BourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismEnglandGermanyHitlerSocialismSpainStrikeTerrorismWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD, UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 37 WHOLE NO. 241 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1934 PRICE CENT Communist League MILL WORKERS SLAIN BY GUARDS; And Move GOVERNOR RAISES «RED» SCARE ToForm New Party The Truth About the Morro Fire StrikeRanksFirm; New Mills Close in the North and South Both Organizations Declare Desire To Hasten Union of Forces life.
Arms Inquiry momente Is Too Hot for State Dep Work or Jail, Says Paterson Court Order meeting Disarmed by Spanish Gov (See Editorial on Page 4)
The burning of the Morro Castle, forts are being made to whitewash by fire. Others were trapped like Decisive steps were taken in the past week by the National Committee of life, is more than a major dis Morro Castle, and to blame the to death with the ensuing tremendous loss the owners and officers of the rats in their staterooms and burned Two strikers murdered. score injured, National Guard in wild of the Communist League and the Provisional Organization Committee of aster of the sea. it is a working crew for the tremendous loss of retreat before the infuriated pickets, red scare raised by the GoverOfficers and crew were driven to nor or khode Island and an the American Workers Party for the fusion of the two organizations and class issue.
peal balance Federal troops This last. the way, has the forecastle for refuge. Others sheet of the second week of the textile strike the launching of a new revolutionary political party at an early date. Who is responsible for the tra become one of the established tra found temporary safety in the The ranks are tirm, however. The hosiery workers, 10. 000 strong, Following protracted negotiations and discussions between the two gedy? Who is usually responsible ditions of the sea. The officers are intern. But amidships was a roar have walked out in sympathy with their brothers in the cotton, silk and committees, and the publication of a revised draft program of the for such tragedies?
heroes, the crew has to be driven ing furnace.
woolen industries. New milis are closing amil the picket lines are keepthe National Committee of the League, through Arne Swabeck, Secretary, Contemptible efforts have been at gunpoint to perform its duty.
Delay in ing those factory gates already loved from opening addressed a letter to the Provisional Organization Committee of the made a scoundrelly plot is afoot, Remember the estris!
Captain Williott, the master, While twist the facts Sloth continues to make his opimintie state. which was meeting with an active workers conference of the to shift this blame to labor ngi Here, however, are the unchal had died of a heart attack few ments that more and more mills are beginning operations with scab latter organization at Pittsburgh over the week end. In this letter the tators. Red Scare has been lenged facts.
hours before the fire started. The labor, the state officials serving the textile barons huve Ireen forced to call of the League asked the to take a positive position on the started in the reactionary press, question of uniting the forees of the two organizations without delay, and broadcast over the radio.
The Morro Castle caught fire of est mate, Warms, was in charge upon the National Guard in the states to protect the right of cabbery.
and expressed the opinion that the basis for fusion into one united party The Ward Line, backed by Hamiles out at sea from Asbury Park, the sending of signals. The proved inadequate to cope with the strike. The battleground, shifting becomes inereasingly substantial, the fusion itself more possible and vana brutat police chlet have 20 miles south of Scotland Light, tirst CQ (standby) signal was sent from the Carolinas to Rhode Islam, bu hown the undying berolsm of with on the return trip from Havana. at 3:15 and second at 3:18 the mill workers which would facilitate the necessary political and organizational prepar starting the fire abroad the Morro The time was variously reported. According to the chief radio oper stions for unity.
Castle as an act of sabotage and in contlleting testimony, In the teeth of gas and bullets the strikers advanced, ripping up 12:25. ator, he did not receive an order tombstones for ammunition at ruting the guards or seriously dePrior to the receipt of this letter terrorism. Their proof they keep 1:1. 2:45 and A. light gale to send an until 3:30, by moralizing them in the battles of the active workers conference darkly to themselves.
was blowing. with increasing in which time flames were eating into Stylesville and Woonsocket. They of the had devoted an Rallroading Testimony Wanted tensity, the sea was running high. the operator cabin, and his radio will be written on the pages of entire day to a consideration of If such proof could be estab. The fire spread with extraordinary Met Wits practicully out of commisAmerican labor history and their the question and had also come to lished: that is to say, if a satis rapidity, according to the officers, sion.
Inartyrs will forever be enshrined the conclusion that immediate fufactory frame up could be con who set the time of the biaze far There was similar delay in the in the hearts of the working class.
cocted, the Ward Line and officers ahead of the time reported by order to lower lifeboats. When Such spirit, courage and herodesirable and necessary. There of the Morro Castle would be re merous assengers and inembers of they were finally lowered, they ism, cnnnot be broken by the troops.
upon, Muste, Chairman of the leaved of criminal responsibility, the crew. By 3:45 the entire su were manned almost entirely by The thousands of Guardsmen, some Provisional Organization Commit.
and the company would be saved perstructure was a mass of fames. the crew.
of them mill workers and others tee of the sent the followmillions of dollars in claims. assengers amidship were In all, 130 lives or more were fresh out of high school, are fright ing letter to the National Commit Moreover, a crushing blow could trapped. Some managed to make lost, passengers and crew. The ened or demoralized. One incident tee of the League: Stop the heat! That the order be delivered to organized labor at their way through the smoke filled survivers made their way to shore The freest land in all the in Rhode Island, the arrest of two Dear Comrades: strikers by a Captain Strong befrom Secretary of State Hull and sea and on the waterfront. new corridors to gain the decks. few in the six lifebouts that were low world. Your communication dated Secretary of Commerce Roper as pretext would be afforded for fresh wringled through the small port ered, or were picked up in the use they called him boy scout. Hell: September reached us at our they gagged the arms Inquiry in terror against radicals in Cuba holes into the open sea, exchang water by boats belatedly speeding spreuk volumes tur this fact.
Ask the silk dye workers in Pat at Valencia, Pa. on Washington and the United States. Labor leading death by drowning for death to the reste. few swam the But if the National Guard met Monday, September 10. On the six miles to whore with the aid oferson what they think about our with an unexpected reception at Protests from foreign govern ers could be further bounded, life preservers.
liberty loving country.
the hands previous day we had completed ments, kings, princes, dictators and Jailed and murdered, and the boss the an exhaustive analysis of the mere government hirelings of the es be free to enforce their starvasame problem of unity of the rer. arms ring is the reason given by tion wages with an air of virtue.
liner, the of to our at shock of his life. So much so that olutionary forces in this country the state department for putting The temptation is too great, the Line (an advertisement in the New tention has been awarded the Pathe immediately set up the holler with which your letter deals.
York Times, set up too late to be erson dye house bosses for Federal troops There is Since we had reached the same sure to the many of the expo opportunity to inviting for the frame up withdrawn, appeared the day after Under its provisions the dyer Communist aprising in Rhode Is conclusion about the need for dethe disaster, advertising with bit must either work or go to Jull. Al land and not a textile strike.
tinite steps to achieve organic Not that embarrassment might will be attempted; it is already be be cansed other governments but ing planned.
tert irony, Travel with Speed and ready made of constables are What constitutes a strike accord unity if possible, we were deeply the stuk of the entanglements of radio operator on the storro Castle, George Alagna, third assistant Safety on the Morro Castle. lay seurrying about to the who toing to this marionette of the mill gratified to receive your letter.
Further indications of the active smouldering hulk off the Conven serve the injunctiou.
owners is a colded arms demon more detailed communica anyone they can make money from or the catsaster, who stuck to his part of the Fuse ist, soetalists as towed in and beached by a Coast cry in the United States American munition makers with and one of the outstanding heroes preparations for civil war on the tion Hall per at Asbury Park Whould Lincoln abolishel lav. strution in which the workers le tion dealing with the questions of program, etc. embodying the ruling or motive for the gas post to the end, who save the life well as Basque au Catalonian Na Guard vessel. Hulled together on. there is Ilere is an order which enjoins and gunnen trample all over them.
supinely on their backs while scaba result of our decisions, is Flve telegrams from the Du Pont othethe chalet en stor throm many shonalists can be seen in the recent ther forecastle were made ingeCaptahe the workers not merely from strik the strikers seize whatever now being prepared and will be company to agents in a certain with extraordinary coolness and eral important shipments of con traditions of saving salvage money discussing a strike.
in your hands in the course of a South American country were sup courage, is being held on bail that traband armaments.
themselves, that is Communist for his owner (a ship that is en few days. We are happy at this decision uprising.
pressed because it might result in he cannot raise, as material Seventy three large boxes contirely abandoned belongs to who say the bosses, thousands of workA general membership meeting danger to life and property.
taining 200, 000 rounds of ammunt. ever pleks it up. and a few of the ers will be permitted to work and Shall Follow Frisco?
of the New York branches of the No need to be clairvoyant to Amidst the cowardice and Inde tion and many revolvers and rifles moro simply heroie members of learn their livelihood uninterrupdown lere. SUS Mr. Green, all in We must put the Communists Communist League, held last Sun know what was in those telegrams. cision that prevailed on the quar. were seized on Sept. 12 at the little the crew, el.
day at the headquarters, after an The Investigation thus far as terdeck his conduct shines like a port of San Estaban de Pravia on all day discussion of the question given us a general view of the beacon light. Yet he and he atone the Asturias coast. Damning Indictment Reduced to the level of chattel, a rage, as they were put down in of fusion, led by Max Shachtman internationalism of the munitions among the officers, is brought beThese are unchallenged facts. these workers are now forced by San Francisco when the longshoreas reporter for the National Com makers. Impartiality is their slo fore the Board of Inquiry hand cialist party including Indalecione constitute most damning in at their places of slavery. ckink be a distinction between the legiProminent members of the so other facts stand out as clearly, solemn court orler either to stay men went on strike. There must mittee, voted unanimously to engan. If Bolivia and Paraguay tear cuffed like a common criminal Priesto, parliamentary leader are detment against the owners and out whatever miserable existence and the riotous acts of the com dorse the course followed by the each other to pieces in a bloody in the negotiations and ex war don, discriminate. Sell to Alagna Crime they ein, or protest, strike and be For Alagna, understand you, is rests have been made including The much advertised special tre sent to the county prisous.
munist agitators.
pressed a firm will to proceed with both of them. And if there are the unification and the launching any stubborn people, the old Palm of trying to organize the labor agitator. He was guilty the mayors and employees of sev nighting apparatus on the Morro. The workers, sty the bosses and orders to Guardsmen to fire potet made?
men eral municipalities.
of the new Party as soon as pos. Breasing method will do the trlek. aboard ship in protest against rot The Governor of Asturias hus ar existent or did not function. The tract which does not expire to blank into plcket lines. No quessible.
tions are asked as to who is In informal discussions between shoot Paraguayans with Du Pont teen food dworse labor cond bitrarily removed all socialist blue was fought with ordinary October and consequently they tire home and fire extinguishers. No are holding them stretly account striker and who is a red because representatives of both committees, powder. No matter if Paraguayan Macklist. No other evidence is of Ince, replacing them with republi automatic new fungled chemicals able for the textile barons every worker which followed the exchange of troops murder Bolivian Infantry tered, no other evidence is needed. cons.
or cases operated, or were used, to what a brazen mockery! Lool who dares demand a better life in letters, it was agreed that the ne with Du Pont shells. Business is to keep him in jail.
It is also claimed that a large clampen the blaxe. The structure over the history of the contracte this world IN Ited and Bolgotiations, which hitherto have business, been devoted entirely to general The question is, however, not the other circumstances make it im. amount of dynamite and urmat the ship with luxurious but fouted and trampled Under foot wishevik.
perative to review the story of the netts was discovered in the Peo highly inflammable hangings with capitalists over the country. They So the governor proposed two discussions of program questions. Continued on Page 4) disaster, as so far revealed. El ple llouse (trade union head (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
methods to deal with the insurree shall now be put on concrete tion (read: textile strike. Appeal quarters) of San Estaban de Prabasis and that an attempt be made via.
to Roosevelt through the lerto come to agreement on all ques.
patent fact to every islature to bring the army to tions involved in the problem of worker that Spain is headed for Woonsocket and the other strikefusion, political and organizationcivil war, that aiming of the labor bound points and get an approprimovement inust proceed swiftly it stion of 100. 000 to arm 000 war of preparing the basis for unificadestruction at the hands of the veterans for use against the worktion in the shortest possible time.
Faseiste is to be avoided. The preThe surging movement of the No God damned son of a biteb deputizing of the strikers. He resent government, making pretenses Only political considerations on constituents are in Woonsocket. Arrangements were all completed working masses of the country and of a strike lender is going to tell ceived the only reply that the capi at delivering blows at GH Robles the part of the Rhode Island Les And while they voted 100, 000 for to march 500 Federal troops in the burning need of a revolutionary us how to use the troops and the talist class could give.
Refusal, bands is in reality striking hardest islature saved Roosevelt from the a pretorian guard, they desisted in from New York to overawe the party that would be able to laughter and abuse.
to aid deputies.
at the working class. This dis acid test of whether he would em calling for the Federal troops.
this movement to find a conscious This was the reply that the bossstrikers. Roosevelt, according to The New York Times editorial covery and raid on Socialist or ploy Federal troops as strike But Roosevelt. who has been Green, gave his assent. But the direction on the path of the classes and the local police gave to the writers literally foam at the mouth knizations only points to this breakers in the textile strike. regarded by most workers as the Rhode Island Democrats balked.
struggle will undoubtedly exert a proposal of Francis Gorman, in discussing the proposal. The aisarm the proletariat while inak According to press reports, the man who held out the helping hand the whole plan was a little too raw to burglars ing pretenses at disarming the order to stand by was given the to labor with his fumous section and politically dangerous for them.
izations to remove all unnecessary Textile workers deputizem tego stredkeur de compared Guards would do. they obstacles and push in the direction the various anthorities for the en is loosed against the flying squad will have his thrust at power. York and New England. Troops Island strike to the sword. thought.
of a speedy unification which will forcement of the law.
rons that have been so effective in But Spain is not Germany it in New York, fully equipped withi What becomes of all his vaunted War Veterans Or Thugs?
make the launching of the new With militaney not seen for closing many of the mills.
the fact that the workers death dealing paraphenalin were friendliness to the working man?
hand party possible.
many years in a strike of such the proposal to let the strikers there have had the opportunity to prepared to leave at a moment Time was when he could claim islature voted the 100, 000 appreLeading representatives of both wide scope the workers have been picket and safeguard mill property, learn from Germany.
organizations have expressed the closing mill after mill. The reply it is too grotesque for discussion.
overwhelm the Rhode Island strik police, or the National Guard over priation to arm world war veter desire to proceed with the negott of the bosses and their henchmen Breaking forth in a sarcastic auxiliary police. Any INDIAN SUMMER FESTIVAL whom he had no jurisdiction were gangster from New York or Chlations from this point of view. The who hold public office has been tone the editorial continues: The The International Workers Governor Green who must have murdering workers and smashing cago, any pool room hoodlum for merger of the League and the militia mobilization from the coast lawful officers of the law are to be School has completed its plans for broken a couple of blood vessels strikes.
representatives of an Indian Summer Festival and searching for Communists under Now he took a stand. There is that matter anyone willing to accept pay breaking the strike will a considerable membership and the and declared to be officers of the enforce against them the higher school begin the 15th of October sation with the grinning messiah troops against the ragged army of Unable to get the legislature to framework of a national organiza law. Great bands of strike break law, the law that transcends the and it is the purpose of this affair in Washington pleading with him bonuseers and that put the finish tion, as well as a strong nucleus ers have been deputized and armed, statute books, law made by strik o bring together those who will for martial aid: Roosevelt. now in ing touches on his reputation with Green he was rescindes dernis tropes for a new revolutionary youth and American Legion groups have ers for strikers.
movement. Both organizations have been secured to help break the was getting in touch with Wash to use the army against the Rhode munist potters, dynamite, and de.
Whose Law and Order courses this season. We are ar recorded substantial gains in mem strike. Over ten men have been ranging for an exciting and enter ington to make all preparations Island strikers. The legislature porting alien reds. The stage is Law and order must be prebership during the past year and killed already. nine of whom have served. How often has this cry taining program, which will into renund to any call the state saved him for the moment, but being set for a frame up which can by effective participation in the deliberately shot by the bed bourgeoisie. Here we see what a ninounced in a future edition of redition of the army into New do.
The program will be The was all set for an exhas already indicated what he will statements as that of a New England Minneapolis, Toledo, Unemploy It Is Unheard of Let the American workers learn organizer, Silvin. The latter places law and order is referred to. The the Militant. Remember the time England to crush the strike ranks. law of the capitalist class, the ment work, etc.
It was in the midst of this regarder of the hired thus and the Anul place! Irving Plaza, 5th St. Green hollere for it.
of terror that Gorman came for (Continued on Page 4)
and Irving Place Saturday eve gave his assent. But the Rhode will help to pollsh off Mr. Roosevelt the blame for the riots on the SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT ward with his proposal for the ming. October 27th.
Island democrats dissented. Their forever in their eyes. Continued on Page 4)
Deputize the Strikers? Who pomaga Owns This Country, Anyway! Solons Save Roosevelt FromSendingFederalTroops ers. As for only the new become a world war veterari James Cannon The Message of Minneapolis Irving Plaza (Just returned from a month stay in Minneapolis) Report and Analysis of the Great Strike. Sunday Sept. 16th p.
15th Street Irving Place Admission 180