AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 42, WHOLE NO. 246 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1934 PRICE CENTS Arbitration Poincare Dead. Terror Rules Suicide Strike Government Price of Militant Left Wing is Award Wo Slew Millions As Spanish Inspires New Shows Colors Cents on Nov. 1st Crucial Issue By Local 574 Revolt Ends InHoudeCase In of Open Battle Stretch Out Okayed by New Order?
9NegroBoys Need United Movement lows; on Raymond Poincare, war time On November 1st the price of President France, who rethe Militant will be raised from tired from active politics in two to three cents Increased 1931, died last week. The The 218) Hungarian coal minexpenses oblige us to take this workers of France, and the Minneapolis Union Forces world over will not mourn the United Defense Action of Suicide strike sent shivers down Attorney GeneralDecision tool was made in order to boost Forward Step of Industrial ers of ecs. Hungary, whose grim step. The original price reducWage Increases; Triumphs or the capitalists of France. As World Proletariat Sole In Minor Strikes threatening to strike again this Reveals Promises Appreciable gains have been Unions Is Checked by President of the Third Republic Hope of Rebels time along sounder militant lines.
from 1913 to 1920, after a long To Be Soap Bubbles made in this direction, Hun dreds of new reuders have been We reprint the following from Reactionary Leaders career of They charge that they were reactionary statesthe October 10th Organizer, official manship dating from the Dres The general strike and the armed tricked into settlement. The enThe decision of the National obtained and many workers insurrection that swept over Spintire community seethes with re. Labor Relations Board in the case have become acquainted with weekly of General Drivers Union fuss affair, Poincare carried out The American Fowleration of bor Convention. just concluded.
Local 674, Minneapolis: our organization for the first the mandate for war given him during the pa two weeks as arentment and unrest Troops are of the Houde Engineering Corpormass protest movement against the still surrounding the villagesation, hailed by the necomplish this end we went to time through the Militant. To was marked by the contieting is. The completion of arbitration by the French bourgeoisie in with the employers in the transfer 1914. It was he who directed entrance of three Faselt mints their vain effort to overawe work fake leadership as epochal. In stes running through all of its ses consid sions. At times they use to conthe met with the Czar, cement immediate now to be ditched hy the Roosevelt industry has brought an agreetries of the Popular Action party already resigned sacritice, printing the paper at deficit This is siderable heights and compelled the ment from all companies involved ing the first big alliance of the and which in some sections took death in preference to slow starva administration.
no longer possible. In the mean.
inauguration of progressive steps to increase the minimum rates of Allies. The workers of today on the character of an armed tion.
It was a trifle too epochal!
despite all reluctance and mingly.
struggle for power on the part of time the Militant has become mourn not the cleath of Poincare, pay. We were crazeut with hunger, The Board had decided that the the workers, is now virtually over.
The drivers are to receive not but the workers of yesterday Spokeymen for the miners sald. We We Honde Corp. had lost its right to more popular and we ingy, only to be smothered again believe that our circulation builders when meeting the still impreunable less than 52 cents per hour from who died as the human arsenal! In a few localities, however, espedid not know what we were agree the Blue Eagle by refusing to grant barriers of reaction.
will be at no disadvantage by. onflicting Sept. 15, 1934, to Alay 31, 1935, and of French imperlalism. cally in the mountainous regions ink to.
its employes the right to organise forces were at work.
the rise in price.
Of course, of Asturias where the miners have not less than 50 cents per hour a Week for collective bargaining. But the this was not yet expressed in a from June 1, 1937, to May 31, 1936.
Portified a number of villages and Houde Corp. krasped the Blue mining camps, the For more than 100 hours, the Eagle firmly by the neck and reworkers are Helpers, platform workers, and conscious left wing, or progressive remninert underground. fused to surrender it.
wing, giving battle to the reactionstill holding their own valiantly miners inside workers are to receive not The NRA Board had selected ary hierarchy in control of its less than 42 cents per hour from against the armed forces of the without food or water, threatening whole craft union structure, but reaction. The death list in the promass suicide if their demands were Houde case as one of the strongest Sept. 15, 1984, to May 31, 1935, and not less than 45 cents per hour from rather expressed in the fact that vince of Asturinn now runs into not granted They were earning cases of open violation of Section week. They were demanding ia. In the Houde plant, the United this hierarchy feel at every step many hundreds while the casual June 1, 1935, to May 31, 1936. All members of Local 074 work ties nationally range in the thout 50.
the shadow of their powerful hoine Automobile Workers Union had seconstituency of an awakening mass.
ing in the transfer industry should sands.
In vain government agents plead enred a decisive majority of the now be receiving pay per the above Many of the leaders of the revolted with them to return to the sur workers as against the company of a militant rank and file show.
schedule and they should receive have undergone military trials tace. In vain their own union lead union. But the corporation refused, ing signs of restlessness and relsel resident Roosevelt has affixed and a number of death sentences ers. sovernment Aunkies lion the nevertheless, to recognize the The skepticism expressed last The latter had some of its own the roof an eolaciones en els tricked the textile strikers back to not thousands of rebels are now in nines stationed five stalwarts at its employes, and continued to deal wateye eh samuelantas Leibowitz Sais. They came mainly from the the old wage rate since Sept. 15. His seal to the Winant report which have been decrved. Hundreds most part, tried to interceel The et organization, as representing week by the Militants to the vale representatives in the convention to union headquarters.
work on the miserable slave condi prison awaiting trial and in some the entrance, arned with pickaxes, with its own company union.
claims to represent Clarence Nor newly organized federal unions in There shall be no reduction Intions they had fought and bled to cases execution. Among these pris to guard against being rescued. Getting Away With Murder!
not enter for of being ris and Haywood Patterson, two of the mars production industries oners are to be found Francisco Troops dared in wage rates which are in excess of change This was clearly flouting the pro the Scottsboro boys, has been jux They did not dispose of hundreds the above minimum. In a few con Over the signature of Franklin Largo Caballero, president of the saughtered by the infurlated work viso in Section TA of majority titled by subsequent developments. of votes, as did the officials from cerns it has been the past practice Roosevelt appears the Order Socialist party. Companys, ex ers. The food that was lowered rule, and it was generally expected Leibowita, who been a con the international unions: they were to pay some workers more than for the Textile Work Assignment president of the Catalonian Gener. was flung lack.
that the Government would sue for sistent enemy of the idea of a mass neither glib tongued maxters of the newly established wage mint Boards. Translated into simple alidad. Manuel Azana, tirst Pro more startling revelation of return of the Blue Engle.
mums. These wage rates are not English this high sounding name visional President of the Republic, the desperation to which capitalism The Department of Justice, how the organized Scottsboro defense mentary convention thaneuvres, but defense campaign, recently dealt demagogy nor trained in priato be reduced. Violations of this means research, investigation, in and Angel Pestina, ex Syndicalisthus driven its slaven can not be ever, refuses to take the case to movement what he thought would their presence served as a constant rule should be reported immerli quiry, study, but do nothing. leader who recently passed over imagined. The labor crushing dlc court. and Attorney General Cumbe a death blow.
ately This principal purpose of this into the left republican camp with tatorship of Geomboes, fearful of mine has announced that, in his out on the at a crucial mo with the spectre of the powerful After walking reminder honnding the officialdom Time and a Third for Overtime new board, according to the Pres. bls 111 starred Syndicalist Party the world senudul that would recinto the Government has no ment, development predicted more home constituency. The arbitration board checked stretch out and maintain bal ported the revoll and in Catalonia vailed at length upon the mine than elghteen months ago by the Dilemma of Labor Skates This announcement has been Communist League, Leibowitz hours and overtime wages and Ance between the age of man. there were many have nlso been baroni, controlled largely by Brit taken lying down by the NRA labor backed by a handful of Negro par Issues was the impact from the carefully the code provisions for On the one side of the contlicting agreed unanimously that the code power and machinery in the cotton, court martialled and sentenced to linh and French capital. to offer a boys who are already beginning to sons, announced that the LT. had head on attacks thronghout the provided for overtime payment at and further according to point (2)
silk and wool textile industries death.
settlement crawl from their previons bold and been discharged from the case and country against union organiantion In its efforts to smash the resis.
Many Driven Insane blustering attiude.
that he would represent the boys and against the recent strikes by eight hours in any one day and for that no change in work assign taner of the workers, the Fascist ments be made over that of Sept. elements in the government will do The terms of the settlement For if anything is certain, it is in their appeal to the Supreme the employers thoroughly alarmed all Sundays and legal holidays.
by the working class militaney discreate a genuine granted the men three days work that Attorney General Cummings Court The exact wording of the amend. 21, 1934 In order to provide on their utmost would not have dared so openly to It now appears that his claims played. To the of officialment to paragraph in the strike portunity to develop a sound meth reign of terror ainst the whole week, and it consequent weekly snub the Labor Board if he were were entirely injustified. The dom it presented a dilemma. It is settlement of August 21. 1984. fol. od and an adequate organization. labor movement preparatory to pay, with Christmas bonuses. The capitalism in This is the great victory halled their Anal effort to seize the whole unen accepted and were removed not sure of President Roosevelt D. at any rate. has printed in the armly wedded to Dally Worker copies of letters theory and in practice, but it faced Each firm agrees to pay er. by Gorman. And for this the tex. power for themselves and Net up from the mine many of them in silent consent.
fective September 15, 1934, and tile workers braved the National an open scist dictatorship. The stretchers, some driven insane by. Only one recourse remains now from the two boys and their par at the same time the enormous pren.
until the 31st day of May, 1935, Guards and the deputies, went to present coalition government of their experiences, others to weak for the automobile workers of the ents, which place the future of suret rom the awakening rank and Honde plant, and that is: Strike! the case in the LL. hands Ale workers demanding more mininot less than 521c per hour to concentration camps, sacrificed 15 Radicals Agrarians and Fascists to be moved.
Only through their own strength ther than in Leibowitz.
They had gained only a mrtial tant policies and more militant truck drivers, and not less than of their best fighters and then re is already showing signs of wenkstaggered back toners, however, as is indicated by victory. but they bad driven their and power can they force recogol take. Indeed, had the boys, mislel It would have been a grave mis methods to meet the atta ks.
42le per hour to helpers, platform turned or This leadership itself, mited by workers and Inside workers as work.
the unwillingness to satisfy fulls point into every capitalist strong winneapolised with tror withiver be by Leibowitz false promises, put reactionary ideology, reflected the defined in the August 21, 1934 The Old Stretch Out Remains the blood thirst of the Fascists.
agreement; and to pay for a perThe two major demands of the According to latest reports, the For never before in history has a Labor Board and its various inter mouthpieces of New York gang chart the course of the trade into iod of one year from June 1, textile battle which struck at the Cabinet has decided to refer the working class group undertaken mediaries.
is such a fine friend of movement for the immediate fu1935, until May 31, 1936, not less. the the than 55e per hour to truck drivers workers the 30 hour week and on the military Tribunals, to the su better its conditions. Strikers of who denounces the acbama, courtroom Itselt he declared progressive moves of one character and not less than 45e per hour to con recognition were scuttled by preme Court for reconsideration. have fought the police, the armed tion for the Honde Corporation as himself in tatar of lynching in while others would take care like helpers, platform workers and the Roosevelt board with the con sent and connivance of the leadershe won only by means of continued breasts to bayonets: women have remains silent when the Govern this case only here he welieves they expressed their bewildernent inside workers. The hours and overtime rates of the unton. In its stead the Board struggles, the working class can brought suckling babes with them were refuses to accept the chal the boys to be innocent of the aroused by the new conditions they provided by the respeetive codes munificently offered to study the reorganize and realign its forces, to the pleket lines.
crime of rape.
find themselves in. But all of them This faker is even now planning shall apply. In figuring over stretch out. Here are the results: build its national united front or aguires. syndicalists and anar.
The remains the official combined in renctionary utterances time, it shall be based on rate of the unbearable speed up prior to ganization and prepare for the chists have used the most desperate his most colossal sellout: attempt representative of the Scottsboro and maneuvers to throw up new Wat is understood that the covered by this agreement.
Sept. 21 is to remain unaltered. coming struggles which are bound forms of terror as their weapon in ing even now to persuade the boys, and all who are aware of barriers to stem the tide of develHowever pleasing this may to be decisive. The workers of all the class war. But never before of unions to engage in a one Leibowitz character and inten oping labor militancy.
sound to the ears of the mill oper. countries must show their solidar. have workers su dramatically an. sided Industrial truce. which as tions will be glad to learn that he The Industrial Union Issue do not apply to boys temporarily atives, who went out on a general its with their comrades in Spainnounced their willingness at once always will be binding only to the is not going represent the inno Undonbtedly the outstanding employed on small package delly. strike to abolish the stretch out of in their present difficulties, to die rather thun face slow death workers, cent youths.
focus of these conifiering issues at trucks.
by starvation.
ery the of Leonvention is repre. It is further understood that (Continued on Page 4) SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT.
Capitalism Must Go. Continued on Page 4) sented in the definitely progressive no wage rates in excess of the Woe to a civilization that can move toward Industrial unionism.
minimums above specified will be drive masses of men to such exContrasted to this, however, was reduced.
the just as decidedly rructionary tremities! It is a festering sore The strike settlement set a miniIt must, it will be obliterated!
jurisdictional dispute in the Build mum wage of 50 cents for truck Never by suicide! It workers are ing Traces Department. The step drivers and 40 cents for helpers, toward industrial unionism finally to sacrifice themselves in the strugwith arbitration to follow on deagreed upon after long debate in mand of the union for higher gle for better living conditions, let hours work. hours play. opposition. The mock chorus them go down fighting their oneThe working class of New York is confronted with many grave the resolutions committee and ad wages. This clause the Stalinist hours rest.
screams: The thirty hour week is mies, as did their Austrian brothproblems in this coming election. For five years they have been opted by an overwhelming conven denounced for many reasons This battle cry that set hundrede socialism! It will drive us out ofers.
pressed down by the catastrophic crisis of capitalism: many of their tion majority will have far reachOne was that the union had been of thousands of workers into mo business.
Let then take their toll of families have ben separated, many of their homes destroyed.
ing significance in all future the enemy before they go down.
demanding 527 42 cents hourly, tion and drew the class lines sharp Roosevelt is a partner in this op. Let their masters, too, get a taste Obviously the workers can gain nothing by voting for the Republic of developments. That whom since accepting the Haas Dunnigan in 1896 gains force once again.
can and Democratie parties. Just as a worker cannot support his by no means be minimized.
position. The unofficial brain trus of what desperation means.
It is proposals, rejected by the bosses.
bors in the factory, he cannot support him on election day.
true that so far the industrial nu Secondly, the Staliniste (whosenological advances made in Indus an Informal gathering or IndusToday, however, with the tech ter. Raymond Moles, reported to It was not the death of the selfThe workers must gain nemployment Insurance, the right to join ion basis is to cover only the unions in the automobile, nluminum, and cement Industries It is true also is subject to the rulings of an ar. mechanization of the machinery of achtevement was staving on the 30 totes lernment of a redes phrit rather pay etc. etc. But can they sain these concessions from the capitalists by merely writing in a name on the ballot? NO!
in the the anger it would inspire in an that it is explicitly declared that chairman objected in principle its banner the fighting watchword: Herald Tribune observes that when tion that was taken. but what the capitalist government, and not the most important way at that.
Voting is only one of the way the workers can apply pressure on there is to be no interference with to arbitration of any sort. the craft unton prerogatives elseTHE SIX HOUR DAY AND THE the demand for a reduction in hours might follow, Another Bone to Chew On We say to you openly. You will not gain these concensions by merely where. Nevertheless this step de No doubt we will now read all The overpowering sentiment for velt sidetracked it by initiating the thate kene miners have helped to elected. You will never rote Socialism into power by the ballot.
finitely marks the beginning of change of the of from about this new defeat in the thirty hours a week is taking hola NRA!
craft union to an Industrial muionDaily Worker.
in every factors and workshop of Friends of the working man drive their point home. They have basis.
Perhaps the editor will add the the country. The convention of the are not wanting today. In congress taught how little life is worth a you possess and are led by a strong, able revolutionary parts. When story of the unions defeat two American Federation of Labor has the Black Connery 30 hour week der capitalism.
It is the first serions sign of its attempt to adjust itself to the re weeks ago at the Ready Mixed unanimously adopted a resolution bill is awaiting action. Under the They have said to the workers The workers can have no faith in the ability of the timid reform. quirements imposed by the probConcrete Co. Here all the drivers endorsing this slogan.
appearance of reducing hours it is in of the world: You need not starve ists of the Socialist Party to lead them in their battle against the lems of unionization under modern were dissatisfied because the From this convention, sata reality a grandiose stagger system. It is better to die!
industrial conditions, at least in.
pany made them report at 7:30 Green, there will go out a united No limit is set for a day toil. 30 And in many a country in the The Communist Party (Stalinists) has proved itself incompetent sofar as organizational form only to waste half an hour and determined army that will hours is merely a weekly maximum. world today, bourgeois leaders are to pursue a revolutionary policy. It has completely discredited itself or more (unpaid) before londing drive home the acceptance of the This system already prevalls in shivering in their boots, lest this before the working class by its bankrupt policies in America and in concerned This is the one most Purthermore, three active strikers five day week and the six hour day, many industrial establishments to lesson be taken to heart, and Im the rest of the world where defeat after defeat has been the result of the main trade union body which Important sign of progress within were kept of their jobs, although and nothing will stop us in the day. sop to the workers, it con. proved upon. Lest the amendment its efforts.
set Into motion the changes men hired during the strike were realization of this economie re stitutes no serious improvement of be added, as it has been added by The task of the hour for the working class, therefore, before which in the national economy of the still at work. When the company form.
their conditions.
an infuriated workingclass.
BU Green supports the bill!
all other tasks male Into insignificance, is the building of a new revorefused to negotiate, the union These are strong words coming country, the regroupment of elne It is better to die fighting!
forces which is taking place and lutionary party which will be able to wring concessions from the called a strike of Ready Mixed from a man who only a few days This is not the thirty hour wee capitalist class, abolish the system of hunger and unemployment and drivers, and set up banners.
the widespread working class previously agreed to the Roosevelt American labor wants The six INTERNATIONAL WORKERS lead the workers onward towards a workers republic.
awakening, organization and millIn response to 574 appeal, the edition of the Old Deal capital hour day and five day week, withSCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT building trades workers on a big labor truce. The thunderous ova out reduction of wages but rather tancy What is necessary in the election is that the leftward moving construction Job refused to accept tion that greeted these hypocritical with increases to meet the rising The Seramble for Spolls Classes in the Intemational workers of this state show their sympathy and their solidarity with delivery from scab drivers. The words reveal Green motive only standard of living that is what On the other side of the picture Workers School have already be the building of a new revolutionary party in this country.
strike was settled on the day It was too clearly.
is the intense and bitter jurisdic.
the workers in Frisco meant when gun. All those interested who YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE BUILDING OF THIS REVOLUcalled. The 7:30 rule was abolished on the other is the antagonism they applauded Green.
tional dispute in the Building have not yet registered can still TIONARY PARTY BY WRITING IN THE NAME OF JAMES Trades Department which is again and remains abolished; the three of the capitalist class. Avarice and On whom shall the workers rely do so by coming down to the CANNON OF THE COMMUNIBT LEAGUE OF AMERICA ON THE bringing to the fore in a most acute strikers were put back on the job greed for bigger and bigger profits On themselves! On their own classes. See page for schedule BALLOT, FOR GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK STATE.
with seniority rights.
underlies their almost unanimous strength and power!
of classe New York Dlatelet, Communist League of Amerien. Continued on Page 1)
Six Hour Day, Five Day Week Is Now Watchword for Labor Write in Cannon as Your Vote for New Party in Elections