BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyIV InternationalLeninSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

MARCH OF EVENTS Sales of tear gas vomit gas and every few yeurs or 80, Andrew signed so as to enable all the com tion, Our struggle is very week and 38 a week for skilled Times, with no attempt at Irony. tensifietl exploitation of wage earnward ery to Equador and brother of loyed or are on relief, have that For militant strike struggle concentrate on the rest of the non many whops, the errand boys, very granted the privilege of violatiu in need of credit, the factories bePAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1934 REVIEWING Mellon IN THE TRADE UNIONS Reward THE NEWS Stolen Your African Laundry To the Comrades of the Communist (Button Workers League of America: Millions Workers Friends Bayonets and the General Strike Strike Union hereby pledges its support The Credit System to the Fourth International. We National Guard Bayonets Open Georgia Mills headline in cuplu believe that only by militant strugThe contradictions inherent in Every once in a while the demo National Executive Committee, At general Mass meeting on Ble against the oppressers can the September 25, the covered button tains, but never the Democratic or possibility of reconciling the profit With the faith that moves moun capitalist society owing to the imtalist press Bayonets can run cratie mask behind which capital Communist League of America, looms, but hunger can force theism hides its fuce, slips and we see o Militant workers achlere success. The Third makers, local 132 decided weaker, less determined strikers in strange things.
New York City.
International and the Communist unanimously to strike the follow. Who heard the American Federation inutive with the needsfest elett to the mills. The failure of the Dear Comrades, For example, take the case of of to support the strike with Andrew Mellon. new agreement The Committee of this Union in us twice. We start again under the aftrering in no way from the old this year their timeworn questionof Labor are sending out again are nowhere more muulfest than in the banking system and handrelief under such conditions is as Not so long structs me to send you the enclosed leadership of the Bolshevik Lenin one, was read. In other words: all naires to political candidates, seekTing of credit. in modern society much a part of strikebreaking as 80 Andrew Mellon was Ameri greatest Secretary of the message. Upon being put to the ist League. The workers of South the administration wanted was the the National Guard itself, ing their views on legislation credit is a powerful Instrument for Treasury slucu Hamilton. Today, toteast decades represented meeting Africa will never again allow them. renewal of the old agreement.
backed by organized labor.
converting into capital the savings The main demands, therefore, reund property of the non capitalist Preparedness The questionaire, says the classes, thereby niding the more in waves that the goes through patch The enclosed ship was communist Party and its Federa, main as before: 371 hour work is in line with the traditional ors. Credit accelerates the devel: machine guns increased tu 10 per Velluu bus a tax suit led against mitteemen to attach their signeret; our union has no legal basis: workers (those who can produce policy of the of L, which has uiment of the capitalist system of our workers have no legal right to the required amount of buttons per been seeking to elect randidates production.
cent due to the textile strike. We om by the present administration. tures.
The Union already has 344 mem strike; nevertheless, we shall light hour. The women workers In normal times it are favorable to its poliries for many wakes uvailable through the banks, unly sell to corporations when the le lacts revealed in the governlocal police approve. Would you miett brief against Mellou wi bers, and we have every expecta on until the victorious workers entirely excluded from this cute gory. Moreover, the scale of proyears.
the reservoirs of credits, the dead sell to labor organizations We astound ouly those who have never ton of increasing this number to dietatorship is established.
five or six hundred in the near fuWith Fraternal Greetings, duction is so steep that very few the. of adopted the policy for more effective utilization by the Since 1908, to be exact, when capital in the form of free fundo received no requests from labor. looked luto such doings before.
THE COMMITTEE ture. believe our membership Munitions enjoy this wage level.
testimony before the In 1931 Mellon deducted 6, 072, constitutes a record for South Ar lshack Sanyane (Chairman. Emil Commission. The of fukers 180. 85 from his taxable income on ries, as far as Bantu workers, or atosito, Johannes Mashigo, Malekin aghea pledges are renewebelir con setting up no Inbor candidates, but or tu credit system the banks aid lavor war preparations by the Un the grounds of a business loss loanized in a single unlon, are con Segale, Abton Moatlhodi, Alfred tracts with the union. Many other in general rewarding our friends in the elimination of the stall proited States, always with the excuse curred in selling Pittsburgh Coul cerned. The Bantu Workers, and Dhlamint, Henry Mathibelt, Asine besitant bosses rushed to the Union and punishing our cnemies. ducer for the benefit of the larger other governments Mauane, James Tihongwane, Jorene office to sign the new contract when The polley has worked each elee. Oues.
We must be prepared. That are drittsburgh. Now that, tu the or pressed and exploited section. Un Poe, Michael Huma, Fanuel Ma they heard of the general member tion period with uniform results But the extensive utilization of gument, even if granted, mean that these same gentlemen After all, you can taxat man for fortunately the Bantu workers are slowly los Mokott, Joslab Mast ship meeting. There is nothing as there were never any friends to re credit by muleru Industry intro duces the greatest uncertainty into fat treasures to equip strikers su u cutch in this bice pour upor pastoral peasant origin and have no surer. Murry Purdy (Secretary. creases or hour reductions were Take Orders from Bosses Only the whole process of production.
that they would be able to meet the vestigation it turns out that the the trade union movement. Our mature experience or tradition in Reuben Mngade (Organizer. demanded by the union. Besides When times are booming the banks the otticas promised to send those Candidates of both major parties find it profitable to lend on easy enemy on eyual ground.
workers back to work in the shops have refused somehow or other to terms with good prospect of payInachine guns and vomit gus the Melton und his brother, so that the organerefore wide. This Un Pocketbook Strike workers need, machine guus and when Melolu sold Pittsburgh Coal ton collapsed twice within its very Bulletin pledge the very next morning. Re and instead have maintained alle rapid tengo and the resulting exvomit gas.
sult: Only a handful remained on glance to the political bosses who muistom the productive forces He sold it to himself and to actual tence and cowardice to the leadstrike. And with these few work were responsible for their homiua leads ultimately to u glut of the Itehing Palms Pollee and Clergy stock or money transfer was inership established by the CommuInarket and the inevitable crisis volved.
The latest developments of the ers the administration bopes to tion.
That a munitions salesman had nist Party and African Federation pocketbook workers strike are as unionize the open shops.
Some have made promince to la The bon jeriud is accompanied by the police in the palm of his The process did not end there, of Trade Unions. We shall no follows: Over 5, 000 workers are on this scheme was folated on the bor and have broken these promis Leverish speculation; all business band indicates that besides rack Lowever. few months later the collapse, though we may be beaten strike. The New Jersey local called unfon by high powered salesman. es. The rest have never even takes on the character of specula eteers, bootleggers and open shop on Trust Co. sold the same temporarily, on one or another cits members on strike this week. ship. Henry Jaeger, Socialist party bothered to promise. Political partion. But the moment the market bosses, munitions makers also stock to the Cutesced Co. for much casion.
Fifty non uulon shops were closed, ember and intimate friend of the ties have been deuf alike to the can no longer absorb the vast quan crossed the itching jalms of New He than the stock was worth.
We have in prospect several adding another 500 workers to the local manager, used his talent to pleadings and threats of the Atities of commoditiex made available by free use of louts and credit York Anest with gold. That upon luvestigatiou, lo and behold, strikes which shall be called in the strike. Fifteen employers settled convince the workers that they of another little itern inade public ly Mellon hud again sold the stock to near future, although we have with the union and granted the un should not ask for more money but Occasionally some smiling dema which become converted into caplthe munitions inquiry. Whenever Limself, for to Coalesced Co. was gained certain concessions (indi ion demands 30 hours and a ten te contented with the little they gogue, like resident loosevelt, ac tal, the credit system collapses.
The banks make frautie efforts to have. The administration, be ar cepts the proffered hand of friendand wherever any probe is made composed of only three stockhold rectly) without outright strikes. percent increase in wages.
into graft, crime and wholesale s; Meston, his sou and his daugh Naturally, the bosses will not give The Regional Labor Board intergued, knew what was best for the ship slag Bill Creen warmly on call all lot to get rid of all murder, the whole capitalist sys cer, and was organized as a family in so easily upon the more imporvened and called the union and the members. The manager of the the back, and presents a paper pro securities and investments that are tem, its coercive and persuasive holding Corporation to avoid gitt tant issues employers together. Two confer local joined the chorus with a plea gram full of warmth and sympathy hot liquid. With all banks atarms are shown rocking with graft. und inheritance taxes. And 80 Our polley 1s. Against the Con ences were held but without suc. to cooperate with the decent boss for organized labor. This program tempting the same thing at the Praying to God with Indians in the here it stands. The Mellom family evening and selling gas bumbs and still owns the stock and has saved ciliation Act, its machinery, and the bosses are stubborn and es. The steam roller finished the he will not be dare not, keep.
conciliation in any form.
refuse to grant the just demands of job.
Thus labor is granted Section Tamil wcomes scarce. Since preluction no longer offers any The objective conditions were of the National Recovery Act, and protits, the banks refuse lounis to gas billies in the morning was itself a milion dollars in taxes, the the double role of the Rev. laul sovernment is out a million or so, Against Governmental Arbitra theworkers.
The strike committee must now favorable or a successful strike. In in the same breath, capital is business men when they are most Young, Christian Alliance Mission and we, that is we who are unem tion under the Wage Act of 1920.
gin to shut down and production John Young, munitious minu much less tu feed our children against the borses as the only on shops such as Goldberg Important in this trade, were on it with complete impunity.
Rights and Rights way to gain some of our rights, and Brox, the White shop in Bridge the verge of being organized by the comon to a halt in many industries facturer. Or was it really a double with.
role? Christian prayers (opium) to to keep them once they are gained. port, and Chicks in Bethlehem. The shipping Clerks Union. The unity Labor is given the right to organbefuddle the minds. kits grenndes during all these transactions MelOne has to bear in mind that For unequivocal union recognil mass picketing for next Monday night against the bosses would stop ix, and capital the right to crush Attempt to Control Credit to ruin the body. Both are wear ion was Secretary of the United thom The immediate effect of a crisis ons of Iroperialism iu enslavio For Intransigeant struggle for and site to it that not a single shop the shipping or recelvlug buttons such organization, with the full States Treasury and that at the lonial peoples His card: Rever same time there sat on the Senate the right to strike of the Bantu perates in the city of New York in the shope. This would be a support of government forces, with is to make it inpossible for the and vicinity great weapon in the hands of the ederal tear gas and bullets.
delitors to pay their debts. The end Paul Young, Christian Alliance Finance Committee, Senator David workers. POCKETBOOK WORKER. workers. The strike would assume Even as every citizen has the apologists of capitalism, wbore Missionary. Representing God and Reed, friend and attorney for For abolition of the Pass Laws, militant character and the de right to freedom of speech and as fuse to recogniwe that it is the very the Munition Company.
BROWNSVILLE LECTURE Mellou. These men were respons Riotous Assemblies Act, Masters mands of the button workers and semblage. Exercise it if you dare mode of production itself thut iuand Poison Gan Our Specialty. Ale for the collection of taxes, and Servants Acts, and all other errand boys would be won.
Second, Third or Fourth Nevertheless, Bill Green and his evitably leads to crises, Iame the But of course the myopie udmio. cohorts do not despair. They re collane on the speculation that actianize the Heathen. And such are many poor man house or farm legislation which oppresses the International?
istration did not think it necessary turn each year to their shiainerul comes the boom in production.
Speaker: to ask for raises nor to strengthen betrayal als a dog returns to his They cry out against the creation of law and order. the spirituai of taxes. There is no evading the from withholding their labor and restricts their liberty in any way.
TOM STAMM the ranks of these newly organized ronit.
of it debt load through the enor.
forces of our nation which must law for a poor man.
With Fraternal greetings, workers. Fearing a fight, the adbe saved from Communism by Yet for themselves and for their Friday, October 5, 8:30 MURRAY PURDY ministration would sooner cooper political candidates will receive in and ons on real estate, a load Again this year, therefore, the most expansion of bank holdings of securities, loans on securities, armed drunken Legionaire morons. class, men like Mellon discovered General Secretary 1776 Pitkin Avenue ate with the bosses.
plenty of lawful ways of evading their mail the usual questionnaires, chat has become an impossible bur.
the law. The Investigation of the seeking their views on such ques pressed in ACTION. and demol tions as old age pensions, tiem bring about some sort of balance den to carry. Hence in order to The Red Joiner Senate Banking Committee into the ished the city block where lies the ployment Insurance, labor lujune they want to impose strict limits One of our readers has come to National City Bank and the MorC. bureaucracy! We predict this tions and yellow dog contracts on credit, but without intertering our rescue when we were faced gun house certainly bears this out.
action among the rank and They will answer as they have an with a shortage of copy and in One would suppose that the New with the credit necessary for the mitted the following pem: Deal administration could collect What is wrong in the ranks of has there ever been a time when Allers, yet.
wered before, and Bill Green will production and exchange of curthese back taxes of Mellon, Mitch the Stalinists?
the average member of the Hair spring tempers! says Mich pretend to be satisfied or unhappy rent goods (as though this were ell, Morgan, etc. and place these Michael Quin thinks the Party has been free of that terrible ale Quln. Logical reaction, say we over their replies.
not a wamble in capitalist pro And who It is necessary. says Quin, for Dark Horse for Green duction. Thus the first step takeu lehabod Blechedick Wallingford men where they belong, behind needs a Chitska (cleansing. He ness. DISGUSTITUS?
Coben bars No such thing! For though would have the rank and Glers can held these thoroughly abused comrades to be militant on the be living under a democra perform the operation upon them. Comrades responsible for blowing picket lines and in demonstrations, But a new element has entered in reforming the banks was to sepWan Stalinist victim who was we may capitalist democracy and selves since, possibly, it is a little up at the slightest opportunity and but not when asking another com the game of questions and answers arate the commercial banks lendconstantly goin, ey, it is a as such, our law is capitalist law. too early for the American Party sneering, ridiculing, slandering. rade for a match.
this year; an element that causes ing money on and for current pro duction, from the securities float.
Till Green inany a sleepless night From meeting to meeting Mellon after all did nothing unto strike so strenuously as did the beefing, whining, complaining, and If you keep right on sending the The masses of labor, the rank and hig banks which are concerned of this or that Org.
There are trusting boy after left handed awful, and the Grand Jury did not according to Quin: Kick registering DISGUSTY with At the end of a year even indict him.
And indeed, ing out only 30, 000 members. we literally thousands of good militant monkey Wrenches, pigeon milk, ale workers have grown tired of assets. Stricter superHe was At for the Morgue.
Cpt for a few scapegoats thrown should be satisfied, maybe, with a workers in America who got this strap oll, and money stretchers; the game. The issues are being Vision and regulation of the issuance of sexurities was intended to He id dues in the Party, the out us a sop to the public, the net loss of about of the so called same way, and for the identical you keep the rank and flers going fought not in the ballot box.
The workers in the textile indus reduce the unbalancing effects of result of all the banking investirit raff so is not to overshoot our reasons, and tally left the im in an endless whirly gig chase of income too far, What?
possible environment of EAR profitless futility, would you have try, the victorious strikers in Min the creation of these long term, The Workers Theayter and ofcations has been nothing much.
The most amusing sidelight on Nerves raw, and minds in a cha MUFFS, MUZZLES, AND BLINK them develop wings and twitter like neapolis, the betrayed longshore. non liquid credits which, unlike The Toothpick Designers, cho Mellon case is the attitude ex tle turmoil from an endless round ERS: the old Michale Quin angels? However, if the thing has nen of the West Coast, do not need commercial credits, are not soun The Freiheit Vereiners, pressed by the Post, New York of futile and impotent gestures has been kind enough to name the reached the point where comrades to ask where the leading candidates balanced or cancelled by the sale Tbe 14th Street MinersAfter deliver made by a self imposed and shod only other alternative for them. want to fight with the friend from stand on labor. They know!
of goods. As a matter of fact, back He joined them as well.
ing a smashing most liberal panorial indictment die leadership, the rank and file or That is to laugh at the mistakes whom they ask a match. we also They know that a Governor 01 of this reform is a clear recognithe COMRADE advise a Chitska, but we advise be son and President Roosevelt will tion that the entire system is de uguinst Mellon and the whole Hard the are so Jittery that the LEADERS who make fools of ginning at the top, like good Bolo grant only what they are forced to crying and can no longer expand He was one of the prancers ing Hoover crew, it finally comes leaders think it is time to thrash themselves. Michael Quin should sheviks!
or Harlem Red Dancers, grant. That the strikers will win ax rapidly, it at all, as in the days to the crux of the matter.
The them, openly, as Quin proceeds in realize that in such a mad house, And with last weak thrust of recognition of their union by light gone by.
He just missed getting into system was not just rotten on the the usual contradictory manner, to men and women must have some nix erstwhile lashing pen, he proves tus for it on the strike battlefield The nighting Red Lancers, But nothing distressed, says the post. This implies, of in a typical grandiose flourish of kind of event or explode. We who our case against the bureaucracy that company unions will be out a Government Central Bank He Hocked with the rest To the Bolshevik Band of the Bad Sew Deal is better. And, concludes in exposing the rapid growth of necessity to right about face and sume comrades who are today, them; that injunctions against In conjunction with the rest of Regarding blowing up at the least slip up tror will cense when the workers government bent every effort to ning of Cancers.
the Post, after condemning the rot moral disintegration in the ranks LAUGH at mistakes.
tenness of the Republican Party. As usual, the Comrades are blamed the rank and tile comrades making ARE THE STRONGEST LINKS learn to disreard them.
prepare the banking structure for And when that time comes to With Father Divine who embodied The Grand Old Party cannot be for all, while the bureaucracy, by fools of themselves, they never IN OUR CHAIN. And be verifles a new expansion of business by the Lord rebuilt. It must be replaced by a the process, pushes itselt still fur bave been given that opportunity. this by naming their militant conse, as it is coming to pass the aiding the banks in freeing all The bureaucracy beat them to it. duct during the dock strike in San workers will «lect their own can fren assets, the government kindHe joined in the Group for Foster conservative party freed from the ther up and away from its foundaAnd now It is crying because the Francisco.
ing Ford, tion, Into oblivious Isolation curse of avarice.
comrades show signs, even, of recdidates; or failing that, there will ly taking over these unpayable Every day for the Worker he There you have expressed in a Seeing Reds containe, in care ognising what has happened to links in yonr chain, Michael Quin, major parties who will offer them latively liquid assets. ln repay Quin Western Worker column, reca Certainly they are the strongest be no lack of demagogues from the debt for government bonds and reAnd get credited for it at the Peletshell the liberal idea of the cent issue, some rich highlights on them.
and the weakest links in you what they have already won the ment the government tried every ham Bay Club.
the state of affairs to which bu There are. says Quin, any chain are those sleek skinned bu right to fight for their rights! And form of cajolery to have the banks ance between conservative and propressive forces, and since the New Perneracy and trips into blind alnumber of bair spring tempersreaucrats who disappeared when sops will be thrown in for good liberalize their commercial credit On every vacation leys have reduced the Party, among our comrades which need the terror was let loose and are measure. unemployment insurance policy. to start business going Some new Federation Deal is under the guidance of a After warning the Comrades of tightening up. Whether these are still among the missing and old age pensions as well.
again. But it reckoned without the He joined with a greeting, a shout progressive party group. what is That you are today predicting and a whoop.
needed in order to balance the the he calls upon the tal. or lack of self discipline is the second coming of Darcy market for despite all the excess PATERSON state and keep it steady, is a new rank and Ale to perform the same hard to say. The slightest slip up gives little consolation to those reserves of the banks, there was And despite his neuritis, conservative party, free from a operation, each for himself, lest he dislodges from them a torrent of trusting comrades who have in MASS MEETING no sign of any great increase in aree of course. Aconservative so completely berserk.
Lumbago and Croup.
real demand. The banks had no Focal violence which if expressed spite of facts, retained their faith He joined with the Haircurlers parts, or for that matter a liberal There are, he says, lots of in action would demolish a city in him.
THE TEXTILE STRIKE confidence that they could make protits and hence they kept their Progressive Group.
party free from a varice. What little minor contagious diseases block.
SETTLEMENT nonsense! Here we are, living un rampant among us.
If the setting of our movement money in their vaults Mearitime Well, Comrade Quin, what would He faithfully joined with the der a system where nothing is pro Perhaps the most distressing you have? torrent or vocal vle was in Germany, we would look What Shall the Textile Workers Do the Federal Government has em1.
duced except for profit, where the and dangerous disease of all is ience, of course! Regarding these is, we would direct those who crave Program for the Silk Workers. ly enormous sums of money in order barked on spending unprecedentedThe League for Defense of the Es main incentive for the functioning DISGUSTITUS, he warns the torrents occuring at the least slip his presence to do so. As it is, we to salvage the capitalist system and kimos, too.
of society rests on avarice, and the Comrades, and goes on to say of up, we have a speaking idea that do not hear any working class deSpeakers: to prevent revolution. The govern Like a good proletarian, Post solemnly suggests that par them, they never miss the slight the slip ups are improperly demand in San Francisco for his ro JAMES CANNON and ty which seeks above all to main est opportunity to sneer, ridicule. scribed. We feel sure that the return. On the contrary, out of your ment therefore feels a double need He turned vegetarian, MUSTE tain that system can itselt be free slander, beer There was hardly an ontfit he for greater control over the credit whine, compla! cent slip up in the San Francisco own mouth we hear echos of er first, to extend from avarice. t go through.
more register DISGUST. The only strike; the slip up of setting up a plosision within the ranks, which Sunday, September 30, P.
Graft and corruption are not at thing they regard as humorous is paper dual union against the huge to us is ominous of the final, comrapidly to business, and secondly, At each demonstration tributes of the Republican Party. the opportunity to laugh at some rank and file of the only to plete Isolation of the bureaucracy.
OAKLEY HALL to protect its own financing by He made his donation.
They are attributes of any party Comrade who has made a mistake have it thoroughly repudiated by manipulating its own funds and And uttered the slogans he learned that seeks to maintain the capital somewhere or according to their the general rank and file workers, 211 Market Street, Paterson securities to keep them up in price.
The whole program dictated by the in the book.
1st system, whether that party be lights, made a fool of himself. is much more than a least slipADMISSION FREE competition between national forms For the first Earl of Browder Hoover Raw Deal Party or RoosDoes Comrade Quin know his up. we think that was a MON JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE Joint Auspices: of capitalism, would be facilitated He would shout out still londer dialectie materialiem? Does man STROUS CRIME. It a mighty evelt National Run Around.
And there wasn Mr which reflect his environment or is he the wonder to us that the vocal vio ORDER BUNDLE OF MILT. Communist. Tengue of America and Hence the agitation for central he didn took.
JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE god of the idea a priori? In fact, lence has not already been ex. TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. American Workers Party Bank.
The Discipline of Failure