BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerImperialismItalyMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

in There is picketing morning and dent groces, shoemakers, cigar will be totitied through a serate he promises to create a system of Hoover vs. Roosevelt come from the contenen els dare Letters to the Meeting to Dely is entered tre for Str. Stoman de Nazis in Yorkville of Salem, Lawrence These enemies of the of brand of bureaucracy refused to sbare control of the strike with the upporter of the 10 Workers Confused rank and file, so when they were The Pittsburgh branches of the Der, the National Guard and Boston sent the following letter to arrested on telegraphic deportathe Workers the national office of that organ Salem, Mass. Sept. 10. In the tion Warrants, the strike was tacus Youth have distributed the Even the most casual study of Secretary of War Dern is wor. liation: equot is in this town the loom broken and the workers utterly defollowing leatiet: the NRA and the philosophy back ried and he speaks right out for San Francisco, Aug. 31. semieveryone to bear. The popularity Boston, Mess were the only ones to answer the reace as a Jisorganizer, and after scial Democratie bloc was formed TO ALL WORKING CLASS of it cannot help revealing that the of the arany is being imjuired by Sept. 9, 1931 strike call of the forces at work in the capitalist within the California Democratic ORGANIZATIONS!
she got the workers completely the increasing use of the National International Labor Defense system pushing it ulong the road Although the rest of the workers disorganized she left. How suc inarty (hence the national party as You will recall that in Sun to state capitalista, are independ.
Guard in strikes. Dern thinks that 80 East 11th Street votert unanimously not to strike, cessful she was is attested by the well) wben Upton Sinclair, erntrancisco groupe of Vigilantes ent, by and large of the volitions the National Guard is being called.
some 20 have quit in sympathy.
wile toplan Socialist, won the were organized by the ruling class of these compelled to submit to fact that so far not one single work to murder strikers that the local Comrades, Because the loomixers struck er has come out on strike. If they Democratic nomination for Gov.
LO smash working class meeting these forces Thus the philoso police or company gunmen could at read on an orange colored solidly, half the looms are not do come out it will be in response ernor of California in the primary and their homes.
lead to theinselves. The National lle polled Scottsburo. Herudon. Thaelmann working. At first the bosses had to the and not the Indus eection of August phy (or ideology) of the New Deal Guard should only be called out Application Card. alven me at the three scabs, including the son of tra Union of the Stalinists. approximately 407, 710 votes a very recently in Pittsburgh. Hit Betically at variance with the realsimilar incident happened inds itself continually and apolo us a last resort, said the amiable STANTON.
New Dealer. In other words, they Buston last night, that the to show up this week, and all the Seuttatoro. Herndon meeting in the local Sherite, but they failed closest omament, the war time perite methods were used by the ity, with the woods of cupitalism in Igandist, George Creel. The atet Communist Party (Stalinists) in crisis that thrust upon the state sent into action when the strikers seus ca pitarist was justice la divers. They can do the job, how: Textile Strike in ing governor, strike breakills Frank. embers Friday evening. Augu viously were the care of private are getting the best of the local all its forms.
ever, and the second shift is shut Merriam, won the Itepublican now thugs. It is an interesting subject Connecticut 31, fur distributing leaflets udver initiative. Richbers, reporting on mination with approximately 339, Is not one form of capitalist class down entirely.
lor discussion: What is the best tising a meeting of the Spartacus the present status of the NRA, 508 votes.
McMahon Responsible Youth League.
way to murder striking workers justice the hounding of Trotsky by disclaim any desire to do preciseAllingtown, Conn. The Ameri Government? Have Sinclair, in addition to freeing If the weavers and other work and still retain the popularity of the French On the following evening when y what he is dwing: The very The ariny? The yuestion thus posed you be Urganizing for INSS er struck the whole mill would for the second time in five months. state and colonies for the unem can Mills plant was struck here Tom Booney, proposes to establish the Spartacus Youth League thing that we in the administra italist clase justice langa of not done so, however, is not that was a complete success. The union the unemployed to work: Necting a group of Stalinists, num punihe state. We are try.
Your card suys also that the they love their bosses or their should eurn him the praise of all We are lubor lenders from Green down. Hght for the right of poli country, but because of the treatised. At present 35 of the em or this cooperative system repeul came into the meeting hall, provo balancing forces.
tical asylumi Is not Trotsky de ment they have received from the ployees are out, and every mornnied by the Government the Last year there was ing and evening sees five bus loads the prevent wilex tax: increase the cated and save us an ultimatum private initiative handle things.
Nazi Geins Hitler:The Nazi regime will got of flitical asylum, and is strike here, but MacMahon out of scnbs enter and leave. They tance tax: Increase taxes on jomblonumist UP of America and art) could have handled things income tax: increase the imberl that a certain member of the Comit private initiative (private pronot this denial another form of lawed it, and stopped the pay.
sidure for 1, 000 years Alfred Rosenberg. Hitler is capitalist class justice? Are you ment of strike benetits from the are preceded and followed by an utility corporations: exempt from certain sympathixer will never be then there would have been no all smull homes and permitted to peuk before any NILA. The NRA is the preliminary Trotsky money paid in by these workers in in the middle is a big sedan full of ranches assessed at less than 3, working class organization as long form that state development has the greatest political inpulse for therefore Highting for dues. All but the loomfixers joined thugs scum obviously picked up 000: add additional taxes on Pittsburgh.
as the Communist arty exists in taken in America on the road of 150 years and also the most potent right of political asylum: Your card further states that the new union called the Independ from the dregs of the city. The improved land; pension the aged, the transformation of this superKelchbishop Mueller: Hitler is utilizes the vutire labor ent Sheeting Workers Union, which majority of scales are carted in the blind Aud disabled, and widows We wish to stress the fact that structure in accordance with the God gift to the German people. press. for the mobilization of finally negotiated settlement.
from Waterbury mass support for its program, and The Independent is headed by y every day, expens The reformist nature of this proin miniature from this is an exact requirements of imperialist capital erum is evident. The basic con reproduction of the Madison Square Ism. It is worth noting that Rich.
Mussolini and the Stork Thelg (as ulo Tugwell in the quiz The main compaint of the work radictions between capital and la ut program, as stated above, in one Levesque, who uses this back paid by the bosses.
Garden affair.
cludes struggle against capitalist ground to keep the workers dividers, here us elsewhere, is the bor are well. There arises he had to wergo before his apWe call on all workers organisointinent ils Assistant Secretary)
Mussolini bas a plan for raising class justice in all its forms and ed, while he hollera for police to stretch out system. One person furthermore the new contradictionations to condemn such tactics as makes the sharpest distinction be the ported to the Times: Fire all for the right of political asylum. ret the luxependents.
1xbor tween the NRA and planned ecoNo Hying squads have visited week; and in order to make enough cheap goods cooperatively in commovement.
women workers and put men inire labor press for the mobilizasalem, and the pteket captain de to support their families the oper petition with gooils produced for nomy. The New Deal is taking theid places. Home life and star con of mass support to force the clares that the salem workers are ators are forced to run two loomspolit ls exploited labor.
The Communist League of Amerns to a balanced rather than a icu and the httsburgh Branch of planned economy. When you Give the jobs to the men. Work Prench Government to stop molest not interested in Lawrence.
at least for which they receive The social clements that nomithe Spartacus Youth League will talk planned economy, you may makes for virility in men, and the ing Trotsky and to force the Lawrence Suffers from Old Wounds 321 per week. Xeedless to say. it wel incluir in the primary elec hold a meeting in the near future think of a system of which people In Lawrence the situation is is beyond the capacity bachelor tax encourages marriage. Government to grant him the right one per tion are the lywe common to Social where the prohibited speakers will are told what to produce and how.
Reports from Italy of earlier eff political asylum?
worse. This city, the scene of Hon to continually run two or more Democracy: a number of the net appear. We are all workers to at. You can effect this without enterforts a managed birthrate in believe that you are not in any militant strikes the best boost broek prescribed ments of fruitfulness have failed. your card claims. Why not? Sure us silent as a tomb. The reason makers, and small farmers. in leaflet as to the time and place of permanent prosperity without Cupid it seems can be speeded up ly capitalism likes to divide and for this is that Lawrence has been night, the scabs eating their lunch fact, almost all those elements that this meeting.
planning kichberg blandly ignores.
by such means but the stork re rule, and is particularly pleased a concentration point for the Stal within the plant contines. As the compete with chain stores, trusts, We believe that only the working He think of the problem as involv.
when its enemies do not defend inints. One strike a few years 150 majority of strikers are girls and fuses to be rushed.
intellectuals class can put an end to this hooling merely the inaintaining of a ach other as against the common was niet ally led, while it lasted, women there is plenty of noise of corporation the balance between Industry and agri.
Tears from a Crocodile coe. believe have a right to an by the stalinists Edith Berkman, whenever a seab sticks his head out supporting Sinclair were mainly iganism in the labor movement. Communist League of Aneriea culture (as though this were poeteachers and ministers; finally, not JAY HARDE.
tr. Sloan of the Textile Manu answer from you. have many BII Murdock and Pat Devine, the window.
a few rade umionists and unem. Spartacus Youth League sible under capitalism. ployed supported the IC plan.
Pittsburgh Branch facturers: am deeply distressed times contributed through the IL that blood was shed in Georgia. such bums and efforts as The greatest organized support Owen Young and the Farmer These sad events make it plain, the could. enclose 30e more for the Owen Young also wants a forces unleashed by the strike Scottsboro Herndon euinpaign, and group that is wentally balance maintained between Indusleaders are now out of control. 3c stump for your reply.
Sincerely, class. By correctly interpreting the ury had arriculture. But he is opSo ly calling a strike the strike Herbert Hoover delivered a ing for the middle class, said the demands of these elements Sinclair posed to the NRA and becomes the leaders became responsible for the broadside at the Recovery program same thing inuch more elegantly, has successfully developed a 80 Editor tirm champion does this industriunleashing of the army of strike of the Roosevelt administration in Likewise when he says, The first clal Democratie fraction within the ll banker capitalist, head of one of breaking thugs, National Guards a series of articles appearing in step of economie regimentation is Democratie inity. The importance America greatest monopolist and deputy sheriffs who are now the reactionary Saturday Evening a vast contralization of the power of this bloc int state or national trusts of freedom for far.
plying their profession of murder.
Post. There articles are excerpts in the Executive. He is also cor politics will depend on the degree We are now undertaking a fun mer, freedom, that is, to supfrom a book to be published this rect. Naturally none of these truths of future compromise. Soon sin damental change in the character port capitalism. The farmers, says bis asociates, month. Under the slogan of The are explained, or developed to their clair will have to decide whether of the Militant. From a theoretihe, hold freedom of action In the past six months the Nazis challenge to Liberty. Hoover de logical conclusion, because ns such his group will be liynidated by cal organ dealing primarily with sacred and will not tolerate coer.
The Workers Bookstore in Yorkville have been doing things fends the Nunctity private they would not be used as ammu means of compromise into the offi intra party matters and the claricion in the use of the land they To place a young communist in pretty much as they please. Al capitalist property.
nition against the Democrats by cial California decrepit Socialist cation of principles we are trying call. their own. The farmer the workers bookstore in Chicago, though their only show of force Around a few half truths and a le saintly Republicans, but ra: party or collie is middle of to transform it into a popular work accepts no man as his boss, resents ism. At least so It seems to Sam he Horst Wessel song in beer gar about liberty and justice Hoover against all forms of capitalist rule How soon the official Democratie purpose is to fill a great need in specified hours of work, ect. We Hammersmark, as one after anoth dens and strutting around in their has built up a structure of lles and and all kinds of bourgeois politiparty flings its protective cut this country Marxian newsphort that all the wage slaves erer of bis valued assistants goes Brown shirted uniforms, the work misstatements. Breaking the silence cians, and gainst the cnpitalist over Sinclairs infant (and it prob. Der, understandable to every workploited by the Youngs take due renegade. You see, there are ng class organizations have not maintained since his defeat, the system as a whole.
ably will for Sinclair hus courted er, that tells the truth about events note of the great admiration of books, and time to study, and Samyet dared to lift their heads open statements of the former Presi. In a blast against the monetary Roosevelt and Farley since his as they occur, that fights the cap this boss for those who resent the especially chooses an intelligently in a concentrated Mort to get dent represent more than merely a policy of the Roosevelt administra candidacy) the tinal election in Italist system and all its agents in capitalist factory discipline. Young er. Put the three together rid of tbem, battle of the outs against the tion, Hoover has the nerve to draw November will be fought more the trade unions and elsewhere and is engaged here in building up the and you have a Young Spartacus Some time ago La Guardia closed ins The attack is not only an the following correct conclusion along class lines than party lines that answers the problems of the myth of the free American farmember in the making. District S0th Street to political meetings attempt of the conservative Hoover about the shift from policy holder in Californin, more rapidly than labor movenient. We would welmer (most of whom are already in Organlar Kling insists that only one the Nazis broke up work wing of the Republican party to to stockholder. Thus the rich be elsewhere the party lines are come suggestions, comments of the tenant and farm proletariat tug class street meetings. Now the assert its leadership in the present come richer, and the poor poorer. breaking down and classes are criticism from our readers or from class, the rest so heavily mortgaged job iu the future and reports from Democrats and Fusionists are al stage of flux and confusion, in pre. This is bait for political anpa to forming. Creel campaigu mame worker they hear talking about the banker Youngs that they are contacts Chicago indicatelowed to bold meetings while work paration for political realignment. vote Republican who will deler announces that the Democratie the Militant. We belluve that such rapidly falling into that clas. that he himself will soon be free ing class organizations are dis it is also the platform for the fead the poor.
party has been red by Sinclair. letters are the best barometer of Yomg would like to drive a wedge to apply. You see, the Chicago:riminated agalust. The Stalin struggle of a powerful contending Facts vs. Conclusions Other Democratic candidates and whether we are on the right track between the farmers and the workY. has made such pogress. while boasting of forging group of American imperialists But these economic facts, pointed lenders announce they will not supor not. Below is a letter receiveders, to keep them separated, to set that scapegoats are needed and the head bi the fight against who were swept out of office in the out by Hoover group, against the port the rapist. Va.
one against the other in order to tinger points Kling ward.
The capitalist from the bundle order of one divide and rule. He gives the usual cism. have contined the talk of Roosevelt landslide and replaced Roosevelt group in the inner strug hewwimpers call Sinclair red!
tighting the Nazis to their own by another group of imperialists. gle of the imperialists for power Industrialists, formerly Democrats, bundred Militants have been rep service to the fraud of having The Munitions Inquiry United Front (League Against War Torles Still Alive and wealth, contradicts his conclu have begun supporting Merriam. celved and have already been dis the government arrange its naThe munition companies opposed and Fascisin) and petitions to the The role of the American Lorys sions. This man, whom the yellow Business men bewall the calamity tributed to the strikers. The seeds tonal xonomy so that there is a Senate inquiry on the high patri ayor to open sth Street. When is not over just because the lib. press praises so highly for his eco that will befall California if Sin of Marxism bave been sown on just cconomic balance between the otic grounds that such an inquiry asked to join in a real united front eralism of the Roosevelt adminis nonte education and ability, turns Cair is elected soveror. Mean virgin soll: at least one met with price which the farmer gets for might divulge military secrets and by the the countration has become so predominat out to be the worst kind of vulgar wbite the pragmatic working class to resistance while using the what he sells and the price which Bo weaken the country The in ered with an invitation to join the ing. This struggle within the camp economist. If it is true, as Hoover considers Sinclair les obnoxions Militant to them. The workers the farmer May for what he buys.
quiry shows that all Uncle Sam Langue Against War and Fascism of the capitalist class in its ebb says, that under the New Deals that the California Reaction and were not only well pleased with Ar though it is not the very nature arms and munitions, naval and mil The Harlem Branch of the and flow, reflects the veering of concentration of wealth and cen supports him as the lesser of the their article on the strike, but they of the system of capitalism itself itury were on display like a street and Circles and (Yorkville and the ruling class with the changing tralization of government contin two evil. JON DANE. also read the other accounts with to render this impossible by its peddler frult to any country from tar. m) of the L, realizing class relations, and class pressures ues, that the rich are getting richi much interest.
priling profits on the cost of raw Kolli to Japan who might be a hat only by a united effort could both internally and internationally. er, and the poor poorer, that suall. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT materias bought froin the farmer ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI. and the labor power of the worker.
hat the countries were proibited the travelers hulle moon. com porod Europe presenteret upole worla squeezed alle under the code wet up. JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE CAPERONE UNERLE POR MOLI: und even likely enemies made no paganda, have formed a United conditions is a challenge to the that the Managed currency is to Monopoly Capitalism Crushes diference as long as the munitions. The committee is unste de a compare that cannot be ignored by ung trom tme to time the purchasing stem of Hoover lie. Befatose Hoo. In that he is a partner of the Fascism parliamentary form of burgeois enable the Government to change about liberty. This is the main What loover is not able to rent the Farmer Like old Morgan who cleaned us as its objectives the holding of group of American capitalist poli power of the currency for all com ver knows as well as we know that New Deal. It was the Hoover proponents of the system of mono.
Young is one of the foremost np a tidy amount of blood money joint street meetings in Yorkville, ticians. In this case both the con modities, wages salaries and in under a class socio y teren Commission, under his administra poly capitalism that reaches out Felling defective rifies to his The opening up of 86th Street to al servative and progressive wing of comes. This means that prices only he class liberty for the ruling tion lut brought in a lengthy. vol. for complete control of the market powerment during the civil war, working class organizations, and capitalist politicians can continue can be sent upward and real wages class. Under chuttle slavery liber. uminous report in economic and and establishes by its grip on the the modern American munitions he building up of a powerful their prattle about liberty. downward with the greatest of ease ty for the masters.
anaker is deeply interested in the movement against Fascism. The Hoover does not take his cuewny time theruling class so destres ism liberty for the lords. Under Commission pointed out many products but the prices paid for the welfare of his country Just so long arst joint outdoor street meeting from the American Stalinists who once the straightjacket of the mon capitalism liberty for to capital acts, showing both the weak spots raw materials. The Individual as that coincides with the welfare o be held by the United Commit Ray the New Deal is leading to tary polley and the NRA is secure ists. Under capitalism liberty for and the breakdown in the system farmer is utterly helpless, just as of his pocket.
ce will take place on Monday. ward Fascism and already is part around the working class. the workers means liberty to sell That was valuable bourgeois eco is the individual worker, in the sept. 17th on 85th Street 3rd ly Fascist. No, Iloover says the These economic facts that Hoov. their labor power to any capitalist nomie research. The Roosevelt ad face of monopoly capitalism. But The American Legion Ave. at PM All workers are present government policy to they To those workers who wonder arged to attend.
ronal Regimentations leading Whole thesis and conclusions that their own exploiter. But under patch up these holes in the econo in cheek, from calling on the gove how the American Legion and the toward Socialism and is already the present government policies are capitalism there is no escape for mic structure of American capital ernment to help the farmer negavigilantes got that way, the folTHE MILITANT partly Socialism. Of course both leading toward socialism and that the worker from exploitation from im that the Hoover Commission lively by preventing the taking of lowing War Department figures views are wrong because the eco the government has already taken wage slavery. The means of suppointed out. The whole difference anfair advantage through artificial Intered as a second claw mali nomic system in its present decay certain steps along the path of so pression necessary to keep the revolves around the ways and price control, through credit disinny be of interest. Of those who were drafted into the army during Post office at New York, UD stnge has the earmarks of both cialism.
workers in subjection, to a greater means to patch up the capitalistermination, and through artificial the war 24 percent were illiterate der the act of March 8, 1870. decisive question for the working The Liberty Racket or lesser degree, depend upon how system and to keep America on top market manipulation and market and 10 percent morons. ublished Weekly by the Com class is to know how to gain the At least Hoover economice is contented they remain.
of the heap of decaying world cappeenlation. Young is typl.
munist League of Americs fruits of its own pressure upon the not as vulgar as the economics of Under any society with classes Italism. Hoover thinks his conser eal of that class of financier and Strike Statisties a la 144 Second Ave, New York, capitalist class, and not allow any many Socialists, who see Socialism the terms liberty, justice, democra vative capitalist method is super stock manipulator who attempts to Figures issued by the Pen and Phone: Gramerey 9524 group of capitalist rulers, either in in the New Deal, or the Stalinists ex and dictatorship can only have for to the Roosevelt progressive pose as a captain of Industry and Anvil show the growing strength Vol. 7, No. 37. Whole No. 241) the name of Socialism Fascisin who see Fascism in it. Hoover is meaning and truth as class terms method of saving capitalism. Roosiherefore allied with the farmer of the unions. In one day of last week 50 percent or SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1934 to snatch the fruit of its growing not serious in his charge that the with class definitions. But the rulevelt is at least clever enough to lagainst the speculators and grapEDITORIAL BOARD might and pressure from its hands. Government policies are socialistic. ing capitalist minority can not throw crumbs to the workers everying bankers. But the farmer is not strikes were called by the Martin Aborn Half Truths James Cannon Hoover is correct when he says, port within both parties. Hoover their class liberty behind phrases the capitalist class. Ilcover didn that monopoly capitalism is the This Is balt for conservative sur speak the truth, they must hide time he dishes out big portions to taken in by this pose. He knows and 10 percent by the Mar Shachtman Figures show that two (2) strikes Maurice Spector Not only in the United States but is serious about liberty, but not the of liberty for all.
have this technique.
Arne Swabeck root of all evil and the hard ecowere called one (1) by the throughout the world, the whole kind of liberty speaks about in Competition for Forgotten Man Bundle rates one cent per copy. philosophy of individual liberty his article. Such prattle abont Hoover is against national regi American imperialism for control from the Innd, that convert him The Inner capitalist struggle of nomle facts that disinherit him of involving 500. 000 textile workers and one a) by the TUC Subscription rate: 00 per year. bourgeois Individual liberty liberty, abstract pure liberty, is mentation and for liberty. Ile of the state machinery is becoming steadily into tenant farmer or farm While the of strike 1x And Foreign: 60 per year: correct when he refers to the NRA. catch the uninitiated.
Bourgeois business and for real competi. Smith and his big financier backers, the farmer to be hoodwinked by still on the strike, due to its splendid leadership is settled Te for kly month, without naming it, and says, All liberty in its most favorable form tion. He wants the government and the Herbert Hoover Challenge sweet words that celebrate bis This strike involved two (2) workthis is, in fact, the greatest legal means complete freedom to exploit to get out of business and stop to Liberty are merely the opening vanished freedom. The farmer is ers and was settled when recogni ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI. mechanism ever devised for squeez Inbor power and natural resources penalizing thrift. In fact, he alguns in the struggle of these groups becoming increasingly aware of the tion of the Revolutionary Union TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. Ing the small competitor out of ac with the least possible amount of most speaks for the forgotten for the spoils of exploitation and some of the capitalists to set him was granted. The boss is a memtron. easily and by the majesty of government regulations. Whole man. Roosevelt beat him to that the possible booty of imperialist against his natural ally, the city ber of the 1, o. BILL JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUEl the law. However, Darrow, speak pages are devoted to abstract talk clever sales talk. HUGO OEHLER. worker. JACK WEBER.