BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1934 REVIEWING THE NEWS Young Socialists Give Young Stalinists an Lesson on the United Front MARCH OF EVENTS STALINISM ON PARADE (Ed. Note: We publish below a very sectarian barriers which stand All these charges, right down to that this is the FIRST TIME dismay and disappointment we were Doumergue Prepares the Next Stage Bome Lighter Touches of the document of historical importance in the way of a true united front the very wording, have been also the history of our united front ne informed on meeting with your reChicago Anti War Congress on the question of the United Front, Doumergue is preparing the next The does not imply that leveled against by your move gotiations that you have ever presentative, John Little, that the Chicago, Oct. The Stalinists It is the reply of the Young Peoples all working class organizations, at ment. In the Thesis of the 13th raised this obstacle though stage in the laying of the road to Belgium pact, which had brought fascism in France. Just as Hitler running this spectacle tell us that Socialist League of New York City all times, at all places, in all cir. Plenum of the L, under the zotiations have been frequent be together tens of thousands of radi worked under the forms of legality there are more than 3, 300 delegates to the demand of the Young Com: cumstances, must be included in herlink. Social Democracy in tween us. You sat with us, for cal youth in that country, was a at the 2nd Congress of the League munist League (Stalinists) that every united front. Certain organ support of Imperialism. we are example, in a committee for the serious mistake which was until these could be cast aside as Agulmet War and Fascism. Chair. the. Trotskyites and Lavestone Ixations may be so entirely without charged with giving service to in arrangement of a united frout for ready repudiated by the Communu. 10 further use, so Doumergue dengan Harganya wara adds this bitter be excluded from the united influence as to make it unecessary semattoman capitale against the bus Maysotho together with the Internationale come le diorang tu clouk mis designs under the Comof representatives in a personal Italian fascist student manifesta the case in this instance. The the main wow will le directed at not raise their presence then as an Certainly you cannot aceuse us of destroying the parliamentary stitution. To achieve his real aim capacity. That is, a mass of dele. rion scheduled for the Yankee Sta question before us is not whether the in the Program of obstacle. but insisted at that of raising the issue of Trutskyismsystenarst to wenken und die and bourgeois democracy, he gates representing themselves. Then diam on October 12. The replace it is wise to include an organiza the Communist International. un time that all organizations Join un and Lovestonelem just to create ob intends the at least several hundred Chi tributed in mimeographed form to vantages it may offer to the demon ary Crisis and counter Revolution South Day committee to celebrate obstacle, until the Young Commu within that the forces ut fasmago members of the quite the rank and file of the young stal stration, but whether we should ary Social Domeracy. we are a distinctly Communist holiday. mists, after the pact had been con cism that are meantime arming and capable of representing themselves. inists at and meetings EXCLUDE WORKING CLASS ferred to as a rowerful counter You did not think at that time cluded and signed decided to break drilling with the direct connevance Why weren they here as dele. Thus the lowes have not only ORGANIZATION BECAUSE OF revolutionary force. There are that common action between such the unite front. Our crime, if any of the army generals, will have gates? Why are things being done taken the weapon of the united ITS POLITICAL ATTITUDE. Acy number of much statements organizations was impossible. In is that we want a united front their later task facilitated and so half heartedly? Isn this front out of the hands of the Stalcording to your letter the at we could recall to you. but the American Youth Congress, your which will not exclude other rade their mad made smoother. As the serious business? It a shame.
propaganda offensive into their Trotskyltes and Lovestoneites, not with your own literature as we the group which included Trotsky: OF THEIR POLITICAL IDEAN, Doumergue is attempting to force inists but are also carrying the insists upon the exclusion of the we assume that you are as familiar representatives co operated with cal youth organizations BECAUSE new sessions of parliament begin Chairman Ward Elves high praise at rejection of the demand to ex TER OF PRINCIPLE. We mainwinting out the fact that even to not therefore visualize that you SPITE OF THEIR OLITICAL Constitution which would give to the editor of Fight, Leugne clude the counter revolutionary tain that it would be nothing less day Daily Worker (September 28, would raise such objections on this DIFFERENCES.
oficlul organ. Credit, he announc renegadex from the united front than sectarian oportunism if the 1931) carries the article by. Alex occasion. Your decision comes to Kreater power to the President. we must place on the brilliant foreshadows a strong opposition in were to make a broad united Bittelman with the heading Why as a complete surprise We are certain that you will see ligurehead under the control of the party such a de front impossible for the reasons Whited Front with Social Mus.
kuew Joe head was muscular, but the Sorials that the reasons you offer against reactionaries) and to himself as You imply that we should have coming into this broad united front remier.
mand in the event of a united front you have advanced.
ch. Workers are honest but known that you would not treat are entirely specious. The chief budget is to be taken over by the Entire control of the this is the first time we heard that between the and the We deceived by Leaders Social Fus. With these renegades from the argument, that your former com cabinet. The right to dissolve thu his shoulders were brilliant. Now do not agree with everything that The arguments which you raise isin. Why does the over general attitude of the Communist rides are counter revolutionary house of deputies is to be given to all 1s explained.
Is subd in the letter but to exclude the two groups might look these charges against us, but we publish it in full below for the Just an easily be used to exclude raise them a ostacles against you do not seriously offer this arequal weight to us. Yet la vuruxome the sole authority in thu International towards them. Surely, Some Socialists attending this information of our readers. fiesta have sigued a statement in use to characterize them has been we have propose other one in the united frontgoment. You call themn coulomake one in their chise.
revolutionary and you call case it is no obstacle although you period intervening between dissofavor of the united front. SomeThe Letter and is being addressed by you even lution and the following elections We raise these questions not for counter revolutionary. If we are body here told me there were fifty September 28, 1984 You will also understand that if if any, Although the parliamentary of them. But see by yesterday New York City Committee maintain in your letter that the the purpose of Omning old sores supposed to conclude from your we are to accept your proposal to struggle against these fascist reDaily Worker (page 1) that there Young Communist League Trotskyites and the Lovestoneites but to determine how serions or how hostile attitude toward them, that exclude the Trotskyltes at are 49, and by the same holy writ 35 East 12th St.
are the worst enemies of the work is your objection to the con cannot sincerely join with them we could only do it to se poate cores will be indication of Do unital front offer we have made in anti Fascist struggle, we would namely, that we accept your char yet the question has become one (page 6) that there are 41.
ing class. Have you not on many well, what the hell.
celsions said the same of us? In You have rejected our proposal beforeed to conclude, on the same acterization of the Trotskyites and tiut can no longer be solved in this Dear Comrades: hope on the premises, that you do not really Lovestoneltes and omit them from a reut. Events in France are headThe Young People Socialist the Builder of March April temporarily, we There are Methodists, Republicans. League has always looked forward 1833. in your official organ you cround that you cannot tolerate want to enter into a united froul the joint action which we plan foring at treinendous speel towards In any case It a grand turnout.
the line of certain working with us.
October 12th. We must, however, an armed struggle between the to the time when the working class, labell as the worst enen les in Victor Berger relict, vegetarians, now unhappily divided, would the ranks of working youth. We class yonth organizations with As a matter of fact, a study of refuse to act as your tools in the working class and the fasciste.
which you disagree. Since you hold your own literature will reveal that sectarian war that you are waging Quakers, the 57 varieties of Stalmarch forward to the attack on are not interested in contesting any juist front organizations wearing capitalism and reaction in unified other organizatiou right to this the same disagreements toward us the does not consider it be with other Communist factions.
different color beards, and Roger ranks. Realizing that baste dit dnblous distinction: yet logie im. Ad bring the same charges against yond its principles to enter into it your argument would be that Palestine and the British Empire we cannot take united front activity with organiza Baldwin (representing himself, as these former comrades of yours are alestine is becoming increasingyour Dual. Nevertheless, it is oflieder ferences in tactics and philosophy pels us to ask, are we both the our wriously. If the tions of the clearest anti working renegades who are at present outworst enemies? can uverlook their accusa class character. The Ninth Plenam side the ranks of the Cominternas a military outpost for the conly important to the British Empire ty amounced, last year principal existed, we have felt that at least You go further and maintain Intions against us, why not against of your own Communist Youth In und are therefore especially despietrol of British communications kod trade union support, contin could be carried through. The unit your letter that it is their sole aim the others? Only one explannternational weakness. the absence of organ a united front on certain questions calls upon you to able, may we point out that your with the Eastern and Near Eastern wes to constatute the chief weake, el front agreements between So and purpose to slander the Soviet lonxible: your complaints were for the masses of the organization is, by the same token Empire. Augur. journalist for cialists and Communists by various Union. This too has a familiar are not made in good faith.
bess of the Congress and the rections of the Labor and Socialist rug. Are we now to imply from This conclusion is confirmed by Youth, reformist, fascist, syndical chalist literational.
toiling youth who are in Socialista renegade party from the so. British imperialism, revealed with League.
International and actually effected this that the Young People Social the fact that we have observed theist, church, militarist and other the utmost clarity recently, the role Well, if that all that wrong.
in France and Belgiun led us to ist League and the Socialist Party CL on previous occusions in organizations, drawing the mem ever, we feel it possible to forgettine in this connection. The Jews In the interests of unity, how to be assigned to the Jews in Pal.
the hope that similar efforts in the do not slander the Soviet Union witel fronts that did include these ters of these organizations into the these political differences and to have an unprecedented opportuntAs a matter of fact, this little deficiency is going to be solved and other working class groups must convinced you.
United States between the We are gratified that we bave at other grous. Yon tell us that we class struggle on the basis of the leave old wounds untouched. It is ty to make themselves imporright smart. Somebody has discov might also prove fruitful. We are placing obstacles in the way of united front from below. Cer hardly too much to urge you to tant to English imperialism; they vred a feasible and simple scheme therefore invited your organization are intent upon carrying onting the united front brood enough it in its heart to enter united inconsistent position. We urge you their position in this Empire. King You say that these renegades a succesul united front by mak aints. If your organization can tind abundon your present illogical and have their chance to make good for getting into the of not and several others to confer with violent struggle against the Comto include the various political front with fascist youth groups you not to make the unimosities and Pud of Reypt has gone over finally to speak of other important trade on Thursday, September 26, for munist Party. But do you not also tendencies uuton bodies (the may.
with which radical should be able at least to tolerate rivalries between working class or to the anti British Ward Party of bel. Here it is, as summed up the purpose of demonstratingacense the International Socialist yonth is familiar today. To shut the presence of the Trotskyites and animations a principled question in nationalsts, says Augur.
best soe Horea, the Daily Worker to manifestation scheduled for the porting Armed intervention against the very sectarianism which we discriminate, and rather promiscu front. No matter what differences quantity in case of war. Egypt can Special Correspondent on this lot. The League is printing hundreds Yankee Stadium on October 12. Wel the Soviet Union, a policy which one by our unitel front to destroy. us, united fronts your organization exist between us and the organiza no longer be relied upon for conof thousands millions if necessary disappointed by your reply.
certainly would constitute a vio Yon insist that we are placing ob has been advising and participating tous we have invited, we are controlling communcations through the In your letter of September 25th, lent struggle against the Commu stacles in the way of united action in, like that with Father Divine, vinced that they are all opposed to Sex Canal. Palestine assumes to the shopals mais questionnaire senter our proposed united front that you no longer believe that we which you describe as insignificant. strictures against the renegade should we not all unite on this oc outpost and trade distribution cen.
wks quito simply whether the The summary of your argument is Socialists are guilty of this crime they are indeed as you describe Communists come as a surprise.
casion to demonstrate against the ter. Even more important: the group of the individual would join that you would rather prevent Again, we are glad to learn of them, you are nimitting that you It comes not only as a surprise Italian Fascist manifestation to be route to India has been shortened in national protest in the event united front than sit at a united your conversion reject the united front because of but as a disappointment. As you held on October 12th. We want by the airline across the Arabian of impending war? Of impending front meeting with Trotskyites and Finally, you accuse the Trotsky oletacles that are insignificant, that know, the united front has in the unity of action regardless The dis Ites of being the vanguard of the you are willing to let small things past been left unrealized because momentary disngreements our Desert as well as by the railroad Fascism? or those engaged in the Livestoneites, and, built across the Gulf. Palestine transport of manufacture of war agrese entirely with your attitude counter revolutionarx bourgeoisie in the way of unitated such of a mutual suspicion on the part therefore, have determined to furthus becomes a center for the Britmaterials it asks whether they or on this question.
For all our differences with the one you level at us frequently, a state of mind on your part. When other sincerity. Recent events, hope that you will lie able to do tection, however, Great Britain proval of imperating war by refusal. be a and Lovestoneite, as well as the ly the quotation from Stalin which and these other organizations to the dawning of a new era. Of parian division. Join us on the road to trol of alestine. The Arabs are to continue to work.
Now we know why Hitler came Stalinite, Communist groups as you cite concerning the Trotskyites confer with us in order to achieve tlcular effect in awakening the hope working class unity.
too much entangled with the neiguto power! The German working class organizations They is not harsher than his statement this imited front, we hardly sus for unity was the pact concluded Fraternally yours. boring countries and are naturally omitted this questionnaire True, are such in aim and class orienta that Fascism and Social Demonetel that you would in any way by our comrades and your com City Executive Committee hostile to the country that enslaves there were 5, 000, 000 voters. tlon. To To exclude the Trotskyltes cracy are not antipodles, they are whatsoever object to the presence rades, together with the Trotsky Young Peoples Socialist League them. Hence the strategic value and 8, 000, 000 voters, and an and Lovestoneltes from this den twins. Or do you believe that of the Lovestoneltes and the Trotites of Belgium. We hastened to BEN FISCHER of the Jews. It is for the Jews to enormous union movement. Butonstration would be to raise these we are not the twins of Fascism? kyites. You must surely realize follow their example. Much to our Executive Secretary see that by the weight of their nathey bud not taken the pledge, so tional unity, and by their enterwben Hitler grabbed for power, prise and Industry, ihey remain lu they did nothing.
an increasing degree the dominatHere the Stalinists. League ing factor in the physical and ecoAgainst War and Fascism, If you nomic consolidation of the British please) can get into the unions (Continued from last issue) Parties and will bend every effort competition, large scale production, essential. The Workers Party can mandate in Palestine. Trade Union Rights. Abroneeds Jewish support.
Britain the and the have only It is the 50, 000 members between them. But everybody is going to Workers Party, based on the needs ever, in the still politically and tervention of the capitalist state in will be an important measure of its of injunctions in industrial dis whom this way concern ueeept to win them; the principal reser employers associations, interlock Pot be neutral to the policies of Eation of all restructions on free business of the Jewish leaders At this momentous time, the volr of ite recruitment lies, how. ing directorates, and military in the trade unions, The extent of dom of association. the right to tc Identify themselves will be take the pledge. And take it from and struggles of the working class industrially unorganized masses.
its Intluence in the trade unions pleket and to boycott. prohibition Empire and to oblige all those Chairman Harry Ward. The guided by the scientific principles The United Front Fighting Non Political Parson :of Marxism and the strategy of the capitalist offensive for progress in winning over the ma. putes repeal of legislation for the obvious fact.
when you take the pledge that Leninism (first four Congresses of At the same time the Workers the reluction of the value of labor jority the working class. To compulsory conciliation and arbiThe Jews must by all means remeans business.
Two to one this pledge business velopment of the International Left all political and industrial organ compulsory arbitration and concil. tasks, the Workers Party will lend Taxation of Capital Aboli is only one course for them: te ject this reactionary role. There the Comintern and subsequent de Party to prepared to cooperate with power, by resisting all forms of promote the realization of these tration was just tossed off Parson throw in their lot with the opown brilliant left shoulder.
ship of the class in the struggle to united front on all specific issues leds of the class struggle, direet ac. and progressive forces in the trade direct taxation and tariffs on a pressed to act at once, without de realize ticles of mass consumption. tax historie mission, the of common interests in the struggle tion against the employers and the unions as a militant minority.
Program of Action exemption and lay, to unite forces with the work.
Everybody here is telling me that overthrow of captalism and the es against capitalism reaction, fas state. The trade unions must cancellation of ers and poor peasants of Arabia The change their structure and their The aim of the Workers Party mortgage and other indebtedness and the Near East for the purpose It is highly significant that Louistablishment of a Workers State. cism and the war danger.
Perrigaud, editor of Le Populaire. The party of Scial reformism, the failure to set up such a united policies. The antiquated craft or of Canada is the nationalization of small impoverished non exploit. of overthrowing both British imSection of the Second Internation parliamentarian and anti revolutragic capitulation of the German austrial unionism, one union for of Wealth production, distribution corporation and inheritance taxes Including their own crescheren al, by the way. is participating in tionary, is in reality a third party proletariat. Our Party decidedly all the workers in one industry and exchange (industry, banking taxation or ecclesiastical insti. Jewish bourgeoisie.
this masquerade. But can find of the bourgeoisie. It is founded rejects the Stalinist theory of 10: The division of the ranks in rival natural resources, wholesale trade tutions. JACK WEBER.
out what the devil it is significant in the same gradualism. oppor clal fascism to the effect that the trade union centres must be re and departmental stores. by the Struggle Against Unemployof.
tunism and national reformism, the social democracy and fascism are placed by the maximum trade un dictatorship the proletariatment started to ask one Stalinist same hostility to mass action which twins and that fascism cannotion unity in a single trade union (Workers Councils) in economie ployed or relief work at full trade trade unionism, were curbing cap Bostasist wbether it signified that governed the European Social Debe related without first destroy centre, and immediately by Joint and political solidarity with all union rates. tax exemption and Italisu, that crises were growing the honest rank and file editors of mocracy and paved the way for the ing the cancellation of debt and mortgage have been proved false at every fewer, that war was unprofitable, the of unemployed. no bave were not Social Fascists any the official Communist (Stalinist) smashes the socialists along with every day struggle against the em the reform of capitalism, but for evictions Their reformism has helped longer, but he ran away, leaving Party capable of fulfilling the role the communista, The United Frontployers. To promote the further the purpose of mobilizing the mass. The War Danger Imperialist brew the catastrophe or world war.
me in the middle of the sentence of a party of working class emans a means of mobilizing the masse unity of the workers against the es in the struggle for control of war is inherent in capitalism and of more devastating economic Al. Well, that something, anyway. crisis in response to the clearly felt party differences of principle. Wo unions must be supplemented by the Workers Party sets up the throw of the proft system. Capta class refuses to be dispossessed by Most of this parade is just sound need of the unorganized, the stal refect equally the conception of the the formation of factory or shop following Program of Action talist self disarmament and bour the formality of the ballot It reand fury, signitying nothing. Inist party has registered success United Front from above (par committees on a non partisan Standard of Living Struggle geois pacifism are an Musion to sorts to force. The workers canes in the virtually uncontested field liamentary deals; the Anglo Rus basis. The processes of capitalist for wage increases without regard dupe the masses. The League of not afford to be lulled by constiBut sian Committee; Stalinist alliance rationalization, the continual dis for the profit system maximum Nations is the instrument of an tutio tutional illusions. The workerle wonder whether will ever get of Industrial organization the floor or whether the variety this party is bound hand and foot with the Kuomintang) and the placement of llyng labor by ma six lour working day five day imperialist bloe based on presery. have nothing to lose but their to the regime of the bankrupt Com united front only from below chinery, the growing industrial re week opposition to piece working the status quo. The chains. They have a world to sain.
show is only going to have trained intern. As a party of bureaucratio the refusal to enter into negotia: serve army of the unemployed, the and other forms of the speed op pledges itself to use the situation Communism is the road to freedom rope.
File Renegade Dishonest Worker positions of social democracy and agreements with the leaderships. bor, demand a policy of the closest tion of child labor. Left Social Fascist Rank and centrism, wavering between the tions or conclude practical working increase of women and youth la equal pay for equal work aboli created by the Imperialist war to In the true sense, freedom from mobilize the forces of the workers blind dependence on the forces of communism, zig zagging between In addition to the direct appeal to cooperation of the eanployed and Socal Insurance Non contri for a revolutionary struggle against nature and the market, freedom which is the conscious and willed CLASSES ultra lett adventurism, it shares cently set up between the French of the unorganized. Such policies health and accident Insurance. the armed struggle of the colonial direction human destiny. The Announcing the opening of classes responsibility for the treacheroun Socialist and Communist Parties will not be adopted without an un reduction of old age pension age peop erate themselves from Workers Party declares that the of the International Workers doctrine of socialism in one coun evidences the further bankruptcy of ocasing struggle to purge the trade. Mothers Allowances for one or imperialism.
only way to end the misery of School on try. and the criminal policies of the stalinist theory of social fas. anions of the class collaborationist more dependent children.
Join the Workers Party!
capitalist peace and the butchery Monday, October 15, 1934. the third period. social fascism bureaucracy and to establish real Civil Liberties Abrogation of The road ahead of the Canadian of imperialist war is by the Revolu.
Registration now going on forcism. red trade unions. spurious The Trade Unions trade union democracy and rank all restrictions on freedom of working class is one of great bat tion in Permanence. Workers of elasses on ABC of Communism, eco Amsterdam anti war congresses The Workers Party fully rec. and file control. There is no roya! speech, assemblage and press (re tles calling for serious sacrifices. the World, Unite!
pomtes, state and Revolution and Lord Marley methods of Aghting ognizes the indispensable role of road to the radicalization of the peal of medition and censor bip But there is no other way out. The Provisional National Committee Petociples and History of the Loft fascism. The Workers Party roc. the trade undone as organs of the masses by the short cut of balla provisions of Criminal Code, Na apostles of continuity and grad Workers Party of Canada Opposition. All students are urged ognizes that there Are valuable defence the workers living ing pure red trade unions which turalizatiod and Immigration Acta, ualism who ridiculed the idea of to register early at 144 Second elements of the rank and both the and the Stalinistes of the abarpened rcumstane only Isolate the militanta. Work Customs Act, etc. liberation of revolution, and who taught that ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI.
in standards. Under the Avenue, NY.
international in the conservative trade unions is all class war prisoners.
democracy, public ownership and TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY.
Manifesto of the Workers Party of Canada cou of