BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE QUESTION BOX LEADING PHILADELPHIA MEMBER WORLD OF LABOR DECLARES FOR FOURTH INTERNATIONAL Discussion Article Critique of the Stalinist Theory Of Self Determination YIPSEL, BRONXQuestion: Could you brietly give the Communist NON AGGRESSION WITH VENGEANCE October 17, 1934. exception of race, the twelve mil Race Equality in the United States, people from annibilation from the position as to why It would not be possible for a To the Philadelphia District Com Hton Negroes in the tuited States Self Determination for West Indies, trong arm attucks of the fascist the united front Mct between the Communist and The term non aggression has been lied to denne Socialist controllel government to legislate its way mittee of Communist Party have been fused into the American hordes.
to a Socialist sciety Haiti and Africa Where can And something to the Membership of the nation. Do we not have the same Cuinmunist must march forSocialist purty of France. document signed by by Trotsky on this question?
For War Against Our Own leading representatives of the centrist Turtles in Answer: The Question Box of August 4th had Dear Comrades: religion, language, culture, and ward with the battle cry of race Imperialists question convinces that if anything this dewerinoccasiou to wint out, based upon quotations from About two months ago, by re inhabitants of this nation? The best. The fascists have proclaimed Awell on common territory as other quality. Not a moment can be It win Lenin who emphasized the tion is an understatement. Hunanite for Sept. 15 the liberalistoran, Heard that even if we recog quest of the Philadelphia District Black Hell is to exception, and in both hemispheres me wand oxidea of workers of advanced coun carries the decision of Coordinate committee sharp struggle Instructed with the application of the unity met.
believe that earty with revolutionary alms could asked to state my position on the do not have geographical solidarity. On Aryans in the United States aguinst their own Imperiullets for this committee met on sell at the crowcrative data.
since the Constitution itself was framed to prevent aid to the best of my ability. concapture a parliamentary majority in this country, Negro question in writing. This Take a glance at this on the ing. In Germany it is the Jew who on this point. The Party did not Denconrtleux for the fascist runizations are awaken the freedom of the colonies. Our Honel aris.
There are 189 counties Party must certainly correct itselt and Leon Blum, Paul Panre. Marinet. Lagorgette wuch a possibility. By this of course we had no in cluding that whatever my political vited States that have 51 percent is faced with extermination at the tention of recognizing the reformist assumptions be differences with the Party might be or more of the population Negrounds of the ruthless Woodhounds. raise hulgh the slogan of self deter After yingly rubbing their hands over the recause an anulysis of the historic process forces us to was ready to carry through the These counties are located in ele In the United States, under the mination for Liberia and the West alts of the united front, they arrive at the main conclude that the matter will be settled by the dy arty line. In spite of my willing ven southern states, scattered from ogan of Ruce Indies, and for Negro national minut under consideration and for which, indonbtednamles of the class struggle itself which the news to submit to Party discipline, Virginia to Texas. The total Negro White Man Burdeu. cte. the orities in South and Central Amer. is the meeting was held. We quote from polut 11 of parliamentary arm ocruples but a subordinate role was arbitrarily removed 18 Dis population in these 189 counties is it and the forces of reaction ext. England even today is busils the document: However, even if we kraut the possibility of the trket Secretary of the and 3, 041. 219. The total white popula. have set the trap for the brutal eeupled attempting to utilize the The representatives of the two parties are in election of REAJ. LABOUR government, we are told that could not hold ans Lion is 2, 079, 019. These counties elimination of an interior ruce League of Robbers (League of Na agreement that for the loyal execution of the forced to the conclusion that this could only be the Party post until agreed with the with Negro majorities constitute Negroes)Ouls broad duca Italy has boldly shouted to the pact, attacks direeted against either one of the beginning of evil war, Party on the Negro question.
only 17 percent of the counties in tional, agitational and revolution, world that it will make the Negro two parties, even in the course of meetings or.
Listen to Trotxky in his answer to the British After many weeks of study, enre these eleven states. These states ary struggle for the realization of ganized separately by either one, should be supadvocates of Socialist gradualism. For the ful deliberation, have arrived at ure divided into 000 counties. race equality can save the Negro kingdom of Abyssinia un Italian pressed.
Conservatives, as for the remnants of the Liberals, certain definite conclusions. not gettistica colony. These are problems that it would be a question of discrediting the first inde only on the Negro question but on Aisidenand an immediate program of remember that much mud was slung at 11s by one.
The readers of the Daily Worker will probably pendent Government of the working class at any other vital problems concerning action. The Central Committee and Harry Cannes for the decision of our youth section cost. For them It would be a question of life or the working class.
our leading organs must underdeath. This is not in the least the same as the old to join the Young Socialists of France. With a stupid stand that regardless of language. wire crack he dismissed The Negro Question fact that the Young struggle between Liberals and Conservatives, when ideology, customs, or what and the Bolshevik Leninists had renounced one of their the differences did not get outside the family of the The key to the Negro problem in Negro resides in, he is an oppressed program and would continue the fight for Marxism possessing classes. Any senou reforms undertaken the United States, according to the race. This fact alone makes it im and a new Youth International within the effervesby the Labour Government in the spheres of taxa Party, is the iden expressed by the perative that erents in Liberia or cent ranks of the French Yipsels. We had expected tion, nationalization, and a real democratisation of Negroes in the so called Black Abyssinia are of prime importance nothing better from a stalinist weribliter who 18 the administration wonld quicken a mighty flood of to the Negroes of America.
paid for concocting the best slander against the Bolenthusiasm in the working masses, and since appeBelt in the South.
The Trade Union Policy and its tite comes from cuting these sucessful MODEROne of the marked attributes of sheviks. Prets still swak louder than calumny, and Relation to the Negro Problem Long quotations from le. ombat des Jeunes were ATR reforms would inevitably set in train more and a national minority is that there is The trade union field is conspic reprinted in the Miltant so that there be no doubt more RADICAL reforms. In other words, every new The following contribution to therefore, le for full social, polition by the absence of a clear cut to the veracity of our statements. We rent our a general feeling among them that day would separate the conservatives still further they are a nution. An futense, or discussiou on the Negro ques cal and economic equality for the polles on Negro work. Our trade case with the firm conviction that every honest revo: from the possibility of returning to power. The Con minute examination of the literation is written by comrade, Negro worker who is super robbed on, es failed to exert Intlonary worker can Judge it on its merits and will serratives could not but take it quite clear account ture concerning Negro problems. formerly very active in the and exploited by white capitalism intience among the Negro work come to a position of Agreement with us.
of the fact that the question was not of an alternatetc. from the year 1010 to the pres League of struggle for Negro in the United States. Kuch Roling ople. This weakness can be Ing change of Government, but of the beginning of ent does not record any appreciate Rights in Kaut city. This is Nhevik leninist should make it his attributed to the traditional chau. Now, let those that holler so loud about eapitulu or her duty the social revolution by parliamentary means. The aspiration or sentiment for a Negro the first article of a series by comrade Williamson.
strusle ugainst vinistie attitude of the American tion to the social democracy and counter revolution Other con yuching. Jimerowism, and distridenton movement. The deser explain to us how they are fighting the Blams and tibutions, not exceeding 700 words franchisement of his fellow Negrotion of the a. of by our Party at their own meetings. Our fight against the social administrative subotage in the hands of the possessture of the slave (folk songs, etc. the others when they agree not to attack them even workor. He should struggle for and the attempt to build a dual democracy. Its principles and leaders, in to the bitter ing classes, are immense, since, no matter what their are not of a national character, but are invited. Ed.
narliamentary majority, all the state apparatus have a distinct class content. The equal opportunities in the basic trade union. did not in the least from top to bottom inseparably linked with the only nationalist sentiment in the The stalinist theory of self de udustries for the Negro worker eradicate the distrust of the Negro end, regardless of whether this is done from within bourgeoisie. To it all belongs: all the press the most United States is the Neo Garveyite termination, or the theory that the who receives a lower wage than workers for the trade unions in or without. The stalinists, not for the first time.
the oticial Communist Party believes the white worker and for other general. The Negro workers could love feast with those they only yesterday branded as important organs of loent welf government, the unigroups who center around xwecial demands which if not versities, schools, the church, innumerable clubs, and back to Afrien and pan Islam will make the Negro Share Crop movement. In npite of our high pers lead at national agrarlan rerogainel, will lower the living stand reretice of the two trade union een not feel the so called principle di Nocial fascists, lo criticism anywhere or anyplace.
the banks and the whole system of social credit and sexred propaganda and superhuman futlon in the southern metion of ard of both groups of workers.
ters. Therefore, it was natural for We venture to say that, besides xlunder, there will be no answer, with lights ont and whndes clown the finally, the apparatus of transport and trade, so that salesmanship, the Party has failed the United States. lespite the nathe dally food. Gucluding that of the Labour to convert these nationalist utoptional attention that it is receiving hould be guarded against since it cause of its strength and universal Stalinists enter a united front with the social denoThe of Government. would depend on the great capitalistlans to renounce the visionary ideri destinel to tailure or defeat. will, in time, play into the hands recognition.
crats on the one condition that the crimes of both combines. It is absolutely obrions that all these hood in the Black Belt. The im der, It will not stand the acid test.
of Nationhood in Africa for Nation Like most of the ventures of Brow of the American bourgeoisle who The Communists have this historbureaucracies are smothered with llence. Thus the will, in the future, oscillate apparie taxk: to wage an uncompromis.
great desire of the masses for united action against frantic violence in order to dam the activity of the posed slogan of Self Determination The theory was probably thirst Motly to the left and use it throughling fight for race equality and job Pascisnis dampened by the bureaucrats of both Fattour Government, to paralyse its exertions, to bas utled to blossom, unless the adopted by the corrupt misinformed the assistance of their Negro bour yevunlity in the trade unions. The parties whose agrement more and more resembles thieves pct.
frighten it, to effect cleavages in its parliamentary Party is willing to claim credit for central comunittee of the Communes alles, to further divide the Negroes will judge the Communists majority, and, finally, to cause financial pante. State project.
the Isolationist Segregationist 49 ist Party for the purpose of streng ben thening Stalinist in the United rank of the American working on the ability of the left wing to provision difficulties, lockouts, to terrorize the upper class which is gathering strength break down racial barriers In STRIKE WAVE IN SOUTH AMERICA ranks of the workers organizations, and to sop the The Utoplan Dream of Self Deter States and accelerating revolution and inomentum lex, professions where strength of the proletariat. Only an atter fool may mination Under Capitalism ary developments throughout the However, we cannot overlook Negros are barred because of col The last few weeks have witnessed a decided innot comprehend that the bourgeoisie will bring into want to quote from the theses nation, but their false tactics and the precarious lot of the Negro or. Inless the Communists and crease in the number, importance and intensity of action henven, earth, and the internal regions in the of the Second Congress of the approach to the question has actuworker and its importance to the left wing in the of speed! Labor struggles in practically every South American event of the actual coming to power of Labour Communist International (1920) on ally retarded the development and The month of September was marked by Government.
the National and Colonial Question. Srowth of Communism among both American Bar movement, but at the tight for mace equality, uncountry.
the same time we must avold a neoonism will mareh in glant strides a series of large toenl strikes throughout Brazil. What will be left for a Labour Government think such a quotation will aid white and Nexto workers.
Garvey, stalinist or nationalist apto defeat.
culminating in the general strike at ura. The very to do? Either ignominiously to capitulate, or to put towards clarity: Already the pretty bourgeois Ne COMRADES! Back into the promising raflroad strike in Colombia was run into up an opposition. for the suppression of oppoel It follows from the fundamen rots have seized and capitalized perly adhesior his class of Build the left wing! Raise the ground due to inefficient leadership and organtion of that kind a serious material force and a tal principles down above strong State apparatus are indispensable. Neither that the polley of the Communist tion for the black belt in many cosition as worker, the Negro to the way the banner of race equnl izational looseness. Als in Colombia at the present the one nor the other will be found on the side of International on National and tions of the country. The Pacitic worker will contribute much to the ity. By action convince the Negro time an organizational campaign is under way in the Labour Government. The police, Judiciary, army. Colonial questions must be chietMovement of the Eastern World, revolutionary movement, especially worker that they are welcome in preparation for u general strike of coffee workers with headquarters iu St. Louis, Mo. to the building of the fourth in the unions as equal co partners in throughout the country. Coffee in the principal exand militia will be on the side of the disorganizers, ly to bring about a union of the Kalioteurs, and Fascists. The bureaucratic apparainistake the common struggle for a decent port of Colombia.
proletarian and working masses recently retnized loy Japanese creational. The great Ecuador now comes to the fore with a general tus must be destroyed, replacing the reactionaries by of all nations and countries for agents in this country seeking to made by the Communist Party is: standard of living.
Democratie Centralism versus strike in the textile Industry which commenced on members of the Labour Party. There be no a joint revolutionary struggle win the support of the Negro ou recruiting Negroes it recruits Bureaueratie Centrism September 29th and which is now 100 per cent solid.
not as workers other way than this. But it is absolutely obvious leading to the overthrow of capi ple in case of war between the them as a race What is the cause of the mistakes The textile strike has the aulnited backing of the that such thoroughgoing, although fully legal. State talism without which national in Cnited States and Japan, and their tor the cause of Marxism. This measures will extraordinarily sharpen the legal and equality and oppression cannot be Petty bourgeois Negro lackeys, who conveys the kea of Jimcrowism to outlined above? Since the depar. whole organized labor movement of the republe and illegal opposition of the united bourgeois reaction.
are seeking freedom from the white he Negro worker, just what he is sure of the Comintern from revolua general strike on a national scale is quite possible.
In other words: this also is the way of civil war.
Now then, can one support the capitalist, so as to have more lib( Where is Britain Going. theses that it is even probable for erty to rob the Negro worker, haverronited in the Stalinist idea of adoption of the anti Leninist theory Question: Particularly because of the German and the peasantry of the Black Belt to taken the theory of the black belt black Jimcrow Republic in the or Hocialism in One Country. the BOLIVIAN COMMUNISTS THREATENED WITH Austrian experiences, have hecome convinced that establish Self Determination (Na trom the Stalinists and converted outh, or self determination for the bureaucracy, in order to maintain DEATH PENALTY On May 1, 1933. the Bolivian government made the reformist rond is no longer possible. My expert on hood) without a successful prout into the future black republic of imaginary black belt. It is not clear power must do away with democraexactly why the Stalinists don t centralism, and push into the the great discovery of a communist plot destined ence with the official Communist Party has shown letarian revolution? The Black North America.
Nel determination for the imas support Marcus Garvey utopia baekground genuine workers demo. to destroy the internal peace (necessary for the me that it is only a disruptive force in the labor Belt is an integral part of the Ammovement so there remains only the Trotskyltes erican field of exploitation of the inars black belt extended to one of a perlinjen it is cheaper to trans.
of black empire building in Africa. cracy in the Party, This makes it impossible to penecarrying on of the Chaco war) subsidized by Paraor the Lovestoneltes through whom can enter capitalist. It is just as fruitful and the many national minorities of the the ranks of Communism. Why should prefer one dear to them as New York or call country, tends to convey the idea port them to the south than ship trate with new ideas: takes away Kayan gold In this manner legal means for nifteen million to Africa. It is an opportunities to discuss freely repressions skainst our Bolivian comrades in La Paz ifornia. Plain common sense leads of further reparation of the yo as against the other?
were found! The few remaining comrades at that. Answer: The Lovestoneltes stand for reform of me to believe that the capitalists called races and in foreign toolemie over finance, not theory, within the Party the various difter time still in the city on the point of organizing an Bruwer hat ottimes marvelled tences which occur. and therefore anti war protest demonstration for International the and base themselves upon the same false who control the Federal Govern Marxism. It is not exible under theoretical premise as the Stalinists, e. the theorem ment would mobilize the armet citpitalism and not necessary under the number of Negro who drift handicape the practical application labor Day were placed under arrest.
of Socialism in one country. which is the funda forces of reaction for the suppres lalisin or communism. luto his party only to desert it. of Communist work. The rule of From the very outset, the charges levelled against mental root from which flows all of the Stalinist dission of a National revolutionary However, when it coines to the These Negro workers, like other the bureaucrats chokes the initiaour comrades were evidently based on framed up tortions and lunacles were you to join the Love insurrection in the Black Belt in colonial peoples we are faced with workers, find that the opinions mines the very basis of a revolu evidence. It was claimed that they were attempting stoneltex you would only find yourselt in the camp the same manner as they would an entirely different economic and rebrew batch and suppressed by tonary party to bny of the General Staff of the Bolivian Army, The taking away from the mem conspiring in a small group, out of contact with the whose true nature you recognize. There remalns but class insurrection in Rhode Island. represent a national majority, have cracy and their only railress is a bership of the right to participate masses and preparing bombs and hand grenades one choice for you: the organization which stands Under American capitalism a Negro different language, in many revote with their legs.
actively in the formulation of poll some of which were found in their possession. Any for new Communist parties and a new International nation in the Black belt has acts a different culture different The new revolutionary party of cies, strategy and tactics, and of one with the least understanding of the tactics and mwh chance of existing as a so enstoms and traditions from the communism in America, a part of otecting its committees freely. is a method of struggle used by communists cau readily JAMES SH. NEW YORK (Continued)
viet Rhode Island with the rest of people the imperialist country, the Fourth International, must definite break from the teachings see how ridiculous these charges were Question: What was the attitude of the Commu the United States intact under the and as such, should be given the adopt a different slogan to that off Lenin The leadership allow Meanwhile, making it impossible for them to renist League to the election platform of the official rule of American Imperialism. right of self determination. Cuba. the bankrupt Stalinist theory of only the viewpoint to be discussed, cure counsel, Duran Boger, Zabaleta, Uberoaga, RodCommunist Party in 1930 and 1932?
The Negroes are Not Nation in Hawaii and Haiti are witch cotin xell determination. This slogan, let and he who has an opinion which riguez, Rojas, Gallardo, MaraMoya Quiroga, AbaAnswer: In general the League did not attempt the United States tries.
me reiterate, should be for the full differs from the official position is ron, Ozuna, Miranda. ora and others were interned to go into a criticism of the details of the elec In onr Negro population, as it The American Negro, on the other social, economic and political equal immediately branded, and mensures in the inquisitorial xertion of the public jall, in tlon platform. We were concerned mainly that the came from the western coast of hand, NO closely interwoven into ity for the Negro worker. Such a are taken against him.
the section known as the guanay where prisoners workers give the their support since, primarily Afrien, there were Wolofs and Ful American custom and tradition that slogan for the freedom of a nation Is it possible to rectify these are even denied the ordinary essential services of every such vote mennt a vote for revolution. The abs, tall, well built and very black, we cannot do him and the cause al minority will be true Marxism. mistakes from within? am den prison byglene. All communication with the outside following excerpt from our election appeal essen halling from Senegambia and its world socialism or communism This is the correct approach to the nitely of the opinion that it is not was forbidden as was an intervention of outside tially states our position for that time. Our differ vicinity: there were hundreds of justice by struggling for Jim question of national minorities and Experience has shown that the bus persons into the case. Their only recourse was the ences with the party policies, which isolates it trom thousands from the slave coast Crow black republic in America will aid greatly in the building of reancrats will not permit criticism. hunger strike, under the most dinastrous circumthe smashes and impeded the development of the Tshis, Ewes, and Yorubans, includ which will breed more antagonism a new revolutionary party of genu. Any healthy criticism directed stances and without any ontside support. Comrade ine communism for the purpose of an inst their policies is met with Abaron died and the others became completely emne.
revolutionary movement in this and other countries, tus Dahomlans; and mingled with among blacks and whites.
cannot eliminate the fact that the Communist Party all these, Sudanese Negroes proper, Our fight, the fight of the Com struggling for power in the SouturelandersHeremely emeule for a prisoners were granted defense comsel and provided lated and broken in health. It was then that the is the only working class party in the field, the only were occasional contributions of munist Langue of America, shall revolutionary party. The Left Opposition there mixed stock, from the north and SOCIOLOGICAL worker Communist who has devoted with beds and water, fore ranges itself alongside its party and calls upon northeast, having an infusion of FALL TERM OF INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL five years to active participation in Salamanca wants to legitimitive the policies of every worker to cast his vote for his party, the Moorish blood. There were other TO OPEN OCTOBER 15th the building of our Party, to break in regime through the blood of the Bolivian ComCommunist party. Millant, Oct. 29, 1834. It thousands from Lower Guiana, be with all those with whom he has munists. Frechin In organized in the shadow of the must be remembered, of course, that we then consid longing to Bantu stock, not so black The International Workers School will open at its new head shared common experience and red scare and the ground is prepared for future ered ourselves a faction of the party. That, of in color as the Sudanese. These quarters, 144 Second Avenue, on October 1st, with the following struggle. No attempt to discredit massacres of the militant workers. The reality is dourse, was yesterday.
Negroes came to the American courses: by sienter can disprove the fact that the weakness of our comrades at the present You will find whatever the League had to say, in shores with a distinct language, a of my work ng indicated by my ABC of Marxism. Carl Cowl, Instructor print, on these elections in the October Militants for different religion, a separate cultime server the purposes of the Bourgeoisle admirably.
record (Section Organizer 1930 and 1982, which are on Ale at the 42nd Street ture, etc. The master class has Every Friday at 8:00 PM District Agit Prop. Director: Die penalty against our imprisoned comradex. for the The State Attorney is now demanding the death library.
been able to obliterate the Negro History and Principles of the International trlet Organizer, Distrietcrime of organixing the anti war struggle of the toll Question: What were the chief differences between national character. nation, we Communists.
Secretary LL. the Proletarian party and the Workers party in their must remember, like other social PM However, it gives me consolation Ing manger aninst the chico slaughter.
early days?
phenomena, is subject to the law of State and Revolution. Jack Weber that all honest revolutionists will The Bolivian comrades, beaten to the ground and Answer: The first difference arose out of the re change; it has its beginnings and Every Monday at 8:00 follow me and will be comradea incrushed beneath the militarist loot, gugged under fusal of the Proletarian party to adapt itselt to the also its end (Stalin. American History. Felix Morrow arms in the building of NEW tbe Military Cole have no other sibility of de illegal conditions forced upon a revolutionary party The African, on arriving in this Every Wednesday at 8:00 REVOLUTIONARY WORKERS Cense than the International action of the militant in those days. When the workers party came out country, was not permitted to conOnly demonstrations Elementary Marxdan Economics. Alfred Weaver PARTY and a New (Fourth) In workers of other countries.
from underground with a program making a legal verse in his native language but ternation!
and mass actions of the workers on an luternational party possible, the Proletarian party refused to join was forced to adopt the language Every Friday at 8:00 LONG LIVE THE EMANCIPA scale can have them.
it, claiming the program of the Workers party to be of his conquerors. His native cul You are urged to register now for whatever courses you are inTION OF THE NEGRO RACE! The Chilean Communist Left has called on all non Marxist because it had been established on ature was tabooed, he could no teested in. Registrations are accepted daily at the office of the LONG LIVE THE PROLETARI working class organizations to back up the interneminimum basis, and particularly because the longer tread the same religious school. Each course is 50 for the complete term. Further informAN REVOLUTION!
tional campaign for the defense and support of the considered the struggle for immediate demands to be path but had to worship the Godation may be obtained by telephoning Grameroy 9624.
With Communist Greetings, workers of Bolivia and Paraguay against the impere incorrect.
of his master making. With the (Signed) JAMES WATSON Inligt war in the Chaco.
Every Wednesday at 8:00 px Max Shachtman