BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE QUESTION BOX The Rise and Fall of a Gangster Journalist Manifesto of Worker Party of Canada WORLD OF LABOR and Local 574 was aware that Gull ruffians and communists riot Rn Fascist solution because it could no SPRINGFIELD, III. YOUNG LENINISTS OF FRANCE TAKE Question: What is the basis for the split among By Mid Western Correspondent journalist and radio speaker, has (continued from last issue)
DECISIVE STEP atter another, prostrating the revo.
the capitalists on the question of inflation?
On September 6, in Minneapolis, volunteered to lead such a move(The full text of the revolution adopted by the For the Fourth International! lutionary movement abroad Answer: In the first place the demand for cheap Howard Guilford was shot and ment, working in co operation with money usually comes from the rural sections, where killed by unknown assailants while bei Elencies now trying to restore But while the general crisis of tutorship in the Soviet Union. To Spartacus Youth League of America, on the next uudermining the proletarian dic Young Lenfuists of France, the counterpart of the the small farmer, usually heavily mortgaged, expects driving home from downtown. This conditions to normaley and climi Saryo, ective conditions on that an inflation will make it easier for him to pay with the underworld and with the hatred which is being propagated world scale for the successfully the bureaucratie degeneration of below. To some it will appear as a departure from his debts. For illustration let us assume a farmer whose farm is worked only by himself and his fam employers, has a significance for in Minneapolis. The ability of Mr.
struggle for Socialism, the interna the International, but the defeat our traditional position in this resolution. The de.
of the English ily. Interest at on his 7, 000 mortguge le 420, all workers.
Communism of France should not come as a surprise to any of Guilford to secure results in his clonal working class movement has he collapse or Polish In 1926. cixion contained therein, to join the Socialist youth taxes are 210 a year, so that his annual debt is Gulford had been in the publish. campaign will not be doubted by stole bon passing through a deep at the time of the Pilsudski coup our membtrs or sympathizers. The Militant has time 830. For goods bought from the city he must paying field for over twenty years, those acquainted with him, providing crisis. Time after time rev. etat in the same year, the fright and time again stressed the momentous importance 400. He sells his annual crop for 200 which leaves Betting out blackmail and serndaled the necessary support is extend: olutionary opportunities have been fut unangling of the Chinese work of the events now trunspiring in France. As in bim sooo with which to pay interest and taxes, so sheets for the tittilating delectationed by business men and public spirit and cultures hite stebing class and peasantry by the Kuo Germany the question of Fascism or proletarian rev.
that he is in the red 120 euch year and fuces losing bedels hitay pockets those per te cilet staterested in the fu or failure of a party of the working the revolutionary wing one on the rive necessity there is a ranguard, as the communist his farin in a few years.
pers were never of a popular naIf we assume an inflation which raises the price ture. He dabbled in politics, incrisy. the statesmanlike dietion of Democracy crumpled up in 1914 as its back upon the world revolution and werk despite its correct policies and slogans, It This letter recks with the hypo class capable of giving leadership. Leninists) from the Soviet Union party, to guide the working class in its moment of of farm products 40 and the price of city made 1918 being defeated The International of the Social Party in the same year.
Turning decisive action. Because our organization is small Koods 50. the farmer would then get 1, 200 for bla dacy for mayor. He had connee his candi the boss class.
Since July 1, Guilford was mail a progressive factor in the working in which it lost faith, in order to isolated from the masses and is thereby ineffec.
take 800, leaving him some for interest and taxes. While things would go along nicely to 100 country weeklies throughout themselves openly in the service of utopia in the Soviet Union, the Socialist parties, which has remained in the leading Even if his taxes were raised to 240 a sear, he is between Gul Ford and lock am the state all these articles contain their respective warring national Stalinist Bureaucracy ended by a strings of the bureaucrats of both parties has not still able to pay his debts.
bling interests. Then Gullford ing the most scurrilous attacks, not bourgeoisies. From that time on treacherous desertion of the Ger set the proletariat Into action against Fascism but This is the underlying Idea back of the farmers would be cut out, and an ex only upon the working class but ward it became, not a working man proletariat which resulted in It has further isolated our small group in France demand for inflation and the basis for the silver posure of commercalized gambling upon every liberal sentiment. class party, but a bourgeois labor delivering. unarmed and unpre The entry of the Leninist Youth in France that is and greenback advocates. The various factors, in the Twin Cities would appear in Goebbels could not have conceived party and the most substantial pared, into the hands of Hitlerism. the only country whert such a step has been decided however, may so operate that the farmer will be as his paper. In 1927 Gullford was any Althier propaganda. Especially buttress of a collapsing capitalist The Germau defeat for which stal upon hus as its purpose the welding of the revolumay rise much higher in proportion than is indicated of the underworld. At another vice were the Communists and bilities of reform and became an with Social Democracy, is that last the left ward moving young socialists and together in the foregoing example and overproduction of farm time this man dabbled in local the Governor Olson, an old political objective obstacle in the path of drop which precipitated the final with them build the new party on the solid foundaproducts may so depress their prices that the gain atricals, being a partner of Bain enemy of Guilford from Inflation may be wiped out, despite the fact bridge, present mayor of Minnes sbull reproduce a few pura the advanced Marxian wing broke and removed it from all possibile in the document, not principle, not an ides, not that the farmer would be even worse off under these polis. At no time in his life has graphs from issues of the Saturday from it and raised the banner of ties of reform Just definitely as line of the Fourth International is renounced, recircumstances than if the inflation had not taken place. he ever been known to do a socially Press published during the strike the Third International. In 1933. was the case with the Social Demo visod or compromised by the Young Leninists in tak That capital which is sunk into farm mortgages productive bit of work. In short, to give readers an idea of boss1931, the Second International rate cracy breaking with the stalinist Banner tying and in the interests of the revolutioning this step. They do it with their eyes open, their or other sources of fixed money income stands to Guilford is a quite common type of journalism at its most brazen exmost lose by inflation. The owner of the capital receives parasite, a 100 American, a man treme. Readers of the Chicago the conservative German Social International, we continue our fight ary youth. Pd. Note)
as many dollars as before but whether this is used always for sale to the highest bid. Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, cati Austrian Social Democracy in Murx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky The defeat of the German proletariat has posed the for expansion of capital or for personal consump der; absolutely conscienceless, me etc. will recognize the style.
tion, it can purchase fewer commodities because of diocre, cruel.
Guilford Bile 1934) was annihilated as an OR which were the foundation stones task of regrouping the revolutionary faction of the the bigher prices.
His latest publishing venture was Reading in the issue of August and 1918 1921, the Social Demo To continue the struggle for revoity of winning the young workers to the cause of rev.
GANIZATIONAL factor. In 1914 of the Communist International. proletariat into new parties. Especially the necessThe worker, unless he nights for, and gets, pro a weekly paper, the Saturday 11: portional pay increase, is the worst sufferer from an Press. It was this paper that the In this city a dozen lousy, moth cracy proved its inherent incapaci lutionary Marxism today cun meanOlutionary Marxisin requires that an international of inflation, and his loss is the pain of capital sunk Oltizen Alliance used during the eaten, brainless wonders who yowlty to defend the socialist interests only one thing: to build a Fourth the youth in the spirit of Liebknecht be rebulit workers REAL wages. This wade cut also places batred against the militant Min our government and the adoption the Social Democracy proved its International, and new Communist Young Socialist and Young Communist Partenetton the capitalists in a better competitive position on the neapolls workers, and to express of proletarian rule communismequally inherent locapacity to de Parties in every country in the ats world market.
their Black Hundred desires.
The development of the political situation in In modern Imperialist society, where the owners Tool of Citizen Alliance sand workers to stand idle while cratie interests of the proletariat. The Crisis in Canada and the France has not only confirmed the fundamental line of the farm mortgage and the factory are the banks, The bourgeoisie, resorting to the Workers Party zidopted by the International Communist League but the conflict among the latter ove inflation reduces Tord WAS speaking over the air as healued burros, who haven the aid of the Social Democratic phy. into sharp relief the deep seated enough to play a decisive role as soon as possible.
raise hell. handful of weevil itself to whether or not they stand to gain more representative of the recentes intelligence of a mud turtle but niciun, exterminated the latter the eldestructure of capitalist so which has been belaner:s itselt between hostile The crisis in Canada has thrown demands that it huild the vanguard party powerful longer wolve its problems with the contradictions and 6th workers wages, than they pass out to the farmer as the most vicious ways imaginable have the vocal organs of caliope without mercy or gratitude a subaldy.
Local 574 was aware that the col and the courage of coyotes, have The umns of Guilford paper were cost the workers and common peo HENRY BLOOMBERG, Brooklynalled with the frantic Insane tear ple of this city a million dollars in built up on the ruins of the Second. the centre and concentration of the crisis in France, the most probable per and hatred which the employers of lost wages within the last ninety it was the rallying ground of a monopolist banks and industrial activity, is an intensification of the class struggle Question: What is the truth about the following? Minneapolis feel for the class con days.
In this same issue, the press the progressive and revolutionary corporations finance capital) fa and the development of a number of sharp erises will The Stalinists say that the Trotskyists lle when scious workers: a hatred which whoops it up for the vigilantes. It forces in the ranks of the proleta bulous profits, luxurious living at pose the question of power and lead either to the they state that the called the of they think it advisable not to show is significant that, try as it could riat and all other oppressed toll the other pole increasing misery victory of the proletarian revolution or to the victory fascist organization, whereas the said that the in their other pers, the Journal, the Citizens Alliance was totallyers. In the second, stalinist period and insecurity of the masses, mer of Fascism.
leaders are fascists.
Tribune and Star.
experienced an almost uninterciless Wage cutting, over a million The program of action of the Ligue and the youth.
But it is one thing to be aware unable to form such an organiza Answer: On several occasions recently the Ques tion Box (see Militant of August 4, 1934) has given or the connections between the em 140 during the last strike. The rupted decline under the banner or unemployed, foreclosures and evic the creation of a worker militia, the workers Alli.
tion the official Stalinist quotations and the word orn ployers and one of their tools, and memory of the Battle of Deputy bureaucratie Centrism. Corrupted tions, inhuman exploitation of wounces, workers control of production, the arming of by the of legal ization and not leaders was used.
another to have definite proof. Solt Flues in the Market agistrlet the last sm in one country, the Third in minimum scales, inadequate relier she roletariats estem was predicated on this short per the.
ping from the frying pan into the fire. Bill Green polis workers read that the follow. rmly implanted in the souls of the the directing start of International surance Fearing radicalization of towards swinging the masses into action on the basis However that may be, the Stalinists are only step was with satisfaction that Minnea Tuesday of the way strike is too ternational gradually be Tod to be pittance, and absence of social inspective. This slazen, more timely than ever, must better element.
and his ilk are NOT fascists. The prime purpose of ing letter was found among GullFeatured on the front page of revolution. By virtue of this the masses, the capitalist state sets of these slogans fascism is pression. The Criminal Code out annihilation of the democratic Insti, Tord effect. This letter is signed the Press for Ann. 11 is a letter tionalistie theory, the harmony or in motion all its machinery of reTowards this end it is necessary to work for the tutions of the working class, of which the trades by none other than Joseph Cochran, from the United Vigilantes of Am of the Soviet fatherland and the law working class political par. creation of a party and a youth organization untet.
interest between the preservation unions are by no means of least importance. If the ployers Advisory Committee. so the notorious chairman of the Emerica des, sinecures, etc. of all the Bill Greens, and so active in the last strike. The let Greetings from Fellow Murderers advancement of the world revoluties Freedom of speech, assemblage tered by reformism. centrism and Stalinism. When the As the Director of Investigation, was replaced by the contlict and other civil liberties are tramp Communist party is beginning to Justify in advance of interests between the world rec led underfoot, the workers press Its conditional participation in national defense, se is would cease their right to sit at the same dinner er was addressed to citizens of the tions of the Vigilantes of Californ olution and Republic and the der pressure of the crisis, however, fentism can stand the test in an imperialist WAT.
subjected censorship, militant becomes clear that only a party which holds aloft the table with the capitalists. Why should such people state, and reads as follows. statewide campaign of edu llantes of America, want to again International. The theory of naia, subsidiary of the United Vig dominating the Soviet bureaucracy workers are jailed or deported. Un banner of internationalism and revolutionary desuicide?
stand for fascism which, for them, means politicalcation in the matter of economic congratulate your Saturday Pressional socialism in wbich was im the masses move to the left, even But correct ideas alone do not suffice for the condisturbances of the past few The appellation which best applies to these indt months, their cause, their crrect for the splendid way in which you plicit from the very beginning the though their discontent with caple stitution of such party. Despite the successes of viduals is that of Daniel De Loon: The Labor Lleuand their cure is most urgently denounced the un. Americans, August 4th of the Comintern, dis calism still finds its outlet in the the Leninist Youth and the radiation of our Bolshe tenants of the Capitalist Class.
vik Leninist idens, our organization is too weak to needed.
recent issue of your splendid puullilled for tbe world proletariat channels of social reformism. Howard Guilford, Twin City (Continued on Page 4) the Russian included one defeat Continued in the next issue guide the experience of the masses, as an independent organization in the short period of time before us.
PROF. Boston Our organle weakness will cause us to remain mere Questions How can you Communists speak of the advisers to the existing parties. revolutionary working class when it is obvious It is in the conditions that we see a powerful that 90 of the American workers support the capmovement towards organle unity. This marks the Italist parties?
Ideological reaction which has taken place since Answer: The capitalist press usually puts this af.
By JIM OSBORN and DICK ETTLINGER noted the ferment in the working masses and the riArmatively as follows: The workers are not revolu. The San Francisco Waterfront By January 1934 approximately in favor of the strike. The strike fast as they came into port ed this out a year ago. In these conditions, having The Tours (1920. But the reaction has ended. We point wages, shorter hours, ete. This is of course either Such a tremendous struggle invole. Coast were carrying cards in the gram was received from President been union name only for a currents into one movement with a democratic reblurring of the truth.
ing as it did almost a hundred LA Roosevelt on March 22, asking that number of years as the seamen gime can constitute a very progressive factor for the It is precisely because it must defend its material thousand workers demands a deThe Communist Party had for the strike be postponed and that were almost wholly unorganized evolution of large proletarian sections. Especially interests that a class may be forced to act in a revo talled analysis in order to clearly some time been trying to organize new negotiations be entered into prior to the strike Neverthelemy we, the youth, should stand shoulder to shoulder and it is. of the striking the fact. Cromwell Puritans fought for the right and the steps to be taken in the the Marine Workers Industrial Un of the on his own authority seamen joined the during the learn collectively in the struggle against Fascism.
the Our task is not to cast Judgment like high andto pray in their own manner; the French Revolution development of future struggles ofion without success. Their fallure issued a statement saying that the strike. The scamen wages by mighty professors but to go through the same exwas fought in the name of Equalitythe labor movement forced them to abandon this strike offac been rom 90. 00 in 1921 perleuce with the working youth Frately. Nowhere in the English for French This Lith the main is the purpose then with them bourgeois revolutions was there inscribed on the this article.
benners: We are fighting so that the privilege of The background of the con diet le concerned, and instead they in ecutive Committee, but tbere was but at first their walkout was a ganization on the bases of Marxism and Leninism.
structed their members to join the strong criticism of Lewis by many sympathetic oue with the longexploiting the masses shall be transferred from the to be found in the conditions that IL. and build within that orgun. of the rank and tile, although some shoreren. Later, however, they for That is why the Young Leninists approve the slogan feudal lords to the bourgeoisie, which is the revolu prevailed on the waterfront from ization a militant left wing.
tionary task of the day. After February 1917 large 1922 until the latter part of 1933.
of the conservatives did support mulated their own demands include of the Central Committee: One revolutionary youth organization.
In February 1934 a West const him, stating that we must give ing recognition of their union.
As partisans of the creation of a new revolutionary sections of the Russian peasantry were swearing that During this period the longshore convention of the was called the President an opportunity to in their walkout they were joined they would kill any Bolsheviks they got their hands men had been working under the for the purpose of formulating de. settle our demands. If the left by firemen and oilers, the cooks and youth international, we believe that a step in this on, at the same time that they were seizing the land. Blue Rook or Company Union. The wands and making preparations elements had attempted to force stewards, the Marine Engineers direction is the break in the with the bloe of The Bolsheviks later gave consciousness to these men were forced to pay dues in the for a strike.
acts. The Italian proletariat seized the factories Blue Book Union in order to hold the issue of a strike at this time, and the Master Mates and Pilots. patriots and reformists (Holland, etc. The art there would have been grave dan Workers Support Marine Strike task is to solidify all the left socialist youth who some fourteen years ago but because thelr acts were job on the waterfront. In this It was decided at this Convenger of a split.
From the very beginning the orlent towards Marxism (Belg um, Spain, France, not given consciousness, e. there was no revolution company union they were subjecttion that the scale of wages should Negotiations were carried on rank and file of the San Francisco etc. and to clarify the vital problems of the young ary Communist Party at their head, they are now to all of the deplorable conditions be 00 per hour and 50 during April without any progress labor prostrate under the heel of fascism.
possible in their craft. Such as hour for overtime, that the 30 hour being made. The waterfront em marine workers strike. So over In France the problem is particularly sharp beThe modern industrial proletariat has absolutely having to report every morning week should be put into effect, and players refused to make any con. whelming was this support that cause of the rapidity with which they are orienting Do stake in the maintenance of present day capitalist and stand on the Embarcadero that the LA should have control cessions althongh many meeting the bureaucrats of the San Fran themselves towards decisive measurer. Our place, Even when of the hiring balls. It was also were held. Practically all elements Cisco labor movement were forced today, is in the vanguard of the working class youth social transformation and they have been prepared hey were hired and instructed to decided that the was opposed in the LL. were convinced by to issue an to all unions for who will fight in the united youth organization of by history to effect such a transformation. It is in report at the dock for work, they to any arbitration of these de the first of way that a strike was support.
Socialist youth especially, where more and more im.
The ideological superstructure lags behind its major night, for ships to come in on record in favor of a coast wide inevitable. Negotiations were brok were contributed to the support of right to defend our own opinions in its ranks; In the terial base, and it is essentially to close this and without receiving any pay until greement and the formation of a on May.
The strike committee of the portant sections of militants are breaking with rethat a revolutionary Communist Party is needed. they went to work.
water front federation consisting Ryan Maneuvers did not effectively capitalive formism and finding the road to Marxism. In order The Blacklist of all maritime workers. While Again efforts were made to call on this support. They should have to assist the left in its evolution towards Lenintem, R, BRYAN. Ohlo As the Militant has already accepted thesd conditions and dia secure a majority for the adoption Ryan, international president of the both with the idea of getting funds over to action, in order to work for the united out Those men who most willingly the so called left wing was able to or the strike, this time openly by sent speakers to all the unionsIn order to spread our slogans, and to pass rapidly noted, we are having our National Convention in a not object to the speed up system of the demands to be presented to LLA The longshoremen of Seattle and propagating the idea of a gen organization of tomorrow, circumstances compel us question, which now under discussion. It ob naturally the favorites and received ments secured control organization actions but on hearing of the ac. been carried out it would have been The Young Leninists are not making maneuver Ject could bardly be adequately treated. Unless you the bulk of the work, while thoseAlly and elected the majority of the tion of the San Francisco local possible to organize lett elements nor do they want any deals. Each unit of the Young within the various unions of the Leninists will join the corresponding section of the insist otherwise, therefore, it would he preferable who protested were quickly black members to the coast executive they also joined the strike that you get your answer officially and fully from The teamsters who are the key San Francisco labor movement Young Socialists.
These demands were presented When Section TA of the NRA the adopted theses which will be published in the went into effect organization again to the ship owners at a meeting operart in any waterfront struggle, around the idea of a general strike! Respectful of discipline the Young Leblolats deat first took no action, but the LL thereby placing the bureaucracy in mand for themselves only the rights and duties of too. the best you could get at present is the personal opintone of the developed on the front. This new shipowners other and the pickets were constantly working a position where they could not every member of the organization, among others the organization was formed within the Regional Labor Board on March to get them to refuse to handle any have so easily kept the complete right to defend their conceptions within the frame.
The Young Leninists will enter the Young Social Longsboremens Association. Active of the demands and publicly ac scab carro. These efforts were leadership under their control when work of proletarian democracy and discipline.
EDITOR NOTE: It would be greatly appreciated in this unionization campaign were used the ILA of being dominat Union, over riding the wishes of strike.
ists without hiding their banner, without surrender by the Question Box editor if comrades, upon re various elements. few membersed by a bunch of reds. and also their reactionary officials, over Another mistake made at this ing any of their principles. These principles are the celving, answers through this column, would inform of the Proletarian Party, members that the officials of the dia whelmingly voted not to hand any period of the strike was that the ones which made the victorious Russian Revolution us in a brief note whether or not such answers satis of the Communist Party and other not represent the men.
cargo to and from the docks. strike committees of the various The world revolution will be made by them. We are factorily clear up the points in question, or give the militants as well as many conservMajority for Strike few days after the strikeunions met separately which pre fully confident that our ideas will find thelr way desired information. We have no other way or ative longaboremen. conserva After their demands were turned began, the seamen were called upon vented effective coordination of into the masses, permitting thus the effective strug.
knowing whether or not the column is fulfilling its tive by the name of Holman was down a strike wote was taken by to strike by the Marine Workers picketing and other importantle against the common enemies of the youth and destred mission. All suggestions for improvement elected President of the San Fran the In all const ports result Industrial Union, and the greater strike activities.
the working class: capitalism and the fascist butchAre welcome, and will be acknowledged.
claco local of the new organization. ing in an overwhelming majority portion of them left the abipe as (To Be Continued)
The History of the Frisco General Strike movement supported the workers.