BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Stalinists in a Panic as Organization Of New Party in Approaches NegroBoys Industrial Union Move Need United Checked by Right Wing Movement Party. dustry.
The leading editorial of the Daily enter the Socialist party for the why are the once members of the in any other field at present. the couple of hundred thousand of coal Kanization policy emanating from purpose this, would be driven out of 10 organizations which are preparing has entered as a faction, with its party secret service is seul not the ID for its smag association most ardent sponsor and spokesman the rank and file workers recogniz.
its posts and perquisites without evento fuse. We must warn the work own program and piper, Into the only to ferret out spies, but also to with this scoundrel. Little wonder for the industrial union move. ing the need for organizations, ready of PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1934 sobed atmosphere. The Stalinist official has reached a point wbere It is simply inconceivable to him that any member shall have the right (or the temerity. to express a view conflicting with the one that has the sacrosanction of the The Central Committee of the ished by the prolonged howl of in the Daily Worker of October day. That among the counter(Continued from Page 1) thirteen members to eighteen. Jolan Stalinist party is greatly worried. rage that has risen from the stal 17, Bittelman explodes a bomb. revolutionary Trotskylsts there Lewis, who had thundered from To be more exact, it is pante inist camp as soon as it became shell called Does the American should be comrades, in the ranks (Continued from Page 1)
form, the antigated and outlived the platform that the industrial un.
stricken. Nothing else can explain clear that the launching of the new Workers Party Know With What and in the leading committees, who the bombardment of frenzied abuse party was already assured. Just It Is Uniting? The title perfectly not only have differing views, or Which does not solve the major craft Issues. In its direct sense this ion question had to do with the suddenly launched in the official as the Roman emperors sought to expresses his deep and tender con sharp criticisms to make, but who problems confronting every enemy dispute represents the squabble of destiny and future success of the lynching. Here is a case which the officials for control of polls. American labor movement also communist press against the Trotturn the wrath of the masses from cern over the fate of the party of also feel themselves free to writes skylsts and the American Workers the cause of thelr bunger to the bourgeois nationalism. Addressing them down on paper without fear has widespread sympathy, and no. But beneath it is the more funda sponsored the council measure. He vicarious thrill of the gladiatorial himself to the little infants of the that bureaucratic axe will where in the country, not even in mental question of a movemeut as insisted that the proposed change In the first place, the situation combats in the lon arena, the he conjures up before them promptly descend upon their neck Northern eltles where there are a whole getting into motion with would signify a more militant or Inside the Communist party makes stalinist proconsuls are trying to the dread image of the Trotskyist that represents the kind of a large blocks of discontented Negro the workers in this one section, sanixation policy and found up.
it imperative for the leadership Im work up veritable lynching cambogeyman who will get them it normal world from which Bittelman workers, are there organized masses who are hard hit by the protracted port from Daniel Tobin, the head of prosed upon it to distract attention paign against the new party so they don watch out. We know and Co. have so long ago departed ready to go into action on behalf slump in the industry, pressing for the teamsters unlon, who had prev.
of the victims marked out by Judge a way out. The officials know no lously castigated the hundreds of from their disgraceful mismanage that their own membership may that none of our readers will be that it strikes them as unreal.
other way than the protection of thousands of new recruits in the ment The widely heralded San forget for a day the cruel political leve us, but good eyesight and Startling Discovery Francisco general strike has turned existence to which they are con simple truth compel us to report Last week the Militant suggested craft interests, of one craft against of as rubbish. and who to ashes in the mouth of the Stal demned.
that what Bittelman is so terribly We have disputes and differing that only a new and broader de another which they intensify as the condones a system in his union of The bricklay officials putting through their elecluists. The complete ineffective The Mind of a Bureaucrat exercized about, and is trying to views in our ranks! That Bittelfeuse movement could save the boys pressure increases.
ness of the party in the textile And what contemptible cam exercise bis readers about, is the man self startling discovery. We after the vicious blows dealt it by Jers, carpenters and electrical work tions for life. Tobin reactionary ers unions have for some time been attack upon the Minneapolis strike, strike largest struggle in the his Mr. outside of the Building Trades De upon the organization of local 574 tory of the American working class schemat els that the panic stricken med democracy in the ranks of severy thank god we have! so has the Se herst blive dealt the Trotskyists and a malevolent every organization with two men Leibowitz.
There are a number of interesting partment. They now insisted on and its leadership is too well away, nor has the leadership yet reaucrat mind is worthy of a Co. to trick the honest rank and afference between us and the aspects to this offer. In the first remittance, but met the opposition known to Militant readers to re made any attempt to do so. In four dcnoltre study. He cannot Judge Alle vanguard of the bourgeois is that: In the CL. these differ place, it comes not from the from officials of the other building quire any further comment ences are freely put forward, de William Hutcheson, the president a political event politically. Hav counter revolution and the honest veloped, mutually criticized, dismittee of one to a local committee the better to control award of Jur of the carpenters union, who could to the but from a local comtrades unions who hoped thereby of the most dramatie struggles of himself received his post and rank and file yanguard of bourgeoiscussed without fear of rude and of the other. This does not mean Isdictional claims for their specific never be expected to agree to any recent times, in Toledo, Milwaukee. ing the not undesirable emoluments of nationalism into joining whatever Minneapolis and Kohler, the Com fice as bounty for subservience the latest Stalinist thesis calls the disloyal punishment. Consequent that the Stalinists are reverting for crafts to certain kind of work thing that would look like a more munist party was as invisible as an infra red ray. The strike and booty from a plot of usurpers, 1y a healthy and sound decision is the moment to last year theory of which has been changed by new militant organization policy, sap dustrial processes.
arrived at. In the differences the honest middle functionaries orted this proposal of Lewis, antried to call on the New York wat he can conceive of a political move. Socialist party the vanguard of Burglary Again exist, but woe betide him who has of the social fascist party? No.
Parenthetically it may be re parently for the reason that the erfront proved to be an unmitigated ment directed against his ideas debacle. The whole trade union only as an Insidious plot or other Proof? Ah, this time Bittelman differences with Stalin and his di it merely means that they hope to marked, that it and when any de rival oficials in control of the policy of the party is being dras bureaucrats. Like man created his has ample proot. His second tory rect representative, Browder. who use the in New York to stage gree of recovery in the industry Building Trades Department opIt may be a good guess tically revised without apparent various sods, the bureaucrat cremen und pickpockets did their last is responsible to and removable by a couple of his demonstrations a resumption of building should apposed it.
rhyme or reason and certainlyates all politicians and all politie Job some six years ago when they nobody but the man who appointed withont submitting to anybody ear, it is certain to be under new that the same reason was responwithout explanation, and the much his own image. His policeman and stole our docuinents and posnim! Who knows this better than else examination or control the and much further improved tech. sible for Hutcheson support of Biquidated in the dark of the moon under stalinism, cannot see beyond another bit of revolutionary mass viation from the party line was be the hands of the LL. natiom altogether wipe out the old craft lution, which was adopted despite at a faster and more artificial price the horizon imposed upon him from work. few letters exchanged be compelled to do penance in Russian Office.
basis and impose much more neute. the organization committee report than they were created the first above and imposed by him upon tween League members were stolen exile, deliberately removed from Another point of interests is that ly the need for a change of union of non concurrence, calls for the place The results of the great those over whom he holds sway in by some light fingered expert of participation in the life and work the does not issue a general organization form also in this in expulsion of unions which do not comply with the demand for dispost convention membership drive turn. Equipped with magistrate the thus affording Bittelman in his own party? For what crime call for a united front. In the old are a downright catastrophe: 17, powers and an cumple stock of the opportunity to quote some torn of lese majeste neninst Browder, to lays it used to splash such a call this general background continuance of all discrimination 000 members joined the party in the abuse, he sallies forth against the ont sentences from them in a take another of many, many ex. In the Daily Worker and append to only of change and regroupments against Negroes.
Adding Pitch to Black Looking over the new additions the end of which, however, the the more abusive and less intelliguaranteed to impress anybody be of the party political center and Icor and whatnot. Now it positions of an ideologically united party has 4, 000 fewer members gible he becomes.
low the mental age of seven. In packed off to Detroit e district Simply sends a letter to the officialdom. John Lewis, the to the Executive Council, which outright reactionary who made it include Lewis, Hutcheson, Tobin than when the drive began that This is how the Stalinist bureau stirring, lucid prose, the Trotsky organizer sent to pick peaches In It wants an LD. united front. his innin task some time ago to and Berry of the Pressmens Union, is, the Stalinist bureaucracy and cracy has greeted the new party. ists are convicted of planning to Georgia as the cynical expression and nobody else allowed.
Its policies have driven out of the Worker on the fifteenth an international, and of having meanof American politics wonld put it? The reason is clear. More than drive out of the mining Industry any Illusions of a more militant orparty an average of 3, 000 members of the Communist party per month in the first part of 1934.
in any normally functioning work this devoted itself to solemn wbile, abolished all traces of interllonger members of it?
Hathaway. Foster, Bedacht. Communist League. We aloge, of valluble, who has lived high on disappear. Every step in organizing class organization, a leadership warning. To whom? To the doutnal democraes all workers organizations. called enormous bribes paid by the operation, the actual penetration of the Let us see how matters stand. And in the course of the reply the turn on Leibowitx eighteen tors for his keeping one setion of mass production industries as well whichinge met toeristewardshire than and fle counter revolutionists and The French section of the we await from him, will Bitterman months before he loved er dieznatlons were on strike, became the come into motion by the sweep of bourgeois nationalists in the two International Communist League further enlighten us as to why the in all frankness: we alone criticized the three days of grace neually ac corded all bankrupts.
ers who follow Muste and his French Socialist party, for reasons hunt down members whose revolu that the wants a closed cor. closely ailed with him on this to fight for it and literally tearing against a trap that is being laid clearly set out in the columns of flonary integrity is above question poration for the Scottsboro de1the Typographical union, who put in their road by these reaction question was Howard, the president down all the barriers and obstacles Decadent Party for them by their leaders the trap the militant and the New Interna. but who are suspected of meeting rense!
There are, besides, other phenol of counter revolutionary Trotskytional. Even in France, however, secretly with other comrades in a If the is really serions, it has many times proved himself aarles.
mens which give the leadership ism. But that is not all. To the despite the unique situation that Paction. Why is it that party will give pench monkeyshines, most bitter for of Industrial union. In the debate on the council cu.
sleepless nights, and cause the ser few misguided workers who still has necessitated this step. our members and party leaders who make room in the defense move ism in the printing industry. Es largement measure none of the lous party member to stop for sober follow the Trotskyists (come comrades have not put forward the issatisfied with the Browder ment for every interested organiza sentially, however, the adoption of sponsors were the least backwart reflection one time, whatever come, isn it a bit indecent thus slogan of reform of the Second regime, are compelled to continetion, share the control of the case the proposition is due to rank and about holding up the threat of a revolutionary progress was visible to dis up again the dead body of International Just the contrary, their views to findible whispers through a joint committee and file pressure. The new unions to rebellious rank and file. That was Work or class Trotskyism which has now been As is known to our readers who bebind private walls and windows make possible a real mass campaign the mass production Industries have the crux of all of the serious prob The crystallized party. The stalinized parts, how. count in the columns of the Stal political article in the first number that is, when they dare even to will back such a movement to the terms. Some progressive conces reluctant forward moves agreed to ever. has lost its revolutionary inist press. an earnest word of of the paper issued by our comrades whisper.
sions had to be given to the grow by the official family was entirely ing working class militancy lest it due to fears of this threat. The force of attraction. tempestuous advice is also proferred. Beware, after entering the contained Why does the Daily Worker conleftward evolution of the ranks or for the counter revolutionists, in a vigorous polemic against the idea tinue to pour sulphur and brim agreement with the would seek its own way out. But rank and file now in motion is the Socialist party is taking place, turn, are leading you into organic of reforming the second and in stone on the Lovestoneites, while sent to every member for the pre many of officials favored will take small steps and only by it should not be overlooked that miles ahead of their leaders who with thousands of socialist work unity with Muste, the champion of favor of the Fourth International. the party leadership meets secretly, convention period, and it has been the industrial union proposition in compulsion, sabotaging, cheating ers and youth moving rapidly to bourgeois nationalism. Why, from A8 Bittelman, and anyone without knowledge of the mem the subject of thorough discussion the hope that this would provide a and betraying on the way. This wards Marxism. But not only does the standpoint of the Daily Worker, else concerned, are perfectly aware. Dership, with representatives of the in our ranks since that time. Our letter bae is for peaceful relations, rank and file in motion is the hope this movement ses by the Stalin. there is anything reprehensible in our international organization, and Lovestone group to discuss a very convention will finally express the less strikes and more satisfactory for the future. Powerful has been ists, but it is directed against them. the counter revolutionists joining our official organ in the United highly principled (no doubt! no freely arrived at decision of the bargaining possibilities of give its effects already without any, or Where, a decade ago, it was felt hands with the bourgeois national States, have pointed out explicitly doubt. reunion?
membership, which eleets its own and take when facing the powerful at least with very little and very clearly or instinctively by the ists, is not entirely clear. Nor will that the road our French comrades Awakening Socialist workers that we press the point, for as Thomas were obliged to take, is not the a wearisome piling up of facts, too have no Browder to appoint all the owners of the mass production in scattered conscious direction and without a nationally organized left In the direction of the Third In man who has renounced the use and requires us to take. In the United moeracy that flourishes in the unlamented Cleveland convention of their move to the left was logicalls Paine once said: To argue with a road which the American situation well known to all about the de delegates as he did for the late Rogues Gallery of Progressives. wing or progressive group. To Following upon the adoption of create such a direction and to build ternational and its parties, they authority of reason is like adminis states, a far more favorable con nowadays. But this will do for the the the industrial union resolution such a group is now the most imfeel today that they would be tering medicine to the dead. altion exists and makes it possible moment, especially when contrasted Bittelman is right on one point came tbe decision to enlarge the portant task.
stepping out of the frying pan and Armyless Generals and necessary for the revolutionary with the procedure in the It is these democratic methods that Executive Council from its former ARNE SWABECK into the fire if they broke from rewe shall seek to install in the formism only to join hands with Negotiations in Open few days later, the news writer Marxists to proceed immediately to new party. Bittelman, who has decadent Stalinism. They are there of the Daily Worker, either ignor launch their own independent pollour negotiations with the com. Long ho lost the right, the ability. The Basis of the creating a youth party. In real to fore seeking or groping for a new ant of the startling editorial distical party. No serious person woulurades representing the bave and finally the desire. to express rallying center overy of honest rank and fle coun. in our ranks that the should not only been public (even to read an independent opinion in his party, cial Marxian Educational Clubt in the movement for a new party tonalists who up the ranks as a bridge to the young communist aud new International in the of the and or else Such a proposal would be met with beclinink, but have been the sub dumbfounded to see one expressed (Continuerl from Page 2)
organization best the separaoperating on the theory that your the stift opposition of 90. 44 percentject of an extensive and intensive elsewhere, is entitled to the kind tion is artificial; at its worst, it of the cousummation, In this cour front page should not know what for the membership, from bottom to discussion in our ranks which has of regime that prevails in his oring class, it has not a policy of produced that firmuess on the ques ganization. Without envy or reser own, a special economy, etc, which tion of the character of the youth creates a decidedly false conceptop.
try of the most progressive step your back page is doing reports tion which prevails throughout the vations, we krant it to him freely would demand a formation of spe organization. The youth organizataken in the American working from Paterson that the speakers at Bittelman Lies League today. Were Bittelman all of it. We grant it to him eren clal youth organizations correspon. tion is a BROAD one; it is a class movement for years. Coming a silk workers meeting there were It is a fact. writes Bittel able to witness the warm, vigorous though the gift is not ours to ding to the respective organizations TRAINING GROUND! But while though they did from different die Musterparveror of Fascist man, that Cannon peddles around and intensive ideological and politi present, because few men ever de of the whole class. To bring one broad in the sense herein described. doctrines and James Canthe it.
section of the class in so sharp it is not a loose, amorphous body lean Workers Party and the Com. non, Trotskylst renegade. ond International. What Bittel. contrast with the tomb like calm contrast to the other, would be open to consciously hostile political munist League of America have that textile worker after textile man calls a fact is properly called and listlessness of the units Meanwhile, it is not fair to al peculiar syndicalism. The youth elements among the youth. It must thought and fought their way worker made clear his distrust of incomrade Spector letter wholly about which the Stalinists them low the stalinists to nurture illu, movement need not look for a par be so constructed as to permit in through, along different forks in the two armyless generals of social intelligible to be more accurselves complain with some bewil sions, which will produce nothing rallel in all the adult labor organ. its ranks all types of working the road to a unification which fascism.
Now, if no armies are involved. ufactured out of the whole cloth. shocked into an even greater incontrieken appeals to the honest longues are by no means young them for the Party. In this way with swelled forces along a single what is still the masturbance for an equally stupid He is the story wrence than was a produced in our cook and meet of the where incute communist parties The Young the youth organization constantly month and under a single banner. In its better to the young Socialists that the New York membership by the purloined letters! Our tions are meeting with the ridicule COMMUNIST MOVEMENT IS Supplies reserves for the Party.
tions are now taking the last steps cluding the young Trotskyists in into the The member their replies, our mutual criticisms with little infants who are easily MOVEMENT, a school of commuing of the new party in the United organization declares that the Trot voted against it, for the simple rea our press, where the working class deluded serfs. in both organiza is educated with the iden of being Stretch Out Okayed States, the party of revolutionary skyists have no masses and there son that no such proposal was ever public could read them and know tions, they are confronted with ser able to understand and PARTICI. Continued from Page 1)
fore should not be included in the put before the membership what is going on. The views of tous revolutionary workers, who PATE IN ALL THE united front. If the Trotskyists OTHER Sept. 21 there is no cause for Founded on Marxism Bittelman sheds tears over our National Committee in favor have not jumped quickly at conclu FORMS OF THE LABOR MOVE great rejoicing. This order must be and Musteltes are armyless, why the lack of democracy in the of the speediest possible merger slons, but who have reflected earn MENT. In this work the Young enforced, which means if the emFor the first time in many a the plaintive wail of the Daily as coplously and genuinely as a with the to found a newestly and long and with open eyes Communist League takes care toployers are willing there will be scene in this country which can ing rejected a united front with must take a monumental effrontery tionary Marxism, year, a party will appear on the Worker against the latter for bav. Hollywood actress. In general, it party on the principles of revolu and minds. It it traps they are emphasize what are the tasks of no further speed up and if not an boldly assert and prove its claim the Communist party?
were communito avoid, they know that the traps the other forms of the labor more investigation.
represented by social ment which are nearest to, and to be the revolutionary vanguard and a forehend triple sheathed in ented in detail to every single are the onese side and Stalin. most readily understoort by the. twist the facts. Sloan will not It becomes increasingly clear that brass for Stalinist functionaries branch, many months ago, in the reformism on o But our guess is that even George of the proletariat. It will not be abuse and foam at the mouth are even to talk about party democracy, course of a tour by a represen ism on the other, traps in which youth.
raise too much of a howl at this the issue of a bureaucratte combin. not exactly conducive to clarity. after the world wide trail of devastative who met with every com the mangled bodies of the Chinese. For this reason the oung Com order. The great surplus of texation, but a solid structure based At any rate, we may be permitted tation they have left in the work rade, who put forward the position German, Austrian and other work munist League has taken up poli tile goods in the stockrooms and upon a thoughtfully worked out to doubt the effectiveness of such ing class movement in the last ten of the leading committee, who in ers have already been caught. They tical and educational work as also warehouses will tend to make the program. This program will be appeals made by the Stalinists to years with their scourge of bureau vited and received the broadest are ready to break with the Great the economic struggle. It partici mill owners favorably inclined to found to contain those fundamental the honest scoundrels and rogues cratism.
ideas of Marx and Lenin which of the rank and file.
discussion, and who ended up with Organizers of Defeats. Confident pates in the activities of the parties the order and the workers will not Bittelman reads a number of the reminder that guarantee the revolutionary integcomrade was and sure footed, armed with the and trade unions, Soviets and other be stretched out completely.
Not satisfied, however, with dig letters dealing with internal affairs called upon to commit himself as invinclble weapons of revolutionary labor organizations. This is what On February 1, 1935, when the rity of the party and its driving sing up the body of Trotskyism, the of our League, but they are as in yet by vote on the fundamental Marxism, they are determined to the militant school of communism order expires, the stocks on hand force. These ideas will not be di Stalinists have exhumed the corpse comprehensible, simply and literal question until he had had the build in this country luted or perverted, as they have of Alexander Bittelman the Great stands for, what the young commu will probably be exhausted and the and ly as incomprehensible to him as greatest opportunity to reflect on Organizer of Victory.
bosses will need a new order of been by the existing radical parties brought it into play against the though he were examining the cune the matter and to study all the pist movement stands for. MAX SHACHTMAN.
of labor, but reinforced by the new party. Asking Bittelman to form script on the Rosetta stone. documents involved. In our main The youth organization must be stretch out and speed up. On this lessons of the struggles, the victor lead the campaign is like calling It is physiologically impossible for branch. New York, direct oral rebroad enough to draw into its ranks date the Board will develop a The regular October number of wide masses of young workers. One sound method and adequate organles and defeats, that the world pro the members of the Grand Army the mind of the Stalintat official to ports on each step in the progress Young Spartacus is on the press need not be a communist in order ization for work assignments.
letariat has experienced in the last of the Republic to the colors for a grasp what such letters represent of the negotiations and discussions It will include the major draft res to become a member of a young If we can judge by present standtwenty years. From the very out: war in 1985. Bittelman, it was the monolithie unanimity pre with the were periodically olutions for the national convention communist organization. It is only ards sound methods to any Roosset, therefore, the new party will generally thought (by some, with valling in the Stalinist party is delivered by the National Commit of the L, articles on the cur necessary to accept the class strug evelt Board means the highest rate be equipped with an invincible a feeling of relief. had been per considered by its leaders as the nor tee, with every member having rent events here and abroad, a sum Ble. To construct the theory that of profit for the bosses which in sword, and it will confidently manently silenced after the Stalin mal state of a working class or ample opportunity to present bis mary of the latest developments in the youth organization is a highly turn entails the greatest slavery for the leadership of the American let Republie in 1929 for having lently imposed from above, rigidly a complete thesis giving our fun Spain, Belgium. articles on the y. the creation of broad youth clubs The speed up It it depends on working class.
labored too effectively to wreck the enforced by bureaucratie machina damental view in favor of the in reprinted from the special (as some comrades in the United the bosses and their friend in the Whatever doubts may have ex American Communist party. He is tions which strangle the party and mediate launching of a new, inde New York issue as well as light states wish to do is to misunder White House Is not coming to an lated on this score have been ban making up for that silence now. deteriorate all who breathe its polpendent revolutionary party in educational features.
stand the youth question, and leads end, but just beginning was it anslu certa more plainly evidente Youth Problem