AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyRadekRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1934 REVIEWING Lessons of the IN THE TRADE UNIONS THE NEWS Revolt in Spain Basis of Youth Problem build an mittee in MOSCOW. To say that such who are influenced most by the destion on the Fast coast. Indeed just to call membership meetings, espeix hour week and minimum wage brun, and we are still at stage prent period of chevelopment it 18 1 Some Fundamental Aspects of Youth Work 11 Seamens Strike would be great strike was nipped read the minutes of three executive even before it got started. board and one joint board meeting Flops So now the Stalinists are beating The minutes of the last executive By ALBERT GLOTZER Peace! Peace! Where There Is an organized retreat. As the meeting was what most interested No Peace Daily Worker puts it. Only the us as it contained the following for Fourth International must also en The movement to create the dealing with the subject the eceThe Daily Worker of Oct. 3, in nomic struggles of the young workThe world stirring heroism and The attempt on the part of the united efforts of the ship owners, approval: Anti Fascist Fund. its column. World Front. takes a militancy of the Spanish proleta Stalinist controlled Marine Work the government, and the and Cotton Code, Five Dollar tax deavor to build simultaneously, the cru.
justly deserved wallop at Mr. Rrint, strengthening the Austrian exon members, clecided by the Mayl new communist youth InternationA second vital matter, which acSunith, chairman of the British LB perience, points again to the lesson nous eod. The strike has justing the strike on a mass basis. program. and Ferreting out the point by declaring that the youth especially with the rise of imperialEast Coast has come to an ignom:venting the wamen from develop convention. Union educational multis annecessary to be aborthe quires partenar youth slanificance.
lor Party. Pasuing to the question of war. Mr. Smith, shielding the will fight Fascism.
that the working class can and Given the been called off. Under the infal What an excuse for an organized Communist party have either been underestimated ism and the attendant colossal role of the British imperialists, de slightest opportunity the workers there can, of course, be no defeats, minds expect from the bosses, the lible leadership of the official retreat. What did the great The Smoke Sereen and misunderstood. or that their growth of armaments and war, is clared: It war is in the air CAUwill take their stand on the barri Meanwhile the manager, Reis. movements have been horribly malthe question or anti militarism and tlour fellow this Mr. Smith with cades. The will to power is clear so that when something goes wrong NRA and the officials it not berg. arrived and the minutes of treated, as a result of the pettythe struggle against war. In this blir it is primarily the result in the Spanish events. But victory with one of its pret tacties, a fancy attempts to wreck the Stalinist the last Excrutive were asked to be bourgeois prejudices of social de Geld the youth are the heaviest sufof leadstrong, grasping imperial here as elsewhere, hinged on revoname has to be invented to cover mattever? The real reason why discussed and approved. The Stal moracy and the factional abuses offerers.
Ism in the Far East and the bar lutionary leadership party. The wore the realtoria e state of the Daily the strikel in fumus basise is best to nettom. All questions concerning the case the fact that when the Stalinist revisionism. All this is Thirdly, we are confronted with barons, brutalizing Fascism of Eukystem capitalist education, rope. While the Daily Worker following analysis does not pretend Worker has tricked up the name cause they had no hasis in the max. the every day problemas confronting the aim of which is to train a werat finality.
writes mood in pugnucious Organized retreat. In plain EngWithout having a real foothold the workers in the who were for Young Communist International vile youth that will be ready to anagainst those who cover up the war Weaknesses of the Uprising Tish, however, it means that the among the organized seamet, they gotten and they only wanted to was organized in 1919, it was founschemes of American, British and of French Imperialism st might throw through the development of partial top. The events leading to this compared to putsen, using their make up and discuss Fascism. The con correct priuciples and revelake line with the main Karl struggles through which the prole latest piece of crazy Stalinist adstrike was in progress, the leaders Reisberg wer this question.
When the Minneapolis truck wrange letween the stali nists on eral year. With the victory of dren. Through the schools, the press.
Radek. Indek, writing in the tariat could be strengthened and venturism are as follows: Stalinism the organization censed radio, sports, etc. the ruling class placed the danger of war on the enemy weakened prior to the The International Seamen Un in that struggle tried to get the The workers became restles. to grow. For more than ten year moldin bourgeois mindeci youth.
The youth work then is divided qualifying primarily. At least situation had developed however to as in spite of reactionary lenderon a 48 hour sympathy strike with Particularly the new inexperienced suffered uninterrupted decline un Germany and Japan, without ever insurrectionary act itself. Once the con like all other AcFof Los rest of the unions in the town out having come directly from work. the communist youth movement has into three essential fields: a) the economic struggles of the These efforts failed members who were making as low til today it is an almost non exist this much can be raid of the Labor the point when Lerroux announced ship of the worst sort, been exper the truckwe left wing influence as tive and six dollars a week. lent factor in the general political young workers. party chief as compared with the the composition of his cabinet, it fencing a new lease on life. Forced largely b) anti militarism and the strugtoo late to by a wave of resentment against in the unions was not strong looked lewildered and confused and organizationul life of disintethe word primarily and also be back out. Through the provocation rotten conditions, the threat enough to force the of Land don know what all the shout! Krating Stalinism.
kle against war: and, did take in all European Fascist of Lerronx, the workers were ened to tie up the Atlantic sea burenucrats to take this step. The ing was about some began to walk In the envurse of this past decade.
c) Niclast education.
the principles up which the com The Mal character of the nations as war makers, including forced into an abortive movement board on October 8, unless the Stalinists to this day condemn the out of Italy, and that more than Radek for the seizure of power when the shipping compuntes recognized the Minneapolis leaders for not calling At this point fook the floor and unist youth movement was built on workers (Musical and men.
did in the real task was but to check the ad unton and granted better corde a general strike anyway. These said that it would be a good thing pushed back so far into the ar status in the capitalist social order rance of Fascism.
tions. However, a few days before Stalinists have now had a chance to discuss such an important matResults of Bureaucratie Jack of a coordinated, na the strike date, the bosses consentIn tional, well functioning unitedd to arbitrate the matter before suing strike calls over the heads the cotton code ind befinty that for all practical purposes these special youth organization. If the The shocking debauchery in a front movement. The Workers Al the Labor Board. The lend or the leadership works out dues o restore ende module which principles wever existed. Now it workink class is to emancipate it.
number of Soviet schools reported ances existed to certain provinces eshte therefore called of the not. Among the samen it merely only thirteen dollar week and to necessary to restate them in a lan wel eens weke of complisme it results of the strangling of the insistence of the International Com the A: of Lofficialdom, and militants, whom the stalinists have conditions in the trade water corte, misunderstanding can ari. The come borgenix pordless towaru Bolshevik jurty by the Ntalinist monists and other minority groups, their invariable dependence on the mixeducated, their jobs.
etc. The workers vigorously aprestatement of these bureaucracy. With the volce of the the Socialist party prevented the governmental machinery of the Whether the trade union proved what said, but both Rel concept should serve as a guldet ble a atural antagonism for all our young comrades in their between the adults and youth, with reaucritts raised to pitice through Workers Alliance. The and This tendency has to be fought only way you can influence Work Stalinists were against my sugest youth movement.
the comimos simultancunsly neutral their subservience to the hierarchy its anarchist leadership remained tooth and nall. But neither have ers to have roots in the organ tion.
the assumed the role of medieval po ulot from the Workers Alliances we much use for the adventuristinations to which these workers be keistere then decided to rule the with all so vielous theories and winning them While it is trne that Stalinism on this section of the proletariat the banner of tentates, forcing girl students to with the exception of Asturias. The tactics with which the stalinist in long is quextionable. For the les meeting, refusing to allow any dis practices uns Voidably brought de the revolution. The workers move.
Union fought this of om attempted East coast trike 1st time explaining Fascism and the line youth International, not everybelp to solve its problems, supply Indust denth sentence on three of the re ances at the last moment.
of xponsible officials. thongh highly No appreciable section of the cialdom.
deserved, does not solve the prob army enme forward in support of For the Stalinists, thinking that tional Realtion in the Interne imortance of helping its victims in Union lem. The building of a new Bulbusurrection. The casere in they could take advantage of the sounds sensible but is contradicted motion to rect delegates to the be explained with the terve reader to it, etc.
pervik party aronnd the nucleus of which the army refused che contenike drendement among strike con the thathinte the code Chienso e Conference Palmainst. war amber of problema which confront THE ROLE OF THE YOUTH call a strike on build the Marine Workers Indusand Fascism but he ruled it out of the yonth movement that are and It follows from the above that it ORGANIZATION that. To assist in that task we of indicate any real undermining of October anyway, over the headstrial nion. order.
the armed forces of the leadership, expecting He then reported on the the Communist League must dedi the morale mion education program and were even for the in its the general problems of the youth cate ourselves. To speak out that Nuclei work within the army on that the rank and fille would flock then came to the cotton code.
early years, experimental in charare bound up with the struggle of which is to call degeneration by the part of the revolutionary groups to the leadership of the In the Philadelphia The Nee Bosses acter. And it could not he other the working class as a whole, and Its proper name is the task of all was entirely too sporadic and to the regnlar united front from below There is no way of testing its taxks are special ones adapted In discussing the cotton cole, he honest revolutionists. These dis tally insufficient. Furthermore, the stuff!
turned to me and accused me of many youth problems except for winning the broad masses of graceful conditions parsed unnot. lack of clarity as to rims on the Ballast and Noise wanting a strike but was to be through the inethod of experiment. young workers, the youth movement ked by the Communist Party in the part of the workers gave rise to The like most Philadelphia. The leaders of lo disappointed as the bosses The experiments in order to ile cannot play the role of an indi termine correct photos were rudelidual. independent, political revo interrupted had conditions could continne side by termination of the revolutionary how papery it is can be seen by the cially now when there are so any of week. He then inched wide with a Bolshevik party is class to take power.
All three of these vital detects fact that only a few hundred men new elements who are not so easily into an attack nainst the new where we must independently solve not necessary for us to begin the slander Against Bolshevism.
In the October revolt arise from a responded to the strike call. a good handled. So that under one pretext menters for not tying duer. for through practice, problems of youth Investigation tuto the character of rganization and activity. In our the Party and the youth organiziRoses and the Thirty Hour Week single common cause the lack instead of the 35, 000 the leaders bership meeting for almost four aitions and demanding that they work of reconstructing the commun tions. That has been done well by dispatch from Washington to communist party, capable theor claimed would respond Likewise, months years on pay the five dollar tax in order to ist youth on an international basis, the 2nd Congresses of the CommuThe local is divided into two send organizers around.
we should therefore, always be ready mist International and the Young tendering the Industrial leaders sive leadership ande sundance The building uulons, the stal branches, silk and cotton dress and then ito it supreme service so the Spanish Working classe Theinist strategists never had devel. blouse, and they meet separately. are working part time and making As stated before, the workers to discuss and experiment with new Communist luternational. The Party tar hon teen the warding off of Socialist party and the Amarele fotoped a left wing movement in the The codes for silk dress and blouses very little, so that during his ken ther with persistent activity The Party gives political direction currency Intation, the 30 hour work have both shown their complete in basis at all on spect to the cotton dress code since Interrupting. Since it was getting But before we can do tory permits no dispute in the ures in the future. Is to select a tributed their two cents towards strike, there was the which the Stalinists could take it is a much larger Industry, prac late the meeting was adjourned and this it is necessary to know where question. The youth organization Congress which is unmistakably the defeat. Fortunately for leadership of that strike. tically unorganized and is consid nothing really was accomplished.
to begin, and for this purpose the is only xertion of the organized under the thumb of the President. workers the Stalinists were The LS. ordered its men to ered mrt of the cotton wear code writer presents in brief form, an working class which is dependent This union bureauerat. Retsbers outline Miss Perkins, representing the trouk enough to do elther much the fundamental ques upon the party for political guidgood or very much harm. The Instay on the job, vicious red scare by the bosses, who are fighting to is able to run meetings in this tons of youth work. On the basis. Its particular field of work Pres and one of the most thorternational Coinmunists, who could was started by the leaders keep the minimum wage very low. manner, because we haven a clear of an understanding applica is among the young proletarians clghly under his thumb, appears at have contributed real value in the and the bosses, to which the Stal.
Last week, directly after work, cut left wing opposition. Workius tion of the following it will be pos whom it seeks to win to the side of by President Green was her recep. merically and too Isolated to play perspicacity left themselves wide cotton and blouse branch, for the There is no cooperation between the AF. or convention Rosendeld of theory, were too small nu nists with their usual trade union a meeting was finally called of the out left wing licies in the union. sible to proceed more intelligently the cheers and a touching Introduction a decisive role. The need of a ran open, and those few 1, militants purpose of discussing new develop the various progressive groups and aud vigorously in renlizing our work is a spelalixed tield of Party tion. Here the role of the Labor goal.
work. That is why the in Lieutenants of Capitalisin and the guard workers party. If victory is! who hnd jobs, and didn want to ments with regard to the cotton the workers, feeling nothing The rise of world fascism, which 1922 described the youth organizademagogle capitalist onstrated by the events themselves. wasn on strike. lost these jobs in the trade genuine left wing opposition must recruits great numbers from the tion in the following manner: After a long wait meet and merge youth in society. demands more. the young communist organthe meeting be built.
Indications are that there will be and will now probably be lost as a The Hearst Press and Leon Trotsky a breathing space of more or less leavening in the In fact, the started and the secretary began to PHILA CLOTHING WORKER than the yereotyped attitude to izations are MANS Organizations ward this problem that is tally for communist militant education Au imaginative story of the pres cists feel themselves strong enough STATEMENT OF THE OWNERtengees and other security bold appear upon the books of the com we must win the youth.
limited duration before the Fasprevalent in the workers movement of the working class youth, the ence or exprcted early arrival of to take over full power under a SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA: er owning or holding per cent or any as trustees, hold stock and barotneter of the success of the erse an he instructed in the mass good SCHOOL in which the young work Leon Trotsky was printed in the dletatorship of their own.
In this TION, ETC, REQUIRED BY THE more of total amount of bonds, securities in a capacity other than revolutionary internationalists will ruggle for communism.
Hearst press. Its purpose is to stir interval, and in spite of the repres ACT OF MARCH 3, 1933, up reactionary sentiment against a lots that are certain to follow the or The Militant, published weekly (If there are none, so state. mortgages, or other securities are that of a low tide owner and this be present in its ability to realize The youth organization cannot be vist for Trotsky. And then comes crushing of the revolt, the Spanish at New York City for October aitant has no reason to believe that the support of the youth to its mere multural organization, beNone.
any other person, association, or theory and practice.
the check up from Paris, Leon labor movement will still have cer 1934. That the two paragraphs next corporation has any interest direct cause it is impossible to distinguish Trotsky, world revolutionary. realore, giving the names of the or indirect in the said stock, bonds, the struggle for culture from the ported plotting to enter the United lain possibilities of functioning on State of New York. 88.
owners, stockholders, and security or other securities than as so state of the very nature of the capitalist it be a pure educational organa seml legal basis. During this county of New York The youth problem arises out general class struggle. Neither can States secretly, is still in France period a series of splits and real.
Before me. In the list of stockholders and security. That the average number of ly neute with the development of proletarian youth without partiel.
holders, if any, contain not only by him.
In euforced seclusion. French Seignments will take place. The so and for the state and county afore bolders as they appear upon the copies of each issue of this publit the imperialist stage of capitalism pation in the class strugkle would social order. It becomes particularization because the education of the keep Trotsky under survellance tainly split into two or more. who, having been duly books of the company but also in atton sold or distributed, through which absorlus ever greater unm not lead to the creation of the type and out of politics.
Groups and sections of the party sworn according to law, deposes casts where the stockholder or edhe mails or otherwise, to paid subbers of youth into industry, thus of organization we are seeking. The with the majority of the Socialist curity holder appears npon the scribers during the months preced accentuating one of yonth organization must be a millThe in a letter to the of The Militant and that ing characteristics of factory pro tant revolutionary one, which parS. RYH they are for a united themselves in solidarity with the most is, to the best of his in any other fiduciary relation, thel (This information is required from Auction under early capitalism. En ticipate in the class struggle, idea of the Fourth International knowledge and bellel, a trne state name of the person corporation daily publications only. front with the Young Socialists tering industry as proletarians, the seeks to educate not only it own The crisis in the Anarcho Syndiment of the ownership, management for whom such trustee is acting, is ROSE KARSNER, whom they regard as class broth calist movement can be expected to (and if a daily paper, the circula riven: also that the said two parayouth are confronted with the gen ranks but the brond masses of Business Manager.
ery but not with the counter Leve Intensity in the comingen met een eral problems of the proletariat as youth, constructs special social and we can a definite breakstonelten.
heard of Luwestone latest hope of moveinent. The bulk of Anarch of March 3, 1933, embodied in sec conditions under which stockhold.
abore caption required by the Act let as to the circumstances and Louis Goldberg exploitation as it effects the entire devices. all the time bearing in My commission explres March working class. One must, there mind that it is not a second party getting centemen of the musted to follow the Syndicalist Liberation printed on the reverse of ers and security holders who do not 30, 1935.
fore, week the background to all is and that its activities do no duplithink that memory of men is short. tarian Federation and the Asturias sues of a youth character in the cate the Party s, but dovetail into Did they not issue an Org. Bulletin section of the in the trend this form, to wit. PHILADELPHIA NEWARK MASS MEETING nature of the social order, in the them. The activities need to be after Hitler came to power? And away from anarchism and towards That the names and addresses INTERNATIONAL WORKERS The New Revolutionary Party relations of production. The youth varied enough so as to be able to aldn they charge at that time, political action. The more advanced of the publisher, editor, managing FORUM Speakers are divided according to the classes attract the completely raw and inthat Trotskyites were counter rev elements of the may soon be editor, and business managers are ARNE SWABECK in society: bourgeois, proletarian experienced, who are nevertheless olutionaries precisely because they found supporting the idea of build Publisher, Communist League of 431 Pine Street (of and intermediary. Its problems are ready to learn favored a united front with the so ing new Communist Party in America: Editor, Cannon: Sunday Evenings at 8:15 essentially class problems. We do MUSTE One of the outstanding weaknesscialists And further, does John Spain together with the present Managing Editor, George Clarke not approach the matter from the ex of the youth organizations today, October to May 1934 35. of Little dare to challenge Stalin Communist Left (Internationalists) Business Manager, Rose Karnser point of view of the youth in gen a weakness that has been present St. Regis Hall, Park Place, P. eral, but from the point of view of for many years, is that they contheory that Social Democracy and and the Communist elements of the all of 144 Second Avenue. That the owner is. If owned Oct. 21 Lecture: Role of Social Joint Auspices. and the proletarian youth whose prob celelor their task merely as Fascism are twins? class broth Socialist Youth and er of a twin to Fascism. that Simultaneous with the efforts to by a corporation, its name and adALICE HANSEN, Secretary Solems are, by and large, the prob. copy of the party work and failed the BILL build the new revolutionary party dress must be stated and also imTHE MILITANT lems of the working class as a to develop their own special methcialist Party, North Philadelphia.
the Internationalist Communists mediately thereunder the names Entered as a second class mall whole, and whose emancipation de ods and forins. It is interesting to PHILADELPHIA of Spain will persist in their work and addresses of stockholders own. Oct. 28 Lecture: Civil Liberties Post Office at New York, Un pends upon the emancipation of the note how the regarded this HALLOWEEN PARTY of forging the National Workers Ing one per cent or more of total In the Class Struggle der the act of March 3, 1879. class.
question during the early years of of transforming amount of stock. If not owned by Alliances and JOHN STANGER, Phila. Sec. Published Weekly by the The youth are physically weaker its Saturday, October 27, 8:30 existence. Discussing these these embryonic Soviets into effec corporation, the names and ad Penna. Civil Liberties Union. Communist League of America and mentally more immature than fundamental questions of youth For benefit of New Party Fund the organisms capable of express drets of the individual owners Nov. 18th Anniversary Celebra 144 Second Ave. New York, any section of the working class work it said: Refreshments Entertainment masses of the country, ing the will of the great tolling must be given. If owned by a firm. tion of the Russian RevolutionPhone: GRamerey 9524 It, as in the United States, there is The Communists declare that company, or other unincorporated How It Was Won.
Vol. 7, No. 42. Whole No. 246) essential difference in the rate the Young Communist League is Admission 20e There is very little time left for concern, Its name and address, as SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1934 of exploitation between the youth helping to spread the truth and Auspices: Philadelphia Local, MAX SHACHTMAN, Editor New the proletariat of Spain. They well as those of each individual Communist League of America EDITORIAL BOARD and adult workers, either in hours. doing political and economic work must reassemble International.
their forces, member, must be given. Martin Abern James Cannon wages, or conditions of labor, the among the young proletariat. But, strengthen and extend the Workers Editorial Board: bartin Abern JAMES WATSOx. Communist Max Sbachtman Maurice Spector special nature of the youth ques by the way. is that not the syndtBORO PARK OPEN FORUM Alliances, future organs of their 144 Second Ave. James Cannon, League, Phila HUGO OEHLER Arne Swabeck.
tion lles in the fact that from the calist idea of the uniform organizclass power, and build the new 144 Second Ave. Max Shachtman WM. SEEGERS of Bundle rates one cent per copy.
economic basis (which is in genation? No!
will speak on Communist Party capable of lead 141 Second Ave. Maurice Spector, Mage Meeting. Musical Program Subscription rate: 00 per year: eral the same as the adult worker) Insofar is the working class EUROPE AFLAME! ing them to victory in the final de 144 Second Ave. Arne Swabeck, 50c per halt year. Canada It becomes transformed into a phy youth is a part of the entire workFriday, October 26, at P. clsive battle with Fascism that is 144 Second Ave.
Questions and Discussion Period. and Foreign. 50 per year:rical and psychologic one. It 18 1281 49th Street, Brooklyn yet to come. ROSALIO NEGRETE That the known bondholders, Subscription 25c series of four. 75e for six months.
necessary to return to this when (Continued on Page 4)
but week and the soldiers bonus, ability to play the vanguard role. So that, although there wRS were fixed last Fall, but great dir tire speech, not the Stalinist among the masses of young work to the class as a whole; it is the problems. the way to avert these meas. while the stalinists have also con among the seamen a basis for the culties were encountered with re the new elements were constantlyers, will lead to a solution of such Vanguard of the proletariat. His not politicians to be achieved, is once more dem. Neab even though their own union code as well as general conditions done at meetings, stay away. Class Brothers or Fascist Twins Youth can be expected to declare and says tbat he is the business hooks of the company as trustee oring the date shown above is. Evidently they haven up or reorientation of their whole ention for the date shown in the ring affiant full knowledge and be in this eleventh day of Oct. 193. is bound with the question of sbourgeois or wocial democratic