have been large, says Berg to equlp our guards with weapons militant will print startling documents and material off, king of the scabs, in the second of defense and offense. Our activiof his signed articles on Breakties in this connection today must Strikes! appearing in the New be treated as a trade secret. Beginning with its next issue, the MILITANT will Do you remember the bonus mareh to WashingYork Post. In the old days we maintained begin the publication of a series of articles, docu My biggest job was with the an arsenal. We had 2, 600 Titles ments and other material on what is going on hehind party on this issue? What did the Comununist Inter Erle Rallroad in the shopmen with plenty of ammunition. cou the scenes of the Communist Party of the United national have to say about THAT question? You will strike of 1920. The Erle pata ple of thousand nightsticks aud States, which are sure to arouse the keenest interest about 2, 000, 000 for that job.
get the answer in the Columns of the MILITANT.
clubs were always at hand.
and diseussion in the entire radical movement.
Theodore Shonts, president of Today we keep pace with modern members of the Cammunist party but deals with ques The series is of a nature that concerns not only the What is going on in the ranks of the upper cireles, the op leadership of the Communist party? What Interborough Rapld Transit Com requirements.
rany. paid my organization over Keeping pace with modern re in the labor and revolutionary movements of the tions that are of importance to every active worker 1, 000, 000 to break the 1916 sub quirements refers to tear gas and country.
The documents and material which will be are made and unmado? by which onee prominent figures suddenly vanish from the political Arena? by way strike. The cost of which in sub machine guns.
which General Seeretaries are manufactured by printed either in whole or in part have been carefully As we go to press the strike of cidently met hy the people of Bergoft is highly indignant at concealed from the membership of the up to which erities and potential erities are allqudated. 25. 000 silk and rayon dress dyers New York City in the form of taxes. Governor Talmadge, who ham now, so as to keep theny in the dark about the real How is a convention actually organized now. President Roosevelt in his latest in North Jersey and New York. Ed. pered his work (Le cut in on his status of the problems and tasks confronting them adays by the Stalinist bureaucracy? Does the mem address to the bankers was greeted city seems definitely The The Brooklyn Manhattan Tran racket) by sending out the National and the actual conditions of the internal regime exbership really elect the delegate or are they care by them with a thundering ovation strike was scheduled for Thursday sit Company cheerfully paid us Guard in the recent textile strike. Isting in their party.
fully scrutinized in advance and appointed from 100, 000 for our work during the Our men were sent at the request After listening to his explana night at midnight.
1920 strike. The City of New York of Anderson of the Bibb Man the authenticity of the material it now has on hand.
The MILITANT is in a position to guarantee fully above? Is workers democracy in the a reality tion of what the New Deal really Needless to say, any attempts at or a fiction?
claimed my services during two ufacturing Company, Bergoft com. It has been received by us from a quarter absolutely means, they decided rapturously stalling the strike, or marking time street cleaners strikes. The United plains, with a great air of injured trustworthy, and whose reliability is further conWhat is the trath about the terrifle fluctuation in that they were all for him, and it by further negotiations with the membership in the Communist party!
Jackson Iteynolds, Morgan manufacturers, would bave been States Government has ned my pride. He said he preferred one firmed by the contents of the documents themselves. to its present proportions?
agent, and president of the First nothing less than a complete sellont services.
of our men to ten of the National Do you remember the notorious Japanese cam What is the cause for the terrifle turn about face National Bank of New York City of the workers. There was never These and other startling revela Guard.
paign of the Conmunist party, whose central slogan in the trade union field! Just how far has it gone almost literally fell on knees be a time more favorable for the strike tions, Bergoff makes cheerfully and Out of all these revelations, em Drive out the Japanese ambassador. created and how far is it still to go? Do the Stalinists intend fore President Roosevelt, and then now, at the opening of the proudly. For social awareness, for erge certain facts of Interest and such a scandal in the revolutionary movement? What appreciation of the realities of class usefulness to the working class. were the cireumstances in which this campaign was to liquidate all the and independent un begged forgiveness for the misun busy season.
ions? How? Why?
derstanding that had kept the The bosses themselves have demstruggle, for sound understanding One need not trouble long to discor conceived? To what extent were our eriticises at of the social function of crime and er the reason why Bergoft spills that time Justifled? What did the Executive ComThese are the questions which the MILITANT will bankers aloof from the present onstrated this by their panicky efanswer in a thorough and conclusive manner, with administration.
forts at compromise. They have of racketeering in capitalist society. It the beans. He is not altogether mittee of the Communist International have to say unchallenpable documents to back up the replies. It is now in such a chastened tered to extend the present conhard to improve upon this arch the big shot he pretends to be abou it alter? Our first installment next week will Follow the coming issues closely: don miss a copy and understanding mood, sata tract with the union for another scab, who was ever willing to tell There are serious competitors, in present the truth about this campaign for the first Order an extra bundle of papers for widespread dis: Reynolds, that you can accept six months, and have offered verbal all whenever he could get anyone cluding the National Guard. Berg. time.
tribution among all militant workers.
with hospitality any overture of coconcessions to listen to him.
off can stand a little advertisement operation on the part of the lead.
But the shifty nature of this Now a respectable newspaper Bnt the main points with which ers of the banking) fraternity.
truce offer is at once apparent when gives ear, and here is some of the we are concerned are these: dirt Bergoff spills: In the first place, against the BULLETIN are busy season be at On every big job there are mus natural solidarity of the working With the publication of the draft ready to give the final support nec former sins, and to sacrifice their the bosses in a position to clamp clemen to rake in the side grafts, class it is necessary to maintain a As we go to press news arrives programmatic statement appearing essary. We adiress it to private interests for the benefit of down.
such the chap that takes care private army recruited from the from Spain.
the NRA and the Ingenious remeWorkers Want to Fight of the dining room service, and an lumpen proletariat not to all the below, the new party the Workers League branches, to our friends dies of the Brain Trust This is the first authentic inThe militancy of the workers, other who takes care of the kit places of strikers (which they can Party of the United States Is and sympathizers, including everyl Now, now, Oswald! Do you want however, makes it practically im.
formation about our organizanever do) but to terrorize them by tion, smuggled out of that ter about to become a reality.
We reader of the Militant. Our appeal us to send you back to kindergar possible for the bosses or mislead Another man sets up his little gangster methods. And despite ror stricken country has been submit the craft to our readers to push which will bring us to the What then has caused the change Plushed with their success in raisis for immediate help in that final ten?
ers of labor to stall for time.
tobacco and cigarette stand on the Bergott boasts, these rats are in.
received at our headquarters in enable them to become acquainted immediate goal. the new party. In heart? One needs only to reading the wage scale from 17 to 25 premises. He practically has adequate. Hence, the National New York.
with the basle position upon which we are turning this remaining President Roosevelt speech to cents an hour, for a 90 hour week monopoly, for the men movements Guard.
The communication contains the new party will be launched. perlod before its launching Into a And the clue.
while on strike duty are limited. Again, this mobile body of striketo 12 cents, with a 40 hour week, the shocking report that most of new and a great forward step campaign to build and solidify its President Rowevelt guarantees the union members are now preIf he gets a chance to peddle a breakers operates to weaken the little booze on the side, he does morale of the workers by vinetion of the Comananist Left were class movement, torn by dissention support, and for that we need funds. the swindling operations of the utmost, calling for a tight to the our comrades of the Madrid sec will be recordel. The working foundation. We need your active no Government Interference with pared to press their demands to the that too.
overpowered at The big boss in every racket has their jobs can be easily Alled.
to permit his leutenants their spe These scabs are unfit as workers: where they had congregated in again in severe struggles will be to become stronger factor in the spoke so eloquently when he was. The chlet issue is unton recognlcial rakeoffs. That is axiomatte in they can never man the machines, response to the revolutionary able to look forward to the beacon new party; but we must also have tirst elected. He reminded them oftion light of the new party. But it will the means required to do it. all that he had done for them. honeyed words, and more concrete gangster circles. Accordingly, it is but they enable the boss to print need of the moment.
Comrade Ferson, one of the no surprise to find Berkoff viewing statements, which the newspapers not represent just another working At this moment one way of ex towards bolstering up their crumb recognition. They demand the class party. The most outstanding pressing your support is in United ling concerns, towards guarantee closed shop.
mildly these minor deviationsfrom selge upon eagerly, to the effect leaders of the organization, has tact in its emerg nce is that it re States currency. Help us raise a ing them payment on their bad On the matter of wages, they dethe main grim business of his pro that th places of the strikers are been arrested and incarcerated.
60 per cent, or 80 per cent or 90 He faces court martial, charged presents the unification of two new party fund. New Party Cer loans, towards restoring public manda 30hour week. at a mini.
The main business, however, is per cent Alled. These thugs are the with high trenson.
groups, the and the tificates in the amounts of five confidence them at a time when mum wage of per hour. Under At this writing the whereclearly indicated in the Bergote workers we hear about, to protect Unity on a principled revolutionary dollars and one dollar have been their reputation was unsavory, to the old contract, wages have averprogram designed to extend beyond issued. Buy them and sell them. say the least. And he relicately aged 13 per week during the memoirs. His agency does not whom, it is necessary to call out the labouts of comrade Nin and other merely supply scale to all the place police force the arms and their known.
outstanding members is still un the borders of this country in the Send in your contribution for a hinted that he would do as much year.
of the strike breakers, but primareffort to also lay the foundation for certificate, whichever you can al or more for them in the future. The strike call has heen tested Ily thugs to murder the strikers. slimy army of stumblebums and The author of the communi the new International, that is what ford; but do it without delay. Be. The benefit of this juggling to the to the locals of the Dyers Federa Most of the strikebreakers are cutthroats are as essential to the cation is greatly apprehensive is about to be accomplished. come an active participant in the Government is an artificial rellev tion in Paterson, Lodi, Garfield, soldiers of fortune. They don operation of industry for the capi as to the fate that might have In view of this great objective campaign to build a new party in ing of the strain on the budget, East Paterson, Union County, New really want to work in most cases tallats as are the top hatted boards befallen these comrades, heing so near Its realization we ad. the United States. We expect to caused not by relief expenditures, York City and Pennsylvania What they want is excitement and of directors.
dress an urgent appeal to all those hear from you right away. but by direct loans to industry, Grounds for Victory Conditions for the success of the strike are unusually favorable The union is well organized, and she membership is composed of militant union fighters, with past successes to hearten them. This (The document below is the first draft of the IMPERIALISM AND WAR hack into barbarism and savagery.
plus the fact of large shope, per ie, a truly civilized, society. Thus and only thus mitting concentration of pleketing can the masses in the modern world achieve plenty, and the further fact of the busy Joint programmatic statement issued by the NegoSeeking cheap raw materials, profitable markets AMERICA PLACE IN THE WORLD security. peace and freedom.
tlating Committees of the Communist League of for the goods which their own populations could not With the war, the United States rose to the position season should, if the strike is at all THE WORKING CLASS AND ITS ALLIES America and the American Workers Party. It is purchase, and new profits for the invested capital, of the leading inaperialist power in the world. The properly directed, lead to victory.
the capitalist nations entered the imperialist ponse submitted to the membership of the League for pillars of its vaut power rest on the soll of LatinThe central position among the social forces which mass meeting, to rally militant discussion and for final ratificaton at the convenof their development. Having divided the world America, of Eurupe, of Asia. In the very nature of must be depended upon to destroy the capitalist eco workers in support of the strike, among themselves the struggle for materials and its power, there ore, le those irrepressible conflicts nomle system and the capitalist state and effect the has been called in Paterson this tion Ed. markets now becomes daily more intense. Driven by and convulsions that herald its llapse. It cannot transition to a scientific socialist economy, belongs Sunday, at Oakley (Prepared by Joint LA. Committee) the lash of the crisis the powers are plunged into expand further, or even maintain its existing world to the working class. The fundamental solution evenet Street, at PM It will be ad.
economic, tarif and exchange struggles and armaForeword poxition, withont cutting deeply into the share of for the immediate problems of the workers is much dressed by Hugo Oehler, of the ment competition. The period of the decline of world power now in the hands of the other imperial more obviously than in the case of any other group. Communist League of America, and The American Workers Party and the Communist capitalism is secordingly marked by a series of the ist nations, as well as into the living standards of the full solution. The only way in which they can by Muste of the American League of America have united on the basis of the mightlest struggles in history, imperialist wars, wars the milliong it exploits directly or from whom it he assured work, security, and a decent living, is to Workers Party.
following program to form the Workers Party of the of liberation of the colonial people, and the revolu exacts tribute. This cireumstance relentlessly sharphave the shops run to serve the needs of society and Meanwhile, the New Jersey anU. Capitaltam, everywhere in decline or complete tionary struggle of the working class for its own ens the antagonisms with which the further existence not to make a profit for private individuals and cor thorities, in cooperation with the collapse, subjects the masses today to insecurity, emancipation of the reactionary American colossus is confronted.
bosses, are laying plans to crush misery, Fascist terrorism and war. In this critical FASCISM THE ROOSEVELT PROGRAM hour the Socialist and the Communist Party, the While the leading position in the struggle for the strike by the use of armed new social order is occupled by the working class. It thugs and police bullets. Vacations Second and Third International, have proved utterly Under the domination of finance capital, Fascism capital also is in rapid decline. The cannot achieve a victory without the assistance of and days off for policemen have unitted to protect the workers from attack, much less to lead them to victory against their oppressors Succeeds in mobilizing on a reactionary basis the Roosevelt program is essentially that of monopoly other sections of society who are also exploited or been cancelled by Police Chlef John discontented and desperate middle class elements, capitalism, concentrating power and wealth in the and to a new world order. We urge all revolutionary when the working class party betrays its revolutionhands of a decreasing few financiers and Industrialoppressed. The cruelly tormented Negroes, the debt. Murphy, and adequate protection ridden farmers, the colonial and semi colonial peoples bas been promised all scabs.
workers and groups to join with us, therefore, in ary character and relinquishes its leadership of the Ints. Despite its democratie protestations the Rooseof the American Empire these are the allies of the Attempts of the Department of building the New Party and the New International.
masses against the capitalist dictatorship.
velt administration is carrying out measures likely to facilitate the growth of a Fascist movement, it American workers fighting a common foe. The liber. Labor Conciliator to bring about a (The workers of the world press on, in spite of In its early progressive period capitalism fought that should sult the interests of the capitalist class ation of one is inconceivable without the liberation truce settlement, similar to the all obstacles and defeats, to the final victory. Fol.
against feudal and clerical reaction, sought to free and fail to meet with effective opposition. It fosters of all. It is only in the socialist revolution that one in the textile strike, falled lowing the suffering of the Great War and the be men from tyranny and repression, and relled for its an open alliance between Industry and finance and all groups of workers and producers, all the oppressed when the union officer flatly refused trayal of the masses by the Second International in vietory upon the support of the workers and farmers.
rections of the population the agricultural laborers to consider the terms of the Inthat war, the standard of revolutionary Marxism Today the owning class cannot maintain a measure the government. It strengthens monopolistic tendencles in the form of codes and cultivates the view of share croppers, farmers, professionals, technicians, stitute of Dyers and Printers, the small traders, the Negroes and other oppressed racial boss organization, and announced Russian workers and peasants and the revolutionary Stantly reducing the standards of the dispossessed into a fet seeks toetle the trade union movement to groups can find deliverance from insecurity, want that they would meet no more with upsurge of the masses in many other lands under majority and presently plunging them into war. This and tyranny. Victory against the common oppressors the manufacturers until the storthe masses would not tolerate if they retained any the capitalist state machinery, breaks strikes under the leadership and inspiration of the Party and the will crown their united struggle.
page of work was complete.
the pretext International of Lenin. Following the onslaughts of freedom to assert their will. Consequently in its de Impartial composition of differences by THE CAPITALIST STATE AND DEMOCRACY With the calling of the silk Fascism and reaction in Germany, Italy, the United eline capitalism resorts to Fascism. An democratie their organizations. Its vast military program is government boards, and attacks militant workers and States and other lands and the betrayal of the work rights are violated, all forms of democracy, freedom designed both as an instrument of dissatisfied secvictory in a revolutionary struggle. The bellef that by Francis Gorman with many This deliverance can come only as the result of strike, with numerous textile locals ers under that onslaught by the Second and the Third of thought, speech, press and assemblage, abandoned.
tions of the population at home and as an agency we live in a free, democratie society in which im Internationals, comes renewed struggle, hope and The trade union and all other Independent organizaweavers already on strike, and portant economic changes can be effected by persua more coming out each day, the victory under the leadership and Inspiration of the tions of workers and farmers are smashed or com.
of American Imperialist interests against those of other nations in the wars which are inevitable so xion, hy education, by legal and parliamentary meth President truce in the textile InNew Party and the New International)
pelled to become a passive part of the state machin; long as capitalism endures.
ode, is an Illusion. Such a beller must be an Illusion dustry seems doomed to a grand Program ery. The right to strike is abrogated in the name of in every capitalist society, and, in fact, in any society Hop.
THE ONLY WAY OUT harmony and the general welfare. Open terror is DECLINE AND COLLAPSSE OF CAPITALISM which is divided into socio economic classes. Free exercised not only against avowed revolutionists but Today there is only one alternative to capitalism dom and democracy can be realized only in a society IN THE NEXT ISSUE The present world crisis marks much more than against any workers engaged in a militant struggle and Fascism, to crises of cumulative intensity, grow hased upon the economic and social equality of all a depression or dip in the business cycle. The for their own defense. Since these outrage would ing unemployment and impoverishment, war, and individuals composing it, and no social and economie programpatie declaration for the Due to the publication of the mighty mechanism of capitalist society is crumbling be resented and those who perpetrate them swiftly in the sight of all. Under the capitalist system of destroyed it all the groups in the population which chaos, ending not only in Anat collapse of the capl equality can obtain so long as the means of producnew party we were obliged to omit talist system but in a relapee Into barbarism. The tlon and distribution, which the members of many articles of importance and social and political relations the productive machine suffer under the present system stood together under alternative is to wipe out the central contradiction soclety live, are outside the control of society as a interest. Among them is a splendid can no longer function effectively, operations the banner of the revolutionary working class and of capitalism, to take the ownership and control of whole. Capitalist society, in which a small minority analysis by one of the former leadare directed not to fulfillment of human needs but its party, Fascism sows division among the people the natural resources, the productive plant and the owns and controls the means of production, meansers of the German Communist party, to the making of profits for private individuals and agencies or distribution and communication, out of and must mean capitalist dictatorship. The political Erich Wollenberg. who writes on corporations. It cannot expand the productive forces tionalistic passion. Thus capitalism allies itself in the hands of private individuals and corporations, to forms of capitalist society (monarchy. democracy. Has the Comintern Learned. An further It contracts them. It cannot feed the masses its period of decline with everything that is archaic use and operate them for the fulfillment of human military dictatorship, fasciam) are only the means excellent article on the Vigilante. In the very midst of plenty it starves them. and reactionary and threatens to drive whole nations needs and not for private profit, to build a socialist. Continued on Page 4)
Raids in Minneapoli etc.