AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1934 PAGE EDITORIAL Anti Fascists Spanish Workers Vote for New Scottsboro Boys In Danger Demonstrate Fight Reaction Party! In New Turn of Case ot learoring Stalinism in an Impasse (Continued from Page 1)
another column appears a report of united front development in where the Workers Alliances were (Continued from Page Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) Raise this question in your orI one of demonstration there.
functioning, that the general strike ganization and let your officials the Trotskyite youth in for the defense of Comrade Leon Trotsky The demonstrators arriving at and the insurrectionary movement a vote away. Neither of these par known to everybody who recalls know you are deeply concerned, were most successful. Asturias is against capitalist persecution. The after joining, has quit the Yankee Stadium found a meet. be clearest demonstration of this ties bear the banner of the strug the McNamara boys: after 22 years that you want your organization in the united front on orders from its bureaucratie elders. The latest ing of the Stalinists, numbering the fight. There is no excuse, not Communist, official theoretical organ of the American Stalinists, about 500, going on. They assem fact. This is the only province ele for a proletarian dictatorship they still sit in San Quentin priseven the record, for any contains Eurl Browder most recent speech to the Central Committee bled their forces about 150 feet where every single force to the They are remnants of the past, on, because the judge did not keep organization claiming to represent of the in which he warns that euch dangers will arise here from them. Lifting their banners, labor movement participated in the carrying ou only to the detriment his part of the deal when the de the interests of democracy, the also. Indeed, they have already, with the New York Yipsels refusing they started marching along Girunited front and it is precisely here of the working class, tendants threw themselves on his Negro masses or the workers, stay.
the s demand that the Trotskyltee be barred from united ard Ave, passing the assembled that the struggle was best organ. For the New Revolutionary Party mercy, ing out of this great battle. Too front actions. As a result, the working class youth of New York bas Stalinists with the slogan We Will wed, and most tenaciously carried new working class revolution It is to be hoped that the treach much is at stake for quibbling.
achieved unity on anti racist questions, and the stalinist youth is Therein les another ex.
Fight Fascism to Death emblaz forward.
The pretense to be a milion the outside ened on an enormous banner. Many perience that the world revolutionary party must be and will be erous Liebowita will not get hola of the Stalinist workers set up the ary movement should analyze and built. It will fill a vital need. The of the courtroom aspect of the case. tant class organization fools nobody fusion between the American Work And in any case, the problem of it is but the defense organizaIn the same report, Browder discusses the attitude toward the shout for one united front against digest.
Musteltes (who. in other recent official utterances, have been fascism which was answered with It weuld be presumptuous at the Party and the Communist the boys lives and the problem of tion of a sect, the Stalinists. More called left social fascists, social fascists and even fascists. Brow cheering acclaim by the demonstrarst moment, and from a dis Lage ist milestone in this disbe principles Involvel remain than that it is too late to try to The latest develop remake the into a non partider announces that wherever the Austeites have mass influence (as tors in the united front. But the ance, with faulty and insufficient wards this end, and are confidentments in the Scottsboro struggle. san defense arm of the working in the unemployed movement in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Vir petty bureaucrats Stalinisin Information on the present state of that our efforts will come to early which leave the prisoners open to class. We have, consequently, put ginia. the will make a united front on the immediate issues would not have it. Defying the affairs, to predict what the morrow fruition.
the treacherous attacks of an on our program the task of buildinvolved. These remarks cast an interesting light on the Daily wishes of the workers assembled, may bring. However, we can and In the meantime, the elections unscrupulous gangsters lawyering really militant and really Worker recent comical pleas to the honest rank and file workers these puny bureaucrats, masquerdo affirm that there is still a way them nig non partisan defense organization.
in the American Workers arty and the Communist League (what a ading as working class leaders. ostand that the Spanish workers are before us. What are the revow regards concession. not to let their organizations fuse for the purpose of set their bureaucratic foot down may yet Kush Pascisun before it Intionary workers to do? The Comers kwns in his play for the provisional Committee for ersonal gain, are not simply a Non Partisan Labor Defense, which munist Lengne call upon them to Vilat on the position taken advocates the formation of such a building a new party, is able to consolidate itself and answered NO!
The Stalinit bureaucracy has seen the handwriting on the wall!
let unite! And so committees for strating in aetlone is lenion. write in the name of James Can cight. min. age by the Mbody to fill the need of the class, From both sides came shouts of: The present struggle that not one of or non for Governor of New York Every day it becomes more difficult for them to isolate from the class Such allant. They are a terrible blow tuns our support.
as a whol the genuine revolutionary groupings, and when the banner both demonstrations met to see it the traditional tendencies of the vote for the new party, consequently, any advice we give of a new party, a Marxist jurty, has been flung to the breezes there the united front already in the Spanish labor movement can, as at vote for the new party is a demon the prisoners and of prime impr.
will rise questions and situations which not even the oracles of 13th Sreets could not somehow be real present constituted, lead the work stration for revolutionary action in the the principles and meth; the LL. is not for the purpose of ized. It could not. Why? Because ers to victory. The Socialist Party the trade unions and the strikes. Mods of trurgle which the prisoners saving that decaying relle of an once trouble will develop within the ranks or stalinism itselt, and the the stalinists would not have it has shown itself to be a heterogen. Het is demonstration for the propriuciples are those of the rights must liver for the weekend voice the letarian impending readmission to the of the right wing Stalinists under reformist and Because the Stalinists reiterated cous combination of the Negro masses, of the war principles at stake and the ScottsLovestone, will only aventuate these conflicts their anti working class and reac revolutionary elements which ly against lynching and Jim Crow.
The Communist Ligue of Amer. The methods are those of militant leaders of the here it is boro bays themselves, and here.
tlonary demand that they would its composition is incapacitate relea, in the election campaigns now Struggle. For unhappily All this bodex well for the new party movement. but it should not knite onlyONLY if the Trot lead a successful revolution. The making place throughout the United large rections of workers (as well to Lring the masses into the fight!
Do not impede those who try hull comrades into hapi dal resources, remains a force capable of creams, The Stalinist bureaucracy, with its skyltes and Lovestoneites were stulinists, as elsewhere, having to states will not support the candirelatively wiwerful excluded. Not a united front of real policy excepting that of vacil date of any existing political torty. thinks that the Deensionais redy to enter united fronts as the whole bon geols press)
Today the in New York tremendous destructive and disruptive work. And, as previously INCLUSION but of EXCLUSION lation and zig zag which can pwr.
In the past, when we were a fue adventuristic stunts (designed to whenever it has gotten into an impossible situation with respect to In other words, no united front at mit of them being simultaneously the Trotskyltes. It will not hesitate to report to the vilest tactics to front, Theron reform that bodywe drown out the voice of its revolutionary crities. When slander and desired unity of action, it was deure ually impotent. As to the serally supported the candidate its cleal with Liebowitz) constitute exclusion of the Communist League, which is what the Stalinists demaneuvers fall, outright physwal criticism will again be on the mase pressure!
cide to roll the Yipeels to see it Amarchists the less said the bet of Stalinin. Since the German mand of the The League order of the day. Even Jay Lovestone, who lately denounced the Yes, the new levelopments are a will do its utmost to create the they democratically desired the ter they refused to join the WorkC. for breaking up his meetings, revert 10 an earlier and more united front with the Stalinists to ers Alliance, were the last to join delacle, and the failure of the to react, the hope of reforming the How to the cause of Negro free rondest possible united front. And natural attitude toward stich tactics.
the exclusion of the Trotskyltes the movement and the first to order Third International has become as com, to the tactic of mass pressure, and Lovestonelten. So a vote was the return to work. If the workers utopian is the hope of reforming well as to the boys and this is it at Browder bebest or anyone the Langue will not withdraw from We shall, however, as in the past. kuow how to give a good account of ourselves raise their hands in agreement olutionary communist party must the second International. Neither the greatest crine of the LL. It will not remove from the The Negro inasses, the working struggle the one force which has with the policy of exclusion of the be formed.
xible fostrument to overthrow capclars, the true militant defender of consistently advocated a correct About Some Contemporaries two aforementioned organizations. These experiences acquired in italism, we have made a turn todemocratic rights against Bourbon policy in the Scottsboro case.
An octogenarian Stalinist, dis the crucible of the present civil ward the establishment of the reaction and tyranny, will have to We warn the leaders of the the guised as a Tipsel, lifted his feeble war, will be assimilated and underLand New Republie, calling them swivel chair revolutionists. and hand. The then stood by the workers during the with all forces moving to the left demonstrations Fourth International and jointly cost this bill run up by the before we can wipe the winte clean.
weeks and months to come, will be condemning those who contributing nothing to the workers fight. went their respective ways.
The Scottsboro struggle is apto the building of new revolutionary Those who talk right on Il pos proaching another crisis, the massassume a critical attitude toward labor leaders. The immediate Eost, a member of the invaluable in laying the basis forwarties in every country.
wible and many impossible occa les are not actively interested; the cause of the New Leader onthurnt was the Nation and New then went over to the Stalinist future steps to be taken. With sions, have. Hy their complacent as danger is grave. Ir because of your In the nited States we are in a relation Republie articles condemning the ulted Textile Workers leaders demonstration asking for the plat. their heroie traditions and rich ex.
with double dealing hatred of the Trotskyites. or for for the general strike settlement.
form as a rank and file young 8o. periences, a breathing space, even transition stage from our existence of the whole Negro masses and the development of a militant united Green, McMabon, Gorman and Co. calling the settlement a strategie mainly to point out the reasons why tees, would give an opportunity fortional to our role as a political whole working class and of every front movement, the working class The official organ of New York Socialism applauds the actions of cialist. He utilized the platform with the minimum of civil guaranas a faction of the Third Intern Meundrel. Jouannelise the interests any other reason, yon hamper the common action could not be con further development of the Nation party Organic unity between the memy of lynch Justice. The mud Albayoento he count retreat. Minch is made of the threat to the strike lying in the lack of relief funds. But nothing is said of the responsibility of this condition.
summated between the anti fascistal Workers Alliance. This task Communist line of America and which the Bourgeoisie through Ordinary human beings, after As the Militant snid weeks ago. Green could, with a stroke of the united front demonstration and the must now take precedence over all the Aincrican Workerx arty mom lielowity and his clericallbaring perpetrated such a mess as Stalinists. young Stalinist then others, and in the struggle to cre arxian programatic declaration de servants, will now wling on the now crops into the laps pen, bave jirovide all necessary funds: the of asked every afiliated on to levy an assessment for the strike fund of the demanded the platform of the unitate the future organs of power of immediate oljective. In this the.
also fall upon our of the Negro masses and the work.
textile strikers, millions of dollars would have been available.
ed front (despite the fact that the Spanish working class, the new transition period beforemene lewo banners, however undeservhusly. ting class, might be expected at The union was saved, boasts the New Leader. The leaders faces least to maintain a momentary silwere saved. but is the union naved with those Southern workers from) and utilized it to enlightenminal victory. Will be forget to conducting campaign for andre must not be allowed to stick. Sectarianism Bred Opportunism ance while others voice their views. who are paying for their first trade union action by the loss of their the workers assembled that his orjobs?
ganization, the Young Communist stadium, the proceedings of which manist langue of America. We will We point all this out not to say ilut we do not expect that even their latest debacle will germinate In helping whitewash the. bureaucrats, the New Leader League, was opposed in principle could be observed from the elevat. write in the names of our candiwe told you so. but as a mere umility in the stonyi chests of the to including in united fronts what led platform. The cops rushed the dates, and a sticker campaign will introduction to a vital problem shows itself wiregenerate. The position of the Socialist militants he was went to term renegader. Matform and began shoving and conducted wherever possible. what are the next steps in the Sulinis bureaucracy: is here put to a real test To the members of the we they serionwly different inte themselves from the old Guad, but primar: the face of Germany. In the face platform into the first subway train from district and city committees.
say this: make your lenders abanIn its discussion in 1813, the do their horseplay and their sabo.
1ly by their attitude on such questions as the textile settlement. Thus their own disruption of the that came along. But the subway The immediate demands of the Militant showed that opportunism tage of the Scottsboro united far they have not done so: as far as the class knows, they are at one united front in Belgium, in the face cars couldn get full enough for the workers in their struggle against toward Liebowitz was combined front. compel the Stalinist bureauwith Waldman, Lee and Neal on this question. It is up to the MAIL OP Madison Square Garden, in the cops and so they pushed elbowed the further lowering of the stand with fierce sectarianism toward the crats to take a serious class attitants to show their colors in this witnation.
face of the united front from beheeze di big die sich durch eine der o useaard hoe diving is the burning issues working class Soche Hangers the ide before it is too late As for the Nation and New Republic, there is ground enough for person attempted to make an im. the feelings of the workers. few not be led to victory by reformist umited front from below Like ment!
For a new Scottsboro mass moveserions complaint. Their criticism of the textile settlement is, unbap pression on the workers with the young workers protested against or centrist policies, such as those the Mooney Congress, Scottsboro happily. Justified But more than once they have attacked labor statement that the Trotskyite this and were immediately set upon of the Socialists, Stalinists or Far united fronts included only the II the Scottsboro boys!
For the united front on behalf of leaders improperly.
by the cops and one young girl, a mer Laborites. The most Last spring for example, Luis Adamie in the Nation criticized have always been against the unity Yipel, was attacked by literally immediate tank is, Cote and other Stalinist front organizations. Indeed, the cringing the leaders of the steel ime. Good enongh: nobody is more critical Garrett of the Spartacus before Liebowita was Earl Brow of Convention of Mike Tighe than we Trotskylten. But when Adamie cbarged that Lengue followed him on the plat protests at being kicked into a arty in United States. To der idea of how to surmount the the leaders loud squawks against boss intimidation of union form and tore At least two or three further this end the CLA will s fancial and organization.
his arguments to other young workers were severely nominate its own candidates in the al bankruptcy without golug into shreds. At the conclusion of his beaten np.
meinbers were designed to care workers into company unions, he (Continued from Page 1)
was talking victons nonsense taught him by Stalinists who have remarks the workers who had recoming elections.
areal united front.
unions. This is a step forward. provedt more than once that the of unions are company mained a pathetic to the exhorta BROWNSVILLE SOCIAL Today, as then, the Militant ad those who support the industrial Again it must be stated that even umions.
tions of the young Stalinist, cheered!
Fall Frolic and Dance BROWNSVILLE LECTURE vocates an inclusive, militant, or. forme And more than once these liberal papers have thus reflected stalcomrade Garrett to the echo.
inint ideology in their appraisals and indiscriminate criticism of the The demonstration before the The volumes of History of R118The Road Towards a New Revo Sanizational united front on beball corm of union and oppose the craft sinn Revolution will be offered of all clans war prisoners, most cause they are left wingers, as the form are not favoring this step betrade union movement. And that the very moment when the liberal Yankee Stadium (it never rently lutionary Workers Party a prize.
immediately the Scottsboro boys. press would have us believe. Lewis came too close to the Stadium be unie. Dancing. Entertainment editors are labeling Roosevelt newest National Run Around wrinkle Speaker: This united front should arouse and his group are just a little more an interesting Innovation and tipton Sinclair dangerous fad cntise of the formidable array of Refreshments. MUSTE the masses, so that, having ob far sighted than Green and Woll.
worthy of examination. cops) dispersed about 4:30 in the Saturday, October 20, P. Friday, October 19, 8:30 served them in action, the coun The Communist League has often suffered at the hands of these afternoon. The demonstrators Admission 20 1776 Pitkin Avenue, nr. Stone St.
same liberal editors. Any bit of decayed Stalinist slander or baloney. marched in orderly fashion to the try rulers shall know that mil Lewis and experience with the if perfumed pnongh by the devions Louis Fischer or the specious Joe nearest kubway station.
Auspices. Communist League of Most of Out in Russian Hons of workers are passionately miners and knows that unless these industrial forms are adopted devoted to the proposition that the the F. of Leannot broaden ita Freeman, can find its way into their papers. Their pages are always the workers had assembled on the America, Brownsville Branch WAR AND THE FOURTH cottsboro boys shall not lie. This base and function effectively as a open to attacks on counter revolutionary Trotskyism. masked as a 161st Street station. While wait INTERNATIONAL does not mean sending a dozen defense of the Soviet Union. The langue views on the other hand, ing for trains to come nlong the BRONX OPEN FORUM 15 per copy workers to be clubbed on the steps the hosses.
class collaboration machinery for are rarely kiven a chance in these open forums.
workers yelled their defiance at 10e in bundles of or more.
With the New Leader view of the textile settlement, we have the fascists assembled inside of the Branches Order Your Coples Now!
Reform of the 2nd International of the Supreme Conrt the day after Types ike Lewis and Company or for the day before, the Justices desire to head of the real left nothing in common, but we have a degree of sympathy with criticism decision is crystallized Fourth International of swivel chair revolutionists. whose petty bourgeois reactionarism the French Trotskyltex der, if only they will disappear is reflected in their praise of the latest crackpot Utopin, and whose But they Speaker: printed page of the court record. wing. The night, however, does not it incans bringing into great meet trial unionism is the first step. The revolve around this point. Indus petty bourgeois radicalism is reflected in a fawning attitnde toward will not, never fear.
ARNE SWABECK ings, and onto the streets, scores next step in to obtain a leadership the brass lunged Stalinist burenucrats. It is about time for a show Although the editors of Labor Action, and in another article Friday, October 26, P. of thousands of workers during the with a class struggle policy. The Muste individually, dissociate themselves from the tendency of the clown with these liberals, and we put it to them this way: 1739 Boston Road, Bronx whole period which intervenes he new developments favor the left You say you reject the policies of Green, McMahon, Gorman and authoritative report, the piece can but confuse members. Auspices: Bronx Branch fore the Supreme Court acts, Co. Well, what is to be done Stop wise eracking, and give us your We can, however, hardly quarrel with the following statements conwing. We must fight for the extenprogram for the American trade union inovement.
cerning the French development in Muste own article, and we comThe slogan of the day is, above tion of the industrial unions BORO PARK BRANCH mend them to the attention of his comrades: all others for New Scottsboro throughout the of strucATTENTION!
Mass Movement. We are finly convinced that this and similar tendencies must Of course, if you have a program, that makes it more difficult.
ture. We must fight for a class But the Communist League of America has, and it is on the basis not be superficially accepted or dismissed. but very carefully Comrades and sympathizers of And by this we do not mean struggle policy. Only on this basis evaluated. We do not pretend to be able to predict in a Boro Park, Bensonhurst and Bay united front of the with the can we fight the bosses, their comof Its trade union program that the League criticizes the labor bureancrats. More than that on this basis it acts, as the workers of Min just how In every detail the revolutionary vanguard of the work Ridge are asked to note the ad the the the many wnions, and their agents with neapolis and other cities will testify ing class will In be gathered into the new party. These questions dress of the Headquarters. Forums the and the in onr ranks Green, Woll, Lewis, On this question, the Militant is prepared to debate not only with we are at all times ready to discuss. Once again we say: There is are beld every Friday night. Spar. Bronx Housewives League. We Tobin and others the liberal editors, but with the New Lender as well.
no time to be lost. We must get on the right rond, the road of tacus forums Thursdays. Affairs on mean an entirely new movement The convention would not be comthe New Party, and press forward Saturdays Open every night. which will be able to draw in all plete unless at regular intervals To this let us add that the National Committee of the Communist 1281 49th Street the conscious elements of the work the labor leaders drag out the red Crocodile Tears League of America, as well as some of the branches (others are now West End train to 50th St. Station. ing class and broad strata of the scare. They did this through discussing the question. has considered the French comrades action Negro masses. Our organization is speech that Lewis delivered at the. in a far from superficial manner. Because of the imminence of the COSTUME DANCE prepared to take its place in such Commonwealth Club when he decisive hour in France, because of the existing united front and the report of developments in the International Communist League. movement Our present mass warned them against a revolt by especially in France. The author bemouns the tragedy of the prospective organic unity of the Socialists and Stalinists of that Saturday, October 20 at P. contacts are small but what they labor in the United States unless disintegration of the This morning is as premature as the that country, because the French League had been barred from the 144 Second Avenue are, we are ready to use them in the employers recognize Section Ta chortlings of the Staliniste over our oft reported death.
united front, and because the French Is in a state of flux with a the interests of the Scottsboro boys and live up to it. The fat boys are This French Trotskylte fraction, which has entered the French left ward drift sufficiently powerful already to have expelled the right Refreshments. Drinks. Dancing Such a movement should also hope bargaining for all they are worth.
Prizes for best costumes openly advocating a Fourth International based upon the revolu wing led by Renaudel, Deat and Marquet (an action still beyond the Admission: immediately to draw in the Social Haven they been good servants in tionary principles of Marx and Lenin, is, after a few short weeks, force or courage of the American we consider our French ist Party, Negro mass organizations the strike waves under the NRA?
larger than it was when it entered the billowing sea that now rolls 15c with costume comrades action to be the best step they can make at this moment still passive in this struggle, Give them chance and they will 200 without costume where once all was stagnant swamp. Latest reports from brother toward the concentration of revolutionary elements who will eventuMusic by of locals, and many other or do much better.
sections in Spain, Brazil, China, South Africa and other countries in ally become the backbone of the French section of a Fourth Internaganized groups.
The need of the hour is an orFred Barren Jazzmaniacs tional dente substancial progress. The American section is not only Proceeds to The New Internationat. tion of members of such bodies, the every muton against the present The Militant calls to the atten sanized progressive opposition in True, this could not bave been predicted six months ago, and Muste The Labor Action article is not only wrong as to facts. It is a is correct wben be remarks that we cannot predict every detail of Auspices: Downtown Branch, historic Mcottsboro case. We well conservative leaders. The Socialwork of questionable sincerity.
the process of establishing a new party.
realize how you feel about the Ists and Stalinists have proven The author speaks of tragedy. but his terrs seem to be made in In this country, however, next stepw are clear. We have every hope Passenger to Chi. Wanted. which derided your sincerits themselves incapable of this task.
Hollywood. True, the French League split, and it is always to be that the Joint committee of the and the wil soon DRVO and insulted your intelligence. Do This task, Ilke many others can regretted when not everybody does the right thing. But what was produced a satisfactory programmatic declaration, and that we may Passengers to share expenses to not, however, succumb to the tem only be accomplished by a new rev right? Does the author weep because a large majority went into the go on to organizational steps. As the first organization in this country Chicago. BIR comfortable car. tation to leave the out on olutionary Marxian party. Speed French or because a small minority stayed out? Did he want to raise the question of a new International and party in a revolution Stay twelve days. Leaving October a limb. The workers task is to up the building of a new party and all the Trotskyltes to go in, or all to stay ont? Or it all fiddleary and realistic manner, we welcome Counrade Muste wtatement: 20th. Inquire militant Office. Telo save the nine boys, wontever hap Fourth International.
Aticks to him? It certainly seems that he does not give a damn what There is no time to be lost.
phone Ramercy 9524 pens to the HUGO OEHLER.