AnarchismAntifascismCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS THEMILITANT OF THE WORLD, UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 41. WHOLE NO. 245 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1934 PRICE CENYS Vertical Union Plan Is Vote for the ScottsboroBoysInDanger WorkersBattle Heavy Adopted by ofL. New Party in As Tactics Enable Odds in Spain Against at Convention in Frisco The Elections Lawyer to Knife Defense Onslaught of Reaction But Right Wing Steers Towards Class Collaboration Policy Best Fight Is Waged in Districts Led by Worker Alliance Prices to Rise In Fake Truce Of Roosevelt Anti fascists Demonstrate In New York the Once again, the workers in New Samuel Llebowitz, chief opposed to the LD. line during York have the opportunity of watcounsel in the Scottsboro entre dur the case.
Ing while they starve. After five Despite the passage of the resoluFears, in which hunger was a consug the past year and a half hastion, Patterson never sent such a stant guest at the family table and quit the case after roundly deletter; instead he sent one which the bull beaded, quick to club cop Bouncing the LL. and the State had rejected, giving Lie pers an ever present companion oninist party for their Scottsboro bowitz a free hand. This, Patter.
the picket lines, the wober realiza policy. He jolis Alabama legal son confessed later, he did under Green policy has met more opract remains that these muddletion must be sinking in the ballot lynchers in their efforts to harm orders from his political friends.
position at the current convention heads advocated the seven bour is a worthless serap of paper on the defendants. charging that is, the Politieal Bureau. to the insurrectionary movement in the lack of a truly united tend In spite of very serious setback, in spite of the confusion caused than it has for a number of years. cuy. instead of the six for several less the might of organized, fight attorneys with attempted The Executive of the Spaits, the miners of Asturias are ership. undoubtedly the opposition in even tinged years, until the workers themselves ing Inbor behind Even bribery of witnesses. More than (lucluding a party fraction) soon still putting up a valiant defense Cil Robles will till have much to with progressivism.
The real left laughed them out of court. They then it subordinate weapon.
wing has no voice in the conven now kup silent or call for the The New Deal versus the old handful of Negro person has lution calling on the to pub semi Fusest regime, dominated by solidate a dietatorship.
this Liebowitz, with the backing of after nunimously adopted a reso against all the armed forces of the contend with before he can cou.
tion. In the main the opposition lorter work week, except where Deal, and a furious battle of words ordered the. to get out of the lely dissociate itself from Liebo Lerroux and Gll kobles.
that recived a hearing on the floor the workers pressure is sufficient is the rue cooked up by the gold case, and to turn it over towitz first vicious anti Negro and In this interim, there is still primarily concerns Jurisdictional to furce them to adopt the slogan dust parties for the workers to get the Negro churches. The Daily clase. collaborationist statements ut. the workers hands, the embattled tarian forces forging the vanguard As warship shell coast towns possibility of reforming the prole.
disputes, and clique fight be to the six hour day, five day week exercised over. The old Dent, the Worker charges that Liebowitz bastered before the opening of the miners are barricading themselves party so nemiry it tinal victory tween the labor leaders These awl u rechtetion in pay.
workers have asociated with the turned against the because Decatur trial. The LL. ignored in mountain strongholds, where is to be achieved. The heat of the disputes over the question of en The Vertical Union Decision great engineer. Herbert Hoover that organization preferred to have the request.
they are beseiged by the combined present struggle will be followed larging the Executive Council. over His regime of let them eat cake the next appeal to the Sucompromise has been reached and gassing bonuseers will not soon preme Court managed by Walter the building trades jurisdictional Not even when Liebowitz en land and air forces of the govern. by regronpinent within the work dispute, and other such clushes, as at the convention on the question be forgotten by the workers despite Pollak, who served in the first Sudorsed lynching in court, saying ment. In Madrid and many other in law movement in pain. The of the vertical union. The report all the prattle of iberty.
well as the difference of opinion on preme Court appeal. It seems that that if he believed for a moment cities, throughout the country, party be. of the resolutions committee calls the question of craft vs. Industrial Lichowita is another of those that these nine niggers were street fighting still continues, but the final triumph of Priscism is to for the issuance of international unfon, reflect the difference it polcharters in the auto cement and Then came the promises tast stocking Traitors. who somehow culty of rape, he would be the on indications now are that the be prevented. There is but little lcy among the labor leaders, tot and aluminium Industries, was and thick. Right to organize. HOalways turn up among the Stalin. first to swing a rope did the LL. premature improperly prepared up time left. if complete dister is to protest! The Daily, staunch defen rising hus but small hope of snehe averted.
over the question of how they can adopted by the convention. In these body will starve. Peter will not int best buddies.
aid the working class, but over the der of Negroes, never reported this cost.
Joseph Broniky, the LL. horrible statement of the chief LL basic industries these internation be robbed to pay Paul. Hopefully This dues not mean that Frs United on the Barricades question of how they must act in als will be constituted na Industriai the American workers looked to the trading taff attorney, who hus re Courel!
dem Narendy triumphant in In practically every city Anil order to retain their organization 20th century Moses, taking his, watey praised Liebowitz work, and its grip over the workers who Those who had advocated the main The very fact that the factory town of Spain, the real tag word on faith. But like the promowanences with this that taninist position wax med during this past week. Continued on Page 4)
are moving to the left. The lawyer workers have fought so valiantly, iscs of Wilson to keep us out of the never was so disappointed in should be warned in advance. It as the workers staged their first The NRA Rehbere come in the war the New Deal of Rose any one ile is in Mr. Liebowitz. you son of a you play any desperate light against the forces for criticism as the convention velt turned out to be a gift horse and charges him with motives of dirty trick or commit any political of reaction. Having learned from warmed up. The Makers did not point out the strike breaking role Company unions, pernicious strike faggrandixement.
the German Vents, of last year.
settlements, bullets, gas, bayonets. The truth of the matter is that accused, will immediately interrupt the Spanish Soclulist, Anarchists.
of the government in the recent murdered strikers tell the story of Sam Liebowitz has always been a you publicly, call you a scamp, and Syndicatints and communits wageul strike wave. Rather, their criticism the New Deal.
doubtful ally, whose intention it announce that refect such a de a united struggle on the barricades points out that there is not a sufi against the common enemy cleut development of the polley of Yet the stories of Revel way to get what he could out of fence, etc. and carry out this It is still too soon to draw the class collaboration. They desire achievements are still being marched the case while knifing the work threat. were forced out of the balance sheet and to make de equal representation on the NRA up and down the country like some ing class and the Negre people in and the and charged biblical tale of how Navior the back. This he did effectively with white chauvintem. and Roards. The workers must realize tailed and intelligent analysis of that the main trouble with the brought succor to a suffering pe for a long time, and the IL. let counter revolutionary Trotsky this herole struggle. We can ouly ism.
An industrial truce is to be deple. What are the facts? Prices him do it!
BULLETIN say that the revolutionary party of in the present strike wave was too much class collaboration clared in the war between capital have risen, protits have mounted on March 27, 1983. the Militant. Now the chickens have come The three Yipsels arrested on capable of giving Laminint leader the charge of painting anti fasship was conspicuons by its uband not enough class struggle. To and labor, and prices are to mount while Steel threatens it bew commented on the hirink of Liebo home to roost. Liebowitz, having upwards.
wage cut that is all forgotten hy wit as follows: extracted from the case cist slogans ou error the labor agthe walls of the remedy.
sence. The Socialist Party. which These two pronouncements of our the mealy. mouthed politicians. Llebowitz.
ents of the capitalists are going to is getting a free personal glory and political capital Yankee Stadium are being held has played the leading role, hax give the working class an increased Fireside President are of course Stability to the capitalist system is hand to attack the defense from he expects (he is no longer just a without ball for the court of demonstrated its the party to ful not unconnected. They mean that what they see and what they want yegg mounthpiece. he is a deA platform given him by the Sieciul Sessions All the necessary role.
dose of this poison.
In the the worker is not to demand in and Roosevelt is their God. To 1)
Anti Labor Drive Prepared He attacks the mass struggle fender of the oppressed who dares months prior to the events, the subalterns of Roose creased wages when the prices of vote for which has saved the Scottsboro call the boys my clients. leaves On Columbus Day, October 12, Socialist arty prevented the The of convention skipsfood, shelter and clothing begin to velt in New York State is to forget boys four times, he maneuvers the flat in a critical moment about 1, 1500 workers representing workers under its leadership, from over the most important issues Nkyrocket. Otherwise, what would the battles of Frisco, Minneapolis. just as wonld an law cont ronting the working class and be the point and stabs it in the back. And the all political tendencies in the labor participating in any serious partial the National Re Toledo and textiles.
yer seeking to make a deal. When Daily has discovered that he is a movement except Stalinism met in struggles, explaining that all en organised labor. The reorganiza covery Act, designed entirely to end Perfidy at the Ballot Box one considers these facts in rela traitor. And Jor Brodsky is dis Columbus Circle, as a preliminary ergies should be conserved for the tion of the NRA is merely the first the slump in price levels?
The labor skates in the New tion to the equally regrettable pointed!
to a demonstration later in the day insurrection itself. Thus the workindication of a new attack upon In a word, industry and business York State Pederation of Labor fact that the inhas defense move The situation is now complicated at the Yankee Stadium, in conning class was led into an insurrec the workers standard of living are to find recovery at the expense counsel the workers to mark an ment has died down in recent tion without having any Murial All indications of the present eco of the workers.
by the fact that Liebowitz and his ter dersonstration against the as besides the Democratte star.
parsons claim to have induced the ents of Mussolini now touring this gains behind it, and at a moment weeks almost to the vanishing nomic and political moves that are again and again, this has been they do it with a purpose and not Joint. It begins to look as thongh prisoners and their parents to sign country in the guise of visiting when the hourgeoisie felt most being made by the houses and their evident in the acts and speeches of for the workers interests. The the were teetering on the statements ordering the out students ustensibly studying nni contident of its strength. We see government point to a bitter drive the benign Mr. Roosevelt. plums of office, and tsitions ou brink of a rotten and dangerous of the case. If young Haywood versity life in this country but in therefore it combination of errors against the workers. Before the President Roosevelt today em code authorities dangle before their piece of opportunism.
Patterson writes that he would reality preading the potonous of opportunisin and adventurism iu drive has gotten under way Roose phasized his belief, says the eyes. Just as they tighten the vise velt is asking labor and capital for Times of Oct. 11, that prices of arbitration on the workers in Democracy in the have been released long ago if it rumes of the black shirt variety of the policy of the Socialist hadn been for that IL. he is Fascism wherever they appear. July Days In Spain a truce. In fact every time an shonld go higher, and that the ad every strike, these bureauernts be. nknown to the Militant, leading mistaken.
These students were to lay a The present stage in Spain emergency situation exists, one ministration would continue on its tray them at the ballot box. urging members of the LL. and of the The case has been in a stalemate wreath at the foot of the statue of he said to correspond roughly to which is favorable for the workers, course toward this goal.
them to cast their votes for their National Committee for the De for some time. If the LL. had Columbus in honor of the great the days of 1917 in Russi. The the bones government asks for And who is behind the President worse enemies.
fense or Politiet frisoners of the not played with Liebewitz, and had explorer. But they never showed up task of the moment was to stop the truce. Capital gives this pledge in this program? The Times story Not votes but struggle, on the had even earlier. carried on it continued to develop a militant His excellency, the governor of the Spanish Kornilof in their march and the labor leaders do likewise, clear on this point.
and then under the cleak of this The price raising aims of the booth will win the most elementary those bodies. The stalinist bureau Benuine united front, the boys them. and was greeted accord u direct assault on power. But the false harmony, the bosses drive administration grew out of conter needs for the workers. Not election crats advocated the hiring of Lieb might have been freed by this ingly by the antifascist demon. Ninish Socialist Party mistook back the working class. Unorganences more than a year 180 be but revolution will litt forever the owitx without putting him the tine. Certainly, their chances strators with concerted raspberry July for October and called for the fzed and betrayed by the lenders tween the President and represen sufferings of the working class. But demand compulsory. According to would be brighter now. But had it and by the Fascists without transtormation of the general strike to rutes that he maintain po not been for the LL. and those stretched palm in the manner of into a general alt for power.
the class cannot put up effective thancial anthorities and spokesmen say. no working class vote litical silence during the case who cooperated with it, the boys funkeys kreeting at fascist notable. prwisely the time when the enresistance. This is the main dun. for mortgage and farm credit Insti properly directed is thrown away.
Some members of the National Ex. would have been in thelr graves Valenti of La Stampa Libera who emy. Anushed hy series of recent ser now. The trnce is knife in the back of the workers.
Every vote for a revolutionary parecutive Committee objected. As a long hefore Liebowitz was heard of was the chairman of the united martial victories over the worker Mortgage and farm credit instity is a vote against capitalism and result, the by a resolution outside the New York criminal front introducel comrade Iluso would be best able to defeat the As Oehler of the Communist League of yet imperfectly united working of the possibilities offered them in more for his crops so that the the working class of its will to against the expressed wishes of the As a matter of fact, we may be America as first speaker of the day. class. The inability to win over the NRA and have organized pow. bankers can get back their loans. make an end to the system. Can National Bureau and by the votes quite confident that nobody knows Oehler pointed out in the cour of any appreciable lot of the erful national trusts that are legally not trusts. will be worthless.
associations and otherwise the mortgages they bola didates.
If and when they are elect the NEC majority Including this better than the boys and their his remarks that the tragedy in armed forces another indication somebody, Germany would not have trans of the lack of serious preparation In addition to this the bosses have The wages of the workers are to the working class in the legislative National Secretary Wm. Patter might trick them into choosing prired had both the major parties of by those who insisted on an imme.
organized their company unions, be drained by high prices for the chambers, They can. however, son not to retain Liebowitz withont Liebowitz against the LL. by as the working class, the Socialist and diste insurrection at ang price.
which have become a powerful fae benefit of the manufacturer. The speak the message of proletarian sending him a letter that, while surances that if the is kicked Communist, united in common ac Once under way however, there tor in industrial relations in many returns the farmer gets on his crope revolution to the working masser lawyers were not required to es out the boys will get off. How ton against the Nazi hordes. Also, was no way to avoid the open Industries. On the other hand, the will be drained for the benefit of from the capitalist tribune. And pouse the LL. views, they were much such assurances are worth is he stressed the need of united armed struggle and the workers upsurge of the workers toward or the mortgage holder. Beyond that, that is a great service, Indeed!
not permitted to enter into political fronts of action as agninnt united of every tendency realized that ganization and struggle for better the deponent sayeth not. Don vote for Parties of the Past: discussions of the matter on lines (Continual on Pago 4)
fronts which turn out to be nothing their duty was to strain every efconditions has been checked by the Wages have been stabllized by is there such revolutionary more than gab fests.
policies and betrayals of Green, the codes. But no check is to be party in the election campaign to fort for victory even though the Stress Need for Unity odds were overwhelmingly against Lewis, Tobin, Woll and Company.
placed on prices. Was there ever day? Certainly it is not the re of Gains and LOSSER a more gigantic frame up of the formers of the Socialist party who the the the Amal. Another serious shortcoming for The convention reports showed workers. Was there ever a more would make claims to that title. RECRUIT SYMPATHIZERS Gamated Clothing Workers, the which the proletariat has paid that the increase in membership is perfect swindle?
is the 11 Martelle group, the dearly, is the lack of an organized, constantly wiped out or lowered Who does not remember that the plece meal, to vote it out of office, Provisional Committee for Non well functioning national united considerably by the turnover due New Deal was to regulate both to abolish capitalism gradually BUILD THE LEAGUE!
Partisan Labor Defense, the front. As pointed out in previous to unemployment. It must be rewages and prices in the interests without violence. This ostrich pro the taxi drivers union and the 18sues of the Militant, the membered that these industries of a better standard of living for gram brought the workers to griet Without revolutionary party there can be no revolution. The Socialist prty spoke. Each stressed while permitting its local and rehave been in chronic sickness for the worker and consumer. Wages in Germany. mere glance at the the need for united front activity klonal organizations to participate some time and the conditions here were to go up, and with increased bloody vebemence with which the triumph of Fascism in Germany clearly revealed the bankruptcy of the Second and Third Internationals and the correctness of the Interagainst Fascism. Particularly stir in the Workers Alliances wherever are relatively worse than in the wages the worker would buy more, capitalist class contexts the workother organized industries. and prosperity would again rule in ers in strikes for union organiza national Communist League in proclaiming the need for Fourth ring were the speeches delivered in these existed sabotagel neverthe Italian.
International and new revolutionary parties based upon Marxism.
Herbert Solow, speaking less the formation of the National The jurisdictional fight and raids the land.
tion will show how utopian is this for the Non Partisan Labor De DeWorkers Alliance.
Since then the events in Austria, and now the revolution in Spain on the Brewery Workers Union by Who does not remember the tre program. More, in the of all tense, was very effective in a confurther confirm this position. revolutionary Marxinn party party The anarchists in control of the the Teamsters, Firemen and Engi mendous hullabaloo when the 20that has happened in Germany.
must be built in France and the United States before it is too late.
demnation of police brutality. cit. on the other hand prevented neers brought to the surface the is employers of the Eureka Nosegay Austria and elsewhere such a proing Berlin as an example prior to their local organizations from JoinThe steps toward organle unity between the Communist League of sue of industrial unionism, but Bindery were given increases of gram cannot but fall to strengthen America and the American Workers Party is a development in the Hitler seizing power, the pointed ing the Alliances (excepting in this 1seule was successfully side 10 cents on their weekly pay checks, the capitalist system and maintain out the futility and hopelessness of Asturias. while the Stalinisty de.
United States that all revolutionary workers should welcome. To trackedof it is.
relying on the state machinery to cided to join only at the last mo3. 305 favored the Executive Board Celluloid Collar Plant stated that The Communist parts. with all speed up the unification and to launch the new party upon a firm hold off Fascism foundation with strong cadres and Marxian theory should be the nim ment (Sept. 12 to he exact. revers decision to uphold the position of he was putting ten (10) workers its blare of trumpets and noisy of every revolutionary worker. new revolutionary party in the Oliver Carlson, spenking for ing completely their previous atti 1933.
back to work to take up the slack demonstrations, has failed, misled United States dominant imperialist country of world capitalism, the stressed the need for tude under which they considered The jurisdictional flight over the in employment created when he and disrupted the working class three outlaw unions. the carpen discharged 25 men the week before movement wherever it was most will give a powerful impulsion to the revival of the international Aghting Fascism in those countries the Workers Alliances as Instruters, electricians and bricklayers, texnwhile, not word about needed. Its record in the face of movement and the creation of the Fourth International.
where it is already entrenched butments of Fascism. Throughout emphasizes particularly the urgent the whole period, it is the revolutwas brought on the floor and the steadily mounting prices, until it Fascism is a picture less You can help. You must help. You must help ns in the establishneed for common militant action tonary minorities Communist Inment of new revolutionary party. Help us build the Lengue. Join body by a vote of 19, 308 to 3, 325 became apparent that the manu impotence. In smaller matters.
Synilenlist liber were for readmittance. The con. facturers were getting restless like the trade unions or striker it the Communist League of America and become fondation member lason the incipient fascism internationalista, With the concluding tarians, Manrin Group) who have vention went on record for the Prices were mounting, but not has won a big zero for its efforts of the new party.
remarks of the speaker for the been giving their complete And 30 bour week and for wage increas rapidly enough to suit them. Hence, and left an everlasting stench on Buy a certificate and help build the foundation of the new party, Socialist party. urging elubs in whole hearted support to the es. However, the Executive Coun the recent assurances. Prices will its name in militant labor circles. Every member, every reader of our press, every sympathizer shonld stead of words for the fascists, the lances.
ell supports the Black. Connery mount still higher. Wages will re To vote for elther of these bank. buy a certificate. These certificates come in one dollar and five dollar meeting wound up and the demon Power of Workers Alliances Bill, which calls for the 30 hour main where they are. An ipdus rupt Institutions, Stalinist or re denominations. Send in your contribution, strators were instructed to go to Experience has demonstrated week but implies a proportionate trial truce between capital and lo formist. would really be throwing COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA, the Yankee Stadium to carry on the that it is precisely in those rulons wage cut. The Stainists try to bor on wages. Unrestricted war144 Second Avenue, make capital out of this, but the fare on the workers pocketbook. Continued on Pago 4)
Yew York City. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
another tutions.
RAISE NEW PARTY FUND! Following him representatives of them.