Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionEngelsIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE QUESTION BOX Program of the Latin American Bourgeoisie WORLD OF LABOR of become The American Popular Revolu bourgeoisie, Betty bourgeoisie, peu perlatism directly through foreign tiuct from the native bourgeoisie. RICHMON tionary Alliance (better known as suntry and proletariat, und but wership, or ludirectly through One is strong, brave: the other BOLIVIAN COMMUNISTS AND THE CHACO WAR Question: In the automobile and wteel Industries the Apra) is the most important the class struggle between these the tank, is directly involved in weak, wardly. The native sour organization of the Latin American tour classes must be placed in see the agriculture (fruit, cotton, rubeoisie muy start a movement It IN Iwcoming apparent that both Bolivia and a but this was choked hy the of bureaucracy. it claims sections in all or most of the national tankY Thut the vicleather, wool, in mining, in railment in carried through by the pro. War in the Chaco. nless other countries of the Since then there has not been much sign of a atrike the countries that make up latintory of this four clasgarty would rould lower and light. In letariat, far beyond the point of South American Continent are drawn into the conIndustry the labor fakers were able to prevent the Calles of Mexico, it was represent retariat?
revival in these lines of production in the textile America. For a while, just as allow the development of the pro these industries high grade, ad controlled imperialism. far be niet, the struggle between the local agencies of Stan dard first threat of strike from maturing but were un. ed in the Stalinist Anti Imperialist vanced technique is used. The pro yond the limits set by the most ra The Chinese proletariat was letariat, organized in huge works, dical bourgeoisie. Terror stricken, this war may be obliged to serk other forms of soluable to resist the pressure of the ranks a second League of Brussels. It is vocifer chained and delivered to the exe uses the most modern tools tion.
time. How do you explain the difference in the atous in its praise for the Soviet Uncutioner sword by this leashevik. The antive bourgeoiste on the the arms of imperialism for pro.
the native bourgeoisle will flee to titules of the workers in these industries In Bolivia, the last recourse, general mobilization already being taken. At the commencement of the Answer: The attitude of the workers in this in Bolsheviks in Russia but only for Torre, the very able leader of the provincing for the local market, the in such a condition of affairs construggle all of the bourgeols political parties waved stance is conditioned ly the state of the industry Soviet Russia, and not to Indo Apra, stole his program from the pantry and the above described trol is a phantasy of Impotence. the banner enthusiastically, inflated with optimism.
Itself. In general, the workers can go on strike, America, the term they use when Stalinists and the Stalinists from proletariat. It is of a low level during a period of revival from a crisis, primarily speaktug of Latin America, Marx, tbe Mensheviks That ench thiet technically, burdering ou artisaury. American proletariat les in the The emancipation of the Latin The war would be brief and with booty for all.
Every dispute between these partles: Nationalist.
because they find themselves back again in the fac Engels, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin curse the other is not at all strange using antiquated methods.
Republican Socialist, Liberal Genuine. revolved tories. It is obvious that unemployed workers cannot ure cited in defending their argu but very uutural. But these denun The proletariat of Latin America gigantic task requires the unity of around the best method of serving the imperialist strike.
to producing means of consumption is less effected but the last. Undoubtedly large theoretical unity of all these groups. capitalist class but of the world (at well as the aid of the North Textiles, being an industry devoted chley ments of course a misuse of all clutions do not hinder the music is the product but of the native all of Latin America proletariat master. The bourgeois oppositions vied with each to a as far as itinarket is concerned than the Industries numbers of workers and peasants Haya de la Torre has this to say capitalist class of imperialism. American wage slaves) against the producing means of production. In 1982. 41. as follow this organization. For this describing the native Only one voice of absolute opposition to the war much, textiles were exportell as in 1929 whereas only reason, and for the reason that all class of Latin America: We are sentity, hot and never will be of Wall Street. Summarixing this demonstrations in Cochabamba, la Pax and Potos.
capitalist Latin America as an independent military and economie aggression was heard. This wax in the two or three proletarian 18. of the 128 cxports were realized by the ma: conditions affecting Latin America child already senile without hav ready for socialism, but the world the soldiers at the chinery and vehicle industries in 1932. As compared react in the United States, this ing enjoyel maturity. This state of which Latin America is part, is dalty is the slogan of the Soviet calling for the fraternization to 1921. about 78 of the textile workers bad em group deserves some attention, notwent is inuch more profound than overripe United States of Latin America. tront. These demonstrations took place in May 1932, ployment in 1962, whereas only 50 of the workers only by the comrades of Latin de la Torre innugines. Ile lopes to The Road of the Proletariat Weakened by the loss of one of two months before the mobilization and were im in the heavy industries were working that year.
The threat of steel strike came at the time when State America but also in the United be able to rejuvenate this wenile The Latin American proletariat its major sources of super profits, mediately followed by a wave of merciless persecuclass by a number of utopian meas must not wait to make the prolesteel was openting at about 55 of capacity. The The Apra Program automobile strike threatened at a time when producures. For the aid of the proletart tarlan revolution, neither for the spired by the revolution in Latin prisons were opened, and two months later the milltion and sales rose to their highest in four years. cau be sumced in the following that when industry is developed, as advocates de la Torre, nor for United states will be more easily The theoretical bases of Apraismut in this task he suletanly promises developinent of native capitalism. America, the master class of the tary trials took place and the eliminations at the front in the Chaco, From that time, the repres.
Steel has since dropped to around 20 of capacity, points: well, we will then talk about the the proletariat of North America.
of the bourgeoisie was able to smash Vanquished hy sive a organizations. Many revolutionists and automobile production has likewise fallen off. Co operation the three emancipation of the proletariat. To It can disregard all those holding proletariat. CURTIS. the gave way to panic while others went over to the Many of the workers are back on the streets ande! classes, who are oppressed and remake this hoax su down more these ideas and who use Marx service of the class enemy, but the greater part talize it. The number of textile workers where to solve the problems of Latin Amrt at the proletariat, ne sugar their bourgeois pornt or view. cemre Belgian Divides fulalled their duty under conditions of the greatest ditticulty.
the oils it with a quotatiou of Mars: proletariat must go forward to the stationary. This, essentially, is why they appear proletariat, the peasantry and the that the economic forces of one yo establishment of proletarian dic. Continued from Page 2)
Faced by the rising tide of the bourgeois oppostmore militant than their brothers beavy Industry native capitalist class. The aim of ciety must be developed before ittatorship which will at the same with regard to the foreign policy tion, which critielxed Its manner of conducting the revival of the latter will qulekly demonstrate that this co operation is to set up a can be replaced by a inore progres time liberate Latin America from of the This reservawar, the Rolvian government found it necessary to the appearance is decepive.
democratie republie that will free sive ane; and that the forces of imperialism, divide the land and resort to a strategem in order to hold the various tion is made by the Young So parties in line. Thus the Communist bogy was raised. NEW YORKthe native capitalist class from the the new society must be prepared give it to the peasants on either a cialist Guard and the Trotskyist strangulating bold of imperialism, to take over the economic strue Individual or collective basis, ac Youth.
Pretexts were created for legitimizing the governQuestion: In the Daily Worker of October 2, 1934, and will allow the development of ture. And since the burgeoisie cording to the peasants wishes.
ment permanence in power and its rigorous measthe editor, in explaining the difference between the a native industrialist class. cannot exist without a proletariat, confiscate the wealth of the imper. Socialist Guard also the vanguard frightened. For the purpose cases of police provocaHoex thix not make the Youngures. In this way its own bourgeois opposition was Socialist and Communist parties, makes the follow. The state that will be set up and there is no bourgeolsle talking Laul, without waiting for de of the counter revolutionary bour Hon were prepared. Most prominent perhaps are the ing statement: Socialism is defined as that society as a result of the three classes about in Latin America, obviously la Torres intritable development Poixie Moking to discredit the cases of comrades Duran Roger, Sin Canles, and which is transitional to Communism, a society in above named joining in a united before at melal change is possible of industry, crack the chain of imwhich the ruling class is the proletariat, governing front within the Apra will be the both the Latin American industri erialism in its very weak Latin wants a united front with them, ali NR. But the Belgian shez, and that of the Indian Insurrection en through its dictatorship. through Soviet power. In democratic republic, which will, acalism and the hourgeoisie sud pro American link.
ed by the police gent Escobar, which cost the right. How come?
the Soviet Union today, the proletariat has already cording to the theoreticians of the letariat must war. Industry! Before that can be done Stalinlives of more than five thousand Indians of the AltiJaid the basis for a Socialist society, but they are Apra, represent all three classes. mit derelepon a bourgeois basis. ix and its brother, Apraism, must After all these interesting educa plano region. In the same manner the system of still on the way to a Communist society. This The establishment of the de Kinship with Stalinism be driven from the tell. The per tional arguments, the informs provocations exist among the room at the front for Neem contraddletory but am not clear, Can you mocratie republic and the freeing Papain?
of native industry from the bonds a basie kinship with Stalinism and the Latin American masses can Vinced that we really desire to ac Como uncovering and eliminating the All very erudite and all showing manent revolution is the only road the that you must be con the Answer: The contradiction IN elf evident and of imperialism will allow the de with reformism. Did not reformist take. The proletariat of Latin Am complish the waited front and unity The young inexperienced Communist movement of flows from the theory of Socialism in one country. velopment of the proletariat, so as otalim sbout that the proletari erken using advanced technic in of action with the Young Social Bolivin was unable to hold together under the triats The Stalinists simply attempt to extinguish the dit to In the future to be sure take an revolution was impossible industrially. should the 1sts and their leaders.
and tests of the war period. It has finally reached ference between the proletarian dictatorsblp and over the nation and set up social. Russia because the economie forces bearers of advanced jiroletarian The whole delightful document the point where the only possibility of a revolutionSociallar In order to harmonize the theory con ism. Up to that time the proletari of Russia were not sutticiently dle thought.
Wind up with a slogan: ary rebirth of the movement rests with the groups traditions. At the present time the ruling class in at must co operate and support the veloped for the transition to so Forward to the united front of of exiled revolutionists whose hands are still free, the Soviet Union is the proletariat, governing bourgeoisie in the development of cialism in Russia Stalinism just De la Torre imagines a three action without the Trotskyites! who have bad the opportunity of learning from inthrongh its dictatorship. According to the Daily Industry and be only the left wing reverse the coin and, basing itself class party. It is logical that he tempora, a mores! What has ternational experiences, and among whom the sentiWorker this Is Socialism, yet in the same breath in the national bloc.
upon the same couception, argues bouki imagine a three class state, come of the proud boast of the ment for a new Communist Party a Fourth Instates that only the basis for Socialism has been It is not necessary to banish vehemently that the economic where the only repression would be stalinists that they could not be ternational has already taken root. These comrades lalu. What profound wisdom! The above quoted Imperialism from Latin America, forces of Russia were suficiently against the imperialists. That bothered with the Trotskytter behave already taken up the struggle for the defense Stalinist definition for Socialism is false. Under but only control it, so that the ad matured for the construction of so would be a wonder to see a stateenuse the Treskyites have no into or those imprisoned in Bolivia Socialism classes will have been abolished and the vanced technic that imperialismlalism in one country, Russia. representing the workers as well as ence in he working class? Nowaruling class and its state power, e. the dictatorship brings will be utilized for the de Neither Staliniam, nor Meushe the capitalists. Such is the Marx days the poor stalinist bureaucrat STRIKE WAVE RISES IN CUBA of the proletariat will have withered away, since velopment of national industry. visin, nor the Apra, can understaudism of de la Torre.
has to have special campaigns to The Cuban revolution, having suffered a serious coercion of one class by another cannot exist in a How imperialism will be controlled that the fundamental ideas of leave out the Trotskyites.
set back in January 1934 when the Gran San Martin claseless society. Under Socialism there will no is not stated.
Marx were built not on one In a previons article we discossed What the answer of the Belgian regime fell to make way for the reactionary Mendielonger be a proletariat since the existence of the Co operation with the liberal country but upon capitalism as a the idea of controlling imperialism, will be to the lying, slan ta government, now gives strong evidence of preparlatter implies the existence of a capltalist class groups of Latin America in favor world system and that the economic which is the watchword of the na derous bulldozing document of ing to take another leap forward.
whether or not the proletariat has selzed the power of the above program and against forces of capitalism as it worlative bourgeoiste of Latin America. their elders, we cannot predict Mendieta has had the unconditional support of from it.
imperialism, particularly Yankee system are now suficient for the We explained the economic impos though a guess would be pretty American imperialism in return for the services he imperialism.
transition to a higher stage in the sibility of the weak native bour safe. but this much is becoming has rendered American Interests in the island since AND Mensheylem in a New Guise evolution of the human race, social groinde controlling powerful imper clearer: overthrowing the weak kneed petty bourgeois Grau Question: recent fesue of the Minneapolis Labor It is clear that in the main weiam, as a world system.
talism which can bring such a vant The principled bureaucratic government. Wall Street has tried to make things Review, official organ of the Central Labor Union, have in the Apra an organization. This sefentitie truth works out in amount of pressure against the na disrupters who once would not it easy for him. The abrogation of the Platt Amendreports the has adopted a resolution approv. that in nearly every poot is a repe Latin America as follows that tive bourgeoisie up to the point of down around a table with the Soment and the Reciprocal Trade Treaty, were expresIng Governor Olson conduet during the driverstition of the program of the Men while there is not a large developed intervention.
cial Fam ist leaders Journeyed all stons of this solidarity. It was hoped in this way strike, and stating he did not use government power shevik wing of the labor movement native capitalist lass there is a Perspectives the way to Milwaukee Inst month to pacify the rebellions mood of the masses, by lull.
This truth is knowo to everybody who knows anything who were in the communist move proletariat is an integral part of tatorship, under the direction of a at that table. They will in not too and a sweet lullaby. At the time that the Platt a about the strike. The Labor Review adds that the ment at the time of the Chinese the world proletariut, an integral Marsist party with certain condi long a time make a more unwilling Amendment was adopted into the Cuban Constituresolution was seconded by one of the leaders of events of 1925 27, this program has part of workl economy tions can and, in Russia, dll allow journey, a real trip to Canossa, to tion and formalized in the Permanent Treaty with the drivers union, Grant Dunne. What is the posl also a familiar ring. Were we not The Latin American Proletariat an amount of controlled foreign sit around the table with the the following the Spanish American War, it tion of the League on this question?
told in Chine that the Kuo Min This large proletariat is em capital to enter its country. The Bolshevik Leninists too.
constituted a certain definite safeguard for AmeriAnswer: The League has openly and consistently Tang was a bloc of four classes. ployed by the imperiallat firms. Improletariat, however, is quite dis HARRY STRANG. can interests against possible competition or contlict attacked Olson strike breaking moves, during and with those of any other imperialist power. The since the strike. Similarly, the members of the wanted to conserve the right to intervene in Cuba League in Minneapolis warned the workers against any time. Now, this guarantee is no longer neces Olson and his troops before the troops came in, sary because the American capitalists by the extent denounced Olson when he brought the troops in, and of their economic holdings on the island no longer took the lead in arousing working class sentiment have anything to ferr from their imperialist rivals.
which eventually forced Olson to retreat to an extent By JIM OSBORN and DICK ETTLINGER It was therefore possible to give up the Platt Amendthat saved the strike. The League has not changed (Concluded in this issue) united front from below It als would militantly fight and carry on lon flet analyzing the issues of the ment as a concension to the masses without really Its position on the question since the strike. Governor Olson stands convicted of using the troops in lied merely its own membership and citation for the strike, but which strike and calling upon the work losing anything essential thereby.
But in spite of sope and promises, the Cuban workThe deciding factor that carried a handful of innmeliate sympathix at the same time, would not take erx to prevent a solid front to the strike brenking activities, the only way in which the this motion was the threat that, 1ters.
National Guard of the boss state can ever be used it did not carry, martial law would on il communist party character. attack of the employers.
ers have learned that there is nothing for them but In San It was not Grant Dunne who seconded a resolution be declared throughout In connection with the strike we Here again in our opinion the in Francisco, two of our members further minery and exploitation under the Mendieta president de center Strike poties but wollte man Brown the general strike committee would en inist party. In the ranks of the ford to the immediate interests of liary of the and participated of Machado. Furthermore, having once had a taste he arrested.
view statement is incorrect, and we are informed waterfront workers they were an the party, which huiled the fact of actively in the picketing carried on of their own power, during the revolutionary months that the editor intends to publish a correction: it It was during the heat of the important factor and were in many the Western Worker being the of by this organization. For this ac from August 1938 to January 1984, they are determay have appeared by the time this issue of the strike that the red raids took ways responsible for the militancy ficial strike organ as a great victivity they were arrested by the mined to march forward to still greater conquests.
The facts are these: the Central Labor Upton sagitating for such a measure for heavily on them. They were still least one must bring to the front, that the in spite of it co the need for some sort of permanent united front made up of unlon delegates who are almost without weeks Inetting the police and au of the belief that the of the inestion of the general pering itself a labor defense organiza organism. also shows that the masses who were able exception members of the Farmer Labor Party. They thoritles to act. Starting with the was a company union in which spectives of the Stalinistx. tion refused to handle the case of to overthrow the tyrant Machado through their mass strongly disapproved the attitude of the durralding of the headquarters of the there is little use to struggle. It is It is true they modified to some our comrades on the charges that action, having not forgotten the experience of that General striker of revolutionary political ing the strike: they were deeply concerned to protect Marine Workers Industrial Union, true they did not take this attitude degree their red trade union line they were Trotskyists and construggle.
significance have taken place in many cities and in Olson reputation with the workers and even at the every so called radical headquar as far as the was concerned.
to meet the concrete situation on ter revolutionists.
many Industries. The recent general strike in San cost of letting his attacks on the strike so unan ters were raided. the occupants in that union they instructed their the count, but basically they never In concluding this analysis the tiago de Cuba was a model for solidarity and unani.
swered, they did not want him to be criticized. When beaten, arrested and the headquar: membership to work from within altered their polley Their hopes outstanding lesson of the strike mity. Even the prisoners in the city jail declared a ters wrecked. The papers claimed on the other hand, in the seamen were embodied in the formation of brings again to the front the all hunger strike in solidarity with the industrial and and the functionaries chased into the street, that the raids were the work tot organizations they made no effort waterfront federation or union important necessity of militant transportation workers.
In spite of the Stalinist policy not hitting too hard typen statement by Olson that this was done for the 1s been established that they were forefront. In ornsition to the E. Workers Industrial Union and spite of the fighting spirit of the against Amerlcan imperialism the workers on nubenefit of the workers. organized by the police with the of unions, their own Marine which would of course be under masses the leaders were able to merous sugar plantations and transportation lines, best to restore the gilt to the exposed clay feet of labor officials. Following these the ranks of the other of. ixation could only develop as the The fight to win the trade unlons coming zafra, or harvest Within their leadership. Such an organ brenk the backbone of the strike. are preparing for sharp battles, at the time of the Now that the strike is over they are doing their tacit if not open support of the Workers Industrial Union.
their idol. Olson. Hence the resolution adopted by raids the red hunt was on in earn unions, having no organized frac. result of a split within the ranks for a militant policy in the burnThe Bolshevik Leninist Party is striving to esthe This resolution was introduced by an est. On both sides of the bay huntion their infinence was small in of the For and the breaking ing question of the moment.
tablish a united front in the unions and elsewhere.
official of the milk drivers union who is a member dreds of militants were beaten and spite of the militancy of the rank off of the LLAand sections of The labor movement in San Such a united front is absolutely indispensible for of the It was seconded by William Brower arrested, and herded like cattle in and tile. Also in the their the other marine unions from that Francisco in spite of the defeat of the struggle against the establishment of an open who is a member of the and has been for some be Communist Parts, since it was composed of all militants and the stalinists had not altered. Onlyraids is not crushed. The unions possibilities of a new revolutionary advance in the In fact the line of the general strike and the red military dictatorship, and in order to open up years.
elements The League, which was glad to see Brown go into the largest organization in the field, progressive narrowed in its concrete application had it are growing, the spirit of struggle near future.
the Henneplo County Central Committee of his party but all revolutionary groupe sut their base considerably. The Wes temporarily been modified. is increasing, and the need for induring the strike and demand that they protest tered.
tern Worker in its attacks was Due to onr lack of forces, the dustrial unionism as the next step REPRESSIONS IN COSTA RICA Against Olson policy, and which was glad to see The red raids showed very equally bitter both towards the League was not able to play a very is being hammered home more and As an aftermath of the heroic struggle of the Costa Brown denounce Olson policy publicly during the clearly the isolation of the Stalin bureaucrats and towards elements important role during the strike more.
Rican banana workers, the government of that restrike before scores of thousands of workers, cannot ists from the masses of workers in the radical movenient who would We had on the Onkland side one agree with his change of estimate of Otson. Lot especially those in the unions. The not endorse the policy of the comrade who was in the a left wing within the framework of stons against all who were known to have particia of course, the League has no responsibility for Brown, Lack of base in the trade union Another crowning blunder of the militant worker who was a leading the bonafide labor movement, apated in the leadership of the movement. The issue who is not and never has been a member of the movement prevented the rank and Stalinists was that of permitting member of the picket committee. broad left wing, having for its aim of Sept. 30 of Trabajo, organ of the Communist Party League.
sle of the unions from realizing the Western Worker to become the Nevertheless it must be admitted the task of wresting the leadership of Costa Rica, informs us that the workers are imThe manner in which trade union struggles are that these attacks were directed official strike paper on the water that the League never was able to of the labor movement from the prisoned in the port of Limon, in addition to others transated into political struggles is clearly Illustrated against the general strike with the front. This openly put the label concretely develop a polley for this conservatives on the basis of a who are held in the enpital. Armed bands of police by tbls incident. The particular strike struggle hav view of demoralizing the workers of communism on the lendership comrade to follow in hix unlon. Un program of militant action and and gangsters a service of the nited Fruit ComIng ended, many workers turn their thoughts to other and breaking the backbone of the and gave considerable support to fortunately also he died from heart struggle.
pany are hunting many other strike organizers in the problems and cease to guard themselves against the strike. The party did nothing to the red baiting of the capitalists attack during the course of the It is to this task that the League mountains and jungles as if they were wild beasts misleading effects of such resolutions as this one of atapel this confusion. It fought participated actively in the general strike. We also during this period must devote its energy. Its ability to be trailed to their lairs and exterminated. Through the Minneapolis Only a new revolutionary alone and made no effort to bring against the strike. As was said were able to play a leading role in to activize such a movement and its mass following in the unions throughout the party, with its own ticket in the field to keep these into the struggle the other sections before. what was needed was an the building up of a Shipyard play a dominant role in the build country and its parliamentary representatives, the issues before the working class and to teach them to of the revolutionary movement nor official newspaper of the striking workers union whose membership ing of such a left wing will deter Is conducting campaign demanding compete vote as they strike, for the class and its vanguard, the working class as a whole. Its untons similar to the one published participated actively in the general mine whether or not it is capable and general amnesty for all particlants in the fruit can counteract the reformists of all varieties, tactics were based as usual on the) in Minneapolis, newspaper which strike. The League also teued a lot bullding the new parts. workers strike.
The History of the Frisco General Strike