AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismConfederación Nacional del TrabajoDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyKidnappingLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS THE MILITANT. OF THE WORLD, UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 40, WHOLE NO. 244 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1934 PRICE CENTS Issues Of The Day At The Cannon, Muste Address ARMED CLASHES IN SPAIN of Convention Paterson Silk Workers AS CIVIL WAR BEGINS Spanish Workers Destiny Workers Conduct Hinges on Militant Action Militant Struggle Against Fascism Youth Demonstrate Against Italian Fascism Friday EI In his keynote speech to the with representatives of the admin.
Fifty Fourth annual convention of istration.
Paterson, crowd of 300 that is, men who combine with the American Federation of Labor. The trade union officials rely on silk workers, constituting the stupidity, a lack of courage and now in session in San Francisco. this sort of an equilibrium Notrest local meeting brought to disloyalty to the working class.
president William Green hailed the doubt. President Roosevelt broad sether by any left wing organixa Cannon Analyzes Strike Wave strike truce proposal made in lres cast fitted airably with the tion in some years, picked Oakley Comrade Cannon discussed the ident Roosevelt broadcast the of convention, both from the Hall Sunday night and received general background of the textile might before. In an interview later point of view of purpose and time with warm applause the addresses strike, analyzed the militant mood he said: know it will meet with of delivery.
of James Cannon am which has become more and more warm reception from labor. But there in the another side of Muste. This was the first publie charcteristic of labor in all impor Simultaneously the National As government and labor relations, meeting held under the joint autant industries in the past year, the spring of 1981 with the over workers state. The manifesto conThe punish Revolution begun into as the model for the future sociation of Manufacturers wel and this is a far more important rices of the Communist league and and took up in some detall the throw of the monarchy and was tinues. The Spanish working clan ban comed the strike truce proposal and one. It was particularly and glitr the American Workers Party, and manner in which the textile strike carried to great heights by the We have our own army, already by the declaration of a revolutionanswered a threat of fascist rule referred to a memorandum it had ingly manifested in the recent ing the Issuance by the President of practically every city where textile revolutionary program in the near the silk Federation, El Keller. was checked by the betrayal of the for socialization. Our ideas coping, came to a climax this week previously submitted recommend tile strike. In every strike, in to the probability of unity on a of the lovestonette local chief of muss uction of the workers and prepared for mobilization. We have ary general strike.
The political crisis, long devel a proclamation similar to the docmills are located the strikers future were greetel enthusiastical created with vociferously expressed socialist party leaders, who at the cerning the reorganization of insti. when the pumper government pretrine laid down by the National picket lines met the government in ly.
approval by the workers present. time shared power with the Repub totes and universities, our own sented its resignation at the openCouncil of defense during the its real expression, in the form of Muste Seores Settlement During the same afternoon, a group World War and subscribed to by the malled tit. Gunmen and wher Comrade Muste, the first maker. nimhering about 700 had gathered calls and the sectarian putschisan plans as to the bank. We haveing senest of the Cortes. new Samuel Gompers. Strike Truces of the last diers. tear gas, machine guns und and characterized the settlement us about the fact that thiet strike haa huyobjectively prepared the way The ouly thing we lack is power the radical republican Lerroux, his worthy cronies be ready to sub onment and killing and maiming of out that the workers must not re whip meeting and that Keller. in in 1x the political forces of the and cannot be achieved by a min the country, with the inclusion of and therefore we must conquerit. representing it coulition of the And why should not Green and consentration cums: the impris. a flagrant betrayal. Muste pointed been called off without a member for the present rightist regime With the setting in of reaction. The conquest of power is not black rectionary elements of scribe to such a truce? They have strikers this is what the workers and the strike an altogether a order to maintain power, was viomation gravitate to both extremes ority but rather by the whole mass Vascists (lopular Action) in three done it before. We recall the be met in their conilict with the gov wasted effort, especially in view of Bating the union constitution in a The Socialist party, in an attempt of working people. It is no ministries ginning of the crisis when Presi ernment of their masters. The full the moral effect of the militant doxen ways.
dent Hoover summoned the captains ignificance of this experience may activities of textile workers an Comrade Cannon said that it was rectify its philst basished its longer possible to progress by de Armed Clashes of industry and the leaders of the not yet be clear to the textile workEverything is tied up throughout trade unions and, in view of the ers who fought heroically.
national emergency obtained a taken together with the empty pro the original demands of the the first time in their lives, should arian dictatorship. Important show that nothing had been won of workers, holding a union card for background and forged ahead under reached in the first two years of Spain, armed clashes have taken a tew banner that of the Prole the republic. We must now take place the country is being placed no strike pledge from the latter. So mises by which they were cajoled. and that in way something be unable to offer resistance to the title of the anarcho syndicalist this leap is not made, not only will of the Militant goes to press, the much greater leap forward Itiner martial law. As this issue in time of war; a no strike pledge learn to work and, for the time had been lost since Paterson borssell out perpetrated by Grecu, Me movement have oriented towards Social Democracy be lost but we here we have it; a 110 strike pledge to give up their strike weapon, es, who had formerly signe large Mahon and Gorman Lolitical action. On the other ex: will fall into the abys of white il Army and the death toll has reached 50. The NRin time of crisis, and now a prosthe won will become increasingly scale Joint agreements could now Paterson, however. he contin. treme the Catholie opular Agrar terror, repression and Scholuy.
Assault pective no strike pledge in the time clear. At the same time we will point to the Winant Report as far wed. the bearer of the great ian (Prisciut) Party of GI obles Guards are mobilied for suppres.
of the attempted recovery. It is with the wetting of the equil oring shop by shop settlement tradition of militant struggle in the has come to the fore, anxious to Sabotage of United Front Son of the strike, which is already not difficult to find the grounds or ibrium that the trade union officials. This worthless report was en An in being carried the motivations for it; but we vet rely on tovlay.
dorsed by the leaders of the ion eurrent has found Tull expres culs its historic role in Spain as the present situation in Spain, Bonury uction in several provinces ture to say that it will be much Real Insties to the Fote said Muste. st a moment son in its time. Here the has beeu done by the Fascist par the fact that the Socialist party in The miners o! Asturias are in open more difficult actually to maintain No doubt consideention of the when the strike was still on the had its stamping ground in its hal.
ties of Italy and Germany sists on its preparations to seize revolt in a body, and appear to be a no strike pledge now and take proper strike true will dominate upswing. They did not even re cyon day. Here the workers are Political Crisis in Spain power wallel. Even if we recoswell supplied with rifles, ammunt way this most powerful means of the convention. But quire the bosses to accept the re always ready for struggle: they The last few weeks bave wit nize the hegemony of the Social tion and even with machine guns.
Workers of every tendency in mass resistance of the American beneath it the real issues will press port. Without a single guarantec. have been through the mill, they need the development of a serious ist over the majority of the proleworkers against the increasing in to the fore. Certain rumblings of not even a paper one, they called are union men from head to toe and political crisis in Spain. The right tariat, the very important minority the labor movement are fighting tensity of exploitation, disagreements and difficulties in the off the strike, leaving thousands of kuow the meaning of that. Ilow. centrist government of Samper in which maintains its organizutionul site by side in the streets against In this warm greeting to the ficial family have already ap workers high and dry without their come that in snch a town this rot on the verge of complete collapse. and ideological independent would the finest danger now clothed in strike truce proposal by the labor reared in the split between those jobe. To produce such a result. it ten settlement could be perpetrat. Representing a minority of the not be left out vt account. The the vestments of governmental aulieutenants of capitalism we see afficials who are inside the Building was necessary to have the type of ed by a pint sized Gorman without cortex, it has been unable to solve National Confederation of Labor. thority. It is reported that the soand labor relations under the carpenters, bricklayers und elec and the of. in general.
manifested one side of government Traces Department and those of the leaders now in control of the a single obstacle being put in his auy of the pressing economic and controlled by the anarcho syndical cialist Party has seized one of the (Continued on Page 4) political jorublems of the day. The 1sts, hnx a following of several country largest munition planta.
NRA. The increasing governmen tricians who are outside. or ure demate the forma hundred thousand of the country with their ks to the wall and tal supervision of relations between course, this split does not reflect tion of a majority government industrial workers, precisely those the lessons of Germany and Auslabor and the barons of industry any of the real issues. It merely whicli means that they woud huve with the most militant traditions triat still fresh in their minds, Soand tinance, that is the class rela expresses the quandary of the to be included. Gil Robles openly during past years. The Syndical cialists, Syndicalists and Commutions, attempts to make class collacial family and the attempt to lead nounce that this would be only ist Libertarians with their impormists of pain are fighting with a boration a permanent institution to the lexues into channels where they a temporary arrangement, and that tant trade union following in the determination that cannot but in be founded on a much broader basis can be blurred and obscurest. But the time when the Fascists will Opposition unions, and the three sure every class conscious worker than heretofore, with the labor his will not help. The problem of make a bid for complete power, is conimuuist grouin, mistill be broughout the world.
lieutenants as the guardians, not the right to muun organization re not far distant.
taken into consideration in any ser. Socialist Party Appeal of the interests of the workers, but mains and this right can be won monster unite front demon sennine conimon action against Faced with this situation, the loux attempt to carry through a In its issue of October of their hoped for docile acquies uly by fighting for it: the gues stration will be the reply to the Pascism and all forts of capitalist Sociulist arty. claiming to speak Workers revolution.
Socialista, central organ of the cence to continued exploitation. The tion of policy and method in the New York workers, on October reaction.
for the majority of the proletariat But the leaders of the Spanish Socialist Party, May editorially: Assemble before Yankee Stadium of Spain issue a manifesto in Socialist Party have consistently All who, its workers are in our relations and mediation Iwards. Howery begins to call for a golu greeting of so Itatian Fascist on Oct. 12th Protest the provocn El Socialista op. in which substaked every attempt to form ranks, mint nad their strength to They engage in truce agreements tion: the question of forms of or students United Youth Com. tions of Mussolini! Forge the unit is predicted that the decisive the Workers Alliance on a nation the common cause. The gravity of aud sell out nettlements or strikes (Continued on Page 4)
mittee has been set up including teel front against Fascism!
showetown with Fascism will take sle. This united front organizathe moment requires absoluto subthe SI, the student Langue for Industrial Democracy.
Members and sympathizers of the place during October. This mani tion, from which the future Work ordination. Victory is closely linked the Communist lavigne and the Spurental. rends in part as follows: er Councils of spain may well to discipline lowever, in spite lacus Yonth Teague will meet at Socialist Party Manifesto emerge, is functioning etticiently in the Socialist urty assumption the Sitran Youth League. Both their central headquarters, 1 Next month may well be our a number of provinces with the of the right to undisputed leaderthe Young Communist League the National Student League second Avenue, on Friday, Oct. 12. October. The maneuvers of the rewarticipation of organizations of chip, its own criminal negligence re at 11:00 AM fused to participate in the uctionaries should catch no one in different tendencies, but it conscious sabotage of the soetamise muilding seines National workers rangement committee on the First it was the dashing handitele. How gratefully it turns to grounds that the Lovestorites and relan League Against War and. The great army of workers of much as possible by the various ment of all organisations and tenThe Stalinists, through the Am. We must be prepared for anything leaders to prevent interference as Adiunce as it mited front moveDillinger, now the sullen Brunohe Hauptmanns. and the latest Trotskyites were in it. All youth lm, held at rival conference on Bed and city should from this mobor minorities, organically allylus encies, as well as their refusal to Hauptmann, reputed kidnapper of American Tragedy! The crimes of organizations have been invited by Thursday for a demonstration forme consider themselvex mobilized, themselves with these lesser grommelve full support to inrtlal strug.
the Lindbergh baby, latest bour Sir Basil Zaharoff are exciting and the United Youth Committee to the sime purpose, on the same day that at the proper moment, ev only on a local scale in those regler during recent months, will be geois contribution to a Roman holl. dramatie enough, but Pretty Boy Join the uniteel front.
and place.
day, crowding off the front pages Ployd furnishes les dangerous Hardly twenty four eryone will know his post and his gions where suid gros constitute the principal source of weaknees The Yankee Stadium pageant for hours intervened between the call mission and carry forward his task considerable force.
in the enent movement.
of the capitalist press such minor copy.
It will items as the textile strike, arms who, in sober fact, is the world part of a systematie campaign of the 300 Italian Fascist students is and the meetiug of the conference without any wavering or Joubt. The Minority Groups be necesary to translate the unity To Make the Workers Forget The the D, and Inquiry, NRA steel sell out, and Declaring that the Socialist Party The labor minorities, represented of action of the workers, as or similar stuff calenlated only to Never mind the alibis: The boys ancixm in this conntry.
Alussolinis to popularize Italian the oitect Youth Committee went or not pretend to foresee the ty the Communist Left (Bolshevik pressed in the present revolt, into disturb the working class. only want to sell their papers: deuts are to tour the important tirst two organizations having been addBut we do kuow that the oration (Maurin group, Nyndical the different organizations and The stu: observers to the conference, the events of October, the manifesto Leninists. Iberian Communist Fed a well kuit united front between Accordingly, the Hauptmann they print news but the puble cities and universities of the coun. Invited.
mese has been served to the site interested. The interest in the try. In addition Mussolint Fav. Carter representing the Committee rightints will attempt to get fur Unions, are exerting pressure to deterrorun the body waste. it public in all its luscious detalls. Hauptmann case is genuine enough, orlte Band is touring the country and Aaron Levenstern of the thuy con Days of difficult trial force the socialist Party into a Na energies. As the only existing Ben Fischer and Joe horizon has not yet cleared. The ist Libertarians and the Opposition tendencies, if the class is to realize the bewitching Anita Luxemberg, but still not to a degree to satisfy Already they have been reted. and Hal Draper of the for us are athead.
Mrs. Hauptmann crooning a cradle the press. They must magnity this by demonstrations of New York protestel the holding of dual contou must not fail. Everything sincere revolutionary Our preparational Workers Alliance. The truly united front of this character, the song to her tiny baby, Hauptmann interest a thousand times. dinning workers when they appeared at aference element provincial Workers Alliances must as Don Juan, Hauptmann the mon the public ear until it can hear theater in this elty.
They scored the refusal must be completely organized, no within the Socialist arty are aid strive to become the national cenof the und the to longer must anything he lett for me in this struggle to subotage ter of the class war.
ster, Hauptmann snarling at his nothing else. Strikers must abau.
All anti Fascist captors.
World Labor Muxt Aid on the picket lines to discuss the organizations Join the united front. The invitathe morrow. We must have every the Workers Alliance at this time Newspapermen are snatched from Hauptam clues: workers must must be rallied to protest this ar tion extended to the Youth Section detail prepared for our rictory is to pave the way for deteat. Only Meanwhile it will be the duty uft their routine proste tasks, and forget that they are hungry in appear the working class organiza rogant provocation. Wherever they of the American League Against Thus there will be no risk of awak united front of all working class of all workers and all working clam converted into the dashing sleuth their absorption with the job oftions should stage a counter der not been answerel.
War and Fascism, they statel, hudening one day to find ourselves in tendencies can defeat fascisin and organisations to give their whole we see in moving pictures. No ex most dangerous criminat. der a Fascist dictatorship. representative of the American After stating that the party will insurrection in fin. Within the fort of the socialist Party, while clear the way for the proletariat hearted support in action to the pense is spared; not a crank, not your real monster, thirsting for onstration. mited front of these It Lengue Against War and Fascism tot back ont of the most costly framework of the Workers Alliance of failing at the same time to udrunken panhandler with human bloed, greedy. Insatiable forces must be consummated. Continued on Page 4)
Hauptmann story to tell, but is Hauptmann? Even if he is guilty can become the starting point of sacrifices, El Socialista goes on to and in the course of the struggle went out its political and tactical given an eager hearing. howling of a dozen such crime, horrifying say. Our responsibilities before will be tested the theories and pol errors, in an effort to correct them.
mob dashes through the corridors the world, he is a petty amateur the Spanish proletariat are enor. leles of each tendency, thus giving Ex premier Manuel Azana, left of the Bronx County courthouse, in crime a compared to mous because there does not exist the best guarantee for a successful petty bourgeois republican. han trampling innocent victims, making church going. philantropist arms in Spain any other organized force revolution broken with the national govern mince meat of youthful assistant manufacturer. Set the newspaper The Stalinit disagree with twist party, however, throw them. The now weakened bourgeois throughout Europe and the world. In readiness, according to current with a concrete objectives as the Today, with reaction advancing ment and now inaintains himselt s, pouncing menacingly uponhounds truly on the Du Pont trail, the witnesses. They are reporters and they will uncover as choice once in. They object to the into a pante.
parties will have to seek difficult the countries of Western Europeners in jain, to head a liberal hunting interviews, with anyone, mess as ever the late lamented unification of the Communist But we still think the new party twisting bypaths if they are to are next in order for the decisive regime to the proclaimed in Cata about anything, so long as it con Graphic or the Mirror printed. And League and the American Workers is necessary. Let us not delay this win: but, on the other hand, the struggle. proletariau victory in tonia. It will be the task of the nects with the Lindbergh case. the boys have the talent to drama Part into a revolutionary party in important step. You can help working class knows what it wantsi ither Spain or France would turn Workers Alliance of Catalonia at All this lunacy, all the slobbering tize the stuff, too. if they so desired America. They are issning advice Build the foundation of the new to achieve, and how to accomplish back the tied of Fascism. Such a this juncture to raise the issue of details, the sob and sex angles, the examining every inch of wood in to the membership of both organ party by helping now to build the its ends.
revolution could not but immediate national autonomy against the general hysteria, is carefully prethe Hauptmann garage.
izations. They even warn the Communist League. We have 1s. Alm to Conquer Power ly overflow the national houndaries, semi fascist centrul muthority. At pared, well in advance of its re It is not true that there is leaders of the two organizations sued one dolalr and fire dollar cer The manifesto goes on to relate becoming international in chare the same time tying up the strug lease, anticipated and even manu one thought in the public mind. against the fusion on the ground tificates. Every reader should buy the efficiency with which the Spaner. All of Europe west of the ele for national emancipation with factured.
that nothing else is discussed in that it will not do Stalinisin any one Send in your contribution at ish workers even today are collec Rhine wonld present a solid prole the revolutionary movement of the First, because it sells papers: the home and public places that good.
once. You will receive a NEW tively and successfully working the tarian front against which the har. workers and peasants of all Spain.
second, because it is part of a deep there is only one issue before the They realize that a new revolu PARTY CERTIFICATE by return and mines and enterprises of arie regimes of Hitler and In this life and denth struggle er purpose.
world, that the world has stopped tonary party will be able to chal: mail. Every member of the League many industries that the capital ini. not long stand. On the the fate of Western Europe and, in Sensation Made to Order and the Depression suspended lenge them on every front. While and every sympathizer should buy ists were forced to abandon because crest of the new revolutionary a sense of the entire world, will be Flatly, the capitalist press prints merely to see Hauptman go to the they fear the new militancy of the one of these certificates. Each of their inability to make profits. wave, a new international of labor vitally affected. Workers of all sensation with opener arms; in fact, merely that im they can handle them. The prosto recruit and collect the tioning under the direction of the will be opened to the workers of front movements in support and with obvious and almost comical pression. HENRY CAPE. pect of a new revolutionar Marx. new prty fund.
Socialist Union, which is pointed the world. defense of the punish revolution.
Read the Crime News and communist Female Communition and Forget Your Troubles BUILD THE LEAGUE DEBATE: FARMER LABOR REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM IRVING PLAZA Thursday, October 11th, P.
Tickets on Sale at: International Workers School, 144 Second Avenue Common Sense, 315 Fourth Avenue Ploneer Bookshop, 102 East 11th Street ADMISSION: 35 CENTS Auspices: International Workers School Alfred Bingham Editor of COMMON SENSE Max Shachtman Editor of the NEW INTERNATIONAL