BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyEngelsFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE QUESTION BOX Reformed 2nd or a 4th International. INTERNATIONAL in Bolshevik Leninists in the French Brehm in den eigen gemeente condicionado The tion.
general propaganda and agitation for a final revolu cow, have their inevitable conse Appearing under the old masthead. the to the League of Nato 1933 Since the decisive e arrested, at the National Revolutionary Party (Note: The following critique of forces of labor on the contrary, it HARVARD STUDENT, Cambridge the new International declaration Question: What is the basis upon which an appeal of the socialist left wing appears Discussion of the International is to work for an international re TENSE SITUATION IN COSTA RICA can be made to the petty bourgeoisie without the in the latest issue of Verite, organ organization on the revolutionary The tense situation creati by the governmental making of concessions?
of the Bolshevik Leninist group of Left Socialist Declaration math. In order to build a united attempts to smash the gear strike of Atlantie Answer: revolutionary party would be tying it the French Socialist party (8. front in France, to make progress Coast workers threatens to get out of hand.
self hand and foot if it approached problems this This is the first number of Verite ay handled it over, and that, on to the bourgeoisie itself. The left to expel the Deats and kennudels: towards the left, it was necessary the object of the Costa Rican reactionaries in their way. There are compromises and compromises.
role un lackeys of the United Fruit Company, to The question of whether or not concessions are former to appear since the members of the the other hand, force is essential. wing must sharply cut itself or similarly, on an international scale. provoke armed clashes in order that the workers to be made depends upon the relationship of forces, France Joined the Freuch Socialist Pades of tue left wing become more being irretrievably dragged along tionary current, it is necessary to putting down un fusurrection and this may particularly apply where the petty party as a step in the building of precise on this point, and express into bankruptcy with the opportunbreak with all movements linked bourgeoiste is concerned. There may be no other new revolutionary movement inhemselves concretely on the quesists of every shade. demonstration of several thousand students and road. An example of such concession was the France to the policy of Vandervelde and workers was held last week in San Jose to protest division of lapd among the peusantry by the Bolshe criticism is signed by Spank (Belsentint question of this period.
The declaration under tion of the soviets, the absolutely Bankruptey of Second International Co.
Against the action of the Guatemala goverument Viks. In his History of the Russian Revolution. glum. Zyromski (France. AlterBut the declaration seems to be complete bankruptey of the 2nd In It is necessary to proclaim the The international left wing is which recently summarily executed several army of distribution of the land objected Rosu Luxembourg David Felix of local Philadelphia portunist policy on a whole series The crusbing of the revolutions or problem which it can not ignore in munist activities. This demonstration of solidarity Trotsky comments on this as follows: The equal (Poland. Pivert(France) and dangerously akin to right wing op teruutiopal, which occurred in 1914. today confronted by a concrete Heers and students who had been churged with com. has nothing in common with sucialism. The of the American Felix was of points. It does not say a word Austria und Germany, immediately any way. The decision of the Gen the police after a liree clash in the streets of the with their Guatemalan comrades was broken up by Bolshev! It goes without saying, had no Illusions one of the American delegates to on the subject of national defense after the war, alone gave to Van eral Council of the Belgian Party capital, in which many were injured.
upon this point. It would be possible to speak of socialist perspec. national and a member of the Rev ment to build a revolutionary move to survive, no longer as a revolu cialiste. Here the dilemma is posed: the 1833 son of the 2nd Inter. It is impossible at the present mo dervelde International a chance is direct blow at the Action So It is becoming increasingly evident that the banana tives only after the establishment and successful olutionary olicy Committee which ment without clearly condemning tionary party but as a conservative either the abolition of the Action workers are waging an una battle against the preservation of the proletarian power and this mude such a puor showing at the national defense and thereby the movement of labor. When the or its expulstone. Are its interna. is International in scope, controlling the banana inUnited Fruit Company. This im kerialist monopoly his revolution. If the distribution of the land would has rejoined the Militants group on this second point, too, the des arts abandoned treacherously every Action, who is threatened by Van Rica would be the beloning enteral movem. com muined co operation to the peu sunt in carrying out since the Detroit Convention be exponent of this reasonable polley. sive, however, the Wels and Leip cd with Sixiak (Belgian signer of its realize that a victory for the workers in Costa strengthen the socialist government politically, it Tr. was then wholly justified as an immediate measure.
The plant had to be taken as the revolution found of the right wingers. It calls for inst: on an international scale dervelde with expulsion Tr. 80 joint organization and joint action. Wall Street 10him.
The bankruptcy of the German reform of the International, and they went from defeat to defeating to give the right wingers an tends to prevent this at all costs.
To return to the rest of your question. In appeal Social Democracy and of the Stal assumes collaboration with the re from disaster to disaster. Under lopen road? This is not simply a Belgian problem. it is a question ing to the middle class the proletariat has two levers. Inist Party, reenforced by the Lormist right. Here is the knot the pressure of these events, an in It must constitute itself as a force capable of incrustulug of Austro Starxism, not which still closely binds this left ternational left wing has appeared. which faces all the working masses MENDIETA REGIME IN CRISIS The reactionary regime of Mendieta Batista, spiring confidence in its ability to realize its program. only encouraged the development of movement, not only to such lack it should be consistent in its acevolving toward the left.
It is essential to let loose in the spite of the very definite political practical supThis is the long lever and it is precisely because of contrist movements apart from the eye of the King and the bourgeoisietlons. To drive out the lackeys of its fullure to do this that the German proletariat Lwo internationals, but also lies at as Vandervelde, but through them the bourgeoiste fs not to divide the French party and in all the other port rendered to it by Anverican imperialism 40national sections a forceful cam. nulment of the Matt Amendment and the reciprocal lost the middle class of thut country to Hitler. the bottom of strong centrist cur.
mign against the reformist The support of certain sectious of the middle class reuts within the 2nd International Belgian it came to power last January. The forces opposed may be mobilized on the basis of immediate demands (France, Belgium, Spain, Austria party, and in support of the left to the regime huve intensified their activities in reThis is the short lever for which no general formula etc. can, priori, be written, declaration of the internawing current. If the representa cent periods and the Goverument has cracked down The latter condition flows from the heterogeneity cional left wing published in the The extraordinary international fur is opportunist failure to take tives of the left wing keep silent, it on then with violent repressive measures.
will inean that all their declaraA strike wave is rising in Havana and throughout of the class itself, which contains within It all kinds Bataille Socialiste of July August importance of the step taken by a position on the question of na of farmers, shopkeepers, professional people, business 1934, is the first effortsluce the our French comrades in their de. tional defense, it takes them to tions are mere words and phrases the province where transportation workers are tlengents, ete, with roots extending into Hinance capital memorandum of the 1933 internasion to join the Socialist party task on the point of their collabor. It is necessary to join battle, and ink up the bus tramway and taxi lines. Attempte strata will have to be fought, some can be neutral action of the left centrists evolving cotton for all the International tendency to capitulate to the de tical problems and to cut off inter way workers, and a generat strike throughout the ized, and others won over Communists. To facilitate acquain mand or the Belgiun reformists for nationally by a break, all those in such as that which overthrew General MacheFor that section, who ure, or are rapidly becoming, do, now threatens Mendieta un his would be BonaTaking this declaration along tance with the progress and the the dissolution of the Left wing currents supporting the democrat declassed, the slogan of social lusurance upplies with the conflict respecting the methods of work employed by the Action Socialiste. The polemic Isle. reformist and patriotic policy. Pirtist colleague, Batista. The latter is losing no If the 2nd International, charged ime in mobilizing ile mhy atainst the workers of demand can have any value and even ameltoration of out at the session of the executive Seally changed conditions imposed nine Left wingers to join with the with treason, is ead, the 3rd Intercity and plantation against the peasants of Realengo revolution. To the farmers, the most important sec al, one may record the first indica low view of the latest issuestion of the fourth International the masses by its policy of liquidament that threatens to evict them from their lands tion of the class, slogans around the question of tons of a sharp crisis in the of La Verite, the central organ Under the same rubric there are tion, written in a series of detenta which are clutmeel by the Royal Bank of Canada, and victions from farms and around the matter of mort The successive collupees of all as our Freuch comrades news accounts and comments on ruuning from Germany in 1923. against ex president Grau San Martin Autentirages and taxes, would, no doubt, find a response. poets or reformism (parlameutary, La Verite No. 220 is a special lubor struggles in North Africa, the passing through the Anglo Russianus. who are said to be preparing another revoluThese demands must, course, be properly connected trade union, municipal. and the issue dedicated to the new tasks of Saur, 11. Spain, Bulgaria, etc. Committee and the smashing of the French up with the struggles of the workers and with the 180 degree turn executed by Mos the Bolshevik Leninists.
Many Communists and other labor leaders have Chinese Revolution, and coming An editorial on the adherence of down (Autentico. is lieing werxecuted by the authorities.
tionary solution.
It is necessary to emphasize here that we are it is quite clear that the crisis, the new legend: Organ of the Boltong, drawing the conclusions from defeat of 1933, the Internal regime several of the leaders of the latter have already been quences on the International scene with the Soviet emblem, it bears of bureaucratle suppression has trending on historically unexplored, or little known, marked by successive regroupings shevik Leninist Group in the en years of Stalinist foreign policy only grown, stilling every serious ates. Constitutional puurtees have been suspendimprimned and Gran himself has to the United and casting historical light on the discussion of the political line and territory. Only revolutionary party testing Its which are developing in France, French Section of the Labor National Socialist degeneration of forbidding thereby any possible ed and martial law proclained in the provinces of slogans in the actual events, can find the correct road has and will have still more pro and Socialist International) the sections, starts off the correction. An International, which Havana and Oriente: the army is held in readiness to winning the middle class The primary task, found repercussions on an luterna culo esinde aust heud appears therefore, is to build such a party.
and the the contlicts between Tardieu in appealing to the the is of organic unity as. panacea. not known how to grasp any of to a new turn in the course of the Cuban revolution JAMES SH, New Yorkthe centrist tendencies and the ma moral forces.
Liebknecht article Against the simply covered up its peast policy in longer. The contradictions tacing Question: Can you give me quotations from Marx, jority groups of self confessed re It is high time to form the Unity of Fire and Water or REV bureaucratic fashion, is a dead too kreat and he has been unable is regime are to really solve any Lepin, and Trotsky where the law of uneven devel formists will sharpeu rapidly from People Militia.
OLUTIONARY UNITY. pro international.
of them.
opment is dealt with?
now on. The recent decision of the front page is devoted to the found analysis of the problem of For the fmmediate period the most probable perAnswer: Your editor knows of no work of Marx the General Council of the Belgian Declaration and the account of the unity in the trade union movement In the daily struggle the quespectives are either for a military dictatorship under in which the expression, law of uneven develop Labor Party (8 which de Third Conference of the Ligue appears on page It occupies it. tion of the Fourth International Batista or else a new edition of the petty bourgeole ment is used as such, but his economic and political clares as irreconcilable membership (both reprinted in the last issue of self chietly with the question of pre nosed more than ever before. This authentic Revolution.
writings are permeated with the conception. His in the Party and collaboration in the Militant) and to a stirring edi parations for the general strike in is not, as comrades of the center backward ones the mirror of their future is an ex periodical Tr. gives high signi GENERAL STRIKE FOR THE Trade union correspondence All8 little grouplet of Trotskyites isoquestion and left wing may think, simply a BOLIVIAN COMMUNISTS REORGANIZE pression of his concept that the evolution of society Hicance to the Belgian crisis.
The Bolivian Communist Group has recently deOVERTHROW OF DOUMERGUE the rest of the page.
lated from the masses. It is the clared its adhesion to the hea of the Fourth Inter.
proceeds unevenly in different countries.
The Left Soelalist Declaration for the ballot box united front be Letters from Here are two quotations from Lenin: Uneven militants and a ars regrouping on an international organic expression, the revolution national, according to Izquierda, organ of the Chilean The declaration of the Internatween the and the economie and political development is an unconditional left wing must be studied as Anti Fascist Militia the Need of retetrating account of fascist ac scale. The Fourth International the beginning of the Chaco War the Communist Party section of the International Cominnist League. At Houtlaw of capitalism. Quoted by Trotsky from a part of this struggle. Unlike all the Hours ponsellerite of the We Need the People Militia. are of the centrist masses to a revolu influential disintegrated and disappeared from the tivities beaded More than Ever will build itself by the movement Lenin collected works, The Draft Program of the the right wing statements, whether bag of the Parisian Distriletounded featured on page tive. The last tionary position through their dally scenes During the whole course of the war, only of Bolivia, which was even then 29. there cannot be under capitalism, an EQUAL the current dilemma: taseist die for September 17, and there is age contains a programmatle struggles. It is up to you, left Isolated individuals have dared oppose the Imperialtat open or concealed, it poses sharply Bolshevik Leninists is announced development of different undertakings. truststatorship or dictatorship of the letter from a group of soldiers tee on the dialectie transformation Seady fought for revolutionary conflict and the working class has been without even statement by the Central Commit. Socialist workers.
branches of industries or countries. Imperialism proletariat. The tow lines on Pas hailing the united front, protesting of the French seinlist and com. polley of expelling the neo SocialVanguard Press edition, 99, emphasis in original. cism indicate considerable progress against the Here is one by Trotsky. the whole history of in the jolitical analysis made by from the united front in Belgium this important document will ap Tr. who have made the united roup towards the Fourth International, is a hopeful munist parties. translation of ists (Deat, Marquet, Renaudel The orientatiou now. of this small newly formed mankind is governed by the law of uneven develop inent. The Draft Program of the 21. the left wing. It finally abandons and a lot mornite snatable wear in the forthcoming issue of front. vom Duha endurth interne sign for the future of the Communist movement to the New International.
that country.
Question: Where does Stalin say that the law of resorted to by oportunists, that it Bolshevik Leninists.
tional by fighting side by side with uneven development was unknown to Marx and is enough to have some big meet On page 2, under the rubrie The All in all, one gets the impres us for a break with all defenders Engels Answer: In the Draft Program of the to conquer power, an argument of an article which polemicizes sharp tents, of the extreme tenseness of ation of an insurrectionary strukings, to have great masses in order International Movement we find alon from a persal of the con of the Fatherland. for the prepar CHACO WAR THREATENS OTHER COUNTRIES The years old uw war between Bolivia and 20) Trotsky states as follows: On September 15, parliamentary traders It Is Araguay, continues with mabated fury in the Chaco 1925, Stalin wrote that Trotsky has no reason to under the pressure of the masses. Piverts and other left wingers for country and of the earnest deter in this struggle that the New in region, where the lackey regimes in the service of refer to Engels who wrote at a time when THERE This is rejected by means of a clear their advocacy of the reform of the mination of our French comrades ternational, the only instrument American and British oll interests, continue to hori COULD BE NO QUESTION of the law of uneven declaration that, on the one hand. Second International. The article to fuse the great capital of Lenincapable of smashing the bourgeof thousands of workers and peasants into the slaugh development of capitalist countries. Emphasis in Pascism has dever conquered pow. attacks the latest declaration of ist Bolshevisin with the string sie and Fascism, will build itselt.
ter. Right now it is the Bolivian army that is cover Draft Program. er but that the bourgeoisie bave all the lefts in La Bataille Socialiste mass of French workers. ROUS.
ing itself with Immortal glory by three Important Stalin absurd statement was made in a speech at victories over the Paraguayan forces. The artillery the Plenum of the which preceded the expulroars, several forts have been taken am the peace sion of the left Opposition. It was published in chorus composed of the members of the Lengue of English in the Inprecor. We will dig up the exact Nations commission, sings all the louder its hymn quotation.
of international goodwill, in an effort to drown ont Question: Who first referred to the law of uneven the sounds of war.
development as such?
By JIM OSBORN and DICK ETTLINGER However, all of the intrigue and activity is not Answer: As far as this editor knows Lenin was being carried on by the peace makeri. Other the first to describe the phenomenon in these words. Continued from last week) but that Ave delegates from each strike committee of twenty five, Itribution naturally was a vicious forces are at work just as actively. If more silently.
Question: Can you give a definition of the law of short time previous to the ap onlon should meet the next day, overwhelmingly reactionary Incumpaign of slander. In addition, an independence movement has been set under way uneven development. pointment of the strategy commit July 14 and act on the general outlook, was appointed by Vande no attempts were made to mobilize in the Tarija and Santa Cruz provinces of Bolivia, a Answer: The definition is contained in the very tee of the Labor Council, the Joint strike. By this move the bureau leur, the president of the labor the strikers by means of mass meet region that borders on Argentina and on the war words themselves. The following using as illustrastrike committee of the Marine crats succeeded in maintaining con. council. Even on the first day of ings or parader. Nor was any at zone. It is quite evident that this agitation is totion only a few of the advanced countries, may help Workers which had been set up trol, for due to the shortness of the general strike, when the city tempt made to call out the printers. spired from Argentine sources, in an effort to weaken you to understand what is meant Germany came to following the rejection of the June time, the delegates from the local was completely tied up and the The strikers were left leaderless, the position of Bolivia in the war and to either es capitalism later than England or France. Then 16 agreement had made plans for unions, which met the next day in overwhelming majority of the mass most of them remaining apatheti tablish a new butter state, tributary economically to outstripped the latter in its economic development the calling of a mass meeting of most instances consisted of the buses were in sympathy with the gen. cally at home, and the rest congre. Argentina, such as in the case with Paraguay today, and was passing the former when the world war trade unionists. circular letter iness agents and other officials oferal strike, they forced back to gating at the headquarters of the or else to bring about the eventual annexation of the broke. France came to capitalisn: later than Eng.
was sent out to all local unions these unions. In spite of the rework, under pressure from the city various unions.
region to Argentina land and continues to this day to lng behind her in requesting them to send delegates actionary composition of these del administration, the Municipal Car Following its action of ordering It should also be noted that within the territory of economie development. The United States Ingged to a meeting to be held on July egates, the pressure of the rank and men who had walked out with the the municipal carmen back to work. Argentina itself. the Standard Oil Company, which behind England in economic developinent only to later it was the intention of the strike Ale was so powerful that the meet other strikers. This first treacher the strike committee on the second bas quite extensive holdings in the Salta region bor.
outstrip the world. Russia, one of the last of the committee to have delegates selecting overwhelmingly voted for ou act of the strike committee re. day of the strike in violation of dering on Tarida and the Gran Chaco, is engaged at countries to be sexed by capitalism, remained be.
ed from this meeting to act as a general strike to begin Monday veals clearly their future activities. its pledges that the demands of the present in furions struggle with the Argentine bind most of the advanced countries up to the time general strike committee for the morning, July 16, 1934 They were not out to win the gen maritime workers were just and government, Many miles of pipeline were laid by of the revolution. Nevertheless it produced the most calling of the general strike. But. The calling of a general strike eral strike but to call it off as could not be arbitrated, presented the company in denance of overnmental order.
politically developed proletariat who were able to since on the previous day the La in San Francisco, city noted for quickly as possible.
a resolution calling for the arbi Having discovered that Standard Oil was using its eelze power. The proletariat of the most advanced bor Council had appointed the its conservative labor movement re. While the capitalist press was tration of all issues in the water private radio station Salta. for the sending of country, the United States, is yet in an early stage of strategy committee they decided tveals clearly the tremendous pres conducting furious campaign front strike. Such an open betray military communications to the Bolivian Army, the its political development. disproportion between would be better to leave the situasure of the rank and Ale on their against the strike, calling it in al naturally precipitated a bitter Argentine authorities have closed down the station.
political development in other countries is also tion in their hands. If a general officials and the solidarity they felt lawful, and predicting its collapse Aight but the machine succeeded in While Argentina hacks Paraguay in the Interests to be observed. The starting point of capitalism for strike committee had been formed with the striking marine workers. Alling its columns with a vicious passing this resolution by vote of the Royal Dutch shell Oil Co. Chile on the other the various countries is uneven, the rate of economic at this meeting there would have For once they clearly realized that promeganda that the strike was in of 213 180 by a show of bands but hand, is supporting Bo lvia in every missible manner.
development is uneven, the political development is been grave danger of a split in the the battle of one section of the spired by the reds. the strike refused the demand for roll call Recruiting for the Rolivian Army is being conducted labor movement as most of the un labor movement was the concern of committee countered with no pub vote on this important question. openly in Chilean cities and many. Chilean army uneven, The rest of your questions will be denit with lons at that time had not as yet the entire Inbor movement. In fact, licity of any kind to undermine the employers, acting through the officers are already serving with the Bolivian forces in subsequent issue.
acted on the question of the gener. the calling of the general strike this attack which was bound to city and state officials, were now at the front. In spite of the embargo Bolivia has unions, was an uprising of the rank and cause demoralization in the ranks ont for complete surrender, and been importing armaments through Chilean ports however, reported at this meeting dle of the labor movement against of the strikers. In this connection demanded the unconditional call of great importance also are the aids that the Chile off the Press Today tion on the strike but were awaitary leadership. This uprising, how. polis truck drivers strike and the secret meeting held on Wednesday economic and industrial structure of the latter from ing the action of the strategy com ever, due to the lack of an organ general strike in San Francisco is evening, July 18, between General Packing under the strain of the protracted war. InThe New International mittee before going out.
ized militant leadership and the very illuminating. In the former Johnson, city officials and labor dications are that if the present negotiations fat to The strategy committee made no naive belief that by merely calling city. the publishing of the Organ leaders. the latter agreed to call contribute anything to the solution of the Chaco September October Issue recommendation to the unlons be the general strike the waterfrontizer as a daily strike paper was a off the general strike, and presented deadlock, hoth Argentina and Chile may become di13 Cents a Copy tween July and July 13. On July workers would win. enabled the tremendously effective weapon in such a resolution to the unton dele rectly fnvolved in open warfare. An old unsettled 13 the committee at a meeting of bureaucracy to quickly and otec. the bands of the strikers. Just the gates the following day which mo territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile, over the Labor Council stated that they tively liquidate the strike.
Station P. Box 119, reveree was true in San Francleco. tion passed by the narrow margin several small Islands in the Bengle Channel (near the strategy committee, bad no From the very first the reaction. The only available news was the of 191 to 174.
Cape Horn) is being revived and cannot but contrpower to all the recent striko Jaries were la montrol. Ferall pilet papers whose only con. Concluded in next losure) bute more fuel to the conflagration.
The History of the Frisco General Strike