CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalLeninMarxismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PABY TAKE MILITANTI SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1984 EDITORIAL Drug Clerks Robins Gras Appeal Issues at the of Convention Union Calls Bronx Strike unions 1s cracy.
double bandicame the complete ramay unchallenged supremacy ogret Anti Fascists to ste se and 2nd Ave, Rally on Oct. 12 BASE With impressive backing from the labor movement, the appeal of (Continued from Page 1) px id up membership of 97 8:13. a restationary officluldom cote ever Trade Union Perspectives Harold Rubin und Andre Grus, ganization to satisfy the require. With these bundreds of thousands more to the fore. These contradie.
imprisoned strikers will be heard ments of the thousands of new re of new recruits the. or listions the officialdom in its present in the Appellate Division of the cruits from the basic and mass undergoing! change. It is not wition, make up and outlook can(One year ago, on the occasion of the or Convention at Supreme Court on Oct. production industries must be constatir11 is living organism bot kulve. That much Wm. Green Washington, we analyzed the trade union wituation from the Marxist Couvicted of cutting a scabsidered; the question of the govern which can be understood correctly and his lieutenants sense fustine point of view and outline the perspectives in an editorial in the during the general strike of New ment in its real expression will only when viewert in motion. The tively: and that they fear.
Militant. It appears to us that the events of the past year have con The deadline in the general York hotel workers in February, urise to bound the unions and changes in the economie structure The demand for security during Armed our prognosis in the most striking manner. What we wrote a strike of Bronx drug clerks was Robins and Crats were sentenced throw the officials out of their of the country are produclu ideel the proposed strike truee advanced year ago can stand today without alteration. Herewith we reprint set for Thursday night at midnight. taxt April to Sing Sing, for two to tranquility. Suppression of these ogical rexroupent changes hy the National Association of extracts from this editorial as a statement of our opinion today. The At the date of this writing, more four years and one to two years re issues under the acceptance of the in relationship at class forces. Manufacturers is a challenge which editorial, entitled The of Convention, the Strike Wave and than 40 per cent of chain and indectively. by (ieneral Menlons strike truce proposal by the Pressure on the Workers can be met only in open struggle.
Trade Union Perspectives. appeared in the Militant, October 14, 1933. pendent stores in the Bronx have Judge. Jewph Corrigun.
of. convention will weaken the It is not ressary to cite facts within the of there is not already settled with the Union. According the Socialine LAW. erust that covers the more volcanic and figures to prove the growing yet a national left wing to lead. The attempt of the Roosevelt administration to plan Pleketing of those stores that have yers Association, now in charge of eruptions to come.
economic preure on the work this struggle. Nevertheless the industry on a basis of capitalist private ownership 18 Inevitably refused to settle is well under way. the legal at the case, the Strike in War Time ing masses and the growth of the of is arriving at a crucial doomed to a resounding collawe, and that very probably in the near The Pharmacists Union is more conviction was based on flimsy tes. Even during the war the no speed up system and the increase point in its history. The leaders future. With that, and with the failure also to satisfy the expectathan 90 pr cent organized in the many and rejudicial remarks and strike pielges were of little avail. in intensity of exploitation, or the may set the stage at the San Frantions of the workers which were troused by the ballyhoo campaigns Bronx, and expects quick victory. errors of the Court which prevent in 1917 there were a total of 1, 227. misery of man unemployment. convention for the strike of the NRA, will come a tremendous disillusionment of the workers Thereafter, the Union will concen od these workers from having a 954 men involved in strikes with this the American workers experruce, but the contradictions will and a rapidly fucreasing tendency on their part to resort to moro trate on other sections of the City fair and impartint triul by jury. Total of 15, 000, 000 man duys lost. tence and feel, even if they lack remain and intensify. Regardless Aggressive struggles; to rely on their own strength and organization.
where it is strongly entrenched. Judge Currigan charge to the In 1918 these figures were respec understanding of its real cause of what they do to to try to st stem the Trade unionism which was held out to them in the first stages of the until NRA as a device to restrain their independent movement, will become union conditions prevail Jury WiS 10 more than a second lively. 1, 239, 989 and 17, 000, 000. And But this is what move the masse tide metern American trade unthroughout Greater New York. summation for the prosecution. these years were merely the re and with them the trade unions in movement is in the making.
for the workers the medium for its expression on a colossal scale.
The settlement terms obtained by Among the unions and fraternal hearsals for the gigantic strikes of regardless of all the official brakes. Whether its whole development will The workers will turn to trade unionism in real earnest, and they will are backing 1919 involving a total of 1, 100, 318the true and the sell ctOnward continue within the framework of be bent on making the onion serve as instruments of struggle against the Union in nearly half of the orixe which the exploiters.
employing stores is hailed by Union the Rullus. Gras Defence Commit with 90, 000, 000 man days lost. The to greater militancy and inexorably the of La is not now the esleaders as a signal victory. Under and while huve contributed the war declaration would not declare to greater und dem struggles. Nentin question, What is impor. Then, as han already been clearly intimated in the speeches of these terms licensed pharmacist tunds for the appal are: United the class struggle at an end, nor with this, and with the ever sharptant is the fact that it has its te Roosevelt and Johnson at the Washington convention, the benevolent will receive a minimum of 32. 50 Hebrew Traces the Workmen cun the attempted recovery measer clawben with the government in thing there. This determines the mask of the Roosevelt administration will be taken off.
for a 64 hour week, with proporciele, the Joint Bourd Drunmakres, even when supplemented by its real expression. The contradiecentral slogant of the revolutionary they encouraged, and even coddled, as long as they thought they could tionate increases for junior pharmers of the International Ladies a formal strike truce agreement tions within the trade min ilitantseeper into the of serve as harness will meet open opposition from government.
do so. On the contrary, every step acists and sales help. The contract Garment Workers Union, the Xe at militant rank and file unions. ARNE SWABECK.
All the forces at its command, from systematic anti union and antiincludes the closed shop.
York Joint Board of the Amalga taken toward recovery, which is strike propaganda, to police and military force, will brought to Inasmuch as licensed pharma mated Clothing Workers of Amer recovery for the employers and bear. The unions, insofar as they really fight and that is the func hours a week, for 15 and 20. Workers Union, Walters Union Lo strikes. This is what the of Board, the Amalgumated Food class struggle and tend to more to fight for their existence against the government Itself.
these terms obviously will attract cal and the Delicatessen The capitalist attack against the trade unions as organs of (Continued from Page 1) Textile Workers, inade several 1x Sche attacking way by the militant workers?
struggle will be carried inside the unions. Green, Lewis Co. will Muste and greatly expedite the city wide night. Countermen linion Local 302, and Francisco Tourabove and be called upon to purge the organizations of their militant elements the Forward Association.
The Pharmacists Union, organized In Its acceptance of the strike this not sumething for every Pat. Cumman as allies of McMahon and and restore the union to conservative and respectable docility. The. in a response of these treacherous agents of capital to this demand 1, 600 members in Greater New York. menting on the case, sald: less than a year, already boasts of most to the Milltant, after com cruce proposal, the National Assore militant to be ashamed Roller burgols nationalists, counassured in advance.
In a statement to the press The neither employers nor employees the failure to offer y resiste. Following his lead, the stal The trade unions, swelling into larger proportions by the influx Chairman Dreyer, of the Strikes to be drawn from the Robu. should attempt to take advantance to the cont settlement en luist whorts began steady howl, of new members on one side, will witness wholesale expulsions and committee, announced that pledges desperate me for a permanent. 160 and the recountry necessities and Co. was the to the time. The main intent to splits, engendered by the reactionary bureaucracy, on the other. Insurgent workers who brist on striking the borses that refuse to New Jersey of suppert had heen received from on partisan united workers de to change existing labor standards single fact that the militants corinte the meeting in confusion Pennsylvania fense organization fully equipped in employment relations which the union were organizul in anul eliserder WIN foileil, however, work in harness will meet the condemnation of the labor bureaupharmacists Their strikes will be outlawed and denounced as communist to fight there injustices. We have the men and the rethey are unable to change under without competent leadership. They by the way in which comrade Can.
plots. campaign of red batiting will be inaugurated against revolu.
sources tu fight this thing to a fi.
normal conditions. This is mere urge the inimesliate formation of stond his gromnul.
tionaries and Communist Where these do not exist they will be ish, he said. Drug clerk every.
New York Newstands ly a polite way of saying: During organized wsition bloc of Do yourself a favor. he said, Invented. Every worker who want to fight for his rights and wants the truce we will not tolerate un militant ionils to overturn the You just liquidated the private where are in revolt against sweat.
to make the union fight for him will be branded as a red. The next shop conditions, and they mean The Militant can be bought now ionization of our plants; we will present laterson mixle. ders, to Red Union of the to join developments of the trade union movement will unfold in a seething at the following stands: maintain the open shop. That is organize the union and infuse It the You are supposed to de of labor rebellion of outlaw strikes, clashes with the authori business. The Bronx is only the laney Clinton St. North West their demand for the security of with a militant irit. and to prebe trying to make a good impres.
tien, flerce internal struggles in the unions, expulsions and splits.
You re Surcolt and Delancy Subway Sta. the truce, knowing that if they are for the test of strengthenion on the workers here.
Workers must patronize only stand in front 12 Delaney St.
The movement of the money into the trade unions can be really acquiesce to collective bar with the buses.
not doing it. Anyway, you can Periously influenced only from within. From this it follows: Get into those stores in the Bronx that have gaining to unionization of the You have not been defeated, shut me up. If yon want to stop the unions. Stay there. Work within.
sigued with the Union and lead bency and rex St.
Houston and Clinton St. plants, they could not rely on the said comrade Caunen. In your me you will Nefore any serious development of a revolutionary organization every possible support to the 3rd St. and Ave.
5th St. and Ave.
ality of the trade union otheials bearts yon know there was no real the platform hande te drag me of Can be expected in America this penetration must be begun in earnest.
to tie the text of strength in this strike. You before when you tried that, you The inilitants who undertake this task now, after all the discredit 6th St. and Ave, NW Green Record had all the light still inside you have a tight on your hands.
brought to the name by the Staliniste, will labor under 7th Stand Ave.
It is reported that when the Re. when you were cheated out of vic.
Workers in the audience began public steel company last summer tory by the or bureaucrats to yell their approval of this con reactionaries in the trade union leadership: the weight of the govern 9th stand Ave. se. cancelled its contract with the and their little imitaturs in the demnation of the Stalinists dishool ment und of all capitalist propaganda and repressive forces on their steel workers union the president Aaron locals. If you how take ruptive tactics and finally olde; the popular hostility to communism and the relationship of Stuyvesant st. nudd Ave. of the company, Girdle, said the worstep, the extruksle isun disruptions were stilled. Comforces in general these circumstances will constitute huge obstacles Ave. And 10th St. that he would rather go back to and the victory which is bound to rude Cunnon then gave a thoroughAt the beginning. Besides that, the new left wing movement will have (Continued from Page 1) Pioneer Bekho 102 th St. cultivathing his apple orchard than be youts On somer than going criticism of the Stalinista and all their ruinous policies, heard to pay he labor takers will start new expulsions against the radicals tion, which had been delivered by 14th Smart Jefferson Theater Sounds paradoxical in view of the folosit fell group in the UT. Their bext leader to debate him in dented having received the invitath st. and nd Ave.
deal with radical labor leaders like yon extwet.
1:11h St. And Ave.
The two penkers winted out with great interest by the workers.
Wm. Green and John Lewis. This that in order to organize a nuecess lie challenged the Stalinists the moment their influence is felt again in the mass movement. It is to pick Tolly think that the task of penetrating the mass unions, under the committee elected by its conference 140 st. a 3rd Ave.
unanimity for the strike truce pro political understanding and Milit Paterson on the trade union ques Elven conditions, and of reconstituting vigorous Laft wing within and the United Youth Committee. 141h Nt. and Srl Ave, XE posal.
them, can be accomplished with brass bands playing and banners tion or any other aspect of StalinMr. Girdle may even have known al direction is indispensable The spokesman for the Communist 14th st. Bid Ave.
flying. Quiet and persistent work, loyal cooperation with all progres party, who also spoke for the y. 14th stand the Ax. Ist stand of Green pleadings at last years. We are unalterably pued. ist policy.
dve workers who want to build fighting. unions this simple prescrip stated that his organization 11th and th Av. 27 and of convention: We must said comrade Muxtes to the me. When Noe Brown yelled in antion stands fight in order. The rest will follow cannot have a united front with 14th st. and th Ave. We give no pledge to refrain from revolutionary activity in the have faith. pleaded Green, faith chanical. control of trade uulous by swer that the pwould not the enemies of the working class. 14th Nt. mer E. 14th St.
14th St. and Broadway, in the New Dent; faith in the princ any political arty. The unton is lower its intelligence sending iples of this act; faith in those who the organization of all the workers, Browder or Hathaway oppose unton tactics to opportunists and traitors. It is our aim, on the conunions or to tumour back on outlaw strikes. We leave such trade ete, etc. If the Ylpsels wand 1411. St. University Place. Smare honestly and liberally admin. and to al jolitical larriers in the Cannon. a lo langh swept the united front with the and trary, to be with the masses, especially at the moment of their sharp. he added, they would not have (Blind man Comrade Cannon pointed his Istering it, and most important of way of any worker membership in hall.
Chion Numare (B. to recognize them (Love tonelte 14th St. und 6th Ave.
wt collisions with the capitalists, whatever form these collisions may all, faith in that great fearless Class on the fundamental immedi of the hand took in the little knot Baion, is to split the workingtinger at Brown, and with a sweep take. In order that this association with the revolting masses can and Trotskyltes) as enemies of the 14th Nt. at oth Ave.
leader, the President of the United have a fruitful revolutionary influence, it has to begin now by the working class but would have to ate economic issues. This does not of Stalinists, saying: States. The right to strike, entrenchment of the militant anul class conscious elements in the 14th St. and oth Ave.
throw them of the United Youth 17h stund ath Aves. There is not one among you he admonished, involves so many mean, however, that politics is of unlons in the formation of a left wing within them. Committee. When asked whether to st. and 4th Ave.
serious considerations that it ought barred from tradle mulon truggles who does not in his heart know the would accept the proposul Statud 6th Ave.
to be utilized only as a last resort. can not burred. Cren, Me that your policy in the unions has of the American League delegate and statul Gth Ave.
And after that he proceeded to put politics: It is the politics of the cause of the stamping out of demo Mahon and Gorman have their been wrong for years, and that beFALL TERM OF INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL with the land st, and 6th Ave.
for a joint consultee. he replied 42nd Xt. and 6th Ave.
over the TO OPEN OCTOBER 1st United Yonth bile Industry, burying the strike national leaders of the lemocratic cracy in your pirty, there is noth This ising you can do to improve it. Cun.
The International Workers School will open at its new headin the same vein: only if the Love 42nd St. und 6th Ave. weapon and legalizing the company Party in Washington.
quarters, 144 Second Avenue, on October 1st, with the following stoneftes and Trotskyltex were 42nd St, and Fifth Ave. unton. He took a band in the tex. where they get their advice and non waited a few seconds for an barred.
courses: tlle strike settlement, helping to de their orders. Similurly, the worksnswer, but the Stalinists by this The repeated its powitand Kchool. Eust 18th St.
53rd St. and Broadway.
feat the strike when it was at its must have political advice and time were in a state of confusion.
ABC of Marxism. Carl Cowl, Instructor tion on the united front. See its height of militancy.
direction in the struggle or they The once noisy hecklers had nothEvery Friday at 8:00 letter to the printed else will fall into the trap of theke ing to say in reply to this charge ATTENTION Organizing the Unorganized leaders, who are more for the of hypocrity and cowardice Organization Principles. Instructor to be Announced where in this issue. Another AmBut, at the last of con probation of President Roosevelt The Stalinists now tried a Inst Every Thursday at 8:00 erican League representative re.
Cleveland Branch vention, Green also issuel what he political busses than they do for desperate maneuvre: they rose in a History and Principles of the International OPEN FORUM plied by stating that the American termed his clarion call to Organ the interests of the workers bloc on a signal from Moe Brown, Communists. Naz Shachtman League cannot exclude every or Ileld at 3529 143rd Street ime the Unorganized in the Mass This leadership can come only and shutlled noisily out of the hall, Every Wednesday at 8:00 PM any group from united front ac Every Sunday at 2:30 Production Industries with a from a genube revolutionary party. arging the workers not to listen State and Revolution. Jack Weber tion. despite differences that the psiker: BRAHTIN membership of 10, 000, 000 as the only such krty cam organize any longer to these counter revoEvery Monday at 8:00 has with the United Youth Oct, 14 Dictatorship rerrn De next goul and after that 25. 000, 000 coordinate and lead the activities lutionary agents of the bosses Committee. The Communist party mocracy.
American History. Felly Morrow and the have helped build oct. 21. Why. Fourth Tuterna Americans genuinely and actually with such leadership, the militants own chosen revolutionary party. which will bring the majority of of a militant trade ion group who were slandering the Lord Every Wednesday at 8:00 PM tional will support this action. He gain out. United Front with had become a matter of compul tomder in they have in this site around outside the door, and when within the trade union family. It will go Elementary Marxian Economics. Alfred Weaver far. Without it, they They were followed out by exactly Every Friday at 8:00 PM proposed that a joint committee be Whom and How sion. The working masses were ation, and the McMahons und KellYou are arred to register now for whatever courses you are in set up.
Nov. The NRA and the Strike surging toward unton organization er put their well out aterose with the meeting was over tried to start toested in Registrations are accepted daily at the office of the The United Youth Committee rean argument with comrades Muste school. Each course is 50 for the complete term. Further inform iterated its desire for commoti ac Nov. 11. Bureaucracy or Demo. and, had the ranks of the otot tortive opposition. How Comrade cannen und enrade and Cannon on the street.
ation may be obtained by telephoning Gramercy 9624 tion. It proposed that the Ameri. cratie Centralism have found their medium of or Muste both concluded with brief about that debate? a dozen workcan League conference eleet at com.
mittee which would work with the ganization within a new framework. mention of the CLA. unity ere asked. This question, to which OPEN FORUM United Youth Committee for one THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. recruitment of 1, 300, 000. This con that in the near future a new banswer. enched the Stalinists for the The last convention reported a negotiations, and expressed hopes Browder followers have no anmass demonstration. The delegen WHO WILL LEAD IT?
tlon then took leave vention reports a gain in average ner of a united revolutionary lwirty Socialists. Stalinists. Fourth would be in the hell under which Many workers came up to the The United Youth Committee Internationalists BOUGHT AND SOLD will have a delegation at the conGOOD NEWS all militant. class conscious work ukers after the meeting to con Speaker: The Youngstown Branch, through ers could take their place for OT tention of joining a militant oppogratulate them, to express their inSPECIAL ference called by the Italian Mo AL DASCH Left Wing Communism hy Lenin.
25 clallat Anti Fruscist paper, LA Friday, October 12, P. not Lenin on Britain 316 pages.
cadressograph to the Militant. the unions and win mediate and to ask for further news about Stampa Liberers, 50 organize 144 Second Avenue, This means saving of at least demands from the borse but to the development of new revolu.
Development of Agriculture in the by Lenin demonstration on October 12. The. 30 Questions and Discussion History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky organizations which participated in Admission Free 150. We need say no more, as all bring about the final smashing what eapitalism and the endling of was reached whereby further joint tionary arty. An understanding vol. Publishers Price 10. 00) 50 our readers know exactly Auspices: Communist League of such a sum means to our paper.
exploitation, through the workers CLA. lectures are to be stration have been invited. This Whither England. by Trotsky. 00 America, New York Local Minutes of the 3rd Congress of the Includes the Communist League of We expect to have the address rule and the wialist society.
In German 1086 pages cloth. 00 America. Proposals will be made The meeting terminated with held in laterson in the near future graph delivered to us by one of the PHILADELPHIA FORUM by the United Youth Committee for 00 Letters of Rosa Luxemburg.
Youngstown comrades within about questions and discussion Will the United Front In France a common demonstration of all Letters of Succe and Vanzetti 50 THE MILITANT two weeks. We will then have to workers, disgusted by the actions anti Fascist youth and adult orStop Fascism?
The Militnut Bound Volume (1933)
Entered as second clase mail buy the stencil cutting machine of the of Lauderbly, made Speaker: ganizations. Plns postage which is necessary. That will cost brief speeches reflecting a profound Post Office at New York, Un HUGO OEHLER Write for Price List about 50.
pessimism about the of Later the act of March 3, 1870.
HOT SPOTS IN THE WORLD Member of National Committee PIONEER BOOKSHOP It ay of our members or readers such, without offering any alternaSITUATION Communist League of America Published Weekly by the Come can help us secure this additionnitive. Comrade Muste towered 102 East 11th Street, The Need for the 4th International Sunday, October 14, at P.
munist League of Ameri Postage Free On All Orders Over 00 Unless Marked 431 Pine Street machine or know of a place we these speakers by pointing out that can buy it cheaply, please get in the masses of organised workers 141 Second Ave. Now York, touch with the Militant offict.
today are to be found in the Phone: Gramerey 9534 FRANCE October 7, 1934, P.
Lecture Serles of Land nowhere else. and that Vol. 7, No. 40. Whole No. 244)
SITUATION THE NEED FOR THE FOURTH the task of the militants is to get in with them, show them the ifferGiven by Chicago Branch, EDITORIAL BOARD UNIONISM Speaker: MAX SHACHTMAN INTERNATIONAL The Need for the 4th International as. collaboration Martin Abern ence between leaders and fighting leaders, and tar Shachtman James Onnon Lecture by Saturday, October 20, P. Held Every Thursday 8:15 Subject: UNITED STATES Oct. 21, P. 2557 North Avenue Maurice Spector MAX SHACHTMAN remake the of in the interStarting Thursday, October 4th FRANCE Spenker: HUGO OEHLER Arne Swubeck Celebrating the First Anniversary exts of its members at 1207 North 5th Street Speaker: IRVING PLAZA Editor of New International Much of the discussion was hy ARNE SWABECK Bundle rates one cent per copy.
of the opening of International Instructors Irving Place 15th St.
Sunday, October 21, P.
stalinists, who had brought a group Sunday, Oct. 7, at P.
Subscription rate: 00 per year Labor Center. CAREY atod HOLMES Admission. 15 Cents per Lecture Irving Plaza at Bronx Free Fellowship of about 25 to the meeting. Moe 50 per half year. CADADA Good Music Supper Novel Games (To enroll, get in touch with one of Auspices: Communist League of 1591 Boston Road, Bronx Irving Place and 15th Street Brown, yesterday leader of the and Foreign. 50 per year; Admission 506 the instructors at above address. America, New York Local Admission 156 (Corner Suburban Place) Stalinist dual union, the Nationall The for a month.
BOOKS Neveral