CapitalismCommunismFrancePrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

employ. Situation We appeal or Pocketbook Workers the union and bosses together in, calling upon the dye workers to conferences, said that the industry strike and reinforce their indignaThe financial crisis of the Mili: On Strike cannot afford to increase wages at tion by throwing mass pricket lines Strike Contrasts tant has not been liquidated. It THOU SHALT NOT KILL for the present time, the bosses have around every dye plant in New less than 25, 000 per bead. Some Relief forthright, fighting spirit cannot be liquidated, except by a raised the prices on pocketbooks Jersey. There is more than a jus crazy statistician once, for lack of The problem of relief of the un(Continued from Page 1)
and actions of the textile workers. regular weekly income. This in and have increased their sales. lification for the contention of the something else to do, calculated emplosed bas assumed catastrophic The cowardly, crawling statements come must come from three insky group bitterly assailed the Why doesn the impartial chair. United Silk Workers Club that the that the above approximated the proportions in the United States, of Green, Woll, et al. The hypo sources: agreement. Lubliner spoke for the man publish the figures or arrange injunctu aguinst the dye workers amount spent by the various belli proportions that threaten to uucritical lles of Sloan and Co. The Pledgers who remit unfail agreement but the membership to let a committee from the union is an injunction against the general gerent powers to have someone dermine the entire system of caplslimy utterances of XRA officials. Bundle order payments didn want to listen to him. It examine the books of the bosses? strike. Failure to light to the fin killed between the years 1914 1918. talism. So long as the workers, ingly.
took half an hour to restore order. If we saw the figures we would see ish this localistic attempt to break The Battle Line New subscriptions and re Then the dummy manager, Stein, that the starvation wages of the the strike will prove disastrous It is reported that at the height through the system of capitalist exThe miserably underpaid men Dewals.
of the Cupone movement during the ploitation, Hupport the capitaland women of the mills against the No periodical is self sustaining and the membership likewise are these bosses, especially for the last bristling bayonets of the National bring someone out reached an an maintain itself. But when the sysprohibition era, the price for rub ints, the system can continue and textile owners and their state ma The capitalist press depends on ad fused to listen to him. He contin year. Now with improved business Guard. The injunction provides time low of 150. Would that make tem hus to support large masses cbine from President Roosevelt vertising. The revolutionary press ued to speak, hoping to exasperate it is time that the workers stop the brostdest of avemes to strike the Capone organization 165 times of workers for any appreciable per: down to the last deputized thug. depends on special donations. These the workers opposed to the agree taking it on the chin.
donations must be systematized itment and drive them out of the hall The Conference more efficient than the various iud it begins to become untenable Committee Capitalist Press Definitions the paper is not to be thrown into in order to get a majority vote for should be on guard against the imProtest to Judge federal governments? It would us a mode of production aud beglus Hoodlums. Workers, who have recurring fancial cres. The the agreement. In spite of the fact partial chairman. In the past the Taking the lead in the fight except for the profits; and who to undergo transformation leading starvation, to pilt their bodles ideu in mind. But the responsity of the workers stayed on and the bosses ninety percent.
the courage, in the battle against Pledge Fund was started with this that it was Friday night a major impartial machinery has served against the injunctim the United ever heard of a war without PRO new mode of production. That Silk Workers Club has sent the new modle, the system of CommuWith unity and militant action following letter to Egun, the Jersey Talking about profits, tiod didn mism, must be usbered into being mills and the bayonets and ma of the weekly doticit, nor have the ally the chairman was forced to the pocketbook workers can win Chancery Judge who is tied the in neglect the 1, Dul ont de Ne by the working class in the course chine guns and gas of the National pledgers remitted regularly.
junction. take a rote. When the vote was their strike.
mours Co. makers of gunpowder of the class struktle, an important We appeal to all our members and taken ouly 72 were for the agree phuse of which involves the figbt Guard. POCKETBOOK WORKER. On behalf of the united Silk and won gases. Patriots Any and all strike sympathizers who can possibly do ment and 1, 292 against Workers Club of Paterson, New As each of the mothers of the ten in Joue of this year there were for relief.
so to pledge a detinite monthly sum Jersey, we are enclosing herewith million who were killed during the 16 million persons vu the rellet Since the soul a ceement and red Upholsterers in Critical copy of the current issue of the war was receivin. she out our rolls 13 of the entire popular Sane Labor Leaders. Any for a period of three months.
grafting labor skate who is ready We appeal to our branches to record to demand from to sabotage a militant strike for a pay up on their bundle orders anders 36 hour week, a 20 increase the position of the Club on your pany stockholders were receiving were 3, 830, 000 families ou relief in price, to make efforts to increase the cir in wages, and many other demands.
vicious anti labor injunction and extra dividends. Orders which July and this number is steadily Allen Communist Agitator. culation.
But the administration instead of The thirst week of the upholster our determination to do everything went to the company during the increasing so that it is estimated Any worker who speaks for labor We appeal to all our readers to negotiating an agreement gut buy general strike conducted by in our power to use the same years 1915 1918 totaled 1, 245, 000, that the number will be million solidarity and practises what he subscribe and to get others to sub and brought back the notorious Loenl 70, of finds the upwar this injunction to pieces. The workers of Interm will while the total dividends juild preaches.
agent of the bosses, Wolinsky. holsterers faced with a situation to all our subscribers When Wolinsky came back to the which malt result in the organizaduring those yeurs reached the fab intbruary, 1935. It is generally Minute Men of 34. Weasel ulous sum of 458 percent of the par who work for wages and salaries. Yours truly, reknowledged that of the 37 million brained morons reactionary to watch their expiration number GIORDANO, Secretary value of the original stock. The no less than 10 million are unemcockroach business men who can be on the wrapper and to renew with union be forced the Joint Council tional dissolution of the union un to withdraw the 35 bour demand less drastic measures are taken American labur is beginning to stk itself increased in value a ployel. In addition to this there bribed or scared into shooting or out deaty.
and make it 30. He also forced to immediately.
If be reduce the a total of 374 percent. Translated are a large number of the 11 milAnd its voice.
Although about 15 shops which so that they have the support to armed to 100 monthly; the bundle crease in wages to 10. Wolinsky employ ulront 150 to 200 men have Toledd are being quickly absorbed bele hestene of the integration France, du selves, many of them farmers, who The lessons of Minneapolis and police and the National Guard. payments are promptly paid; it the and the Fraternal Club administra already settled, 85 percent of the and applied by the textile workers subscription list is increased at the tion were busy in Washington fool industry still remains unorganized were able to stay in this country, selves. Thus Bohn states in the Flying Squadrons rate of 25 weekly, we can assure ing around for months with the in New York City.
American textile workers are and invested 100 in DuPont stock New York Post that there are 40, courage, in readiness to bat. a bigger and better Millant, pub NRA instead of preparing the nothing has been done about strik self acrifice, solidarity and devorotal profits on the 100 woulu on relief in the agricultural Practically adding glorious pages of militancy, at the outbreak of the war, your 000 familles out of a total of 80, tle against the powerfully armed Lished without convulsions and workers for struggle for a new ing the open shops with the result forces of reaction, the Flying mailed earlier in the week.
agreement. Finally the workers, that several of the former union on to the history of the American have been 832.
Squadrons of the mill workers are. That the Militant is serving a state of South Dakota. The youth Capone Can Take It textile strike, the American work from 16 to 25 who are neither at the ones who can be compared with historie need for the labor move realizing that nothing would come shops cannot be brought to a set labor movement. Out of the great of this, orgaulved and kicked Woltlement.
ment is indicated by the many insky out.
the Minute Men of 70.
Xo daily strike meetings are being class will come out at head tallThis is only part of what this work nor school, good many comments we get in the mails. Here Bosses Refuse Comunittee Demands ing held and mass picketing is taer in the heat of the struggle it week lurestigation into the arms of whom are not shown in any of General Hoole Johnson is an example from a socialist from In order to carry through the boo. These policies of the official und the latterson workers will un these munitions makers Al Cajone million. Small cause for wonder will forge its left wing cadres. racket bronght out. Compared to the statistics, number some seven The windbag Johnson, like the a mid west city wishes of the meeting of September dom have led to the demoralization uestionably not only carry on the was a cheap piker. Whenever be that the capitalists are alarmed at steel industry has reached a new Dear Sirs: low. The picture of the Falstaff of dollar for the Militant, in the Joint Council met and elected of the striker ranks.
the NRA weeping for the sufferingsresponse to your call for help a new Conference Committee. This while many unions in other in militant traditions of their past understood to bump somebody of the thought that the vast reserve of Sloan would go well in a bur wish could send more. Would committee is anti Wolinsky and duties have conducted strikes of struggles but take the end in the It never occurred to him to, at the army of unemployed may establish conference a militant character, this is far regeneration of it genuine left wins same time, aproach the victim and their right to relief as a matter of lesque show.
be disappointed greatly to miss with the losses was arranged in from true in the upholsterers union for the textile Industry offer to protect him. bump of course, as a part of the duty of the The activity of the even one issue was a buip off, and no fanagling.
capitalist state, not a mere matter am a member of the Socialist another attempt to draw up in non is any linprovement promised gives every promise that this reHot News agreement. The Conference Com If the officials in charge of of charity.
Not so with these respectable One huudred and diy leading in Party of the Revolution:mitted told the bosses plaints: el strike do not make an abont face de ration, with wood very rare sitten munition manufacturers. The Constitution and the NRA dustrialists met in llot Springs ary Policy Committee. Personally ther 36 hours a week and 10 and present an organized plan West Virginia. Geo. Houston of have no illusions concerning it. crease in wages or a strike The action to include mass picketing.
the suine time killing you and pro the occasion of a concerted attack Constitution day has been made the Baldwin Locomotive Works had. few of us here are trying tecting you. It only some of the by the outright capitalist reaction. plan. They adopted it.
The telligently decide where to so. we noget. tehe, Carmelitate the interne alte decent of the upholsterers is Drug Clerks Prepare boys who are destined to make cold aries on the star mothers in the next war re and his RA plan calls for. 1) Monopolistic are very much impressed by and would be no strike this time. The Much valuable time has been General Strike liberal Roosevelt Cartels. 2) All social legislation indebted to the Militant and the bosses refused to grant the de lost but it is not yet too late so long member some of the testimony Bainbridge Colby, former Secre to be scotched. 3) Hours extended New International.
when ritles are put into their hands, tary of State, comes to the rescue (4) Wages reduced. We sincerely hope the crisis in mands of the Conference Commit as there is some talk of strike. 11 this situation continues, the future general strike of all drug the statisticians will have a far of the sadly buffeted Constitution.
the Muitant will be immediately tce.
The Conference Committee there. of Local 76 will be an unstable one clerkx in the Bronx and elsewhere easier jol, both from the point of it is a gross calumny ainst the overcome.
Generous America The following comrades made upon called a meeting of the union and the task of rebuilding it will in Greater New York threates a view of numbers killed and from constitution to represent it only Herbert Corwin was sentenced to for Monday, September 17 to dis fall on pwople with strong should a meeting culled by the Phar that of protits made ten years for attempted burglary. the last two issues possible: the protector of property. of jected the starvation offer of the Johnny Goes For a Swim course it not Roosevelt, Colby He served six years and was par Kaufman, Bronx. 50cuss the question or the strike. At ers.
oled. Last week, desperate and Friend, Youngstown. 00 the same time six members of the The task of the moment requires boss pharmacists, and mored for a administration resigned because of that every tpholsterer tooks to the erhaps you will be e one of the would have us believe, who thinks strike call.
destitute, he appealed to the police South Side Branch untucky many on board an army of the Constitution in such sacri10. 00 their opposition to the Conference safety of his union. Its very exChicago Local.
to send him back to Sing Sing or membership istence is being threatened by a lite forces in the Bronx where it is lipine Islands, when a submarine signed to save the Constitution and The union plans to coucentrate transport on your way to the Philegious fashion. The NRA is dehe bare to steal to live. Dr. Jo. Shambon, Haven. 00 Committee. At seph Moore of the Parole Board George Cooper, 00 be discussed the strike, the resignst be immediately taken to bring best organized. Altogether the suddenly appears and sends a tor the capitalist property system emsaid: The fact that he might be Voss, Davenport, la the six, and whether the a degree of victory out of the dit newly formed union has enrolled do in your general direction. Be bodied in it, but by bringing the about to commit a crime was sufft. Waukegan Branch 00 Conference Committee and the fleult situation created by the lead some 1, members, and believes fore you go down for the last time ancient document a bit up to date.
clent ground to recommit him. Cleveland Branch. 00 strike committee should lead the ership others will join when they see the don forget It all for dear old Colby goes on, Men high in the union means business. Are you better off now than a Socialist Electric Boat Co. they sold some government speak of it as only a The domanuls of the union are of the latest designs in death deal. liberty to oppress or exploit and year ago? asks the President. Harry King, 00 strike. The workers voted unani. 00 mously and enthusiastically for the Paterson Group Calls for u bl hour week with a minting submarines to the enemy ask if there is not an overlooked was in Sing Sing. Possibly Rabinowitz, mum 35 weekly salary. They also Maybe you will be one of the liberty, the liberty to live and to. a For Violation of call for abolition of the split shift fortunate few to get into the avi work and to eat. This is a rather Inasmuch as unemployment drives Stont, Philadelphia. 00 workers against Manager Stein, demagogte and recognition of the union.
ation service. When you wonder low type of political charlatanism.
Injunction men to crime, it might be arranged Jewish Writer. 00 one of the six, made a At a meeting with the harma, why you can not shake that Japan. Now, now, Balubridge. The an.
to give a ticket to Sing Sing with Militant House Party given by ceutical Conference, an employers Che pursuit plane chasing you re employed of the moment after all Sympathizers. 16. 30 to clect a man to take his place im.
each discharge slip. very Atting mediately and lend the strike or Paterson, Sept. 19. Stormy reorganization, the bosses had the member that Curtiss Wright (isn Ave years is historically even lean addition to the New Deal or Eple The followiug helped by pay. ne he would remain as manager in or. Sentment is sweeping through the impudence to suggest a 20 a week that the name of the company of the depression are not victims than a moment) and other vietimas plan.
up on their regular monthly that Wax. Miller, Spithos, Wolinsky henchman, urged on over the Chancery Court in. And even on this cut throat offer you are flying. sold its best planes the Constitution. The Hatred of Communists Quito so, they are victims of the Judging by the capitalist press, Konikow. the union to bring back Wolinsky junction restraining the Dyers from there was hedging the Conference and patents not only to the Amerto lead the strike. He was greeted even talking one would think that the favorite Wright, and a Harvard Student.
immediate strike is terms to its membership sport of 99. percent of the popu. HELP STABILIZE THE INCOME with cries of No! Xo! The anti ment for anke. The senti promising only to recommend these can overnment but to the Tokio system of capitalismu whose incepone as well, and can one Curtiss. tion from the point of view of poWolinsky group. Diamond, Nalin manifest and overwhelming. But the drus clerkx form one of the Wright outfy another litical state power can be traced lation of California was hunting PLEDGE TODAY AND REMIT and many others spoke against it the Lacal officials of the dyers are most exploited branches of labor in back to the coup etat carried Communists and other radicale REGULARLY.
Are Tomatoes Cheaper? through by the wealthy mercantile and showed that Wolinsky is an stalling. They have announced the whole sution. The hours run That how the press read during THE PLEDGERS agent of the bosses. vote was that sometime this week they plan from 15 to 80 hours a week, and But, if you are one of the lucky forerunners of the capitalists, and and since the general strike. Now, the Constitu.
continue, taken after a heated discussion. By to call a mass meeting for the pur the wages for 15 to 25 this for oues to stay at home (flat feet or even state form in when they seberly welsh the chane please notify the Militant office to a rote of set to 498 the workers pose of discussing the injunetion. Highly trained experienced and a politician friend or something of con. That document was clearly es of the leading red balter, Gov take your name of this list. decided to put the leadership of the While the officialdom of the Dyers licensed employex. The split shift a similar nature and are enough intended to do nothing other than ernor Merriam, the situation looks New York Local strike in the hands of the Confer. Len 1, 733, is stalling of keeps the drug clerk led to the of an engine expert to recognize to protect private property, parti.
a little different. Says the Downtown Branch ence and Strike Committees immediate action, hoping against shop from early morning until cloone hum from another, you will cularly against the will of the maTimes There is evidence that (All Monthly. hope to somehow sidetrack the iring time at night; with only a few certainly be entranced by the fam. jority. Its liberty was and is the Tasks of Strike the reaction is not against radical Paul King 00 resistible urge of the dye workers hours of freedom during the after allur hum of the huge bomber liberty of the ruling capitalist class Ism so much as against the Vigi E, Konikow 00 In order to win the strike it is to join in the general strike, the noon. So called part time employ dropping tomatoes in your grand to exploit the working class. The lantes. The great publlc opinion Victor 00 necessary that the best elements be officials of the Associated with Eu ment is particularly vicious in the mother back yard correct again, only liberty possessed by the workwhich is inflamed against Commu Spithos. 00 drawn into responsible posts. Alass Keller at the head are not even go trade, meaning usually a 40 to 50 you guessed it, the darn thing was er is the right to work or to starve nists generally simmers down to, Wright 00 picketing and mass demonstrations ing through the gestures of exert hour work at 10 und 15 wages. built right here in the peaceful at his own expense when he caubig business, their paid press, and Gordon 00 should be organized. It should be ing pressure to force the issue.
We call won all friends of labor state of Connecticut.
groupe of drunken morons with 00 the aim of the union to shut down Becker to support the harmacists Union Injunction Is Gallows Noose Every deck, however, must have And it is perfectly in line with American Legion badges and Mat Kling 00 the entire industry in the first few in its struggles, and in the event its Joker, and the Joker in this bus this eternal usage for Dr. Ger thew Woll, Yet to allow the dye plants to of strike to stay away from scab iness of shipping corpses on futures stenberg, former professor of Bleeker 00 days of the strike. The Conference Glade 00 Committee should demand from the keup operating is to place the nose shop. The Pharmacists Union de Liberal Spirit Again Lewis 00 bosses that the agreement include around the necks of the silk work crves your fullest aid and support. that the government against it say before the Controllers Insti Discussing the boycott of Ger Morris 00 a provision to reduce hours to 35 ers now on strike Every silk They are again it, and its down in tute of America, Any person who many in the Nation, Oswald Garri. Nelson the near future to ab. worker in Paterson understands ALL FESTIVAL black and white as a matter of draws a cent from the government son Villard says Of course it Weber. 00 sorb more of the unemployed. ro this.
While in other states the attempt Entertainment and Dance Band fact they have been agin it since in relief should not be permitted to would be a great deal better if the John Becker.
1921. It even in the Versailles vote. We should say to him: You ture upward revision of wages in is being made to beat down the re SATURDAY EVENING, SEPT. 29 Bronx Branch Treaty, and every other year the are our servant, and we shall make spiritual field. Reminds me of Egstadt 1, 00 view of the recent 40 cuts and sistance of the workers by thugs government sends out a mlmco the rules.
the Quaker bride who always wait Lifshitz 144 Second Avenue, 00 the rising cost of living. Although and bayonets, the New Jersey boss.
graphed copy of its form letter Our answer to these vile prostied in the spirit moved her. The Eidenscher. 00 the impartial cbarman, Dr. Moses for the moment are resorting to Admission 15e telling the boys that, We are agintutes of capitalism is: Messrs. you answer of the impatient groom 18 Boro Park Branch have made the rules long enough; also suitable for Oswald Garrison McAbe. 00 friend of the Soviet Union, who The United Silk Workers Club Auspices: Communist Lengne and it.
Some wise sage once said, War you have forced us overlong to ex Villard.
Ann Toven. 00 has been instrumental in bringing has taken the lead in sounding the Spartacus Youth Club Downtown alarm against the passivity with Downtown Branch is serious business! So it is, ist in a form of society rotten and Harlem Branch Yachts and Seabs which the strike leadership has and that is why the United States corrupt and decaying in every limb. Smith. 00 Sympathizer The great sportsmanship of Eng. Jerry Marsh 00 Social Worker.
50 thus far accepted the injunction. THE MILITANT government is so much concerned Our rules will be entirely different 00 llah yachtsmen has been the theme Beecher with the question of who is getting from yours. Our Constitution will Smash Injunction Others Entered as a second class mall the benefits of the money spent embody the rule of the working of scribblers on both sides of the Cochran. 50 John Delaney (seaman. The current issue of the silk Post Office at New York, UD. the research laboratories of the letariat through Soviets, and not. 50 Atlantie for years. The crew of Colay. 50 Bronx. 00 Shuttle, organ of the United Silk der the act of March 8, 1879.
war and navy departinents, The the Endeavor shows that scabbery Gonzales. 50 Geo. Cooper, Manhattan. 00 Workers Club, advances in its lead Published Weekly by the Com present administration knows its the Dictatorship of the Capitalists is another one of their qualities Janos. 50 Moroff, Manhattan. 00ing article the slogan: SMASH munist League of America Constitution.
not only in Industry but also in Barry. 50 The Geltman, Manhattan. 00 THE INJUNCTION STRIKE! 144 Second Ave. New York, the previous ones, who only par task for better than did some of established by youCK WEBER their favorite sport. BILLEllis. 50 Haidous, Manhattan. 00 After pointing out that working Phone: Gramerey 9524 pose was to belp out the boys. To. 50 Cornells, Manhattan. 00 hand in hand with the bosses, the Vol. 7, No. 38. Whole No. 242) day Washington can beyond the. 50 Cornwit, Manhattan. 50 Judges are seeking to chain the dy SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 18 ing king or Mellon crowd occupy THE GREAT TEXTILE STREKE OPEN FORUM BROWNSVILLE MEETING Brode.
immediate pocketbook. No Hard.
Boston Branch Win the Breakdown of the NRA Manhattan. 00 ers to their vats. the Shuttle in Wiener. 50 Alby. Bronx 00 sists that there are not enough EDITORIAL BOARD preferred lists. Capitalism as a Load to Revolution?
Speaker James Onnnon whole is the first title on RooseC. Schechet. 50 Pauline Miller, Bronx. 00 jails in New Jersey to hold the Martin Abern JOHN WRIGHT Henderson far Shachtman Maurice Spector velt preferred list, and American. 50 City Subway Worker, klyn. 00 thousands of dyers who have no Speaker Chiplowlt Arne Swabeck. 50 Edith Sher, Bronx. 00 other course than to join the genSunday, Sept. 23, at P.
HUGO OEHLER capitalism demands that airplanes Newark Branch Friend, Youngstown. 00eral strike. That is their duty. Bundle rates one cent per copy. designed and built in the United 144 Second Avenue, FRIDAY, SEPT. 28, at P. Lambert 00 Wolfe, New Haven. 00 The Shuttle advances among ito Subscription rate: 00 per year States not be sent abroad to coun Questions and Discussion.
Spartacus Youth Hall Katz 00 Harvard Student. 00 demands that the officialdom of the 50 per half year. Canada tries that may send them back Admission Free Nagy. 50 Associated take the lead in the and Foreign. 50 per year; loaded with bombs and machine 1776 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn Clerk. 50 Monthly Total 59. 00 fight against the injunction by Auspices: Downtown Branch TBe for six months gun bullets Communist League of America 00 nation 00 pledges: 00 a week.