AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD, UNITE America NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1934 VOLUME VII, NO. 38 WHOLE NO. 242 PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of Soviet Joins Fascism Dons White Hood As Marine Union Proposals of the Roosevelt Board The League Klan Rides Again in South Appeals for Would Continue Present Coolie Of Nations Strike Here Conditions in the Textile Industry 20, 000 Dyers This Monday StrikeBreaking?
Strike Battle Georgia Brings The pleture is sufficiently elear. code was rejected by rresident Hitler Methods to render, and 12. 00 a week for the asked to strike the stullatea Textlie which way stalinism instructs Lit chance, drassed the red here are one tore the stones de ameriena eign shipping interests Able see. The United States Startling. alarming news has against the conservative elements come from the South.
in the American Federation of LaOn the eve of the 17th annivers. The Ku Klux Klan has been rebor. one of the leaders explained, ary of the October Revolution the born and has entered the textile We are the friend of labor. But International Seamen Union of The District Committee of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republies, strike in defense of southern lathe Klan will fight to a finish the the International Seamen Union through the policy of Stalinism, has bor. It is not the same old decay. radicals and the joined the League of Nations, reCommunistic of Amerien yesterday set October Relief is Vital ing klan to which we are all ac Brain Trust.
ceiving a Council seat and all the customed, ranting against the VatiTo prove that they are men of strike on all merchant ships oper. Get Strike Call What Price For Victory in highest honors. Long before the can, and warning of the dangers thelr word, Dunning had the Klan ating along the Atlantic and Gulf formal announcement of the of Itomanism and lapism, but a swing into line in many of the Icoasts. The walkout will involve League acceptance of the Soviets new regenerated movement, report bor Day parades of the United Tex 40, 000 unlicensed seamen.
into its fold, Litvinoff was informeded to have 100, 000 new recruitstile Workers in the South, as in Pledge cards, pouring in from all that a seat in this body was as throughout the south, with about Columbus, Georgia, where some locals of the union, indicated unsured.
one third of its membership con 12, 000 textile workers are em animous sentiment in favor of the BULLETIN The minor opposition that devel. centrated in Chain Gang Georgia. ployed.
President osevelt las personstrike. Cowlitions at sea today ally intervened in the textile strike oped to the entrance of the Soviets Dr. Hiram Evans, the was easily brushed aside through eyclop of the old Klan is chleceul On Wednesday, just as the strike are so baid that a respectable Am The local in Paterson with cure for ttlement but of was gaining headway in the South, erican scaman would rather sur has sent a telegram to the National the steamroller of the three leading the new outfit, but he has forgotten again Dunning pulled a master vive on it bowl of soup in the street strike committee in Washington Millions to break a strike; not mounted to thirteen, noe until 11, not until the list of martyrs had imperialist powers of the League: all about probibition and the pope. stroke to capture the southern than accept the conditions imposed demanding that the dyeworkers be nocent for wages: France, England and Italy. In fact, No, Dr. Evans is a man that keeps working class. Before the union upon him. said Patrick Keane, called out immediately, Otroops shot, bayonneted and This beWorkers in the textile industry sed striker in a half a dozen these are the only remaining lead up with events and he knows when had a chance, the Klan called a representative of the union to the Inted action on the part of the Aare paid and a week, men states, not until concentration ing Imperialist powers since the an Issue is dead and should be bar strike at one of the mills at Grifin. Trades and Labor Council of soclated fielaldom was directly with families are forced to live on eamps in Puent style were set up exit of Japan and Germany. ied. Besides, there is much big and picketing was actually begun. Greater Yew York.
The Invitation to the Soviets was ser game in sight, these days for the strike is reported to have beon due to the pressure from the dyers from to 12 week. This is all in corcha, not until one of the While living costs of the families themselves, and the silk workers the impoverished mill owners can most drastic Huuti Tabor injunctions signed by over thirty countries, and enterprising individual. That just a fake called with the con of neamen huve increased, officials already on strike. Gorman has alheirt bleedis for George Sloan, was handed down in Paterson.
afford to pay. General Johnson with special formal invitations is why he has united with Onivance of the boss.
from the Scandinavian countries. Dunning of Savannah, Georgia, hisIn any event, this was the signat men employed on ships have been press that dyers would be among walls of the bosses react to Heavof the union said, the number of racy issued a statement to the Ile let all that go by without of 23 sau wat an eyelash, hopeful that it entry of the Soviets in the League are engaging in a great fight Klan to go among the workers on have been washed 50.
would Ninash the strike and save day, Sept. 26. Failure of the As all they can pay.
of Nation. The stalinist press runs against the New Deal and the Com the picket lines and warn them Follow the Federal govern. sociated officialdoma o take more strike is called these same bosses to give the strikers the raw deal.
But suddeuly, when the textile in the trouble or directly having long apologies and at the same time muntstie Brain Trust.
defend it along the line laid down The Klox Brains by Litvinoff Text.
Unfortunately for Mr. Roosevelt Dunning, former floor leader of The way to fight where by following the union reds. demands of the union a resolution its latest action is merely an at find thmselves possessed of inexbosses was to was passed that The District tempt to pass the back and thus haustible funds, or millions of doll and for loole. my heart bleedsThe Soviet entrance in the Wm. McAdoo at Madison Square join the Klan and fight with the committee of the Atlantic District evade the responsibility. The mood lars, for strike breaking purposes. for Sloan. Johnson their expecLeuke marks another step in the Garden in 1924, is reported to be ata of God, the Constitution and of the International Seameu On of the workers in Pattrson is such Here are some of the wages ia tations have been blasted. Not all collaboration of France and the one of the most talented organizers the Star Spangled Banner, etc, etc. ton of America does hereby decide that me can say with assurance out by the Caruiceu milt of Carote thugs in the country, not all. in fact that Japan and Germany are try. After McAdoo lost Dunning When Dunning approaches the to issue a strike call effective Mon that order or no order, injunction leen, C, wages that are fairly the troos in the gurrisons have outside of the League, and at pres turned Itepublican, was rewarded manufacturers, the line is altoge day, October 8, 1934 to enforce the or no injunction. the dyeworkers representative of those paid been able to tam up the river of ent constitute the most direct with the collectorship of the Port them the plan by which all untons ns submitted to ship owners by the them also the throwsters.
They outline to wage rates and working conditions will come out next week; and with throughout the southern textile in militancy that has been overflowing dustry.
since Jabor Day. American Wages Dye Workers Strike Call Soviets is the axis upon which all bition coordinatorship of the South will be crushed in the south, when National Labor Board and the (See Page for Other Detalls) Speeder tender, four in family, Reports are at hand that despite stalinist writers base their argu west. It is he who is reported to wages will be set as low as they NRA.
ments for the entry into the League, be the brains of the whole thing too to start on a real crusade try have combined to bring the is.
Widespread abuses in the indus 8, 65 for 24 hours work; loom the injunction the eye workers of cleaner, 20; weaver, 88. 40; quill Paterson and vicinity will be called the instrument of British and they are now building their war against the New Deal with the possue to head. The following wage skinner, 20; curd room operator, out on Monday. Further stateto pass, or course unofficially, that in the southern workers.
They Liberty League American scale submitted last year to the 20, etc, etc. Full time 40 hour wents from union officials say the strategy of Litvinoff is the stra got into Griffin, Georgia, before the NRA committee on the shippng for the speeder other thousands will be tegy of had Roosevelt under pressure from forrest.
These amounts were not all paid Everywhere new mills are closvinoff to jump the Comintern must ross the town, warned textile feudal Industrialism of American men 75 80 in cash. The commissary and ing down and everywhere the batfollow in his steps. Litvino workers against foreign agitators capitalism, and unionzation grow ing by leaps and bounds, the manu 75, S, oilers 80, water tenders 80.
scrapped the theory of social fas who would destroy the sanctity company housing in most fnstances tle lines are holding firm. It is The vicious job racketeering sys.
cism and the united front from their homes, the church and the tacturers are already subsidixing a Germany is decades ahead of took all of the pay check, and want becoming universally recognized below with a stroke of the pen in Camily and told them that the klan patriotic, 100 full blooded Amercom was also revealed. Job agen the rest of the world in torture ed more. One head of a family who that the optimistic statement of France and now his text on the would fight their battles for them lean fascist movement in preparanized by the ship owners, give em tration camps.
cies along the waterfront, recog chambers, barbarism and concencarned 10 did not receive a single George Sloan ir just whistling to cent in cash.
keep tip courage.
Soviet entry into the League, as against the employers, not in the tion for the decisive struggles to ployment to inexperienced seamen, Money, ready cash, millions of come.
the outcome of his circle of region anarchist bolshevik Russian Way koosevelt mediation board has Alfred Rosenberg. Hitler mouth dollars. tlow like water however, returned to him with a proposal to willing to work for lower wages niece, bragged al pacts around Germany, lays the but in the good old fashioned red The concluston is clear. Fast to y more for the privilege of achievements. But that was be aloud of these when the pockets of seab operators, arbitrate the strike. It smells basis for additional Comintern an Blooded American way. The super. elem while stille weak, ha mere getting a job. Thousands of car: Lore the textile strike and before state and county officials charged and automobiles. It offers labor ties. Our attitude in principle to the money to the workers to pay their The American working class must able experienced seamen, conse Georgia said You ve got nothing state breaking the strike. The nothing but ambiguous promises on us.
from our attitude to each and every was to be deducted from the pay struggle against it, by organizing gave an impetus to the rapidly stooge, Georgia has imported the pala gangsters, a veritable army.
difier Initiation fees to the Klan, which now begin the preparation for a quently have been discharged.
The Morro Castle disaster also bussey are not so poor that they the kind that working men have Xot at all outdone by Thyssen cannot hire thousands of highly been choking on since the beginning of the New Deal. It permite enplof the League of Nations. War The Klan proclaims itself a behind them the bulk of the Amer war eine Striker bent ment where latest 1931 model of Nazi concen The cost of breaking the strike, tal to resume the operation of the and the Fourth International, friend of labor. We are not can working class.
enough men on board to insuretration camp and dung more than it it could be computed, would mills and the coining of profits on 19. The criticism of Stalinism on 140 strikers into it.
proper inspection reach a staggering total; more the old basis pending further inthis move cannot be isolated from The union demands that the the chain of events that led up to The German papers, says a dis. than enough to guarantee the vestigation.
it. Considered by itself, and in reernment act to regulate the hiring patch in the Times, are hall workers extra wages and shorter Winant Proposals deputy of seamen, force the shipping lines ing President Roosevelt as the hours for years. Each lation to the precarious position Summarixed the proposals of the to adopt the promised wage scale, Nazi Fuehrer of America. gloat earns triple the amount paid the President Inquiry Board are as the Soviets are in, between Japan and increase the number of men ing that he has taken another leaf workers, and there are many depu follows: and Germany, It represents a comemployed at sea.
out of the Nazi book and thereby ties: almost as many as mill hands. 1) Recomiendation to the union promise and a retreat. But consanctioning Nazi practises by Imi Ench scab has to be sarded, fed, that the strike be called off.
sidered in its relation to other paid extra, and in other ways pro2) Recommendation that employevents as well as the Litvinoff If you were never burled alive statement, it is a disgrace to the don become discouraged; your As we go to press over 4, 000 Babes Born With This is not exactly correct, how. vided for.
ers reinstate strikers without disever. For the state of Georgia, Cost of ammunition, tear gas, crimination.
revolutionary interests of the pro chance may come yet. The above pocket book workers went out in which leads the rest of the world and other armaments in the war 3) Declaration that national seta general strike. Within a few letariat and to Marxism. One mis comes to us on good authority. The take leads to another.
in the art of chain gangs and aguinst labor could buy food, shelticment is not feasible and advice American Mining Congress.
days it is expected the strike will The adoption of the theory of meeting held last Wednesday assume national proportions. Althe sport of lynching has added ter and adequate clothing for that to workers to accept local mili socialism in one country, led to the of these most outstanding mining ready many employers have call. Children at the age of years another improvement to its concen sands of in fed, half naked work lagreements.
rejection of the theory of the per engineers of the country sounded ed the union and asked for indi4) Appointment of a board simiare to be trained by the Italian tration camp. In Germany conceners children.
tration camps are made out of de. But lest the cost of strike break lar to the Steel Labor Board to enmanent revolution and of interna a note of warning that is best vidual settlements.
Fascist butcher for military serwerter factories, abandoned ware in prove too great a drain on the foree code provisions.
tionalism and laid the basis for summed up by the above phrase.
bosses treasury and there is no 5) Request that the Federal revolutionary defeats on three con. They showed that the safety of the After the resignation of the soAt this tender age, the children houses or unused prisons. In Geortinents. The low point was in the thousands of men working under called legal adviser. Wolinsky, the are to be pressed into Commission Investigate relce in sin, workers who want a better indication that the bosse treasury Trade bankruptcy of Stalinism and its ground is being Jeopardized by Workers Union elected a Couter which will train them until they are quartered right out in the eral governments have rushed to 6) Appointment of a committee Joint Council of the Pocketbook the Fascist Balilla organization, in and are prepared to fight for so exhausted the Stute and Fed wages.
collapse in the German revolution curtailment of Pederal efforts to and the struggle against Fascism. protect the miners from accident. ence Committee to negotiate an reach the age of 14 years. There open where they can broll in the their old with unlimited troops and to investigate the stretch out.
7) Request that the Department lation to the struggle against Fas the government, the authorities cil of the Leather Goods Manufac. through frequent contacts with and take care of their human needs. There are 11, 000 troops strike of Labor investigate wage condiinvestigations clsm in Germany has forced the have seen fit to cut down on the turers Association. The Committee the armed forces of the nation with less conveniences than any duty whose wnges and subsistence tions and make cost elght states 37. 000 a day. This known to workers and bosses.
Soviet Union to take dangerous ex appropriations usually alloted for had several conferences with the whose glories and traditions will be plug horse has in his stable.
While the Nazis are greatly eris irrespective of the cost of tear Good Example of the Run Around pedients in the diplomatic feld, maintaining an emergency rescue bosses and they came to an under: taught to them.
This, says Roosevelt, is a good among them is the entrance of the sound to be used to combat disar standing that the new agreement This does the totalitarian state agerating the death of American and nausen gns, ammunition, etc.
Soylets into the League. The stalter. The congress said that a sur should provide 371 hours a week, spring one step nearer to its ult. democracy, it must be said that Double pay, 82 a day, or more than example of the practical way in inists will be obliged to take furvey by a special committee showed ther steps in this direction of the that whereas formerly the Bureau February 1939, and the employment Solfer from the cradle to the early these United States. The imprison full time, is paid to guardsmen calmly discussed and solved under oned strikers are held without on special duty. Rhode Island has a republican form of government.
This, Mr. loosevelt, is the best the German debacle, the agreement operation, today only two such pocketbook workers equal to five The next step in the program charges strictly as military pris so far spent over 6, 000 for tear expression of your National Run with the United States and the colocars remain.
percent of the workers employed in will, undoubtedly, be extended to oners. until the strike emergen and nausen gas alone.
Meanwhile, these same states. Around, the classic way of trleklapse of the Comintern, and because be ey is over.
each shop. This last was only swaddled Infants, who will Furthermore, the decrease in the verbal promise by the bosses.
no revolutionary parties exist in bureau funds for research purwilling to spend close to 90, 000 a ing workers out of victory when it taught to remove their gas masks These strikers, held in the con day to break the textile strike, are is within reach.
the capitalist countries that This agreement was recommend before suckling: who will learn to centration camp because they seriously challenging the right of What is offered the strikers?
round the Soviets the Stalinists poses hus almost stopped work use the most opportunist and bour along this line completely. The ap. ed by the Joint Council to the union Rurgle winistra! destra! as their wanted to picket a mill, are pris starving strikers and their fami The union clemands call for the 30propriations for the current fiscal membership meeting which took first words, Instead of Mamma and oners, true enough, prisoners of the ne lies to a relief pittance.
hour week with the same wages as geols methods of maneuvering class war. But General Camp With disgusting hypocrisy, the received for 40 hours. The board among the imperialist powers.
They must learn to march before overshooting his mark when he From the recognition of the Soviets 1920. This coure means the com September The meeting was by the United States to the Sovietsplete stopping of all work in the packed by two thousand pocketbook they learn to walk. All toys, by says that these unarmed men, taken Federal relief authorities promise offers them an investigation comald to the distressed, whether on mittee to make inquiries.
strike or not, but leave the distritraining given 10 miners to help workers although it was Friday edict of 11 Duco, must henceforth in battle with troops carrying maentrance into the League a whole themselves and others when the night. When Secretary Levine read be of military character. They will chine guns, tear gas and bayonets, bution of this relief in the handsment of a maximum work lond for The union isks for the establishserles of compromises and back walls begin to tumble down upon the recommendations of the Joint out their teeth on toy cantons are military prisoners He is anticipating the day when of violently biased county officials, operations in the various divisions Tha Litvinoft statement and re them. The experimental mines de Council the membership was thrown they will pedal imitation armored that term will really apply. And under the thuimh, and often fut the of the textie ndustry. The board ply to the League of Nations, in weloped by the Mine Bureau as a took place in which the anti Woloffers them research committee pre natal course is also under then there will be military pris Day of the mill owners.
same time, the State which will look into the matter.
consideration, in which the pros oners not only on the side of the governments live without stint to part reads as follows: The Soviet been practically shut down.
The union asks for recognition Government, which has made the pective mother will be alternately strikers who will be not quite so help the mill owners break the of the United Textile Workers on organization and consolidation of The congress of mine engineers. Continued on Page 2)
wooed by military music, or fright. defenseless as they are now. strike. Nearly 50, 000 a day for a national scale. The board tels peace the main task of its foreign ended with a ca upon the federal line of taking life come in so fastened by the roar of cannon. In the strike breaking troops.
CRIPPLES MEET Con the them it isn feasible and tells policy and has never been deaf to government to resume its work and furious that many have been hope that warriors may spring, relief figures approximate this?
proposals for International cooper along these lines.
them to go to the individual bosses The International Essociation of Is one tenth of this amount or and get whatever recognition they let out to the big research labor fully armed from the womb.
ation in the interest of peace, con What this meeting falled to see atories of the General Electric, it is a sickening farce that is War Cripples and War Veterans is one hundredth being spent to teen can. Or. in other words, it is there siders that, coming as it does from was a direct connection between Radio Corporation, Bell Laborator being played by Mussolini, a fright now rectly alright for the bossies to put the overwhelming majority of these the building of more battleshipa les, etc.
ful exposure of the true aims of time when the world drives head the starving mill workers. members of the League of Nations, and the cut in the appropriations to If you are a poor working still, the totalitarian state. which has long into a new world war their John O Hyan has resigned from break its lighting instrument Tuto mute protest will have little or no the post of police commissioner of thousands of ineffective weapons.
this Invitation represents the real save workers lives. Research has the government will pinch every only one subject: War!
almost nothing penny to keep you from being bur But Mussolini dreams too far effect. Capitalism not in Chief Inspector Valentine is Nations and is in recognition of the where it concerns the life of mis. led alive. If you manage to keep ahead. Long before his year old terested in life or limb but in pro: to take his place. Valentine, if we ment of all workers fired for orof cooperation with the erably underpaid coal diggers, but yourself allve, they will draft yon battalions are ready to be delivered its. If It has its own way about recall correctly, is the flatfoot who ganizing under section a. The is willing to respond thereto, and in the field of war preparations into the army, and then the govern to slaughter, he and his Fascist things all of humanity will be eligi personally directs the slugging of honrd offers them a set up like the become member of the Lengue or there has been no cut whatsoever. ment will spend millions on how murderers will be remembered only ble for the Cripples Congress ex strikers and unemployed.
The Steel Labor Relations Board.
The problems to be solved along the to get you blown up so high in the as a hideous nightmare, a ghastly cept for those who are pushing up change is from tweedledum to twee. Continued on Pago 4) again.
air that you never come down but brief episode in world history. daisies.
dledee. Continued on Page 4)
Miners to Be Pocketbook Buried Alive Makers Out Gun in their Mouth is