AnarchismAntifascismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyItalyKidnappingLeninLeninismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE TRE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1934 Workers «Greets IN THE TRADE UNIONS REVIEWING THE NEWS MARCH OF EVENTS un leadershi will lead to the protect the lower the materices. By now emptore create allotted esterilevert number of loyal employers were were working ho ama bu holes autobiography and is not to be Lessons of the struggle Letters to Black Shirts in Editor New Haven izing campaign with the following employeex tu organize into a union The Electrical Workers wage cut of May 1983. 2) restore erhood. 2) return of the bonus und The Daily worker, som Kidnapping New Haven. Two anti Fuscht Strugele ation of the bonus. 3) higher wages. restoration of the wage cut; 3) gratified to learn. has not suc. The Spanish Insurrection The capitalist newspapers, which contri Kreeted Mussolini Unrest Grows recognition of the Brotherhood of timbed entirely to the sobering influence of its New York Times The insurrection of the Spanish so lightly pass over the sturvation alsmen their arrival in New As a result of the NRA, which Utility Employers.
For 29 years, in good times or had been in effect about months.
Butlı were small in numof the children of unemployed and Bren.
What is to be done? 1) Break ex editor. or its three (count them) proletariat against the pro fascist Lerroux ministry, comes as the rebud. the Brooklyn Ellson Company there was an increase in power up the company mion as fast as daily editions. One may still cull halt paid workers, strive to work bere extremely inisanaged and has not failed to pay its regular consumption and a nice gain in Tossible and have the members from its columns the choicest tid sult of the direct provocation of themselves and their readers into the other surprisingly militant a frenzy over the Lindbergh and Loth occurred on the historic Yale annual dividend.
protit for the Ellison Company. openly Join the Brotherhood: 2) bits and most delicious morsels of the reactionaries in their assump tion of three strategic posts in the From 1910 until 1932 the workother kidnappings. In Detroit a caminas among million dollar build This served to increase the unrent Organise the office workers into the Idiocy.
union: 3) Replace the cowardly house to house selling chances on ented to scademic freedom, cultureed to of the yearly wage. Ent growth of the Brotherhood, Issued for the union, not for themselves girl of 11 years was sent out from ings. Iriding supposedly dedicato kot dividend. It was of the workers Innbmit for this week prixe government the ministries of agThe employers, alarmel at the leadership with men who will fight the contribution of Mrs. Lincoln riculture. Justice and the interior. punch board for the benefit ofte.
Steffens who writes under the name GI Robles, bead of the Catholie party of the big landowners and inHome Holy Catholle cause. She The first occurred as the Fascists this had to be voted on each year. In April 18634 the Employees Plan. prepare to strike for. union of Miss Ella Winters. It appears never came back.
for collective Bargaining. a com recognition and the closed shop, b) under the heading: Three Well dustrialists, gauged the moment days of ilutensive search her body descended from buss nur Wool. Since 1926, when the Brooklyn Edi was found in the hustily vacuted Pacismibilled the air. scuffie solidated in company, there was my comide which was to be full restoration of the wage ent and Known Writers Add Thutr Bit to when the power of reaction had Dally Worker Drive. And reached its new height under the apartment of a moroue son. KARL OSWALD.
republican regime and would have of a immediately followed during which increasing hostility on the part of the circular which was sent out Winters bit is a bit fudeed.
the Board of Directors to continue by larker might have soundeil fine declined without a direct assault preacher. The child had been at a partacus yonth, an Anarchist, She writes: tacked and then killed with a hum rew Jer and at member this labor dividend. The plan to the wive, but the vanguard of Drug Clerks Strike on the workers and peasants for The Captain of the Morro as the consolidation of power. The mer. In the apartment were found were beaten by kpectutors. The War to take this bons from the the workers was not to be fooled.
Le may have thought sincerely hatred of the monarchy taught the Com. Winning that the fire could be put out and these monarchists to proceed cau.
murderer is still at large. He had armed with umbrellax mutil knocked make up the deficit of other sub olidutel Gas, the Brooklyn Elison sidiaries of the Conwolidated Ganhad the lusurance, if not the liner, tiously, to put forward the lying previously, on two consions, been down.
In 1931, the sum of 13, 400, 000 galust the company union.
best showing in the vote saved. Even then it was tough on slogans of defence of the repubsent to lunatic asylums for attack More than per cent of the em. the passengers to be left asleep. It lies at this stage so as to prepare on young girls but was released. CNN en from the Yale etuully. 800, 000 were out that more burupany thoughtployink drug ktore owners in the winterce. And Ounnecessary.
The mund took place when the was available for dividends. Ae Alterward, the the way for restoration at a later Bronx have signed up with the was needel, espe The police, in their usual inimitable aining hall.
fashion, went to all bookstores and members and sympathizers, ut mempiled up surplus of 20, 100, 000. the wind out of the Brotherhood ion unonord today.
Communist Leitgue and 4, 200. 000 added to the already cially did it want to take some of Pharmacists Union, officers of the The crew knew and could have stage.
warned everybody aboard that The direct challenge of the Span stopped the sale of Art maga doomed ship. Emphasis ours.
The retreatt of the bosses ixh fascist forces could not be 1gA campaign against house seixin, and members of zines.
ber of the Leagile Against War aud But the couny decided it was in walls: it restored half of the wake lowed! the calling of general wen, on our good ship. the Earth, nored by the working class parties folNa a tight hole. so it laid off 1, 600 cut of Any 1933.
to house canvassing hus also been tional studivut Lugne, eleven in employers. This gave rise to the strike of all arus clerks in the shouting Fire! We are not steep. The ardent and Merce struggle of the crew knows, and here it is despite its character of provocation.
started. But strange to say, nolail and including two women, organization of the Brotherhood of Loyal Workers See Trick one in authority has had a word banded together in a compact unit Brooklyn Elison Employees, an in thngs, its engoling and intimidaBut in spite of its spies and stores that refused to sign.
Bronx. with picketing of those nor are we very drunk. suggest the industrial workers, the miners, to say on the closing down of the and rout the air with basso il dependent union.
that we stop. look and isten, pas the farm laborers after the calling The. and Melburt uns sengers, crew and captains too.
tion, it got a little more in the signed up immediately, and a flyCatholic school that sent the young Pascismo.
of the general strike forth in girl out nor has anyone proposed Dividends and Relief They were immediately surroundcompany union than it had expecting picket squad was kept busy and the Western Worker and it the will of the workers to resist Read and heed the Daily Worker, bold and flaming reliet once more the sterilization of all Christian In 1932, 10, 000, 000 were paid ed. Working conjunction with getting individual employers into they are not as good technically and snerifice for the common good.
preachers. Both measures appened by Musolinix Henchmen, some employees were laid of.
more pertinent to the case than the in timber and mostly laughing ont in livstends and over 3, 0001 the Itrotherhool, certain members line. The union anticipates that they should he, contribute sofne Even defeat in battle of such in the all of the larger employing stores raids on bookstores.
The thermostrators kept in the Parker, the president of the Brook petition asking for the restoration will highest score the week is capital goods to them, and make tensity is the guarantee of renewed was flung into the faces of the workers not to despair as he had tion of the wage cut. The com. Periods Second or Third?
The terms of the contracts in(Signed) Ella Winters. row. This outburst of the masses In the second period of wars but and began to seer, geer, and becaminted Chairman of the many mioneked up the petition cinde 82. 50 wage for a 14 hour Ton ask me what the lady adds new splendor to the heroic and revolutions, Lenin Communist wear in Italia. Abasol Fas. Committee. The relief committee ment. The reply was a Hat refu week, with closed shop.
means, cances and flutters traditions of the Spanish proletaInternational, under Comrade Stalcino, bal Puismo was still generously paid the rest of the unalaud result the eyes of a xwent shop conditions. Drug clerks he does through life (see Steffens The strike was in protest against through the English language as riat.
tariat countries the so chey mumbered fifty.
four or more 00 a to cover to the week little 18 or 20 a to cialist Revolution throughout the Nuditenly they turned into raging all other expenses.
The outstanding lesson of this of the company union world. Pravda editorial as re beasts. uring and shouting aloud In May 1983, the employees were werk. The Druggist NRA code, wenning.
But will you just cast struggle against fascist consolida One of the many purposes of the drawn up by the bosses, generous your eye over her sentimentul de tion of power is the absolute need ported in the Nord Clues. Septe. il ber attacked the group de eleven siven saturday off at their own company unto und wurticularly of the worfered 16 minimum for tense of the captain of the Morro for revolutionary leadership hayWasn the third period period with fout and fixts. The women expone. The following month the this one is the use of the employees to bour weck, but even these sweat Castle (who blamed the Reds for ing clear aims and capable of guidHaven were truck over the head repeat NRA was launched with the stip against taxation legislation. The shop conditions were not observed the disaster) and her scurrilous ating the masses with correct revoluwe been in that period since 1928 Gily with a heavy packuge. Blow Intion of the 35 hour week. Could company can threaten the legisAnd wasn comrade Stalin that the cor Wow was given until the Fas it be that the Brooklyn Edison had Intors with wage cuts it the taxes cal Association, un paper organiza Line desire a more ardent defend cannot achtere success, cannot es. the third period, the period of cists then retreated to the other are not to its Hiking tablish the dictatorship of the proProfits meanwhile had tion of the owners, has been vocier?
been wars and revolutions comrade site of the treet. Still blow for sure to dixxy height. SomeBrotherhood Strengthened ferously attacking the union and Since the Pleistocene God first letariat, without a trusted revoluStalin led Lenin Communist in blow was given. The demonstrating had to be done. So on Aug. lud become a real threat to the ority of its members have signed ever been anything as hopelessly the begemony of the working class In the meantime the Brotherhood raising the red mare, but the ma bronght order into chans, has there tonary leadership that has gained ternational from one defeat to an tors gave ground slowly. tighting 18. 1966 the Public Service Com IN. Its total other, culminating in the smashing very inch of the way until, on the mon ordered a rate «ut which weltent to 2, 000, and at the power The union plans to extend its line And Rin Winters has devoted her partial Battles, political and ecomembership union contracts.
mukilled a Stalinist liberal? in the course of historie struggles, Germany. Is it some more of such lege, they were dispersed luy odd000, 000 a year. This cut was never had 90 of the workers organized.
of the powerful labor movement en campo of the new Berkeley Col was to save consumers some station on Indison Avenue alone it or battle to other broughs follow life (God save the nurk. to work nomic that lead up to the final de victories that Pravda promises of nine to one.
its mapping up campaign in ers defense!
cisive bid for power. Such a leadput into effect, however, as the for this second period of wars and Teu of the Fascists pursued an New York Supreme Court granted the benevolent Mr. Parker. le largely increased as the result of This wax a little too much for the Brox. 188 membership has LEWIS BURKE. ership did not exist in the present revolutions which is also the first instructor down Wall Street. Halla stay.
Instance. The forces of the Bolperiod of collaboration with the way down the block be made tired onean, the of Lo the Bronx victory.
sherik Leninist, handicapped by Bonus Cancelled cal 102. and Neilly and Reilly for Off Again, On Again, the existence of the two bureau League of Nations?
stand. After smashing one of them But the Brooklyn Edison Com inefficiency. That this inelli a policeman intervened and he rany was still in a terrible predica ciency was only discovered after THE MILITANT Gone Again, Finnegan ist forces, as yet too small in num.
With the Dally Worker inade hix encar. The entire affair ment. The only thing the starving a longer period of employment Kutered as a second class mail Overjoyed at Entrance of was churacterized by the brutality directors could do to remedy their the newest of the workers had Post Office at New York, UnAccording to the latest Commu masses, despite thelr correctness of into langue of Nations thie Paxeists. Groin kicking and light wil to cancel the bonus been employed for over a year der the act of March 3, 1879.
bendline, Daily Worker, Sept. 28. rabbit punching were their special of the workers shows that their tim harge was the Published Weekly by the nist, the Stalinist Party Is grow. policy, could not play at the moWith minimity they lines As result, the ing by Jenps and bounde.
Leape ment the decisive role. The socialCancelled lecture by George Nities.
Brotherhout result of other cannes union netiv. Communist laugue of America kind on Internntional Importance Serred the live of the feet to that grew hy leaps and Ind. It ty.
144 Second Ave. New York, into the organization, and bounds its broke only yesterday with the out of it. republicans with whom they had Their attempts to sell a charter of the Brotherhood of Stalin Foundations of Lenin of the hands Strike Threatened Phone: GRamerey 9524 been in treacherous bloc to keep ism. It was a tongh assignment reth the groins of the males were of Utility Employees of America Whether the labor Board mediEarl Browder reports to the the workers under the yoke of Vol. 7, No. 41. Whole No. 245)
for George Xotundere le can xecutent with military precision and received it. becoming Lacalator. Atra. Herrick, had turned the SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1934 that there were some 24, 000 mem bourgeois democracy: that is, under celled it.
The events leading to both dem 102. It petitioned the lion Comunion books orer to the bosses or EDITORIAL BOARD onstrations are important. Friday, pany with the signaturex of 600 whether it was just company plain Martin Abern adits that 17. 000 new members were of the left forees showed that James Cannon admitted between January and ability to supply, What! No Father Divine? Sept. 28, the acting chairman of employees, asking for an explana clothes men who had spotted the Max Shacht man Maurice Spector August. As a result, the actual struggle, the program combined the every day The American League Against the BBC Act War and Pas tion for the withholding of the three union workers, is not known.
Arne Swabeck.
The answer received was At any rate, the union threatened Bundle rates one cent per copy. How come membership In July was 20, 000.
with the leadership in the partial War and Fascism held an anti waring of the Spartacus Youth League that the employees did not get it to strike, putting forth the follow Subscription rate: 00 per year: same period 21, 000 members quit could have fought properly and Simple: during the demands for which the masses antifascist rally in Necca Temple, issued an invitation for partic because it was withheld or words ing three demands: imaediate The speakery ist included Theo ipation united front demon to that effect.
foc per half year. Canada This means that almost everybody eagerly, that would have rallied dore Dretser. Kurt Rosenfeld tration in connection with the visit reinstatement of Donegan. Nellly and Foreign. 150 per year:who joins the Stalinlsts these days, the workers and peasants to the The union then startel an organ and Reilly and the right of all Refugee Prussinn Minister 75e for six months.
of the Fascist students to New quits within a period of elght revolutionary party and the revoluJustice (an out and ont social: Haven.
Stalinist aets months. and often takes along tionary cause. The Cortes was nevfascist. a couple of respectable somebody else with him.
preachers, a professor and Charles lley or united fronts on wwcific This being in line with the Then comes the explanation the er made a tribune from which to unul torrent of epithets and cursKrumbein. The program included ex. representatives were sent, The omniscient Browder ex establish those necessary bonds And then a few facts real, plau this interesting phenomenUnited Front Issue with the masses. Thus in the pres Dances of Revolt. Songs the following Tuesday. to the goud Stalinist facts. For example: on. It seems that politically the ent situation the masses showed Strife and Ants war Skits. It meeting of the League Against War Trotsky. since 1903 hus heen masses are coming to the but their readiness to rise to the heights seems an eminently fit gathering for Father Divine and his dancing and Francism. After a prolonged BULLETIN the on aggression variety, but against the Bolshevik Party. Es the Is falling down on the job of proletarian revolution and ric Texion during which the old gels and yet they are not listed in in other respects represented an pecially in his job as chairman organizationally. Strange. how tory but the leadership was in.
arguments against Trotskyism The latest issue of La Voix the attractions advertix in the were liradeda vote wax taken and Communiste, weekly organ of the enormous step forward for the Bell of the Petrograd Soviet in 1905. he line can be correct and the apsutficient.
Daily Worker. Can it be that Pa Belgian communist League, region working class.
And more especially as chairman plication correct, and the objective De was refused participaof the ecograd Tinary Revolu situation correct. but 21, 000 The nited Front ther Divine is reserved for street Whether the action reports that the Charleroi District demonstrations and is barred from on by to.
This fact is also shown in the The Lergue Aminst War and of the under orders from tected a genuine turn to a revolucionary Committee in October, people walk out because the unit tionary position, or simply over missar of War in the first years of 1917. And most especially as Com organizer is no good.
the more respectable anti war united front established so late in Pacim went ahead with its plans the has voted to withdraw The truth is that, sailing under the day. This united front gives meetings?
for picketing with justers. When from the united zealousness developed in an effort the Soviet Republic, and most, the stolen hanner of Leninism, the birth to incipient soviets at the the time to swing into action cialist Guard and the young to the at all costs, we cannot Trotsky and Lenin were interna workers who want to take their con the order of the day. The they signed with the Young So. to obey Moscow orders to get next most expecially when the names of is able to pick up many very moment when insurrection beBrewder Analyzes Textile Strike the 25 orkuninitions afiliated with Bolshevik. Leninists Yes comrades, the betrayal warte Langue Against War and Fas(Trotsky say. In any case, it is now catching to shorthand for the Russian place in a revolutionary party, but Stalinists hail the soviets uncriti.
ites. The decision was taken at possible also because we have not clsm failed to materialixe, few postaught the workers to conduct ters were in Night, there was prac.
a membership meeting of the gian Chatelet District Com Revolution and the communist In who soon find that they can not ently now, not understanding that stand for the wild and wooly antics soviets ennnot be built only for imternational District. The vote was 1, 722 mittee (why not the national of strike over the heads of their lead tically no picketing, and absolutely But that not all. Trotsky, it of Stalinism. Another factor is mediate insurrection, that soviets floe. ers. Earl Browder. Daily Work. no organization. As a result the against 1, 014. ALMOST 40 PER demanding that the impus appears, is now in France living that the standards set for admis. have first to be fostered in the er, Sept. 25. Isn it just possible sympathy of the spectator was losti CENT OF THE LA MEM.
BERSHIP FAVORED STAYING dent (or imprudent) youngsters in a villa, with neatly arranged sion to the are incredibly low. form of a united front of all forces that if Instead of setting up paper due to their failure to understand Revolutionary unions, had the what it was all about.
IN THE UNITED FRONT, ONE pull out of the united front. The portfolios, surrounded by pedigreed Nelther ideologien development nor of the working class for smaller testing in action is required. Any aims of defence, for the carrying OF WHOSE EXPLICIT AIMS sole reason is that they must not hounds, by servants and secretar hody who can cheer the local funcont of strike struggles, for the fight omrades been instructed to work The recand demonstration was defend comrade Trotsky!
ies! No doubt it is because the to build the regular unions they hurriedly improvised by Communist IS THE DEFENSE OF COM RADE TROTSKY AGAINST French bourgeois government has tonaries can join the CP. Conse for working class relier, etc. Only The Stalinist Letter might have been themselves the League members and sympathisere CAPITALIST PERSECUTION!
made ench splendid arrangements quently, all sorts of petty bourgeols through soviets (Juntas) thus cro leaders in some of the strikes, in and others including SJ. memThis letter is one of the most stead of shouting over the heads bers and one member of the League The report adds that the Young interesting of recent products of the for his care that nobody has seen and even lompen proletarian ele. ated early in the struggle can the of both leaders and workers. Brow der says further. Yes, the betray disappointed with the first. Its nim nored the Pois elemand that it ity and straight logic of a plate since he was spirited away from otton Teasons and drift out as contact with the soldiers and penschoose between a united front of well cooked spaghetti.
Fontainebleau by cops, and that the soon as it pleases them to do so. ants that will help to win over ers betrayect. That is their busi was to reach the Fascist students One of the tasks of the American these forces to the revolution when ness! But the task of revolution thenselves and let them know of with the and one with the The Young Socialists. this doc, him in the same period. What is section of the new international, as the decisive moment arrives. Other ists is to prevent betrayals, to make the militant opposition in New counter revolutionary iter.
them impossible. But in America Haven to them and their creed.
action on the basis of a living he dong with those portfolios and soon as it is formed, is going to be wise only the miscarriage of the to save the serions elements from revolution can result.
secretaries unity of the light of the proletariat Otherwise as in Germany the policies of Stal From this proint of view it was a Inism made betrayal and defeat in success. Their equanimity was Recently a united front agree against the bourgeoisle. The Trotskyites and the United Front the disheartening experience of a the peasants do not rise in over ment was reached by the Belgian Young Socialists in this case, of Yow the letter deals a realment, which often disables them for erx to seize the land and disarm few months in the Stalinist move whelming numbers with the workevitable. The task today most listurbed.
pressing of all is the building of a The wlidarity whown by several Young Socialist Guard and the course, are none other than the ly telling blow: the struggle for a long period. reaction, the soldiers are not ready revolutionary party in America that intellectuals in connection with the Belgian Young Rolshevik Leninists official youth organization The Trotskyites are in every to turn their arms against their will liquidate the Stalinist helpers second demonstration was herrten. Trotskyltes. It calls for gen (rank and file, lowest functionar country the enemy of the united Fascists with a connter revolution officers, etc. Otherwise the united of betrayal and make much betray. Ing. woman gradunte student eral united front action against ier, middle functionaries, top fune front. We challenge the Belgian als as the textile settlement im and an instructor and his wife war and Fascism, and in defense tionaries and everything else. Communist Party and any other ary tall. As for Madison Square front becomes a matter of manipulatfon from the top in which the possible.
stood in mr ranks, using their fists of democratic rights and the rights Geel there are no more Social Stalinist party to produce copy Garden the less said the better.
for intellectual freedom wide by of the working class.
Finally, this interesting fact: the Companys can agree with the As Truce in Industry side with unemployed and Commu the struggle on behalf of class war ist youth. That ought to be worthing the united front and dated any Trotskyites discredit the Soviet unas that they will not permit the nist League members. To them we prisoners, including Stalinista, a headline in both the Daily Work time between 1928 and 1983 which Unfon and try to hinder the inter. Vend the way to the dictatorship of Roosevelt, in 1984, like Hoover in extend our respect and admiration. Trotskyists and Socialists in Faser and the New Leader. does not brand the Trotskyltes as the aid of the Soviet Union. Notho proletariat but will merely tal and labor. And the same labor member of the Leagne Against War camps and specifically mentions period of our agreement, the let guard of the bourgeoisie just be 1928 proposes a truce between capt. To the members and the distprisons and concentration Under no persuasion and at no the counter revolutionary van: doubt by our criticism of stalin defend bourgeois democracy. Other fakers who agreed to Hoover pro and Poseism. who gave a good ac sks. cings war prisoner of the any united action with the Trotsky ed front with the Social Demoemey. the Yipeel Trotskyite pact which ter continues, can we subscribe to cause we were advocating the unit. theory and practice of Socialism wise no Marxian vanguard can, in the course of every day struggle, sbow its milltantly correct leader ers ng Gorman, are falling over same. We shall always stand French capitalist government.
ites or the protection of Trotsky ship and win the masses away from themselves for the chance to lenilwhoulder to shoulder with them on The Political Burean of the Rel himself. Which recalls the days workers of all political fathe the the signed includes the following Agreement: the misleaders and betrayers whose the workers into the truce trap the field of battle. We deplore the gian Stalinistr. after when every stalinist declared in role the played in bringing sole aim is to put a brake on the Once bitten, twice shy. It will Active organization of the defact that the 21 organizations affit. much discussion and many fruit equally certain terms: Never will about the united May Day demon action of the masses in order to not be easy this time.
ated with the League Against War less efforts to get the Soclalists to we sit down around the table with stration of left wing and Socialistfense of the without thereby meaning the elimination maintain thelr own bureaucratie and Fascism, that the and abandon comrade Trotsky, signed the leaders of the social Fascists organizations, characterized by the of the freedom of criticism. Indecontrol. JACK WEBER.
JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE were not present and bad no this joint pact. The pact, as we and disctie a united front against Stalinists (who held their own priorganized resistence at the second indleated in the Militant of Sept. Fascism. Never! What, never? rate double Red counter demonstrapendent of the common action, ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT demonstration. JAY HARDE. 22, had objectionable features of Well, hardly ever.
tion) as a hodgo podge of Social. Continued on Page. TANTSONE CENT PER COPY.
of Belgian Divides on BILL