Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1934 French Bolshevik Leninists Decide To Enter as Faction Youth Unite Against Fascism Communist League Replies to Letter Of on Unity Third Conference of French League of Convention (Continued from Page 1)
pact submitted by the At the recent conference of the Sept. 27, 1934. lime by the use of your draft pro the Fourth International with them French Section of the International After detailed discussion, and sev. Provisional Organization Committee gram and our programmatic ma. am at the creation of uew Declaration of French Bolshevik Leninists Communist terial. We hold that such a statu party, that is, the revival of the League (Bolshevikcral proposed amendments to the American Workers Party Lenintsts) it was decided by a draft the entire matter was refer Muste, Chairman ment should be a joint product or Bolshevik party under new condimajority vote to enter the Translated from La Verite)
red to a steering committee consist Dear Comrades: our organizations, and therefore tions. But this can be accomplished (French Socialist Party) usa facAt the Third National Conference of the Communist League, the ing of one representative from each We have given careful consider Propose that a joint committee be only as a result of the successful tion and to work there for the Bolshevik Leninists of France after examining the French and in of the organizations at the meeting ation to your letter of September mediately appointed to proceed development of the New Interussame prnciples which our organizternational political situation and the situation in the workers The steering comunittee was em 18 and agree with you that the with this work. The points, con tional in the capitalist countries ation has upheld on an internation movement, reaffirmed their conviction that the program and methods powered to make the detailed plans cusion of our organizations for the cisely formulated in this declaraIn your letter reference is made al scale, Arst as the Left Opposition of Leninism, the bases of their activities, are today more necessary for the demonstration, invite other task of building a new revolution tholt, could subsequeutly be expand to the different origins of the two of the Comintern and, after the than ever for the proletariat in order to resist Fascism, overthrow organizations to the arrangements ary party would be a revolutionary ed expositorily in the form of organizations, different habits of the capitalist system and march towards the socialist society.
German debacle, as an independent comunittee, etc. It was unanimous step forward. Since such an ac ppular agitational paniphlets. Work, etc. This undoubtedly will Eroup. The tactical turn of the The Bolshevik Leninists maintain that, following the February ly agreed that seats on the arrange tion would signify the first move The Dew purty, formed by the present certain difficulties in the French League is motivated by the events, the two great organizations of the working class have acments and steering committee for the unification of the revolu merger of our organizations, will tirst stages of the fusion, and posnear approach of the decisive cepted the slogan of the united front, for which we struggled for would he loft open for the Youngtionary forces, after more than a naturally be an autonomous organ sibly even afterward. But there is struggle with Fascism in France many years; however, they have not endowed it with the active Communist lugue and the Nation decade of disintegration and splits, ization which will determine for it also a positive side, insofar as the and the necessity of establishing content so necessary because of the threat of reaction. Nevertheless, al Student League. letter is to it could hardly fail at the very beselt its own international utiliu different experiences and diferenccloser contact with the mass of a deepgoing und radical regrouping of the working class is taking be sent to each of these organizacinning to inspire and attract a tons or connections, as well as alles in emphasis which bave marked socialist workers who are experi place, political differentiation occurring through a process of unitions asking them to reconsider considerable number of revolution. olier questions. Upon the comple the main activities of the members encing a deep process of ferment fication. The Bolshevik Leninists want to play the greatest role in their decision.
ary workers in addition to the tion of the merger it is our under of the two organizations, can be and political differentiation. The this regrouping towards a single revolutionary party of the prolepresent members of our respective standing that both organizations regarded now, in the light of the tactical move of the League is de tariat, which cannot take place except in action, in the elaboration organizations. In view of these will dissolve into the new party concrete tasks of the present, as Relief Endangered signed to put it iu a position to and criticism of action.
prospects it is our opinion that the The Cuminunist League will there rather complementary than antaInfluence them for a revolutionary fusion would provide a sufficient by sever its organization connec constie. The reciprocal influence Under present conditions, to continue as a small independent polley. The united front pact con(Continued from Page 1)
basis to justify us in formally tits as a separate group with the of the active militants of each group group would not permit us to play our role with the force demanded cluded by the Socialist and StalinInternational Communist League on the others, within a single or by the gravity of the situation. That is why we have decided to The City of New York has fin. launching the new party.
19t party bureaucracies had ex Armed with the program anced this relier by obtaining one of We will propose, at the same time, anization, can make for a rounded enter the Socialist party, as we are, with our program and ideas.
cluded the League from participaIn the ranks of the sections of the Socialist party, shoulder to half of the sum needed from Fed Marxism, such a party, despite its that the new party establish fra und truly united party.
tion, thus isolating it from the shoulder with its revolutionary workers, with the working class of crul relict, one fourth from the comparatively small size at its internal relations with the InternaOur fundamental task, as we see mass movement. With its small nu.
State and the remaining one fourth ception, would have a good oppor tional Communist League and allt, is to bring our forces together rance, in the common struggle against the bourgeoisie, we want merical forces the League, despite from the City.
tunity to become the rallying cen other groups and parties working and form the new party without TO ELABORATE WITH THEM THE BEST MEANS, THE BEST the power of its ideas, would have METHODS TO EMANCIPATE OURSELVES FROM THE FET.
As practical method of An increased sumber of farter for those workers who are for a new (Fourth) International delay: siedited capitalists and their poll breaking away from reformism and collaborate with them in the preparing and bastening the unibeen condemned to ineffectiveness TERS OF CAPITALISM.
in such a situation. And since in the ticians realize that unemployment and centrism, as represented by work of preparing the new worlaication we submit the following estimation of the International In eutering the ranks of the Socialist party, the Bolshevikhas become an integral part of the Socialist and Stalinist parties. party.
concrete proposals: Communists, the showdown with Leninists ask only the right to participate in its activities, to defend, We agree with you that the cynally with all other tendencies, those ideas which have been Americans and advocate a long More than that, by direct partici1. That we set up a joint unity Fascism is near at hand perhaps term relief program. The Execu pution in the class struggle, the best defense of the Soviet Union, a committee composed of a matter of months a swift tacforged in years of struggle; we agree to be disciplined in revolu tive Committee of the United States new party could draw into its and the most effective way now to equal number from each ortical turn on the part of the tionary action.
Conference of Mayors, presented a ranks a large number of workers liberate the Workers State from ganization.
League was deemed necessary. The The Bolshevik Leninists call upon all their sympathizers to plan to the President which calls who are awakening for the first the incubus of Stalinism is the. That this Joint committee be French comrades did not wish to transform their sympathy into adherence, by associating thembuilding of powerful revolutionary for special emergencies to meet the time to political consciousness charged with the task of prestand aside as sectarians in order selves with us in this decisive step.
The lightning speed of class derties of the new internatioual in winter need, and advocnte unem velopments, however, makes it im the capitalist countries. This conparing a draft of a declarato draw lessons after the victory of Comrades, join us in the ranks of the Socialist party for the ployment insurance.
tion of principles aud a proFascism. They chose to force their revolutionary struggle of the proletariat!
The problem confronting the perative that we grasp this oppor ception lies at the root of our fun gram of action for the new way into the mass movement, Without renouncing our past and our ideas, but also without any workers of New York is similar to tunity while there is yet time, bedamental conceptions and has aniparty through the only door open under Dreatal reservations of sectarianism, we speak out what is: it is the one in all other cities of the core the developments pass us by mated all our activity. We cousidpresent conditions That this joint committee to influence the Decessary to enter the Socialist party; not for the sake of exhibi United States, it not worse. This and seek another point of crystaller it incorrect, however, to coun movement draw up revolutionary strug.
calls for renewed action for the or Lization. Our chance to introduce terpose this fundamental task of the organization tions, nor of experiences, but for serious revolutionary work under plans to effect the unification gle and victory.
the banner of Marxisin.
the new revolutionary party into reviving the revolutionary moveganization of the unemployed Into the situation as an independentment iu the capitalist countries to It goes without saying that the National Conference of e Communist League of France.
at a joint convention in the city, county and state wide organ sharp turn in tacties decided upon imations, and united action between force, and to make that party the the struggle of the Bolshevik Len. near future, and also work out detailed plans to adjust by our French comrades does not the different unemployed organin axis around which further devel inists within the Soviet Union to organization questions, presa, in any way or in any degree signi opments proceed, depends in the preserve and strengthen the Dictions for our demands.
ty renunciation of any of the highest degree on the speed with tatorship of the Proletariat, to re name of the party, etc.
ideas which have bound the Bolwhich we compose such differences form it and cleanse it of bureau If these proposals meet with shevik Leninists of the world toge(Translated from la Verite) current for the Fourth Internatiott OPEN FORUM as may remain between us and procratic degeneration. Since the re your approval, we are ready to sether Ideas which are all now com Our third national conference al gained in the entire world. The LATEST TURNS IN THE ceed directly to the organic fusion sime of Stalinismulus strangled lect our representatives to the pressed into the slogan of the terminates a decade of struggle of cry of rabid hate of the world UNITED FRONT of the two organizations and the the revolutionary purty in the Sounity committee without delay.
against Trotsky. The united front between and oraal declaration of the new viet Luis less than in other Yours fraternally.
gle for its realization. The action shevik Leninists of France. In and then the expulsion order in countries, this struggle for the reparty.
National Committee. in France and America)
is taken without any thought of 1924 a handful of militants of the April 1934 is on a par with the re The maximum of clarity in the form of the Workers State requires Communist League of America reconciliation with reformism or brench Communist party reacted ception the world bourgeoisie save Speaker: fundamental questions of the pro that the Bolshevik Leninists in the ARNE SWABECK, MAX SHACHTMAN centrism as represented by the par against the first signs of the Stalthe 1st International at its foundagram is, of course, a prerequisite ind the new parties of Secretary ties of the Second Internationalinist polley of revising Leninism tion!
Elitor of New International for success. The new party must The Third International was any more than ten years existence which was characterized by the Sunday, Sept. 30, at P. cut with a sharp blude. If during of the International Left Opposition anti Trotskyist offensive in the born in the grandiose circumstance 11! Serond Avenue, the past six years especially, in as a faction of the Communist In Russian Communist party and then es of a victorious proletarian revo Discussion close collaboration with the Bolternational meant reconciliation in the entire Communist Interna: lution. The 4th International found Admission Free shevik Leninists of the world, we with Stalinism.
tional. Oppositionist sections its raison etre in the dramatic Auspic: Downtown Branch have preoccupied ourselves with (Continued from Page 1) fighting point for the general reBoth the major French parties formed. Without international con circumstances of the degeneration CLINT eague of America theoretical work, and stubbornly me anoment.
duction of all hours of work, espetoday Stalloist and Socialist are nections, isolated from the power of this revolution. The task of Sunday Lecture Series pursued that work as an isolated The Frisco strike also revealed cially in the industries where 44 centrist parties. There are two ful reserve of the Russian opposi Lenin In 1914 struggling against and hounded group, it is precisely the role of the reactionary leaders and hours still prevall for milImportant differences, however. The on, suffering from the vices of a the torrential current of chauvin HOT SPOTS IN THE WORLD because we have understood the in their struggle aguinst the strike lions of workers. The labor leaders former moving backward from section only recently released in ism was difficult; our task in the SITUATION fearful debacle in the practice of and the left wing.
must be instructed to resign from the principles and methods of revo Tours from the opportunistowse centrist norass is quite as dificult. The Need for the 4th International national scale as the direct outthe dominant parties on an inter Organizing the Leit Wing the NRA and all other class collaThese struggles have been big buration labor boards. struggle of any semblance of internal demotions suffered many crises, the toll masses and have created a reflux come of the degeneration of theory. lessons to the new developius pro against the NRA must be developed cracy: the latter is in a crisis paid to the process of doctrinal in the sentiment of international FRANCE October 7, 1934, P. We aim to continue this work gressive and left wing force in the through a militant class trade un marked by the complete bankruptcy selection.
ista. So much more imperative is Speaker: ARNE SWABECK and to contribute all we can to the of The opposition is belon policy of reformism, deep process of Foundation of La Verite and the the struggle for the 4th Interna SPAIN. October 14, 1934, P. further discussion as may be nec and the need of an organized left metal trades unions on the strugclarification of principle in such ginning to learn the und outs The compromise proposal of the radicalization is taking place in the Struggle for the Reform tional. In the teeth of the threat paker: MAX SHACHTMAN ranks, and the bureaucracy is not of the of an Imperialist war, of the Fas UNITED STATES Oct. 21, P. the new party, after the fusion is stiucapolis strike brought to the al form of uuiou organization does essary to prepare the fusion, and in wing. The Toledo struggle and the gle over the vertical or industri In a position to prohibit a wide In In 1920 hardly a dozen militants cist wave, our 3rd National Con Speaker: HUGO OEHLER ternal democracy. In these cirrounded LA Verite. The shameful ference makes this struggle the accomplished, also.
fore, in the clearest form, the kind not conform to the developments.
cumstances with the danger of expulsion of Trotsky from the axis of its activity.
IRVING PLAZA But, in our opinion, this work of new leadership we need and the It will retard the forward march Fascism imminent. the French deprived the Russian Opposi For a United Revolutionary Party!
Irving Place 15th St. must be carried on now in direct thetics necessary to win the strikes toward amalgamation. In fact it nists arrived at the conclusion to forces greater activity in the sertional incans to struggle on a na Admission. 15 Cents per Lecture and immediate connection with the and defeat the reactionary aims of is more of an attempt to head of League of International Commution of its leader, but allowed it to build a revolutionary interna pices: Communist League of task wbich is imposed upon us by the of leaders.
amalgamation in the building of enter the Socialist Party as a fac vice of the world revolution.
America, New York Local tional scale for a revolutionary the general situation, namely, the The new progressive opposition is industrial uplons than a step in tion.
founding of a revolutionary party. crowing forces. On the one hand, that direction. The federal untons Teginning with this date, the aim marty. This is an urgent task inspire to this unity by con. The fusion of our two organizations there is the vast army of new must be transformed into industrial ference to take this step the Na against the degeneration of the of Fascism would have as its conPrior to the decision of the con of our section Was to struggle France where the coming to powerfuselly giving to it the content or and the joint struggle to establishmenbers coming into the of Lunions as rapidly as possible.
It is true that the militant left toanl Committee of the Communist revolutionary movement. our meth. sequence the disapearance for a strong revolutionary party, which the new party as a power in the through the organization of workLangue of America decided, by a od reform of the Communist whole period of any perspective of stand that this unity can only not wait until every comma is put new unions. On the other hand, Injectives at this convention. Never majority of to 1, to recommend International. which despite the socialist revolution of in till to be created, should under Labor movement need not and can ers in the basic industries, forming wing will not be able to win its obthis course to the French com accumulation of Stalinist mistakes while on the contrary, a revolutionEurope, have this virile content on the basis in its proper place and every hair the old craft outfits, such as the theless, it must put its program berades, despite the great dangers was the vanguard of the revolu ary rise would crack Fascism in pwpistes (Party of revolutionary principles.
The is split in two. Our central task teamsters, the longshoremen, etc. fore the gathering and use the and difficulties involved in such a thomary forces of the proletariat.
Italy and Germany and open up a of Proletarian now, as we understand it is to be recruits and conditions under convention as a foram to further drastie reorientation. We recomm. The Degeneration of the new development of the world rev. Unity, formerly Right wing. Com unlte our forces and create a the NRA are making for unions and crystallize its forces. The future ended this course with full confi The German Defeat mists who contine themselves movement. The extent to which we locals that are putting up battles of the American labor movement dence that they would remain The degeneration of the peat the face of the new situation to subordinating themselves to with which we accomplish it will and which strike fear into every leaders and the new tacties that with them into the Socialist Party a multitude of zis zags and a bus movement by the rapproachement leader decoratie partisans of the means to us as a guide to action of their be a good test of what theory reactionary leader.
they are developing.
That this confidence was fully reaucratic hierarchical regime. The of the two large parties which unity of tire and water. with the The Red Scare HUGO OEHLER.
Justined is confirmed by the latest result was the German defeat; the claim to speak in its interest, by Marquets The Red scare will be played OPEN FORUM inne of La Verite which has just importance of this defeat which the perspective of organic unity of should know that we carry not League delegation during the diservatives Most of the reds in THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE and the Renandels, mitted to you by the Communist up to the highest point by the conarrived. It is published now in the measured by its effects on the these parties, in the regrouping uity Inte batle to the social trait. cussions previously held, taken to the show have nothing in common Faction of the Formerly the mistakes causing the defeat cause, our 3rd National Conference we have not broken with Stalin sram of the American Workers sodybomber must yet be intro Soviets Enter League of Nations the Communist League.
Speaker: We print below the declaration in any section, removed any per this situation by its present state ies of the Marquets or the other iples which, we believe, constitutes. The red care that Green HUGO OEHLER of the French comrades upon enter spective of reform. As a revolu of evolution, and thanks to it poli linisters of the king The exclu. the sufficient programmatie foun and Conny skak of is in reality Atember National Committee ing the as well as a state tionary party of the proletariat, tical differentiation actively taking Sion of short of social traitors, dation upon which a party, formed the militant progressive left wing ment on the decision of the na the 3rd International could no place in its ranks, become a milieu create, through the evolution it ex et af en fusion between ustified They realize this and want to nip Friday, October 5, P.
144 Second Avenue, Questions and Discussion caments it is clear that the Bolshe. Like the 2nd International in 1914 is why our 3rd National Conference prases, the mossibility of our en sanization, and ours is Admission Free Vik leninists of France remain it had ceased to live as a dynamic decided for the entrance of our that we did not break with the course, a number of differences of what strike like Minneapolis Auspices: Downtown Branch, what they were and that they have revolutionary factor.
been accepted by the socialist Communist League of Amerler members into the without Communist International in order opinion as to formulation on cer means. They know that the strikOur Record in this period that in any way meaning the aban to allow the lieutenants of Stalin tain points. lut many of these have ers were unanimous in their supworkers as such.
In our struggle for the reform donment of our conceptions, the we port of the leadership of THE MILITANT Entered as a second clan mall on an inter which guarantees our continuity, work of the revision of Leninism. the necessary further clarification strike leadership of this type and Post Office at New York, scale now Bolshevik Leninists. The key to the of more than 25 sections on every This decision of our National Saint Denis district, in the degree prepare the unity and in the active treacherous conservative role, and Published Weekly by the Come whole world situation is now in continent, unified on a common pro Conference has caused much con that it was progressive. We will common life of the new party, that this type of unionism spells munist League of America It is our opinion that the full into the bosses and to their labor 144 Second Ayo, New York, long undecided. The question is: having a press and cadres in each comes from numerous comrades any anti Leninist degeneration program of the new party must be leutenants.
The horrible reaction of Fascism, country. By this method it recon who confuse our organization with militant socialists! We have re an elaborate and carefully worked Against Political Discrimination Phone: Gramercy 9524 or the liberating victory of the stituted the political capital of the revolutionary party, for the confused the infiltration into the out document, and that in all prob. The progressive left wingers SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1934 Vol. 7, No. 39. Whole No. 243)
working class, for France, and not world proletariat.
suntion of which we were only a 10. by any only for France. The Bolshevik means which was ability its final form will not be must fight in this convention for Towards the Fourth International medium. These comrades forget proposed by several militants who arrived at for some time to come the right of union members to be EDITORIAL BOARD Leninist faction of the French So The theoretical bases of a new that correct ideas have an active are no longer with us. We think For the present, we believe that long to any political party of their Martin Abern James ODDOR cialist party will have a great role international laid, the propaganda effect only when they have a mass that the Socialist Party can play an the new party needs a concise di choice. fight must be put up tar Sbachtman Maurice Speator to play in the answer to this mo for the Fourth International begun basis, consequently an organized important role for the regroupment rect statement of principle and ac against Green and Company who Arne Swabeck mentous question. We shall watch in September 1933, the attempt at basis capable of playing a decisive and activity of the revolutionary tion, omitting the expository, ex endeavor to expel communists and their struggle with passionate sym joint work made with formations independent role.
Bundle rates one cent per copy.
forces in France. We will bring planatory, and semi narrative ma others. They must fight for social Subscription rate: 00 per yer pathy and give them all the moral who were expelled or previously Approbations are not lacking. all our energy to bear in this work. terial of your revised program. We insurance. They must see that the and material aid in our power. left the 2nd and 3rd Internationals, diversity of partisans of organic 50 per half year. Canada You can count on it as on our believe that such a statement could six hour day and five day week.
seric progre We mad approve our entry. Those revolutionary discipline. and Foreign. 50 per year; awn up within a very short no reduction in pay, becomes Tbe for six months in olution.
We shall follow and report the ot the 1, step by step we formed wentenciation de couter past strueste were expelled from the party, their extent, and we are confident that same is strikein Them know that DEBATE: FARMER. LABOR REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM IRVING PLAZA Thursday, October 11th, P.
Tickets on Sale at: International Workers School, 144 Second Avenue Common Sense, 315 Fourth Avenue Ploneer Bookshop, 102 Fast 11th Street ADMISSION: 35 CENTS Auspices: International Workers School Alfred Bingham Editor of COMMON SENSE James Cannon Editor of THE MILITANT