BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLiberalismMarxismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

EDITORIAL The Stalinists Turn to the Right In the Sphere of Literature the strike.
Can he posInjunction PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1934 front was ignored by the editors of Strike Ranks Firm the New Masies! What can such intellectuals think of a party which heaps the filthiest abuse upon them New Mills Close for daring to question the Stalinist polleyind then adopts their For the New Party. For the Fusion of the (Continued from Page 1)
recommendations a few months League and the Reds. urges the local unions to Radek Orders Right About Face, a sense an ally of the of recent months in our literary later? How sincerely can such a weed out the Communists imme.
movement is that it has abandoned party ask for severe, Just, and obAfter its disastrous ultra leftist (Emphasis ours. The most important political news of the day is the report about the the elecond counter to pursuit of the course of the past few years, the Here we have the essence of the its sectarian attitude. As recently jective mutual criticisin. decisive steps taken during the past week to facilitate and hasten the National Guarda in posteriore bore tike Conintern is making an abrupt, Social Fascist enemies of yes cumul to puss through the eye of The as last year, it was easier for a The Peculiar Mode of the the fusion of the American Workers Party and the Communist League Announcement This news is of paramount importance because it spells definite ne governors thrive on such state ward the right. The united front terday are the allies and bosom u neodle than for a rence sitter to Why has the stalinist progress toward the forging of the sharpest and most indispensible ments.
weapon of the working class a revolutionary party, By itself, the In the South, late reports coming from below has been abandoned companions of today, in cultural appear in the juges of the Commu.
merger of these two organizations, of entirely different origing but through tеll of National Guards for non aggression pạcts with the as well as in the political and trade must press. The llue was jealous chosen this particular method of to declare right? The answer lles in the somoving toward the same goal, would signify the actual beginning of the men bayonetting live strikers and Social Pascist leaders of the new fields. They are like they guarded. Now the opposite is announcing the now turn to the new party and make its formal proclamation possible.
using tear gas to disperse picket Puseist theory itself is being put the side of progress against reac embraced with open Nations, fighters on aimseli a fence sitter and he is cial composition and bureaucratie arms; our character of the American party.
of 600 at Burklington, North into cold storuge. The dual Redtion, and, in a sense. allies of press is his and we can say my Armed with the program of Marxism the new political center thus The American has, like all created would speedily attract the scattered revolutionary militants as Carolina Everywhere National Guards are ening workers could be expected. The expanded political organization brought into action against the mantled, severing connections with the But, in what sense, ching he likes, however remote its international counterparts, in addition, a petty bourgeois body would be in a position to connect itself with the stormy movement of strike which started with the naive the parent international of Red Corwent purposes under what sirom revolutionary thought completely bureaueratie head, and, statements of union officials that the working masses and give that movement a conscious direction.
the reformist unions. Behind ek fails to inform Duranty Ould anyone wish for a clearer, and a small proletarian tall. As a records the The native militancy of the American workers, surpassed by none. this was not strike against the warrage of radical bluster, the ul communiste moren this extension ment of the uew Staliuist policy amount of the party activities to certain Lett more candid, and bure faced state result, an increasingly greater as.
present strike wave in Toledo, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Kohler, the textile fields wonld be fused, through such a vanguard party, with that is not against the government, but being replaced by a totally new and on the side of progress without an open invitation to all the chron.
lectualprofessional fronts.
The bureaucratic character of its the government is clearly against opposite set of rightist policies. making any distinction betweenie vacillators to stay fixed in their decisive element which has been lacking in all the past periods of labor which can only prepare the Stalresurgence: scientific doctrine, political clarity, lendership. It has been inist party for fresh capitulations true proletarian writers and present positions, to all the false, top leadership demands that the tomorrow bourgeois or semi bourgeois writuir weather friends of the Soviet party line and leadership be con the lack of precisely this element, which only Marxist party can the trade union residered correct and unquestionable futility and defeat. Lacking class theory of its own, which can come supply, that condemned the insurgent labor movements of the past to Who Owns this Country formists, the imperialist agents, er. After making membership in uion to express their sympathyesterday, today and forever. To (Continued from Page 1)
and Social Democratie betrayers the Rapp and a complete ance of the Stalinist interesserter with the aims of communism with on the order of the period from and throughout the world, the propractical work in the revolutionary trade union field would ruin the into the labor movement in no other way than through the Marxist national guard bayonet.
out inuming any responsibility or about face on the political and Announce openly a complete right party, the American workers, with all their militancy and capacity for sacrifice, fell victim to all kinds of yuackery and treason and landed in worker begin to see that the law Today, more and more does the 1923 to 1028.
worker store del porter le osseclass, tion toward the right, Joseph Free tern now demands nothing more and Stalinist liberals to make use parererere, instead of making a In the light of this new orlenta with the intellectuals, the stalin. adventurers, literary careerists, carefully fostered reputation for a blind alley every time.
that the militia of the government man article in the September 11than expressions of sympathy for of the party press for their private Capitalism Itselt creates the conditions for the elemental movement is the weapon of the boss class in issue of the party controlled New the Soviet Union and the purposes. Are we about direct announcement of the change of the workers, as the far flung general strike of the textile workers breaking strikes and preventing Masses has more significance than program, no matter how sincere birth of brood of Stalinist Mug to their followers among the workamong the intellectual ing glass, or in the official party guide this clemental movement to the goal of emancipation, must be longer fears or respects the forces Red or its place of publication, sagely concludes his dispatch with lence sitters. divided, press, it is less dangerous to remade by the deliberate work of the consctous vanguard. Since such of the bosses low and oder. 10 Indicates. Particularly since is the remark that both Radek and personalities with their muss olers in an apparently casual, unre tional scale testify to this bitter fact It must be created anew. This is on the picket lines, Get the Min speech to the Soviet All Union of undiluted propaganda has wumps on the other? Hail to the tia. the first and foremost task of all revolutionists.
Congress of Writers on Contemd. And truly, Radeks vane new stalinist comrade in arms, Mr. And who can do the job better than Journal Tablished in a Every serious step in this direction is important. The progress that The trend the recent strike wave porary World Literature and the formulation of the new policy to Facing Botl Ways!
has been recorded in the past week toward the fusion of the two most taken will have no small part Problems of Proletarian Art. ward sympathetic intellectuals that Artful Dodger among the left After letting the cat out of the wing intellectual Joseph Freeimportant groups standing outside the polsoned swamps of Stalinism and in making the workers of the coun which bald down the new Stalinist contains not a tlucture of Marxism.
bug, we must credit Freeman with man?
Social Democracy, and dedicated to the aim of building a new party try see that a gult a wide as the line toward the fellow travellers. Carte Blanche to Communists trying to cover up his tracks. He and a new International, cannot fail to inspire all revolutionary workers ocean separates them from the Fighters for Progress The old ivory towers are down, with enthusiasm and hope as it inspires us. It opens up the prospect of bosses Every major strike has Freeman is the spokesman immediately attempts to modify saving time in the execution of our great historic task, and time is a brought out the national guard, According to Duranty dispatch to the intellectuals in this country, this shameless surrender to a. he proclaims, o are the red Ivory weighty factor now. Events move with lightning speed. We must move the state militia. In nghting the in the New York Times, Radek occupying a parallel position to eral policy (in more senses than towers which sertarianism built.
with them.
troops, far more than by merely halled the abolition of RAPP last that of kadek on the incomparably one) by asserting that it must be Holutionary literature and critiOn an International scale the political organizations of the working Hghting the hired deputized thugs, year as the beginning of a new lower level of the American party, accompanied by an extensive Com cism are now out in the open world class have suffered a collapse no les devastating, and no less irremediare the workers beginning to see era of comradely cooperation be. He announces the new policy to munist education of the fence sit of living America.
able than that of 1914. Germany and Austris tell the story of the that behind the government stands tween the Russian Communist ward fellow travellers in an alto ting fellow travellers. few para. Atbly mean to imply that, so far as nullities this by the follow travellers are concerned, bankruptcy of the Second and Third Internationals in letters of fire.
the mill owner, the steamship com Party and the non party intellectu gether different manner and med graphs later. During the five years of the crisis we have witnessed the paralyzing pany of the anillionaire truckers. als so far as relations with the sum. He has no national platform making certain named newcomers revolutionary literature and criti The Bullet Bayonet Lesson writers of the rest of the world from which he can lay down the among the party critics (not by cism are now out?
after five years of the crisis, during which the insoluble contradictions This present strike waves were concerned, the majority of party line to the assembled repre any means the self sacrificing old of the capitalist system did their best to prepare the soil for revolu bringing from the text books down the best writers, faced by a choice sentatives of the intellectuals and Guard among the intellectuals that a Vicious Paterson ening workers, with a few exceptions such as Minneapolis, is controlled tant lesson for the working class. were choosing liberalism. few the bureaucracy. He must be more having been too severe with the and throttled by the old reactionary leadership. real challenge to this is a class government, one that months ago, the New Masses, Daily circumspect and cautious. Conse timid fence sitters in the past.
Freeman concludes with a ringthis leadership, which represents the influence of the exploiters in the is run by the capitalists against the Worker, ete, were assuring us that quently, he chooses a peripheral labor movement, has not yet been made for the simple reason that there workers. The request of Gorman almost all of them were choosing party organ in which to make the ing call to the fellow travellers for Therefore, Radek announcement and encloses it in a mutual criticism that is severe. Continued from Page 1)
was no force able to offer the challenge and make the challenge good.
ceived with the only reply that the went on to say, they should be en wrapping of historical reminis. Just, objective, free of the stultiFor that, and for all that logically follows after, a party is needed. bosses could give. We rule this couraged to do what? defend the cences about the old and new Massfying traditions of the bohemian ron into the hundreds and never An International is needed country, we own the mills, we con democratie state again Fases, of apologies for the unproduc cliques, directed not by personal peep out of the Judiciary.
trol the police, we command the cists? But this was Trotskylum. tiveness of the party intellectuals, spleen but by a high regard for the Moreover, look at the conditions Revolutionary Internationalism in the heart and core of the system militia and regarded as friends of the und praises for the practical labors aspirations and efforts of the move of the Paterson dye workers. They of ideas which binds us together and unites us indissolubly with our But the bayonet and the bullet Soviet Union at a distance or the of the Old Bolsheviks a ning the in ment as a whole, and by a revolu peak mountains in testimony as to comrades in other countries. This conception, which is expressed in the are mighty teachers. The day 18 proletarian revolution at home. tellectuals. The whole article is tionary understanding of the world how punctilionsly the bosses have struggle for the Fourth International, animates and guides us in every not far off when the working class even though they are far from pure couched in the form of it reply to which communism seeks to transcut under on the agreement.
phase of activity in our own country, whether it be the holding of a will arise as one man, trained in socialism. Is Radek referring certain complaints and criticisms form. This somewhat belated in Place the injunction on the side public meeting the organization of a strike, or participation in the the streets of Toledo, Minneapolis, to the pure socialism of Wels, voiced against the Stalinist critics vitation should be welcomed by the of the other weapons of the bosses formation of a new party, San Francisco. Gastonia, Sayles. Baner, Vandervelde and Company ly the novelist, Albert Halper.
25 intellectuals who signed the in the class war and you ll get a We have said many times, and we underscore it here once more, that ville, and shont with voice or the impressocialism in one After winding our way through protest against the party actions clear picture of what the Paterson the organization of an American party cannot be separated in any way The lawful officers of the law are country of Stalin. In short, he various bypaths, we finally come in the Madison Square Garden afslave decree means.
from the struggle to form a new international, but on the contrary is to be superseded by strikers com declared that in the struggle the to the core of the article in the fair, which the Daily Worker atThe textile workers are too millan inseparable part of that struggle. The new party will be able to mittees. This day we shall enforce world now witnessing between third section, enlled Old Solutions tempted to answer but refused to tant to be cowed by deputies or higher law, a law of strikers progress and reaction, any Aghter and New roblems. Here is the print and whose challenge to de school boy National Guards. Woonof the American workers only if it approaches them from the International point of view: the new party can become a national power only showed that.
on the condition that the banner it raises is the banner of internation Why not try to seare them by a alism.
charged in New York. The Radio Judges order. the bosses are think This is the cardinal lesson of all the great events of our time; this is marine Corporation sent me aboarding tell them we ll put them all because they expected the other behind bars if they dare strike.
the wisdom of the great teachers. This unshakeable conviction has two radio officers would be fred.
entered into the marrow of our bones. Whatever we do and wherever (Continued from Page 1)
we go. It goes with us. We seek for allies and co workers first of all admittance into the life saving we select one significant circum Follows Rogers admissions that It won work, Messrs. dye house among those who hold similar views.
wooden, elaborately carved fixtures, bouts ether from deck or in water. stance out of the many that have Alagna gave him no trouble. Nev bosses! You can put 20, 000 fightpermitted a rapid spread of the The boats, as a matter of fact, arisen during the investigation. ertheless, after several peaceful ing workers in the cooler.
Newspaper men visited the Oriente, trips the captain called him (RogThe decision of the active workers conference of the Indre once it started. Far from be Your gunmen couldn stop the favor of hastening the fusion and the joint launching of the new party ing the tire proof floating castle it water, surely the crew might have when she docked. The Oriente 18 man. The pshot of this conversas and neither will your InjuncBut once the boats were in the sister ship or the Morro Castleers) aside, to talk to him man to strike with all their bullets and coincided with a similar decision of the New York membership meeting was advertised to be, the Morro rowed around in an effort to save constructed exactly like the Morro sation was that Rogers learned tion!
of the League. These actions que expression to the fact that the two Castle was a fire trap The officers of the Morro Castle consider again.
those struggling in the water. But Castle. It contains a closet in the that Alagna was a dangerous agicooperation in various fields of activity and comradely discussion de appeared more intent on saving black night save for the light tur on the sister ship. From this point ship reached port.
It was a pitch Dibrary where there was a closet tator and was to be fired when the voted to the clarification of questions of the program.
salvage mouey than in preserving nished by the blazing ship. Rain on the Morro Castle the fire is be all this was disclosed only when It appears to us that the revisel draft program of the formu the safety of passengers or crew. was falling, adding further to the lieved to have originated.
lates a position on the question of the new international that is nearer while Acting Captain Warns was blackness and obscurity, and the Alagna gave a story to the press, to our viewpoint than the formulation of the first draft. We, on our engrossed in the problem of putting high waves rendered it further dit this closet might have contained ed this story) that he had visited It was at once suspected that charging (and Rogers substantiat. Continued from Page 1)
strikes has helped to convince the members of the that we also out towing charge passengers and objects. Most of the people in the fluids or the like. But when the an order, and had been un morality or immorality of are able to speak American. that our internationalism is not an ab. crew were alike neglected to make water had drifted far from the reporters opened the closet of the able to obtain it. Alagna returned Pont straction but a guide to netion on the national field. Joint work of the their way to safety as best they ship. And where were the officers Oriente, it was not only bare, but to the radio cabin following his but whether the impartini. international arms two organizations in practical work, limited though it has been, has could.
to give directions to the oarsmen, there was strong odor of soap, as fruitless mission, stuck, with the ring will lose money if the odor of demonstrated in practice an ability to work out a common policy and to Fire Aların Unheard to lend in the rescue work? if it had been thoroughly sernbbed chief operator to the last, pulled the investigation gets too obnox.
cooperate loyally in advancing it. These are all factors which have If the fire alarm was sounded, Aid for All before the inspection. It had not strengthened the will for organic unity and the hope that it may be none of the passengers who have Under these circumstances, the been emptied and scrubbed with fire trap, and led him to safety on him tinconscious out of the blazing lous.
expedited so far reported to the press or the crew pulled for shore. There is not out reason. Or that we may be the forecastle.
Remember the outery in Our National Committee has not yet had the time and opportunity inquiry board could remember be single testimony to the effect sure Here, perhaps. lies the real The scurvy attempts to implicate Japan! Well, that was only for press about the rape of China by to make a critical analysis of the revised draft program of the ing awakened by it. Either it runs that those in the water were seen clue to the mystery, the cause of this man in the blame for the public consumption. All this time standpoint on some of the most important questions. Further discussion crew reported it rang, but he were denied admittance into the indeed, it spread as rapidly as the cred. liis conduct has been too hydrogen process to Japan and the Du Pont were selling a secret And clarification will yet be needed to assure a firm principled basis for thought it was an alarm clock. boats. Each surviver testifled to officers would like us to the unification. Other obstacles may arise. But it is our Arm convie No one remembers hearing an or the contrary, that he drifted or Rogers Testimony exemplary. But meanwhile, the bribing Chinese tion that all difficulties standing in the way can be overcome if thereder to lower the boats, which swam in darkness and isolation un As for the dark hints about Al criminal that he should be held in munitions.
is a determined will to overcome them, if there is an understanding, on swung a half hour from the davits, til he was plcked up by rescue agna.
custody en the The proposal to sell the hydroboth sides, of the overshadowing importance of finding a common path dush with the deck waiting for boats or made his way unaided to The testimony at this point of wling tools of the bosses are free. Mitsul was made known to the and Inunching the new party without the needless loss of a single day.
And a real investigation must State Department it developed in All our efforts will be directed to this end. JAMES CANNON. anized the crew to awaken pas make their way to the rescue boats There was a strike on board of be conducted into the blaze on the the investigation had no difficulty in entering, and the radio personnel. Alagna and Morro Castle, and into the respon.
WAR AND FOURTH INTERN INDIAN SUMMER to see that they were provided were rowed safely to land. the third officer, Barrow at that sibility of the shipowners for the Here is another reason for the In Russian FESTIVAL DANCE with life preservers. The officers The fault then lay in the organ time, went down to the officers terrific loss of life.
gagging of the disclosures. The SATURDAY, OCT. 27, at P. were too busy fighting the fire to Ination, or lack of organization of mess and tried to instigate a riot State Department is knee deep, no Russian edition of this pamThese questions, that will not be doubt, in all the so called scandals IRVING PLAZA bother with or life saving.
the phlet will soon be off the press and (Victoria Hall)
a halt hour clapsed before the passengers were put into the boats. poor, and when the officers and questions to which workers must conably its hands ac dripping Taking them on their own word, it not their duty to see that the food on the Morro Castle was very asked by the Board of Inquiry, are of the munitions makers. Unques available for all who speak the 15th St. Irving Place was sent, or before the boats before all else, and rowed out of other licensed men down there relanguage. Watch the Militant for Refreshments Entertainment were lowered, without orders and danger? Has anyone testified that fused force an answer with the bloga of workers on the Admission 356 sign it, Alagna and BarWhat are the wages paid by the soil of a half dozen foreign counfurther announcements on this exAuspices: International Workers without passengers. For the latter there was any effort on their part row called them a bunch of yellow Ward Line to its seamen, and what tries.
traordinary pamphlet.
School, 144 2nd Ave.
the crew is blamed. With what to do so? No, a few of the crew, dogs.
are the working conditions aboard Too warm?
The state departon their individnal responsibility. How do you know?
Ward Line ships? How many ment has burned its hands and The chier indictment against the went to the aid of the passengers, Captain Willmott told me seamen were among the crew. wants the heat turned off!
crew is that the lifeboats that were broke into the cabins with axes, the whole story before his death.
Why, in the light of what actulowered contained few or no pas led the passengers to deck. But the whole thing culminated in ally happened, was the Ward Line sengers. The implication is that for the most part, the crew was as New York when the radio officers permitted to advertise its vessel as if the number on your wrapper la 102 EAST 11th STREET, New York, the crew speeded away, pulling helpless and as undirected as the called a strike for better living fire proof? What is the truth about for whore without attempting to passengers.
WILL OPEN quarters and more wages, waiting the much advertised safety devices?
rescue passengers on deck, or alWhat instructions does the Ward MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th There remains the charge of in for the last minute before the Morready foundering in the water endtary origin of the blane, andro Castle signed before they aban Line issue to its chief officers as or smaller, your subscription to The With a Complete Line of Working Class Literature around the ship. Let us consider the half veiled insinuations against doned the ship. It was held up to selvage and the sending of Militant expired. Do not delay.
the circumstances.
Alagna, the radio operator, labor couple of hours.
Send your renewal in at once and SOLE AGENTS FOR PIONEER PUBLISHERS By all evidence, the fire had al organizer. It was a mail ship and there Why is the Ward Line permitted so save us unnecessary labor and American and Foreign Magazines and Newspapers, ready swept the amidships beyond Where Did It Start? was quite a lot of excitement about to control the testimony of officers expense. If you cannot renew at BOOKS OF ALL PUBLISHERS hope of reaching anyone entrapped Where did the fire originate? Ap them holding up the crack Ward and crew, and why is Alagna, who this time let us know how soon you there before the boats were low parently in the library strange liner. Finally a special agreement would not fall into line, being held can.
Write for Price List Notice to Branches. The Pioneer Book Shop will now handle all already leaped overboard out of eyed bomb throwing agitator Castle was signed by the company bail raised from s1, 000 to 3, 000 JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE orders for books formerly secured through Pioneer Publishers.
hysteria, or because they were supposedly a member of the crew. and they went back to work.
otherwise hopelessly trapped. There strange place, too, for a dock Then when Mr Barrow got tried to organize labor aboard the ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI.
1s no record that any were denied laborer to gain admittance. And drunk in Havana, he was dis Morro Castle?
solve the national problems and find its way into the mass movement De by strikers and for strikers. on the side of progress. WILA In news. The most significant change bate on the issue of the united socket Gastonia and Sayelsville The Truth About the Morro Castle Fire Arms Inquiry too Hot for State Dep Du the workers must raise his bail. It is well them generals in order Pioneer Book Shop 41