BourgeoisieCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyJaime CerdasLeninManuel MoraMarxismMilitantes del PCCRSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

erstwhile Red commander empha. tbe Klangsl border, on August would undoubtedly assume vio it is much better to keep left wing leader bound police Shanghai, China, Aug. 31. While apparently going to exact for fur.
GEORGE STANTON, Brooklynfunctionaries and leaders of the ther demonstrating the falsity of BRITISH WORKERS OVERWHELM FASCISTS Question: From Lenin The Third International Stalinist party in China cties the Stalinist formula of the dem and Its lace In History. Trotsky quotes as follows: continue to surrender themselves to ocratie dictatorship of the proleta Before us is a photograph of a sea of British work. The Permanent Revolution. 108. the con the Kuomintang, renouncing their riat and peasantry. the courage ers, over 100, 000 strong, surrounding a tiny island of tradictions between the backwardness of Russia and opposition the counter revoluand tenacity which the peasants Oswald Mosley Blackshirts, less than 3, 000 in all its leap over bourgeois mweracy to the highest shek and offering their services to tionary government of Chiang Kaidisplay in defending their con with about as many cops to protect them. And what ernment commanders might make there was to doubt the scores and quests (however hopelessly) willa reception the fascists recelvel from the workers!
mocracy. In the edition published by the Stalinist the reaction, a similar process is a greater use of the bombers and hundreds of other stalinist capitu be seized upon as evidence of Here is an item from the Daily Telegraph, British International Publishers this is stated as. this now beginning in the Chinese coun field pleces at their disposal. lations to the Kuomintang during a new revolutionary up urge in capitalist paper: contradiction between the backwardness of Russia tryside, where for the past several The sconomic blockade against the past two years. We shall, of China. The Black Shirts, hemmed in by long lines of and its leap to the highest form of democracy, years peasant armies under the the Red areas, Kung related, bad course, be accused by the Stalin Readers of Stallalat Journals all police on elther side and resembling so many through bourgeois democracy to Soviet or proletarian Soviet banner have been conduct produced in most telling effect on ists of making use of reports in the over the world will be reguled with prisoners, went through a long avenue of jeering democracy. Since these two have different meaning armed warfure against the Kuothe morale of the communist enemy press to slander them. Alas, accounts of defeat metamor spectators.
ings, can you tell me which is correct?
mintang and the landlords.
troope Salt and rice were most all these reports have proved au phosed into victory They have This sea of angry workers gathered in Hyde Park Within one month at least three scarce in the communist districts, thentic. The Kuomintang has no done it in the case of Germany seethed with bostility to Mosley dupes and not a able to tind an original edition of this work which migher commanders of China song and the relentless methods used need to invent betrayals of the re. Why not China?
word of all their speeches could be heard above the would be sufficiently authoritative to decide whether and offered their services to Chiang food from the populace bad en There is an ample supply of genPeasant War Will Continue shouts of derlefon from the proletarians. The work.
the above noted difference is one of translation or The liquidation of the Central dance of the exhortations from the labor leaders and ers assembled at this monster demonstration in deof misquotation. On the face of it though there are Kal shek.
rendered great public discontentuine betrayals.
contradictions in the Stalinist publication. Ho chung Surrenders and caused many of them to thee The second capitulator was an not mean, necessarily, the end of for everyone to stay away.
Soviet District in Klangst would the Daily Herald, orgun of the British Labor Party.
First of all Russia never went through bourgeois chung, who, it is reported, surrenThe first of these ls Kung Ho from communist control. Kunnounced to the world thus in the the peasant war in China.
democracy as an independent stage in its history suggested that this blockade Weekly Review of Aug. 25: The It seems to us from this distance that the miserable One would therefore have to assume that Lenin dia dered on July 27 after his army bad should be acute continuance of all those prob handful of Pusclsts should have been ducksoup for maintained by all Li Chlen wu, Commander of lems which have stimulated the the workers who, from all reports. were raring to go.
not know the history of the revolution if the Stalin beet defeated somewhere in the remeans, and possibly also strengist quotation were to be acceptel.
the Independent Red regiment, peasantry to revolt might cause the The and the however, put the damper on thened at some points like Kanglou of the Hunan Klangsi border Secondly, both quotations use the word leap.
If area. In addition to being an imwho for the past few years has dames of the peasant Insurrection, the demonstration with the order from each of the chow, in southern Klangai, where been harassing the people along extingulushed for the time being in our platforms of the counter demonstration. No Russia went from Crurism to proletarian democracy portant army commander, whose food was still allowed to enter the through bourgeois democracy, where is the leap?
prowess and devotion to the revocommunist area.
regions, has surrendered with 104 ably more isolated and therefore from others show our strength and our discipline.
workers Ignore provocation And finally, how can you trust a Stalinist quotalution have been ballyhooed by the Kung attested to the great utiltion?
Stalinists for several years past, ity of the blockhouses that the bandit officers and soldiers to the less accessible, parts of the coup Kung was also a member of the Peace Preservation Regiment at try While this admonition may be perfectly well under government troops had erected peasant movement now other circumstances, our opinion leans towards of the so called Soviet govPingklang, northeastern ELLEN Bridgeportaround the dwindling communist Hunan. proceeding under Soviet slogans They surrendered with 73 rifles would continue under different conteaching the Fascists a lesson of direct proletarian Question: How would you answer the accusation crument which has its seat at Jul. area. The line of blockhouses, be and one machine gun. The bandit altions. Losing its one definite when the workers sentiment is so unmistakable and action whenever and wherever possible especially frequently thrown at me: Oh you radicals, if some kin in Klangsl province!
said, had crippled the activities of body gave you a lot of money you act just the sume esent for the Kuomintang, which been used with telling effect for for General Teng Nancht from acter of guerilla warfare, His surrender was an important Red guerrillas, who had formerly commander has been brought to geographic base in Klangai, it Changsha by the units under MA would assume completely the charthelr strength so omnipotent.
as the capitalists. Answer: How well do we recognize this nonsensi sostino time din celestins bim in its harassing the government lines. Pingklang.
cal accusation.
In this way, means would be pro LEFT SOCIALIST THREATENED He thought that more blockhouses Another Red Traktor should be built, and urged that The attention of your accuser should first be called alacrity, and is now actively cam.
vided whereby the Stalinists could Spaak, editor of Action Socialiste, has been threatcontinue their lying propaganda. ened with expulsion from the Belgian Labor Party to the fact that by his very remark he recognizes yesterday. Needless to say, his anpaigning against his comrades of It is has been reported that Glossing over the important central (8. by the General Council for his criticism of special efforts should be made to that you are a propertyless person, since such a prevent the communists from The Ilang, described by government breaking through and escaping in news agencies as one of the ablest fact that their Sovlet government their weak leadership of a recent textile strike. statement obviously could not be made to anyone, Communist declarations are beeven or moderate werlth, who devoted himself to the to the ing widely publicized.
the direction of Szechwan and commanders of the communistat Julkin had been overthrown sub committee proposed that the general council re.
revolutionary movement. The attempt should then Military Adviser to Chiang Kwelchow.
army, unexpectedly arrived at Ping they would be able to point to the commend to the annual conference the expulsion of flaming guerilla warfare, which Spaak. But cunning Vandervelde, who knows that be made to demonstrate that existence of a cup But the redoubtable Kung, be Aside from military tactics, the klang in northeastern Hunan, near talist society implies, on the one hand, the owner cause of his 5 years experience ship of the ineans of production by one class, the cluding the art of guerilla warfare, of active military campaigning, incapitalist elnes, and on the other hand a propertyless us means towards extermin ernment. According to the Cen areas, as evidence that Soviet feeling by expelling bim, made a shrewder proposal.
mass, the proletariat, which has no means of exist bas a much greater value for the ating the communists. He roloted tral News was brought under China. Mir from being defeated Spaak would not be expelled if he agreed to con ence except by selling its labor power to the capitalKuomintang than merely a prope out that the communist regulars, escort to Changsha on August 20, was advancing and extending.
publication of his paper and serve instead on a comThe Passing of a Shadow ists that the existence of the latter is dependent sandist. He can be useful in work numbering about 100, 000 strong and there be told newspaper remittee of three to edit a discussion organ. But in upon exploiting the proletariat; that from his muing out military strategy for fur had for years been fighting gov porters. that be believed com Such are the methods of confu no case was he to write on trade union subjects. It terial fact springs the life and death struggle bether campaiguing against his for ernment troops many times their munism was bound to be a failuresionists. Some will be deceived. Spaak acquiesces it means the ball and chain around And why tween the two classes, and that the Communist party mer comrades in arms.
is merely the vanguard of the proletariat in this become political advisers, office not? If Stalinist politicians can had been able to hold up for so from the red ranks to join the gov. celved. But it is to be doubted intra party peace on the basis of the proposals of struggle. Now it is obvious that an individual canlong he attributed to their inten ernment forces.
whether the Chinese proletariat, a king footman like Vandervelde, except the peace functionaries and even not be a member of both classes at the same time so sive though deceiving propaganda These three capitulations, we which long ago deserted the stal of the grave.
that your accuser is merely telling you that if you should not hounds for the Kuomintang, why among the populace. He urged the may be sure, will be followed by inists in disgust, will be mlaled were suddenly changed from a proletarian to a captStalinist general ac authorities to intensify their coun many others as the perspective of any further. Moreover, the Stalintalist you would no longer be a proletarian.
cept u post as military adviser to ter propaganda among the 20. the peasant war grows more and ist, depending as they do upon the BANANA WORKERS HOLD FIRM Chiang Kai shek?
000, 000 people in the Red districts, more hopeless. The military forces fat subsidies they receive from the The strength and solidarity of the banana workers ZEL. New York Kung Ho chung is now working suggesting that leaflets distributed of Chiang Kai shek and his allies Central Soviet District. would no strike in Costa Rica, is indicated in the fact that for Question: Bela Kum, in the Daily Worker of Sept.
at Chiang Kai shek military head from the air should be written in have succeeded in recent months in longer possess the means for the first time in the history of the United Fruit Com 21, 1934 states that on July 20, 1932 the German quarters at Nanchang, capital of the simplest language.
Inflicting severe blows on the revo spreading their musions. Once pany, one of the company ships, Peten, arrived Communist Party appealed to the leadership of the King province, helping to map Kung said that he joined the lutionary peasant armles in China. those subaltes case, they will be in New York with empty holds. The solidarity of Social Democracy for a united front against fascist out the new offensive which is be communists in 1927 with the idea The dormancy of the city proleta utterly unable to keep up the shathe Cuban workers prevented the loading of the ship terr ing this true prepared against the Red arm of working for the welfare of the riat makes this possible, giving the dow of a pretense to a real politi in Cuba, following its being unable to get a lond At Puerto Limon, Costa Rica.
Answer: In a subsequent installment of his article les of Central China. And he cer.
masses. After eight. years ex counter revolutionary Kuomintang cal existence. Daily Worker, Sept. 24, 1934) Belst Kun contradicts the generalissimo pays him.
tainly is earning whatever money perience as a high communist practically a free hand against the The revolutionary problem in On the otber hand, the extent to which the United himself: China remains: To arouse the chi Frult Company dominates the political situation in commander, he was now convinced revolting Social Democratie worker, however, may raise by a Reuter report, Kung delivered the question. why did you Communists not make a lengthy speech at the generalisalin China, und realized that the stage has now been reached aceste programa de acetone Parme by recent events in the strike situatione quite clear San Min Principle rather than where there would seem to be little mands, having as its perspectives An agreement, settling the strike was signed at such offers to the Social Dennocratie parties before mo headquarters, which was wide.
the fascist danger in Germany was an immediately quotes in both the Chinese and Marxism afforded the way towards doubt that, in the absence of un lightening of the fearful economic the Ministry of Labor offices in San Jose, on August one? Why did you not make such proposals before? Foreign language press. We repronational salvation. He still cher foreseen developments which would burdens and political disabilities of 28, by Congressman Manuel Mors, of the Communist We answer as follows: ished his former alm of working serve to weaken the offensive of the the workers and the creation of Party, representing the striking workers, and repreduce here the more delectable por. To propose united front at that time to the for the masses, but would exert Kuomintang forces, the so called favorable conditions for furthersentatives of government and the planters reparty leadership of Wels, Severing. Braun, Leipart the China Press (Shangbal) on tions of that speech as carried by himself along a different direc Central Soviet District in Klang struggle. to fight for a plenipotenti. spectively Among the terms of the settlement, tion.
and the rest would indeed have been purely a man August 26: will be wiped off the map beforeary national assembly: to link the which was a great victory for the workers, were the euver designed to unmask them. This would not Advice from Red Commander Inventions Unnecessary Here many more months have passed. struggles of the proletariat with following provisions: Common Labor Wages in Comment on the above woula What, then, will become of the struggles of the lower strata of the creased from colons to 20 colons daily (4 colons only have been a maneuver; it would have been a stupid maneuver. You see therefore that the stal The former Red commander seem to be entirely superfluous. Stalinist myth of a Soviet China. peasantry and also those of the op equal U. approx. hours reduced from eight to Inists are and were always right.
told the state General Chiang But it might be added that since The Stalinists will, however, pressed petty bourgeois elements in six daily: Axe labor Wages increased from 50 and Actually, on the eve July 20, 1932 the of that serial and artillery bombard no Indignant denials of Kung manufacture new myths to cover the cities under the hegemony of colons to colons dally: Plece work rates Increase the German Communist Party adopted the following ments had inflicted beavy casual capitulation have emanated from up old ones. If the revolutionary the proletariat. Apart from this, of 35 to 100 percent in rate pald. All pay to be in resolution: The Communist party, before the proleties upon the communist forces Stalinist quarters so far as we can peasants of Kiangsl are given there no perspective of victory cash and not in company serip as heretofore; Com.
tarian public, addresses to the to the and seriously undermined their discover, there is no more reason blood bath by the Kuomintang for the peasant war in China and pany commissarle the camps to post price lista and to the Alpha Bund the question if they are morale. He suggested that gov to doubt that it is genuine than troops (the price which history is there can be none. LUCIFER which must not be higher than the prices charged in stores of the nearest private commercial establishprepared to carry out, together with the Communist ments: hospital privileges to be guaranteed by the party. the general strike for the proletarian deemployer at his expense; all tools excepting machmands, et es to be furnished by the employers and not by the What we had here was merely a Stalinist xig xng.
works as heretofore; hygienic housing conditions in forced on the latter by life itself, and by means of all labor camps and plantations; official government which they themselves condemned their whole policy.
By JIM OSBORN and DICK ETTLINGER recognition of the Workers Union of the Atlantic If the united front was correct on July 20, 1982, why no discrimination against workers for strike activiwas it counter revolutionary on July 1, 1932 or on (Continued from last week) tion of the American Federation of the docks to a central warehouse. ment at the first favorable opporty: federal intervention to procure liberation of August 1, 1932? Why was it that except on July 20 The program of the employers at Labor at a mass meeting of twelve Thousands of strikers and sympa tuolty.
workers imprisoned or strike activities.
the Social Democrats were social fascists. and only Arst was based on the belief that thousand workers called by the thizers were on the water front to Their first move was at the meet In addition to the foregoing, the Executive, through the united front from below was possible? This the strike would not be of long strike Committee in support of the prevent the movement of the trucks. ing of the Labor Council held on the Ministry of Labor, promised to intervene with the United Fruit Company to secure the latter adlies or evasions becanse their whole policy was false could be used to break the strike wishes of many of the strike com this time was unquestioned. They July 6, the day after the massacre. heslon to the conditions the settlement.
to the core. All they can succeed in doing by refer Ly hauling cargo to and from the mittee they put on the platform as would immediately congregate at After passing a resolution con On the foregoing conditions, the workers agreed ing to July 20 is to increase the suspicion that docks as they had during the 1919 a speaker, the representative of the any dock where they heard freight demning Governor for calling to call of the strike, but the company refused to they knew the correct road to take in the interests strike. When this failed and in Marine Workers Industrial Union. was going to be moved and in spite out the militia and stating that the acknowledge the settlement. Therefore the strike of the proletariat but refused take it.
addition the longshoremen were This played directly into the hands of the police succeeded in overturn: San Francisco police were capable has been continued, and the government, which had It is of course impossible to repeat the entire his joined by the other marine workers of the labor skates and they suc. ing several trucks. The big battle of handling the situation, thereby sought a quick solution in order to reestablish trade tory of the German events which occupied the major they resorted to police brutality ceeded in passing this resolution of to move the trucks was continued showing their loyalty to the city and Industry, upon which its own income and lite interest of the Militant for almost three years, and on and terrorism of the worst kiud. attack on the strike by an over on July On that day thousands administration with which they depend, now sides openly with its master, the United which we published four pamphlets by Trotsky. Read The police were mobilized to beat whelming majority. This attack in of strikers and sympathizers were were politically affiliated, they then Fruit Company.
or re rend these thoroughly, particularly What up and arrest the strikers and the heat of the strike was hailed again on the waterfront. The po presented resolution calling for Repression and provocation are on the order of Next and The Only Road (You can get them from drive them from the waterfront. In with glee by the shipowners and lice were reinforced by hundreds the appointment of a committee of the day. The United Frult Co. the newly tortued the Ploneer Bookshop) and none of the Stalinist. addition the red scare was played the capitelist press and brought of deputies, all of them armed to seven to take control of the water. Anti Communist League and the government itself created contradictions will bother you much. up continually by the newspapers forth a congratulatory telegram the teeth with instructions to shoot. front strike and advise the labor vie with each other in their efforts to provoke the WILLIAM Daytonand the charge that the leadership from William Green, president of the strikers had only a few sticks movement of San Francisco as to workers.
Question: What do you mean by the term Cen of the strike was in the hands of the of and stones. In addition to hurling what action should be taken in At dawn on September 12 the national police made trist which have seen mentioned so often in the the communists was hurled dally The tactics of the police right tear and vomit gas, the police and support of the strikers. As a sopa savage rald on general strike headquarters at Mllitant?
Answer: The following quotation from Trotsky dissension in the ranks of the was one of brutality and intimida and over sevents strikers were aims of the strike for collectiye settlement, endangering the lives of the strikers, their te the press in the hopes of causing from the beginning of the strike depalese opened fire on the pickets to the they also endorsed the Finca Los Angeles and after shooting up the whole What Next. where an entire chapter is devoted to strikers. The employers also attion. The strike had only been in shot, the great majority of them in bargaining and the right of the wives and children, Arrested everyone they could the question is probably the best answer you could tempted through the activities of effect a few days when the police the back. Two strikers were killed to control the hiring halls. catch and expelled them from the country without get within the limits of this column: Ryan, the International President, began a campaign to break the near the ILA, headquarters sev. Here again the absence of a mill any further formality. Comrade Jaime Cerdas, mem Speaking formally and descriptively, Centrism is to put over an agreement, the effect morale of the pickets.
composed of all those trends within the proletariat of which would have been to pre move was to force the pickets on were being moved. Following this crats to pass this resolution. In strike committee and one of the most active organand on its periphery which are distributed between serve the same status that existed the waterfront side of the Embar massacre the militia was called in spite of the opposition of a handful Izers, was wounded severely. The workers homes reformism and Marxism, and which most often rep prior to the strike.
resent various stages of evolution from reformism to Ryan June 16 Agreement lett cadero which naturally greatly and began to patrol the waterfront of delegates who saw that the off were soon enveloped in flames and now the nome hampered their effectiveness. The The murderous attack of the po cals by this move were seeking to what decimated but just as resolute general strike Marxism and vice versa Both Marxism and re the other marine untons entirely strike committee should have or lice on the strikers fired the feel prevent the general strike, it was committee is obliged to meet elsewhere.
formism have a solid social support underlying them. out of the settlement and provided ganized their forces and made a Ings of the rank and file of the overwhelmingly adopted by the vast in the attempt to smash the strike, every method Marxism expresses the historical interests of the for a hiring hall financed by the militant attempt to maintain their labor movement to a white heat. majority of the delegates in the be is being used. The workers cannot be intimidated, to a up position of proletarian bureaucracy and aristocracy such a hiring hall the longshore docks. This would have greatly meeting, in spite of the plea of necessary in order to build the the fullest degree. The strike leadership on its part, within the capitalist state. Centrism, as we have men would have had no power stimulated the morale of the pick Casey and the other officials about machinery for the successful calling is straining every effort to prevent the workers from known it in the past, aki not have and could not whatever. These agreements were ets and would also have drawn the the sanctity of contracts, voted six of a general strike. That the Stra restoring to acts of terrorism, all the more difficult have an independent social foundation. Different correctly exposed by the left wing rank and Ale of the labor movement to one to come out on strike in tegy Committee was out to settle in view of the provocative actions of the Company layers of the proletariat develop in the revolutionary and were overwhelmingly voted much closer to the marine workers. support of the marine workers. the strike and not to call a general and the government. Evidently what the company direction in different ways and at different times. In down by the men.
The police constantly made state After the teamsters the butchers strike was evident right from the hopes for is an insurrection, as it would be the surperiods of prolonged Industrial uplift or in the per The leaders of the San Francisco ments in the press that they would and chauffers immediately fol start. At the teamsters meeting. est means of checking the development of an interlods of political ebb tide, after defeats, different lay Central Labor Council also played begin cracking down on the strik. lowed. The labor officialdom faced called for the purpose of deciding national movement for the organization of the pleders of the proletariat shift politically from left to a great part in the efforts of the ers if the strike was not settled with the threat of a general strike whether all of the teamsters should tation workers of the whole Carribean area. Above right, clashing with other layers who are just be employers to defeat the strike. As This was more than a verbal ges had only two alternatives. Elther 80 out on a general sympathetic all, the forces of reaction realize the importance of ginning to evolve to the Left. Different groups are before stated, they were forced by ture as they were cracking the to oppose It opencer of their com their influence to prevent such ac efforts to destroy it.
which action strike, the committee used all of the proletarian vanguard and are concentrating thelt delayed on separate stages of their evolution, they the sentiments of the rank and heads of the pickets at every op had in it the find their temporary leaders and they create their file to issue an appeal to all unions portunity plete Isolation and repudiation by tion from being taken. The team At the Special Session of the Costa Rican Congresa, programs and organizations. Small wonder then for support, but at the first oppor After the longshoremen turned the trade union movement, or to sters, however, were not influenced opened last week, an attempt is being made to outlaw that such a diversity of trends is embraced in the tunity they launched a vicious at down Ryan fake agreement of bead it off by accepting leadership by these tactics and after listening the communist movement. Charges of high treason comprehension of Centrism! Depending upon their tack on the strike by securing the June 16, the Industrial Association and thus control it. They naturally to the speech of Harry Bridges, the have already been brought against Congressman origin, their social composition and the direction of passage of a resolution condemning of San Francisco, acting on behalf chose the second course as did the chairman of the foint marine strike Mora. It is apparent that this is but an effort to their evolution, different groupings may be engaged the strike leaders of the as of the employers, began making labor leaders in Great Britain dur committee, voted to 1, as prevl provoke an outbreak such as occurred in El Salvador In the most savage warfare with one another, with reds. The Stalinists furnished an preparations for the opening of the ing the general strike. The San ously mentioned, to go out on several years ago, which would give the government out losing thereby their character of being a variety excellent opportunity for them to port. On July a few trucks were Francisco labor officials took com strike.
a legal excuse to murder the militant working close of Centrism.
do this by their tactics of denuncia moved under police protection from mand in order to betray the move. Continued next week) leaders The History of the Frisco General Strike