AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE QUESTION BOX Manifesto of the Workers Party of Canada WORLD OF LABOR Without therefore, wsabing to re establish capi perlor economie entieren solattered Economic Conditions Behind MILITANT. Y(Ed. Note: The Manifesto fused stock ownership under condi market by purposive social plan installment of socialism. The Lations of capitalist concentration ning and control.
printed here is taken from the Question: If foreign Intervention is excluded, how Vanguard, organ of the Workers or Cabinets of Great Britain AGAINST STALINISM PUERI IN COMMUNISTS REBEL can the possibility of a counter revolutionary overand control. The small farmer The Conquest of Political Power the Social Democratic Governments From a bourgeois press or we learn that at a throw in the Soviet Union be spoken of, since there Left Opposition. party of Canada, formerly the ground down by Mortgage capital, The means of this fundamental of Germany, both reformist and is no class upon which the reaction could base such loaded with debt and threatened change in the property relations constitutionalist, by their treach eneral meeting held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the with foreclosure must realize that are revolutionary ass action and erous collaboration with the caplo for a break with the Third International and the an overthrow?
Humanity stands at the cross all the Pools, Marketing Acts, and the dictatorship of the proletariat. talist state macblue sbarefully be establishment of the Independent Communist Party Answer: If your premise were correct, there would roads. Fascism points to the most freer credit are be some basis for your conclusion. The pensantry, barbarous exploitation of man by against the techulcal revolution in the ballot and parliamentarism for way for fascism. The workers de Puerto Rican Communists will take no orders however, remains as the class upon which the coun man, perpetuates the cleavage of agriculture and the domination of propaganda, agitation and mobiit cannot use this capitalist machin henceforth from Stalin International but will atter revolution can draw.
Society into classes, and prepares Anance capital which bring about nation of the masses. But no fea ery with its civil service police, tempt to build a party and work out a program in The moujie is no idealist. He thinks in terms of another imperialistle blood bath. the chornle agrarian crisis.
the hard, material things of life: grain, shoes, cotton Communism liberates the forces of the solution of the basic prob. gram has proved more completely socialist order. The workers must after heated discussion and airing of opintons, but cloth, pots and pans, etc. Just so long as the Soviet Production, ennobles the standard lems of the middle clues is the same bankrupt than the idea of the pain. Airst break the old and then set up four party members withdrew from the organization regime provides him. In return for his grain, with of life, and realizes the Internation as the solution of the crisis for the tens transition from capitalism to the new, the Soviet state, to pro in protest against the decisions arrived at by the as many, or more city made products as he could al solidarity of the race. Which working class, the socialization of socialism by means of piece meal tect socialism from subotage and obtain the open market, he will continue to sup alternative is to prevail, the class tund, industry, and credit. The parliamentary social reforms. The counter revolution. The Soviet majority.
port the Workers Dictatorship. If, however, the struggle will decide.
We know nothing more of this case than the aimonly way to abolish overproduction. Workers arty does not reject re state is a dictatorship against all ple fact as given above. The very fact, however, open market promises him more for his grain than World Crisis of Capitalist Decay under consumption. and to pass forms: they can be used to consol those seeking on the gains or technical eficiency idate the positions of the workers der; for the masses it is the widest time broken with Stalinism, is in itself very signif does the Workers state, he endeavors to throw oft restore the old or that small, newly formed party, has at the present Driven by profit lust and inexor those fetters wbleh stand in the way of his material uble laws of the market, the caplards er living and culture is to remust come in the by product of As the process of socialization de in several Latin Amerean countries, where more advantage.
It is only one step from this demand talist system of private ownership for the open national market to the demand for the of the means of production and place the anarchy of the capitalist ckus struggle and not as alleged, stroy the economie roots of class breaks of a similar nature are certainly not out of open International market the abolition of the monploitation of wage labor, was once and ex divisions in society, the State It the question. The break with the Third Internaopoly of foreign trade.
self, the product of class antagon tional at this time may be considered a progressive a the van of social progress. Su isme, will vanish, leaving a society step on the part of these comrades. We may even talism, the peasantry under these cireumstances the bouds of feudalism, organized ordered not by compulsion but by venture to guess the reasons for this step on their administration based on voluntary part. Since the adoption of the Litvinoff pledge, the willy nilly becomes the ally of reaction.
the national state, and created the It is incorrect, particularly at this point, to ab international division of labor. UnTextile Strike labor and self discipline.
Stalintern has sucriticed the Cuban revolution to stract from foreign intervention. Usually this is der the banner of the rights of mun Defence of the Soviet Union the cause of Soviet international relations, by giving thought of in the pure military sense, and it is for and popular sovereignty, and in gotten that in the economic field it goes on continu series of wars and insurrections, Sprawling and scattered from As the first country of the prole the order Hands of imperialist property to the tarian dictatorship the Soviet Un Cuban Our surmisal is that some similar order Labor Specialization ally. Because the industrial development of the im the bourgeoisle successfully fired aine to South Carolina far The turrement to reduce labor lon is a source of inspiration to the may have been given to the Puerto Rican party.
perialist countries is superior to that of the Soviet the imagination of the masses, West As Mississippi, the textile in CONEX and dependence upon the collapse or destruction would unlow.
working class of the world; its which was entirely too big for the comrades to swal.
Union, which is tied economically to the world mobllilug them to end the privimarket, a constant intervention is taking place, leges of the former regime of priest, dustry ranks with steel, mining, skilled workers, has progressed leash a terrifie wave of world rewhich weaken he possibility of the Workers State landlord and noble.
and. of the with fereasing severity for many action. The October Revolution of embraces the entire party of our insular possession 15, as appears likely, this break with Stalinism in overcoming the gap between what is taken from the peasant and what is given to him.
unbud. capitalan has reached an Unlike some of its slant brothers, meet regularly to formulate prac 1917. under Bottlevik leadership, and not only the San Juan section, if it is the result unendurable state of decay. Prl. it has been in a state of crisis, not tical methods of speeding up prowas the product only of the in tlon tight at the top, we can then feel certain that countries are able to give timely all to the Soviet troutiers can no longer confine the a decade. Along with the great become a profession, such efficiency talist Imperialism at its weakest. be Puerto Rican comrades will find their way to Unless the proletariat of the advanced capitalistate property and the national for a few years, but for more than duction. Labor specialization has ternal antagonisms within the coun of the pressure of the membership and not of a fac.
Union, this process may prove to be fatal, particu: tremendous productive powers of a mills in England it has since the experts being hired to do nothing link: it was the prelude to the inwards the fourth International and will not fall tato try but of the break down of capl tion fight at the top, we can then feel certain that larly since armed Intervention stands ready to back world economy. The free compe war been at the center of the in but travel from mill to mill show up its more powerfully economie ally.
Lition of small capitals have given ternational crisis in textiles. This ing employers how to extend International revolution. The victory a national communist morass, way to the international competierisis has had the same fundamenhor.
of socialism in a predominantly New Haven Hon of gigantic monopolies despertal enemark of the generul crisis There is probalily no other in agrarian country was based on the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST SENTENCED Sorry, but there is no short ent to economics any tely battling for a shrinking world of capitalist Industry: over expundustry where this problem is atunion of the workers and the peas Neunkirchen Echo, social democratic paper in the more than to geometry, and your editor knows of market. The struggle for colonies son of productive capacity, and tacked more energetically and de antry but would be finally assured Buar, publishes the news on Aug 27 that Wilhelm no books where you can find such a simplified ex und spheres of intluence to whleb overproduction (underconsumption) liberately. Today the bosses are revolution in some of the advanced Communista in Frankfort am Main, Germany, has only by the support of the social Doerter, 36 year old leader the International planation of the mechanics of Intation as you re. export surplus commodities and of goods.
quest. The following, however, may help you if you capital resulted in twenty million are faced with the necessity explaining this phekilled and maimed in the Imperial panded to meet government de under the codes.
During the war the industry ex made by the lowest pald workers antagonistic systems of socialisin court martial, euphemistically called the First Sen.
nomenon to workers with limited economic know. ist war, leaving a deadly legacy of mands, seventy five percent of pro textile machines bear evidence of enduring collaboration or peace on the militant for having prepared high treason Patents for new and capitalism there could be note of the Peoples Court, clapped this stiff sentence ledge.
sharper antagonisms and more ductlout going for military purpos the continuous replacement Because of the limited development of commerce monstrous militarism.
The world es But Leninism, the strutegy of ind leading in the organization of an illegal party.
prondaluare practical acted through busken med lum toe were comunes tree classic themelore pated in cutting the melon of war duetion of more wunds of goods anyone tos. the basele pole u tregue found somentsfond the atra gold or silver con. Since the carrying of the coin ment, marked a turning point, the excessive plaut capacity. Then creasingly specialized and stand placed by Stalinism, the policy of every class spirited worker that the terror in Gerwas both expensive and dangerous, many merchants breaking up of the foundations.
found it expedient to form institutions in which the metal coin could be deposited, and upon which you past Ave years was no longer the uted. Despite all of these signs of are brought in and burned up The world economic crisis of the this condition importantly contrib to follow the pace. Young workers tional self sufficiency. Under the with the victims of Fascism today as much as ever pressure of petty bourgeois ele. is one of the paramount duties of the revolutionary could Issue certificates, to use for making payments. normal business cycle of pre war serious illness, the industry The workers in a mill which has ments, the defents of the revolu and labor movement.
The receiver of such a certificate, knowing that he boom and depression but the symp plunged into another orgy of ex hired the services of these indus. tionary movement abrond, and the BEGIN ACTIVE RESISTANCE its face value. Ir, however, he wished to make a self. By the close of 1933 more the best man would win, they denly find themselves being watched tarian dictatorship has been under. TO FASCISM. by the camera. Despite the pulverizing features placed on the the next merchant, and in this way certificates equal had disappeared: the gold stand 20 an average of two million in their hands. These men in tism. The centrist apparatus, united front by stalinist and reformist officials, the in value to that required for the normal transaction ard, once the barometer of capital spindles in the cotton section alone talk to no one nor will they an.
crowned by the personal regime of Art signposts of fighting opposition to the Fusclat of business would remain in circulation.
ist stability, had been replaced by were continuously idle.
They merely Staliu, usure the positions of hands are appearing in the Saar. In Saarbruekea swer any questions, Assume that 100, 000 pounds (by welght) of gold wild xig zags of paper currency and watch every motion of the work power, stilling all workers demo an armed fascist band gathered in front of a workhad been deposited in such a central warehouse by Intiation. The increasing misery Crisis Intensified various merchants and that 100, 000 pound notes had of the masses was attested by colSpeed up, stretch out, and Im ers, making notes on everything cracy in the Soviets, the trade un ers printshop with destructive intent. The workers Sons and the party. The Bolshevik in the locality were notified and hundreds immedithat happens.
been issued to them as receipts, which were then putossal armies of unemployed. The provement of machiners have acinto etrculation. It each note should change hands concessions, in the shape of wages. Ele et cotton and wool against silk Leninist Opposition, loyal to the lately appeared and put the murderous vandals to The Stretch Out program of world or permanent Alight. Similarly in Zinnertal, the workers routed on the average of four times a day, the daily bust hours and conditions, which caplaud rayon, capricious fushions, ment of the workers. If the work underground as Trotskyism. co.
These men calculate every move revolution, was exiled or driven a Fascist gang.
ness transacted would have a value equal to 100, 000 calism in its prime had yielded to waste and anarchie methods of disertakes the drink of water, visits nomic policy xis Ragged wildly be meetings. parades and oratory and takes the road of Once the united front breaks out of the halter of Under these circumstances no inflation could have formed the social basis of retorica tribution have added color to this the lavatory, hus to wait for ma tween a course of pro kulak oppor. action the organization of an armed workers milloccurred, regardless of what happened business ism, were withdrawn. The bitter this drunken mouster with the tex for intew minutes. It is time and liquidating classes in five years. fore the impact of its mighty power.
tunism and the adventurism oftia the Fascist refuse will crumble like paper beconditions. At the worst all the gold in the vaults cooth and fang struggle for mark tile lords of Lancashire and Tokyo. noted by the stopwatch man. The The Comintern has become a paci would have found its way back into private hoards. ots drives capitalism to However, as long as the rate of turnover of money offensive for the reduction of the the forces behind Roosevelt naval the number of seconds that the the is sought not in to launch an for the foreign markets, is one of matter then retires and calculates list frontier wurd. Security of COSTA RICAN BANANA WORKERS STRIKE Incomplete and vague news reports inform us of business could have been transacted daily, the same the barest minimum of subsistence. world is overproduced. The mark Drenth, in going for a drink of wa but in non aggression paets, align the Atlantic coast of Costa Rien. Following thelr whole worker has used in stopping to powerful revolutionary movement the resumption of the general strike of workers on as if the gold itself had been used instead of notes.
The Menace of Faseism If the daily average of business Increased to 800, ets wou go around. Profits dwinter or to the rest room. More work ment with an imperialist bloe and return to work under a favorable settlement with 000 pounds of gold in value, the deposit Institutions Under these circumstances, Fidle, unemployment increases, the is then given him on the bases of projected adherence the League the government, ander which the most important de could safely go into the lending business and issue nance Capital finds the normal home market shrinks. The textile the time study: The time is divided Nations.
mands of the union were granted, the United Fruit an additional 100, 000 pound notes, confident that the methods of parliamentarism no employer alternates between cut into three main divisions. 1) The problems of the at Company immedliaiely commenced a series of viole200, 000 pound notes would continue to circulate even longer suffice to keep the mountingting wages and consulting his war class antagonists and the deepen department.
Amount used in skilled work. 2) fect the desting of the international tions of the agrement. Any recognition of the though there was only 100, 000 pounds of gold in the Amount in semi skilled. 3) Amount proletariat at every turn. The at Fruig company weuld be a denial of the latter vaults.
ing social crisis in control. The For several years a merger move in non skilled. The workers are titude of the Workers Party has rights of the workers by the slave driving United If, because of a crisis, the average daily value of State has always been the organ, of ment has been growing, more then divided into these groups, a nothing in common with the senti whole past, and would serve as an incentive to orbusiness fell back to 400, 00) pounds of gold, 100, 000 the possessing classes to hold the ment aptly supplemented by cartel varying wage is paid, and each mental or platonic sympathies antzation for all of the plantation Workers of pound notes would turn up at the institutions de exploited classes in subjection: a ization in line with the provisions group is then driven to greater and of the liberals or pacifists. The Carribean area. The imperialists well know that manding gold. It all the gold were permitted to be selera le democracy hothesenterter the NRA. The bosses are organ greater speed. This is the stretch Workers Party stands for the un avorable settlement of the Costa Rican strike will the rest of the notes in circulation, and these, upon and exploited, is impossible. The Altogether there are more than crease: the wages for most of the Union by the active struggle for gles in the fruit, sugar, tobacco and coffee plantadiscovery of this fact. would soon become practically called it bourgeois democracy. com a milon workers in the textile he workers go down: production in the overthrow of capitalism in all countries, which means the building Indies. This is why. In spite of being forced to make tions of all Central America, Colombia and the West tions might possess. This would be tantamount to rule. But parliamentary democra of the manufacturing workers increases: total payrolls decrease.
being lost Resistance to the stretch out, to of revolutionary mass parties and concessions in the first strike, no time cy, fraudulent though it be, had the country, greater number low wages and long hours, has a Fourth International, independ in an attempt to wipe out the gains of the workers.
The result would have been the same it for some developed in the struggle against than in any other single industry. made the textile Industry, next to eat of the stranglehold of Stalinfeudalism: Its limited democratic And the wages of these workers mining the most active battle ism.
The government and the United Fruit company are had issued 200, 00 The Soviet Union is threat attempting to smash strike by every means, and pound notes while the tutal value of business recrit liberties afford the most fax. are the lowest in any manufactur ground in the class struggle in ened by militars intervention. an the situation on the plantations approaches one of mained at 400, 000 pounds of gold, requiring only 100, orable ground for the rise of work: ing industry except tobacco. In America. The battles of these equally grave menace is the degen civil war, while the whole industry continues to be 000 pound certificates for circulation. ing class organization. Alming at The Institution might, however, keep the inflation beinbampered explotation of the year, wages in cotton mills were lice and troops has made the earli ship under the Stalinist regime aware of the situation it might have announced that leashes fascism, the most savage earnings for workers in menneest, the most continuous and some The idea that Industrialization and THE ADVANCE OF FASCISM IN SPAIN of the most glorious of militant collectivization lead automatcally On September Gil Robles, chief of the Catholie to socialism is false. Without the Patacist party. Popular Agrarian Action. delivered only in a half pound of gold. The 200, 000 pound tatorship to smash all the Institu In wool they were 10 lower. Com American labor traditions.
communist party which is the will itself of a load of demagogy at a national fascist History of Unions democracy. der the codes they remained the notes would then have a value of 100, 000 pounds of trade unions, parties and press lowest, with differentials bringing Cotton workers first organized in and the consciousness of the work rolly held at Covadonga. scene of the final defeat gold and would remain in circulation since this much Pascism is the regime of the sabre, even lower scales in the South.
1858 into the National Cotton Mule ing class and which has been and expulsion of the Arab from Spain. About 8, 000 Spinners Association. Locals and strangled by the bureaucracy, the Fasciste participated in the demonstration, which tially, is what Roosevelt ta boy means of the so the bludgeon and concentration camp The textile etnployers, as a result federations of other crafts in the Soviet Power could succumb at the would undoubtedly have been much larger had it not cents dollar. As its wwn to crush both bour of the declining market, take industry followed. The first strikes first shock of a crisis. The Work been for the militant action of the workers, who In most cases, today, such gold notes, or currency are lessed by either a banking Institution backed by geols democracy and the working the slack of reduced profits by ev. troke ont in Fall River and New ers Party will uld the Bolshevik were able through general strikes in many cities, railroads and highways, the state power, or by the latter directly, and the class. Monopoly Capital uses the ery maneuver known to capitalist Redford, time honored spots in Lenutsts of the In their and acts of sabotage on (middle classes industry. Machinery to perfected: textile history. LoCotton workers struggle to cleanse the dictatorship to prevent the arrival of many more.
process through which many of the payments made are balselves ruined by mass production the stretch out squeezes the last Union (1878) and later conducted For the inconditional defence of statements in the speech at Covadonga were misinanced against each other, eliminating even the need Ferpreted and exagerated. He now claims that by ism!
of paper currency. Otherwise there is no essential and distribution, by inflation and ounce of the workers energy. Along several big strikes under the ban the Soviet Union! Against Stalin demanding power for his party, he only referred difference between an Inflation as we understand it loining their former social super workers suffer the worst working 1891 the National Union of Textile lowest wages the textile ner of the Knights of Labor. Continued in Next Issue) to fascist participation in the new government that today and the Illustration cited above.
will be formed within a few days. After an interim ority over the worker, has thrown conditions in the country. The re Workers was organized in Lowell.
PIONEER NOTES of participation in a coalition government with other Union of the Texrightist parties, the fascists will be prepared to play al man, and farmer off their bal struggle for the right to unionize, of of the Press: August Number of ance. Where there is no sufficient for shorter hours and higher wages, tile Workers ill 1901, when it their highest cards, in a direct bid for power.
own seces The Pioneer Book Shop, 102 Fast Meanwhile the general movement for the Workers place itself at the head of the na especially with regard to the sionists, to form the United been appointed sole Agent for hooke nccess. In Badajox province e official Communist tile Workers of America.
CONTENTS tion the middle classes are drawn stretchout.
into the net work of anti semitic, Methods and devices for increas Many strikes were held by the published by the Pioneer Publish Party participates with the Communist Left, Social The Twentieth Anniversary of the World War nationalist and anti foreign born ing speed in order to secure great. National Union and by the United, ers.
ist party and various trade union organizations in The Second International and the War The Pioneer Publishers demagogy, and are fed with the 11 er production for the worker are though not many of the great ones will provincial Workers Alliance. On a national scale, America and the War in the Pacific lusion of an authoritarian state now common in every industry. In were sanctioned by the top lead henceforth be devoted exclusively however, the Staliniste continue in their ultimatiste Lenin on the Disarmament slogan Like most labor skates the to the publication of new books. demand for a united front with the Socialist Party which will subject the great capl textiles the speed up has gone so ers.
Diplomacy in the World War The Stalinista and Pacifism talists to the Interests of the small far that the nervous strain nipon bureaucracy of the United cared. All fnture orders for books should to the exclusion of the minority groups and the un property owners. But once the sub the workers has gone beyond the more abont a large treasury than be sent to the Pioneer Book Shop. lons, The Socialists, prersed by their own left wing.
The War in the Chaco The Branches most settle their old insist on a broad united front within the Workers sldled Fascist movement has tri limits of physical toleration. the low wages of the workers. The umphed, Finance Capital turns on While the number of spindles has the very place names of these accounts with the Pioneer Publish: Alliance. Although they are sabotaging the creation Hitler Triumph its petty bourgeols allies, dispelling been increasing, the number of strikes bring the memory of heroicers immediately. All information of this organization on a national scale, a favorable Mussolini Trumpir decision by the anarcho syndtenlist controlled The United Front In Francetheir Illusions under the fron heel workers has been decreasing. The struggles: Lawrence (1912. Man. regarding outstanding Accountould force them to take immediate steps for a naof bureaucratle police and military aim of the mill owners has been to chester (1918. Lowell (1918. should be addressed to the Bhould the Socialists and Communists Unite in dictatorship.
lower costs and raise profits.
tional Workers Alliance Passale (1919. Lawrence (1910. Publishers, 84 Enst 10th Street.
One Single Party?
The natural ally and leader of you want to make five thousand Utica (1919. Charlotte (1921. The existing Workers Alliances in Asturias, Leon And other interesting and educational features.
BOUND VOLUMES OF THE and Madrid are functioning very poorly Only in the middle classes is its partner in year, once advised the American New England (1922. Willimantie PRICE: CENTS social misery, the proletariat. The Wool and Cotton Reporter, address (1925. Passaic (1926. New BedMELITANT Catalonia, Valencia and Badajon, is the organization Can be obtained at any headquarters of the Com: middle classes must be brought to ing new overseers, prove that you ford (1928. Marion (1929) Gos: Bound volumes of the militant of working class unity functioning effectively.
munist League, Pioneer Publishers, or write for it understand that the way out of the are worth it. Prove it by entting tonla (1920. Danville 1980. for the year 1983 can be obtained Thronghont pain It is the minority gronps, the Comto The New International, Station D, Box 119, Crisis does not lle in the return to down coats, by doubling up the Elizabethtown (1980. Marlon from Pioneer Bookshop, 102 uthmunist Left and the Syndicalist Libertarians who New York City more primitive economic forms, in machinery per operative and sav. 1931. Patterson (1981. Patter St. New York City at the phenomare in the vanguard of the struggle for the Workers projects of monetary reform or diling wages.
son (1989)
enally low price of 50 per copy. Alliance.