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THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1934 PAGE American Workers Party Sends Letter on Unity NO RECOVERY HERE Comment on Belgian United Front Pact Textile Victor proposed by some were as musiconflict and incompatible with the Union demand you have the gist of By PAUL SCHWALBE The New Deal president has sailor in Providence, in discus ark, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy and (Ed. Note We print below the as the expression of an antagonis been in office for nearly two years. sing unemployment, said he did not smaller centers are closed down We printed in the September at all costs and also fear criticism.
However, the Socialist ranke letter of the American Workers the attitude toward the Bilions of dollars have been spent see how this country could be completely with their former en issue of the Militant for the in formation of our readers, the unit have their own reasons for supployes wondering what next.
Party on the question of fusion would be a great handieup in our by Roosevelt administration on saved from revolution.
with the Communist League. In efforts to build the new revolution national recovery, the Soviet Union Such statements and declarations Coolie Conditions Come to America el front pet signed by the Bel porting a non aggression pact.
glan Young Socialist Guards, the They have observed the conduct of ary party if we failed to clear up has been recognized, probibition made over and over again by worknext week MILITANT the reply In the Springtied district in Young Communist League and the the Stalinists, their slanders and of the National Committee of the this point from the outset.
has ended. And yet there is no vis ers of all trades and all localities Southern Massachusets it was said Leninist Youth League. As prev disloyalty, they have encountered In the event of a favorable reply able sign of that great American are the outspoken expression of that laborers ut a day could be iously stated the Young Socialist Stalinist hooliganism at their meetCommunist League will appear.
from you on the question of pro boom, the prosperity that was to the unrest and rebellion which had in abundance.
gram, we are prepared to take im follow the long depression years rages in the hearts of these men.
Guards, numbering some 35, 000, are ings. They bave little confidence, September 18, 1984 mediate steps to bring about organ to all the empty pots with fut They were not uttered merely by looks as if the coulie conditions of cuttial than the other two groups the stalinists carrying out an To the matter of fact observer it many times larger and more intu based upon previous experience, of National Committee, ic unity. This would mean, in the chickens and the equally empty jobless and hungry men. They China are making rapid progress combined. o Arne Swabeck, agreement. They demand a guar.
Last analysis and as we understand garages with shiny cars after were made by textile workers em in the United States.
Communist League of America, it, the merger of the two organiza these great anticipations had been ployed up till the present strike: Conditions in Coast towns from tention to section of the pact as At this time we wish to call at. antee against Stalinist treachery.
144 Second Avenue, tions, the and the Lullilled! On the contrary. The sailors temporarily ashore, small Massachusets But is non aggression pact New York City and Connecticut unacceptable to Marxists.
members of either organization working class suffers more than farmers, small storekeepers and down to New York and beyond are guarantee? Hardly. There are no Dear Comrades: ceasing to have any connection with ever. The three organizations con guarantees against the miserable workers on the job, all of whom, truly deplorable. How the work sider it logical and elementary to conduct of the Stalinists. united Both your organization and purs any other political organization, The have declared for the formation of national or international, save such to know why it is that the economia insecurity and fearful ofing winter is a mystery.
workers everywhere want boweverare conscious of their ers are going to weather the com solemnly promise to establish a front agreement can include a sec a new revolutionary party of the as may be determined by the party light of unemployment and econo the future.
workers, and for new interna. to be formed as part of the effort mic distress is still upon them, that Is there any need to mention or reciprocal attacks in the course of ties not to indulge in slanders, etc.
Understanding Still Superficial tlonal as soon as conditions permit to build the new international, and so little is being done anywhere by Sellom did one describe the breadlines that meet the common action.
But it cannot, if a genuine united actual organizing eforts. We have ceasing to issue or to participate anybody to give them reul enlight principle or proposition which cute New York to hiladelphia and. attempt any maneuver for the or restrict the right of erlendiser: single one Tront is to be established, prohibit tbe past months. As part of this those sanctioned by the new purty. spread and bitter personal poverty the basic cause of the depression ous breadline, replete with men, ents from one another.
work, several conferences have been We shall be ready to suggest a plan and a vast amount of ignorance to the capitalist system. They do women and children. Many of hela between committees of the for accomplishing the merger and among them concerning that causes not know whether there is any we these charity applicants were un duration of the pact the organiza It is understood that for the American Workers Party and the to consider any plan which you of the sufferings, constitute the com or any luck of system. They ashamed as they took the breadtions shall refrain from all insults, Relief Vital for Communist League of America. At may wish to offer.
outstanding phenomena observed on simply know they are out of work and soup handed out so condescend even outside of the jofuit action.
these meetings programmatic It is important that in seeking a recent tour around New York in and starving. The small statement of the and certo bring about the organte unity we a 300 mile radius which included kopers knew they were near bank Pride with difficulty as they drove others swallowed their However, outside of the Joint (Continued from Page 1)
CLA. bave been discussed in a ner as to make unity not only centers.
tain phases of the program of the should go about it in such a man some strike territory in the textile ruptcy in their efforts to compete their miserable lodlies to accept the action itself, each organization rewith the great chain stores and the food necessary to sustain life.
serves for itself complete indepenfrank and comradely spirit.
possible but likewise enduring. We Privation Everywhere small farmers were conscious they dence for the carrying on of its Cold Steel for Textile We believe sufficient headway specifically refer to the fact that has been made in these meetings to in the past years our respective From where the waves of the Atlanbank Times are hard, undeniably hara. were losing their farms to the the workers, measures of reliet doctrial propaganda.
And in that last response to the The Arst paragraph is in direct make it necessary for both of us organizations have pursued somefinally to clarify the relation be what different courses and attitle beat upon the shore lines of recisely what is the matter as they were futile. The popular last and further restricted by the the matter. By its owu admission tween our organizations and, if wetudes. For a period of six years New York and New Jersey to the whom or what to hold responsible opinion seemed to prevail that reservation of the Young Socialistbis Steel Board after months of existence is still investigating are in essential agreement on fun your membership has been engaged contluence of the Hudson and and what might be done to remedy President Roosevelt were not cheGuard and the Young Leninist workers are still being fred, Weir.
damentals, to take concrete steps in a fierce political struggle with Sacandaga rivers at Hadley and the conditions are questions in Barried by his opponents the League on the right to criticize the toward the accomplishment of or the and the and because beyond, unemployment is general which the people generally are at capitalists. conditions would foreign policies of the Soviet Upton Steel continues its old course.
improve. Others thought that relon. What are the quarrels beIt may be good politics for the sanie unity.
September reached us toward the tendency Your letter dated of it they have developed a strong and widespread. It is not a fictitious sca Opportunity on the Slave Market storation of gumbling, lotteries and tween the organizations for which bosses not to rush into print, ber.
end of the Pittsburgh session of the disagreement and an aptitude for plague Roosevelt administration.
sls of the general situation in the functioned primarily in the econo angry and desperate. Many of Somerville aggregation had gath changes, disurmament, a line for Independence Noue can be found, and the safeguarding of their pro after an exhaustive analy: dogmatism. Our organization has it is a shameful and damning fact. small town of Philipsburg, a crowa good times agulo. Among other a trace is established, if not pre adding the findings and recommeu advocated were tari for which they reserve complete the salvation of civilization.
country and in the movement, and mic conflicts of the American labor bem are openly advocating revo ered at the promise of jobs. Pur sign war that would kill on the Independence is impossible without tits. It might make the textile the problem of unity before us, scene and many of our members lution and civil war. They kuow ther investigation revealed that the unemployed. Some were outspoken the right to criticize.
had been completed. We were glad are but slowly coming to realize nothing of the system which grinds company bad advertized for 30 for an acceptance of the situntion to discover that you too arrived at the significance of clear cut thoor: out the inequalities of wealth and stone quarriers. It was to be noted with holy resignation claiming clpating parties do not establish a During a united front the parti business.
the conclusion that discussion of etical positious. We know that poterty. All they know is that that they were all white and of that the depression was sent by truet in their condicting programs to be silent, or to see in the report But for the union and its leaders organizational merger is the logical your organization is consciously they are without work and stary native American stock. Their ages God as a blessing in disguise.
consequence of our earlier Joint moving from sectarian existence ing in a land of plenty, with a host ranged from 20 to 40 years. Splenmeetings.
toward conscious and purposive Curiously number of workers are mum program and are bound by a not good politics, it is not good Soviet You state in your letter that the participation in mass movements. of parasites splurging on the top. did specimens of physical manhood, that quite a cresting is the fact but rather accept a common mini. a basis for settlement, is not only discipline of action. Loyalty to unionism and it is detrimental to revised edition of the Draft Pro Likewise our members are develop Ragged families in dilapidated at they were a credit to the country sympathetic towards the gran of the has confe to ing the desired party and theoreti tomobiles roam the country search that save them birth. From their Union. The news that the workers voluntary agreement is esseuttal the cause of the mill workers.
No Settlement a la Winant!
your hand. This new edition was cal consciousness. There would being for work and something to eat. youth each of them had been taught of Russia were all working while Thd right to criticize does not There is no need of sending the written after the conclusion of the no point, however, in denying that the weary, baunted look which that their country was a land of nifteen million Americans were discussions on program held be members of political organizations appears on the faces of the heads liberty and opportunity, that their without sols contributed not a lit mean slandering and insulting strikers back to work and then tween the committees of our re do not easily discard habits of rea of these families, and the despair. Bovernment was the best and finest tle to increasing dissatisfaction Working class bodies should re trying to settle the strike. This is frain from such methods in all a national and not a local battle.
spective organizations and with soning and acting. Consequently, ing appearances of their withered that could be devised that a mil with present conditions Marxian Information Searce their dealings with one another, Mora workers are involved than the content of the discussions in our efforts at unity must cope with wives and undernourished children lionaire fortune or the presidency make a picture the itinerant ob of the United States awaited every Diligent mind. It is our opinion that in all this state of affairs and we must server can never forget. llungry bright young man who knew how a solitarity failed to unearth Whether they are in a united front ever before in any one labor strugthe ble in this country. The militancy, fundamental respects the revise exercise utmost worker, outside of ter or not. Maneuvering in working sense of deceptive tricks is also the flying squadrons, are on a par men and boys tramping from here to answer the call of opportunity, tile centers and large coastal cities program of the correctly out the procedure.
allen to the tactical arsens of with the most glorious class cono there looking for work they will and that failure was due to no one who had ever heard of the Mili states the position of the revolu.
workers groups in their relation Alicts in American labor history, tant, or who had ever read a comtionary party of the workers which should be the name of the new ness of and situation that is full of The sentiment of these men was munist publication. But every one with one clarother The third week of the strike finds we want to build party, both because we connder contingencies.
To declare a truc between the ranks tight as a drum. The distinctly against the receipt of had heard of Eugene Debs, Lett Since the question of program is this a name excellent and approWhat the People Think About charity. What they wanted was in and Trotsky. Very few bad autions is a non aggression pact and on the picket line. Victory is in workers organizations organiza textile strike can and must be won paramount and primary in the priate in itself and because it is al In Albany, a man of some work. While outwardly good na intelligent conception of the Marxformation of the new party, we ready known to thousands of work local consequence predicted that tured, it was apparent they were tan philosophy, the communist pro cannot help but rather haders the sight. The bosses ranks are bewish to learn from you, at the enrers as the name of the new party. something is not done by somebody in no mout to be trified with and gram or objectives. The few more che hante class interests of the actions the attempt of any labor are prepared to accept this Draft name which you consider more biggest strike riots this country were not going to starve quiescent the Soviet Union was country leaders favor a non aggression pact time on the basis of the Winant workers. The Social Democratic leader to settle the strike at this Program as a working basis for suitable, we are prepared to discuss ever saw would surely come. ly.
the program of the new party. it. We are convinced, though, that own o because they fear revolutionary proposals would be treachery to the Should there be any question on the name of the new party must Cumberland Mills, declared New Jersey have adopted the rotat. were in informed of the economic criticism. The stalinist bureau embattled mill workers.
Relief! Relief!
tions will you please include in cialist or communist. because a gun and join in an armed upris days work a week. Scores of in public rests.
been ordered to form a united front What is most needed now to see dustrial plants in the east New Evidence of breakdown of capithe strike through to a triumphant choose to propose or sections which tend to make the new party appearing against Wall Street.
talism are at every hund. The cry CANNON BINGHAM DEBATE you wish to add, so that we may as a faction of or in some other One of the most interesting de conclusion is rellet, rellet and regive them proper consideration?
er than at present or the need as of The Coming American Boom way related to either the socialthe hollowness of its bates of the season is scheduled to let. If the strikers are to win Our program contains criticism, democracy or the communist interhe probably means halanx) of own mockery. In the entire history take place Thursday, October 11, them but their brother union?
in some detail, of the principles national.
American citizens. There are of the nation never was poverty at Irving Plaza.
Journalist and the activities of the Commu In the meantime, as we proceed William Green did 1p service to nist Party and the We hold with the steps alming at organic twenty three thousand communists more acute or distress more dis The subject of the debate win that such criticism must be made unity, we propose that united ac (Contined from Page 3) in Minneapolis. Are there enough tracting and the outlook for the be: Farmer labor Party or Revo the strike when he announced his American citizens to form a Vigi future so gloomy. The concentra lutionary Marxist Party Alfred intention of calling a conference of and that a thorough critical analytivities, in which our organizalante? etc. ad naseum, sis of all the revolutionary parties tions have been engaged for some cation.
tion of riches greater than any Bingham, editor of Common Sense the unlons to arrange relief for the nation crer knew before Into the will take the side of the Farmer textile workers. But this conterin the field is an indispensable part time, be extended upon both a local It is indeed fortunate for the have quoted at some length hands of a privileged class is the Labor Party and James Cannon lence has not taken place. It has to indicate.
with essence of capitalism infamy and will speak for a Revolutionary been postponed to the of bullding of the new party. How that a committee from each organ yourself as editor of an outstanding the venom ad vulgarity convention wecks off. What is this the forerunner of capitalisin fall. Marxist Party.
ever, we must take care that our ination meet to draw up a plan for publication that will denounce the which it is written, and to show The working masses everywhere The Minneapolis strike provided but sabotage of the workers? What criticism of and policies such united activities. Further corrupt oficial and crooked poll once more the connection between not only 18 not, but is free from more, we suggest that we attempt tician which believe is more dan acts against the working class and are looking now for a new revolu the occasion for a concrete test of is this but aid to the mill barone any appearance of being, an attack to make this plan a general model serous, etc. and your splendid Ane talk of Americanism antionary party that will guide them the role of the Farmer Labor Party who want to starve the workers to understanding to organization in regard to the struggles of the Into submission?
upon the Soviet Union. We are for the united activities of work paper should have among its sub patriotism.
workers. The experiences of this No! The strike must not end on sure that you will agree with using class groups, and that we make scribers all the real Americans. Incidentally, it is evident that and action.
strike give the scheduled debate an the basis of the Winant report.
that the defense of the workers every effort to secure its accept. Twelve Americans had the com. the Saturday Press is quite cozily SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT exceptional interest at the present Roosevelt wants to break the refatherland to which so many have ance by the largest possible nummunists here out of second subsidized by those wbose interests time.
volt like he did in steel and autogiven lip service is a major task of ber of other working class groupe story windows and next Friday it serves. This paper is mailed JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE Both debaters are familiar with mobile.
the new party; that in the light of We wish that these united activi night there will be a meeting for free to all business houses in the events in Minneapolis and the Let labon answer with its best the world situation such defense, as ties be entered into and continued the purpose of organizing 10, 000 town, and any one interested can part played in them by Governor weapon FIGHT!
well as counteraction of the disas. whatever the immediate result in Veterans of all wars as the Shock write in and set a free copy or Soviet Union Joins the Olson, the Farmer Labor Governor. Let the fight take the form of trous policies of the Communist the matter of merging our organiz Troops of the Vigilantes and in the have copies sent to all his friends Besides that, the debaters are ex financial support relief and let International, can only be weakations, sisce both our organiza very near future the Vigilantes will gratis, League of Nations Iperienced proponents of the con labor tell Green to stop playing ened by any attempt to build a new ations, since both our organiza issue their ultimatum to the Com The Bosses Scruples (Continued from Page 1)
flicting party concepts. These facts around with the lives of a halt a munists to pack their bng and bagparty within the asd that this kind with other groups.
assure a fair and thorough presen million workers and back the strike This then is the way the Minne.
these ends can be most rapidly and cage and leave the confines of this effectively achieved by the building these negotiations between our oor politician dares to take sides workers. They think nothing of observe all international obliga piace: Thursday, October 11, at whistling chorus led by George We propose that all documents in orious city. If any questionable lapolis employers, organized in their Xations, occupying therein the waetation of the question from each not on a baptist pulpit but in ac.
tion: of powerful revolutionary parties sanizations be promptly published with them, he may be called before buying up a newspaper, lock, stock tions and decisions that are binding trving Plaza, 16th Street and Irv. Sloan and the strikers will march Citizen Alliance, move against the due to itself and undertaking tot of view.
Then Roosevelt will join the of the new Intersational. The es. and the or if in any belleve that the Minneapolis and barrel, and hiring its editor to pon members in conformity with ing Place, New York.
tablishment of an actually func case this proves physically Impos Committee will soon secure their propagandize throughout the state. Article of the covenant.
forward to victory.
Russia, and the unbroken existence available to the membership of both under the head of this great insti further and praise a man of the from any pacifist declaration which tioning workers government insible, that they be made promptly charter so that they can function by means of the paper, the radio emphasis. II. This statement is no different of the Soviet Union during these organizations in some other way, VISIT THE years of capitalist reaction and tution and keep America for Amer foulest character. Just as the Hit has been used to characterize the Our organizations are agreed that icans.
disintegration everywhere else, constitute an Inspiring contribu: these questions of unity and united Again congratulating you, reterites sing hosannas to Horst League ever since its inception.
Wessel. They underhandedly agi This pacifist statement is no acciaction must not be delayed. No main, tion to the world revolutionary significant step toward unity in the tate for the creation of a Vigilante. dental incident in the life of Stal. Yours sincerely, movement. While the rise of the revolutionary workers movement That such a newspaper as the inism. It is merely the continua fascist powers in the west and the has been taken in a decade. The WILLIAM OTTS. Vigilantes of California saturday press continues to be tion of the pacifist position that 102 1lth Street aggressive imperialism of Japan in the enst may be taken as specific need for such a step is a matter of arguments in favor of careful state of the new revolutionary party is Director of Investigations damn forever a society which per sterdam Anti War Congress which supreme importance. The building San Francisco, Cal. mits such a journalistic excrescence it has followed throughout the ment any criticism of the Two weeks later, in the Press to poison the air. And yet this world in its other Anti War orthe fundamental solidarity of all the agenda of the workers revolu following: a first and indispensable item on edition of August 25, we read the paper is not only permitted but sanizations. Under Stalinism the revolutionary workers with tion.
encouraged by the rulers of our Comintern has degenerated into a Russian Revolution is of basic sig.
Large Selection of Revolutionary Literature For God and Pocketbook yours.
nificance. This is the paramount Marxian so border patrol of the Soviet Union.
capitalist society. Now get me right on this. amciologlist could discover from the It is not an instrument for revoluProvisional in All Languages committee interested first and last in the or. columns of this paper the whole tion, and its fight against war de.
reason why a legitimate critical an.
alyds of policies and attitudes American Workers Party MUSTE, ganization of a Minnesota Vigi history and background of the fes generates into pacifism.
should not be permitted to drift in Chairman lante. want that organization to tering corruption, gross dishonesty. The pacifist illusions the StalinAmerican and Foreign Periodicals and Newspaper, to a virtual attack. This utmost get going not after a while, but and hypocrisy, that is the lot of ists are sowing in the ranks of the handling all matters conIXDIAN SUMMER Minneapolis and of the nation to working class, both through the cerning the Is of cardinal imwant you business men, you day.
Comintern and the foreign Office of portance to our task of building a FESTIVAL DANCE Americans, to get together. Incidentally, Guilford death has the Soviet Union, can be compared SOLE AGENTS FOR PIONEER PUBLISHERS revolutionary consciousness among SATURDAY, OCT. 27, at P. Just move around and talk this of course been laid at the door of to the of the Second Internathe workers in our country as well IRVING PLAZA Vigilante matter over with some of the communists. The man was tonul on the eve of the last worla Write For Price List as in all other lands. We think it (Victoria Hall)
your intimate and trusted friends. probably wiped out by some of his war. Now it is the Stalinist Third Books of All Publishers 1s Important to emphasize this 15th St. Irving Place You ll be surprised to learn that gangster associates whom he had International which competes with polrit because, however Justified Refreshments Entertainment they believe as you do that the double crossed, or possibly by some the Second International for these A, criticisms of certain policies Admission 35e time is here. There never been of the solid citizens whom he reformist honors, on the eve of a of the may have been, they Ausplees: International Workers a time in the history of these Unit had blackmailed during his un new world war.
BOOKS BOUGHT have stood out in the public mind School, 144 2nd Ave. Ted States when the peril was great scrupulous career. HUGO OEHLER.
your part as to certain formula not make use of the labels. 80 he was ready. right now, to take ing process of giving the men three conditions on which the Soviet Rocrats submit to it because they have GangsterPioneer Bookshop th